Focus Part 2

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Hearing the latter's answer made Jisoo smile briefly before pulling away and motions for Jennie to pay the bill. "Thanks."

Putting the wallet back to her pocket, Jennie starts a conversation. "So..."

"Starting tomorrow you're going to ditch your bike and put your car back to work. Pick me up from home and send me to the office every day until the party."

"O-okay... is there something more?"

"Of course there is..." Jisoo smirks. "But where's the fun in telling you?"

The next day though she gets a text message from Jisoo telling that there's no need in picking her up today and that they'll just meet later when she's out from her clinic hours. Jennie sends a quick 'ok, take care' reply before starting her dreading day inside her own office. When she got there, the three musketeers were quick to their footing and started asking questions right away. So you can just imagine just how pleased they were when Jennie announced that Jisoo agreed to be her 'fake girlfriend' until the party. They were rejoicing inside Lieutenant's office, teasing her endlessly to which Jennie just replied with 'she's not my real girlfriend' and even talked about the endless possibilities of what could happen right before they got to the very dreading quarterly meeting for their squadron.

"Oh my God, not even half-done with the meeting but I feel like my mind is about to explode already."

"That's because you don't have one, to begin with."

"What did you say midget-"

"Excuse you; I am an intelligent midget-"

"Guys-" Chaeyong stops the fight between Sooyoung and Dahyun. "Before you guys kill each other, can one of you at least pick up the telephone and dial Chicken Samcheon? Tell him if he doesn't reserve a table for us, I'll charge him with murder. I'm internally bleeding to death."

Sooyoung rolls her eyes. "Dramatic Park Chaeyoung as always."

"Joy just pick-up the phone." An exhausted sigh left Jennie's mouth. "If I don't take a bite of his chicken I might lose it."

"Chicken Samcheon always reserves a seat for us. Now come along, let's just go." Everyone else followed Sooyoung's orders and they all head out to their favorite chicken restaurant. "Wonder what will be his specialty for today be."

"Lieutenant Kim! Thank you for the meal!" A junior lieutenant says as he passed by them.

"Huh? What did I do?"

"Oh look, there's Lieutenant Kim!" Two more scouts came to her and gave her a full salute. "Thank you for the meal Lieutenant Kim!"

Jennie furrowed her eyebrows. "I didn't-"

Jeongyeon and Tyuzu, both lieutenants of their squads also approached her. "Jen, thanks for the meal."

"Yeah, I feel like I'm fully recharged right now thanks to the full meal you gave to us."

"Hold on a second, I didn't give anything to you guys.." Jennie says slightly annoyed with how clueless she is with the situation. "What are you talking about?"

"Really? I thought you know because of your girlfriend dropped by and gave a free meal to every single Saint Lucia."

"Girlfriend what are you-" Jennie's speech was cut off when she felt Dahyun nudging her to the side. "Oh."

Jennie's mouth went slightly ajar when she saw Jisoo talking animatedly with the Colonel and the Captain laughing heartily with whatever the two men were saying. Jisoo really looked good in her professional wear with a white lacey top tucked in the patterned trousers, matched with the perfect stilettos. Jisoo's face had light makeup and that famous red lipstick that always completes her look. Her beautiful locks were secured in a mid-high ponytail and overall she is just a complete head-turner. When she turns to her colleague, her trance was quickly gone when she saw the rest of her friends and even those who were present in the hallway. Out of her annoyance, Jennie pinches Chaeyoung, Dahyun and Sooyoung's side one by one.


"What the hell?"

"That hurts!" The three of them shot Jennie a look which Jennie bravely returns with a glare.

"Stop staring at my girlfriend."

"She's not your-"

"Ah, there she is!" Mino and Jiyong smiled at Jennie who stood there and saluted their superiors. "Lieutenant I never knew you had it in you." Her Colonel says.

"Had it in me..?" Jennie chuckles nervously.

"I never knew you had the guts to ask a girl out! Let alone Doctor Kim right here." He chuckles. "And here I thought you were going to be single and workaholic! Am I right Captain?"

"Well, at least you're stuck with Doctor Kim right here." Jiyong smiles at Jisoo. "You're lucky Lieutenant. Although I can't say the same to our Sooya right here."

Jennie furrowed her eyebrows at the unique nickname. "Uh... what are you doing here?" She says as her eyes move to Jisoo. "Don't you have work?"

"Well I have a few clients today so I thought of dropping by." She smiles as she hands Jennie a beautifully wrapped bag. "Don't worry I put in everything you like in there."

"Just her though?" Dahyun blurts out all of a sudden, earning a nudge from the twin towers beside her.

"Of course not, I prepared a meal for every one of you. It's in the mess hall." She smiles politely at Dahyun and the so-called 'Tofu' blushed in embarrassment.

"Assa what are we waiting for, let's take a bite!"

Jisoo then turns to the Captain. "So Captain, how did you like the food?"

"Fantastic as always." He smiles.

"You know what that means right?"

Mino shakes his head and turns to Jennie. "Lieutenant, about the post-team meeting and evaluation tonight, I think you can sit out on this one."

"B-b- I thought my presence is going to be in need there?"

"No need. Although I could use a hand... Care to recommend anyone?"

"I'm pretty sure Junior Lieutenants Park Sooyoung, Park Chaeyoung and Kim Dahyun would be a great help." Smirking inside of her head, at least Jennie somehow got her revenge on what her friends did.

Mino looks at her with doubt for a second before nodding. "If you say so..."He unsurely trails off. "Anyway, I'll be heading off and meet with to get them notified." He says in his monotone voice before turning to Jisoo with a smile. "Sooya, I think I'll be seeing you more often yes?" Jisoo nods with a smile completely making him satisfied. "I'll get going now. Lieutenant, Colonel."

When Mino excused himself, the Colonel lets out a cough as well. "I'll be leaving you two as well."

Jennie gives him a salute as he walks back to his office.

"Show me your office Lieutenant." Jisoo teases, making Jennie rolls her eyes.

"Follow me."

"After you."

Jennie lets Jisoo roam around her office for a while as she prepares the meal Jisoo specially cooked for her. As soon as she removes the cover, the Special Ops Officer couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of a very basic Korean lunch set. The first box contained rolled omelet with seaweed, sausages and a rolled vegetable with ham and cheese. The second layer was two pieces of fried chicken and the bottom layer contained rice and quail eggs. She shakes her head, wondering if this was her special meal what were her colleagues were eating.

"Don't worry, I ordered from a local restaurant for them." Jisoo says as if she was able to hear what the latter was asking for. "You won't have to worry, I will not poison them."

Jennie just lets out a chuckle. "You just didn't want your secret coming out huh."

"I practically live inside my clinic do you think I have time for cooking lessons."

"I pity your soon-to-be husband."

"Already planning to break-up with me babe?" Jisoo sits in front of her. "And here I thought we were just getting started." She teases and watches as Jennie takes a bite. "How is it?"

"It's pretty good... I mean for someone who lives inside her clinic this is pretty edible." Jennie takes another bite of the chicken. "How did you learn to cook this?"

"My mom used to make those for us when we were still in school."

"I'm sure she's proud of you." Jennie smiles comfortingly and places her hand on top of Jisoo's. "Anyway, what brings you here? Other than the fact that you practically announced our so-called 'relationship' together."

"I had to do it. Who knows what your ex could do." She answers making Jennie quite amazed at just how she prepared for this situation. "Better prepared than nothing right?" Jennie just shrugs and agrees to her nonetheless. "Besides, I had to smooth talk to your superiors about not attending the post-evaluation whatsoever meeting you have to attend."

"Post-team meeting and evaluation." She corrects.

"Right, that one." Jennie just shakes her head. "So I was thinking that we should practice tonight."

"Practice?" Jennie's eyebrows crease at the statement. "For what?"

"For the end of the world geez Jen, of course for the day that you get to meet your ex duh?" Jisoo rolls her eyes.

"Right." She nods her head in agreement as she takes a bite of Jisoo's cooked meal. "What do you have in mind?" Jisoo suddenly leans in, stepping over Jennie's so-called 'personal space' and totally catching the officer off-guard. "J-Jisoo..."

"I'm not the type of woman who gives in right away." She says once again in her low register voice. "But I think a little clue might just do the trick for you." Leaning in once again, Jennie could feel her muscles getting tense just at the mere fact that Jisoo is totally on her personal space. "We're going to get physical tonight."

Jennie blushed at the clue and looks at Jisoo while rapidly blinking as her mind tries to process the situation. "W-w-what are you- physical?"

In return, Jisoo just smiles and even shoots her a playful wink before standing up and makes her way out of the door when she notices that Jennie wasn't following suit. "Why are you still standing there?"


"You're just going to let your girlfriend go all alone before feeding your entire squadron?"

"R-right." Jennie slowly makes her way towards Jisoo and was even chivalrous enough to open the door for her.

"Plus points Kim." Jisoo says with a smile.

They walked together in the hallway and even met some of Jennie's colleagues and subordinates all of which thanked her for filling their stomachs after the exhausting meeting. Jennie replies with a small nod of acknowledgment while Jisoo shoots them a brief question or two before letting them go on their way. Jennie presses the down button on the elevator that was currently on the sixth floor and waits patiently for it to come down to the fourth while her mind was still busy trying to figure out what Jisoo had meant when she said to her that they were getting physical tonight.

While Jennie is busying herself with that thought, Jisoo turns around and saw that the majority of the Saint Lucia Racers were snooping at them as they were huddled in the hallway, pretending that they weren't snooping at all. Jisoo smiles to herself before placing herself in front of Jennie, confusing the latter to nearly freezing her when she hugged her right there, allowing Jennie to inhale her natural scent which was surprisingly very alluring. The doctor doesn't shift her focus to the audience they have right now but she smiles when she could hear some gasps and gushes from them.

Lifting her head up, she places her lips dangerously close to Jennie's ear that it was enough to bring shivers down to the Lieutenant's spine and to the crowd that was so focused at the scene in front of them.

"Remember." She says in a whisper. "Wash the container three to five times. I hate it when my containers aren't squeaky clean."


Jisoo shots her a playful wink before entering the elevator. As if Jisoo wasn't done surprising her, the gynecologist raises her voice a little higher before saying- "Lieutenant Kim, fighting!"

Jennie was stunned for a few seconds, trying to absorb the moment that Jisoo practically gave her the cute pose. "Did she just fucking do the aegyo at me?" Turning around she was surprised to see the majority of them was standing there. "You little fuckers, you nearly gave me a heart attack! I'm going to-"

"Salute!" Sooyoung says in her full authoritative voice and the rest follow suit.

"Y-yah, what's with the salute-"

"LIEUTENANT KIM!" Jennie slightly jumps in surprise. "Teach us your ways!"

"What are you-"


"Everyone back at the assembly hall!" She ordered and everyone was quick to their steps and went back to the big meeting room within their floor. "You little rascals!" She says as she stomps her way towards her friends. "What was that about?"

"Sorry, we just had to do it." Sooyoung says. "They were talking about you."

"Me? Why would they be talking about me?"

"It's not like you were very public with your private life Jen, let alone your sex life so imagine what kind of buzz happened inside this floor when she showed up and fed everyone."

"Did you know that she was going to do something like this?"

"Of course not, had I known, I would've panicked." Jennie thought of the word 'pass-out' but she values her strong personality too much. "She told me that it was better for everyone in the team knew about her existence just in case Irene does some snooping around."

"Knowing that woman, I know that she's much capable of doing." Chaeyoung says as she was one of the early witnesses of Jennie's relationship with the CEO. "Very smart of her I must say..."

"Jisoo has a library of books and a lot of crime dramas that she likes to watch so I wouldn't be surprised. She's pretty amazing to think of those even though we're fake dating."

"Or it could be just her telling you that she's a keeper." Dahyun blurts out, making her friends' heads turn to her. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

"For once you actually said something right."


"I must say, I agree with the two of them." Chaeyoung says. "I think Jisoo is showing off her skills to boost up her resume, just in case you need to extend the contract of being her girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend."

"That's what she said." Dahyun rebuts sarcastically. "Earlier I saw how you glared at us for checking her out."

"Who the hell are you and what have you done to Dahyun?"


"Doesn't matter, I want to keep this Dahyun." Sooyoung smirks. "Anyway Jen, what did Jisoo whispered earlier? It looked like she was teasing you."

Jennie remembers what Jisoo told her earlier and just shook her head. "You guys have no idea." She smiles.


"So, where are we going tonight?" Jennie asks after she picks Jisoo up from the hospital.


"Home?" Jisoo nods her head. "Whose home?"

"Irene's home." The latter responds with a mixture of annoyance and sarcasm. "Of course my home idiot."

"Y-y-y- your home?"

Jennie watches as Jisoo types in the directions to the GPS. "You think I was kidding when I told you that we were getting physical tonight?"

The silence was followed after what Jisoo said to her. All that was making noises were the GPS Map and the different noises coming from the latter's handphone playing from different videos from a social media app. Thirty minutes later Jennie finds herself parking her truck within the parking basement of one of the expensive buildings in Seoul.

She follows the doctor inside the elevator and waits for the lift to reach the ninth floor. Jennie didn't really doubt Jisoo's financial capacity because she wasn't just working for the biggest hospital in Seoul, but she was the head of their department and the youngest leader for that. She probably makes more than Jennie does and living inside this building goes to show that.

The elevator dings; and Jennie was surprised to see just one door on this vast space. She looked at Jisoo who types her code and enters her home. The doctor turns around and was motioned Jennie to enter with the use of her head. Jennie carefully placed her shoes and slips into slippers and she could tell that Jisoo's home will surprise her.

And she wasn't wrong with that.

With mouth agape, Jennie's eyes wandered around the vast penthouse suite that had a beautiful scene of the Han river. She looked at the open space and how everything works together from the kitchen down to the formal dining and even the breakfast nook towards the small pool over the balcony. Her eyes shift to the beautifully organized living room with all these indoor plants and the clean white finishing that Jennie seemed to be attracted to the spot.

She even has a fireplace and a grand piano.

"I helped the chairman once when he choked during our inauguration ceremony." Jisoo emerges while holding a wine bottle, a glass with a wrapped box. "The chiefs were rushing to call their subordinates to get the operation ready while I hoisted him up and wrapped around my hands to his waist and forced him to vomit."

"Really?" Jisoo nods her head. "The media must've really liked it."

"Oh no, they all took them down." Jisoo says. "He needed an immediate remedy and I had to step up. It was my duty as a doctor."

"I bet that your superiors don't like it."

"Of course, their suck-ups for titles attached to their names." She rolls her eyes. "They still hate me by the way though, especially when I became the head of Obstetrics and Gynaecology."

"How did you get the spot though?"

"It was another lucky event in the life of Doctor Kim Jisoo when I was the only Gynecologist available to check for the daughter-in-law of the Chairman." She says. "Since the stunt I did to the Chairman, everybody viewed me as an ugly duckling and left me for most conventions and one of them was the annual convention in Thailand."

"And what did you help her with?"

"She was feeling some abdominal and pelvic pain so when I did a pelvic exam on her and eventually an ultrasound, I found the tumor in one of her ovaries and fallopian tube or so-called Ovarian Low Malignant Potential Tumors." She says. "Thankfully though it was just Stage IA so I referred to her to the best surgeon and got the tumor removed and all she had to go was some pre-tests and a few sessions of chemotherapy then she was good to go."


Jisoo nods. "The chairman even made a speech of equality and all crappy messages during my promotion and then gave me this as a gift." She extends her hand referring to the house she's living in. "It was still in the midst of building when he promised me this and even wanted to give me the 30th floor all to myself but I have acrophobia so he gave me the ninth."

"Still all to yourself?" Jisoo nods. "You must be a saint during your past life."


"Do you live here all alone?"

"I wanted my brother and his family to move with me but he wanted to save his pride rather than money so I let him be."

Jennie scoffs. "Men."

"I understand. He should show to his wife she didn't marry the wrong guy." Jisoo says as she pops the wine. "Anyway, I didn't invite you so I get to tell you about my family tree." She says and then instantly makes Jennie nervous, especially when she saw Jisoo ripping the wrapped box, revealing its content.

"Are we really doing that?"

"Told you tonight's going to get physical right?" Jisoo's sly smile appears and the latter just swallows the lump in her throat.

Physical...? Could she be implying to- "J-Jisoo h-hold up." Jisoo stops preparing the floor and turns to her. "Um... I think we shouldn't get a hold of ourselves."

"What are you talking about?"

Jennie lets out a sigh of relief. "I get it, you're attractive and all but I don't think that there's a need for this. I mean we can-" Her speech of rejection was immediately cut off when Jisoo laughed so loud that Jennie could feel her cheeks blushing without even knowing the reason why the doctor was laughing in that manner. "W-w-did I say something wrong?"

"Did you somehow assume that we're getting physical by playing Strip Twister?" Jisoo wipes the tears forming on the sides of her eyes and carefully wipes them away. "Man, I know you can make a woman laugh but never in a lifetime would I be able to know that your humor is on this level." She regains composure and the look from her eyes immediately changed. "You're not my type Jennie; I'm just going to lay it out in the open while we're at it."

The other woman flips her hair in a very sassy manner as well and refuses to back down at these statements of rejection. "It's not like you're my type too."

"Says the one who complimented me earlier for being attractive and all."

"S-s-hut up!" Jisoo chuckles and enjoys at the sight of a blushing SOU Officer. "Just tell me what we are doing so we could be done here."

She playfully smirks and lays down the Twister mat on the marble floor. "It's very simple; we play it like a normal twister. Failure to reach down the specific spot with our hands or feet and we lose. The loser gets to drink this beautiful wine with 65 percent alcohol."

"Pft, too easy."

"Well then." Jisoo ties her hair up in a fixed and neat ponytail. "Shall we start?"

Jennie stands up as well and ties her hair quite nicely. "Sure, but of course, ladies first."

"A chivalrous woman I see." Jisoo bends down and ticks the clock. "Right hand on the green."

The officer places her hand at ease. "My turn." She says and ticks the clock as well. "Left hand on the blue." Jisoo looks at the mat before smirking to herself and places her left hand on the blue, just right behind Jennie, giving her the perfect view of her ass and surprising the latter and making her off of her balance. "Hey! That was unfair."

"Unfair? How was it unfair?"

"You- there's a lot of blue here!"

"I know, but this is a strategy game Lieutenant." She says. "Oh by the way, before I forget- when you fall off and lose the game, you have to touch the part I want you to touch me later."

Jennie instantly blushes after hearing the additional punishment. "You little sly player..."

"As I said, it's a strategy game." The doctor scoffs and ticks on the clock. "Left foot on yellow."


"Ugh." Jennie slumps her body against the perfectly leather-coated sofa while her mind is slowly spinning around. "Enough."

"Are you sure?"

"Jisoo, you're ahead by five points and my head's spinning because of that wine." She sighs. "You win."

"Don't sleep on me now; our night is just about to start."

"What do you mean?"

"Remember the additional punishment?"

"Oh." She seems to sober up lightly because of that. "Right."

Jisoo sits in front of Jennie and with just three consecutive claps the once bright lights dimmed down highlighting the view of the city right in front of Jennie with Beyoncé's Dance for You low playing on the background. She shots Jisoo a look, to which the doctor shrugs.

"I've prepared it to be on loop six times. When the song's done and so is this session."

She just shakes her head and looks at the beautiful scenery right in front of her. "Remind me to save the Chairman next time."

Jisoo chuckles because of that but then once she locked eyes with Jennie, the playfulness in her eyes was long gone and that means it was time to get on with their practice. "So... you lost."


"Five times to be exact."


"You know what that means right?"


Jisoo pushes herself forward, making Jennie back up immediately and that makes Jisoo smile. "Hmm, you're nervous."

"When you look at me like that? Of course, I feel nervous."

"And how do I look at you, Jennie?"

Jennie swallows the lump in her throat. "Like that."

"Listen, the reason why we're doing this is that if we're aiming to fool your ex-girlfriend, we have to believe first that we're a couple and what better way to do that than getting comfortable with each other's touch right?" She's right about this one. Jennie thinks to herself before nodding in agreement. "Since I am a good friend and you're such a sore loser, I'm going to give this one a tie. You and I, we get to touch each other three times. One from the head, one mid-area, and one low level; we also get one request on the part where we would like to touch base on our preference. Does that make sense?"

"It m-makes sense."

"You first." She says. "Where would you like to be touched?"

"Uh... I want you to-"

"Jennie just be comfortable with me. I'm still Jisoo after all."

"Right..." The officer trails off. "I want you to touch my hair."

Jisoo scoots closer and extends her right hand. "May I?"


Pulling the tie away, Jennie's hair freed and flowed beautifully all the way down to her chest. It looked like a beautiful and shimmering waterfall, especially when Jisoo brushed her hands against them. It felt like Jisoo's fingers were a boat skillfully and soothingly traveled through Jennie's rich, jet black hair that smelled like vanilla. Jisoo imagined it similar to the land of Milk and Honey.

"I like your hair... Such a shame officers like you guys usually, tie them properly into a bun."

"It's part of the protocol."

The latter hums before pulling away from her hand from it and Jennie couldn't help but miss the warm contact from the doctor. "I want you to touch my lips."

This time Jennie pushes herself closer and brushes her thumb against the latter's heart-shaped lips. From the moment that they met, Jennie had always marveled at how Jisoo's lips were perfectly sculptured like they are right now and now she knew that God might have slight favoritisms when creating the babies before placing them into a woman's womb. She already knew that they were perfect, but now, being given the privilege to even have her thumb brush across them felt like she had been blessed in a way.

"Jennie." Jisoo's voice snaps her out of it. She looks at the latter and there was it is once again... The teasing look imprinted on Jisoo's face that she would be so delighted to rip off. "Are you done fulfilling your fantasy?"

"S-shut up." Jennie instantly pulls away and Jisoo, as usual just chuckles at her.

"Already planning to use the request card?" Jennie shakes her head. "I see, saving the best for last as well... alright Lieutenant, your turn."

"I want you to touch my stomach." Jisoo's eyebrows rose at the request. "I easily get an upset stomach."

"Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"No, no, I-" She bites her lower lip. "I just like it when someone else holds my stomach... feels a bit comforting."

Jisoo stares at her for a moment before smiling warmly. "I have an idea." She says before making space for Jennie right in between her legs. "Come here."

The latter was too immersed with the atmosphere to even object this time around. So instead, she follows Jisoo's instructions. As soon as she settles herself, she could feel Jisoo's front pressed against her back and the doctor's hands wrapping them around her waist. Jennie shudders for a moment after feeling the coldness coming from the latter's fingers but it went away all too fast and replaced with a kind of warmth that Jennie liked. Especially when she could feel Jisoo's nose on the right side of her head, inhaling in her shampoo scent.

"I like how your hair smells." Jisoo says.

"I like how your hands feel." Jennie smiles at the cheesy confession, only to realize how much it could mean in a totally different way. "I mean-"

"Shhh... don't explain and just feel okay?"

"Okay." And then enjoys further how Jisoo feels incredibly warm that she wouldn't mind if she was to find herself in the same situation again, but Jennie realizes that it was on the fourth loop of the song and that they really didn't have much time left. With this new-found courage she had, she turns around and meets Jisoo's eyes. "Your turn Jisoo."

"Are you sure? Because to me, it seems like you enjoyed the feeling of my hands." She says teasingly and Jennie just rolls her eyes. "Okay then, my turn it is."

"Where would you like to be touched Jisoo?"

"I want you to feel my breasts." Jennie's eyes widen at the request. "Why, too much for your rising confidence?" She challenges.

"Where would you like to touch me for the final round?"

"I want to feel your ass, Jennie Kim." She says as her fingers carefully travel down, making Jennie freeze for a moment. "And you?"

"I want to touch your thighs."

"Excellent choice Lieutenant, you sure do know my assets." She smirks.

"I- I have an idea."

"This idea seems daring judging by the way how red your cheeks are." Jennie looks away, for a moment making Jisoo smile looking how soft her friend looks at the moment. "But go ahead, I'm listening."

"What if I sit on top of you?" She suggests. "In that way, I can touch your thighs, feel your tits and let you feel my ass."

"Alas, we finally have teamwork." Jisoo's smirk still wasn't leaving her lips. "Very well, suggestion accepted." She says. "Sit on my lap, Jennie." The Lieutenant couldn't understand why, but every time Jisoo uses that tone on her she immediately finds herself surrendering and obeying the latter's orders. "Well? Are you just going to sit there? Last time I checked your suggestion involved a lot of touching."

Once again, Jennie follows Jisoo's order almost right away and cups Jisoo's breasts completely making her shy and hot at the same time. She really didn't want to admit it, but the redness of her cheeks which, by now, is traveling all throughout her face to her ears was freely showing. Just as she thought that this position couldn't get hotter, Jennie feels Jisoo's hands roaming around her peach, and without any warnings gives it a good yet light squeeze. It totally catches Jennie off-guard that she accidentally lets out a small squeal.

"Cute." Jisoo says with a smile after hearing Jennie's adorable voice.

"J-Ji-Jisoo..." The latter hums in response to her stuttering call as she tries to form a proper sentence to say. "Wh-what are you doing?"

"Feeling your ass."

"B-b-but I thought we're just touch-ing?" She bites onto her lower lips further because Jisoo still went on with the trailing hands and lightly squeezes.

"I said- I want to feel your ass." She says. "And I remember you telling in your suggestion the phrase- feel my ass." Jisoo lifts her head a little and aligns it with Jennie's ear, she whispers. "But I can also remember me saying I want you to feel my breasts."

Pulling away, Jennie looks at Jisoo's orbs and despite the lack of light inside the room, she noticed the slight change of colors in the eyes of the doctor. Usually, she would see beautiful and peaceful shades of black, but right now they looked a bit darker, almost nearing the shade of platinum black and having them being dilated showed Jennie that she wasn't the only one affected in this 'practice'. Looking down on her own hands that were still cupping Jisoo's tits- she gives it a gentle grope, similar to the way Jisoo's touch earlier and when she saw the latter tensed up, her desire to get more reaction from the doctor heightened up.

Both exchanging touches from one another, little by little- their restraint to let out sounds and give out big reactions were slowly diminishing away. From Jennie's squeals to sighs and eventually arching her back just to give Jisoo more access on her ass and she could say the same to Jisoo as well. From slowly releasing the tension inside her, Jisoo started having heavy and irregular breathing patterns while biting hard on her lower lip to now- arching her back as well with her head thrown back as she surrenders her breasts that perfectly fitted Jennie's hands.


"Do you like it?" She asks in her fragile tone, careful not to break the thin glass that both of them were in. "Do you?"

"Yes." Jisoo manages to breathe out. "But I want more."


Jisoo nods her head. "I want you to feel me more."

Jennie suddenly wants to step up her game, especially now that she sees the latter's nipples visible and perking through her bra, practically begging to be touched. She was internally debating whether to do it or not- but Jisoo's firm hold on her ass seems to do the trick and now Jennie finds both of her thumbs brushing back and forth on top of Jisoo's nipples. As soon as Jennie thought there was nothing sexier than what she is witnessing right now- hearing Jisoo's soft moan brought her to places that she never thought she would be able to experience.

Both hands traveled in a swift motion. From Jennie's ass, Jisoo's hands were now found at the back of Jennie's neck and from Jisoo's tits, her hands moved upwards, towards Jisoo's collar. Both were ready to pull each other close and finally set off this heat between them. A few feet apart, all it takes were two more seconds to let their lips crash.



Until the song stops and the light returned to their bright and full color.

Somehow, it brought back the two to their common senses. Looking back at each other's eyes, Jennie was the one who removes herself on top of Jisoo and maintains a safe distance between the two of them. It was a dreading silence, and Jennie was silently praying for something or someone to even make a sound.

"Well, that was a bummer." Jennie turns to Jisoo whose eyes were now in their calm shade. "Should've looped it seven times."

Her attempt in lightening up the mood didn't fail as Jennie shakes her head. "Just bring it to an eight just to be sure."

"I'll be sure to take down notes."

"I should get going." The doctor nods her head and walks Jennie outside of her apartment. "Thank you by the way, for tonight."

"Not yet." She says and Jennie furrows her eyebrows. "Jen, as much as I enjoyed our session earlier, I can feel that you're still not confident enough."

"W-well you really can't-"

"The Bachelorette party is in two days and you expect me to be patient around you?" Jisoo scoffs. "Jennie, you said so yourself when you were with Irene you were this timid, overly-obedient woman who can't do shit and consults everything to her. Irene was your world as you said but you have to realize that if you want your ex-girlfriend to eat her words you have to be confident in everything you do and everything you say." She says. "Tomorrow visit me at the office and surprise me."

"B-b-but how am I going to surprise you when you know I'm going to visit you?"

Jisoo sighs. "Jennie, I may know that I'm going to visit you but I won't know what time you will be visiting."

"Oh." Jennie rubs the spot at the back of her neck. "Right."

"Jennie, can you do me a favor?"


"Man up and act as a Lieutenant." Jisoo glares at her. "Otherwise, I'd really think you kissed their asses to be where you are right now."


"Holy shit."

"I know! It's fucking offending!"

"Holy freaking shit."

"Yes, I already heard that."

"But dude- holy shit."

"Chaeyoung shut up." Jennie rolls her eyes. "Just help me here out of here."

It was safe to say that Jennie didn't get the proper sleep that she needed. One, every time she closes her eyes all that she could ever think about was what happened on that couch and two, because of what Jisoo said.

Man up and act as a Lieutenant. Otherwise, I'd really think you kissed their asses to be where you are right now.

And to make matters worse, Chaeyoung was the only one available the next day to help her out since Sooyoung and Dahyun were asked to report to the Academy to do some drills and lessons to the cadets. If Sooyoung was Satan's spawn and Dahyun is an insensitive individual, Chaeyoung right here is someone who is a downright bully. She's currently having the time of her life teasing Jennie in every moment that she can as they wander around the mall, looking for something that would be able to surprise Jisoo.

"Man, I only met her once but I'm already loving her attitude! So much hidden sass in that feminine smile."

"Feminine smile my ass."

"I mean, did I lie though?" She smirks. "Damn who knew you could be topped."

"I cannot be topped."

"And I am a bottom." Chaeyoung rolls her eyes. "Look, hate to break it to you Lieutenant but Doctor Kim is right. You can't convince Irene that you guys are a couple and you aren't the dependent Jennie Kim you were before when she can clearly see right through your façade."

"Alright Captain Top, how would a top react?"

"Like this." Chaeyoung pulls her close by the waist out of nowhere causing her to yelp out loud.

"You bitch! Do you want me to kill you right now?"

The latter seems to be unfazed by her threat. "A top will never be bothered by threats or sudden change of situation. They may be surprised, but they easily regain their composure and then go back to being themselves." She leans in a bit further that her nose was already touching Jennie's. "They usually initiate the contact, but when the bottom acts as a top and lessens the distance they let it but then they use it to their advantage later on."

"And how are they going to do that?"

"Easy, by leaning in a bit further." She does what she just explains. Their distance could easily be mistaken by anyone right now and that fact alone causes Jennie to be uncomfortable and involuntarily blush.

"Quit it, you're in my personal space."

"You're blushing because you're uneasy at this minimal distance we are right now but I bet if this was Doctor Kim it would've been completely a different story wouldn't it Lieutenant?" Chaeyoung pulls away with a smile. "And that is how a top should act. Decisive, determined, knows how to react in such situations, smooth and steady and the very important thing- unfazed."

"Jesus Chaeyoung you could've just told me those things I'm not stupid."

"Sure, but how would you be able to internalize if it purely worded? Where's the fun in that?" She says. "I gave you a proper demonstration so that when we arrive at the hospital later, Jisoo wouldn't be disappointed in you rather be amazed at how quickly you can absorb information. Who knows how many cookie points is she willing to give you that."

"Enough with the cookie points, I told you we've cleared the air and told that we aren't each other's type."

"Sure..." She drags the word long enough for Jennie to know that she still wasn't convinced. "Anyway, we've been here for two hours now and I have an appointment with my Chiropractor uncle who's been fucking ditching me."

"I know, but I still don't know what to get her."

"Jennie, this is a fucking mall something inside me must be worth buying for." Chaeyoung sighs as she was totally aware at how hopeless her friend's situation is. "Alright, do you have any idea what Jisoo likes the best?"

"Well, she likes books and chickens." She answers. "I remember-" Like a lightbulb popped on top of her head. She snaps her head at Chaeyoung that the latter was worried if she had broken a bone or two. "Chaeyoung you're a fucking genius."

"It's been a long time coming but I'm glad you acknowledged it dumbfuck." She scoffs arrogantly.

"Can you do me a favor?"


"Call your book collector aunt and Chicken Samcheon. It's about time to show Jisoo how to Jennie Kim shows off her girlfriend."

"In what way?"

Jennie smirks and looks up to match her eyes with Chaeyoung's. "The Jentop way."

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