FOCUS Part 10

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Jennie finally arrives at the hospital's rooftop after going on a one-on-one with her enemies, knocking them out bit by bit as she heads up. She looks behind the man groaning while holding onto his stabbed stomach as he tries to reach out for her, trying to stop Jennie from going further. She gives him a solid kick, making her roll back a few steps behind and eventually giving up. When Jennie was sure that he wouldn't try anything else, she turns her attention to the view in front of her where more of Namjoon's men were waiting for her to arrive with different kinds of melee weapons waiting to get a taste on her skin.

"You've got to be kidding me." She trails off as she sees there was no sign of Namjoon within the area. "Where the hell's your boss?"

"Don't worry; you don't need to meet him because your life will end here."

"After I beat your colleagues are you sure about your statement?" Jennie looks at the rest of them. "Fine, let's just get this over with; I need to save someone from him."

Just as Jennie was preparing herself for another dreaded combat with them, the sound of an arriving helicopter disrupted everyone from starting the rumble. The helicopter perfectly lands on the helipad, where seconds later the door opens revealing Namjoon in flesh. Just seeing him walk around with his suit and tie along with his fur coat and cane made Jennie fuel with anger, so she of course, without any second thoughts launched herself at him which failed miserably as three goons came at her all at once. They held her to her position by a combination of kicks and punches until Jennie was lying on the ground still receiving the shorter end of the stick.

Namjoon looks at the sight with absolutely no mercy or any kind of emotion before dragging out a half-asleep and half-awake Jisoo out from the chopper with her hands tied. Jisoo was slowly opening her eyes, trying to know about her whereabouts when she sees all these familiar buildings. She turns to her left side where she was instantly met with Namjoon's cocky aura.

"Don't be scared doctor Kim, I won't bite." Namjoon teases as he takes a closer step to her. "Although I know someone who has done it to you before... But right now I'm not so sure if she'd still have teeth right after my men are done with her."

Jisoo looks to the side and widens her eyes when she sees Jennie getting her ass kicked. "JENNIE!"

"Ah, ah, ah..." Namjoon says as he holds her firmly by the grip. "Stay here, the fun is just getting started." He then orders his goons to stop and looks at Jennie who groans out of the pain. "Well this reminds me of a very familiar scene don't you think so Lieutenant? Remember when I stabbed you right on our first encounter?"

"It was you?"

"Of course it was me." He answers to Jisoo's question.

"I'm going to-"

Immediately Namjoon dismisses her threat off. "Please, I've already seen a lot of people threaten me that and not to brag but mostly some people who say that right to my face ends up dying instead."

"I-I'm..." Jennie suddenly voices out. "I'm going... to kill you."

Namjoon looks at Jisoo. "See what I mean?"


Jennie shifts her attention to Jisoo who had tears smeared down on her cheeks. She smiles seeing how there wasn't an inch of wound found on the latter. "Hey." Just hearing how weak Jennie sounds made Jisoo tear up a few more tears. "Don't cry."

"I think she's right, maybe you should do it at her funeral."

"Or... maybe..." The rest of them watch as Jennie tries her best to stand up back on her footing. "When I get down on one knee and propose to her years later."

"Now I see why everyone in the unit adore you, Lieutenant." Namjoon smiles at her. "You seem to have this certain vibe whenever you're in place."

"I'd take that as a compliment."

"That's the right choice since because who knows, it may be the last compliment you'd ever get to receive."

Jennie scoffs. "Let's just get this on shall we?"

"I wouldn't take one more step from where I am right now Lieutenant." Jennie looks at him, waiting for his next move. "Or else, Jisoo is going to spill blood on my fur coat."

"What are you talking about?"

"Didn't you notice something different about her Lieutenant?" He asks. "It's not quite big though, but if you look at the right place, you might be able to see it perfectly."

Jennie does as she was suggested and had her eyes roam around Jisoo. There were no changes from her face to her upper body and even to her torso area. She was about to ask Namjoon if he was just messing with her but then she sees a new accessory attached to Jisoo's wrist.

"Aha! Finally, you've seen it!" Namjoon rises up Jisoo's wrist and attached to it was something that looked like a smartwatch. "Now that we're onto it, I present to you my latest invention with is the death watch." He says. "I was thinking about putting the thermal vest on her but then I remembered how fast you were able to run when Seungri had it so I thought I needed to level up if I want to kill you on this day."

"Basically this watch has this insy-winsy needle that's now injected in your girlfriend's vein much similar to an IV, but the only catch is that instead of providing hydration to the agent, it gives the subject cyanide which, based from what I looked up, if injected to an individual, can cause seizure, cardiac arrest and even death in just a matter of seconds. If! I press this little button right here on the screen." He shows it off. "Best part, I only have the cure and there's no way I'm gonna hand it to you."

"So I guess, in conclusion, if you want to get down in one knee and propose- you might want to do something about keeping Jisoo alive first. Unluckily for you, I have what I want which is the cure..." In cue, more of his men appeared carrying heavy-duty luggage. "Which means keeping you and this little babe alive doesn't mean a thing at all."


"As the queen says..." Namjoon looks at Jennie without any hint of playfulness anymore. "Off with their heads."

The helicopter starts to rev up again and Namjoon's men were coming to Jennie while his index finger reaching out for the trigger button found on the watch. "NAMJOON WAIT!"

He stops inches before his fingerprint gets scanned. "How sure are you?"

"With what?"

"Those boxes..." Jennie trails off. "How sure are you that it really contains the anecdotes?"

"Just get straight to the point K-"

"All I'm saying is maybe someone..." She arrogantly points to herself. "Was already one step ahead of you again..."

Jennie then proceeds to follow her superior's orders and scouts the area. "Captain."

"Yes Lieutenant?"

"I think we just found our bombs."

Mino lifts his head up and saw three men coming from the fourth-floor balcony looking at the people flooding before rushing back inside. The sight made him smirk as he secures his face mask once more. "Lieutenant Kim?"

"Yes, Captain?"

"I think it's time to save people's lives."

"Captain wait." Jennie halts her superior. "Let's split up."


"Let's split up." She repeats. "I'll have Seokjin back you up."

"Seokjin? But I thought-"

"I'll tell the entire story later." Jennie presses on her microphone. "Seokjin do you copy?"

"I'm right here."

"I need you to cover up for Captain Song. He'll have to push through the research facility and move out the anecdotes."

"Alright copy."

"Lieutenant Kim, what are you planning to do?"

"We have to take advantage of the commotion. While there's still chaos, I need you, Captain, to move up to the facility and convince the personnel there to remove the anecdotes and replace them." She says. "When you've become successful with the task, take one bottle and hand it to me later."

"Are you ordering me around?"

Jennie widens her eyes. "N-"

"I'll let this one slide but you have to tell me why do you need that one bottle of the anecdote?"

"I just have a feeling that I'm gonna need this later on."

"Open the crates!" His men followed his orders and immediately he takes one set of anecdotes which he immediately threw away when he found out they were just test tubes filled with water and then turns Jennie with such rage. "Where is it?"

Jennie pulls out the anecdote secured on her pouch. "You mean this?"

"You fucking-"

"One more step Namjoon and it's all over for you. All of this, all these efforts would just go down the drain and I am not just talking about this anecdote and I am talking about everything you've ever worked hard for, and everyone that you've conducted your business with." Jennie tosses Namjoon her in-ear.

"Lieutenant Kim, I've hacked into Namjoon's security and I have the alpha list already. Whenever you're ready, I'll send this to the press."

Due to his annoyance, he throws it towards the ground and smashes it like it was some kind of cockroach. "Fucking shit!"

"Like I said; one step ahead again."

"Okay, tell me. What do you want?"

"Set Jisoo free."


Namjoon scoffs. "Are you out of your mind? Why in the world would I do that?"

"You really think I'm joking?" Jennie holds the tube with just two fingers as she extends it to the ground. "Let Jisoo go and I'll take her place instead." She says. "Right now, you don't need Jisoo anymore because you're at a disadvantage and killing her would just make me want to turn you over and keeping her would just be a hassle. You know it, I know it." Jennie decides to pull in her final negotiation card. "All I ask is for you to let her go and then-"

"And then what?"

Jennie sighs. "You can do whatever you desire to me."

That condition got him thinking. "Whatever you say?" He ponders before he continues to talk. "And what if I'd want to kill you slowly?"

" can do that as well."

"Jennie no!" Jisoo tries to squirm her way out of Namjoon's firm hold on her. "Don't do it!"

"Shut up Jisoo!" She shoots the latter a glare before turning back to Namjoon. "Take her all the way to the ground and when I see from here that she's safe, that's the only time I'll hand you the anecdote."

"I don't know Lieutenant, it sounds like a pretty bad deal."

"Well, you don't have any choice because it's your turn to receive the shorter end of the string." Jennie says. "It's either you let her go and this cure drops towards the ground along with all your under the table negotiations with high-ranking officials. You pick."

Namjoon doesn't say anything at first as he tries to reassess the situation. After a few minutes of silence, he suddenly reaches for the watches and pulls the thing roughly away from Jisoo's hand. "Take her downstairs. Make it quick."

"Jennie..." Jisoo trails off as she tries to prevent herself from leaving the area. "I'm not going to leave you."

"I'm sorry Jisoo..." Jennie's voice was soft this time around. "If I had known things would come down to this, maybe I shouldn't have pushed you away and pulled you close to me instead." She says with a regretful smile. "But, it is what it is."

"Don't say that..." Jisoo rapidly shakes her head. "I refuse to believe that you're going to die here. You won't die here right?"

"Goodbye Jisoo. I hope that someday you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

"No, I don't want to believe that. Don't say goodbye, I know I'll be seeing you downstairs later okay? And then-" Swallowing the lump on her throat, refusing to let some tears fall Jisoo blinks them away immediately. "And then we'll talk about us."

"Cut the crap already! Just get her the fuck out of here!"

Despite Jisoo's great efforts to refuse to leave, she was at a lost cost against two men who dragged her out of there. She kept calling out to Jennie's name, but all the Lieutenant could reply was a quick smile until she has completely vanished from the scene. Jennie immediately shuts out Jisoo's ringing voice inside her head and then turns to Namjoon who was circling the watch around his index finger. Gone was her softened heart and expression earlier as Namjoon slowly approached her.

"Now let's start the real fun shall we?"


"Let me go!"

"Quit resisting already!"

"Damn you were a lot easier when you were knocked off!" Jisoo tries her best to take off these men's hold on her as she was effortlessly dragged towards the elevator. "You're just wasting your strength. Obviously we're stronger and faster than you so if I were you I'd be a good dog and just follow what you're told to do!"

As soon as he said that it made Jisoo realize that what he just said was the truth. Even if she got away from the goons they were a lot stronger and faster than her, but that doesn't mean that she wasn't smarter. Heck, if she was just to think about the situation wisely, she would have come up with a better solution than their two brains combined. So she remains still, making them superior and arrogant, talking about all Jisoo needed was a good hand of scolding to behave like a little puppy. She would've slammed her head to the guy's head but that wouldn't do her any good so she remains silent as they reached the elevator.

While waiting for the elevator to arrive on their designated floor, the two of them groaned and complained about how exhausting the job was. Jisoo, on the other hand, searched until the very last of her functioning cell to see a way out of here. Just as the lift arrives, she finally thinks of something and prayed to the higher-ups that her plan would work because it's the only plan that she has left.

The doors opened and without any warning, Jisoo rushed inside dragging the two and completely catching them off guard. With the use of her legs, she uses one of the corners of the elevator to hoist herself up, flips over and completely freeing herself from them. She proceeds to run outside, without forgetting to press the close button giving her a bit of a leeway to escape from them. Luckily for her, she was quite familiar with the building and so she turns to the right, ignoring the quick footsteps approaching her and aimed her sight for the exit sign.

"Come back here you wrench!"

"Stop this instant or else I'm going to kill you!"

Despite the threats, Jisoo remained focus on the goal which she was just a few steps away. As soon as her hand successfully holds onto the door handle, two consecutive shots were fired, making Jisoo fall down on her knees and screamed at the top of her lungs. She kept her eyes shut while waiting for her body to feel the indescribable pain caused by the shots. Five seconds later, there was still no antagonizing pain in any part of her body and so she waits for another set of five seconds but then she feels a tap on her shoulder, making her jump in surprise and turned to the culprit.


"Jisoo are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Tears immediately stream out of her face as soon as her brother hugs her tight. "I'm scared..." She says in her weak voice. "I'm so scared Jin..."

"Don't worry, I'm here Jisoo and I won't let anything bad happen to you." He says in her protective brother tone. "Where's Jennie?"

"She's upstairs, she's with Namjoon." Holding her brother on both shoulders she pleads towards the latter. "Seokjin please, do whatever it takes to save Jennie. Namjoon... he- he- he won't hesitate to-" Another shot fired echoed towards the entire floor making everyone alert, especially Jisoo who knew where the sound came from. "Jennie..."

"Yoo and Lee, escort Miss Kim downstairs and have her checked. Rest of you, follow me upstairs."

"I want to come with you." Jisoo begs. "Jennie might need-"

"Jisoo, I'm sorry but you can't help. It's still dangerous upstairs and we have to take advantage of Namjoon's focus on Lieutenant Kim before it gets anything serious." Chaeyoung looks to her comrades. "Take her."

This time Jisoo doesn't make any protest and even runs along with the members of the KNP SOU. Opting for a faster and safer route, they head to the emergency exit as they head downstairs to the lobby. As they exit down, Jisoo grips hard on the two personnel who were assisting her as she feels everything in her world slow down when the gunshot was made. It didn't take seconds for a series of gun combat sounds emerged and surrounded the stairs making Jisoo hard to focus on the probabilities that would've happened to the remaining Unit who went upstairs, to her brother and most especially to Jennie.

She starts to wonder what it would be like to not have Jennie around.

What would the world be like if there was no Lieutenant Jennie Kim?

If there was no longer Jennie Kim?

Jisoo didn't even notice that they were already outside of the building. She wasn't even responsive when she was headed over to an ambulance and having her vitals check. Everything just became so slow in her world and as the second passed her by she feels number and number. She continued to zone out until one particular thing had finally caught her attention, and it was the snow falling against the road pavement.

"When's the wedding?" Jisoo asks Jennie during their dinner.

"If I remember correctly, they're planning to get married in winter."

"Why? Would they like their guests to be warmed by their union as a married couple?"

Jennie smiles. "Maybe... I mean I'm sure everyone who's going to be there will be happy seeing them add another a milestone in their life."

"You'll be there, will you be happy for your ex?"

"Of course I would, she may have hurt me in the past but that doesn't mean I wouldn't want for her marriage to be a success..." Jennie trails off. "Planting hate in my heart won't do me any good. So I'm just trying to save face and wish her well."

Sensing that Jennie was a tad gloomier, Jisoo drinks the wine from her glass and looks at the view from her home. "Well, then we should watch the first snow together."


"The first snow." She says. "Do you not know the importance for a couple to celebrate the first snow together?" Jennie shakes her head. "Tch, no wonder you're still single."

"Oh, my apologies love guru." She says sarcastically. "Well since you're at it, why don't you just tell me?"

"Well if you're walking with someone you like and then the first snow happens, there's this superstitious belief that true love will blossom between the two of you. If you're with your partner during the first snow, most likely you two would end up in marriage."

Jennie nods in understanding. "So which is which?" Now it was Jisoo's turn to be confused. "You said that first snow is important for those who are walking with someone they like or to be with their partner."


"So where do we belong in those choices?" She asks. "Am I someone you like or do you really treat me as your partner?"

Jisoo blushes when she realizes what Jennie was trying to say. "W-w-well, of course, you're my partner. We're in this partnership together."

"So you want us to last forever?" She even blushes harder making Jennie laugh and pinch her cheeks. "I might have work on the first snow, and you might be on duty or on the other part of the world."

"Well, I guess the crosses out the idea of walking on the first snow." She says. "It would be fun to slam it to your ex's face that you get to have someone on the first day of snow. I'm sure she knows the meaning behind it."

"To me, it doesn't matter if we can't be together on the first snow. As long as we're under the same sky, to know that we have one another is also the same thing as experiencing the first snow with someone special." Jennie smiles. "Don't you think so?"

"But if you don't have work and I don't have to be somewhere else, would you walk on the first snow with me?"

"I would walk the second and the fifth along with the tenth snow with you my partner Kim Jisoo."

Jisoo opens her eyes and finds hand having a proper IV struck on her hand. The familiar scent of the hospital hits her in the nostrils alongside with a massive wave of headache. She slowly sits up and immediately all of her friends went all up to her and did their profession on her involuntarily. They were the ones who checked Jisoo's vital signs, made prescriptions, their findings and even arguing of what they real cause of Jisoo's sudden unconsciousness is.

"I'm telling you it's because of dehydration."

"Or she could have low blood pressure."

"Have you really attended our first aid classes? Jisoo could also, be unconscious because she was hyperventilating!"

"Guys." Jisoo tries to call out their attention.

"Hyperventilating on what?"

"Well I don't know maybe it's because she went through a lot!

"But why can't you entertain the possibility of dehydration?"

"Um, guys."

"Hello, if it was dehydration it wouldn't take too long!"

"That's why low blood pressure is the main cause."

"How can you say so?"


"Guys!" Jisoo finally calls them around; a bit more serious this time and thankfully it got everyone's attention. "How long have I been unconscious?"

"Two days." Jisoo widens her eyes.

"Where's Jennie?" She asks and suddenly she feels the aura inside the room changed. "I'm asking you a question, guys." They all looked at one another trying to send some sort of non-verbal communication to one another. "Is anybody going to answer me or do I have to find out myself?"

"Jisoo." Lisa steps up and holds onto her friend's hand. "About Jennie..."

"Stop sounding like that." She says as she removes Lisa's hold on her. "Just tell me where Jennie is so that I can go to her."

"You know you're not allowed to do that, we still need your doctor-"

"I'm a fucking doctor myself and I don't need a second opinion now tell me which room Jennie stays in and I'll be on my way."


She hops off the bed and pulls out her IV much to her friends' attempts to stop her. Jisoo had to admit, it hurt like hell on her mind and her vision was still a tad bit blurry due to the lack of sunlight however when her friends refuse to answer her question about Jennie's whereabouts, she couldn't help but start to worry too. She quickly moved her feet and ignored her friends' calling for her as she heads outside the hallway towards the ward desk to have an answer to her question. Luckily for her, she meets Chaeyoung who was coming out from a room still looking stressed as ever.

"Chaeyoung!" She calls out.

The owner of the name was surprised to see her up and alive. "Jisoo! What are you doing?! You're supposed to rest and not roam around."

"Is..." Jisoo tries to catch her breath. "Is this Jennie's room?"


Jisoo tilts her head to the side and saw 'Jennie Kim' on the strip of paper located under the room's occupants. "Chaeyoung, I'm really sorry about this."

"What are you talking-"

Jisoo decides to give her a solid head butt, making the two of them groan out in pain. Jisoo was mentally scolding herself for doing such rash decision and she was sure she was going to regret it later but knowing Jennie's health condition was her top priority and so while Chaeyoung was still in the midst of mending to her injured head, she pushes her to the side and finally enters the room where she sees Dahyun, Sooyoung and to her surprise even her brother Seokjin. She started to wonder why they were having all these worried facial expressions imprinted on their faces.

She was about to ask why, until she saw an empty bed inside the room and a dead line on the Holter monitor.

"Hey Jisoo." Seokjin calls her out in his authoritative tone. "What are you doing here?"

Chaeyoung finally enters the room. "Chae what the hell I thought you got everything covered!" Dahyun scolds.

"I was about to when she showed up and head-butt me!"

"Jisoo you have to leave right now."

"Where's Jennie Jin?" She looked at her brother with teary eyes. "Where's Jennie."

"Now is not the time for this."

"No." She pushes him roughly. "This is the time to talk about this you asshole." Jisoo hands him another solid push. "This is all your fault, this is all your fault."

"Come on Ji-"

"Because of you Jennie broke up with me, because of you I wasn't myself for days and now- because of you Jennie isn't here anymore!" She bites her lower lip hard, trying her utter best not to give Seokjin the privilege of seeing her shed tears. "You failed me just like how dad failed mom."

Jisoo finally bursts into tears, remembering the last time and the last moment where Jennie was still there with her. She remembered all the bruises the brunette got just to get there to the top trying to save her, how cold her hands were when they finally touched, how she apologized for not being courageous enough to just confess what she truly feel towards her. Above all, Jisoo remembered how sad and regretful Jennie's farewell was to her.

"Goodbye Jisoo. I hope that someday you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

She can't even tell Jennie that even before she had asked for forgiveness, she had already forgiven her. Now, she can't even hold the latter nor tell her what she really feels deep down. It's all too late, because Jennie's gone.

And she won't even get to hear that her apology has been accepted.

Jisoo was so focused on feeling and regretting everything that she could've probably had done for Jennie and for their relationship that she didn't even hear the door open again and two pair of feet arrived inside the room. She was focused on reminiscing all the good things Jennie had done for her and how she will never get to experience them again that she wasn't even aware of the fact that two feet, light-weighted ones were heading to her. Jisoo was so focused on the pain of losing Jennie that she didn't even realized-

"What's going on here?"

Jennie was just a few steps away from her.

Jisoo snaps her head around as soon as she hears the familiar voice of her lover. She looks at Jennie who was in the flesh, looking all worried for her state as well. "You're finally awake..." The Lieutenant trails off as she cups the doctor's cheek.

"You're... alive." She tries to convince herself with her shaky voice.

"You sound like you're not happy to see me."

"B-b-ut, the empty bed, the heart monitor..." She tries to explain while shaking her head. "I- I don't understand-"

"Why is the heart monitor making a sound?" Jennie looks at her comrades. "Did you guys do something again?"

"It was Jin's idea." The girls spill out.

"What?! Why does it have to be me?!" Seokjin asks. "Oh come on you guys, we were all curious about it!"

"Yeah but you pressed all sorts of buttons and now it won't stop beeping."

"Because no one was willing to do it and I was getting impatient because Jennie might come back sooner!"

"Stop reasoning Jin, just take all the blame."

Seokjin couldn't believe what was going on. "Do something!" He refers to another man standing there. "Our masculine race is being belittled!"

"Your masculinity is being belittled." The guy smirks at him and then looks back at Dahyun and the rest. "Not my problem."

"That's just so unfair!"

"Sorry to burst your little bubble of masculinity but can someone please explain to me what's happening because it obviously looks like I'm the only one who's lost."

"Not our fault you woke up two days later." Seokjin mumbles which received a glare from Jennie. "Fine, fine I'll back away." He rolls her eyes. "I think it'll be better if Jennie just do all the explaining."

Jennie nods before turning to the rest of them. "Thank you, guys." She looks at the unnamed man with a different look making Jisoo furrow her eyebrows. "Especially to you."

"No problem, like I said, if there's anything that I could do to help you, I'm not hesitating to do it."

That statement made Jisoo raise her eyebrows. "Sorry but who are you?"

"Allow me to introduce to you the man who saved Jennie's life." Seokjin wraps an arm around the latter. "This is Senior Inspector Kim Jongin but we call him Kai back in our Academy days."

"Good day ma'am, pleasure to meet Seokjin's sister." He gives her a curt nod while Jisoo was still busy studying his entire existence. Who was this good-looking man and why do I sense something weird tension here? She thinks to herself.

"Looks like someone's scouting competition..." Seokjin comments.

Jisoo's curiousness caused for her to hear the comment her brother made. "Competition?"

"Oh, forgot to mention sis, Kai had this huge crush on Jennie way back in the academy that-" He was unable to continue with his story because he was nudge on the side by Kai while Sooyoung pinch the other side with Chaeyoung and Dahyun stomping both of his foot, top it with Jennie's infamous icy glare. "fuck that hurts."

"We'll go ahead." Dahyun cuts off the tension.

"Take your time you two."

Once everyone was out of the room Jisoo eyes Jennie who just rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "I guess this is the part where I tell you everything huh."

"Yeah, and make sure you don't leave any details out of the way."

Jennie sighs. "Alright, this is what happened."

"I have a plan."

"We're listening."

"I'm sure Namjoon is expecting for me to come and save the day. I know that I left an impression on him from the first time we met and my bet is that he will do whatever it takes to even the score. Stabbing me on the stomach isn't necessarily what you call even."

"So you're saying is that you are going to do what exactly is it that he expects you to do?"

Jennie nods her head. "Whether it's having the anecdote trade for my life or holding either Chaeyoung or Sooyoung as a hostage, whatever it is that he holds, I will exchange my life for it."

"You said you wanted to be a hero, what I'm hearing from is you're trying to be a sacrifice."

"That's where you come in." Jennie turns to Seokjin. "When the trade is being made, I want you to shoot me."

"Have you lost your mind?!"

"When that happens it'll cause a commotion then, I'll grab this..." Jennie points down to her favorite weapon which was a small gun inserted on her boot. "And I'll shoot him."

"So you really do want to be the hero in this story huh." Seokjin crossed his arms.

"I'm trusting you with my life Seokjin, you're gaining credit as much as I do."

"Well... when you put it that way though..."

"But Jennie... I do have one question though." The two of them look at Dahyun. "What if- and this is just a big what if considering the chances..." She trails off and doubts whether she says it or not. "What if Namjoon has Jisoo?" Dahyun lifts her head up and looks at Jennie. "What will you do then?"

Jennie thought about the scenario for a while before turning to Seokjin this time. "Then you have to make sure, that it's you who will get Jisoo after the trade. No matter what happens... Jisoo has to see you first."

"... That's what happened." Jennie says after she didn't get a response from Jisoo after telling her story.

"But then who was the unknown man?"

"He's Kai."

"I'm not deaf, I was asking where does he come in and why did my brother say that he saved your life?"

"Well just in case my plan didn't work, I needed to have a back-up plan. Someone who I can trust within the Police agency because God knows how many personnel are already receiving bribes from that man." Jennie says as she refers to Namjoon.

"And the first thought that came to your mind was this... Kai."

Jennie nods her head. "I gave his number to Seokjin and allowed him to call the shots as I made my way upstairs to the rooftop earlier. Seokjin calls him and gives him instructions on how to use the sniper while Seokjin came with Kai's group to meet you halfway."

"You memorized his number?"

"Yeah, it was easy to memorize."

"You have his number on your phonebook?"

"We do hang-out sometimes."

That's when Jisoo's eyebrows rose. "You guys hang-out?"



"We do."

"Just the two of you?" Jennie nods her head and all Jisoo could do was scoff. "So how come were you injured? I heard the gunshot."

Jennie brushes her hand through her hair. "Kai miscalculated on his shot."

Jisoo widens her eyes. "He what!?"

"He just lowered a tad bit on my shoulder-"

"Is that why your hand is injured?!"


"That's it." Jisoo stands up. "I'm going to have a talk with him!"

"Chu you don't need to do it. He actually saved me by miscalculating."

"Well then tell me how did he save you?" Jisoo crosses her arms.

"When he miscalculated his shot it brought me to my knees and indeed caused chaos. I grabbed my handgun and shot Namjoon straight to the heart."She says. "It's all good Chu I promise. This hand is going to heal two weeks max."

"Namjoon..." Jisoo trails off. "Where is he?"

"He won't bother us anymore." Jennie says in a manner in which Jisoo would understand so the latter just nods her head. "So... shouldn't we talk about us?"

That seems to change Jisoo's mood. "W-what?"

Jennie holds Jisoo by the wrist and lets the latter sit beside her. "I think we should talk about what we feel and just have a definite label between us."

"Oh." Jisoo swallows the lump on her throat and eventually nods. "Okay, let's do that."

"Jisoo when I said that I didn't want to be with you I- deep down, there was a part of me that thought it was the right thing to do." Jennie explains. "Because for me, you're the most amazing person that I have ever met... You always speak what's on your mind, you know what you want to happen, want to have and you focus on it. You've got multiple accomplishments and your mind always surprises me. And then when you look at me... I'm just-" Jennie sighs. "I'm just me."

"All I could offer you is my time, my love and every bit of my existence. I don't own lavish things nor do I have a penthouse and a six-digit on my bank account. I'll always make you worry because of my chosen profession and I am not quite expressive with what I feel. I sometimes act like a child and whine like a baby, I have low tolerance with my jealousy and also insecure with my own physical attributes."

"Hey." Jisoo makes Jennie look at her in the eyes. "Don't ever say that. Don't say you're just you, because that's what I like about you in the first place." She says. "I like the way that you're so brave, you put your life on the line for the safety of the people in this city. You're such an amazing person and I wish you would see that... And if you would give me the chance, I would really like to help you in that area."

"W-w-what..." Jennie couldn't help but feel nervous and excited at the same time.

"I've always find you attractive Jennie, it was already a given because you are beautiful." She says. "But what made me fall for you is because you are you, without any hint of disguise. I like you, for all the things that you are insecure about. I don't care about lavishness and six-digit bank account, I don't care if you make me worry because I don't see it as a liability. When you love someone, you worry about them right?"

"You have issues and I have issues but I believe that we can sort things out. I want to make this work because I can't see myself be with someone else that's not you." Jisoo says. "And I don't want to see it because if it's not you, then why bother dating at all." Reaching out for Jennie's hand, Jisoo slowly intertwines it with hers. "I want to be with you Jennie, more than anything else... my focus is only on you."

The Lieutenant couldn't help but blush feeling the warmth of the doctor beside her so she hides her blush by leaning onto Jisoo's neck. "No fair, I was about to ask you to be my girlfriend."

Jisoo chuckles the way Jennie whined. "Don't worry, I'll leave the engagement proposal to you."

Instantly Jennie snaps her head and looks at Jisoo with wide eyes. "You- you- engagement?"

The latter just nods her head. "Why? Don't you think we would last that long?" She throws in a playful glare at her.

"Take me out to date first Doctor Kim."

Jisoo smirks. "Why bother taking you out for a date when I can take you here right now."

Jisoo carefully pulls Jennie toward her before placing her lips on hers. They both stayed still for a moment before the police officer starts moving her lips and Jisoo responding with the same light movement. She cups Jennie's cheeks and tilted her head to deepen the kiss further and slid her tongue across the latter's bottom lip. Just as when things were about to get heated, the door suddenly opens and they were both caught on the act, making them all blushed and embarrassed.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry I didn't know." Kai was also embarrassed interrupting such an intimate moment. "Seokjin asked me to get his badge."

"I'm gonna kill him." Jennie whispers in Jisoo's ear, making her shake her head while Kai moved to the accent chair and got the badge.

"Again I'm so sorry."

"Inspector wait." Kai turns around, and Jisoo wraps her hand securely around Jennie. "I would like to express my gratitude for saving my girlfriend." Jennie couldn't help but roll her eyes at how territorial Jisoo sounded.

"It's the least that I could do." Kai gives Jennie a grateful look. "She saved my wife after all."

"Huh?" Jisoo reacts with furrowed eyebrows. "W-wife?"

Kai nods his head. "Krystal says hi by the way Jen. We should do some double date soon since you finally got a keeper in your hands."

"Let's do that."

"I'll leave you guys now."

As soon as Kai closes the door, Jisoo looks at her. "He has a wife?"


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You were busy acting like a possessive girlfriend." She says in a matter of fact.

"I can't believe we've just started dating and I made a complete fool out of myself."

"Hey, that's okay." Jennie says. "You're my type anyway."

Now it was Jisoo's turn to roll her eyes. "Cheeseball."

"So, shall we get back to where before he interrupted us?"

"And where was that?"

The Lieutenant leans in and whispers. "I believe it's when your tongue was sliding across my bottom lip."

Jisoo looks at Jennie with warm and soft eyes. "Focus on me?"

Jennie lifts her head up and nods. "Focus on me too?"

"I'll focus on you and only you Jennie."


"Ladies and gentlemen, it's my honor to introduce to you the newly-weds, Mrs. Kang Seulgi and Kang Irene!"

The double wooden doors opened and from behind stood Irene and Seulgi now who changed their outfits and wore their cocktail wedding dress for the reception event that was held somewhere uphills away from the hustle and bustle coming from the noisy streets of Seoul. As they walked down the aisle, their guests clapped their hands and greeted them warmly as they both sang along to their wedding song. After the dance with their respective parents, both Seulgi and Irene danced along to a romantic wedding song as snowflakes continue to drop to their igloo dome made out of glass, making the entire venue look like it came out from a fairytale book.

While everyone was enjoying their food while watching the couple's videos and pictures, one couple was completely lost in their own world as they keep on staring at one another while tending to their drinks, without giving care what was happening around them.

"You know I'm starting to feel bad."


"Because it feels like we only attended the wedding for the drinks."

"Wasn't that the case? We came out here because we ran out of drinks."

Jisoo chuckles and shakes her head. "I still cannot believe that you manage to convince me to come here despite being thirty minutes late."

"It's not like we're the star of the show here..." Jennie trails off and looks at the crowd before checking Jisoo out. "But maybe you are."

"There you are again with all those speculations."

"Am I?"

"You're just dreaming."

"Then don't wake me up." She says before kissing the exposed skin which was Jisoo's shoulder.

"I should tell Nayeon to lower your medicinal dosage," Jisoo says and then looks at Seulgi and Irene who was still in conversation with some of their guests.

"You know, I still cannot believe that you didn't tell me that you were Seulgi's ex-girlfriend." Jennie says.

"It didn't matter during the agreement. But since things have changed now, I want to be completely honest with you."

"Seulgi must've been a general in her past life that's why she gets to be the first in line to date hot women." She rolled her eyes.

"Hmm, are you jealous?"

"Jealous?" Jennie scoffs. "Why would I be jealous? I have the most beautiful woman in the room not only as my date but as my girlfriend. If Seulgi was a General then I was like this god-tier frontline who saved the entire nation." Jisoo laughs as she continuously witnesses Jennie thinking and saying non-sense things due to the side effects of her medications needed for her recovery. "Don't you think so?"

"I know you're god-tier, but maybe lessen it for a bit? I still want to be with you for like another three decades."

Jennie couldn't help but smile hearing that come from her. "Don't worry, I have nine lives."

"Well, I need more than that if you're going to keep on saving the day, Captain Kim." Jisoo says as she addresses her girlfriend's newly appointed position. "I wonder how Chaeyoung feels being called Lieutenant Park."

"She only likes it when it comes from Lisa."

Jisoo playfully pushes her off away a bit. "Asshole." She shakes her head and takes the remaining content of her cocktail. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom for a bit okay."

She exits the hall and followed the directions towards the bathroom where she was surprised to see Seulgi inside wiping off the chicken stain coming on her white dress. Afraid that she'll surprise the latter, she announces her presence by pressing turning the faucet on. Seulgi was still focused on wiping off the stain but when she went to turn the faucet on, that's when she noticed Jisoo, which completely caught her off guard.


"Hi, Seulgi." Jisoo smiles at her while she was still in the middle of processing things. "Did I really changed that much over the years?"

Seulgi blinks away, cursing herself lightly for staring rudely. "I'm sorry- I didn't- I didn't know you would come..." She trails off, still cannot believe that she would see the Jisoo after years of not being able to. "I didn't know that you would see the e-mail I sent you."

"I was kind of surprised when you sent me an invitation." Jisoo pulls out a few tissue papers, dabbing them with the mixture of hand soap and water before helping Seulgi with the stain. "I guess some things never change at all."

"Yeah." She lightly chuckles. "I guess some really don't."

"There, all clean." She smiles at her neat work.

"Jisoo?" The latter looks at her. "I know this isn't the proper time and venue for this but- I want to say sorry." Jisoo just waits for her to continue. "What I did to you back then, it was unacceptable... You deserved a proper explanation rather than me telling you that things won't just work out anymore." She says. "I'm sure my excuse then sounded pretty lame now and looking back, I guess I should've given you the explanation you deserve, but I wasn't sure if I was ready to hurt you like that. I probably did more damage to you more than I could ever imagine."

"You know Seul, I used to think the same way as you are right now."


"Yeah, I thought that I deserved more than just a simple sentence. I was so angry and hurt at the time and questioned if I did love you right because if I did, then you wouldn't leave me right?" She says. "So I then start to ask how could you love someone the right way? What is the right way? Is the right way to love everybody?"

"Then I realize I was so focused on justifying your reason for breaking up with me that I got a lost track that it wasn't my fault when we broke up, it wasn't me- neither it was yours... We were just two missing puzzles trying hard to make things work when we obviously belong to different puzzles...." Jisoo trails off and smiles at Seulgi. "Let us leave whatever it is that happened before us, it doesn't belong to where we are right now."

Seulgi smiles back, glad to have Jisoo back in her life. "And have you found the puzzle where you belong to?"

This time Jisoo's smile turns a bit wider as she remembers Jennie. "Yeah." She nods as she looks at Seulgi. "I think I have."

Jisoo and Seulgi went out of the comfort room and talked about the good times they had as the awkwardness slowly drip away around the two of them and now from being awkward exes they become two old friends who have reunited. Jennie was outside of the hall when she heard Jisoo's laughter and saw that she was with Seulgi laughing. She looked at the two of them with furrowed eyebrows as she waits for them to come to where she was.

"Oh! There you are." Jisoo smiles as she walks beside Jennie and linked their arms together. "Seul, I'd like you to meet Jennie, my girlfriend."

Jennie was completely caught off guard and blushed to make Seulgi smile and extend her hand. "Hello Jennie- or wait, is it Captain Kim?"

"Jennie will do." She says as she shakes Seulgi's hand. "Congratulations Mrs. Kim."

"Thank you for coming and for the gift, Jisoo hasn't told me what it is but she tells me that we'll like it."

Now that made Jennie smile. "Of course, I'm pretty sure you're going to like it, Mrs. Kang." She smiles.

"Well, I should probably head back now, my wife might be looking for me." Seulgi smiles at the two of them. "I hope the four of us could hang out soon."

"Let's do that." Jennie shakes her hand once more before letting Seulgi go back inside. "So, I'm guessing that something interesting happened inside the bathroom?"

"We just had a proper closure this time."

"Not to brag but I had a proper closure too."

"Really? And she wasn't the bitchy-arrogant Irene?"

Jennie shakes her head. "She too apologized for what happened between us and for the way that she acted to you at her bachelorette party."

"I wonder how Seulgi will react when she sees our wedding gift..."

"I told you she's going to like it."

"I thought they were both traditional and boring during sex?"

"That's why they're going to like it because it's going to spice up their sex life, maybe get a little bit of level up you know." Jisoo smiles. "I mean, having a sex bench is a real glow up from just doing missionary..."

Jennie couldn't help but laugh. "Our minds though..."

"I guess we both got what we wanted."

"I'm not so sure about you but for me, I got more than what I bargained for."

Jisoo couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Such a smooth talker Captain Kim."

Jennie stops at the entrance and grabbed Jisoo's hands. "I can't believe that some fake dating can actually lead to something like this."

"I thought it was cliché and overdramatic but it looks like I got bitten in the ass."

"Well, you did get bitten in the ass remember when I-" Jennie furrowed her eyes as Jisoo shuts her mouth. "What was that for?"

"You were getting sentimental and now you just have to ruin the moment."

"Kidding aside, I'm really thankful that you agreed to my offer. Had it been with another friend or another girl, I never would've found out that the one for me has been by my side all along. I'm glad it was you, and looking back, offering you to be my fake girlfriend will be the most memorable thing that has ever happened to me." Jennie smiles. "I'm so happy that I can't wait to share it on our wedding day or to our kids someday."

Jisoo's heart warmed with how simple and real Jennie's speech was that she leaned in for a quick kiss as she cups her girlfriend's cheeks. "As long as you get the narrative right then I'll allow you to share it."

"That you touched my pussy first before touching my heart?"

She playfully shoves Jennie away from her. "Why are you such an asshole?"

Jennie says as she wraps Jisoo in her arms securely. "You love this asshole though."

"I do." She pulls away and looks at Jisoo's soft and warm eyes. "Jennie?"


"Focus on me?"

The Captain smiles, remembering the first time she has ever heard it from Jisoo. From being fake dating couple to real-time dating, Jennie couldn't remember how many times they have said it to one another but what she remembers though, is that every time they say it, it will always something very important to the both of them and something that they will never get tired of telling.

Jennie leans in and kisses Jisoo on the forehead as she answers-

"I'll focus on you, and only you Jisoo."


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