Focus Part 1

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"Heads up ladies, I'm only going through the run-through one more time." A man stands up in the middle of the conference room. "We've received intel from the police that a warehouse near Gwangnaru-ro has been doing some odd deliveries. When we sent our informant to act as a buyer, we've confirmed that the said warehouse has been selling black-marketed goods to syndicates down to the local gangsters all over Seoul. It's run by one of the biggest terrorist groups here in Asia, The Disciples and unfortunately, they've already penetrated most areas of the country and now they are in Seoul, trying to build and solidify their empire all across the continent."

"Our main target is this- asshole right here." The captain points at the whiteboard with a man in his classic business suit. "Seungri is the said leader of these transactions but I know he's not the big boss but he can help us find him. This is our guy and I want him alive."

"You will identify as our informant will create a slight commotion and spray him with invisible ink, that you will be able to see through your night vision." He looks at the agents under his wing. "At 23:00 sharp, the negotiation will be done. I want everybody to stay sharp and be on point. We don't know what type of weapons they have with them, but we've installed a camera on our agent's necklace and no earpiece just in case they try to search him. You can easily identify the informant and our agents by searching the big X mark written on their tops that's only visible with night vision glasses."

"I will lead team Alpha that will go on the main entrance, Jennie will lead team Bravo entering from the back door, Sooyoung will lead team Charlie that will deploy from the roof and the sniper squad your team will be in charge in retrieving our agents and Seungri; and Dahyun lead team Delta in surveying and guiding us through the entire facility. It's a three-thousand square feet warehouse ladies, don't get caught up on your toes." He instructs. The Colonel tasked us to this assignment so let's not fail him. Are we clear?"

"Sir, yes sir!"

"Grab your stuff and pull your shit together. I want you out of this office and inside the van in no less than three minutes!"

At exactly 3 minutes after the final roll call, four vans head out from the six-story building of KNP SOU building in Gangnam District. On their way to the main destination, the agents checked their NIJ Level Bulletproof vest, securing that it was wrapped around well in their chest and not worry of having a .44 magnum or AK-47 bullet pierce through their bodies. Each team leader checks her teammates' items, making sure that they locked in their M16's accompanied by SIG Sauer P220 pistol gun to their Ballistic helmets strapped properly through their heads.

They reached the destination at 23:10 and the teams stealthily walked through their area of responsibility in snake form, having their team leaders be the point person or the head of the snake, as they were being guided by Dahyun and the rest of the team through the guards and other obstacles surrounding the place.

"Alright, they're showing the items right now," Dahyun says over the telecom that could be heard by the agents. "Captain on your cue, we will disrupt electricity within the warehouse."

"Is Seungri on sight?"

"Affirmative he is on sight."

"Captain I heard commotions, it looks like our informant had already sprayed him with the ink." Sooyoung says through her microphone. "On your signal captain."

"Wear your masks team." At the sound of his order, his agents wore their CM-6M with their GS Super night vision goggles. Mino looks back at his team, giving them a slight nod as an instruction to get ready. "On my count, 3, 2, 1- party time."

In a speed of light, Dahyun manages to cut down the electricity surprising the people inside the warehouse. Various MIL-X smoke grenades were thrown inside of the warehouse, and the teams quickly entered the building, screaming at the top of their lungs distorting some of the goons. They were able to do it for a short amount of time but their enemies were quick to their feet. Once they regained their composure their grabbed their guns and that's where the real riot begins.

Bullets were fired through all places within the warehouse causing some of the agents to receive a bullet and have their vests damaged. Yet Mino had already seen this coming and fired back with instructions to counter-attack while Sooyoung and some members of her team busted the roof off and retrieved the agents and Seungri. Jennie's team, on the other hand, made sure that no other individual would be able to leave as they blocked the back door and had a fair share of bullets released from their guns.

As soon as the smoke grenade fade away, the lights were turned on and all of the goons were found on the floor, either dead or injured screaming their hearts out of pain. Jennie looks over to their squadron leader, and a proud smirk was imprinted on his lips that made her smile as well. Mino gives the signal to the rest of the team to follow through and remove their masks and night vision goggles.

"This is Captain Song. Mission Capture Atlas is complete. I repeat, Mission capture Atlas is complete. Send back up and medic immediately."

"Captain we have a problem." Sooyoung says through the microphone, alerting all of the agents.

"What is it?"

"Seungri has a bomb vest" She replies. "And we got only two minutes to disarm it."


"What the fuck is happening?!" Mino says as he was followed by the rest of the squadron.

"You think I didn't come prepared?" The terrorist scoffs. "I know that agent of yours was up to something so I went to the meeting with a little parting gift," Seungri smirks at them. "I know you are going to torture me so I might as well do it to myself."

"Fucking-" He stops himself from doing something physical towards their target and focused on the dilemma of their situation. "Okay, so what do we know of the bomb?"

"It's a thermal bomb sir."

"What are you waiting for, disarm it!"

"I can't," Dahyun speaks up. "If we try to disarm it, the timer will double up the speed. If we try to remove the vest out of him, it will triple up the speed."

"Then where's the bomb squad?!"

"I've alerted them and they will be here in ten minutes."

"TEN MINUTES WE DON'T HAVE TEN MINUTES!" While they were running out of options and Seungri was just there silently laughing over his 'genius' plan, Jennie carefully sneaks up on him and removes his vest and wearing it on her, surprising everyone within the place. "LIEUTENANT!"



Jennie looks at the timer before scanning their surroundings. With a minute left, she was able to spot an open space just right across the street. She immediately makes a run for it, ignoring the calls of her teammates and even their leader. She skillfully waltzes past through the speeding cars, like she was figure skating through them.

She swiftly glides through the grass and Jennie doesn't waste any time and rips the vest from her body throwing it onto the river with fifteen seconds to spare. A loud exploding sound erupted throughout the entire neighborhood with the center of the river looking like a fountain show raising its water high above the ground.

"Lieutenant!?" Mino screams at the top of his lungs as soon as he arrives with their comrades. "Lieutenant Kim!" Jennie stands up and dusts off of her uniform as she looks at his worried face. "JENNIE!"

"Captain!" She calls out, and she sees their leader heave off a huge exhale of what she assumed was a relief, making her smile. "Right here."

"Are you okay?"

She nods. "Never been better."

The peaceful KNP SOU Office's silence was suddenly destroyed with loud cheers and noises. Office work personnel and some of the field agents turn their heads as Mino and the rest of their team scream the cheers of their squadron, with them raising the Saint Lucia Racers banner, and the men carrying Jennie on their backs, shouting MVP repetitively.

"Alright, alright put me down," Jennie says to her brothers once the celebration has ended, who allowed her to hop off of their backs. "Great job today team."

"All thanks to you Lieutenant."

Jennie messes up Hanbin's head. "This is a collective effort."

"Still humble as ever I see." Jennie turns to Chaeyoung, and answers her with a playful wink.

"Well, well, well... what do we have here?" A group of men interrupts their enjoyment. "I see someone played the hero again."

"At least someone got their job done." Sooyoung arrogantly remarks and the smirk on her face just adds onto the brewing fire between the two groups. "How's the office work by the way? Do you form muscles by carrying those papers?"

"Watch it, Park."

"Watch it too Park." She walks towards him, obviously showing her superiority by the height advantage between the two of them. "You don't want me to embarrass you on the next family reunion Jimin."

"One job is done well and you suddenly act like you guys are superiors."

"Let me remind you about last month's assignment or the two weeks prior where you guys fucked up the assignment Colonel gave you."

"It wasn't a fuck up, job Bobby."

"Right, it wasn't..." Taking a step closer, he taunts the latter even more. "It was a fucking disaster."

"Lucias. Cobras." A deep voice calls their attention and suddenly the two teams were on their best behavior. "Are you going at each other's throats again?"

"No, Colonel." Jennie speaks up. "These guys were just admiring how we manage to get the assignment done and asked us for some pointers."

"We weren't-" Seokjin, one of the leaders of the Cobra squad was about to speak up, but then he was stopped halfway by one of their teammates. "That's true Colonel."

The Colonel looks at the two teams before turning his eyes on Jennie. "Lieutenant, a word in my office."

While the rest of her team gave the opposing squad some glares and snickers before going to their respective quarters, Jennie is quick on her footing and instantly follows her boss inside his office. The colonel's office was on the top of the building owning half of the said floor with very big formal meeting tables that would be used often during his meetings with the squadron leaders. As soon as she closes the door, she finds the head of their unit sitting on his leather chair while he uses his hand to order Jennie to take the free seat.

"Congratulations on doing a good job on the assignment." He commends. "I heard you sacrificed your life in order to save the target."

"It was the objective of the squad Colonel, I was just doing my job."

"Lieutenant." He looks at her with a stoic face and a piercing stare that made Jennie slightly shiver in her seat. "I took upon Captain Song's application letter for promotion and thought about how much his leadership would be needed in a bigger audience which is why I am considering him to be ranked up. However, if he gets promoted, then that would leave you guys without a leader."

"I understand sir. Captain Song needs the promotion to provide for his family and if I could recommend, I would tell his name for I believe there is no one else compatible for the position." She answers. "About us not having a leader, I believe that Saint Lucias will be able to talk things through and soon enough a leader shall be decided."

"Captain Song told me a quick background about you and I've looked through your profile and I must say, your performance and record is quite outstanding."

"Thank you Colonel."

"That is why I took upon Captain Song's word when he recommended you to take over his position in case he gets promoted." Jennie widens her eyes when the news was dropped. "I, along with the other members of the council will look through your performance and amongst other things throughout this entire month. If all things go well then you might get the position but remember, there are fellow lieutenants and junior lieutenants who may have the same determination or even much more determination than you so I suggest if you want to withdraw ahead, then be my guest." He says. "But if you want to prove that what Captain Song told me about you is correct, then take on the challenge since you have nothing to lose."


"So what did you say to him?"


"Okay I'm going to start here, exhale on three alright? One, two, three-"

"That feels so good." Jennie exhales out loud. "I told him that of course, I'd take on the challenge because the last thing I would want my team leader to remember me is when I've failed him."

"You sound like you owe that guy so much." A woman runs her thumb through Jennie's spine and stops on the lower part, just right above the buttocks. "On three. One, two-"

Loud bone-cracking sounds echoed through the office with white walls. "I do owe him that much, he practically straightened me throughout my time inside the academy."

"You still like eating pussies though."

Jennie couldn't help but snicker. "That I- oof!" She squints her eyes when the woman moved upwards and did her magic on her neck. "Wow..."

"It was so strained, sorry." She smiles apologetically.

"Don't smile like that, I know you enjoyed seeing me be in pain."

"A little, just because you get to be an arrogant bitch sometimes."

"You still, like this arrogant bitch though."

"Only because you keep on annoying me, Jennie I'm a gynecologist, not a chiropractor specialist."

"I only trust you because you saw my vagina."

"You're disgusting."

"Love you too Jisoo." She playfully winks at the doctor who rolled her eyes at her before checking her other patients' medical records.

Jennie watches Jisoo, her gynecologist who eventually became her friend. She clearly remembers the first time they met, which was a year ago. When she got inside the Special Ops, there were a list of annual medical examinations she would have to pass and one of them is paying a visit to the gynecologist. Jisoo wasn't her first option though, when she and her fellow squads were looking for a list of doctors, they found a cheap one and it was an advantage since it was near the academy but when they found out that the gynecologist was a male, they all excused themselves and told the assistant that they were seeing a different doctor already.

Her second option was still wasn't Jisoo. She was supposed to meet up with her fellow scouts but ended up waking up late and then blaming it all on her alarm clock. She called one of her friends and then her friend recommended a 'Doctor Kim Jisoo' over the phone and Jennie wasted no time in getting her results. They immediately clicked right away and from then on, Jennie kept referring Jisoo patients while Jennie gets free Chiropractor sessions from the doctor who is taking classes on it.

"How's your back by the way?"

"It feels better now thank you."

"And your thighs?"

"Still thick as fuck thanks." Jennie throws her a playful wink and Jisoo returns it with a crumpled paper landing on the latter's forehead. "Okay fine you still have the thickest thighs doc, damn."

Jisoo immediately waves her off, eyes never leaving her next patient's chart. "Get out Jennie."

"I'll see you next week Jis!"

"Hopefully in one body!" Jennie smiles at the latter before leaving the office and heading off to start her day.


"TIME'S UP!" Jennie announces through the speakers before exiting the room to head down and meet the trainees with a proud smile on her face. "Good simulation task today kids, however, I notice quite a few things. Cadet 33, you left your area of responsibility for thirty seconds. Please be mindful that when we are in the field, leaving your AOR is a major violation. I don't care if you were peeking through the other possible loopholes of your formation or just double-checking everything but DO NOT- leave your AOR. A lot can happen in thirty seconds guys."

"Cadet 20 you were supposed to head the snake formation because you are the point person yet when you threw the smoke grenade you let your comrades inside first. What do you think is this? Dinner for two? Throw your chivalry away we don't need it here. Special Operations Unit needs individuals who are willing to sacrifice themselves for a greater purpose, remember that."

"The rest are minimal errors but I think it's doable since this is your first simulation practice." Jennie closes her chart and glares at each and every single trainee. "But if you do this kind of practice again on my simulation kiss your Special Ops Unit uniform goodbye, are we clear?"


"Get your asses cleaned up." While the other trainees make a jog towards the exit, she notices that one trainee is still left behind. "Is there something you want to ask me about Cadet?"

"Um... I was hoping to ask your opinion about my performance in today's simulation."

Jennie didn't have to look at the chart to know who this pup was. "Cadet number 29, Shin Ryujin." She looks at the latter from head to foot, making the cadet get intimidated. "You did quite good today. A lot of improvement from the first time I saw you shooting down the firing range."

Ryujin blushes in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I never meant to shoot you, Lieutenant, I was just surprised at the impact of the gun."

"You were practicing .44 Magnum, of course, you would get surprised." She lets out a smile and then throws the rifle back at Ryujin. With the use of non-verbal communication, Jennie orders her to aim at the fake terrorist. "Next time, make sure that you don't waste a bullet. Your aiming is already good but you could do better."

"What should I do then?"

Jennie stands behind her and helps her get in focus. "Think that every bullet that leaves your rifle means you get to save a life." She says. "Now, fire." Ryujin pulls the trigger and even she was surprised to see the bullet pierce through the head. She turns to Jennie who was already having this I told you so look on her face. "Maybe I should let you train with a DL Q33?"

Ryujin looks at her superior with a huge grin on her face. "I think snipers are badass."

"Tell that to Sooyoung the next time you guys meet and I'm sure that you'd gain extra credits."

After receiving a thank you from the pup, Jennie exits the training hall and goes back to her office where she checks on the paper works. Being the right hand of Song Mino probably is the best and the worst job ever because she gets to learn from the best, but at the same time, she makes sure that his e-mails only contain either message from the higher-ups, his kids' grades or from his wife and not some kind of spam adult magazine subscription. If his wife finds out, she would probably point an AK-47 at him.

Once she cleared his e-mails and prepared their reports and since she had some free time before their team dinner start, she took the liberty in clearing her own e-mail as well. She ticked on the 50% off deals motorcycle parts, discounted deals when you buy 3 sets of 3D puzzles or even the Toy Story Premium Account. Using the cursor she glides through her monitor up and down before seeing that she still has one unread message left.

baebaebaberene sent you an attachment.

Clicking on the message absent-mindedly, Jennie was surprised to see a very familiar name on the attached picture. All of a sudden, the cold-blooded officer was numb and the only thing that was functioning was her eyes that were scanning through the monitor.

You're cordially invited to attend Irene Bae's Bachelorette Party this coming Saturday!

Theme: High School Party

See you at Room 9213 at Lotus Seoul Suites

"You're breaking up with me?" Jennie looks at the latter who avoided her gaze. "Irene, you can't break up with me."

"Why not Jennie, you're so obsessed with this heroic act that it's all you ever think about."

"Just one more year in the academy and-"

"I can't wait one more year Jennie, we're running out of resources-"

"I'm already one step closer to my dreams Rene. One more step and-"

"And then what? I barely get to see you inside our apartment? Jennie, I have dreams too!"

"I know, I know but just please-"

"Why can't you be a lawyer just like you were supposed to be?"

"That's not what I want!"

"Well guess what Jennie, not everybody gets to do the thing that they want in life just so they can have food on their table!" She grabs her bag and was about to leave when Jennie got a good hold on her. "Let me go."

"Irene please..." Jennie bites her lower lip. "Just think about-"

"I've already thought about this and I just can't see myself spending the rest of my life with a person who barely can achieve her dreams."

"YOW JENNIE!" The owner of the name jumps in surprise as her train of thoughts was cut off by none other than her closest friend in their squadron, Park Chaeyoung. "What's up with you?"


"Ey, it's not nothing when you're stuttering." Sooyoung pours her a glass of Soju. "Kim Jennie doesn't stutter unless she's bothered."

"Bothered? Are you turned on right now?" Dahyun asks innocently that made Chaeyoung spit out her drink on her. "YAH PARK CHAEYOUNG IT EFFING HURTS!" She immediately wipes her soaked eyes with her shirt.

"It's your fault!"

"How is it my fault!?"

"Dahyun, you church girl." Sooyoung snickers and turns back to Jennie who was still looks lost in her thoughts. "Jennie, what's wrong."

Jennie licks her lips and takes a shot of Soju before answering. "Irene sent me an e-mail today." Her three friends stopped what they were doing and looked at Jennie at the mention of the first word. "It was about her bachelorette party."

"Wow, the bitch found someone that was willing to spend the rest of their lives with her? Must be a miracle..."

"Jennie, you're not thinking about attending the bachelorette party right?"

"It's been three years since the last time we saw one another." Jennie sighs. "A part of me wants to see her, to check up on her to see if she's really happy with her life right now but then a part of me wants to just forget about it."

"I vote for not going to the Bachelorette Party." Dahyun voices out her opinion. "I think that you guys had the closure you needed years ago even if it was a bad one and getting an invitation about her bridal shower might be the proper closure you need. Sometimes not having a proper closure can be your proper closure."

"Oh please." Sooyoung butts in. "I, for one, think that you should go to that party and show her how fucking fantastic your life is at the moment. Show to her that just because she left you all alone meant you stopped being a strong individual that you always have been. Listen to me Jennie, here's what you should do. Kick the door of that hotel room and prove to her that you are successful."

Now the three of them looked at Chaeyoung who just sighed. "Why is it every time you give out advice I am the tie-breaker?"

"Because I'm the angel sitting cutely on Jennie's right shoulder and Sooyoung is a member of Satan's cult-"

"Who is looking smoking hot by the way." She waves the latter off with a hair flip.

While Dahyun and Sooyoung go at it, Chaeyoung looks at Jennie. "Both of them have a point in a way, Jen."

"So what should I do Chae?"

"I think you should try and weigh things out first before deciding. The date is still five days away anyway, you don't have to decide now." She smiles comfortingly. "Alright?"

Their team celebration was cut off short when a group of people walked in on them who just happened to be Cobras, their number one nemesis in the SOU. "Mind if we gate crash Lucias?"

"Dude fuck off." Bobby was one of the first who stood up. "This is Lucia's team dinner so stop being a dick."

"How am I being a dick? We just want to eat with you guys." Suga smirks. "Why Bobby? Are you going to tell mommy to close up the restaurant a bit early?"

Bobby's palms turn into fists and were about to head straight for the guy when Hanbin stops him mid-way. "Bobby stop."

"Yeah Bobby stop, listen to your boyfriend maybe you'd get lucky later on." Jimin winks.

"Did you just-"

Sooyoung slams her glass on their table and walks towards her cousin. "Do you really want uncle to get his whip attached on your ass you dwarf!?"

"Who you calling small bean-"

"ENOUGH." Jennie speaks in her low-tone voice. "Guys, there's a lot of restaurant down the street and we all had a rough day so please, kindly leave us alone."

"Oh, look who finally had a voice." Jennie looks at Seokjin, who takes Sooyoung's seat right in front of her. "I heard Colonel approved for your application for promotion." He smirks and leans in closer. "Wonder what a pretty face like you would have to do for you to seal the deal."

And in just a span of five seconds, the smirk that used to be in his face immediately disappeared as Jennie threw one of her hardest punch she had ever given someone in this life. All let out a gasp, as she catches everyone, including herself in surprise. Seokjin checks his nose and widens his eyes when he realizes that there was some blood oozing from it. He transfers his looks on Jennie, and one by one, their fellow teammates looked at one each other, as if looking at their own targets.

When Bobby screamed at the top of his lungs, the used to be a peaceful restaurant instantly became chaos. Agents threw themselves against each other, trying to land a punch on their faces. On the other side, you can see them smashing Soju bottles on their heads while on the other side women were pulling each other's hair.

Jennie never really entertained the idea of violence, but with her frustrations over that e-mail invitation, she really needed to let it all out. It just so happens that Seokjin provoked her, and now she was her punching bag. And for the first time, it felt good.



"It hurts!"

"Hey, hey, hey! Slow down!"

"If you would stop flinching and moving maybe it wouldn't hurt as much!"

"You have heavy hands!"

"I'm sure you would know."

Jennie closes her eyes and scrunched her nose when the ointment was once again applied to her face. "Ow!!! Jisoo!"

"What now?" She was getting tired with all the latter's whining.

"This hurts too." Jennie points on the left side of her eye.

"I thought we were going to see each other next week not 12 hours later."

"Quite specific there doc, counting down the hours 'til the time we meet again?" Annoyed with the teasing, Jisoo presses the cotton further into Jennie's eye making the Lieutenant jump. "Alright, alright I won't tease anymore geez."

Jisoo checks the latter's face before putting the first aid back at the back seat of her car. "What happened anyway?"

"Ah, just a petty fight between two teams."

"Your workmates?" Jennie nods her head. "I don't get it, you guys work together. What's the need for having physical fights?"

"You know men and their ego."

"Exactly, it's about men... you don't belong to the stupid population." She scolds. "Your face doesn't deserve this kind of treatment."

"You should've seen what I did to my workmate's face though. I doubt he's going to make a fuss about it in the office or even show his face." She snickers. "Serves him right to be honest."

Jisoo rolls her eyes. "Tell me about it." They become silent for a while until Jisoo jumps on the backseat of her car, sitting beside Jennie. "What happened really? You're not a petty fighter Jennie."

"Something was just bothering me that's all."

"Is that something you can share with me?"

Jennie thought about it. Although she was already friends with Jisoo for quite some time, there were still things that she wasn't able to share with he gynecologist. She wonders how or what kind of advice would she get this time, not that her friends weren't helpful, but hearing a new perspective wouldn't hurt, right?

"My ex-girlfriend she uh..." Jisoo looks over to her and waits for her to continue. "She sent me an e-mail today. She was asking for my presence to her bachelorette party."

"Was it a bad break up or a good break up?"

"I'm not sure how to take it." Jennie looks at her who had her eyebrows connected, confused about what she just said. "She broke up with me because she said I was too obsessed with this heroic act of mine."

"Hmm... maybe you guys weren't meant to be in the first place. The reason why she broke up with you can be reasonable or not, maybe she just sacrificed too much or that you were too focused on your dream that she felt like she had to fight to have a place in your life." She says. "Maybe it's not about having a bad or good break-up, it's about wanting to break-up or needing to break-up."

"Is there a difference between the two?"

"Of course! Wanting to break-up is when both of you ran out of reasons to be together, needing to break-up is having reasons to stay yet not enough to continue the relationship."

"When were you when I was sulking over her?"

That comment made Jisoo smile at Jennie. "So what are your plans? What did your friends have to say in this?"

"Well, one said that it would be best not to go because for her, not having a closure is still a closure, the other one said I should go and let her look at what she left behind. The third one just wants me to do the thing I want. That's the thing though, I kind of want to do both." She answers. "It would be nice to have closure from her but I think she's just going to rub it in my face that leaving me before was the right decision."

"You can have someone be there for you though."

"How? Like a date?"

"Yeah or have someone who can pretend to be your girlfriend."

"That's so fictional, and then what? I'm going to end up falling for her?"

"Why not? I think it's a nice plot."

Jennie shakes her head. "You read way too many books."

"Because unlike you, I have lots of time to spare." She hops down and gives Jennie a hand. "It's getting late, I have an appointment tomorrow. Should I drive you home?"

"I have a bike with me. But thank you for cleaning up my wounds. I'll treat you dinner some time."

Jisoo shoots her a disapproving look. "Did you know those motorcycle accidents composed of twenty-five percent of road accidents?"

"Thanks for scaring me when I was about to get on that thing."

"Jennie gets in, I can drive you home." She insists. "I don't need to have another call at this time."

"Don't worry, I'm going to drive careful. Up to 50 only."





"We can keep pulling an all-night on this one but you know who's going to win."

Jennie ends up sighing. "Alright, alright. Thirty-five it is."

"Good. And Jen?"


The Lieutenant turns around and finds the doctor smiling at her. "I hope you find the answer to your problem."


"Dude where the hell was you last night?"

"I asked a friend to clean me up."

"Whoa, talk about bragging your sex life lieutenant."

Jennie widens her eyes at Sooyoung. "I wasn't bragging about it!"

"Yeah Soo, how can she brag about something that doesn't exist?!"

"Stop it!" In the end, Chaeyoung and Sooyoung did a high-five clap to celebrate their teasing.

"Who was it that cleaned your wounds last night?"

"Jisoo did."

"Ah... your doctor friend."

"She was around the area. I also told her about my ex problem."

"What were her two cents about it?"

"She was able to give some valid points. I understood what she was trying to say."

"And what was her advice to you?"

"Quite strange actually. I told her that I was torn with what I wanted to do since I want to see her but I think she invited me for a reason."

"That is to embarrass you." Jennie nods in agreement.

"She said it would be better if I had a date to go with to the party so just in case, she does decide to embarrass me, someone would be there so I could save face."

"Hmm... like a date?"

"More like a fake girlfriend." The three agents looked at one another. "I know right? That was my initial reaction too..." She shakes her head. "I think she read way too many books." She says before returning to checking over their reports.

"Let's say... you follow her advice who would you pick?"

"Someone convincing of course."

"Right, but who?"

"Definitely not you guys. You are way too tough to be my type and Irene would immediately catch up."

"And who would be your type?"

Jennie ponders for a moment. "Someone who is very lady-like. She has to be soft-spoken but still with class. She has to be very vocal about her advocacies and be socially aware of the issues that are going on with the country and if possible by the world."

"Physical attributes?"

"She has to be a definite upgrade from Irene of course. If I plan to make her eat her own words then whoever that woman should be would have to be the bomb." She sighs. "Too bad, Irene's one of a kind."

"Lieutenant Kim, Captain Song would like to have you in his office."

"Alright, I'll be right there." She looks over to her friends. "I'll meet up with you guys later alright?"

Once Jennie was out of her office, her friends shared eye contact with one another. "You guys thinking what I'm thinking right?"

"Of course." Sooyoung smirks and then the two of them turn to Dahyun.

"Right! We should have chicken for dinner in celebration of our victor- ow!"

Chaeyoung sighs. "Dahyun, kindly do us a favor and be a look-out."

"A look-out?" She furrowed her eyebrows. "Why?"

"Just stop asking questions and just do it already."

"O...kay." Once Dahyun was by the windows, Chaeyoung and Sooyoung scrolls through the officer's e-mails. "Uh, guys? What are you doing?"

"Doing our job which, apparently you're not doing. Be a look-out, Kim!" Sooyoung reprimands. "Have you found it?"

"You bet I did." Chaeyoung smirks and starts typing. "Jennie Kim, this is what you get for telling us that we're not girlfriend-worthy..."

"She really didn't say that one guys, she just said-"

"Shut up Dahyun." Both of them say, startling Dahyun completely. "Fine, I'm going to shut up. Anyway, why am I on the look-out? I'm not that tall."

"But you're tall enough to see Jennie straight in the eye so you'd work out fine." Pressing the enter button quite loudly, Chaeyoung stands up and dusts off her hands. "That should do it." She smiles. "Let's go."

Once they were outside Jennie's office, Dahyun was curious about what did they do to their friend's computer. "What did you guys do?"

"Oh, nothing." Sooyoung looks at her. "Just take this as us, being wonderful friends and helping her out."

Jennie comes back to her office after an hour quite exhausted with all the planning and information load Mino has given her. She slumps her body on the swivel chair and thought about giving her friends a quick message about not being to attend the dinner they usually have at their favorite restaurant. Closing her eyes, Jennie thinks that maybe a quick nap is all it takes for her to regain a little bit more strength before hitting the sack completely when she noticed something was off with her office desk. Furrowing her eyebrows, she re-aligns her mouse pad and then her eyes travel to her computer and for some odd reason, Jennie feels like there was something that she should be nervous about. She hurriedly checks her desktop to see if there was anything wrong but then realizes that she didn't have to worry about the desktop but her e-mail. Jennie taps on the icon and waits for the app to load. When it fully did, she widens her eyes when she sees the first message came from her ex.

Hi Jennie! Wow, nice to hear from you it's been a long time!

To be honest, I never really would've thought you still use this e-mail but, hey I'm glad I took the risk! (Jennie had to roll her eyes at the message)

Of course, you can bring your plus one! I'm delighted to meet this doctor :)

See you this Saturday!

Quickly, she scrolls up and when she read what was written before Irene's reply, she felt like her entire existence had gone through a system breakdown.

Hi Irene, thank you for the invite. Congratulations on getting married soon by the way.

Of course, I'd like to come! It was nice of you to invite me.

Mind if I tag a beautiful doctor though?

Jennie couldn't remember when did she send this. She tries to dig through her mind when did she send this reply when last night up until now she barely made a decision. All she remembers was going home last night, pretty tired from the squabble she had managed to put herself into and then waking up, not even bothering to check her phone since she was late for the early monthly report, then by lunch she had a wonderful chatter with her-

"Let's say... you follow her advice who would you pick?"

"Someone convincing of course."

"Right, but who?"

"Definitely not you guys. You are way too tough to be my type and Irene would immediately catch up."

"And who would be your type?"

Jennie ponders for a moment. "Someone who is very lady-like. She has to be soft-spoken but still with class. She has to be very vocal about her advocacies and be socially aware of the issues that are going on with the country and if possible by the world."

"Physical attributes?"

"She has to be a definite upgrade from Irene of course. If I plan to make her eat her own words then whoever that woman should be would have to be the bomb."

"Oh, there she is, what's up soon-to-be captain-"

"What did you do?" Jennie turns to her friends with an unfriendly glare. "Guys what did you do." The three musketeers find themselves swallowing all at the same time. "Are you girls going to stand there or do I have to force the answers from you three?" She stands up. "Answer me, Junior Lieutenants."

"Actually Lieutenant, Dahyun has something to say to her." The latter showed her fellow rank mates her face of betrayal but she really couldn't do anything because as soon as she turns around, Jennie was already a few feet away from her.

"Well? Junior Lieutenant Kim?"

"You see... um..." She bites her lower lip due to nervousness. "We kind of did something with your e-mail."


"But it was their idea I swear!" She points to their taller friends. "I was just a mere look-out! They told me that we were doing you a small favor."

Jennie shifts her attention to the taller women at the back. "You guys were doing me a favor?" She walks past Dahyun and onto the two of them. "Alright, I wanna know right away- who thought of this idea and who pushed through the idea."

"I thought of the idea." Sooyoung raises her hand.

"Sooyoung forced me to do the idea."


Jennie sighs. "Guys, why did you have to do that? I wasn't even sure if I was going to attend or not! And now, not only do I have to bring a fake girlfriend but now I have to bring a fake girlfriend who is a doctor! The party is in three days, how in the world am I suppose to search for the woman that could possibly make Irene Bae eat her words?"

"Well... you really don't have to go that far Jen." Chaeyoung speaks. "If you want someone that could make Irene choke on the words she said to you three years ago, then maybe all you have to do is to look through your contact list."

"Preferably starting with the 'J'." Sooyoung adds.

Jennie connects the dots and snaps back her attention to them. "Are you guys losing it?! You want me to ask Jisoo to be my fake girlfriend?!"

"Why not? She's smoking hot if you'd ask me."

"And you mentioned you felt like a teenager blushing when you found out that she was going to be your gynecologist."

"You even excused yourself first to double-check that your pussy's clean and when she did the double finger check on you-"

"Stop right there Kim Dahyun!"

"I was just saying..."

"Jennie before you get mad at us, can you please imagine what would Irene feel like when she sees you with a beautiful doctor wrapped around your arms? Now that you are a Lieutenant too, she would probably be pissed to see you flourish."

"Yeah, that's basically what was this invite was about, it's to check if you got where you want to be without her. She doesn't need some closure with you, what she needs is some validation that breaking up with you is one of the right decisions she has ever made."

"And with Jisoo, you can make sure that she's wrong- totally wrong."

"Jisoo wouldn't do this." Jennie says. "She's not a very good actress; she barely can control your face just like you three!"

"But you said it so yourself, you only have three days left and I think, you're already comfortable enough with Jisoo to make this work."

"Trust us with this one boss, I know for sure Irene would be stunned seeing you with Jisoo."

"And what if it doesn't work?"

"Then you three would have to do cleaning the quarters for the rest of the year and oh, the simulation room as well."

"What the-" Sooyoung stops Dahyun from negotiating further.

"Fine, but if we're right, then you have to write the three of us a recommendation letter for promotion."

Jennie looks at them. "You got yourself a deal."


"What should I do now?"

"You can start by texting Jisoo and ask her if she's available tonight."


"I'm starting to think that you have a little crush on me." Jisoo says as soon as she arrives at the restaurant where she and Jennie agreed to meet. "Wow Jennie, I knew you've got some class but how did you know I have a thing for Japanese."

"We talked it over once or twice. You mentioned this restaurant before."

"Hmm. Nice memory..." She smiles. "Wow, these are all delicious."

"Glad you liked them."

"So, should we start devouring this feast in front of us?"

Jennie lends her with a smile. "I think we should."

While they were having a meal, Jennie couldn't stop thinking about how she would break the news to Jisoo. Should she just blurt it out on the open? Break it to her gently?

She looks at the latter was melting over the tempura and she thought about what her friends were saying to her earlier. True enough Jisoo is indeed beautiful- very beautiful she might add. Jennie remembers the time when they first met and they were right, she felt like a high school freshman crushing on her senior that sends her flowers and chocolates on Confession Day. To top it off, she was the senior who gets to see her pussy so while Jisoo was explaining to her the basics and the purpose of the examination when she excused herself just to check that she was hygienic enough for Jisoo to inspect. Jisoo wasn't just a doctor; she is a smart doctor that's why Jennie loved hanging out with her. They could share their random knowledge with one another and talk about everything under the sun- that's how intelligent the latter was.

Jisoo has the beauty and brains, but would it be enough to fool the famous Irene Bae?

"Hey." Jisoo snaps Jennie out of her thoughts.


"You've been zoning out."

"How long?" She asks as she takes a bite of her sushi.

"Long enough for me to put wasabi onto the sushi you're eating just now." Before Jennie could process what was going on, her taste buds beat her to it when she tastes the strong amount of spicy on her tongue. "Hahaha!"

Jennie immediately takes a drink of water and starts to fan her tongue. "Here's the milk you ordered ma'am."

"Thanks." Jisoo smiles at the waiter and motions for Jennie takes it as she continues to enjoy watching the success of her prank.

"Why... did you have to do that?"

"It was no fun talking to myself so I decided to call you back." Jennie suddenly felt guilty for zoning out. "Whatever's on your mind must be really something else since you're this dense. I literally placed the wasabi in front of you."

"Uh, I thought about what you said to me last night, when you told me to bring a plus one to the party."

"I knew you would like that idea." She smirks. "So, who's the unlucky girl? A workmate of yours or a random stranger you met from the bar? A hookup?"

"See that's the thing." She says and then swallows the lump in her throat. "I told my friends about it and they asked me certain questions here and there. I left my office for a few hours and when I came back, I received a message coming from her." Alright, here goes nothing. "She told me that she would love to meet my plus one, which is a beautiful doctor."

"A doctor?" Jisoo furrows her eyebrows. "I thought hospital scares you and that you don-" She slowly lifts her eyes and meets Jennie's. "No way."

"I swear to God-"


"It wasn't even me!" She reasons out. "My friends decided to be assholes during that time and they sent out the e-mail!"

"So what is it now? I'm going to be your fake girlfriend?" Jisoo looks at her. "Jennie, you and I both know I can't lie- let alone pretend I am in love with you."

"Well me too! But what can I do now?"

"Don't worry, I know a doctor, her name's Lisa and she's a gynecologist too maybe she can help you with-"

"I don't have time to meet this Lisa and mingle with her." Jennie says. "The party is at three days time and even if you're a bad actress but I don't want other else than you."

Jisoo shots her an apologetic look. "I'm sorry Jennie, but I don't think I can do it."

The Lieutenant didn't even hide her look of disappointment with her loud exhale and slumped shoulders. "Alright, I won't force you. Seems like you made up your mind."

"Don't worry, I'll treat you lunch and dinner for the rest of the year and your next exam's is on me." Jisoo looks at the waiter, signaling him for their bill. "Who's your ex by the way and why do you seem to be so all worked up?"

"Her name's Irene Bae."

"Irene Bae?" Jisoo furrowed her eyebrows. "The CEO of Dall'interno?" She asks, referring to the number 1 fragrance company in the country.

"Yeah..." She sighs once again.

"Let's do it."


Jisoo looks at her. "I agree to your request." Jennie couldn't believe what she was saying. "I'm going to be the beautiful doctor that's your plus one."

"Jisoo I-"

"I have one request though." The smile on Jennie's face disappeared for a moment as soon as she noticed the sudden change of her friend's voice.

"Sure! At this point, I'm going to listen to whatever your condition is."

Jisoo places her teacup down and leans in further towards Jennie's face, completely startling the latter. "I want you... to focus- and only focus on me." Using her index finger, she lightly caresses the side of Jennie's profile. "Focus only on me Jennie." She says in her low-register tone. "Think you can do that?"

"Ma'am, here's your bill." The waiter interrupts their moment but Jisoo seems unfazed and even went to lessening further her distance with Jennie despite the fact that the waiter was standing there in between them. "Um..."

"Answer me, Jen."

"I'll..." With a huge gulp and a heart beating in an irregular motion, Jennie gives her a series of quick nods. "I'll focus only on you Jisoo."

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