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"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"Out of all the times I decide to be late- I chose this day!"

"I really outdid myself this time!"

"Choi Jisu you're freaking dead!"

Her long ponytail similar to Ariana Grande bounces in different direction as she makes a run towards the hallway with her messenger bag. Her boots were making a huge impact inside the silent hallway making her actually totally nervous for this. She wasn't a lazy ass student, she was always on top of everything that is until last night she decided to binge watch a drama that her friend Chaeryeong recommended.

Cursing underneath her breath she opens their classroom doors and rushes to the first seat she sees available and didn't even pay attention to the person seating next to her. Grabbing her educational essentials, she was ready to start this day right until she sees her friend's worried look towards her.

Using their unusual non-verbal communication skills they conversed with the use of their eyes. When her eyes finally understood what her friend meant she slowly turns to the side and couldn't help but swallow the lump on her throat.

Great, just my lucky day.

Out of all the seats she could possible take; Choi Jisu decides to take the seat right next to the daughter of the Japanese Ambassador in Korea- Shin Ryujin.

And just as when she was about to stand up, their professor comes up to the room destroying her chance. "Alright class let's cut to the bullshit shall we? For your term requirement I would like for you to present a very detailed summary of your topic which will be derived from the lesson we covered for the entire term which will be the Samuk Sagi. Now I expect nothing less than 15 pages-" The students start to whine and she hears the girl beside her sigh and wondered what that meant. "Alright are you guys done whining? Can I continue now?"

"You will not be doing it alone; you will be assigned to your partners and to make the matter a little easier-"

"Please don't say what I am thinking- please don't say what I am thinking- please don't-"

"You little asses are going to be partnered with the person seated at your left!"

Great. Just great.


Right after class, Jisu was awkwardly standing there in the hallway waiting for the bell to ring. Lucky for her she doesn't have other classes until afternoon and she really wanted to use this time to get a great head start with her History project and the last thing she really want to happen is for her mother to come home and see her failing grades. So, despite of now knowing much of her partner besides the big title attached to her name, she decides to be friendly and get to know one another.

The bell rings and the first person she sees is Ryujin walking out of class. "Ryujin! Ryujin hi!"


"I don't know if you remember but we were seated together in-"

"I know." She says in her arrogant tone. "I'm asking what do you want?"

"Maybe we can head to the library and get ourselves a little head start? The sooner we finish this the faster we get off each other's noses."

The political granddaughter sighs again. "Fine, let's go."

As soon as they head to the library, Jisu didn't waste any time and got all of the needed records for them to be able to start. She gathered all the materials available inside the university and comes to where Ryujin was currently seating and just casually just lounging at the corner side of the library.

"Here we go."

Ryujin's eyebrows went up seeing the amount of books placed in front of them. "We need this much for the project?"

"I am not so sure, but I gathered what we could find."

"What are we covering again?"

"We're going to cover the life of Princess Jeni."

"Jeni?" Jisu nods her head. "Like Jennie?"

"Could be."

"What about her?"

"Well, according to one of the writings in the Samuk Sagi, Jeni was the crown princess of Goguryeo, the daughter of King Gukjo or-"

"Go Taejodae. She's one of the descendants of Jumong right?"

"Correct. Records show that she's the original granddaughter of Jumong since the predecessors used different surnames. When Jumong was the ruler-"

"Rumors spread around that King Yuri wasn't his son, thus explaining why he used a different surname. When Go Taejodae took over- he retained his family and reviving the great lineage of Jumong. The founder of Goguryeo."

Jisu couldn't help but smile. "Wow, nice to know that you know some of the history."

"I listen to the class unlike others who writes for a few minutes and ends up chatting with her friend." Ryujin takes a look at her and even the others could say she was embarrassed by the statement. "What should we know about this Princess Jeni anyways? She's not that important in the history of Goguryeo."

"Well she may not be a big impact but her personal life is quite interesting." Jisu says as she starts reading through the documents. "According to some writings, the crown princess Go Jeni didn't have any kind of lover but legends tell that she broke her heart for a thousand lifetimes."

"A thousand lifetimes?"

"I know right?" Jisu scoffs. "Heartbroken for a thousand lifetimes? Sheesh, that's wow."

"Maybe she really loved someone that much." Ryu says, making the latter look at her. "She loved that person so much that a thousand lifetimes of heartbreak was better than being with someone else."

Their eye contact was broken when Ryujin decides to skim through the notes and left Jisu hanging. "Right- you're right."

"So, where does our story begin?"

"It began when King Gokju suspected that the Silla Empire is trying to gain alliance with the Chinese people again and try to take over Goguryeo."

"Just like what they did with Jumong?"

Jisu nods her head. "Just like what they did with Jumong."

"The crown princess is awake!"

Hearing that made all of the maids stand up and take their positions. They checked their uniforms and themselves while waiting for the door to be opened. A few seconds later the two sliding doors opened up revealing the crown princess's face.

"Good day Crown Princess."

All of them bowed and kneeled before the rightful heir of the throne walked towards in front of them. "Good day everyone. Did everyone have a wonderful sleep?" All of her servant responded positively. "It's a beautiful sunny day everyone, what do you think we should do today?"

"Anything that you desire."

"Hmm... well then Chaeyoung can you-"

"Crown Princess Jeni." A servant wearing a different uniform bows down before her. "The King requests your presence inside his abode."

Worry was instantly plastered on her face. "Why?! Is he sick?"

"No, Crown Princess, he just wants you to pay him a visit. It's been a week long since he has seen you." The servant leaves them all alone and the crown princess turns to her staff. "Right after my talk with the king, we will walk forth the gardens is that clear?"


"Chaeyoung come with me." As they exit her home she sighs. "I wonder what are we going to talk about though."


"Crown Princess."

Jeni bows down in front of her father. "My king."

"Take a seat." Jeni takes her place inside the main hall right beside her father. "Leave us alone."All of them complied to his orders and left them all alone. "May I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"Do I look like I've aged ten more years?"

"Who told you that?"

"I've been wandering around the palace on my own for some self contemplation and I heard some of the maids speak of me that way."

"That is unacceptable, would you like me to order the guards to cut their tongue and throw them out?"

"What is your thinking of me in your most honest opinion?"


"Do I really look like someone who aged ten years more than my actual?"

Jeni sighs at him. "If you do look like that in their eyes only for the reason you are thinking of ways in helping this nation to maintain its glory."

"I should really find myself a partner. My life has been so dull ever since your mother left."

"Father I told you, if you feel that having a new wife will extend your life by a few years then by all means do so. You are our king and we need you to lead us." She says. "But what is it that bothers you greatly that it worries you to this extent?"

"It's okay I can manage."

"Father please."

He sighs. "I've received news that Silla is planning another attack to conquer us."

"What? Have they not learned their lesson centuries ago? Would they really like to experience the same fate? Are they that ecstatic to meet with death?"

"I believe that it is not only Silla that wants our land princess." He says. "I've sent out a spy in their area and told me that the king has been doing meetings with the neighboring kingdoms."

"Baekjo is also against us?"

The king shakes his head. "The Chinese."

"Oh dear..." The princess looks at him and couldn't help but be worried as well. "What are we going to do?"

"That's what I've been conversing with my advisers. All of them vary in sharing their opinions and everyone pointed out fair points. I've been stuck inside my room for several light days and yet the solution has not dawned upon me."

"My king, can I share my thoughts regarding this matter?"

"You may."

"We might've underestimated Silla's demographics and forgot the fact that their land is filled with vicious tongues and violent hands. Talking peace with them is no use." The King nods in agreement. "They want our land and the power that we hold, we want to sustain our power and protect our people. I believe that if we grant one of their wishes the lust for war will diminish and a war will not happen for another century."

"What are you trying to suggest?"

"The Silla Kingdom has a crown prince, soon to be at the throne of their kingdom. If there is a union between our lands-"

"No I will not permit the things that go through your mind. If we unite our kingdom, they can have the upper hand and take over Goguryeo!"

"But that is the plan my King, we should make them believe that they will have the upper hand." She says. "In the rule of the deities, the woman must move to her other half's place to perform her duties as his wife and a crown princess cannot take the throne until it is the King's dying wish, or until the deities have shown their blessing."

"What are you trying to impose?"

"While the preparations is ongoing use this time to find yourself a concubine and ask the deities to bear you a son. While I am at Silla, train him into your likeness and teach him our great lineage, hide him from the world father and by the time the gods will pick you up, tell everyone about him and declare him as the rightful heir to your throne."

"That's... I cannot do that to you! You will sacrifice greatly and the throne is yours for the taking!"

"Father, think about this. This is the only way to save our kingdom and preserve the power within our family."

"I will not permit you-"

"Speak with your advisers about this and hear them out. I appreciate your great dislike towards my suggestion but you must understand that before you play the role as my father, you would have to play the role as the king first." She stands up and bows at him. "And as the king of Goguryeo, you must defend our land at all cost."

"Wow, talk about dedication." Jisu says as they finished reading the first part. "This crown princess is really something else don't you think?"

"Not really. She is just doing her responsibility as the crown princess. If being the wife of the enemy will bring her home peace, she should do it."

"Hmm, it kind of makes sense." The latter says. "Do you do that in your country as well? Do you have heavy responsibilities like that?"

"I have, but it's not that heavy like the other members of my family."

"Do you plan in taking over your father or grandfather's position?"

"Yes." She says in a different tone. "Because that is my duty."

Jisu looks at Ryujin's face and her heart felt heavy seeing her that way. "S-shall we go back to reading?"


Above the mountains and the sky there is another world that lives above the Earth. Another place where other form of life exists and where there are individuals who governs over them and even the life down below their world.

The humans cling onto them in times of need, in times of trouble and worry. They offer sacrifices to them and hold special events for them just to express their gratitude. They have abilities that not everyone could possess thus the reason why they live above the surface of the mortals and they are called- the deities and the upper beings.

"Good heavens out of all the circumstances that I decided to lay around, I chose this very day! This is very important to me!"

"For goodness sake, I hope no one will be able to tell."

"Run, run, run!"

Her dress and red hair runs along with her she passes through the long and wide hall where columns of different statues bestowed upon her everything was bright, but when she arrives at the destined coliseum, thousands of upper beings surrounded the circular arena. However, she was not like the other people inside, no she was considered special, for she was one of the few chosen ones who are able to participate in an event that only happens once in every millennium.

"Where have you been?!"

"Sorry I was just reading to kill some time and I ended up getting lost track of it."

"Well you're lucky that the event hasn't started yet. Let's go, before your mother notices your absence."

The two of them pushes through the crowd just in time for the dimming of the light above them. Gone was the light and the night bestowed upon them releasing billions of minute stars right above their heads. It was a complete silence inside, until suddenly a huge bright figure head towards the platform one by one until the eleven seats on the center stage were slowly getting filled.

10 were already placed on their positions and the very last one to arrive was bigger and brighter above the others. As soon as it lands on the ground, bits of dust scattered all throughout causing for some of them to cover their eyes and cough out the dust inhaled.

"Why do they always need to make a scene?"

"I don't know why don't you tell them that?"

"Ha! As if they will listen to me."

"Maybe if you'll win they will be able to reconsider."

Hearing that made her lips twitch upward. "Maybe."

The bright figures slowly dimmed out their lights and the night sky turned into day once again making the crowd cheer and howl for the arrival. Each star formed into their human form, wearing their designated colors making the entire arena filled with colors of the sun, the ocean, the earth and other colors that represents their power.

The man located in the center stands up and raises his hand to silence the crowd. "My heart is warmed seeing all of you surrounding this arena today. We are grateful for your interest of this event that only happens once in every millennium. The time has come for us to welcome another member in the platform, today- we will open another spot, another chair and another deity will be announced once the competition has ended."

"My fellow deities have chosen their champions and in front of you are the ten individuals who will battle it out as they will be tested in different arenas and they will have their advisers with them to guide them and make sure they don't take the path like our fallen brothers did. By the end of this battle, one champion will come up on top and face the final judgment and the chosen one will be announced to the public after the blue moon."

"This individual should have a heart for the worlds, in ours and the ones we look after to, someone who will use her strength to benefit the millions and whose mind will not be clouded by darkness. Someone who will think for you and not by oneself."

"Arise chosen champions." Ten individuals wearing all white outfit walk towards the center and stood in one line facing the entire crowd. "Today you see ten standing individuals but by the end- you will see one and they will seat beside with the rest of us."The entire audience applaud including the other deities behind them. "Let the deicon match begin!"

As soon as the announcements were made, the champions separated ways. One of them went towards the field with a honey blonde shade follows her. She walks through the edge of the cliff where a huge pool was located underneath it. Sitting on the edge, she casually swings her feet back and forth as she looks ahead.

"Something bothering you?"

"A lot."

"Identical to?"

"Why did my mother chose me as her champion? She's already doing a good job as the deity of water. Why does she need to place a heavy responsibility on my shoulders?"

"Perhaps she has seen that you have been so apathetic with your status which is why she is unyielding on giving you this slot."

She sighs out loud while looking up. "Why can't she see that I will never be like my sister?"

"Now, now, now, keep your chin up Jisoo-yah. Why don't you look over the water of the Earth to see if there's someone worthy of helping."

Jisoo turns to the water and closes her eyes. "Water- show me a worthy mortal of my help."

The water starts to bubble and ripple as it showed the first a man in the field plowing hard despite of the night time. Jisoo shakes her head but uses her power and whispers to the man to pray for the deity of harvest. Another ripple happens where she sees an old lady in need of help. Jisoo's heart clenched however she feels a mortal can help which is why he touches a man's heart who was about to pass by, making him offer his help.

Her adviser takes a good look at her. "Jisoo if you plan to continue this then you just might be in the lead and win the deities favor."

That earned a scoff. "Not really, this is just small help. I need someone who prays not for their own benefit but for the good of all people. I need someone who's a leader or a future leader."

"Well, why don't you try to help the King of Goguryeo?" The aspiring deity looks at her. "I heard from the angels that the King has prayed multiple times to the triplets and pray that they will give him wisdom to find a solution for a possible attack."

"Is that so..." Jisoo turns to the water once again. "Water, show me the King of Goguryeo."

"I said think of another option not agree to what she says!"

"But my Lord, what she said-"

"SILENCE!" He stands up from his seat and places his finger in front of his adviser. "I did not permit you to speak so you need to shut that filthy mouth of yours! I will not offer my daughter as a sacrifice to the enemy!"

"My King- may I be permitted to speak?" The king turns to him. "It has been so many days and yet we have come to a mutual decision about what to do in case Silla moves forward with their plan and with each passing day, we give them supremacy that we should have. I also do not agree what the crown princess has present however it leaves us with no choice. The sooner we take action with this plan, the better."

"Your daughter has already set her mind on this. And we hope that you would view her recommendation as a king and look at her as the crown princess who is just doing her duties rather than a father protecting her only child from the wrath of the world."

Hearing that made Jisoo think of something. "Water, show me the crown princess of Goguryeo."

The water ripples and bit by bit the two of them are able to see the crown princess walking inside of the temple in her royal hanbok, kneeling down in full respect of their ancestors. Jisoo focuses on the latter's soft expression, focusing on those feline-like eyes and silky-smooth, close to the suavity of a porcelain jar.

"My dear ancestors, I hope that you will help my father in his situation. His heart is filled with worry and my heart aches that I have to see him that way and not have the opportunity to be of aid for him." She grips onto her red hanbok as she deeply closes her eyes. "Please, allow him to see the light. Allow me to be a help to my home, and bless my marriage with the man I have never laid my eyes upon."

While Jennie was in deep prayer, Jisoo takes a look at her adviser who was already looking at her. "You're thinking the same thing right?"

Lisa smiles. "I am."

"Great, because I have a plan."Jisoo smiles. "I hope the crown princess likes seeing a deer in her dream because she will be visited one tonight."

"So Jisoo turns into her spiritual form and tells the crown princess that in order for the deity to show favor towards her wish, she must do something to win them over. In three days, there will be two travelers that will arrive in their land and in great need of water and shelter. The princess must provide it to them and give them a position in her house, and the deities will greatly reward her in return." Jisu reads the paragraph. "Hmm, I'm liking this Jisoo girl what do you think?"

"I can't give a concrete impression of her yet since there aren't enough stories about her." The latter answers. "Though I wonder what will be her role in princess Jeni's life. Is she the one responsible for giving the princess a thousand heartbreaks?"

"She's going to play as a match maker for the princess of Goguryeo and the prince of Silla right so probably."

"One way to find out right?"

"Right." Jisu returns her attention to the book. "Right after having the dream she strictly asked the guards to roam around and look for the travelers and gave them instructions to bring them inside her house. As expected, the said travelers appeared three days later asking for the guards some water and shelter. After hearing their requests, they immediately called in for the crown princess who welcomed them in her home. She was ready to hand out everything until-"

"Until what?"

"Until the king finds out about this and he was not quite happy when he found out."

"How can you act so unmindful? You let these outsiders inside our home without even thinking the possible consequences for this!"

"Father I have. Like I said- the deities spoke to me in a dream and-"

"You cannot let them enter our dwelling just for the devil of it!"

"But the deities-"

"Enough about the deities!" His father's voice was stern and final. "For all we know, they come from the enemy's quarters and you just gave them the advantage to take over us! We do not even know where they came from!"

"We came from the West my Lord. We were separated from our companions-"

"Where are you headed?"

"To Siam, my home." The girl with the light brown hair comments. "We were walking through the desert until a sand storm arrived and separated us from them. We don't know our whereabouts and we just kept on walking until we arrived in your territory. We mean no harm, we just need some shelter."

"If you help us for a while we promise to repay you greatly."

"And how will you do that?"

"We will serve this kingdom." Jisoo says making everyone except the crown princess laugh.

"And how do you intend to do that?"

"She and I are trained in specific battle areas. If you give us a chance to prove ourselves, we will pledge our loyalty to you."

"Father, you have to let them." Jeni bargains with him again. "Just give them a chance."

"And what if they betray us? How will I justify my decision now to the consequences of tomorrow?"

"If they do betray us, then you will put the blame on me. I will take full responsibility."

The king looks at his daughter knowing to what extent of stubbornness she can be. "Fine, if they show that they are worthy then I will make them new uniforms in line with your house, I will let my advisers apologize by giving them the respect that they deserve and I will bow down to the deities in gratitude for bringing us new assets."

"But if they fail-" He turns to the two who still have their heads bowed down. "I will cut off their heads and throw their bodies to the valley of the scavengers where the hyenas, lions and even vultures will devour their flesh."

Lisa widens her eyes in realization and conversed with Jisoo using their mental telepathy. "Did you hear what this mortal has said?! He dare try to cut off an upper being's body part! Does he know the grounds of this kind of violence in our world?!"

"Stop speaking! He does not know our true forms so control yourself!"

"I came down from our world to be your adviser and not to be someone else's meal!"

"Trust me, you will not be beheaded. Let me handle things from here."

"You better!"

"I accept the challenge." She says. "And for it to be fair, I offer than we have your advisers and even you yourself witness the duel. Choose your best archer and best combat warrior, if we defeat them- you give us a position. If not- slaughter us to your will."

The head of the nation laughs. "You want to compete against my best men?" He shakes his head. "Wow, you really must want to die early don't you?"

All of the advisers laughed along with the king making Jisoo angry. "Is there a reason why you don't want us to battle your men?" She questions making everyone turn their attention towards her. "Afraid that your men will be put to shame including the people who have taught them?"


She dares to look up to him with determined eyes. "Why? Are the women in your kingdom destined to serve and bathe your feet while you go out in battles? Are they destined to be your followers and never to be leaders? Do you belittle me because I do not have an organ dangling in between my legs? Is this how you rule a kingdom? Is this the kind of leadership you want your daughter- a woman- to see?"

"Jisoo stop talking you will decapitate us in no time!"Lisa warns her champion. "Just stop!"

"I will teach this mortal how to pay respect to upper beings and deities." The aspiring deity was not shaken and stood up, facing the ruler with her chin held up high. "Just because I am a woman doesn't make me less of an archer. But viewing me as a woman only makes you less of a man because I am much more than that."

"V-v-very well. I will send forth my best men to battle you out in the arena and bring an audience with me. If you succeed, I will assign the position you desire and if not- your heads will be in for the taking."

The arrivals of the two strangers in the land caused a little ruckus in some of the work force inside the castle making some of them intrigued and rush towards the venue where the battles are soon to arise. The King, together with the crown princess and the advisers were seated at the stage where they have a clear view of everything. The first battle was between the champion's adviser and the best brawler in their land. As the two finishes their bows, the duel immediately began.

The exchanging of blows was quite surprising for all of them. In their eyes, this stranger seemed to be so delicate and pure that she couldn't be able to draw blood in her hands but seeing how she blurred her enemy's vision and jumped on her back as she hinder her opponent from hearing properly made the audience think twice of their impression of her. While all eyes were on the brawling Spartan, Jisoo was silently observing the match, observing the hits and actions that Lisa's enemy has been doing.

"You're enjoying the show too much."

"Seeing his surprised face never fails to make me smirk and boost my ego."

"Stop enjoying and focus, I need to rest Jisoo, this low life is lucky that I am forbidden to show my abilities otherwise it will be his last day on this mortal world."

"Quiet now Lisa, I am trying to look for his weak points."

"Well then let's fasten it up." Lisa hits him on the right knee causing for him to groan in pain.

"His right leg. That's his weak point."

Lisa followed what Jisoo tells her and wastes no time in damaging the right foot, causing for her to win the match and win the king's favor. Everyone was still too surprised to process things but the match went on and Goguryeo's best archer steps forth. Jisoo kept her face unbothered and observed at the bow and arrow that was offered.

"Now, now, now Jisoo control yourself. Wipe that smirk off because you don't want the deities to think that you are using your strength to your own advantage."

"I am not using it to my own win; I am using it for me to be able to be of help for the princess who wants to help her land. I am doing this for a lot of people."

"You and your reasoning Kim Jisoo."

The archery match starts and the first one to show their skill was the best archer in the kingdom. The task was simple; they must kill the statue made out of haystack with only using one arrow. Her rival lifts up his bow and positions it at its best making Jisoo nod in approval. With a swift release, the arrow lands perfectly onto the statue's heart, killing him in seconds. The soldier looks up to the king who gives his approval before turning to Jisoo.

"Are you ready to die today alien?"

"Are you ready to have me in your squad my Lord?"

She positions herself in front of the statue and looked at it, studying the distance and all the needed considerations before letting out her famous smirk, making her adviser wonder what she was about to do. Looking at her arrow and she walks away from the target towards the other end of the aisle and from there she strikes the edge of her arrow hard against the ground circling it around her igniting fire in her arrow.

Positioning it in her favor she pulls the bow string hard and as soon as it was released, the arrow travels at a rapid pace, hitting the target and burning it in its fullest. As if it wasn't enough to surprise them, the crown princess points at a certain direction and all of them, including the guests watching heave heavily seeing that the traveler's arrow purses through her opponent's arrow, splitting it into two. The King turns to look at Jisoo who was still in her position and even from afar, they all could see the latter's smirk and burning eyes.

He soon stands and the two foreigners bow down in respect. "The battle has ended and the winners have been presented in front of all of you. As promised-" He turns to his advisers who stepped forth.

"We apologize for our blasphemy."

"Tonight a feast will be held in express of my gratitude to the deities who have given us two new assets." He turns to the two women. "Arise; my fellowmen. Speak it is the position that you desire and I shall grant them upon you."

"My heart has only one desire your majesty." Jisoo lifts her head up and locks eyes with the crown princess. "And that is to protect the crown princess."

Days have passed and now the two upper beings were found walking on the streets of the outside where they were escorting the crown princess together with the latter's right hand as they checked the locals' situation and converse with them in order to not lose the harmony between the government and the people.

"You know this is my first time appreciating a mortal." Lisa speaks as she walks side by side with Jisoo. "I've been imagining that all monarchs were locked inside the castle walls learning and enjoying the riches they have and wait for other royal individuals to come and visit them."

"The thought still might be true, but the crown princess is an exception." Jisoo comments as she looks at the royal daughter carrying a market vendor's kid in her arms and a genuine smile plastered in her lips. "I wonder if she will make this kind of change as soon as her union with the crown prince happens."

"Goguryeo is an enormous place Jisoo, if she can do it here then the Silla territory is no problem."

"Of course, I totally forgot about that."

As they continue to walk, Lisa notices something from the sky. "Jisoo, look."

The paladin looks up at the sky and saw smoke scattering in red blood form and it only meant one thing-the first trial is about to happen. She turns to look at her adviser who nods in agreement making them shift into alert mode looking at everyone as if they are a threat. Moving in sync they observe their surrounding and move ahead of the crowd princess surprising the latter. Jisoo kept her eyes open to any threat until Lisa decides to speak her in telepathic transmission.

"Do you sense something off?"

"Why? Do you?"

"I am no certain Jisoo, if this is your first test, then it has something to do with the locals."

"What do you think the challenge is then?"

"If it's with the locals, then it has to do something with your heart. Remember the deities want someone who has a heart not just for oneself, but for an entire nation if possible."

Jisoo furrows her eyebrows trying to make a possible scenario out of it until a loud screech echoed through the streets gaining their attention. She looks from afar and sees a woman being carried by armed men who came out from a brothel establishment. After seeing who it was, majority of the people paid no mind as sex workers were seen as someone occult and does not even have a position in the social hierarchy. Lisa takes a look at her fellow upper being that was looking at the crown princess who really wanted to intervene but she respects the law of the land.

"Princess, stay with Lisa." She says. "I'll take it from here."

"But there is no need for you to use violence."

"And they are in no right state to have a diplomatic conversation with you." She argues. "Lisa, take guard and protect them."

Receiving a nod from her companion she walks closely to them who was about to take the woman away. "Oho, look who do we have here?" One of them says with a smug. "Good day lovely lady, here to join the fun?"

"Gentlemen." She forces out a smile. "There is no need for you to disgrace a woman like this. Take her back to the brothel and pay what rightfully belongs to her. I'm sure she'll be happy to serve you some wine while you're at it."

"What do you mean pay huh? This wretch cost me more than her own life! You do not know what she did inside!"

"Then enlighten me so that I may have knowledge."

"She refused one of my regulars causing for him to thrash my entire brothel!" He spats. "I will make her pay for every ounce she had cost me."

"Then do it inside the brothel no need for you to-" Jisoo's eyebrows furrowed seeing that the man's attention were no longer on hers but towards the worried crown princess.

"Well what do you know huh? Feels like today's my lucky day." He chuckles and bows down. "Good day your majesty, so nice for you to visit us."

"Sir I-"

"Not only do I have a worthless bitch, I also have two beautiful guards, a royal maid and the crown princess herself." He turns to his friends. "Looks like we won't be needing to share with her at all."

The rest of his friends laugh along but before he could take a step forward, Jisoo steps in front of him. "I do not want your blood to spread in this street and the crown princess does not tolerate violence in her eyes so I'll give you one last chance for you and companions to drop the girl and we can go separately in a peaceful manner."

He laughs mockingly forcing Jisoo to intake his disgusting breath that reeked with alcohol. "And if I disagree, what are you going to do about it?"

"Trust me mortal you would not desire to go there."

His yellow teeth flash before her as he breaks into a grin. "Make me."

In a swift motion he was screaming in agony as he was solidly punched in the face, and kicked back towards his own brothel. All of his friends look at her with amusement before they dropped the girl harshly and circles around her. Jisoo looked at them one by one, before turning towards Lisa.

"Cover her eyes Lisa."

In a matter of seconds their bodies were scattered all over the streets as they all groaned in pain. The locals were dumbfounded seeing at how great the guard was in her fighting skills as they personally witness the reckless men were thrown away like dying vegetables on the street. Jisoo wanted to scoff and brag but remembering that the deities might be watching her so she turns to the terrified woman whose face is still covered in tears.

"Tale whatever it is that you find value inside the brothel and begin a new life. May it be stilled in your mind that just because you offer your flesh to live doesn't mean you will allow others to belittle you."

"T-t-thank you."

She bows down in respect and turns back to Lisa who gives her a look of approval. Replying with a small smile she turns to the crown princess who has a confused look on her face, and Jisoo probably thought she still couldn't believe that a woman could battle this well. Just as when she was about to walk back to the monarch she stops halfway and closes her eyes trying to focus on the distant sound.

The upper being could hear people screaming and cursing while a specific sound stood above the rest. It was a boy's voice, telling for everyone to move out of the way. By the time she opens her eyes, she sees a raging horse heading towards them and more importantly heading to where the crown princess was standing.

"Crown Princess!!! Step aside!!!"

But Princess Jeni's feet felt like they were glued to the ground and she becomes immobile. All she could ever do was to prepare for her death so she closes her eyes and freezes herself to feel the pain from the impact but all she could feel was a pair of arms holding her and moving her away from her current stand.

When she opens her eyes, she saw Jisoo's darkened orbs and half-parted lips a few feet away from her.

"My lady." Jisoo says while looking at her deeply making her feel things. "Are you alright?"

"Yes." Jeni manages to say despite still being the state of shock. "Yes I am well."

Jisoo turns to Lisa who had Chaeyoung wrapped around her arms. "Lisa?"

"We are okay Jisoo."

Chaeyoung immediately runs towards her princess. "Do you feel hurt? Is there any part of you that needs to be attended?"

"I am well Chaeyoung do not worry for me." Jeni smiles.

"Can you two stay here for a while? Lisa and I will run and calm the horse down. Do you think you can protect her for just a minute? I vow it will not be long."

"Yes we will stand here."

"Okay." She turns to the flustered princess. "Princess I will come back."

She bows down and the crown princess was left in the care of Chaeyoung and the locals as her guards temporarily leaves her. She tries to smile and comfort her followers but all she could focus is the rapid beating of her heart and unknown to the crown princess- the champion's heart was also beating in the same sync as hers.

"And that's it."

Ryujin furrows her eyebrows. "What do you mean that's it? You mean that's the end of the story?"


"No, that can't be." She speaks. "What about the other resources?"

"It's just a short summary of the deicon duel and Jisoo's life. She's one of the daughters of the god of Jeju and while her older sister is all about responsibility and well-being of the mortals, Jisoo was on the more care-free I am good an being an upper being type. Maybe that's why her mother chose her as her champion."

"If her heart does not desires to be the champion- they she should've just ditched."

"And meet Daebyol real quick?"

"Daebyol? The guard of the underworld?"

Jisu nods in response. "Apparently any champion who fails the competition and falls under the worldly sins is an immediate meeting with Daebyol so they better succeed or not fall down because it will be the end of you."

"Heol." The latter says as she slumps in her seat. "And is it that all from all the books found in this establishment?"

"So far... I doubt they will have other entries." Jisu notices Ryujin's disappointed face and couldn't help but tease the latter about it. "Why do you look so sad?"

"I am not sad; I am annoyed because we can't possibly write fifteen pages about how the crown princess's heart moved in irregular movement because she was inches away from an upper being who doesn't have the will to be a deity."

"We can still do individual research Ryujin, the internet basically gives us everything we want with just one click. I'll try to see what I can look up and we can talk about it tomorrow."

"Fine by me, the sooner we finish this, the better."

"Cool." She stands up and starts to compile all the borrowed books.

Ryujin feeling a bit guilty for not helping out earlier decides to do it this time. "Here, let me help you with that."

"No, it's alright-"

"I insist." She says and stands up grabbing the other end of the collected books.

Jisu looks at Ryujin who was staring back at her. Suddenly both of them will express their surprise as they notice how close they stood in front of one another. Jisu swallows the lump on her throat because she was only used to admire the famous kid from afar and just by imagining it, she could feel her cheeks getting hotter by the minute and Ryujin stood there frozen, as if bolts of electricity flowed through her.

Jisu decides to break the eye-contact and chuckles nervously. "Alright, why don't we split this one in halves?"

The latter blinks the awkwardness away. "Right, better if we split it in halves."

By the time they were done, they met at the entrance of the library. "I'll just message you when and where we will meet for tomorrow."

Ryujin nods her head. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Jisu watches as Ryujin exits the door first. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Both of them walked away into separate exits, trying to ignore the weird feeling inside their bodies.

When both of them disappeared from the library, a woman who was seating on the couch removes the newspaper from her face. She looks at the closed door where Jisu and Ryujin were recently standing. "Oh! Is that you professor Kwon?"

"Ah, Mrs. Kim hello."

"Wow, it's kind of weird to see you here on a weekday. Here to check up on your students?" The librarian beams. "Well, there were two here just recently. They asked accounts of the crown princess of Goguryeo... that's quite an interesting topic though. Why did you choose it for them?"

The History professor smiles at her. "Because they will understand themselves better with it."

Ryujin enters their home and greets the staff briefly telling them that she wasn't in the mood for dinner and goes straightly towards her room where she spends her shower time thinking about the weird connection she just felt with her History partner and then her thoughts lingered on the story about the crown princess and why there was something so intriguing about them.

She wanted to deny and tell that she wasn't invested and basically she could let Jisu do all the work since she could easily reason out that she had to be there for her father but deep down she knew she wasn't that kind of person.

That is why as soon as she was done with her evening bath and changed into her PJ's; she contacted one of her most trusted friends. "Oh, it's a miracle that you still remember me."

"You're the one with the busy schedule."

"Says the one who's soon to be the successor of her father in maintaining the good harmony between Japan and Korea."

"Ugh." Ryujin rolls her eyes. "Yeji not you too..."

"Hahaha, you know I am just messing with you. What's up?"

"I need you to look something for me."

"Sure, who are we destroying?"

"Yah! I am not talking about that! I have a history project and the stories about our topic in the library were a bit-"


"Yes, that word." She sighs. "Can you do anything about it?"

"You need someone to give you a link of that continued story correct? And you turn to me because I am a super techy girl that can give you any information that you want?"


"Can you tell me where you left off?"

"When she saved the crown princess from the horse."

"Okay, let me get back to you when I get something out of horse and crown princess okay?"


"I have a link here and just to make sure this is about the Crown Princess Jeni and the upper being Jisoo correct?"


Yeji laughs over the phone. "You know, for someone who views this as a project you seem to be pretty into it."

"Can you just give me the link already?"

"I am just teasing you buddy come on." She says. "There I sent it, enjoy babe."

Ryujin immediately ends the call and checks on the email that Yeji sent her. She rolls at the Have fun at fangirling. Clicking onto the sight she scrolls through the record that were torn from the pages of Samuk Sagi.

"Jisoo I appreciate the warmth but can you stop moving? I am trying to take a rest."

"Upper beings like us do not rest so do not fool me."

"Well I don't want to be held responsible for crushing your dreams but when upper beings come down they absorb the surroundings that they are in allowing for us to adapt to change. Thus making us human at some point."

"Why do you want to rest?"

"Because I want to do something that I have always imagined of doing."

"And that is?"

"To dream." Jisoo looks at Lisa who has a smile plastered on her face. "I've always wanted to dream Jisoo because I've always wondered what it feels like."

"What will you be dreaming about?"

"Do you remember when we picked up Mandarins and strawberries in your mother's garden? Remember that fruity scent?" Lisa asks as she sighs. "That's how she smelled."

Jisoo furrows her eyebrows. "Smelled? What are you-" She notices the blush creeping on her friend's cheeks. "But by the Gods- you are infatuated with the maid aren't you?!"

"Shhhh!!!!" She covers the champion's mouth. "They will hear you!"

"So it's true then?" She asks. "That mortal's got you smitten."

"I do not know! How can I know what love is?"

"Well do not ask me, I have yet to experience it as well."

"I wish there's a god that can explain it to us."

"Well, I've read some books about what love is supposed to feel like."

"And? How should it feel?"

"It will make the strongest the weakest, and it will make the weakest the strongest."

"Hmm, must be nice to be able to feel that way." Jisoo hums in response. "We often say that the mortals should be jealous of us because we have everything that their heart desires but we should be the ones who need to be jealous of them... because unlike us, they are allowed to feel the feeling we will never understand." Jisoo says nothing in return but stands up and gathers her clothing. "Where are you heading?"

"At times like this nothing can clear our mind like a good dip in the hot bath. Care to join?"

The adviser shakes her head. "Maybe this is the only time that I get to dream so I shouldn't miss this opportunity."

"Suit yourself."


"Finally!!!" Jisoo exhales out loud as she extends her arms around the walls of the bath tub. "Now I can totally relax." Closing her eyes she feels all those sore muscles getting treated. "Ooh that's nice."

Just as when she was about to take a nice relaxation moment- the water starts to bubble like there was thousand of hot rocks were thrown inside the bath. "Jisoo."

The upper being sighs. "What is it now mother?"

"I came to see and monitor how far you've come to accomplish."

"But didn't you just do that alongside with the other deities earlier when my first trial was given?" She says. "I mean Haemosu decided to almost kill the woman I vow to help!"

"It was not his doing-" Her mother speaks. "It was your brothers."

Jisoo couldn't help but groan in response. "Can you tell the triplets to stop playing with me? Just because they were deities first doesn't mean I won't kill them when I become one! I am still older than all three of them!"

"But you did well in the trial. Even the other deities were pleased with you. You decided not to use violence but instead respected their laws before applying ours." She says. "That was very good of you."

"Mother, why are you in contact with me? You know this isn't allowed, that's why I have Lisa with me."

"Jisoo I came to talk to you to give you a warning. After the first trial three champions failed and now they suffer the consequences of their decisions. The second trial will come when you least expect it and you need to prepare for the deities sneak attacks, they will do everything to make you fall especially now you vowed to guard over Jumong's direct descendant."

"Oh dear..." She closes her eyes in realization. "That's why he sounded so firm that I need to fulfill my duty when I declared to guard her and vowed to help her win this battle."

"Guard everything about you my child. Your mind should always be at peace so that your judgment will never be clouded and may your be always be at ease so it can work harmoniously with your brain. If you are able to do this, then you will be the champion above champions no doubt."

Jisoo looks at her mother. "Mother I-"


The sudden intrusion causes for Jisoo to panic and stare at the intruder with dark eyes- but it was easily diminished when she realizes that it was the crown princess together with her right hand. She immediately stands up and bows down in homage to the monarch and that it did not cross her mind that she was totally exposed in front of the two women.


Jisoo, with her head still hang low and closed eyes answered- "Yes princess?"

"You- you might want to sit back." Jeni's stammering voice confused the champion. "You can easily catch a cold if you're standing there with no absolute cover."

Opening her eyes wide open she snaps her direction ton her body before looking at the two who were obviously sheepish. "My apologies your highness!"

She slams back herself onto the water creating a big splash and unfortunately for her, the crown princess was the main victim. "Princess!" Chaeyoung gasps.

"It's fine Chaeyoung, it's just water." She dismisses her staff's worry. "I was about to take a warm bath anyways."

"Then shall we leave and get ready for your bath?"

"No need." Jeni turns to Jisoo. "I shall be joining Jisoo tonight."

"Your excellence I cannot allow that. I am no monarch or high-ranking as you, the water you're about to dip yourself into doesn't suit you. It's made for peasants and servants."

"Jisoo, I do not mind."

"But your majesty I- at least allow me to clean the water for you and leave you alone."

"My decision is final and even if you ask to leave I will not allow you. I will be needing your presence to guard me."

Jisoo, who was still blushing with embarrassment nods. "Yes your majesty."

"Chaeyoung, help me strip. By then, leave us alone for a moment and return after an hour."

Minutes later the princess returns to the bath wearing nothing but a piece of cloth covering her entire being. Jisoo was taken aback to see such sculpture in mortal form, but luckily for her- her mind snaps her out of it and looks away before she was accused of being a peeping tom. She feels the water moving but remained her head away from the princess for some unknown reason.

"Jisoo, you can look at me."

"Apologies your highness but I'm afraid I can't." She speaks. "I still insist that I shall be removed from this bath and guard you from the outside so that you may enjoy your privacy."

"I've been all alone my entire life soldier and a little company like yours wouldn't do me any harm. So please- look at me." The upper being swallows the lump in her throat as soon as she sees the crown princess in a different view. "Jisoo, I never got the chance to express my gratitude to you for saving me earlier."

"You do not have to thank me your highness, it is my duty to protect you. But my heart is warmed by your acknowledgement."

"Where did you learn to fight like that?"

"The place that Lisa and I came from- before it was destroyed by the Mongolians was a small town on the hills of Paektu Mountain. There, babies were forced to crawl towards different things that were chosen by the go-shamans." Jisoo bites the inside of her cheek from almost slipping. "From there, they will segregate us based on our choices and we will be trained accordingly."

"That's... quite interesting."

"It is... if my brain remembers correctly I was first taught to use a bow correctly rather than to speak."

"Your land must've been filled with individuals who are close to perfection. You balance everything according to your strengths and while there is some hierarchy- I believe that all of you work in harmony correct?" Jisoo nods. "I wish my land would be able to do that as well. Not just our own- but I speak for the entire Goryeo."

"My lady if you do not mind me asking- but can you tell me what troubles you?"

"Huh? H-how can you tell that there's something inside my mind?"

"Your eyes my lady." Jisoo answered. "You're eyes speak in volumes to me... it is similar to the ocean- when you're at peace then so is the waves but when there is trouble in your heart- the waves are swaying in big motion like a tidal wave." She says. "One must be so careful in looking through your eyes."

"And why is that?"

"Because they might drown in them." She says. "And there's no certain possibility of return."

Jeni's cheeks flustered and briefly looks away from her protector. "My mind is not at peace of the moment..."

"Then speak to me your highness. It may not look like it but I am also a great listener."

She looks at Jisoo before sighing. "We've received information that Silla is creating an allegiance with the Chinese people and I cannot let them win."

"So what are your plans?"

"My father is doing some visits and talks with the Silla kingdom and will propose a royal matrimony soon that will unite our nations. It will only be a distraction as my father will find a woman who will bear him a son- and train him, until he becomes the rightful heir of the throne."

"But shouldn't you be the one who will be taking that seat?"

"If not being able to lead people by my own hands will save them, then so shall be it."

"Your highness... you have trained for years for this." She says. "You did not use those time just to be a distraction. How can you offer yourself just like that?"

Jeni will offer her a sad smile. "If you were taught how to use a bow before speaking- I was taught that my nation will always come before myself." She says. "I just worry about our first meeting, it's bound to happen in days and a million thoughts are flowing through my mind. What if he does not want me? What if I do not fit his expectation?"

"My Lady." Jisoo cuts her off. "Only an imbecile would think that you are not fit for a lifetime partner."

Jeni looks away. "Still, I am worried."

"You will never have a worry for someone that you will never be."

"Why do you speak words of flattery Jisoo?"

She smirks. "I merely spoke the truth your majesty." She says. "Look through my eyes and you can see that the waves inside my ocean are calm. Yours should do as well."

"You sound so certain that everything will be well." The crown princess looks at her. "Even I cannot be certain of things."

"Because I will be here beside you princess." She says. "I will be here and I will make sure that you will be okay."

"Even if it meant following me to Silla?"

"I will follow you until the end your highness." Jisoo says while looking directly at her and Jeni couldn't help but feel the familiar feeling that she felt when the latter was looking at her earlier. "That is how I pledge my loyalty to you."

The record ends there making Ryujin groan in frustration. Instead of being at peace, the story left her with a lot of questions demanding to be asked. Throwing her phone to the side she lays down on her bed, wondering when will this disturbing feeling inside of her will go away.



Ryujin smiles at the cheerful Jisu as they meet up in downtown Seoul. "Hi."

"So did you had a good sleep?"

"Yes, quite good actually." Jisu smiles. "Did you found something while doing the research?"

"I did, it was just the crown princess expressing her worries for the upcoming marriage and Jisoo reassuring her that everything will go that way."

Jisu nods her head. "Well I didn't find any record of the crown princess but- I did find a place where we could get a record of the continuation of the story."


"I've searched about the Samuk Sagi and there were written accounts that were ripped and some were even untold. The one that we are about to acquire were records of Park Chaeyoung herself."

Ryujin furrows her eyebrows. "Park Chaeyoung? You mean-"

"The royal maid of the crown princess." She says. "Her writings were scattered all around the country after their era."

"Why do I feel like we're in some kind of detectives looking for some clues?"

"We are." The girl smiles. "And it will be an adventure of a lifetime let's go."

The two of them head out to the hidden bookstore in the streets of Myeongdong which made Ryujin confused as to where they were headed. Nothing in this alley screamed bookstore to her and wondered if her partner really knew they were headed. They've been walking around for a good ten minutes until Jisu stops in front of a flower shop.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Ryujin looks around. "I don't know but this doesn't scream bookstore to me."

"Wait 'til you see." She smiles and enters the stop. "Good day sir!"

She reluctantly follows and on the inside all she could see were plants and seedlings up for sale. "Ah! Are you Choi Jisu?"

"Yes, and this is my History partner Shin Ryujin." The Japanese bows down to the shop owner.

"Hello! My name is Igong, I am the shop owner."

"Do you have the book that I ask you about last night?"

"Of course! It's right here." He presents them an old and ragged book. "Sorry, it's in pretty bad shape and in totally rough condition but the writings are still visible."

"May I ask how did you got this?"

"It belonged to my forefathers. It's been in our family since the beginning and before my great grandfather died he instructed to keep this in our family until someone will ask for it one day." He shakes his head. "I didn't believe him back then but looking at you two already gives me the goose bumps." Jisu and Ryujin looked at one another. "Anyways, here you go."

Jisu takes the book and carefully places it in her bag. "How much?"

"There's no need." He says. "He specifically instructed us that whoever asks for it I must hand it for free."

"We insist."

"I'm going to be thrown in the underworld if I don't abide the laws."

Ryujin furrows her eyebrows and then looks at Jisu. "...okay." She responds. "Well thank you for this mister. We'll take good care of this we promise."

"You take care girls."

"Okay." They smiled at the man and head for the shop's main door.

"Their bodies may be new but their soul will always stay the same. No matter how far they ran away, they will always find another." He says, making the two teens look at him. "It was one of the lines that she wrote that will be in my mind forever. It was only when I believe that soul mates exists."

Jisu and Ryujin smiled awkwardly at him before leaving the shop and went on with their day. "Isn't it weird?" The Japanese girl speaks. "His name... It was Igong." She says. "Igong is also known as Hallakgungi, the god who tended the flower garden of life and death.. He spoke a bit medieval too don't you think?"

"Huh." Jisu nods her head in recognition. "Probably just a crazy coincidence."

"Probably." Ryujin shrugs the thought away and turns to the latter. "So where do you want to read this?"

"I was thinking of reading this while eating ice cream. You know somewhere we can do that?"

"Hmmm, there's a shop Yeji and I used to go around the corner. Let's head there."


"Okay, ready to continue the story?"


Jisu opens the book. "So this account was written when the prince of Silla visited the crown princess and the courtship began between the two of them."

"Do I look presentable?"

"Yes your majesty."

"Chaeyoung I need your honest opinion. I do not need you to fulfill your duty to compliment me as always."

"But the princess is indeed beautiful." Chaeyoung finishes in tending the hanbok and turns to her head. "Ethereal even."

Jeni smiles at her. "Your majesty." Lisa's voice echoed behind the doors. "The crown prince of Silla has arrived."

"I'll meet him now." She looks back at her reflection and then to her friend. "Come with me."

"Courtship is a very private event your highness, if I string along he may not be able to tell what he has inside his heart. To do so, one must only accompany you."

"And who is that individual?" As soon as the words left her mouth- her twin doors opened revealing Jisoo in her royal blue military outfit, with her sword dangling on the side, her hair fixed into a tight and firm ponytail and her headband with the crown princess emblem in front.

"Good day your majesty, I shall be accompanying you today with the courtship."

"I will not be able to protect you if I will tag along but she can."

"Trust me my lady, I will be like a shadow and you will not notice me."

The crown prince revealed himself wearing his light green hanbok tailored with the four-toed dragon, an emblem in front of his dress to represent his title as the crown prince. His hat was long similar to his status and he stood there proud and with a wide smile. Jeni was shying away from his gaze already making her adorable in her eyes.

"Your majesty." He bows down as soon as Jeni reached below the stairs. "I visit your abode filled with the products that are famous in my kingdom, I am the crown prince of Silla- Taehyung."

"I've prepared some famous products as well, please take them back and enjoy with your father."

"I will... but before I return home, allow me to stay for a while and get to know you better if you please."

Jeni nods and turns to Jisoo. "This is Jisoo, one of my guards. She will be accompanying us but rest assured that she will not be a bother to our getting to know."

Jisoo bows to him. "Shall we take a walk by the gardens? Your father has told me you have been tending to them."

"It has become my past time yes." She smiles.

"Very well, to the garden we must go."

During the few minutes, Jisoo will remind behind them as she had promised to remain out of sight for them to focus on getting to know one another. For a few minutes it was tolerable for the upper being, but after sometime the crown prince throws in flowery words that brings chills to her spine. She made wee reactions and that may have annoyed the prince once or twice but she wanted to make a sound- a very scornful one and argue with the story the prince is telling Jeni as of the moment.

However Jisoo knew that if she does, it would ruin the entire day so she chooses to bite her tongue and remain mute. Instead, she chose to converse with Lisa to just kill some time.




"WHAT!?" Lisa's loud voice echoed through her mind.

"Where were you? I've been calling your name a lot!"

"Do not be dramatic, you have called me three times and the last one was a bit unforgivable!"

"I called for you to humor me a little. This little courtship thing is getting into my nerves and I need some entertainment."

"I apologize but I need to break it to you- I am your adviser and not your puppet. What is it that is going there that's been getting onto your nerves?"

"I didn't know he would be this quick into showing his interest to the crown princess! His choice of words are very..."


"Unpleasant." Jisoo rolls her eyes. "I cannot believe he is so uneducated!"

"How can you say so?"

"He's telling the narrative about Prince Hodong and Princess Nangnang. He dreams for them to be like theirs- for their love to conquer their differences! Is he a fool?! Prince Hodong and Princess Nangnang may have overcome their differences but it doesn't end happily!"

"Calm down now champion. Do not be affected of his words, let him be- if this is the way that they will be united, then so be it. It's easier on your part, get things done by their own."

"You don't understand! It's very disturbing that the princess is about to be bind to someone like him! And what upsets me the most is while he is here talking gibberish, the princess is nodding to every word he says. She even laughs at his lame attempt to make a joke like it is the humor of the century! Who does that?!"

"Someone who wants to take the advantage against their enemy and that is exactly what the crown princess is doing. You do not need to sour about this Jisoo, control yourself or else I might assume you're being a green-eyed monster."

Her that comment made her scoff really loud making her stop her mental conversation with her adviser and then looked at the royal entities in front of her who were staring at her with the crown prince being totally pissed and a surprised reaction coming from the crown princess. Swallowing the lump on her throat, she bows down in apology and making a mental note for destroying Lisa later when she comes back.

Taehyung releases an annoyed sigh. "Can you leave us alone? Your presence is not needed here."

Jisoo, who was already annoyed by his nonsense remarks even from before tries to control her emotions. "With all due respect crown prince but the only one to set orders for me is the crown princess."

"Are you disobeying someone who is clearly above you?"

"I am simply stating that you are not my master and I will not serve you until your union will happen."

"You really have some guts in you soldier. I'm surprised you're not shaking knowing you are clearly talking back to someone who is more superior."

Jisoo scoffs once again, triggering the crown prince. "We'll see who-"

"JISOO!" Jeni screams forcing the guard to back off. "Crown prince, excuse us for a moment please."

"Tighten your hold onto your staff princess, this one is clearly on the loose."

Jeni drags her protector away from the man and glares at her. "What do you think you're doing!?"

"He thinks so greatly of himself! He demands respect from me when he clearly does not deserve it!"

"You are not the judge of that! Like you said, I am your superior and right now- you are embarrassing me in front of the man that I am going to marry!"

"He does not deserve you, your highness and you-"

"Leave." She orders. "Leave us alone."

"I cannot do that, you need to be guarded."

"And you need to relax, clearly there's something bothering you. The waves in your eyes are awakening." Jeni clenches her jaw and looks away from her. "Go, this courtship needs to be smooth and I do not need you to ruin everything I planned."

She wanted to answer back but she was reminded of her position so instead she bows down and gives her highness a brief glance before turning to the man behind them with a smirk playing across his lips. Gritting her teeth and gripping her sword, she marches away from the scene and heads to the training field to cool some steam off.

"Ruin everything? Is that how she sees me? A disturbance?!" She throws away her sword onto the ground and grabbed a bow and a few arrows. Laying them on the table she starts to sharpen them one by one. "And how does she view that mortal? Someone who is attractive, intelligent and comical? Ha! Now that's what I call humor. That boastful bastard! I shall tie you into the woods and strike you with my lightning!"

Out of the control of her emotions, Jisoo accidentally hits herself with the sharp tip of her arrow, injuring her deeply. She hisses due to the pain and holds onto her wounded hand. Before she could do anything else, someone else's pulls her hand away from her hold completely surprising the upper being, only to find out that it was the crown princess' most trusted maid- Chaeyoung.

"Oh heavens! This is a very deep wound!" Chaeyoung gasps. "Hold on, I have the supplies needed for this wound."

"Chaeyoung you don't need to." Jisoo pulls away her hand. "I'll be fine."

"You cannot be fine! Do you know you can be poisoned? Allow me to treat that or else you will never hear the end of me."

The soldier sighs and gives in anyways. "Fine, away with the healing then."

"Wait right here, I will get my supplies."


"Careful! It stings!"

"You should've been the one who's more careful. How can you be so tactless? Sharpening the arrows in such high speed- have you gone mad?"

"Not yet, but if that I ever see that imbecile again I might lose control of my feelings and end his life."

"Who are you referring to Jisoo?"

"The crown prince of Silla." She says through gritted teeth. "He things he is almighty just because he bound to marry the heir of this kingdom but he is nothing like that!"

"The prince seems like a pretty nice man."

"He is, until he opens his mouth and starts talking nonsense! Can you believe he wanted to be prince Hodong and Jeni to be Princess Nangnang? Did he even read how the story end? Hodong's father ordered for him to tell his wife to destroy the drum that is used to notify their nation for enemies so that they could successfully conquer the land."

"The princess was so in love with him that she followed his orders causing her life and her people. In return, Hodong was accused of harassing the first queen because the queen didn't want him to be in line for the throne. He didn't want to disgrace the queen and so he puts an end to his life with his sword. Their love story may have overcome their differences, but it's also a story of how mortals can be so easily clouded by lust for power- just like how the crown prince is!"

"That man is everything but the crown princess deserves." Jisoo feels herself getting angry just remembering the event earlier. "One day, he will see who is more superior above us. And I will make sure that I will be the one that rises above him. Pathetic mortal..."

Chaeyoung looks at the soldier weirdly before continuing to mend her wound. "Before you push through with your plan, you need to heal your hand first. It should be fully-functional after three days but if you be a good kid and not a grumpy one, you might just be lucky and get it kicking in two days."

"Did you just called me grumpy kid?"

The latter smiles at her. "Why? Are you not acting like one right now?"

"Tch, I wonder what Lisa sees in you." She mumbles.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing!" She forces out a smile.. "Nothing Chaeyoung."

"Come on say it." She tries to be mean but her soft personality comes through. "Say it or I will prick your bones until you die from laughter."

" Did you just say that you will tickle me?"

"Wh-what's wrong with what I said?" Jisoo tries to control her face but she ends up bursting into laughter making the maid blush. "YAH! JISOO!"

"Oh Chaeng..." She says in between joy. "That was-"

"That's it I will end you here right now!"

The sudden shriek catches both the crown royalties' attention. Jeni lifts her head and from where she stood she could see Jisoo laughing and running around the training field with a very familiar figure trailing behind. She peers and squints her eyes to see who it was and confusion was written all of her face when she saw Chaeyoung catching up to the soldier.

An explainable feeling swallows her, like she ate the heaviest rock in the land allowing her to feel heavy and her lungs contract, making it for her hard to breathe. The longer she looks, the heavier it gets but in spite of her desire to look away- she couldn't because all she could ever focus on was the laugh imprinted on Jisoo's face and why she has never seen the soldier laugh whenever they were together.

Luckily, Lisa arrives and pulls her back to the reality. "Crown Prince, the king asks for your presence inside his home. There are matters that needs to be discussed his servant says."

"Okay." He stand up and greets his future bride to be with a smile. "I need to cut this conversation short but it was such a delight in meeting you crown princess. I will come home with delight knowing that I have a face on my future other half."

The guard raises both of her eyebrows and fully understanding what her champion had meant. "I am delighted to meet you too your highness. Until the next meeting." He smiles and walks off of the garden towards the king's home. "Lisa?"

"Yes your majesty?"

"Tell Chaeyoung to prepare me warm milk as soon as I get out of bath."

"Warm milk your highness?" Lisa says uncertainly. "Do you want tea wit-"

"Just milk soldier. She'll know what to do with it."

The crown princess stomps away leaving the upper being in total amusement. "What on heavens just happened?"

"Oh come on. It was totally obvious!" Jisu remarks in the middle of the story-reading.

"What was obvious?"

She turns to Ryujin with complete disbelief. "They were jealous!" The latter was still left in the dark. "Jisoo was jealous of the crown prince and Jeni was jealous of the interaction between Chaeyoung and Jisoo!"

"But this account was written by Chaeyoung and the crown princess couldn't possibly confess to her right?" While Ryujin was eating away her ice cream, she notices that Jisu was looking at her with a grin. "What?"

"Nothing you-" Jisu shakes her head. "You remind me of the crown princess."

"In what way?"

"I've done some research last night and there were accounts saying that the crown princess found comfort in warm milk or anything that it related to milk. Some writings even told that the crown princess took the well-being of the cows very seriously that she would personally oversee things."

Ryujin feels that weird feeling again inside her system as she couldn't believe that she and the crown princess had some similarities. "Well you remind me of Jisoo too."

"Oh really? In what way?"

"You like chocolate as much as she does." She says. "She found comfort in them too that she personally requested her mother to make her a lake of chocolate in her home above Earth."

Both of them looked at one another and suddenly the atmosphere between them became very tense once again. "S-s-shall we move forward to reading?"

"Yes. And no more interruptions please." Jisu nods her head and starts to narrate the record. "This one happened days after the first session of courtship between the crown prince and the crown princess where- oh no."

"Why? What happened?"

"This is the part where Jisoo reveals her true self to the crown princess." Jisu swallows the lump on her throat and looks back at Ryujin who was just as nervous as she is. "This is the part where she fails to be the chosen champion."

It has been days since the quarrel happened between the two of them and everything about their relationship tensed and no one was willing to cross the line making each other completely frustrated. Jisoo would get mad whenever Jeni would be seen with Taehyung as they exchanged visits in each other's kingdom and Jeni would get frustrated whenever her guard would be seen with Lisa or other people, especially when she sees Jisoo with Chaeyoung.

She didn't understand why, but seeing Jisoo laugh with everyone but with her makes her sad and heart ache at the same time. She wanted their conversation to be filled with laughter too, but whenever it was just the two of them, it was only the crickets or the breeze that passes by the grass is the one making sound.

Their relationship was very far from what they used to be and Jeni was desperate to bring it back- but whenever she tries, Jisoo backs away, full of pride. And whenever Jisoo is eaten by her guilt and comes to her senses- it was Jeni's turn to be hard and ignore her protector's efforts. It was an endless game of push and pull- suffocating and hurting the crown princess more than she thought it would hurt her. She was desperate for an escape, so when the crown prince invited her to go out hunting with just the two of us, she didn't think twice in giving away her yes.

Not even thinking about Jisoo's feelings the moment she finds out through Chaeyoung because of slip of tongue.


"Let me in!"

"You cannot come inside-"

"Out of the way before I'll be off with your head woman."

Jeni furrows her eyebrows hearing that familiar voice. After finish packing, she walks out of her room to know what the commotion all about was. "But the princess will-"

"What's going on?" Jeni furrows her eyebrows as soon as she steps outside of the room. "Jisoo? What-"

"Tell them to leave."

"What? Why would-"

"Tell them to leave or I swear you will regret it. I am in no room for games Jeni, make them leave."

The crown princess turns to her servants. "Leave us for a while." All of them followed her orders and left. Jeni glares at Jisoo before going inside her room. "What is it that you need of me Jisoo?"

"How come I did not know that you are leaving with Taehyung alone in the woods?"

"It was a sudden invitation, he sent forth his messenger last night and I wanted to experience something new so I said yes." She says. "It would be a good venue and opportunity to know him better."

"It would also be a good venue and opportunity to kill you!"

"How come did you know about this?"

"Chaeyoung told me out of the blue." Hearing that name made the princess scoff. "And that's what angers me, whenever I find something about you- it has to be from some people else and not you, yourself! It seems like you are always hiding things from me!"

"Why are you so pressed about me hiding secrets from you? You do not need to know everything about me."

"You cannot make decisions just by yourself Jeni, just like what you are doing right now!" Jisoo exhales out loudly, trying to regain control of her emotions. "How certain are you that he will not harm you when you are inside the woods? How certain are you that he will take you into the woods and not some abandoned place where I cannot find you?"

"You ask so many questions that you are not entitled to ask. I do not answer to you."

"Oh, and to whom do you answer then? To Taehyung?"

"My relationship with him does not concern you."

"It does because it is my duty to protect you!" Jisoo scoffs in disbelief. "You don't understand how your safety means to me!"

"You are being unreasonable!"

"And you- Go Jeni are being impossible! You throw away trust like it a spare change that you do not need. Tell me honestly, have you fallen for the enemy? Are you so excited to be with him all by yourself that you have forgotten to inform me? Are you that desperate to bind your souls into one?" Jisoo smirks sarcastically. "Quite desperate aren't we?"

Suddenly Jisoo was forced to turn to the side by Jeni's powerful slap that caught her off guard. When she turns to look to the crown princess, her eyes were on the bridge of tears and that caused a tug in her heart. "You are in no position to demand answers from me, question me and most importantly accuse me because you are nothing but a soldier and you are in no place to think that you are higher than me!"

"I am someone who cares about your well-being and I vowed loyalty to your father. If I fail to protect you- then I fail to place my loyalty in your kingdom as well therefore I will not do anything to give him room for doubt!"

"SILENCE!" Jeni screams at the top of her lungs. "You will not ruin this for me. My nation is at stake and it will take more than a stranger like you to distract me from my goal." She grabbed her belongings and glares at the latter. "The deities will bless my union with Taehyung and time will come that I will love him and he will do the same for me. I will not be needing your help, by the time I come home from this trip- pack your bags and take Lisa with you... you two are no longer under my house and I do not want to see your face ever again."

Jeni walks away and Jisoo will be left all alone until Lisa comes inside seconds after. She sees Jisoo standing still and so she rushes towards her champion. She tries to calm her friend- but it was too late as a ball of lightning was forming into Jisoo's hand and the upper being throws it straight to the wall- nearly killing her adviser.

"JISOO!" She calls out as the latter was still breathing heavily. "JISOO ENOUGH!"

"How... dare she do that to me." She says. "Who does she think she is?"

"Jisoo calm down. You need to relax okay?" Lisa tries her best. "You do not need to be in rage..."

"Does she not know what I am capable of?"

"Remember what your mother told you, your mind must be at peace and your heart must be at ease for you to think correctly. If you do this, you will be the chosen champion."

"I do not care about the deicon any longer Lisa." Jisoo glares at her with her electrifying eyes. "I will show all of them who the true superior is."

"Jisoo." Jisoo bumps her shoulder and walked past her. "YAH KIM JISOO!"

The daughter of Halmang ignores her adviser calls and focuses on the road in front of her. Just as when she was about to shape-shift into her animal form, Lisa pulls her back. "What?!"

"LOOK UP!" As soon as she does- she widens her eyes seeing the black smoke surrounding the sky. Swallowing the lump on her throat- she looks at Jisoo. "Does... Is this-"

"Yes." Jisoo breathes. "It's the second trial."

"It's not just any trial Jisoo... this trial came from Yeonma- the god of death."

"Jeni." Was the first word that left her mouth. "I have to save Jeni."


"I'm glad your father permitted you leave with me to go hunting." Taehyung says as he cuts the tall leaves out of their way. "I thought he would disagree and force you to come with that irritating guard again."

"She will not be much of a bother now." Jeni says. "I- I've thrown her out of my house."

Hearing that made him smirk. "Well I am glad that you did. You certainly gained my favor by doing this princess, thank you for listening on what my heart desires."

She smiles timidly at him. "So where is this hunting spot you've told me about?"

"Right here." He places his bags and grabs all of his hunting gear. "Animals usually go here for the water. We just have to wait for a while for us to catch one."

"It is alright your majesty, I do not mind waiting."

"Well then, shall we get to know more about one another while waiting?"


The two of them used this idle time to talk with one another trying to know if there's a common ground that they could relate with besides being born with royal blood and responsibility. Jeni tried to listen to listen to what her future partner was saying but all she could think of was how Jisoo was already in the middle of packing of her belongings or she was already out of the palace searching for a new place to stay.

And despite of feeling hurt from what she has heard from the latter- just imagining not seeing Jisoo there breaks her heart. Unknown to her, tears were already falling from her eyes that certainly confused Taehyung who was proudly sharing all of his hunting experiences with his father.

"Princess, is there something wrong?"

"Huh?" Jeni was startled of the question. "W-why?"

"Your eyes." He moves closer towards her. "You're crying."

Jeni closed her eyes and couldn't help but compare his answer to Jisoo's. "It's nothing. It was just the wind..."

Taehyung caresses her face. "Princess Jeni, I know that this might to steadfast but I feel like my heart is about to combust if I do not confess to you how I really feel."

"W-w-what are you..." He leans in closer and gives the crown princess a swift kiss. "Y-y-your highness- Your majesty please- no..." She tries to wriggle out of her hold. "NO! HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" Jeni's eyes were screaming in fear. "HELP I BEG OF YOU!"

"Shout all you want but sooner or later your screams of help will be replaced with something else."

Closing her eyes and with all of her strength she screams in her mind. "JISOO! SAVE ME!"

But before he can successfully carry out her plan, ripped out from being on top of the crown princess and thrown into the thick trunk of the tree. The crown princess covers her mouth seeing how far he was thrown away, but what surprised her most was when she saw Jisoo right there a few feet away from her. The guard pays her no mind as she marches towards the crown prince, choking him by lifting him a few feet above in the air like he was nothing but a piece of paper.

"You... insignificant, pitiful and ravisher." Even Jisoo's tone was different- like she was being possessed by someone else. "You dare to do something so inhumane to the crown princess of a kingdom that can crush your land without even the need to lift her finger. You-" She grits her teeth in anger as she tightens her hold onto her neck. "Die you animal..." She grips it harder. "DIE YOU WORTHLESS MORTAL!"

Just then ,before she could do anything- Jisoo snaps her head towards the distance and throws away the human before pulling out her bow and arrow and releases it in swift motion. Soon enough a man hiding from the woods falls down with an arrow in his chest. She moves her head to the right and releases another arrow and one more falls with three arrows breaking through his head.

The crown prince watches the scene in horror as Jisoo was staring back at him with cold-blooded eyes. He tries to back away, manages to stand up and ran for his life when Jisoo pulls him close and reversing their positions, making her the victim of three consecutive arrows on her back. Grunting in pain, she pushed him onto the ground as she clutches onto her knee.

When she successfully recovered she released three arrows in return making three more fall down. She pulls out the arrows found in her body, before turning to the man who was fearing for his life.

"This... this will be the last time that I will save your life." She warns while looking at him with her blazing sky blue eyes. "The next time we meet, you are my enemy- and your blood shall be found in my arrow or sword. In whatever means, I will be the one to kill you. I promise you that."

"Jisoo enough!" Jeni manages to run and come in between them shielding him from her. "Do not harm him! That is an order!"

"You ungrateful mortal... After I saved you from that attacker of yours yet you dare to defend him!" Looking at Jisoo's eyes- she was scared as she could see tsunamis in her orbs.

However she remained stubborn and firm. "Mind your words Jisoo do not forget that I-"

Her words were cut short when Jisoo pushes her alongside with the crown prince onto a small cave made out of rocks few feet away from their current stand as a man from behind stabs Jisoo on her stomach.

The upper being closes her eyes in pain as she screams her heart out- causing for a whiplash to happen within the vicinity, tearing every tree apart and killing everyone in the surrounding except from the two royalties who were hiding from the cave.

By the time the chaos ended, Jeni immediately moves out of the cave searching for her protector. "Jisoo! Jisoo where are you?!" She frantically looks around- "JISOO!"

She continuously screams for her protector's name, while Jisoo shifts into her animal form, trying her best to run away and wondering why she hasn't self-healed yet. In fear that something bad will happen to her, she closes her eyes and tries to reach for her adviser and seek for aid.

"Lisa, listen to me... Lisa can you hear me?"


"I... I've been attacked." She says. "Rescue the crown princess, she is in the Western woods by the lake. She was about to be devoured by Taehyung when local bandits attacked us."

"Did you do anything to harm to either of them?"

"No I didn't, but I am greatly wounded... and I am not healing. I will try to heal myself but in the meantime, cover for me just in case the crown princess will ask for my whereabouts okay?"

"Okay, I will send forth guards with me." Lisa's voice was filled with worry. "Tell me where you are- I will send help to you once I calm the crown princess down."

"I will." Jisoo ends the connection and now she searches for a place to heal when she hears a familiar voice in her mind. "Mother?"

"Jisoo, go forth to the Northern woods- there's a small lake located in the center by the place where you will hear the owls sounds the most. Bathe yourself and it will help your wounds heal."

"Mother, why am I not healing?"

"They've used very powerful poison against you child. You don't have much time left, use your speed and mind and focus at the task at hand. I will meet you there."

"Mother I am terrified... Am I dying?"

"Not on my watch Jisoo, not on my watch."


"Lisa! Lisa where are you!" Jeni calls out as soon as she was escorted back to her home. "LISA!"

"Y-your majesty!" She bows down in front of the monarch. "You- you seek me?"

"Where is Jisoo I need to speak to her."

"Jisoo desires not to be disturbed at the moment your highness."

"Where is your fellow guard Lisa I am demanding her presence!"

"B-b-but your majesty I-"

"Who placed a hole in my room?" She turns to Lisa who immediately looks away from her. "Was this Jisoo's doing?"

"Oh heavens no! Jisoo can never do something like that." She nervously responds. "I mean if she was the culprit, she would've been a shaman or something higher than that for her to throw a huge lightning ball, nearly wrecking my head and your abode."

"What did you just spoke of soldier?" Jeni marches her way towards the taller woman. "Jisoo can throw a lightning ball?"

"W-wha! How did you-" She chuckles in the same manner she responded to the crown princess. "Jisoo is not capable of doing that..."

"So what is she capable of Lisa? Picking people from the ground like they are rubbish and choking them to death with ease? Is she also capable of sensing an enemy that is almost invisible to the human eye? And able to withstand having multiple poisonous wounds on her body and runaway fast as the chaos she brought at the forest?"

"Your majesty... you have experienced a lot today. Maybe your-"

"I know what I saw! Do not belittle me nor mix my thoughts!" She snaps. "If Jisoo told you about her whereabouts please tell me. I have to see her Lisa, I have to make sure that she is okay."

"But she is okay your majesty she just doesn't entertain visitors as of the moment."

"Lisa, if you are going to be stubborn you left me no choice. I will speak to the king about what I saw and I do not know what he is capable of doing towards you but trust me when I say that it will definitely not be fun. Not at all."

"The crown princess escapes the palace walls as soon as she figured out the whereabouts of Jisoo. She wondered how Jisoo was able to reach that place in a hasty amount of time, but with all that has happened, she will no longer be surprised on what the latter's abilities are." Jisu narrates. "By the time she reaches the said lake, Jeni prepared herself for what she was about to witness. Hopping off the animal she sees the lake illuminate in bright light. She took fragile steps, carefully not to startle the latter."

"But even though she has prepared herself towards the thousand possibilities that she will be able to witness, seeing the sight and in clear light made the hairs on her nape and arms rise for she has not seen anything like this before. From where she was standing, she could see Jisoo in a different light, for the normal traveler she thought that latter was floating on the like as her body glowed, and the wounds in her body were slowly disappearing."

"She stood there frozen, unable to process the sight and unable to think of a logical explanation for everything that was happening. There were a lot of questions that poured onto her mind and they were about to be answered when Jisoo finally wakes up- stunned to see the crown princess there."

"Wow, things are getting pretty intense don't you think?"

"I think so too."

"What do you think will happen?" Ryujin ask. "Do you think that Jisoo will confess?"

"Only one way to find out." She says as she flips the page.

"What are you doing here? How did you know where I was?"

"How did you think I know?"

Jisoo closes her eyes in frustration. "Lisa- I will have your head hang by my wall when I become a deity!"




"You might want to stop talking to Lisa now. That won't help you anyways." Jeni cuts them off. "What on Jumong's name is going on Jisoo? What exactly are you?"Jisoo ignores her remark and starts to wear her clothes."Do not turn your back to me Jisoo, I am still your superior!"

"After what you witnessed earlier, are you still certain that you are above me mortal?"

"Until you say what you are, I will still view as my guard, which makes me above you." She argues. "And why did you tell to the crown prince that we will be declaring war? Have you lost your mind?!"

"If there is someone who is close to lunacy that would be you." She argues back. "Why do you continue to protect him after what he has done!?"

"The deities must've been testing-"

"If there's someone that the deities have been testing so far, I am certain that he is not the one." Jisoo says. "Whatever you may speak now princess will not change my mind. I will speak to the king tomorrow and I will tell the monstrous act that man has done upon you."

"I will not allow you to do that! Marrying him is the only way I can help my kingdom!"

"MARRYING HIM IS NOT THE ONLY WAY!" She screams back and a long breezing wind passes them by. "I will help you win this battle, I will do everything your heart desires except allow you to marry a man who doesn't see you as a woman but a mere play toy who can fulfill his sexual desires!"

"I care for my land and for my people Jisoo! Abandoning them just because I fear of him will not bring them peace!"

"And I care for you! Allowing you to go with him will also not bring me peace!"

"Why are you doing this? Why are you so concern about my well-being?"

"Because it is my duty." She answers in her flat tone. "It has always been my duty to care for you."

Hearing that word 'duty' made Jeni feel the pain she has been ignoring for days."You always tell me that- you care for me, you look after me and worry for be out of your duty. And it is so frustrating!"

"What's there to be frustrated about?" Jisoo was confused. "I do not understand why this cause you-"

"Because I feel like I am being stabbed!" Jeni pushes her away as tears flowed from her eyes. "You care for me because you are forced to, but when it comes to Chaeyoung- you do everything out of your own will!" Out of control of her emotions she starts to walk towards the latter and hit Jisoo on the chest continuously. "You laugh with her because you have fun, you buy her things because you thought of her and you care for her because she has a place in your heart! You have fallen for her and I know it! I know-"

"ENOUGH!" With a stomp of Jisoo's foot on the ground, the skies roared in thunder and her eyes were once again in light blue.

"You..." Jeni says in her soft voice as she has finally come to a conclusion. "You are not human, are you?"

"What I told you about where I came from was true. But what I didn't tell you that every once in a millennium the deities holds a competition between chosen individuals and they battle it out with series of trials and the winner of the competition shall have a seat along with the deities that govern over the mortal world."

"I heard your prayer when you were praying to the deities to bless your marriage with that man that is why I am here together with Lisa. We are not travelers but we came from a world above yours. I am the chosen individual and Lisa comes as my adviser."

Despite of not believing all of this- she chose to set the logical aside and believe in Jisoo's words for a moment. "But why are you disobeying my wish? Shouldn't you be the one who will push us towards each other?"

That made Jisoo scoff. "You see your highness, that was the plan...that was what I intended to do, until you decided to take a bath with me that one specific night." She says, completely surprising the latter. "Until my heart ached as you push me away just so you can be with him alone and enjoy his company, until my eyes were filled with jealousy as you were laughing with him and to only look at you but not being able to have you- until my hand tremble in anger as I witnessed what he was about to do with you, as his lips brushed against yours..." She trails off, and her eyes were slowly returning to their original and calming form. "That was the plan- until you made me feel the one thing that we are forbidden to feel."

"But if that is the case then Chaeyoung-"

"She was comforting me for she knew what I was feeling all along. That maid of yours has caught the heart of my adviser and let's just say that the deities favored Lisa this time."

"All this time... it was me." Jeni looks at her. "It was me that your heart desires."

Jisoo bitterly smiles. "I cannot imagine my heart beating for someone that is not you your majesty." Jeni lets out more tears, making Jisoo cup her chin to force the crown princess to look at her. "Why is there tidal waves in your eyes? What are you worried of?"

"These are not waves of worry Jisoo..." She says. "These are waves of happiness- of relief that you feel the same as I do."

"You... You have fallen for me?"

"I may have fallen from the very beginning, I just did not acknowledge it."

"You do not know how joyful you made me with that confession of yours." She grins and caresses Jeni's cheeks. "To know that I am the one who owns your heart just as you own mine."

The crown princess leans in to the comfort that Jisoo's hands brought her. "But- now that you've confessed, what will be the outcome of your trial?"

"That I am not sure of, but I will know once the final judgment will come... They will summon be back, and judge me according to my actions." She answers. "But I will not worry about that now, what I will prioritize is that I have you in my arms. And what matters most is our love."

Jisoo leans in and captures the crown princess' lips. The moment that their lips touched, something ignited within the two of them like two flames burning passionately inside their hearts. This kiss was nothing like what the princess read in the books and nothing like what Jisoo hear from the mortals conversing about their first kiss. It was magnificent, electrifying, and beautiful along with all the wonderful words they could add. Taking turns in feeling each other's warmth, Jeni was the first to break the heated bond as she tries to catches her breath.

"I apologize, I forgot that you are still a mortal."

"No... need..."

"Be with me tonight." Jisoo looks at her lover who was so surprised with what she just said. "I do not know when will be the final judgment, and I want to spend my remaining days here on Earth feeling your warmth, feeling your touch, your kiss... you."

Every word felt like a spell for the crown princess and like a smitten human she looks back at Jisoo's eyes, her darkened orbs were sending the upper being a message. "I will be with you tonight, the next day and until your borrowed time is done." She smiles. "I will be with you, and only you Jisoo."

While they were stripping off their clothes and binding their souls into one body, the deities above them were having a major quarrel seeing this kind of action from a chosen champion. Different points were taken, different views were taken into consideration and it was an endless battle causing for Jumong to have a severe headache.





"SILENCE!" Jumong's roaring voice silence the arguing gods.

"But Jumong- you have seen it yourself! The champion of Halmang has fallen into various mortal sins. And not only that- she has fallen in love with someone who have the same anatomy as hers! What will the higher ups say when they hear that you a tolerating such action just because you show favor to your descendant." Habaek the god of the Yalu river states.

"But the crown princess is not just your descendant but you direct descendant. Your promised that the land of Goguryeo shall be ruled by the ones who directly came from your bloodline. You must not always think as a deity but also as a father as well!" Hwanung, god of laws and the father of Tangun- which is the founder of the Choseon kingdom.

The head of the deities sighs loud. "I have taken into consideration of what you all have said and I have come to a conclusion already." He gives Halmang a brief look. "Jisoo will no longer be a part of the deicon and will be stripped out from her rights as an upper being. From now on, she will no longer be a daughter of Halmang but a mere mortal who can die with just a stab of a knife."

"Don't tell me that's the end." Ryujin says in her desperate tone. "Don't tell me."

"Sorry, but that was the last page."

"Ugh, so where do we head now?"

"I am not so sure..." Jisu furrows her eyebrows. "So far only Igong has one of the records of the writings."

Ryujin sighs and slumps back on her seat totally feeling deflated. "What now?"

"Hold on-" After a few seconds, Jisu claps her hands- startling Ryujin. "You."

"Me?" The latter was confused again. "What about me?"

"Now is the time to use that political powers of yours Shin Ryujin." She smiles. "Your family can get us to the National Archives where all of the recordings of this country can be found. We might not only see a record but records of Chaeyoung's writings. This could really help us with our paper."

"There's only one little tiny problem... My father does not have access to the National Archives as it is strictly for the Korean nation only." She says. "But I know someone with that much power that can allow us to get in."

"And who is that?"

Ryujin suddenly feels uneasy as she swallows the lump on her throat. "My grandfather- the Prime Minister of Japan."

Jisu and her family were pretty well off themselves. Her parents were very big in the entertainment industry owning a talent agency, Jisu together with her older sisters and brothers practically lived in a silver spoon. But when a Rolls-Royce Ghost in pure black shade parks outside of the ice cream parlor, she knew that Ryujin's family was totally better off even from the president of her country.

The one hectare residential mansion where Ryujin resides proves it.

"Is father home?" Ryujin asks in her native tongue.

"He's upstairs with your grandfather."

"Can you stay here for a while? I will talk to my-"

"Ryujin you're home!"

Jisu watches as two men came down from the grand staircase. She observes at how stiff her partner was in hugging her family members but she stiffens as well, as soon as Ryujin's grandfather takes a look at her. With the use of her eyes Ryujin told her to stay there for a while as she talks with them inside the dining hall, but clearly her grandfather have some other plans as she orders for Ryujin to take her with them as well.

She had to hold back a gasp once she entered the dining hall of the Shins. It was filled with artifacts and probably some very expensive figurines that she was even blessed to see from this short distance. The halls were in deep red shade, similar to the dining hall of the king, where he announced the arrival of Jisu and Lisa and their assignment to be the royal guards of the crown princess.

Ryujin's hold brought her back to reality as she was invited to take a seat together with her partner while the other members of the Shin household seat on the other end. The room was soundless and Jisu was starting to hear the rhythm of her own heartbeat. It wasn't a tense atmosphere, but it wasn't comfortable either... taking a look at Ryujin, she observes that the latter wasn't in her comfortable state, like she was in some kind of a military training facility waiting for her commander to scold at her and Jisu wanted to help the latter out.

"What do you want Ryujin?" Her grandfather spoke in Japanese. "My assistant told me you need something from me."

"I need your help. I'm working on a history project and there are missing records about the topic that was given to us, I was just hoping if you could-"

"Ryujin I told you ever since the beginning, if you chose to study in this country then you have to work things on your own."

"But this would really mean a lot to me grandfather."

"It also meant a lot to me for you to stay in Japan and train to be the next leader of our country but you chose to be here and become of service to another land."

"I am unfit to be a leader, choose my brother. He's been in your care for years."

"Yuta still needs a lot of training but you- little more years and you would be fit to represent the Shin back at the council."

"But I told you, I am not hungry for power, I just want to live a normal life and I cannot have that when I am back home. Please help me grandfather, I need to know what happened to her- to the crown princess of Goguryeo, Go Jeni."

"Why are you so invested in this story?"

Ryujin swallows the lump on her throat. "Because there's something about her that I can relate myself into, something about her story that I connect myself with. I cannot pinpoint this one right now but I will not know- not until you help me."

"You know what to do for me to help you."

"Grandfather you ask too much of me."

"Then this conversation ends here."

Jisu saw in Ryujin's eyes a hint of letdown as she slumps her shoulders a little lower than her confident stance earlier. She turns to the men of the Shin house hold and couldn't help but be a bit shaken by their stoic faces. Judging from their tensed conversation earlier she concluded that Ryujin probably failed in convincing her grandfather, but something inside of her begs to not stop just there. Something tells her to fight for this, to know about what really happened to the crown princess of Goguryeo.

She places her hand on top of Ryujin's, catching the latter off guard. Jisu closes her eyes and then coughs out loud, gaining the attention of the father and grandfather of her history project partner.

"Please allow us to read the missing records." Jisu says in English, hoping that the Prime Minister will understand her. "We need to read the continuation of her story."

"Yah Choi Jisu..." The latter hisses, but she puts her to silence with a firm grip on her hand.

"There are a lot of untold stories in the world and I know you agree with that because your country has a lot of untold stories as well... some untold stories are waiting for a bigger audience, in need to be in a bigger crowd to raise awareness, make people realize lesson and probably change the world's course..." She says. "But there are some untold stories who only seek an audience of a few, and I believe the crown princess' story is one of those stories."

"I believe that her story doesn't need to be read by a lot of people and I believe that her story wasn't made for the big screen or the headlines too... but what I believe in is that her story was meant for someone or a few people to read and to realize that she was more than just a crown princess who has dedicated her entire life for her nation. She was more than just a sacrifice, and that there was a reason why she has her hear broken for a thousand lifetimes." She reasons out. "I do not ask of you to help us release to the public about the truth behind her life story, but I simply ask of you to help us finish our history project, your grace. That's all."

Ryujin's grandfather remained in his seat and his facial expressions are in still in the same form ever since the very beginning of this conversation. She turns to look at the latter's father who seems to be in deep thought but still with an unreadable expression too, and that didn't help her conclude if she did well in pleading their case or not. Her heart was still beating crazy against the bones of her lungs and she was starting to get nervous- but suddenly, her hand was being held by Ryujin, intertwining their fingers bit by bit.

Jisu turns to the latter, whose face was in the same manner as of her family members. Slowly, a blush was slowly creeping onto her cheeks, as she feels Ryujin's thumb rubbing against her own, comforting her in some way more than her words could've ever done.

Suddenly, the silence inside the room was broken when the Prime Minister calls in his secretary. "Call Mr. Ho and tell them that my granddaughter and her History project partner will visit his building tonight and tell him that I will owe him greatly if he allows them inside and let them read the missing records of the crown princess of Goguryeo who was named Go Jeni." His assistant nods and leaves the room to make the call.

Upon hearing this, Jisu smiles widely and bows down multiple times. "Thank you, your grace. Thank you."

"Save your gratitude young lady. Express that to me when my granddaughter gets a perfect score on your History paper." He says and then turns to his bloodline. "This will be the only help you will be getting from me Ryujin, the first and the last. Your mode of transportation will not be shouldered any longer- and if I were you, you better get going... you do not have much time left."

Ryujin stands up and bows down before dragging Jisu away from them. The main door slams, causing for his son to sigh out lout. "Father, you should've allowed them to use the car."

"They've received enough help from me." He says in a knowing manner. "You know what I am talking about right?"

The latter nods his head and looks at the skies outside. "You think it's about time?"

"Not yet..." The Prime Minister looks outside as well. "But soon enough, the time will come for them."

As their conversation comes to an end, a few blocks away from the National Historical Archives of South Korea, Ryujin was doing her best in peddling on her bicycle as Jisu was back riding her holding onto Ryujin's top for dear life.

"I don't get it, why are you so scared of riding this thing? It's just a bike."

"It's a life-threatening mode of transportation Ryujin. Do you know how high the death rate of this thing is? 88 percent, you know what that means? This is an easy way to death."

Ryujin chuckles and shakes her head. "You are thinking too much."

"It's true! My sister and I can't ride this thing."

"How many are you in your family?"

"I have an older sister and triplet brothers."

"You have a big family. It must be nice..."

"Not really, whenever we have a get together, it's nothing but chaos." She says. "But it does gets a little fun whenever all of us are found in one place."

"You remind me so much of Jisoo..." She says. "She also has a big family and she has never ridden a horse before, all because she feels insulted since can run too in her animal form."

"And you remind me so much of the crown princess... Your grandfather can be Jumong and your father can be the king. I can see that he wants to help you earlier but because of a higher rank exists besides him, he was in no position to intervene."

"Don't you feel weirded out?" Jisu asks. "Knowing you have so much similarity with a person who haven't even met?"

"Not really, people call them coincidences and it happens all the time." Ryujin says, but deep inside her she knew that there was just too many similarities to call everything a coincidence.

Arriving at the building, both of them decided to make a run inside the building where the guards that were expecting them briefed them about the general rules and gave them hair masks, gloves and suits. They strictly instructed them not to go to the west hall where the restricted section lies for serious grounds of punishment will take place.

They head inside the controlled temperature room and walk towards the huge table in the center where a book with the same feature as the one they got from Igong earlier lies. Looking at one another before giving each other a nod, Jisu opens the first page and reads the account which took place after Jisoo informed the king of the crown prince's malicious attempt which made King Gokju end all the peace talk and declare war between Silla who was revealed to have an alliance with the neighboring Chinese empire.

"It was the night before the war will take place and the kingdom of Goguryeo wasted no time in strategizing their tactics in strengthening their outnumbered army with the use of Jisoo's instruction. They have been spending days and nights for this plan, and they just had to finalize everything else before heading out to war the next day." Jisu reads the first paragraph.

"The King specifically ordered for Jisoo to be the head of the archery infirmary while Lisa will be guiding the soldiers onto the battlefield, being one of his generals. Right after the final meeting, Jisoo heads to the crown princess' home where the heir to the throne was waiting for her together with her royal maid- who was also waiting for her lover to come back."

"Seeing each other after a few days of separation made Jisoo drop her armor and Jeni run towards her, pulling her close and inhaling her authentic scent. Jisoo on the other hand melts in her lover's arms, which she hasn't seen in for what felt like an eternity."

"Oh Jisoo... how I longed for you." Jeni says as the crown princess nuzzles her nose in her lover's neck. "Days felt like light years whenever you are not around in my arms."

"I would agree to your statement your highness." She pulls her beloved even closer. "How I've missed you in my arms."

While the two were enjoying each other's warmth, a cough erupted inside the room and it came from none other than the champion's adviser. "You two are perfect for each other but this is a little too much romantic for me your majesty." Just then, Jisoo lifts her index finger and points at Lisa's forehead- and a strike of small lighting was released, exposing Lisa's forehead. "JISOO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"

"Shut it or it will not be the only thing that's going to be struck by my lightning tonight."

"Come now my love, let us fix that in your quarters, I believe that I might just have the thing to make everything okay again. We have to leave these two alone. They need it too."

"By the time the war will end tomorrow, I will end you as well but for tonight-" Chaeyoung's squeal breaks the two apart as they witness Lisa carrying her lover like a sack of potato. "We shall melt in the warmth of our lovers, as we will fight for honor tomorrow."

Jisoo shakes her head as the two of them leave the room. "She will be the death of Chaeyoung one day."

"I believed that Chaeyoung has been deadly in love with Lisa ever since."

"And you?" She questions making Jeni turn to her. "Are you not deadly in love with me?"

"You, an upper being who surrendered her rights to be the chosen champion and to seat along with the other deities to be with me?" She smiles and wraps her arms around her guard. "Even before all this chaos has happened, my heart has already been in your hands."

"Such a smooth talker... are you trying to get lucky with me tonight?"

"Maybe..."Her seductive and teasing voice brought chills to the upper being's spine. "Is it effective?"

"It makes me want to take you underneath the stars my lady."

"Then take me..." She smiles. "I am yours for the taking."

"Why does Chaeyoung always skip the good parts?" Jisu asks, feeling a little bit annoyed that she doesn't get to read the rated parts of the crown princess' story. "I'm just- ow!"

"Stop it you pervert."

"I am not a pervert I am simply curious on how the upper beings-" She meets Ryujin's glare causing for her to shut her mouth. "Alright, alright... I will stop there sheesh."


"If I know you are also curious as to how they-" Jisu raises her hands in defeat. "Okay! Fine!"

Underneath the stars, Jeni was enjoying the view of their intertwined fingers as she leans back to feel Jisoo's heat who was seated behind her. They decided to make love inside the bath where they had first felt the connection that changed everything in their lives where Jeni and Jisoo exchanged speaking languages and creating sounds of binding that was music to each other's ears.

"Do you ever get tired of making love to me Jisoo?" Jeni asks out of the blue. "We've already done it a lot of times that my hands have lost count how many times we've been doing it."

"How can I ever get tired giving pleasure to the woman who owns my heart? Your body is sculpted to perfection, and I am certain that Dosumunjang took great time in forming you."

"And how are you upper beings formed?"

"From the records up above, our parents formed us by eggs, some were off-springs of both deities, some were given to the deities as a form of gift from Dosumunjang himself and some were just created by him to make our world a better place to live."

"Did you have a father?"

"My mother was focused in making the mortal world a better place which gained favor of Dosumunjang, which is why she was given a lot of eggs, and one egg consists of three little ones, which now are my brothers."

"Three eggs all at once?"

"Yes. They can be handful sometimes but they help me in times of trouble especially my older sister."

"Do you think they will help you win the war tomorrow?"

"Deities are forbidden to intervene with the mortal dwellings. They only can when chaos is scattered all around and there's an immediate need to restore peace and balance here."

"Jisoo, can you not join the battle tomorrow?"

"We have talked about this Jeni."

"I need someone to protect me. I want you there with me."

"With you away from the enemy's sight you will not need me. If I do not appear in the battlefield tomorrow, they will figure things out faster than my lightning and everything that I've planned for will be turned into dust."

"How can you be so peaceful when you are about to go to war tomorrow?"

"I am at peace because I know you will be somewhere safe where no one can harm you." Jisoo smiles. "I am at peace because I know that I will return to you."

Jeni turns to her. "And once you do, I will never ever- ever let you go." She says. "Not even when your judgment will come."

"There's no need for that my love..." Leaning in she kisses the crown princess once more. "For once I will return, I will stay in your arms forever."

"Jisoo..." Her mother's voice ringed inside her brain. "We need to talk."

"Mother what are you doing?"

"Meet us by the riverbank just right outside the castle. I need to warn you about something."

"My love, shall we take rest now?"Jeni nods in agreement. "Very well, you go ahead first and wait for me in bed."

"Why? Where are you going?"

"My mother requests to see me. She wants to talk to me about something."

Jeni's eyes were filled with worry. "Is it time for the judgment?"

"No, I can sense that it is not. She possibly wants me to warn me about something so I need to meet with her by the riverbank."

"Okay, please be careful Jisoo."

"Do not bother too much." She smiles. "I am an upper being, I will be alright, even if I will be wounded- my identity will heal me."

But little did she know, the blood flowing through her was in pure red rather than a light silver shade, making her fully mortal.


"Mother, what are you doing here? Why are you in your human form?" She speaks with the goddess in her peasant hanbok.

"She is not the only one here."

"Yeah! We're here as well!"

Jisoo was confused to her all of her siblings in their human form who looked like foreigners just like their mother. "What are you all doing here?" She turns to her mother. "Mother, what is happening?"

"The other deities were not delighted with your rulings Jisoo. If you were just up there to see the chaos you've caused." Her daughter hangs her head low in shame.

"It was pure mayhem Jisoo, I have never seen much chaos like that."

"Jumong's nostrils were wide open man it was- Ouch! Who hit me?!"

"Not me!"

"Definitely not me!"

"Yah come back here!"

While her brothers were running away, Jisoo turns to her mother. "I apologize for what I have caused mother but if you are here to force me to plead my case then that is something that I will not do. Falling for the crown princess was something that I did not planned, but it was something that I was destined to do."

"I am not here to judge you for what you've done Jisoo, I cannot change the past- but I can change in the future." Halmang says. "Jumong has decided to strip you from your rights in the competition and from your rights of being an upper being."

Jisoo widens her eyes. "Then does that mean- I-" She totally cannot believe that this kind of punishment would be bestowed upon her. "But how come can I still communicate with you?"

"The mole on your finger." Her mother says. "It was my birth gift to all of you that I maybe be able to contact you regardless of your status."

"But mother, what should I do? I-" She was starting to worry now. "I cannot defeat the enemy if I am a mere mortal!"

"That is why we will hand a portion of our power to you." Her sister the goddess of earth Teojusin approaches them. "Take my head dress in war tomorrow, it will help you think gracefully in times of pressure and trouble. Your decision will not be clouded with emotions." She says as she hands her head dress filled with diamonds and chains.

"Noona!" The triplets- Kouella, Pueulla and Yangeulla approach her and each of them hands her a ring. "It's not much, it will just triple the speed of your arrows or your attacks towards your enemies."

"It might take a while to adjust to the speed so I suggest that you practice before sunrise."

"We figured it might help you since your hand might be a little sore from- OW! AGAIN!?" The youngest says as he rubs the sore spot on his head.

"Give me your hand child." Halmang says and with the use of her hand, she slits both of their wrists and binds them together. Jisoo closes her eyes and groans in pain as she feels her mother's blood flowing through her. "I will give you my blood, just to be able to provide you protection for tomorrow. You will be temporarily immortal but to not overuse this protection child. In reality, you are still a mortal and too much infliction will cause you your death."

"Mother... you are forbidden to help mortals but why are you doing this to me."

"Because I am the first word you said." Jisoo feels a tug in her heart hearing that. "Before being a deity, I was an upper being struggling to keep your sister alive and that is why I vowed that I will do everything that I can to protect you."

"Is... is that why you want me to become a deity? To protect me?"

"You need no protection my dear." Halmang caresses her cheek softly. "The world needs your protection, which is why I want you to have a seat with us."

"I'm sorry... for being a failure to you."

"Jisoo remember this. Just because you have fallen for someone doesn't make you a failure. You are a living proof that even the upper beings nor deities are not exempted in the feeling called love. Lisa can attest to that as well."

"Mother, what will be of Lisa? I am sure that Jumong is mad at her as well."

"Her judgment is yet to come. By now, do not tell her so that she may not worry nor blame herself do you understand?" Jisoo nods.

"Mother we have to go back- Jumong is about to seek your audience." One of the triplets say.

Halmang turns to her child and gives her a lingering kiss on the forehead. "We will meet at your final judgment Jisoo, and I will try my everything to plead your case."

"Thank you mother, thank you sister and brothers."

"Be safe noona! Do not catch a hit!"

"Bring peace toward the land."

"And maybe by then, Jumong will give you his favor and give you a second shot."

Before she could utter a respond- all of them disappeared from her sight. She looked at the heavenly materials in her hand, and promised that she will win this war, for her Jeni, for Goguryeo and for her right to be in one of the seat of the deities.

"The war was settled in the highlands between the boundary of Silla and Goguryeo. Lisa led one of the infantry below while Jisoo was tasked to lead the entire archer infantry up above. The king was inside his tent together with his advisers and by the sound of the horn- the battle of the century began." Jisu tells. "It lasted for three days and the Goguryeo lost a lot of men but Silla lost probably half on the very beginning thanks to Jisoo's tactic of divide and conquer and whenever they try a new strategy of defense, Jisoo seems to be one step ahead of time and manages to counter all of the attacks planned by the enemy. She thanked her sister for the band that she is currently wearing, for it has really helped her to think calmly in times of worry and fear. It caught their enemy by surprise and a great deal from their army was taken away. Jisoo didn't just spent her time giving instructions but she also went out to the battlefield earning a few numbers on her kill list as well."

"By the noon of the fourth day, Jisoo was confident enough to conclude that victory was on their side. She was already smirking from afar as she releases one of her four arrows, killing an enemy yards away from her. True enough, all of her families' gifts were truly useful to her and she felt like she still belongs with them and can confidently say that she was still an upper being." Ryujin took the turn to read the paragraph. "She was already celebrating in her mind but it seems like the other deities were still onto something as she receives a mental report from Lisa, which will turn her world upside down..."

"JISOO!" Lisa's terrified voice fills her mind. "SPEAK TO ME CHAMPION!"

"What is going on Lisa? Are you hurt?"

"No, but do not mind me as of the moment. We have a dilemma."

"Why? Tell me immediately."

"One of the king's adviser sold us and told our entire plan to the crown prince last night." Lisa confessed. "Jisoo, get out of there and head to where Jeni is- she is in trouble."

And despite of being stripped off from her rights for being a superior individual, Jisoo manages to leave the her patrol on one of the generals as she rushes towards the king's tent, her entire entity bursting with rage. By the time that she got there, she did not waste any time and shoots the arrow directly towards the traitor's knee, surprising everyone inside- including the majesty himself.


"Speak to me you vermin! Tell them your sin right now!"

"I do not know what you speak- AAAHHH!" He screams as Jisoo pushes the arrow further to his knee. "I will speak! I will confess!!!!" He cries in pain.


"I BETRAYED GOGURYEO FOR FOUR BAGS OF GOLD!" He agonizingly says in pain. "I told the crown prince of Silla about the princess' where-"

Jisoo cuts him off by cutting off his head, ending his life right there in front of the royal ruler. "You will burn in hell mortal..." She says in her low voice. "I will tell Daebyol to eat your parts piece by piece and the others will hear you scream for all eternity."

"Jisoo my child if-" The king lets out tears of worry. "I will not be able to live if I find out something bad happens to-"

"Your majesty calm down. I will not let anything happen to your daughter. I vowed that to you the day you took us in and I intend to keep that promise, even if it meant my life in return."

"Save her Jisoo... Save her and I will pray to the deities to grant you anything that your heart desires."

She runs away and manages to shift into her animal form and sent a mental note for Lisa. "Come with me Lisa, I still have one more life to end before my judgment."

"I can't read properly." Jisu squints her eyes. "The writings are vague and my eyes are starting to hurt."

"Hold on let me read that for you." The latter offers. "The original plan was to hide the crown princess in the middle of the woods in Goguryeo where a tree house up on the oldest tree in the land was created for her safekeeping. It states here that the crown princess traveled along with a small number of soldiers in order not to gain attention just in case the enemies' eyes are within the perimeter."

"Jisoo ran as fast she could, disregarding the fact that it was weakening her mother's protection on her while Lisa is up there in the sky traveling in her eagle animal form and by the time that she got there she was a bit too late."

"Why? What's wrong?" Jisu was worried as Ryujin's storytelling came to a halt. "Ryu come on continue reading it!"

"By the time she arrived- The soldiers were killed and Taehyung was holding onto the crown princess' neck as Chaeyoung was knocked down."

"Chaeyoung!" Lisa screams for her lover's name but Jisoo forbids her to take a step closer to the latter. "Jisoo set me free!"

"Calm down Lisa! Acting irrational won't do you any good!" She warns before glaring at Taehyung who has a crying Jeni in his arms. "Taehyung put her down."

"And let you kill me?" He laughs mockingly. "I think I am not foolish to do that. She is my security that you will not harm me and as long as she is here with me, I have the upper hand of the situation."


"Don't worry, I found her beautiful which is why I didn't kill her but knocked her out instead." He smirks. "Such a shame that you had to come earlier than expected, I would've been able to have fun with them."

"You worthless I will devour your flesh-"

"LISA ENOUGH!" She says before speaking in their language. "I will negotiate that you will leave with Chaeyoung. While you do that, take out the enemies that are scattered in the place. I feel that this is a trap for us and we need to split to survive." She says. "Take Chaeyoung out, kill the enemies and find a cure for poison."

"What poison?"

" The tip of his dagger smells like the ones who had sabotaged us, and his sword reeks of the same scent."

"What you going to do?"

"Stall as much as possible be quick. I do not have much time." Turning to Taehyung once again she stands tall and firm. "Let's make a deal crown prince."

"I like deals peasant. What is it that you offer?"

"Let the maid and my friend flee from this place. They are in no need in this situation."

That caused the crown prince to scoff. "What makes you think they are in no need? My men will have their way with them two."

"But before that happens, I will have my way with them." She challenges. "Are you ready to die with peasants?"

"Not if I hurt his woman first."

"Not if I hurt you first." Jisoo smirks, trying to trigger Taehyung's ego. "Come on now crown prince, do you really want to die just like that? Die instantly  in the land of his enemy and more importantly the record will write about your story and how you died by the arms of a woman. Imagine what your fellow men will think of you."

"Silence! Do not think for me!"

"I am simply stating the facts your highness. Release them and let us a have a duel that we both needed from the very beginning. At the end, one will only come out of this house victorious. So what is it going to be?"

Taehyung turns to Lisa. "Take you and this wretch away from this house. The moment I find you lurking in the woods I will end your life without second thoughts."

"Go Lisa, I will be fine."

"I will come back for you Jisoo. I promise."

Lisa hurriedly takes her lover away and follows through Jisoo's orders. "And then there were two..." Taehyung smirks. "What are going to do now soldier?"

"We take it the ancient way." Jisoo throws away her bow and arrow along with her sword. "Let us brawl."

"Hahahaha! You didn't tell me you were quite a joker." He laughs and then turns to the crown princess. "Is that why you cling onto her? Because she makes you laugh?"

Despite seeing Jeni in tears, Jisoo controls her emotions and tries to maneuver the situation to her advantage. "Let her go your majesty and let us fight the way we were brought up."

"You know soldier in my kingdom, the royalties weren't trained for intensive battle skills. We focus on our strength and we use it to our advantage. And I have no such physical strength in me if I may be honest. I was the limp of my family, the black sheep and the unwanted member of the group." He says. "But did you know how I rose to the top above my six other brothers and was chosen to be the crown prince?"

"I used my mind, one that my brothers did not have. And now, I will use it to end you." Out of nowhere he cuts the dagger onto Jeni's wrist making the crown princess wince in pain. "The dagger I used has a poison in it and by now she will have less than an hour to live." He says. "However, there is one thing that can save her..."

"My pendant holds the antidote to the poison; if she drinks this she will survive to lead her nation for another century. But! I will only hand it to her if you allow me to beat your bones as I please, just how you have put me into shame inside the forest."

"You..." Jisoo says through gritted teeth. "I will end you."

"End me then, but that also means I'll destroy the antidote and the future of entire Goguryeo." He smirks. "So what is it going to be soldier? Are you to choose yourself and let her die or are you willing to sacrifice yourself and for the sake of the many?"

Jisoo closes her eyes. "I will let you do it, only if you give her half of the antidote." She says. "I need to assure that she will live Taehyung, only then I can let you end my life."

"No..." Jeni says weakly. "Jisoo no."

"Seems like a very fair deal to me." He turns to the crown princess and forces her to drink half of it. Taehyung shows the container towards the soldier, showing that it was consumed. "There? Are you satisfied?"

Jisoo turns to Jeni who was slowly getting her breathing pattern back, her lips were slowly returning into their natural shade and her heart rate was slowly in regular pace. She still has her hands tied, but seeing her beloved in that state brought her a little peace.

"I am a person of my word your highness."

"I will really enjoy the entire time of beating you to death you wretch..." Taehyung notices the head dress that Jisoo was wearing and took it off from here. "And I am going to start with this."

He strikes hard and the diamonds pricked the latter's face. "JISOO!"


Jisoo looks at Jeni. "Stay there princess, it will be over soon."

"No... I can't." Another strike made Jisoo's cheek bleed. "TAEHYUNG STOP HITTING HER!"

"Your highness- do me a favor and close your eyes." She says. "Close your eyes for me Jeni."

The latter immediately shakes her head like a whiny kid as more tears flowed from her eyes. "I can't- I can't do that..."

"The sooner you close, the faster this will end."

"But you- he's going to kill you..."

Jisoo turns to the crown prince. "He's not going to kill me for he cannot take a life away... that's how much of a coward he is, that's why he is the weakest link, the outsider and an invisible person in their family." She smirks. "His value means nothing, even to his father who is about to lose a war and a kingdom."

"You worthless imbecile!" He kicks her hard and Jisoo groans in pain.

"Stop!!!!" Jeni shouts as a full force kick meets her lover's stomach. "NO!!!!"

"Jeni I beg of you- do this for me and close your eyes."

And despite the tears and the fear in her heart Jeni respond. "Will I see you move when I open them?"

"Yes... and when you open them, you will see me moving towards you." She smiles. "I promise you that."

"As soon as the crown princess closes her eyes, another hit on the stomach happened, making Jisoo cry in pain." Ryujin reads the account. "Every hit by the crown prince made Jisoo wince for the very first time since she was no longer an upper being. Taehyung decides to bring forth more pain by bringing in a thick stem and slamming it onto her back. With every blow in every part for her body she wanted to scream out in pain however she remembers the crown princess."

"In order for her plan to carry out well, she has to make sure that Jeni lives this one out and so the former upper being decides to remain silent and endure everything because she knows that if she made any sound of pain- her lover's heart will ache and she did not want more pain on the crown princess' side for she knows that her other half is still not safe from death just yet."

"With her eyes closed all she could hear were the grunts and blows created by the crown prince which brings her to more tears for she knows that her protector were concealing her screams of agony all because she did not want for the crown princess to worry for her and that is hurting her because even if Jisoo was already on the nick of death, she still thought of her feelings. She closes her eyes shut trying to conceal the sounds that she could hear but she knows that it was going to be impossible. She wanted to take a look, but her heart wanted to follow Jisoo's orders and just keep her eyes shut."

"However there was a certain part of her that wanted to make sure that her lover was still breathing, deep down she was preparing herself for the sight that she was about to see." Jisu sighs as she stops midway of reading the story. "Why wouldn't she listen? Jisoo specifically told her not to look, how come this paragraph screams that she was about to disobey her?"

"Because that is what she exactly plans to do." The latter says before turning to the book. "Despite of Jisoo's request, the crown princess opens her eyes, and it was a sight that she never and will never be able to prepare herself... Jisoo-" Ryujin bites her lower lip. "I cannot read this Jisu."

"What? Why not?"

"I... I don't know my heart suddenly feels heavy reading it so please."

"...okay." Jisu squints her eyes and tries to read it in despite of the rugged writing. "When the crown princess open her eyes, she had witnessed the most horrific sight she had ever laid her eyes upon... The moment she opened her eyes, she immediately screamed her heart out when Jisoo's left eye was badly screwed, any visible skin in her body showed since of abuse and her nearly lifeless body was lying down as her outfit turned to red because of the blood." She says. "The scream alone was enough to wake an entire nation or even alert enemies from afar."

"JISOO NO!!!!" Jeni immediately takes a step forward until Taehyung's sword which was pointing at the tip of her nose stops her.

"Look Jisoo, the crown princess came to see the show." He softly lifts her chin forcing the latter to look at her protector. "Look at your guard and tell me if she can still protect you... look at her and tell if she is still able to save your kingdom."

Jeni's lover looks at her. "Close your eyes."She instructs while coughing out blood. "Close your eyes your highness."

"Do not hurt her any further Taehyung..." Jeni's face was filled with tears. "Take me instead... Do not harm her any longer."

"Crown... prince." Jisoo struggles to mumble as she tries to get up. "We- we had a deal... You must keep your- word."

"You do not need her anymore... She's already dead so choose me instead." Jeni turns to him. "Inflict your anger towards me and I will take everything."

Taehyung eyes her for a while. "Why do you show such interest for someone who does not belong within our cluster and between her and me, we all know that I am a better choice, so why do you prefer her company rather than mines?"

"Taehyung do not touch her... I swear that if you do-"

"You cannot do anything after what I've done to you." Taehyung turns to the crown princess. "I will not inflict any anger to you, your majesty hence I will inflict something that I have been hiding for so long and I will have it right here, right now." He slowly approaches her until her back was against the wall. "Fear me not your highness; I will be gentle with you."

Suddenly, Taehyung's head collides with something hard. He holds onto the sore spot and was immediately angered seeing blood drawn out from the spot. His attention was shifted back to Jisoo who managed to smirk at it, heightening his rage further. Walking back to Jisoo he slaps the latter hard, causing for some blood to draw out of her mouth.

"You tramp!" He places his hand onto her neck and chokes her. "Have you lost your respect for me?! I am the crown prince!"

"From where I come respect is something you must earn and that is something you will never get from me."

"I am of royal blood!" All at once Jisoo suddenly spits blood on his face.

The smirk was still there and have never left, even when Taehyung opened his eyes. "Now you are of no one's blood."

"HOW DARE YOU!" Another slap lands on her face. "Do you really want to meet with death that quick?"

"I will not let you run away from our deal. You told me that you will be the one who will kill me, be a man and meet the end of the contract."

"I cannot fathom what are you made of soldier... even after all the beatings you have received, you are here- still breathing and demanding that you are able to take more."

"Because of my oath." She answers. "It is an oath that I vowed to the crown princess, to the king and to the heavens and I will abide to my vow." She looks at the crown princess and despite of being badly beaten, she manages to smile genuinely at her. "Because it is the desire of my heart."

"Well then I am certain that the deities will save you a seat seeing how noble and righteous you are at the moment." Hearing that made Jisoo mentally scoff, and thought that maybe if Taehyung knew- he would've been screaming for dear life right now. "You are made out of noble soul Jisoo, and there are a few like you that existed, which simply amazes me."

He pulls out his poisonous sword and looks at the latter. "Did you know that this has poison as well?.. I planned to use this to you but after hearing your final speech- it made me rethink and came to a conclusion that you deserve a noble death." Tearing a piece of his clothing to wipe off the poison, he finally says- "Now, shall we proceed with your death?"

"No! Please no! Taehyung!" Jeni was starting to feel weak once again but tries her best to hold onto to Taehyung's foot. "No."

"The deities are showing you a little bit of favoritism Jisoo, look at how blessed you are to be able to hear your master's voice right before your life ends."

Ignoring his remark and teasing she closes her eyes and talks with Lisa. "Is everything ready?"

"I've taken out all of the guards... Taehyung will not make it out alive."

"He is going to stab me now Lisa."

"What?! And you are going to allow him!?"

"There is something I have not confessed to you... I- I have been removed of my rights from being an upper being and the champion when I made love to Jeni and surrendered my mission."

"Why did you speak of this only now?! I would've been able to-" Lisa sighs out loud but Jisoo could tell that she was just trying to control her emotions. "Chaeyoung is almost done with the antidote and I will be back there to save you so hang in there."

"I have to die for me to be in the final judgment."


"I have a plan-"

"Your plans either include of entire lunacy or a quick step to death. Wait for me, do not-"

"Trust me on this one Lisa. I have a plan, and all I need is for you to stay back and help Jeni when all of this is over."

"I cannot believe that out of all the times I chose to trust you it would be this time." She says. "And if I see Taehyung fleeing?"

"Let him leave... Wherever he goes, I will find him and he will die as I said- by my arrow or by my sword."

"Fine, I will trust you one last time Jisoo." Lisa was already shedding tears as she tries to regain composure. "Do not fail me."

"Yah servant! Do not die yet!" Taehyung's constant slapping brings her back to reality. "Aha, that's more like it."

"Before I die in your arms, there is something I would like you to assure me." She says in her limited breaths. "Give me the assurance that she is fully healed."

"Ha! And give you the upper hand?" He shakes his head. "You will betray me."

"I am a man of word your prince."

"How will I be able to give myself the guarantee that you will not kill me?"

"Stab my leg with the poison dagger. In that way, there is no absolute guarantee that I will be able to save myself or the crown princess for this matter."

Taehyung thinks about it for a while. "Very well."

He stabs Jisoo's thigh and leaving the dagger there before marching to wear the crown princess was still left crying. Opening his pendant, he forcibly makes Jeni drink the remaining content of the antidote provided. As soon as her lips came in contact with the last drop, she exhales very loud like a heavy substance was removed from her chest or similar to the feeling of being able to arise from the surface after being stuck underneath the water for a really long time.

When Jisoo got the affirmation that she needed, she shared a look with Taehyung before nodding her head, giving him the approval to end her life. While the crown princess was still recovering from the poison inside her body, Taehyung slowly approached the soldier who was in her perfect seated form.

The sound of his boots and the tip of his sword were the only sounds heard inside the small tree house. He stops when he was a few feet away from the latter. As he prepares for the strike he was about to take, Jisoo closes her eyes and communicates with her mother.

"Mother are you there waiting for me along with the others?"

"Yes we are my child."

"Is this the day I've been called upon?"

"I believe that it is."

"Mother, when they ask me how would I plead my case, that will be the time that I will be needing your help the most. "

"I vow to you my full assistance my child. Not just mine, but I speak in behalf of your brothers and sisters as well."

Their communication ends and Jisoo meets the crown prince's orbs. "I know that this has no bearing but it was nice meeting you Jisoo... you are one of the examples of how your mouth will bring you nothing but your end." He smirks. "Remember when you vowed that I will die by your weapon? Look at how the roles are reversed."

Jisoo remained proud and smirked back. "You will still die by my hands mortal. It may not make sense now, but I will see you, and I will kill you myself."

Hearing that just infuriated him. Holding the handle firmly and with both hands, he prepares his stance. "Die you filthy human!"

With a full-blown swing, he casts his raging strike towards the dying soldier but then fate decides to intervene and a surprising turn of events take place as Jeni takes the blow in Jisoo's place. Taehyung's sword cuts through her skin and pushes through the other side, hitting her middle chest.

The three of them were surprised to see the princess come in between their agreement when she could bare walk and withstand the pain caused by the poison. Jisoo looks at her lover who had her mouth open due to the shock of the strike. When Taehyung blinked, the first orbs he saw were of Jisoo's and he suddenly felt something bad was going to happen to him, seeing how her eye color changed.

Out of panic he decides to push the blade further into Jeni's body until the blade came in contact with Jisoo's hitting her on the same spot as her other half. Taehyung pulls out the blade and flees the scene, leaving the two of them all alone. Both of their bodies laid out on the floor inches away from one another and just as when Jisoo feels her final seconds, she decides to push through and talk with the person who owns her heart.

"My love... today is the day that I have been telling you since the beginning." She speaks. "Today is the day that they will judge my actions throughout the competition."

"Will... will you be back?"

"That I am not su-" she coughs out. "That I am not sure of, but you know how stubborn I can be. They will have a hard time pulling us apart."

"Do..." Jeni breathes heavily. "Do you promise to come back for me?"

"I promise to come back to you."

"Very well, go as you must. Do not mind me for I will be here waiting for you."

"Wait for me my love, I will return in your arms soon enough."

"And leave will you not again?"

Jisoo shows her a comforting look. "And leave will I not ever again."

Jeni watches her lovers eyes closed, and then prayed that someone will come back for her before she closes her very own eyes.


By the time that Jisoo opens her eyes, she was back into a very familiar territory wearing a very familiar dress. She looks up and saw the deities circling around you, their seats being the sole source of light in this dimension that they have created. She was starting to feel nervous about it, even more so when the deities were in their grand hanboks and stoic facial expressions. She catches a glimpse of her mother who briefly shoots her an assertive look before turning back to that blank yet very powerful face of hers.

"Arise upper being." Yuhwa commands Jisoo which the latter immediately agrees. "Do you know why you are here today?"

"I believe that I do."

"Then, you know what happens, here if you do something against natural laws, you will be judged."

"Yes goddess Yuhwa."

"You have been summoned here for the deities to evaluate and judge you for the actions you have done in the entire duration of the deicon. Every action, every choice and every emotion- both the good and the bed, will be seriously taken into account."

"I perfectly understand that goddess."

"Jisoo. The champion and the chosen champion of Halmang." Jumong's powerful voiced echoed through. "This is your final judgment."

"What the f-"

"Language!" Ryujin warns who was just as annoyed as her.

"Oh come on Ryu!" Jisu reasons. "You can't tell me to mind my language when the ending of this book left us all hanging!"

"Still, it doesn't call for your foul choice of words."

"Pft, if I knew better, Chaeyoung purposely do this to piss us off."

"Or she just wants to make sure that someone will read this." The latter argues. "Imagine writing this kind of story with all of her heart, hoping that someone out there whichever part of the universe gets to read this and tell the story themselves only to end up in the hands of a-"

"Homophobic? Anti-gay? Judgmental people?"

"I was going to say the hands of the wrong people but yeah- let's go with your choice of words this time."

Jisu ends up sighing in frustration. "What are we going to do now?"

"It's really saddening but I would like to believe that this is where our search ends." Ryujin's history partner gasps. "Jisu, I am invested in this story as much as you are but this is the National Archives where most of your nation's account is kept and preserved. What's more to look at?"

"Well the guard told us not to go to the restricted section right?" Ryujin's eyes went wide at the latter's suggestion. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Jisu! Have you forgotten that my grandfather used his title for us to have access on this account? If we go in the restricted section, not only we can get busted- this suggestion of yours could end the diplomatic relation of our countries!"

"Only if we get caught."

"There is no way I'll be risking my life, my family's name and even my country all because of a History project!"

"Are you really willing to end our History paper with an open close ending?" She asks and waits for her partner's response but Ryujin only looks to the side. "See? Don't fool yourself; you want to know the truth as much as I do."

"But what are even going to do Jis? We can't just go towards the restricted section, pick the lock and hope for the possibility that somewhere inside that huge section lies the missing record of Chaeyoung's writing." She stops her rant only to realize that she just suggested something to her partner. "Jisu-"

"Why, thank you for that wonderful suggestion."

"No. There is no way-"

"Shhh..." Jisu intertwines her hand with hers. "We'll be quick, search the area and return here. No one will ever know."

"You're crazy."

Jisu smiles. "My sister tells me that all the time."

They started walking towards the West section of the floor where a huge highlighted title 'Restricted Section Records' was posted feet above their heads. Both Jisu and Ryujin look at one another before giving each other the confirmation that they will push through this plan. By the time that they reached the door, Jisu was already jumping onto her feet with joy realizing that the door was left open.

Even Ryujin was surprised when she saw the door in that way. She looks at her partner who looked like she just thanked the deities for this blessing and by the time Jisu's smiling face was looking back at her she couldn't help but smile back, also feeling the same.

Ryujin and Jisu decided to split up to fasten their search for the missing account. While they were busying themselves, the person in charge of the CCTV was smiling as he continues to view the two from the monitoring area while enjoying his chocolate drink.

"Still the reckless person I see..." He smirks as he continues to view them.

"Ten!" His radio makes a sound. "How is it going there?"

He sighs before grabbing the radio. "Still the same thing five minutes ago when you asked me."

"What are they doing?"

"Reading the manuscript that was prepared on the table."

"Where's your partner?"

"Felix just went to the bathroom for a while."

"Monitor the girls well. The last thing we want is to have the President calling for us if he finds out that we let our guard down."

He rolled his eyes at his superior's over dramatic dedication. "Copy that chief." Ten says before turning to the monitor. "Alright kid, let's see if we can communicate just like the old times."

Minutes later. Ryujin receives a text message from Jisu that they should leave now because she already has the copy of the missing account that they have been looking for. She was quite surprised that the latter found it first but thankful that it didn't have to go to the extent as the scenarios she was imagining inside her head. They met at the entrance and left the door as it was originally placed before walking back to the table.

"Yah, what's wrong?" Ryujin asks as Jisu looked like she was still in another dimension. "Choi Jisu!"


She looks at her partner weirdly. "What's up? You're not like your usually self."

"My usual self?"

"You're completely silent and it's weird not hearing you."

"Well something weird did happen to me."

"How weird are we talking about?"

"Right after we separated, I started searching for the book but then my vision starts to get blurry and I felt like I was experiencing a severe headache. Then- all of a sudden, I could hear a voice. It was so vague that I couldn't tell whether if it's a man or a woman's voice but this sound felt like directing me towards this book."

Ryujin furrows her eyebrows. "What are you saying? Someone was mentally conversing with you is that it?"

"Yeah... it was so weird but then I've felt like I've done that before, multiple times." Jisu still couldn't get off the feeling from herself. "Whatever, let's just finish this one and head home. This place is giving me the creeps already." Ryujin nods in approval, hoping that she wouldn't experience something like what Jisu did.

"Jisoo, the champion of Halmang, listen as we will speak your positive actions."

"You have succeeded in the first trial where your heart was tested. You showed to us that you have a heart not just for the righteous, but for those who cease to exist within the society. You have that woman a voice when she did not have one, gave her strength when she was weak and gave her hope to believe in the deities when her faith was faltering." Haemosu dictates. "Your heart was calm along with your mind as you first decided to negotiate by their laws before punishing them by ours. For that, I truly commend you."

"You also succeeded in the second trial where your mind was tested in this case. Your heart was filled with anger, jealousy and wickedness and yet you chose to listen to your mind that did not think for thyself but decided for others. You, champion of Halmang saved the life of those who are deserving, including those who don't."

"You also did not use your strengths as to your personal gain rather you used it to train the army of the woman you chose to be your assignment and gave aid to the king of the nation who was in desperate need. You just showed to them that the deities listen to those who give praise and seek help."

"We have come to a mutual decision that your positive actions within the human realm has shown to the mortals that whenever they seek the deities' help and if they continue to give back what is ours and give us honor, we will bless them more than one way than you can imagine. Now, thanks to you, the mortals will continually show respect and honor towards us for the ages to come."

"However, you have also done a lot of things that weren't favorable in our eyes, and in our laws."

"The mind and the heart needs to work in harmony for you to win this deicon and while you have shown positive progress which was pleasing, there is one incident that you let your emotion rise above your mind- clouding your judgment and expressed unnecessary and negative actions. I am talking about your threat to the crown prince of Silla when he tried to take something divine from the crown princess."

"Not only did you threaten, you nearly killed the man and used your powers out of your emotions causing the lives of people. They may deserve the death, but you are not the judge of that for you a merely an upper being and not yet a full pledged deity."

"You pledged in this round arena, in front of us and placed your hand in the book of law that you will never reveal your true self whenever you are in the human world regardless how much you are caught in the act. But as you were healing yourself, you showed your true form to the crown princess and you, Jisoo- have committed the most unforgivable offense in our world." The God of Law says. "You bounded your soul with a mortal and allowed yourself to feel the only emotion we are not allowed to- and that is love."

The audience that was filled with her fellow upper being circling around the arena started gossiping as soon as the offense was stated in front of them. "And even if you are cleared on your previous offenses, you will never be forgiven to this sin that I have spoken which is why the deities have decided one thing. Your death sentence effective today and the defeat of the nation you vowed to protect."

"There is no sense for giving you the opportunity to plead for you have committed the ultimate sin. Therefore-"

"Before I will be sent to death- may I be granted to ask one thing?"

The deities looked around before Hwanung looks at her. "Speak."

"Why are we forbidden to feel love?"

"Love clouds the judgments of our hearts. If we are allowed to feel love, then we can never bring peace to the mortal world did you not read the book of law when you were in training?"

"But anger, pain, sadness and even the mere loss of someone beloved can also deceive one's judgment. How come we are allowed to feel all those besides love?"

"It is written before all of us exist champion and we have no right in questioning our creator."

"I am not questioning the creator; I am wondering why there was no concrete explanation as to why we were not allowed to feel love unlike the other laws who were thoroughly explained."She says. "Give me an explanation then I will allow you to judge death to me."

"You are in no position to make negotiations from us upper being. You are no deity."

"It is better to be an upper being who knows how and why laws were created rather than being a deity who simply follow the rules like a mere puppet." That caused a lot of gasps and look of surprise coming from her audience and the deities as well. "If you cannot explain why love is forbidden in our world then I will contest your judgment towards me."

"How dare you!"Hwanung exclaims as he stands up. "You are no one compared to us! That law-"

"Was written without any complete explanation!" Jisoo spits back. "Why did he imposed the law? What happened? How would he be able to tell that love is bad? H-"

"You cannot question the law!"

"I can question something I wish to know! It is my right!"

"You have no right for you are a mere mortal!"

"A mortal who has helped you people in sustaining your power by making the humans believe that deities exist. Without me and the other champions who have fallen you will be powerless and nothing but mere mortals like what I am right now."

"Jumong, judge this woman instantly! Her words will confuse our believers!"

"Go ahead! Pound the hammer of judgment so that the audience might see just how unfair your ruling is!" Jisoo screamed at the top of her lungs as she looks at the leader of the round table. "Slam that hammer right in front of all of them so their eyes might be open to the realization that you follow the rule that you do not understand."

The statement caused a huge ruckus from the audience alongside with the debates of the other deities. Amidst the chaos, Jumong remained still like he was in deep thought, eyes lingering and never leaving the accused who, in return remained still and showed determination despite the fact that she was inches away from her death making the leader of the round table wonder what was going through her head.

Suddenly, the quarrel was cut short when a huge sound descending from their sky crushes down to the center of their meeting. All of the audience were surprised and taken aback to see the great Dosumunjang in his royal form. While everyone was there still jaw slacked from seeing their great God, Jisoo was smiling in her head knowing that everything was going her way so far. The accused would have to thank her adviser for this because if it wasn't for her who accidentally suggested this- she would probably accept death just as it is.

"Lisa, do you remember an instance where the deities weren't able to come up with one decision?"

'Well from what the records state there wasn't a time where they didn't come up with a mutual decision. They would debate about it but Jumong balances everything out- hence he is the leader of their pack. A pack that you would be a member soon because I know you will triumph this above everyone else."

"What if the deities will never come to a mutual decision? What will happen then?"

"Hmm..." Lisa taps her chin; remember what was taught to her in their division. "Then, that's when Dosumunjang comes down from his home towards our world." She answers. "He has a ring given to Jumong and that ring lets him know if Jumong has come up with a decision."

"Does he interfere with Jumong's decisions?"

"Not really... he just wants to know if he has come up with a decision that's all." She says as she was moving the stars above them according to her will. "Look Jisoo, I made a horse with a horn!"

Disregarding her adviser's art she focuses on her plan. "But what if he will never come to a decision and that deed needs immediate action?"

"Usually Dosumunjang takes over his body and create the sanction but when the accused or the debate needs his appearance that's when he comes down, and he will be the judge." She says. "Why do you ask all of a sudden?"

"Nothing." Jisoo turns to Lisa with a smile. "Nothing at all."

All of the gods and goddesses bowed down in respect for the god who created and caused all of these. Dosumunjang was truly astonishing and the way the books had described him. His hanbok was colored in pearl white with the use of cloth that no one has ever seen before. Embroidered in his attire was a red dragon with gold to represent in his animal form. His long beard matches with the luscious look of his hair and his hands were filled with jewels taken from the most exquisite gems that can be found. He looks at his people with authority and gives a brief glance to Jumong who immediately looks away upon feeling his gaze.

"What is it that you are debating about that trouble you so well?" Dosumunjang never left his eyes at Jumong. "Speak Jumong, I demand an answer."

"It is about me your grace." Jisoo says as she bows down in front of the creator. "This chaos is all caused by me."

Now his attention shifts towards her. "And what do you possess that you have caused all of this mayhem?"

"Not but a question that demands a reasonable explanation your honor."

"Tell me what your query is."

Jisoo swallows the lump on your throat. "It is written in the book of life that all upper beings including the deities are not allowed to feel love. I just want a concrete statement."

"Have they not explained to you that it clouds our judgment? Billions of lives were taken away, kingdoms have fallen and eyes were blind because of it. That is why it is written, to protect you my children."

"Emotions cloud our judgment every time but how come that love is the only emotion excluded?"

Dosumunjang looks at her briefly. "You are Jisoo- the daughter of Halmang and the champion who threw her superior state all because of a mere crown princess."

She wanted to argue as soon as she called her lover 'mere' but she decides to bite her tongue and set aside her emotions and carry on with her plan. "That is why I need a proper answer your excellence. I want to know why?"

"And why do you want to know the reason?"

"Because I want to know that my death will be of valid reason. I want to assure myself that the grounds of the judgment placed upon my head is something that the deities understood, not something that they just read from the book of life."

"What they say is true about you Jisoo... you are a woman of bravery, dignity and fair judgment also intelligence, heart and amazing heart for the people who needs it." He compliments. "Such a shame that you will not be able to join with them as they made the make your lover's world a better place." He says and then he looks at Jisoo, face still full of confidence. "Child, why can you not see that I am trying to protect you?"

"With all due respect, if stripping my right to feel an emotion my heart wants to is called protection then I do not want it." She answers. "Not allowing us to feel love is similar to telling me that hate and evil does not exist as well."

"How so? We all know that hate is real."

"But how can we identify hate if we do not know what love is?" She asks. "How can we tell that this is the right thing to do if we haven't committed the wrong?" She says, making everyone think about her statement. "And how can you tell that they are giving me a justifiable judgment without hearing my side?"

"And what is your side? To tell us that love is good and love was never evil?"

"No sire, love is also evil but only if we allow it." She argues. "Love can be good and love can be bad, it can bring life or it can be the cause of your death- it can bring peace to the worlds or destruction – but that is why we need to know what love is; because it does not show us the bad side but also the good ones. Love is for every side your grace."Jisoo dares to stand up and walks closer to him. "You've felt love as well my Lord, for you will not protect us if you do not love us."

Dosumunjang seems to be in very deep thought until he starts to nod his head. "True my child... you are correct that love can be good and bad for I have experienced the good side." Then he turns to Jumong. "But your brother has experienced the bad side of it and it brought him to his most vulnerable form." All eyes were on Jumong now. "Love was not a walk under the blooming cherry blossoms for him but rather a road filled with thorns and he had to walk on bare feet. He has fallen in love with a woman, traded his immortality for her only to be kissed with betrayal."

"When he died, he pleaded me to write in the book of life to not allow love for his fellow siblings for their own protection and negotiated that he will be a deity that leads all of you. By being the leader of the round table, he will make sure that no one will ever have to go through what he has and as your father- who am I to decline?" He says. "I failed as a father who despite of loving Jumong dearly still allowed him to feel love and now- he will forever be scarred with it. But now, he will not fail as a brother who will protect you- because he loves you."

"That is not love and you know that. What he's doing to us is control..." She looks at Jumong, hate filled in her eyes. "If you experienced love in a very bad way does not mean it will also be bad for all of us. Just because you walked down the road filled with thorns does not mean your wounds will never be healed. You may be scarred for life only if you let the memories of the past cloud your present and future. As a brother you do not need to control us, but to advise us- to be there when we need your guidance. Not to hinder us to feel what we deserve to feel."

Then the God of Law suddenly interrupts Jisoo's conversation with their father. "Enough about this non-sense. For ages we have worked as a great world without love, we have prospered without it and it will take more than an upper being like you for us to change that."

"You have a prosperous world Hwanung but you will never be permanently happy. And that is what you're missing if you do not feel love."


"Jumong what is your final judgment?"Dosumunjang looks at his most favored son. "Speak my child."

Suddenly they were interrupted again by a beautiful voice. "Jumong, if you decide to end her life, then you can end mine here as well."Halmang walks out of her seat and kneels down beside her daughter. "Take my life away as well."

"End my life here too brother."

"End ours too."

Everyone was surprised when Jisoo's mother and siblings knelt down beside her. "Ha! You see now everyone? This is what love does to all of us!" Hwanung looks at Jisoo's bloodline with disgust. "It makes you weak, vulnerable and pathetic." He shakes his head. "I am glad that I will never be like you people."

"Love does not only make one weak but love does make you strong as well." Jumong finally speaks up. "Love does not only make someone good, but it also makes someone bad and love is neither right nor wrong for there is no right love or wrong love; we love in our own different ways..." He trails off. "That is why I forbid everyone to feel love, because I cannot be a judge of something we all have different opinions of."

"After hearing what Jisoo has to say, I have come to a conclusion that Soseono may have loved me for all the wrong reasons, but I have loved her for all the right ones and I should never allow to punish myself because I did the right thing." A small smile played along his lips. "I have loved with all of my existence. Just as how my mother loved me, how your mother and your siblings love you and how you love the crown princess of my land." He says and turns to his father. "Father- allow me to judge this trial." The god of creation nods his head and stands aside while his son took his stand as the leader of the circle table.

"Jisoo, you have pleaded your case. Not just in my eyes, but in my fellow deities, to my father and in the audience as well. Your pure heart and clean intention has brought light upon us and most especially towards me which is why I am removing the law of forbidding everyone to feel love and allow them to love with their own preference; whether you fall in love with your fellow upper being, to a deity or even to a mortal I will allow you only to the extent that it will not harm others, end a world or bring destruction in our justice system."

"Thank you." Jisoo bows repeatedly in gratitude. "Thank you."

"Your family may take their seats back for I will not end their lives for the rule that I just abolished." He says and her mother alongside with her siblings went back to their seats. "And I cannot find such deities as them Jisoo, losing them would destroy our world and as a leader, I cannot allow that to happen."

"Thank you as well brother."

"But as for you- things are a little different." He says. "However I will be a good leader and offer you a deal."

Her ears perked up when she heard the word 'deal'. "What deal is it that you offer?"

"I shall show favor towards Jeni's homeland which was my nation as well. I will go down together with the other deities and defend on their side. The Silla kingdom has not paid us respect and we will show what the consequences of not paying respect to us are."

"Goguryeo will be known as the best kingdom and it will be written by many accounts. The other nations will fear them and will rather choose an alliance with them rather declaring a war. Jeni will take place in her father's place as the ruler of her homeland and her bloodline will be filled with nothing but excellence and noble people. She will be blessed for her life, along with the generations that fall under her name. Her reign will be written as the most successful leader who led the nation to its golden era. People who will be able to live ages from now will know her name."

"And in return?"

"In return, you will agree to my terms and conditions." He says, and Jisoo waits for him to continue. "In exchange for our blessing towards your lover's land, you must surrender your rights as an upper being and live on for being a mortal for a thousand lifetimes." She nods her head in agreement. "You shall also cease to exist in each other's memory."

"Cease to exist then does that mean-"

"You will be erased from her memory, along with the people who lived along with your time in Earth... There will be no accounts written about you or your love story. The world will know you as the champion who failed Jeni thus why she will be experiencing great heartbreak for a thousand lifetimes." He speaks totally surprising Jisoo.

"In your next life as a mortal, you will have no memory of a crown princess named Jeni and she will have absolutely no idea of who you are." He speaks. "Not only will you have no clue of one another but you- Jisoo- will also be the cause of Jeni's death in every lifetime as she will be the cause in yours... you will die together and only in the last seconds of your lives will you two remember the history that has happened and the love that you both once shared." He finally states.

"And after a thousand lifetimes will I shower you with my blessing; and that is to return to your original form and have a seat in this round table as a member of the deities having Jeni as the thirteenth member of our family."

The accused upper being was confused. "B-h-why are you doing this?"

"Because love is not just good and bad Jisoo, love also means sacrifice." He says and then looks at her. "And are you willing to sacrifice for the mortal who holds your heart?"

Jisoo closes her eyes. "Then I am willing to sacrifice myself."

"My daughter no!" Her mother gasps from her seat but a look from Jumong makes her still.

The head of the round table looks at her. "Are you certain Jisoo?" He questions her once again. "Are you willing to leave your love behind, all because of a dying crown princess?"

"She is not just a crown princess brother..." She smiles before lifting her head up to face him with full of confidence. "She is Go Jeni, the woman who I will continuously love for more than your punishment." She says. "I accept your judgment but I have one more favor to ask of you."


"Allow me to kill Taehyung by myself as I have promised and allow me to say farewell to my love for a few seconds. We won't be remembering each other for a thousand lifetimes after all."

"Then so be it." Jumong grips on the handle of the hammer and slams it firmly creating a loud echoing sound all throughout their world. "I have judged you based on the actions and your plead Jisoo. By your thousandth lifetime a blue moon will arise and your punishment will be lifted and shall return to this world as a deity and together with your lover... your case is closed and go do forth your remaining tasks on the mortal world before you begin your punishment."

"Thank you brother."

Jisoo looks up and immediately sees her mother crying. She offers her an apologetic smile and mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' before turning to her siblings who were controlling their emotions as well. She gives her older sister a warm smile before turning to her brothers who were crying and just gave them thumbs up before a light covers upon her and descended downwards the Earth.

She finds herself in the woods, wearing her full upper being champion battle armor with her bow and arrow on her back and the sword on her side. She realized that Jumong has indeed granted her wish, and now she just have to end Taehyung's life in her hands.

Looking around she could hear heavy breathing a few meters away from her and grass wriggling against the ground. She smirks to herself as her prey has come. Grabbing the first arrow along with her bow she positioned it well against her chest and took a firm stand before preparing herself to fire. Suddenly she releases the bow that traveled in lightning speed and hears a loud groan from a distance.

Running in the same manner that her arrow has traveled, she sees Taehyung holding onto his injured foot while he screams for some help. Amusement and anticipation rose inside her blood, and the thirst for his blood to be splattered all over the ground just heightened.

"Leaving so soon?" She teases and the crown prince looked at her with such horror. "Do not act so surprise your highness, I know you've come to realize that I am not like you."

"W-w-what are you- AHHH!" He closes his eyes as Jisoo strikes again. "You think this is-"

Jisoo was showing no mercy towards the man as she fires shot after shot after shot, arrows scattered all over his body. By the time she was out of arrows, she pulls her sword out and dragged its tip on the ground, in the same manner that he did to her nearly dying body back inside the tree house.

"Twelve times Taehyung...I heard her screamed for my name twelve times." She spoke as Taehyung was struggling to keep everything together while looking at the twelve arrows stuck in his body. "Do you know how painful it is? Do you know how many times my heart broke hearing her voice break like that and tears fall from her eyes so freely?" She grits her teeth in anger.

"No Taehyung, you don't." She says. "Because you have never loved, and you will never feel love. That is my curse upon you and throughout your bloodline, you will never be satisfied with the love that people give you because you will never learn how to love."

Positioning the sword on his neck he looked at her with so much fear. "Please don't... don't kill me."

"If I do not end your life now, you will harm others and that is what I cannot allow to happen. I must protect the mortals from your wickedness that is why you must die here, with my arrows and my sword as I vowed to you days before this was happened."

"Let me... let me plead to the deities." He coughs out more blood creating a mess on his face. "Help me plead to them."

"For now, plead your case with Yeonma as he devours your body bit by bit." Jisoo forces down her sword towards his neck, ending his life right there before completely disappearing leaving Taehyung's lifeless form in his own blood.


Jisoo opens her eyes and releases a gasp when she regained her consciousness back. Looking around, she realizes that she was back at the tree house where feet apart the woman that she love the most was. She tries to get up, but then her wounded state forbids her from doing so. Instead, she lets her hand reach out to her other half, giving it a short squeeze. It only took Jeni seconds to respond to her lover's touch, giving a brief squeeze as Jisoo's orbs meets Jeni's weak and dull ones.

She offered the latter a sad smile. "Had I been away for a while?"

"No, I was just taking a short nap."

"How beautiful..." She sighs as she looks at the love of her life. "Even at times like this, your beauty rises above the others."

"I could speak the same of you." Jeni weakly smiles. "I should've known from the very beginning your beauty does not belong here."

"I wish I could stare at you forever my love..." Jisoo's poor voice fills the crown princess' ears. "I wish I could look at you and stare at the calm waves that your eyes possess."

"Did they not show favor upon us?" The latter asks. "Did they turn their backs on you? On me- a mortal who seek for their help?"

The former upper being shakes her head in disagreement. "Jumong along with the others are battling alongside with Goguryeo as we speak. He announced blessings upon your land and promised you the throne."

Jeni sighs in relief but then thought of something with Jisoo's words. "And what is on the other end of the bargain? What did he ask of you?"

"He told me that we would be separated for a thousand lifetimes..."

"What? Separated for a thousand lifetimes?" Jeni looked so lost. "Are you telling me..."

The latter nods her head. "I am cast to be a mortal and as we reset our lives, you will not remember a single thing about me and I will do the same with you. We will cease to exist in each other's memories and..." Jisoo swallows the lump on her throat as she struggles to keep her time going.

"I will be the cause of your death for a thousand lifetimes and in the dying seconds of your life, we will know our past, but everything will be too late for you will die and I will remember the punishment cast in me for the rest of my life."

"And what happens after a thousand lifetimes?"

"We will be reunited." She answers. "When the blue moon arises, it will be a sign for our souls to come together as one. We will have seats in the round table of the deities and we will continue with our story from there on as we govern over the mortal world."

"In exchange for his blessing of our love, he must first separate us for a thousand of lives?" Jisoo nods her head. "Hearing this made me excited to just meet him."

"I am so sorry, I should have fought for us more. I should have argued until the very end to show to him that we-"

"Even if you would've fought until the very end- I am pretty certain that he will remain firm with his offer. It was a non-negotiable deal, and what he offered was pretty tempting even a mere mortal would jump at it without thinking the consequences."

"But still..." Jisoo looks down, trying to control her tears. "I think I have failed you."

"Jisoo, look at me." The latter complies and it brought her to tears when she saw Jeni's dying face. "I will never think that you have failed me. To think that we are only separated for a thousand lives is already a privilege. After everything we have been through, everything we have sacrificed a thousand lifetimes apart is nothing." She smiles amidst the tears flowing from her eyes. "Even if our minds will forget one another, I believe that our stubborn hearts will always find its way back to where it belongs. My mind may forget your face but my heart will never forget the way you came through the doors of my home asking for some help and shelter."

"It will never forget how your eyes are looking through my very soul nor forget the way your lips brushed against mine as I repeatedly surrendered myself to you. We may be apart for a long time, but I believe that my heart will make me spend every life trying to find you."

Jisoo closes her eyes and bursts out her tears. "How come you are so calm about this?"

"Because I know that this sacrifice will be worth it in the end." She says. "Allowing my heart to be broken by lots of times in exchange to be in your arms is the act that I will not mind doing over and over again Jisoo. As long as it is by you, for you- there's nothing I am not willing to risk."

"Besides, we just should think of this as a task given to us. We are the chosen ones to prove to them that a love like ours can exists even if time will pass us by and different forms of love can be found. We need to prove to them that we are stronger and what we have is real, and most importantly we need to show to them that we a bigger than a thousand lives of separation."

"You ..." Jisoo ends up nodding her head while trying to catch her breath. "You and I, we are bigger than this." She nods her head. "We are bigger than this."

Jeni smiles at her lover as she feels her heart slowly losing its beat. "It is time is it?"

"I... I believe so."

"Jisoo before everything ends, I want you to know that I-" Jisoo looks at Jeni's orbs and saw neither storming waves nor harmful tsunamis but instead a very calm and clear day- like she was at peace. "Before all of this will start I want you to know that..." Jeni was trying hard to keep up. "Jisoo, I-"

But before she could utter the words she wants Jisoo to hear, life was taken away from her hands- and the upper being watched as her lover die right in front of her. Her shoulders were no longer moving in breathing motion, there was no struggle in her nose trying to catch her breath, and the once calming ocean she found in her lover's eyes disappeared as she closed her eyes.

Jisoo's heart broke and realized how painful this was going to be for a thousand lifetime... despite of being heavily injured she carefully crawls her way towards the crown princess, cupping her cheek with her own bloody hand before crying even more so when she knew that the love of her life wanted to say something towards her. She knew what those words were but to not hear it directly from Jeni made her want to revive the latter for a few short moments just to hear them out.

So Jisoo has decided that even though Jeni was unable to speak the three words, with her last seconds left she will be the one who will utter it towards her. Leaning closer she kisses the crown princess' forehead and just as she was about to whisper softly the words- the life remaining from Jisoo runs out- turning her into a lifeless form beside her lover.

This was the start of everything.

This was their first life out of the thousand lifetimes apart.

"...wow. I-"

"Yeah, me too..."

They placed back the book into the table as they leaned onto the chairs for support. The two of them felt like there was something placed upon their chest after reading the possible last account of the crown princess of Goguryeo. Looking at one another, they were both shocked to see tears coming out from their eyes. It was weirdly awkward yet deep down they couldn't help but sense the familiarity between the two of them.

"But I don't understand, if Jisoo were meant to be forgotten during Jeni's era, then how come Chaeyoung was able to remember everything and write about it?"

"That's because unknown to Jeni, her royal maid was the remaining shaman of their bloodline." The security appears all of the sudden making the two girls surprised. "Before her parents died she was protected to not be affected by the deities' decisions in the mortal world which is why she remembered everything and thought that it was such an unfair judgment thus why she wrote this entire account."

"Uh... hi good evening sir..."

"That's Officer Lee for you, but you can call me Felix." He smiles as he approaches them. "I believe you have something that belongs in the restricted section?"

Jisu and Ryujin look at one another before the Japanese native reluctantly let go of the book. "Sir... how did you know about Park Chaeyoung?"

"Well we have a huge library, it would be a total waste to not use it while we can right?" He answers. "Now, I know you two saw me coming inside of the restricted section but I also know you stole something from the restricted section as well. Why don't we settle this old fashion way guys? I won't tell your secret if you won't tell mine."

Both of them looked at each other for a brief moment before Ryujin turns to him. "Fine, it's a deal." She extends her hand.

Felix bows down to Ryujin instead, totally catching the latter off guard. "Thank you your highness."


"Hey girlies, time to leave. It's already closing time." Another officer arrives at the scene.


"It was nice meeting you Officer Lee." Jisu smiles at him and off they were gone from his eyes.

Felix lets out a sigh while holding tightly onto the book that was in his hands. He carefully traces the pattern and a smile emerges from his face. "Guess writing you after all this time wasn't put to waste after all."

After saying farewell to the lobby guards, Jisu and Ryujin walk lazily with Ryujin guiding her bicycle on the way to the bus stop where Jisu would get on. For a first few moments no one dared to speak, as if they were having a hard time letting all the information sink in. It was bittersweet, cliff-hanging and unexplainable feeling as the story finally comes to an end. Arriving at the bus stop, the silence between them was shattered by Jisu who released out a sigh.

"I... I still cannot believe it..."

"Same here."

"That was some kind of story you'd have to agree right?"

"Yeah it-" Ryujin shakes her head. "It definitely is."

"I wondered if professor gave this to us just because he decided to or did he want us to find something out?"

Her partner gives it a few thinking seconds. "I'd like to think that it was more than the professor."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I felt that somewhere, somehow- someone else wanted the story to be read you know, like someone just used the professor to have someone read and know what really happened with the crown princess. Just like what you said to my grandfather, Jeni's story does not need a big audience, but all she needs is for someone to know the truth why she was labeled as the princess who broke her heart a thousand times."

"Yeah..." Just reliving the moments earlier made Jisu shakes her head in disbelief and amusement. "And here I thought scenarios such as this only exists in the movies."

Ryujin chuckles. "Yeah me too."

Suddenly the bus arrives, cutting their conversation short. "This is my ride."

"I told you I would've escorted you home."

"No problem Ryu I ride this one all the time."

Jisu was already heading up when- "Ah, Jisu?"


"Can..." She bites her lower lip. "Message me when you get home yeah?"

The latter was clearly surprised with the sudden show of concern. "Did you just-"

"I am not going to repeat that." Ryujin says, looking away to hide the blush from her cheeks.

"Okay." Jisu answers with a smile. "I'll text you when I get home. Also, when are we going to finally write the paper okay?"

"Sure thing." Ryujin answers. "Alright, you go up now."

As Jisu got inside the bus, she wanted to say thank you to Ryujin for being a supportive partner while Ryujin stood there watching as Jisu's bus disappear from her vision, mentally kicking herself for not saying what was already at the tip of her tongue, which was a simple thank you for Jisu, for being the most adventurous friend she has ever met.


"Did you two seriously wrote this?" Their History professor places down her eyeglasses and looks at his students.

"Yes, we did."

"But how?" She asks. "There are not a lot of accounts of the crown princess."

"Well..." Jisu trails off, thinking of the right words to say. "We kind of did an internet research and found some reliable resources, plus- we got a little help from Ryujin's grandfather."

"Of course." The latter nods her head. "Well as you know that I am not grading this one yet but I think- just by reading the first few paragraphs and the fact that it is 50 pages long makes me want to ditch my next class and get going." She chuckles as the students smiled at her. "Very well done you two."

"Professor, if you don't mind I'd like to ask you a question." Ryujin speaks up. "Why did you chose to give the story of the crown princess to us?"

"Well to be honest, I never really thought of the crown princess of Goguryeo to be included in the list. It didn't had a lot of available stories for you to dig in, and there was minimal information about her. All we know is that she was the greatest leader of the land, following the footsteps of her forefathers. But I believe that there was a deeper story towards her." She says and look at the girls. "And thanks to you two- her story will be told the way it should have been. Just how it was written on the stars."

Both of them were confused with her statement and was about to ask her why when- "YAH KWON!"

"Aish, really." She curses underneath her breath before turning towards the woman who was standing by the door. "Hi Hon-"

"Don't hi honey me." The latter says in her English accent. "I told you we need to leave for our daughter's recital! N.O.W. Now!"

"Yes sweetie I was just fixing my things." She chuckles nervously before turning to her students. "Uh honey these are my students- Choi Jisu and Shin Ryujin. Guys, this is my wife-"

"Jessica Kwon hello ladies." Jessica speaks and smiles warmly at them. "Does my wife bother you much with the homework?"

"Oh no... not really Mrs. Kwon." Jisu smiles. "In fact she just allowed us to have a wonderful adventure. If it weren't for your wife, we wouldn't be able to be together."

"Well that's nice. I'm glad that you two are finally together." Jessica smiles as the kids look at her with horror. "Did I say something wrong?"

"We- we're not in that kind of together Mrs. Kwon." Ryujin shyly answers. "She meant together as friends."

"Oh! Sorry for imposing, I thought you guys were because you look cute together." She compliments making the two blush in embarrassment. "I'm really happy that you two are friends, hope you two stay that way."

"Honey shall we take our leave?" The latter nods her head. "Alright you two, your grades will be posted sometimes later, but for now- the school year is done and I hope you two enjoy your summer."

The two just nod their head and look at their History professor acting all sweet and romantic with her wife. As they disappear from their vision, Jisu chuckles and Ryujin looks at her with confusion. "Why are you laughing?"

"Nothing it's..." Jisu smiles. "It's just that I remembered that one part of the story where the crown princess gets mad Jisoo would do all the things that would melt her anger away."

"Those two did act somehow like them right?"

"Yeah... if Jeni and Jisoo were alive in this era, I would like to believe that they would be like that." She turns to Ryujin. "So I guess this is the end of our partnership."

"I guess..."

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For putting up with me." She says. "I know I can be a little annoying and crazy-"

"A little?" Jisu shots her a glare which made her raise her hands in defense. "Sorry."

"Like I said, I can be a little annoying and crazy but you really went along with me." She smiles. "Thanks."

"Well... you can thank me in another way." Jisu's eyes went wide and started slapping Ryujin. "What!?"

"I am not going to surrender my virginity!" She immediately covers her body. "No way!"

Ryujin looks at her as if she had three heads. "I wasn't talking about that pervert!"

"Then what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about accompanying me somewhere tonight. There's something that I want you to see with me." She answers. "Text me your address, and I'll pick you up tonight."

She leaves Jisu all alone and the latter just stood there for a few moments until she snaps her head towards the hallway where Ryujin disappeared herself into. "Did she just asked me out on a date?!"


It was seven o'clock in the evening when a familiar Rolls-Royce was parked outside a sub-urban mansion on the highland streets of the Gangnam District. The man from the passenger seat emerges and opens the back door, revealing Ryujin wearing her casual look that consisted of a branded plain white shirt tucked with some faded jeans and her high-cut shoes along with her denim jacket. She nods at her bodyguard before grabbing a bag and heading towards the main door and rang the doorbell.

She was mentally preparing herself, calming her emotions down and just trying to let all the negativity go when the door opens, and she was immediately taken aback when she meets with probably the most beautiful person in the world.

"Hello dear! You must be Jisu's friend, Ryujin right?" The latter extends her hand and shakes it.

"Good evening Mrs. Choi." Ryujin bows down. "I've brought along some Japanese delicacies with me. I hope that your family will like it."

"Thank you! My wife love these by the way. She is freaking obsessed with your Tempura!" She chuckles.

"Mom? Who is it?" Jisu's voice echoed.

"Uh... the pizza delivery guy!" She winks at Ryujin to let her keep quiet. "Why?"

"Let me know if Ryujin's here already okay?"

"Honey, don't be so nervous. She just probably asked you out on a friendly date that's all."

"Still this means so much to me. Ryujin is pretty nice okay and I just do not want to mess this one up."

"Pretty nice to be your crush?"

"Stop embarrassing me in front of the pizza delivery guy!"

"I am not!" Her mom shots back. "You're embarrassing yourself because you're screaming!"

"Mom shut it! I am really nervous right now and you shouting at me doesn't help!"

"Jisu honey do you have spare change? My wallet's at the room."

"Ugh!!!" Ryujin chuckles hearing the latter's frustrated groan and hears footsteps approaching. "I swear if the triplets bought a lot-" Jisu stops in her tracks realizing it was Ryujin on their doorstep.

"Hi." She awkwardly waves.

Jisu looks at her mother who was nervously chuckling. "Oh look! We got Japanese delicacies!" She grabs the bag and looks at Ryujin. "Now, Ryujin I will be a little lenient towards you knowing that you have bodyguards around but- I would like to have my daughter home by two in the morning okay? No later than that."

"Understood Mrs. Choi."

"Good!" She turns towards her daughter and kisses her on the cheek. "You two have fun."

The door closes and Jisu just sighs. "Tell me that didn't just happen."

"That didn't just happen." Ryujin smiles. "You look beautiful by the way." She says referring to Jisu's cute red dress.

She shots her head up and a smile involuntarily escapes from her. "Really?"

"Yeah, totally." Ryujin says. "So shall we get going?"

"Where are we heading anyways?"

"To a place where I surely know that you will love."


"OH. MY. GOD."

Ryujin smiles and does a fist pump in her mind after gaining that reaction from Jisu. She took the latter out towards one of their family's property- a house surrounded by trees with an overlooking view of the city. It looked like a tree house and Ryujin remember spending her summers her with her dogs before flying back to Japan. She remembered that Jisu liked the skies along with the stars and thought that her words may fail to express her gratitude towards the latter but she hopes that this one will make her understand.

Out on the deck she had prepared a mat filled with snacks and food they can enjoy while looking at the view. She invites Jisu- who didn't stop taking pictures of the view to sit down and have a nice meal with her and talked for all the times that they weren't able to.

"Do you like the place?"

"Oh my God Ryujin is that even a question? I love the place! It's so high, private and just- amazing. Completely out of words."

"I'm glad you liked it." Just then she noticed that the latter so she pulls out her jacket and wraps it around her, surprising Jisu completely.

"It's fine I can-"

"You're going to freeze yourself if you don't." She reasons.

"And what about you?"

Ryujin takes a look at her before looking away. "I am okay now."

Jisu smiles at her. "So, what's the reason for taking me out today?"

"I just want to say thank you to you." She looks at Jisu. "Thank you for putting up with me... I know I tend to be a little distant at first and just silent, but you never gave up on me. It was nice you know, meeting someone who really tries to get to know you and not just for your surname and title."

"At first, I really thought you were just a cold person. You only had only friend- Yeji and when she went off to college you became distant... I wanted to know you better, but I was afraid you might push me away." She admits. "If I had known better, I would've tried earlier."

"I would've tried earlier too... maybe in that way- I can bring more happy memories with me."

Jisu furrows her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"There were a lot that I've learned and I've realized while we were covering the story of the crown princess. Before, I was very lenient with my title you know... I really didn't think too much of it and I just thought to myself that running away from my responsibility and living a normal life would make me happy but reading her story made me realize how much she was willing to give up just for her nation and her selflessness have helped me realize on what I really want to do with my life."

"And that is...?"

"That is to serve my country." She answers. "That is why I've decided that this will be my last year in Korea and I'm going to move back to Japan to train myself to be of good use to my nation."

"You're... you're leaving?"

Ryujin gives her a sad smile. "I'm sorry Jisu."

Jisu couldn't help but feel heavy hearing the news from the latter. It was as if something heavy landed on her chest and she couldn't properly breathe. "Sorry, I- it's just too sudden..." She trails off. "I- I want to be happy for you Ryu really but hearing that just-" She sighs out loud. "I don't know what to feel- I mean when are you leaving anyways?"


"Tomorrow!?" She gasps out loud. "When did you even decided that you want to serve your country?!"

"Last night, I had a talk with my grandfather and he told me I should leave with him tomorrow." Jisu looks at her with disbelief. "But even if I am miles away our friendship will never change you know? There's video chatting now and we can text if you think you're too bloated to have your face exposed. We have ways to better communicate with one another and just because we're miles away does not mean we won't be friends anymore."

Jisu's mind is now filled with worries. "But what if I become a bother to you? Moving back there would mean being in different worlds Ryu, you have a bigger responsibility and what if I call you at times where you need some alone time? What if you will gain too many friends to call me one of them? What if the distance is just too far away to make things possible?"

"I too have my worries Jisu believe me and I probably have lots of them more than you do but you know what keeps me going?" She asks, making the latter look at her. "Because I know that deep down in my heart, despite the distance, the responsibilities, the difference of our worlds- we will make this work."


"Because I have never met someone like you Choi Jisu." She smiles. "You do understand what I am trying to say right?"

Jisu nods her head. "It felt weird at first, but the times that I am with you made me disregard the fact that we just recently met..." She says. "Being with you made me feel like I've known you all my life, like-"

"We've already met in our past life and meeting you now in a different way made me think that we're just picking up where we left off?" Ryujin completes the sentence for her. "Yeah, I feel like I've known you for centuries long too."

"How come you are so calm about this?"

"Because I am confident that we will definitely meet again. I can go back here to visit dad, or while you're in vacation in Japan- you can come and visit me. There's so many ways to make this one work Jisu, we just got to keep on finding those reasons." She says. "And besides, whenever you feel like you need my presence, you just hold onto this."

Jisu was surprised when Ryujin starts to lean in quick, making her senses shut down and she was just there sitting like a dead log in the middle of a lively crowd. Suddenly, her skin came in contact with the tip of Ryujin's fingers that sent chills to her spine. She was so affected of the connection that she had to bite her tongue to hold out her gasp. When Ryujin moves away, Jisu looks down and sees the most beautiful thing she had probably seen in her entire life.

It was a golden necklace having a blue moon as its pendant.

"Ryu..." She trails off in complete awe of the jewelry. "This is..."

"I was on my way home earlier when I saw this by the window. I told my driver to stop and I ran towards the shop just to buy it." She smiles. "I have never been reckless before, but there was something about this necklace that told me to give this to you. Plus, it holds a promise for the both of us just like Jeni and Jisoo who were destined to meet once a blue moon appears."

"It's beautiful... thank you."

"Am I forgiven now?"

Jisu smiles at Ryujin. "Ryu, I can never be angry with your sudden departure. It is what your heart wants and whenever your heart wants just go for it. I will not stop you."

"Thank you Jisu." She smiles widely showing off those cute eye dimples. "Thank you."

"Come here you." Jisu pulls her in for a hug, complete catching Ryujin off guard. "I'm pretty sure you're going to do great there. You're going to make every member of your family so proud of you I just know it."

"Keep that up and I might just bring you to Japan with me." Both of them chuckle hearing that. "Do you think that Jisoo and Jeni have already met? Do you think that they're already taking a seat with the deities and helping them guide humans?" There was silence coming from Jisu and Ryujin could feel that she suddenly felt stiff. "Jisu?"

"Ryujin, I think they're just about to meet."

She pulls away, facing her with furrowed eyebrows. "What do you mean?"


Ryujin turns to where Jisu was looking and now she becomes stiff similar to the latter's reaction. Millions of miles away and way up above lies the thing that they never would've thought they would be able to see.

The blue moon.

It was beautiful, captivating, marvelous and just absolutely divine. It was something so alluring that you couldn't keep your eyes off once you start looking at it, and that is what is happening to both Ryujin and Jisu- who seemed to be under a spell underneath the blue moon's light. There was something about it that made them feel things inside in their own bodies, similar to experience a very magical and unexplainable feeling. That feeling made them close their eyes at the same time and when they opened them a few seconds later- Ryujin was the first one to look at Jisu and speak up.

"Alas, we're finally here." She says as she greets Jisu's eyes. "Hello there."

Jisu looks back at her matching the look in her eyes. "Hello my love."

The crown princess smiles at her. "We finally met."

"After a thousand deaths." Jisoo smiles at her lover. "I am sorry; I've caused you so much pain."

"Oh you have caused me nothing my love, I cannot even fathom the pain you have to go through every lifetime. Seeing me pass away and being the cause of it only to spend the remaining days of your life in regret thinking about the endless possibilities as you remember our past story." Jeni answers. "You do not know how long I have waited for this moment to come."

"Believe me I do because I have craved you more than you will ever know Jeni." She cups Jeni's cheek to which the latter melts and leans herself onto. "You still look as beautiful as ever."

Jeni closes her eyes and smile. "But my dear you are still more beautiful, ethereal even."

"Do you speak the truth or just use flowery words?"

"I never used flowery words when complimenting the love of my life." Jeni opens her eyes and looks straight at the orbs of her other-half. "You look like the very first time I saw you properly... the time when you declared the desire of your heart was to protect me."

"And what have you thought of me that time?"

"Breath-taking." Jisu chuckles and it brought such warmth to Jeni's. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too Jeni..." Suddenly, the moon's glowing light catches their attention. "They're calling for us now."

"Before we head there, I want to speak to you something." Jeni says. "It is something that I have always wanted to say but I always end up coming short for a thousand lifetimes. It is something that I wanted you to know even before all of this happened."

"And that is?"

"I love you." She says; eyes were on the bridge of shedding tears. "I love you Jisoo."

Feeling the same as her lover, Jisoo smiles. "I love you Jeni, I love you."

And with that both of them leaned in, closed their eyes and shared their first kiss after a thousand years.


Opening their eyes, they find themselves in front of thousands of people- one that Jeni wasn't really familiar with, but in Jisoo's eyes all of this was very familiar to her. There were little changes, but those changes shaped her home and turned it into something better.

Out of the crowd, the two of them spotted two familiar beings and they widened their eyes when they realized that it was Lisa and Chaeyoung holding onto a very beautiful lady child. Lisa was carrying her in her arms with Chaeyoung was using the child's hand to wave at them. It made them smile at their friends but what made them really happy was to see that they have returned to their original bodies, both wearing pure white dresses and at the front- were the eleven deities, together with Dosumunjang, who seems to be waiting for them.

After reassuring Jeni with a nod both of them walked towards the center stage, bowing in front at the god of all gods and in front of the deities in respect.

"Jisoo, daughter of Halmang and Jeni, descendant of Jumong, arise." They both complied to his order. "You are here because you two have finished your punishment of being apart for a thousand lifetimes. It was not an easy punishment and we all have witnessed it for in your every death we were an audience to each and every one of them. A simple upper being would've prayed to the deities to cut their punishment short or begged for the end of it and wishes not to pursue further but you Jisoo- you chose to remain silent and went on with the punishment despite the pain and for that I commend your drive to push through- your mind was able to be firm, despite the constant temptation that may cloud your judgment."

"Thank you, your excellence."

Dosumunjang turns his attention to the woman he meets physically for the first time. "Jeni, what you had to go through was not an easy thing to do as well. To have your heart broken for a thousand times, to have your lover to be the cause of your death and pain and to remember her only your dying moments and forget her in the next life is a thing that no one absolutely wishes to go through. You could have argued with Jisoo, told her that you are not up to the punishment and reincarnated in another way but you chose to go through this punishment with Jisoo, remained calm and fully accepted your fate without any questions. I admire your bravery, but most of all I commend your heart your brave heart Go Jeni."

"Thank you, your grace."

Jumong stands up and looks at them in the eye. "As we have talked about Jisoo, you have fulfilled your end of the deal and now- it is I who will have to meet the ends of this agreement." He speaks. "I now lift my punishment towards you- and you shall reunite with the woman beside you."

"Not only that but as promised you will take a seat with us being the twelfth member of the deities and Jeni being the thirteenth but after much deliberation we have decided to bind you together as one and to make Lisa and Chaeyoung being the thirteenth member of this council. " He states surprising their friends who immediately went to the center stage and bowed down beside their friends. "Father, you may declare now their purpose in this council."

"Chaeyoung, the daughter of the last shamans in the land of Goguryeo. Throughout this trial you have shown compassion, while you Lisa- an upper being and the adviser of Halmang's daughter showed endless loyalty towards your champion. The two of you have become their endless source of aid in every life they get to live and if that is not the true meaning of friendship then I do not know what else is. I admire your dedication as you guide their souls back together and for that- you Chaeyoung and Lisa will be the deities of Soul mates. You will be the mortal's source of guidance to walk them the people who will help them grow, to reach their full potential just as you did with your friends."

"Arise and take your seats in the round table." Then he turns to the two remaining beings. "Jisoo, you have shown us that a calm mind can do great things. Your intelligence is out of this world, and you will truly be of aid to us, more importantly to the mortals who are in need of your guidance for that you shall be called the deity of wisdom." He says. "And to you- Jeni, as I have said earlier I admire your heart above everything else for it showed us a lot of things and helped us realized that deciding with the mind is good, but deciding with the heart is better. With your heart, you will be a great assistance in dealing with humanly matters in debates and you- Go Jeni will be the mortal's source of hope in times of trouble and because of this Jeni- I shall bestow to you the right of being called the deity of the heart."

"A mind will help us think, while a heart will help us feel. Together, you two will be the deity that proved to us that we must not be forbidden to feel- to think this way for even us; the upper beings including the deities have the right to love and be love. If it was not for your love story the world we are living in might have been the same, judging a feel that we never get to experience therefore you two shall be the deities of love, guiding the mortals to decide not only with their mind but with their hearts as well." He says. "Arise my children and take a seat around the round table."

Dosumunjang looks at his council with pride. "You are my champions. Take serious pride in what you do, for this is not an easy task placed upon your shoulders. Your titles carry on power- but it also carries responsibility. Use them well, and remember your purpose in this council. Govern over the mortals well, and let them not forget that there are deities watching over them, waiting for their eyes to turn up and call upon our names."

"Thank you Father."

"I will ascend now with peace, knowing that my children have leaders to look upon and the mortals to rely on." And with that- Dosumunjang ascends upwards and the ceremony comes now to a close.

"Deities of love." Jumong calls upon Jeni and Jisoo. "You now have a task at hand."

"And what task it is that you speak?"

"Them." The round table illuminates Ryujin and Jisu blushing after the unexpected kiss and them shaking the awkwardness away by talking about other things. "What will be their fate?"

"They are the last lives that you got to live before ascending into your seats." He says. "Will you decide to separate them or let them be together and have Chaeyoung and Lisa declare them as soul mates?"

Jeni and Jisoo looked at one another then look towards to the two mortals who were still in a very awkward situation. After a few moments, Jeni smiled before turning to her brothers and sisters who were waiting for their answers.

"We have decided to separate them Jumong." Jeni speaks. "With their current state, they clearly cannot be together. For Ryujin has a responsibility to fulfill and Jisu has a dream to accomplish. But it does not mean that they are made for one another."

"So do we declare them as soul mates?"

Jisoo shakes her head. "They are more than soul mates my fellow deities."

"They are twin flames." Jeni states. "They derive from the same soul, the same energy. Even if they are separated, no matter how many times or how long- they will always find their way back to one another. Nothing can ever break their bond and no matter what happens they will always stay connected."

The head of the council nods his head in agreement. "Do I hear any objections?" All of them shook their heads, including Hwanung who was used to oppose to the idea of having Jisoo as a deity. "Very well-" Jumong once again slams the hammer of judgment. "Shin Ryujin and Choi Jisu will be declared as twin flames that will be connected in this life- and in the lifetimes that will follow." He states. "Thank you for your advise Deities of Love."

The two of them bowed in return and looked at the two youngsters who were now laughing their hearts out, completely forgetting the unexpected kiss that they shared earlier. Jeni looks at them with a cheeky grin as she felt Jisoo's hand snaking in and intertwining their hands together. She looked at Jisoo's orbs that have calm waves and relaxing ambiance.

"You ready to do this for the rest of your immortality?"

"What? To be seated with you, to bind with you as one and be a deity of heart and love?"

Jisoo grins. "Yeah, that."

"Yes I am."

"And you do not regret anything that has happened in your life?"

"The only regret I will be feeling is if I didn't choose to be with you Jisoo." She answers. "Looking at where we are right now- I am happy. Content."

"Despite the continuous heartbreak for a thousand lifetime?"

"Even that." Jeni smiles as she leans on to Jisoo's head while they continue to watch Ryujin leaning onto Jisu for support while they lie down and watch the stars. "How long will they have to wait for them to be together love? Do you think that it will take them light years before they realize their destiny?"

"I cannot tell my love but one thing is for sure though."

"And what is that?"

"They will choose one another now, and will keep choosing one another." She looks at her other half and smiles. "Just like we did."

Jeni's heart was at peace hearing her lover's words. Cuddling closer to her she lets out a content smile before closing her eyes. "Yeah, just like we did."

Just like them who choose to love one another in their past lives, in this life and in the centuries that will follow.


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