Focus Part 3

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"Miss Lee, what do I have left for this day?"

"Still a long way to go Doctor Kim. You have a forty-five-minute break and then your presence is needed by Chairman to promote and head the advocacy press conference about Cancer Month. After that, you will have a lecture about Ovarian Cancer at Yondae University and then lecture about the major functions of Gynecologists to a neighborhood funded by the Chairman's company."

"Is that all?"

"Not quite Doctor." Her assistant says. "You have three meetings separately with Doctor Shin, Doctor Im and Doctor Choi."

"And after that?"

"Only then will you be free to go."

Jisoo releases an exhausted sigh. "Tell me again my motto Miss Lee."

"The devil works hard but Doctor Kim Jisoo works harder."

After hearing that Jisoo seems to be energized and ready to be alive and kicking. "Alright, I'm gonna go and enjoy this forty-five-minute break. You, Miss Lee, needs to see the rest of the day off."


"You're getting married soon. You need to take care of yourself and enjoy the single life. I heard marriage is a trap."

Her assistant smiles at her. "Thank you, Doctor Kim, I'll just- hold on Doc." Picking up her phone, Miss Lee taps the call coming from their department's front desk. "Hello? Yes? Yes, Doctor Kim is with me. Eh?" Miss Lee continues to walk behind Jisoo who seems to be in deep thought on what to do for her break. "Alright, I'll tell her."

"Is someone needing my presence, Miss Lee?"

"Actually there is." She answers as soon as she ends the call. "Our department's front desk needs you." Jisoo stops and turns to her assistant and waits for her to continue. "They said a giant chicken is waiting for you."

Jisoo furrows her eyebrows. "A giant chicken?"

Curious to what the front desk told her assistant, Jisoo makes a left turn and walk straight to where their front desk could be found. Jisoo was expecting someone like her idiotic brother or some long-time-no-see friend but to have a giant chicken waiting for her was really intriguing. Of course, her first thought about it was something related to a Lieutenant of the KNP-SOU Saint Lucia Racers Squad but Jennie said so herself that she would be busy today because she had some errands to attend to. And knowing Jennie Kim, she would always put work above everything else.

But Jisoo's mindset immediately changed when she sees Jennie holding a giant chicken pillow, looking attractive as ever with her Office uniform.

"Jennie?" Jisoo says more likely to herself, making sure that she wasn't imagining things.

The latter turns to her and then right off the bat, Jennie walks closer to her and gives a quick kiss to the cheek. "Hey, did I come at a bad time?"

"No, not at all I was just- caught off by surprise." She admits. "What brings you here?"

"Visiting you out of the blue." She smiles. "By the way, this is a good friend of mine, Junior Lieutenant Park Chaeyoung; you've met before when you visited me at the office."

"Good morning Doctor." Chaeyoung shakes her hand. "I was supposed to meet with my uncle for another Chiropractor magic session but the old geezer ditched me once again."

"I told her that you were good with handling bones so I thought you might help her."

"Well I'm not really that good, Jennie is just over-flattering me." She says. "My friend is a good Chiropractor practitioner and she has a degree so I could definitely refer her to you." Then someone from the distance causes for Jisoo to smile. "Guess you guys came in a good time... Hey, Lisa!"

The two of them turn around and saw a beautiful Doctor who was standing from the other end of the hallway. This 'Lisa' smiled back at Jisoo and excused herself to her colleagues and makes her way towards them. "Hi, Jisoo are ready for our one-on-one session again?" Jennie raises her eyebrow at the statement and so she clears up her throat, catching this woman's attention. "Oh, you have patients."

"This is Doctor Lisa Manoban, one of the head doctors of the Chiropractors and Chiropractic Treatment Department." Lisa smiles at them and shakes their hands. "This is Park Chaeyoung, a friend of Jennie's and this is Jennie Kim-"

"Her girlfriend." Jennie completes Jisoo's sentence and she could hear Chaeyoung lightly snickers from her side but she ignores it and focused on this woman in front of her. "Chaeyoung here is looking for a Chiropractic Doctor."

"Well, then you're looking at one." She shifts her eyes at Chaeyoung. "Have you met any other Chiropractor before?"

"My uncle but he always ditches me to play golf so he's useless."

Lisa chuckles. "Now that's a shame." She replies. "We can run some tests right now and have your first session."

"Don't you have any clients today?"

"I have, but they're not here yet so we can get on with it."

"Remind me to treat you lunch sometime." Chaeyoung returns the smile.


Jennie doesn't want to witness any more of this flirting and she could tell that Jisoo doesn't want to be here as well so she decides to cut in their conversation. "Now that's settled, I think it's safe to leave you guys now since you have this session that you need to go with." She says. "Thanks for the lift Chaeyoung; I'll see you on Monday."

"No problem Lieutenant." She grins.

"Let's go?" Jisoo nods and Jennie took the initiative to hold her by the hand as they go back to Jisoo's office.

"So Jisoo's girlfriend is a Lieutenant?"

"On her way to be the Captain and the head of our squadron to be exact."

"I think they're a perfect match. Jisoo needs someone who can be on her level of intensity." She comments. "Don't get fooled by that innocent smile of hers. I heard from one of her patients that she was rather intense." Chaeyoung just nods with this new information. "Jennie is no different from what I see."

"You also sensed her jealousy?"

"She looked like she was about to rip my head off when she cleared her throat." Lisa chuckles and looks at Jennie and Jisoo walking with intertwined hands. "You guys work together?" Chaeyoung nods her head.

"We're both in the Special Operations Unit."


Chaeyoung eyes the doctor in front of her and decides to test the waters. "Is that a good 'wow' or a bad 'wow'?"

"A good type of 'wow'." Lisa turns to Chaeyoung with a smile on her face, eyeing her in the same manner that Chaeyoung is doing to her right now. "Definitely a good type."


"Finally! Bed!" Without warning, Jisoo jumps on her clinic bed as soon as they arrive at her office. "Yes..." She groans out.

Jennie closes the door and places the pillow on one of the free chairs and walks towards Jisoo. "You sound like you've already had enough for today."

"You have no idea." She says while her face is buried deep in the pillow.

"How did I do?" Jennie asks. "Were you surprised?"

It took some seconds after before she could get a proper reply from the latter. "I must say, I was quite impressed." She says. "How did you know that I didn't like flowers?"

"Jisoo, you may be a romanticist, but your practical ass would overpower it." She snickers. "You would probably accept some flowers, but that would have to be a very and really special occasion."

"Glad you took some pointers on our friend talks."

"I have one more thing to give you." Pulling out something from her sling bag, Jennie hands Jisoo a wrapped box. "Don't worry it's not a smaller version of Twister."

"Silly." She chuckles and opens removes the box's wrapper. When she finally saw its content, she looks at Jennie with wide eyes. "Jennie is this-"

"Turns out Chaeyoung's aunt likes to buy everything three times just to check if there were something wrong with the publishing house so she could put it in the review section of her multi-awarded online blog." Jennie smiles at her. "Plus she owes me a life of her cat since I saved that annoying motherfucker."

"Did you know how sad I was when I wasn't able to grab a copy of this?"

"You were so sad that there was a cloud hanging above your head, drenching you with pure sadness as you walk the way home."

"I wasn't able to play cooking rush for a day. That's how sad I was..."

"Wow." Jennie nods despite the fact she really didn't quite get the depth of not being able to play an online game even just for a day. "You must be pretty sad."

"Now you're just being an asshole." She pouts.

"I'm just kidding." Jennie stands up and stands in front of her. "Looks like someone didn't get enough sleep."

"I can say the same thing about you." She says as Jennie settles herself in between Jisoo's legs. "I see you're already getting comfortable with minimal space between us."

"Like you said we don't have the time in the world. Physical touch between us should look more natural and we should be comfortable about it."

"Well then, shall we level up the game?" Out of nowhere, Jisoo wraps her arms around Jennie's neck securely, pulling her close. "Does this still feel comfortable to you?"

Jennie freezes for a moment until she remembers what Chaeyoung said to her a while ago.

They usually initiate the contact, but when the bottom acts as a top and lessens the distance they let it but then they use it to their advantage later on.

And that is how a top should act. Decisive, determined, knows how to react in such situations, smooth and steady and the very important thing- unfazed.

Jennie ignores the rapid beating of her heart and decides to match Jisoo's daring hands by placing hers on both sides of Jisoo's waist with her right thumb giving her simple caressing. "Never been more comfortable actually..." She smiles and she could see that Jisoo didn't expect her to step things up. "Jisoo, I've been thinking about what happened last night."

Jisoo swallows this small lump inside her throat. "And?"

"And I think that there shouldn't be unfinished business between us."

"So..." Jisoo manages to drag the word out of her throat. "What unfinished business are we talking about?"

"What could have happened if you looped that song for seven times..."

"J-Jennie." Jisoo couldn't believe that the latter isn't a stuttering mess right now.

"Why?" Jennie huskily says as she leans in closer to Jisoo. "Don't tell me that you're backing out."

"Jennie we're inside my clinic."

"Inside is a pretty big word right now don't you think?"

The Doctor looks at her with wide-eyes. "What are you trying to say?"

"I'm trying to say is all we do inside this room of yours is you setting my bones. A little level up wouldn't hurt." Jennie tries her best to keep on the stoic face as she sees Jisoo blush hard. "What do you say Jisoo?"


"Doctor Kim thank- am I interrupting something?" The third person asks the 'couple'.

"Of course not, we were done anyway." Jennie smiles at Jisoo who is blushing hard like a tomato now while the intruder raises both of her eyebrows in amusement. "Oh no doctor, not that way, Jisoo was just using me as her test subject in her bone-setting skills."

"Oh." The latter blinks in realization and then lightly blushes in embarrassment as well. "Right sorry about that." She chuckles.

Jennie looks at Jisoo and then gives her the non-verbal signal for introducing the two of them. "I would like you to meet Doctor Kim. She's one of the OB's here in our department."

"You can call me Yeri by the way."

"And this is Jennie my... girlfriend." Jisoo smiles but she could still hear her heart rapidly beating against its chest. "Jennie here is a Lieutenant of Special Operations Unit."

"So this is the famous Chicken Delivery Person." Yeri smiles at her. "Thank you for the Chicken, by the way, they're delicious."

"You're welcome."

"What Chicken are you talking about?"

"She doesn't know?" Jennie just shakes her head as an answer. "Your girlfriend here gave out through every clinic out in your department."

Jisoo gives Jennie a questioning look. "In my defense, I was just returning the favor right after you fed my entire team."

"Yeah, but they were twenty-seven including you and the Colonel. My department on the other hand-"

"Don't think about it too much, it's just a simple thank you for them in making your job easier."

"And here I thought my friend is already disgustingly adorable." Yeri cuts in between their conversation. "Anyway Doctor, I would just like to invite you for tomorrow."


"I'm going to have my house blessing and I've invited a few people over."

Jisoo smiles at her colleague. "Will do Doctor Kim, we'll be there."

"Great!" The latter returns the smile back. "Just be casual tomorrow, it's just a light dinner event."

"Sure thing." Jennie feels the phone inside her pocket vibrate and so she pulls it out and reads the text message from Chaeyoung.

Hate to break it to my uncle but I'm totally ditching his ass for her ass. Lisa Manoban issa bomb.

Hate to break it to you part 2 'cause The captain needs us back at the HQ.

Meet me in the lobby?

"That's Chaeyoung, Captain called us back to report."

Jisoo nods her head. "Take care."

She leans in quick and manages to steal a brief kiss from Jisoo, making the doctor gasp and the other doctor widen her eyes at the sudden contact. "You too."

As soon as Jennie was out of sight Yeri looks at Jisoo who looked like a high school student who just had their first kiss. "Wow, you're really that deep huh."

"S-shut up!" Yeri chuckles at her blushing and stuttering. "Doctor Kim, don't you have a meeting to attend to?"

"Alright then, I shall attend the meeting. You're the boss after all." She smiles. "But damn Kim Jisoo, that's a pretty nice catch if you ask me."

After Yeri leaves her room, Jisoo leans until her back was rested against the wall. She closes her eyes and releases the sigh that was held off for too long inside her lungs. "Alright then, let's play by your rules, Jennie."

On the other hand, she quickly hid inside one of the bathroom stalls as she was screaming silently because of what she had done. She was taking small paces back and forth inside as her mind tries to comprehend what just happened. She takes a small pause and touches her lips for a moment and remembered how Jisoo's lips felt against hers. Unknown to her she was already smiling herself for solid five seconds until she hears a knock on her stall, causing her to jump in surprise.

"This room is occupied!"

"No shit Sherlock." Chaeyoung rolls her eyes from the other side. "Can you leave that stall now?"

"C-Chaeyoung? What are you doing here? How did you know I was here?"

"Jennie, I've known you for years. You always give yourself a pep talk right after you've done something out of your comfort zone so please open the damn door." She slowly opens the door and leaves the stall and proceeds to wash her hands. "So are you going to talk or are you just going to give me the silent treatment?"

"I think she was surprised."

The latter furrowed her eyebrows. "Surprised? By what?"

"By what I did."

"What did you do?" Jennie doesn't answer instead she lets out a smirk. "Oh, oh I see how this thing is going to be. You're not going to tell me what really happened are you?"

"Nope." She says while popping the 'p' sound.

"No teaser or just an over-all plot even?"

"Hmm..." She looks up and meets Chaeyoung anticipated ass. "Let's just say that your tips were quite useful."

Hearing that made the latter smirk. "I think that's enough."

"How did it go with Doctor Manoban?"

"She was nice and she was pretty damn serious when it was time to conduct tests." She answers and fixes her hair, turning it to a bun as they report for duty. "As I said, I am going to ditch my uncle's ass for her."

"That means something else right?"

"You mean I manage to score a dinner date with her tomorrow night? Sure."

"Ooh, Casanova Chaeyoung is back."

"You bet." She playfully winks. "You know I thought it was so random of you to give her a chicken designed pillow but then it turns out, you gave her the right gift." Jennie gives her a questioning look. "I overheard from Lisa and Jisoo's assistant still has a long way to go. Her schedule is full of lectures and meetings. By the time this day ends, she'll be looking like a withered cabbage."

Jennie thinks about it for a moment and then thought about something. "Hey is Doctor Manoban still inside her office?"

"As far as I can remember yeah she is, why?"

"Can we drop by? I want to ask something."

Jisoo closes the door as soon as Doctor Im left her office. She was relieved that she managed to finish all of her schedules for the day and that she could finally leave this place. Removing her coat, she picks up her bag and smiles at the huge chicken leg pillow that was placed on her sofa. Walking towards the stuffed pillow, she picks it up and thought of how she was going to love this new addition in her bedroom tonight.

She walks out of the elevator humming to a familiar song that she got in her head all day long while looking for her car inside the basement when she sees a familiar figure leaning on to her car.

"Jennie?" The owner of the name looks up and greets her with a smile. "What are you doing here?"

"Picking you up." She answers casually.

"But we didn't plan on meeting tonight."

"I know, but I also know that your schedule was packed earlier and you're too tired to drive." She extends her hand. "Come on, I'll send you home."


"You're going to what?"

"I'm going to cook for you." Jennie places the ingredients on the kitchen counter. "Go and have a nice warm bath. I called the front desk and asked them to prepare it for you."

Jisoo furrows her eyebrows. "You did?"

"I had a talk with Miss Lee before heading out with Chaeyoung earlier. So I asked for some requests and here we are." She smiles. "Go, the water will turn cold soon."

She decides that it was best not to argue or to question Jennie's intentions and just heads inside the bathroom where she stripped herself off of clothes and felt the relaxation as soon as she settled inside the tub alongside with the smell of her favorite scent of Vanilla. Half an hour later she exits the room, feeling more freshened up now than earlier. When she gets out of her bedroom the first thing that she noticed was the scent that was coming from the kitchen.

Jisoo felt like she was in a trance as she continues to walk towards the room where she sees Jennie putting on the fresh-from-the-pan Kimchi Fried Rice onto two plates. Jisoo focuses her attention on the smoke that was coming from the very tempting food in front of her while Jennie, on the other hand, focused on how Jisoo was looking absolutely stunning without any make-up on and with that pink silk pajamas.

"Never would've thought that you know how to cook."

Jennie smiles. "It would be a shame if your kitchen wouldn't be put to use."

"I use them sometimes." She rolls her eyes. "Thank you for this by the way."

"Thank me later when you've already tasted it."

Jisoo takes a spoonful of the meal and as soon as it reached her taste buds, she lets out a moan of satisfaction, causing Jennie to cough out her meal. "Jennie, you alright there?"

"Yeah just-" Jennie grabs a glass of water and drinks it in one go. "I didn't expect it to be this spicy."

The latter furrows her eyebrows. "Spicy? It's not that spicy though."

"Ah, must be my taste buds." She chuckles nervously. "Don't mind me and just enjoy your food."

Jisoo, on the other hand, knew very well the reason behind why Jennie was getting shy so she takes a spoonful of the fried rice again and moaned even louder. "Fuck this is so good Jennie."

Jennie ignores the compliment and swallows the lump in her throat.

is going to be a long night she says to herself.

"That was some amazing meal right there." Jisoo slumps back on the couch and so did Jennie. "Thank you, Jen."

"No problem, I'm glad you're already full."

"I wasn't just talking about the cooked meal Jennie; I was talking about picking me up and preparing me a bath too." She turns to Jennie. "Thank you."

Seeing Jisoo smile at her like that made Jennie's heart do these little summersaults. "You're welcome."

"Since you're here I think we should go to the basics of our relationship before we go to brunch tomorrow.'

"About that brunch, what made you say yes?"

"Yeri is actually one of the few colleagues I really have on my side. She's a nice kid, a bit arrogant but her skills match her words so I let her." She says. "Besides, Yeri is a good friend of Irene."

"I- Irene? She's- she's friends with tha-that woman?"

"They go way back from what I heard." She answers. "And since I quite know who Yeri is, I also know that she cannot control her mouth. So we can use her and she'll be the one who will break the news to Irene and convince her that we really are a couple. That way when we get to the party the day after tomorrow, all we have to do is to make her eat her words. The words that she said to you years ago."

"Wow, I never really thought about it that hard like you."

"And yet you are the Lieutenant of the Special Ops."

"Ha ha ha, smarty pants." Jennie rolls her eyes. "So what do you have in mind?"

"I'm thinking that it would be best if we'd be honest about how we met. Let's say we just started dating for about five months?"

"Can we do a bit longer say nearing a year?" Jennie suggests. "It took me a year before Irene and I made it official."

"Almost a year it is," Jisoo says. "If Yeri asks who tops answer that it's you."


Jisoo scoffs. "I think I know for a certain fact that you're the bottom in your relationship with Irene."

"I'm not a bottom!"

"You're a lousy liar."

"Hold on for a minute, why are we talking about this? I thought we were going through the basics of our relationship?"

"We are but Yeri is known for throwing in the most random questions ever." Jisoo scoffs. "She would probably try to throw you off."

"You seem to be pretty observant with your colleagues."

"That's one of the reasons why they hate me." She sighs and leans onto Jennie's shoulder.

"Is that all we need to run down?"

"I think it's going to be better if we wing it."

"It's been a long day for you."

Jisoo hums in response. "I want to hear about how your day went though."

"Well, we had to report back to the office and we had some sort of debriefing on classified information and then we went to Chicken Samcheon again for a quick break only for Dahyun to cuss at me because apparently, Samcheon doesn't have any chicken left to sell because I already bought them all to give to your colleagues. You should've seen Joy's face though; she was ready to kill me... After that, we settled for a barbeque meal. It was good though, but you have to admit, Chicken Samcheon is still the best."

Jennie chuckles. "Then afterward-" Jennie looks at the person beside her and then smiles seeing how peaceful Jisoo looks when she's asleep. "Is my story really that boring?" Jennie takes her time staring at the beauty in front of her before saying, "Alright princess, let's get you to bed shall we?"

A few hours later Jisoo wakes up with the sun directly hitting on her face, annoying the hell out of her. Jisoo was never considered as a morning person so she was totally pissed off with what happened because she always kept the curtains down to keep her from seeing the morning up so early. Since she was already awake and there was no more hope for her to regain her sleep, she grabs her robe onto the accent chair near her bed. It was only that she goes out of her room, that it hit her.

She remembered everything that happened last night.

"It's been a long day for you."

"I want to hear about how your day went though."

Jisoo thought about how Jennie was sensitive enough to carry her all the way from the living room towards her bedroom and then turns to smile like an idiot of how much charismatic Jennie looked like carrying her bridal style. Shaking those thoughts away from her early in the morning she turns to the side and spots her bag on the kitchen counter along with a cooked meal, and a note coming from the one and only Lieutenant herself.

I hope you don't mind me using this kitchen again. Everything was super clean that my hands weren't able to control themselves. Hope you enjoy this meal and I'll see you later.


Don't kill me for putting up the curtains, I just didn't want my cooking to be put to waste.

Smiling to herself Jisoo decides to return the favor and types in a quick text to Jennie.

Thank you for the meal, I'll be enjoying it now. I'll see you later.


Wear a dress or I'll really kill you.


"Alright stop, that's Yeri's house over there." Jennie steps on the brakes. "Okay so remember that you just answer their questions casually and- what are you doing?" She asks as she continues to watch Jennie mumbling incoherent words.

"I'm just relaxing."

"You looked like you're about to pass out."

"Maybe because I am about to pass out," Jennie says. "You made me wear a dress!"

"And you looking fucking fantastic in it so what's the issue?"

Jennie looks away from her and a light shade of pink taints her cheeks. "It's my first time wearing a dress."

"That's because of all of the events you were invited to required you to wear slacks because you're a Lieutenant. This is just a simple get-together and have you seen yourself in front of the mirror?"

"Include also being in front of Chaeyoung, Dahyun, and Sooyoung."

"I bet they were all pretty amazed with how beautiful you looked."

"Still I think-"

"Hey." She places her hands on top of Jennie and gets the latter's attention. "Look at me." Jennie complies and looks directly at Jisoo. "What did we agreed upon once this agreement between us started?"

"That I would only focus on you."

"And what did I tell you?"

"That I looked fucking fantastic in it."

"Then that's all should matter to you." She says. "Am I right or am I right?"

Jennie releases out her tensed sigh. "You're right."

"Good, now shall we leave or else I might do something else to you."

"Like what?" She asks with furrowed eyebrows.

Instead of answering right away, Jisoo smirks. "Play your cards right tonight and you might just earn the answer to your question." That reply only makes Jennie feel nervous yet lowkey anticipating what would happen later. "Now, shall we attend a house-warming party?"

Yeri's house was no joke. It was big, like really big.

Her living room was already the size of Jennie's apartment and it had three bedrooms, a great chef's kitchen which Jennie doubts if it will be put to use and not to mention the huge lawn at the back that was big enough for Yeri's so-called Chemistry inventions. After the quick tour of her house, they were gathered outside not to witnessed a rather 'dangerous' or 'life-threatening' invention from the owner of the house but for them to enjoy barbeque night together- and that's what Jennie feared the most.

Ever since their arrival all of the guests were talking about them and now they were totally surprised how Jisoo had the time to swoon someone like Jennie despite her busy schedule. She also lost count at how many times she got shy when they were complimented and how she looked pretty tonight. Gladly though, Jisoo was there to save her almost every time and she returns the favor by confidently placing her hand on a part of Jisoo whenever she has the chance, despite getting teased from time to time because of their 'clinginess' from one another.

"How long have you guys been dating?" Wendy breaks the ice at their dinner already directing the question to the hot topic of the group.

"Almost a year."

"Nearing a year already?"

"Tyuzu you sounded so surprised."

"Nothing it's just that I'm kind of amazed how you manage to be the head of our department and then have a girlfriend all at once. It's too much of a responsibility."

"I'm just glad that she's very understanding and since she has a busy schedule."

"So how did the two of you meet?" Wendy continues with the interrogation.

"Wow, I thought you were going to gush about Yeri's kitchen there," Jisoo comments making Wendy roll her eyes. "But go ahead Jen, you answer that."

"Jisoo and I met when I ran out of options in having a gynecologist."

"Aha, let me guess she was the first recommendation?"

"You heard that she was the best in the industry is that correct?"

"She was referred by your office?"

"Actually no, she really wasn't the first option." Jennie answers. "She was the third though."

"And that's why I believe that third time is a charm." Nayeon cuts in. "Was it love at first two finger insertion?" Everyone choked either on their drinks and their food, leaving the doctor confused. "What?"

"Nayeon I think it's best if you just shut your mouth."

"Yeah Nayeon, just shut your mouth."

"But you can answer the question though Lieutenant Kim." Yeri takes a sip of her wine and looks at the latter. "How did you found out that Jisoo was more than your gynecologist?"

"Well..." Jennie looks down and plays with her fingers as she tries to come up with a believable answer. "It was her passion."


Jennie nods her head. "While other people might find beauty or attitude attractive, I found her passion for her work and her craft is a pretty major turn on." She says. "I like that she's passionate about her work because not everyone likes whatever it is their doing every day."

"Oh my good Lord, she got it bad." Lisa chuckles. "Unnie, nice catch on this one!" She throws a thumbs up at Jisoo who throws back a wink.

"Yeah, if only God made a photocopy of her."

"Alright Nayeon cut it out already, you're making my girlfriend blush that's my job and even if there was a photocopy of my girlfriend you can never have the original version because I have it." She lets out her tongue to tease the latter.

"See? She's so territorial when it comes to Jennie!" Nayeon gushes and turns to her seatmate. "Don't you think so Jihyo?"

"I think they're a great couple. Like you both balance each other out."

"Thanks for the compliments guys."

"Last question though." Jennie looks at Yeri who looked like she was going to throw in the top or bottom role question. "Do you think Jisoo is a total upgrade from your ex?"

Jennie was surprised at the question. She never thought that out of all the random questions that could possibly be thrown at her, she never would've anticipated this one. She looks at Yeri, who had this unexplainable look in her eyes as if she was taunting her to say an answer more than just a 'yes'. She tries to calm her mind down until it started to wonder about different things.

Why did she ask that question?

Does she know?

Holy shit if she knows, then will she say it right here?

Did Yeri manage to see through our act?

Suddenly Jennie could feel something moving on her legs that caused her to lightly jerk up, one that is unnoticeable by the majority of the guests that were invited today. She looks down on the table, only to find Jisoo lightly stroking her with her own leg. Jennie shifts her attention to Jisoo, looking at her with wide and dilated eyes while the latter throws in an innocent look.

"Look what you've done Yeri, now you've made our star guest uncomfortable."

"I was just simply asking her a question."

"A pretty random question if you ask me."

Yeri just shrugs and looks at Jennie and then to Jisoo. "If that makes you feel uncomfortable-"

"Jennie it's alright, you can answer the question." She smiles innocently. "I won't mind." Jennie wished she really could though, but when Jisoo decides to hike up her foot and now was stroking Jennie's inner thigh, she found herself in a very difficult situation, especially when she started to blush.

"See Yeri? Throwing these random questions at someone you just met for the first time doesn't always work."

"I admit, it's pretty mean unnie." Tyuzu says calmly. "These two have been dating for a year already and I'm pretty sure they're way past that question."

Jihyo shakes her head. "Jennie I'm sorry, Yeri can be a dick sometimes."

"No, it's fine. I... I can answer." Jennie closes her eyes, ignoring the sensation brought by Jisoo's foot and just remembers her mantra throughout the entire duration of their agreement.

Commit to the process and follow what she says.

Commit to the process and follow what she says.

Commit to the process and follow what she says.

"She's not just an upgrade Doctor." As soon as she opens her eyes, she looks at Jisoo and for once, everyone- including Jisoo herself felt the intensity brought by Jennie's stare at her. "Kim Jisoo is the entire package for me."


"Hey there Jen." Lisa interrupts Jennie's thinking time right after dinner where more guests were coming and all of them were hanging out by the garden. "Sorry, did I interrupt your moment?"

"No, no, of course not Doctor Manoban, feel free to join me." She smiles at the latter.

"Look, I apologize for in behalf of Yeri. She may look like an asshole earlier, but she's just like that." Lisa explains. "When I first came to our department her random question to me as if I was a North Korean Spy."

"Wait, is she serious?"

"As I said, she throws in the most random question sometimes. When you meet her from time to time it makes you immune to them."

"I might have to get used to her, seeing that she's under my girlfriend's department."

"I know that Jisoo is a career woman and as one of her few friends, there's nothing more than I want than to have someone understand her the way she needs to be understood. It's kind of a perk to have you as her girlfriend because we both understand the nature of our jobs."

Jennie nods in full agreement of what Lisa just said. "We're practically married to our jobs."

"That we do... but it's nice to know that she has someone now." Lisa smiles at her. "Thank you for loving Jisoo."

Jennie looks at Jisoo who was merrily conversing with Yeri and Jihyo. She unknowingly smiles and turns her attention back at Lisa. "I think it should be me who needs to be grateful."

Jisoo who noticed Jennie's eyes were on her excused herself and walked towards where she and Lisa were standing. "I hope Lisa didn't give you the best friend talk."

"You guys have been going at it for almost a year now. Pretty sure I'm way too late for the best friend pep talk and for the honey and bees sex talk."

"Maybe you are." Jennie says and wraps her hand around Jisoo's slim waist.

"Looks like we're going to ditch the party then." Jisoo smirks and turns to her best friend. "I'll see you on Monday Lis."

"What are you talking about the party is just about to start."

"Nah this party's over for me and Jennie."

"Fine, I'll let you guys go if you give me Chaeyoung's number. I can't be the awkward and un-socialized person at this party." Jennie grabs Lisa's phone and types in the number without breaking eye contact with her girlfriend. "Whoa, you memorize her number?"

"It's the same number as her for seven years."

"Bye Lisa."

Jennie and Jisoo storms out of the house and Lisa could only shake her head. "Whipped culture."

Bidding everyone farewell including the host, Jennie and Jisoo leave the party with hands still intertwined. Once inside the car, Jennie was about to hit the gas and leave the place when Jisoo pulls her hand away from the ignition button. She was confused at the action, so she looks at Jisoo's eyes for the answer only for her to find a different answer.

"J-Jisoo." She swallows the lump in her throat. "What-"

"Remember when I told you that if you played your cards right you might just get a prize from me tonight?" Like a lost deer and unable to find the words, Jennie finds herself nodding. "Well guess what Jen, you really played well right there."

"I... I did?"

Jisoo nods. "The physical touch was on point and you blended well with my colleagues enough for them to say that you aren't a snob and a stuck up ranked officer." She says. "You answered very well too and even Yeri was impressed with your honesty."


"The way you flattered me earlier about me being passionate about my craft..." Jisoo sighs. "It made me think about what I should give you."

"Well even if you- JISOO!" She gasps out loud when Jisoo shifts from her seat and sits on her lap. "Jesus fucking Christ, what are you doing?"

"I think I know what to give you." She smirks. "For your act today Jennie, you deserve a hickey."

Jennie's eyeballs looked like they were about to fall out when Jisoo said the last word. "H-hickey?"

"Why? Irene didn't give you one?" Jisoo eyes the latter. "Ever?" Jennie looks away from her and that only makes Jisoo smile in victory. "Oho, it looks like someone's been depriving you of your personal needs."

"P-P-Personal needs?"

"Don't worry Jen, I'm going to give you a hickey." She says. "Not only a hickey, but probably the hickey of your life."

"Jisoo wait I think we should- oh dear."

The minute Jisoo's lips find Jennie's neck, she gives it a quick kiss, leaving Jennie's mind go down, like literal shut down. It didn't even help when Jisoo kissed that same spot again before going up and then going to various places, leaving feather kisses all over Jennie's neck until she kisses the spot in between the neck and shoulder when she gets a reaction from Jennie.

On the other hand, Jennie kept on praying that somehow the land would swallow her already for letting out a moan like that out in the open. She closes her eyes as she mentally scolds herself for giving in. Her knuckles were already turning white from gripping too hard on the driver's seat.

"Jennie look at me." Jisoo instructs and involuntarily she surrenders to the latter's call. "It's alright, you don't have to be shy."

"Jisoo we're inside your car."

"And everyone's inside Yeri's house. We've parked a few blocks away and I doubt that anyone would hear or see us at this point."

"Can... can it wait until we reach your house?"

"Can you wait until we reach my house?" Jennie bites her lower lip. "Exactly, we're both in the moment right now. Waiting for us to reach home wouldn't be so convenient."

"I... I don't know what to do."

"Don't think, okay? I want you to feel." She says. "I want you to feel whatever it is in me that you feel like touching or feeling. I want you to act like the Jennie you are when you were inside my clinic." Jisoo whispers in her ear. "Can you do that for me?"

"Okay, I can do that for you."

"Focus on me?"

Jennie nods like an obedient child. "I'll focus only on you."

Jisoo smiles at her and went back diverting her attention to Jennie's sweet spot while the latter's hands find Jisoo's waist and both of her hands held her tight down there that even Jisoo was surprised at how strong Jennie was. From her gripping her waist, Jennie traveled her hands down and found Jisoo's thighs which she didn't have any kind of hesitation in touching- feeling and even groping. Her entire attention was on them that she manages to hike up Jisoo's dress,

But who cares about hiking up her dress? With the way Jisoo is kissing her spot, she doubts she's going to return to her sanity soon. So she said fuck about what she thinks- and lets her hands get the best of her.

The same goes for Jisoo as well. Ever since her lips touched Jennie's neck it seemed to have to go to a frenzy and all she could hear was her mind repeatedly telling her that she should kiss the neck. When she heard Jennie's moan earlier, she wanted nothing more in that moment than to hear it once again, and again and again.

So once she finds Jennie's sweet spot and spends her time worshipping that specific area on Jennie's neck, earning her a series of moans and lots of groping on the way that she didn't seem to mind. In fact, having Jennie's grip that intense only infuriates her hunger to mark Jennie Kim. And she was going to take her sweet time with it until it reaches her favorite dark red-light purple shade.

When she pulls away, she sees that favorite shade of hers appears right in front of her making her smile in victory, especially when she sees Jennie's flustered face. "How are you?"

"That... was... wo-ama-just-" She shares a chuckle with the doctor and smiles. "Perfect."

"I was that good?" Jennie sighs and kept her hands roaming around Jisoo's body. "Do you want more?"

"Is... is it bad to want more?"

Jisoo smiles at her and uses her index finger to trail over Jennie's cheek. "If it's from me, then you can always want more but- only if you ask for it."

That makes her swallow the lump in her throat. "H-how do I ask?"

"What do you say when you really want something?"


"Ah, ah- I need the complete thought."

"I want more..." She looks up at Jisoo and bites her lower lip. "Please give me more."

Like a fuel, firing Jisoo's confidence, she smirks and leans closer to Jennie. "With a pretty face like you who am I to deny?"

As soon as Jisoo reconnects her lips on Jennie's neck, the Lieutenant sighs in contentment. "Fuck yes."

Meanwhile, while they were busy in their own world, Yeri was shaking her head from afar as she continues to watch Jennie and Jisoo get it in the car. "Hey, what are you looking at?" The second person looks at where Yeri was looking and widens her eyes as soon as she saw what was going on. "What the hell?"

"I didn't tell you to look at it though."

"Stop looking at it!"

"It's pretty hard when it's the only moving car in the street."

"Do you even know those people?"

"They were my guests." Yeri answers.

"Well, you have wild guests."

"You're my guest too."

"That's not my point. I mean, why can't they just leave and get it on someplace else?"

The latter scoffs at the statement of her friend. "If you only saw how they looked at one another earlier, you would've understood why they're getting it on right now. I can't blame them though, they look hot together."

"Alright that's it, enough eavesdropping on other people's sex life and let's head inside." Still, Yeri wasn't budging so she doesn't have any choice as she puts her hands on either side of her hips. "Kim Yerim!"

"Geez, alright! Alright!" She sighs. "Such a party pooper as always."

"Let's head inside, I want to meet everyone else already."

"Whatever you say... Irene."

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