Focus Part 6

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"W-w-what?" Jisoo couldn't believe what was coming out of Jennie's lips as of the moment. "Y-you're going to give me a what?"

Jennie leans in, allowing her long hair to cover their faces. "Jisoo, what did I ask you earlier?"

"To focus on you."

"Then shut the fuck up and do as what you are asked."

The music changes into a whole different genre. The bass was up to a semi-boosted and the groovy yet sultry melody echoes throughout the entire room. Jisoo tries to look at her peripheral vision but Jennie's hands that were placed on both sides to support her weight forbid her to do so. So instead, she turns to look up and meets Jennie's dark orbs.

There was something different with how the officer was looking at her right now. Though it was dilated and probably influenced by the alcoholic drinks Jennie managed to shove down her throat, there was still a sense of comfort and softness behind them. It was as if, words have failed Jennie this time and used her eyes to convey her confidence that she will be able to distract Jisoo. And so with a slight nod, Jisoo places all of her trust in Jennie including her one hundred percent attention.

As soon as Jennie got the latter's attention, Jennie thrusts her hips up in a slow-motion at first, creating a tingling sensation on Jisoo's crotch. At the first motion, Jisoo couldn't help but hold her breath and close her eyes at the contact made by Jennie's movement on her. The officer continues to do it a few more times; switching her angles of thrusts from time to time like she was looking for some kind of reaction coming from the woman beneath her, something more than Jisoo trailing her delicate fingers on her thigh.

When Jennie shifts a bit of her weight to her right and moves again, this time Jisoo gives her thighs a firm grip, making her smirk. Finally- Jennie says to herself before continuing her thrusts on that specific spot. Jisoo, on the other hand, felt like with every movement the brunette was doing to her especially continuously hitting that area made her lose her sense of consciousness bit by bit. She slowly doesn't give a flying fuck whether there were people watching them or they were too intoxicated to spare a glance, she no longer cared if the people that were looking gave them a great distaste or a look of approval heck, she couldn't give her two cents even if Irene was looking at them with laser eyes from afar because all that matters know is Jennie.

It wasn't their crotches that were bumping against one another, it was also their chest, well more like Jennie's C-cup breasts were bumping on her flat chest but the friction does add to the frustration and pleasure that the doctor is feeling. Unable to control the heat radiating inside her body, Jisoo finally moves her hand from Jennie's thighs to different body parts of the woman. From groping her ass to burying her nails onto her slim waist, Jisoo was trying to best to get rid of this desire to drag Jennie and get the hell out of here. She repeatedly says to herself that they should remain until the very end, that they should stick to their act as girlfriends and make Irene eat everything that she manages to spit to Jennie earlier and years ago as well and above everything else, she wants to make sure that she gets to prove Irene about the things that she said to her in the bathroom.

But if Jennie continues to do this to her might as well kiss her sanity goodbye.

Jennie, on the other hand, was frustrated on a different note. While Jisoo was focusing to stay in this party throughout the night, Jennie was working her hips off trying to make Jisoo take her out of here. She was thinking of different ways of seducing the doctor to hold her roughly by the wrist and probably continue their hickey tutorial somewhere else.

She knows that it was wrong; she knows that the sane version of herself wouldn't allow for things to escalate in this state and the Jennie that she remembers won't even allow herself to perform lap dance in front of people who were probably looking at them with such lustful eyes, based on the constant whistling and cheering she could hear from the background. But we're not talking about a sane Jennie, we're also not talking about Lieutenant Jennie Kim here but what we're talking about right now is Jennie Kim, wanting for Jisoo to have her way with her in ways her mind couldn't even imagine.

And so she tries to remember from the sessions that they had over the past days that she did for Jisoo surrender to her will. She remembered Jisoo liked when she was being arrogant and confident because it triggers Jisoo's competitiveness, she also remembers how the latter complimented her for being a quick learner and great with memory. However, something deep inside Jennie's gut tells her that it wasn't going to be enough to put Jisoo wrapped around her fingers... She needs something, something that would really have her the upper hand. Just like that- Jennie remembered from one of their impromptu sessions... smirking to herself, she finally gets the ultimate weapon in making Jisoo hers.

"I gotta say, you sure have some self-control right there." Jennie whispers lightly in Jisoo's ear, sending chills to the doctor. "It makes me wonder how long you can handle until you finally give in."

"Jen..." Jisoo lets out a shaky call and tensed jaw. "I'm trying my best here."

"I can see that." She says in a matter-of-fact tone. "But you may have forgotten the fact that I know your weakness."

"What... what are you talking about?"

Jennie smirks and looks at Jisoo. "I know how to make you surrender." Going back to Jisoo's ear she lets out her secret. "I know you're a sucker for begging women." And when she felt the doctor tensed at the statement she goes on with her plan. "I know how you loved it when I kept saying please to you."


"No? Then did you not like it when I begged for you to give me another hickey? Did you not like it when I gave you compliments and asked for more?"

"I..." Jisoo closes her eyes. "I don't."

"Huh. Then I bet you wouldn't mind me saying this to you now right?" Letting the tip of her tongue touch Jisoo's ears Jennie finally lets out a final blow.


"Fuck me Jisoo..." Jennie says in her most seductive tone that she could offer. "Please fuck me."

As she repeatedly whispers in Jisoo's ear, Jennie deepened her thrusting burning every part of Jisoo. Her hands were shaking so hard as she holds on to the tiny string of her sanity, trying her best to win the battle between the two of them. She will never give in to Jennie's request, she will never do that. She will win-

"Holy fucking shit." Jisoo mutters under her breath.

"Oh my God, get a room you two!"

"Best Bachelorette party ever!"

Jennie decides to level up the game that they were having. She thought that if Jisoo was going to be stubborn then she would just have to be more stubborn than Jisoo. From placing her hands between Jisoo's head, Jennie holds onto the sides of her leather jacket and used it as support while she moves in a slightly faster yet still a sultry pace, making Jisoo groan at the sight. Sure, seeing Jennie up close was sure a sight but seeing Jennie with her plump breasts bouncing from the see-through top and mouth slightly opened matched with a messy hair is probably the best view Jisoo has ever seen.

And so she throws away any kind of control, logic and even the slightest of restraint out in the window as she grabs Jennie quite roughly and sealing her lips in a very, very heated make-out that got the people around them cheering.

"Stay with me for the night." Jisoo says in her low voice.

Jennie smiles at her victory. "With pleasure."

Jisoo returns the smirk as she drags Jennie away from the place while hearing the guests' loud support for them. Before the elevator door closes, Jisoo saw the glare and the pissed offprint on Irene's face at them. As Jennie didn't even mind the lack of privacy, she dives right into kissing Jisoo's neck, making the doctor smile as she shoots the soon-to-be Mrs. Kang a wink to fully complete her gift for her.

Maybe Jisoo and Jennie won over their own games that night, and the prize sure it hella worth it.


"Ji-Jisoo wait..." Jennie bites her lower lip. "I'm trying to focus here."

"So you can distract the fuck out of me inside the elevator earlier and I can't do it to you? That's quite unfair don't you think?"

"B-b-but I-I'm driving."

"And here I thought your department values fair play and justice." Jisoo whispers as she gives Jennie's ear a lick, letting the tip of her tongue linger a bit before fully withdrawing it. "Or are you not a fan of taking turns, Lieutenant."

"Shit Jisoo..." Jennie's breath sounded like a buffering video. "Do you want to crash?"

"Car crash is definitely a no for me. But crashing on my bed would be a convenient casualty." Jisoo says. "I'd like to bang you there."

"Put your seatbelt on."

Ignoring Jennie's order, Jisoo remains in her position and trails her cold fingers inside of her top, making the latter jump a little, especially when Jisoo starts tracing her stomach. "Hmm, I wonder how many traffic violations are you willing to do just so we can get to my house really quick."

"Don't-" She wasn't able to continue with her argument as she felt her bra getting removed in a swift motion. "Jisoo what the hell?!"

"Judging by how hard your nipples are right now I'm guessing just over speeding." She scoffs. "What if..."

"Jisoo I swear if you-" But Jisoo's hand surprisingly seems to be faster than her thinking because her other hand was already inside her pants and even got inside her underwear. "Fucking hell." She says as she slams her fist on the steering wheel as they come to a red light. "Jisoo we're going to be caught by the CCTV."

"Do I look like I give a flying fuck about people seeing us Jennie?" She asks with a hint of playfulness. "Looks like your pussy doesn't mind too, seeing how wet you are already." Jisoo uses her index finger to continuously tease Jennie's clit, drawing little circles around them. "But if you don't want to give them a show, then I guess you're just going to- SHIT!" She curses out loud as Jennie decides to step on the gas and ignore the nearly missed accidents and even drove faster than usual.

Jisoo looks at Jennie, who had this different shade of eyes surrounding her pupils. Smirking to herself it looked like Jennie is going to write an explanation to the authority tomorrow morning.

If getting to Jisoo's home was a mess, getting up to her own unit was chaos.

First, Jennie's parking was an asshole type of parking after she arrogantly parks it in two car spaces. Then she roughly pushes Jisoo again inside the elevator before slamming her lips against Jisoo's heart-shaped ones. With Jisoo's competitiveness oozing through her she pulls Jennie close (as if there was a tint of air that could pass through what they called 'space' as we speak) towards her. The kiss was sloppy and aggressive too, very similar to the kisses that they had earlier.

Jennie suddenly lifts the shorter woman up, hoisting her in enough height where she could continue where she left off earlier- and that is worshipping Jisoo's entire neck part while the latter on the other hand wrap her legs securely around Jennie's waist as they make their way out of the elevator. Upon reaching the main door, the doctor jumps off of the officer to try and rummage through her bag in search of her house keycard. Jennie on the other hand use this opportunity to have her hands all over the doctor, before removing the leather jacket and leave wet trail kisses on the latter's broad shoulders, making Jisoo moan at the soft contact.

Upon opening the door, it was time for Jisoo to get even and so she slams Jennie onto the door frame. Jennie wasn't planning to give her the upper hand so the continuously try to gain an advantage one after another causing for some furniture to be disarranged and some other appliances to be shoved away such as the LP player located at the display tabled and some vinyl records, alongside with some magazines and books from the shelves located in the hallway.

When they reached Jisoo's bedroom, they waste no time trying to get off each other from their clothes and Jisoo may have decided to go with ripping instead of stripping Jennie. As soon as she gets rid of the top (which wasn't much of a difficult task) Jisoo makes her sit on the edge of the bed before kissing every part of the latter leaving wet trails all over Jennie's body, and maybe some ample love marks along the way before making praises on the latter's breasts. She kissed, licked and nibbled the latter's nipples and sucked quite well letting the bud go every time with a popping sound. She kneaded her breasts with the right amount of pressure, careful not to hurt Jennie or inflict any kind of unwanted pain and destroy the mood.

She throws away jeans to the side and strips out of her denim shorts and removing her bralette as well, allowing for them to see each other in their naked glory. Jisoo's mouth hung wide open seeing how perfect Jennie looked and it surprised her. How every curve in her body looked like a smooth slope and how everything just highlights and compliments. It was as if Jisoo was looking at a brand new, perfectly sculptured guitar and she was certainly going to strum it all night long with her fingers.

Jennie, on the other hand, wasn't even shying away from the compliment Jisoo was giving her and even decided to take things up a notch. "Are you just going to stand there and watch?"

"Shut your mouth."

"It would once you place your mouth on my cunt."

Jisoo smirks and kneels down in front of her. "My, my, my... is this Niagara Falls?" She chuckles and that earns a light shove coming from Jennie's foot. "I'm kidding."

"Just hurry up already."

"A little impatient are we?" Jisoo smiles before teasing Jennie by kissing the inner part of her thighs. "God, you smell so good."

"J-Jisoo..." Jennie croaks out. "I... I need you."

"Where?" She continues to tease by trailing her tongue in the same area. "Where do you want me, Jennie?"

"You know where..." She breathes out.

"I'm not sure if we're on the same page."

"Fuck you." Jisoo chuckles again, doubling up Jennie's frustrations. "Jisoo I am not kidding I really need you."

"And I am asking you where." She says as she gives feathery kisses on Jennie's outer lip.

All these teasings weren't doing Jennie good as she arches her back at the contact of Jisoo's lips on the lower part of her body. "Isn't it obvious!? God I-" She glares at her, but then the anger was immediately replaced with chills when she meets Jisoo's dark and cold eyes.

"Spit it out, Jennie. Tell me where you do want me, beg for me to be there." Jisoo says in her icy tone. "Otherwise enjoy fucking yourself."

Jennie closes her eyes for a moment before looking back at Jisoo with a pink shade tainting her cheeks. "I want you to eat me." She says in her soft yet pleading tone. "Please eat me Jisoo, I really need you to do so."

And that was all Jennie needed to say before she feels Jisoo crawling back to her original position, only this time Jisoo pulls her closer to the point that both of her legs were resting on either side of Jisoo's shoulders while the doctor's arms secure her there by locking her arms on her legs. Jennie waited for seconds, anticipating what would the latter do next to her and just as when she thought she was getting teased again, Jisoo gives her the first lick and it was enough to put Jennie on the edge. She soon gasped as she feels another lick coming followed by another and then soon, Jisoo's licks sounded like a dog drinking from their water container due to her wetness.

If Jisoo was licking her good, then having the latter suck on her clit and lips were definitely on a whole other different type of pleasure. Jennie couldn't even understand what she was feeling, she was burning inside and no matter what movement she would do, it wasn't enough to take the heat away. Her hands transferred from playing with her tits to nibbling her nipples, wetting them and playing with them as they were still pretty rock solid from gripping on the bed sheets to gripping onto Jisoo's hair who didn't seem to mind the pull and Jennie noticed that Jisoo was fond of having her hair getting pulled while she eats her out good.

But all of these seem to be not enough for her to let go of the burning sensation inside her. She was desperate for a release and judging by the sounds of her moans and occasional cussing she is badly in need of one right now.

Jennie suddenly becomes a mess on the sheets due to the change of speed and target of Jisoo who seemed to be determined in giving Jennie the best orgasm of her life. She pulls her even closer and now her legs looked like shoulder bag as she tries to writhe out of Jisoo's firm grip on her. Both of her hands were now tangled up in the doctor's locks while her tongue was busy in pushing back and forth of Jennie's entrance.

"Fuck, Jisoo fuck."

"Oh God... oh dear... oh my, go-"

"Jisoo please, I need to... I need to cum."

"Shit, shit, shit..."

"Please, please, please... please make me..."

"YES! YES JISOO! FUCK-" And finally Jisoo returns her focus on Jennie's clit, continuously sucking it making Jennie reach her peak.

The force was too powerful for Jennie to take that she even kicked Jisoo with force, letting the doctor stumble on the ground as she focused on her orgasm. Ignoring the pain that Jennie's kick has given her, Jisoo looks at the latter's perfectly arched back with toes curling and mouth completely wide open as her entire body shakes from that wrecking orgasm. She concluded that seeing Jennie release is one of her favorable sights in the world and while Jisoo couldn't help but feel proud of herself, the desire to give Jennie more was overpowering her.

As soon as Jennie calms down from her high, she crawls on top of Jennie, using her dominant energy over the latter and flipping her around, causing for the Lieutenant to let out a yelp. Jisoo then helps Jennie to be in position by placing two of her pillows underneath her stomach.

"What are you doing..." Jennie says almost half-asleep as she feels Jisoo's lips kissing her bareback. "Jisoo I'm tired already."

"Tired? But we've only just begun Lieutenant."

"What???" Jennie turns around and sees Jisoo's wetting her two fingers making her widen her eyes. "Jisoo wai- fffffuuuuucckkk..." She moans as she feels herself getting filled by Jisoo's fingers. "Oh my God..."

"You can kiss your sleep goodbye because tonight-" Jisoo lets Jennie adjust to her first before pulling back and then pushing it back inside of Jennie again.

"I'm going to show you how you deserve to be fucked."

Jennie wakes up to the sound of her alarm. Hearing the familiar tone repeatedly over and over again made her whine in her sleep as she covers her head with a pillow, trying to get back to her snooze but then her alarm goes off again, making Jennie nearing to wake up on the wrong side of the bed. She extends out her arm in hopes of reaching the gadget, shuffling amongst the pillows and sheets yet somehow she ends up holding onto a soft and warm body part instead.

Lifting her head up, she sees Jisoo, facing her with a smirk lurking around her lips. She wondered what so worthy of her smirk was at this time of the day so she looks down and immediately widens her eyes as soon as she sees her hand cupping one of Jisoo's bare breasts. Her quick withdrawal came with such force that it throws her off and the next thing she knows, her ass came in contact with the wooden floor. She winces at the contact and wondered why the pain was sticking onto her skin real hard... Jennie finds herself getting surprised again when she sees herself naked and even more surprised Jisoo rolled over to see her completely topless.

"Ahh!" She screams her heart out as she pulls the sheets in covering her body, forgetting that it was the only thing that was covering Jisoo's bare form too. "Ahh!!!"

Jisoo on the other hand really didn't mind the lack of cover in her body and even used it to tease the latter. "Eager for me that early huh..." The latter immediately blushes and looks away. "What's with the looking away? I clearly remember last night you weren't leaving your eyes on this figure."

"Y-y-you know why..." Jennie bites her lower lip still not making any effort in creating eye contact with the woman on the bed.

"Hmmm... I don't know Jen, you tell me." Jisoo decides to prop her elbow on her bed and places her hand on the side of her head. "My mind is still high from last night's event."

"Jisoo..." She playfully whines and Jisoo ends up chuckling.

"I'm kidding." She says and then locks her eyes with her. "However, I like it much better how my name rolled out of your tongue last night."

"Stop it." Jennie blushes even harder and imagines her to look like a red pepper right now.

"Alright, alright I'll stop." Jisoo raises both of her hands in the white flag as she stands up.

"Holy shit! What happened to your back?!"

Jisoo could only scoff. "Some cat with long nails decided to be rough."

"Oh my God Jisoo, I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to."

The latter immediately dismisses her off. "Don't be, I take these things as a compliment." She smiles. "These ain't battle scars but rather awards."

"Still... I really feel guilty." She chews on her bottom lip.

"Well, if you're really sorry about it then you can head to the kitchen and make ourselves some breakfast while I take a shower." Jennie looks at her. "And maybe you can make it like a full-loaded meal, I'm so hungry today that I wouldn't mind cannibalism, but I already ate you last night so-" Jisoo chuckles right after successfully dodging Jennie's thrown pillow. "Okay, I'd stop with the inappropriate jokes."

"And here I thought you weren't annoying."

Jennie sighs and uses the sheet to cover herself as she heads to end of the door where a robe was hanging when Jisoo decides to be playful again and steps on it allowing for Jennie to lose grip and let the sheet falls on the floor. The Lieutenant gasps and snaps her head towards the doctor who was busy admiring the view and laughing at her reaction. Jennie shoots her a glare before stomping her way towards the door, not minding if she was fully exposed before securing the robe around her body and then slams the door shut.

While Jennie was dying out of embarrassment, Jisoo was dying out of laughter remembering how this morning went before closing the bathroom door.

Jisoo comes out of the shower fully freshen up and a wet hair. She thought about fixing herself up and changing into work clothes but her nose was able to take a whip of smell from Jennie's cooking. She ditches wardrobe change and wraps herself in her own bathroom robe before walking towards the kitchen where she sees the brunette in a messy bun, chopping spring onions and tossing fried rice skillfully onto the pan. She watches as Jennie maneuvers her way throughout the entire kitchen trying to look for ingredients and available resources and taking a moment to stop and look at them before continuing with her work.

She suddenly remembers the events from last night as she continues to stare at the latter's figure. Jisoo remembers how those hands messed up her hair last night from eating her, how Jennie gripped on her shoulders or on the headboard as she was being fucked relentlessly throughout the night. How her nails dug on her back down to her thighs, how she practically scraped some of her skin off as she felt the stinging pain when she took the shower earlier. Jisoo remembered how she got a good hold of Jennie's hair while she pumped in and out of her from behind and how she wrapped her arms around her hips keeping her in her place as she thrusts and allowed their clits to meet.

She remembers how those plump perfect-shaped Jennie's mouth blurted nothing but curses, fragments. She remembers how much Jennie begged for her, how Jennie whined at being filled and how much she screamed her name over and over again. Jisoo really hated how she didn't have any kind of neighbors with her, but now she was kind of thankful that she didn't have. Most of all, Jisoo hated the fact of how much she wanted to ditch everything she has for today and just repeat last night's events.

Maybe she can really use this kitchen for other things rather than cooking.

"Oh my God!" Jennie gasps as soon as she notices Jisoo leaning on the wall. "Stop scaring me like that!" She says but then notices that the doctor was zoning out. "Hey, Jisoo?"

Her soft tone wakes up Jisoo from her deep thoughts and looks back at Jennie. "Huh?"

"You okay?"

Jisoo immediately recovers and smiles. "Why wouldn't I be when there's food?"

"Stop, stop, stop!" Jennie orders. "Kim Jisoo why are you making a mess on the floor!?" The doctor looks around the droplets of water scattered all over her place. "And you haven't dried your hair? Do you want to get sick or something? Give me that towel."

"Jennie I can do it myself you know." She says as she tries to create more space between them.

"You barely can make yourself a decent meal." She points out.

She puts a hand on top of Jennie's indicating for the latter to stop. "Really, I can do this on my own." Jennie wanted to argue further but she felt like Jisoo was suddenly indifferent so she doesn't say anything in return. "Why don't you freshen up? I already had clothes laid out on you. You can borrow them."

"O...kay." She says. "I'll go ahead and shower now."

Jisoo doesn't reply with words and responds with a nod. When Jennie was no longer in the view, she lets out a long relieved sigh. "Jisoo don't... she's your friend. Jennie is your friend Jisoo, not someone you want to take to bed."

While Jisoo is busy struggling with her restraints, Jennie was bathing herself in confusion. Earlier Jisoo was playful and she was sure as hell that the doctor was flirting with her. It felt nice seeing how Jisoo wasn't pretty weird about their hook up last night and she didn't mind if the flirting and teasing continued as they share a meal on the table but she was surprised at the latter's sudden change of heart. Jennie thought about if it was something that she said, something that she did that made Jisoo suddenly distant or maybe it was just the water coming from this shower that made the doctor realize things.

After a quick and energized shower, Jennie decides to dry her hair well and even cleaned up Jisoo's bathroom before wearing the clothes her friend had prepared for her. She was kind of thankful that she didn't have any duty-

"Jennie! Finally, you realized what the green button is!" Chaeyoung's sarcasm seethed through the other line. "Where are you?"

"I'm at the... uh..."

"Holy shit, you're at Jisoo's aren't you?"



"What the hell are you-"

"I'll tell you all the details when you arrive here."

"Arrive where exactly?"

"Hello? Have you been scrolling through your phone? The Colonel asked us to attend the advanced anti-terrorism camp in Japan."

"What?! But I haven't-"

"Don't worry, now I know where you're at, I'm just gonna prepare your kinds of stuff since I'm near your apartment. I'll drop your dogs at your aunt, I'm sure Ella would be delighted."

"Thanks, I'll come right away."

"Oh take all the time all you want. I'm pretty sure thirty minutes is enough for a-"

"Bye Chae."

She doesn't wait for her friend to whine at her and ends the call to change at a quick pace, afraid that she might not catch the flight in time. Making sure that she was decent enough, she books a cab and leaves the bedroom when she sees Jisoo in a trance again and seemed to be playing with the food that she prepared. Thinking that it wasn't really harmful in trying to leave the place with a good atmosphere she walks closer to Jisoo and takes a spoon away from her, catching the doctor off guard and placing the food in front of her.

"What are you doing?"

"It looked like how to use your hands so I'm just being a good friend and help you out."

Jisoo smiles at her, though Jennie could feel that it was rather forced than a genuine one. "Sorry, I was thinking of how hectic my schedule... come sit with me, we should share this meal together."

"I would like to, but I have to leave for the airport."

"Work-related?" Jennie nods her head. "Well, you should get going then."

She couldn't help but feel that Jisoo is putting a wall in between them. Jennie wanted to ask her what's up with her attitude but then figured that Jisoo might be like this to her hook-ups. So with a tight-lip nod, she walks to the door. "I'll see you soon?"

"You know where to find me."

"Okay, take care."

"You too." Jennie couldn't bear the awkwardness lurking around so she moves her feet and leaves Jisoo's unit. When the door closed, the heart-shaped lips girl sigh out loud and huffs in her seat. "Great Jisoo, just great."


"Well, well, well... if it isn't the hoe of the year..."

"Shut up." Jennie rolls her eyes at her friends while the three laughed at her grumpiness.

"Awe, did we cock-blocked your morning quickie?" Sooyoung continues with her teasing. "Don't worry you can come back into your girlfriend's loving arms after three weeks."

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Really? Well, then how come you're wearing Jisoo's clothes?"

"Do you expect me to come here wearing last night's outfit?" She sighs. "Guys, can you like- stop talking about Jisoo? Yes, we fucked- yes she was great in bed, yes, I lost count how many times we went and yes- my pussy's so sore right now that even peeing hurts." The three of them looked at Jennie with wide-eyes as she searches for a cap and sunglasses before looking at one another. "What, do you have something else to say?"



"Nothing at all."

"Good." She says in her blank tone before completely ignoring their existence. "Now shut up and let me sleep."

Throughout the entire week, Jennie did nothing but focus on the training program that the Colonel asked them to do and the three of them weren't surprised any longer when Jennie came out as the top one student in their entire class. After a week of training, they went back to Seoul, and they assumed that the first thing their superior would do is visit Jisoo but Jennie tells them that she was heading home. So they let it pass since it was too much to think that the Lieutenant was very eager with meeting the doctor again and it was a very tiring one week so they deserve the rest too.

Days passed, Chaeyoung, Dahyun, and Sooyoung could sense that Jennie wasn't making any move on meeting with Jisoo which leaves her frustrated and the rest of the Saint Lucias very stressed. Jennie has been taking out her anger towards their subordinates by being harsh on training and even rude at team meetings. She was starting to be labeled as Saint Lucias' Ice Queen and been the talk of the town for days as some speculated that her 'relationship' with Jisoo really didn't last that long. Then again the three of them decide to let it pass, and assumed that Jennie Kim was on her monthly period.

But after a week they noticed that Jennie was still cold as ever so they finally came up with a decision to stop all this craziness, and confront her.

"Jennie Kim!" Sooyoung barges into her office with Chaeyoung and Dahyun trailing behind her.

"What is it now?" She asks without even looking up and kept her focus on the reports.

"I don't know, why don't you tell us?"

"I believe I don't owe you any kind of explanation."

"Uh, yes you do." Jennie decides to ignore Sooyoung's immaturity. "Hey! We're not done talking, stop ignoring me."

"Finally you've grown some sense of sensitivity in you Soo, I'm proud of you."


"Sooyoung, you do know I'm just a few feet away from you not three buildings away right?"

"Jen, we just want to talk." Chaeyoung butts in their conversation.

"Okay fine then let's talk." She finally looks up and meets them eye to eye. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Why don't we start with you being such a dick?"

"Sooyoung..." Chaeyoung warns.

"Me being a dick? Who said that?"

"You're looking right at her sister." Sooyoung says unfazed with how Jennie is glaring at her right now. "Look I don't know what happened between you and Jisoo but you need to stop including everyone in your problem."

"I don't have a problem."

"Ha! Says the woman who turned into an instant Ice Queen right after being fucked..."

"Sooyoung maybe you should tone down-"

"I don't care if my words come blunt or if anyone hears this Dahyun so stop trying to stop me." Sooyoung turns around and looks at her friend again. "Jennie Kim, you need to stop using us as a punching bag for your unsaid frustrations from Jisoo. It's not our fault you guys can't man up, definitely not our fault if you guys are physically attracted to one another and definitely not our fault if you two are too coward to meet because you know that there's going to be tension and fuck!" Chaeyoung and Dahyun share a gasp with Sooyoung's rant. "I know she left things awkward with you the morning after but that's just because she was still in the moment of internalizing that one- she fucked her patient which is totally unethical and two- she fucked her friend! Lucky for her, it's the same person."

"She was probably acting distant because she was restraining herself from fucking you early in the morning because just like you- she doesn't know where you guys stand after the sex and you being the assuming bitch that you are, you distance yourself too which is totally not solving the problem!"

"And what is the problem Sooyoung?"

"That you guys want to fuck each other again!" She heightens the range of her voice. "And maybe fuck a bit more after that!"

"What if you're wrong?"

"Well, then what if I'm right too?" She challenges. "I'll tell you what, meet her today and tell me if the tension isn't there. If there isn't then I will be your servant as long as we're in the same department but if I'm right..." She walks closer and towers over her superior. "You need to buy me a new motorcycle."

"Don't you think I'm at a disadvantage?"

"If you're so confident that there's no physical attraction between you two then you won't be this argumentative." She smirks. "Only goes to show that I may have an upper hand on this situation."

Sooyoung really does know how to push someone else's buttons. "Fine, I'm going to meet her today and we'll talk."

"Perfect! It's about time too." She spits on her hand and extends it to Jennie. "Let's shake on it."

Jennie looks at the hand and then back at Sooyoung. After a few seconds, she spits on her own hand and shook hands with Sooyoung. "Be ready Sooyoung, I still haven't washed my laundry and my house is a mess."

"Sure, I'll come by with my new bike." Jennie ignores her and stomps her way out of the office. "Oh by the way Lieutenant, women like it when the person they fucked reappears with a bouquet of flowers! It lessens the thought of you being an asshole!"

"I don't need flowers. We are just going to talk."


"Lieutenant Kim! So nice for you to visit us again!"

"Good afternoon Miss Lee." Jennie smiles at Jisoo's secretary. "Is Jisoo inside?"

"Ah yes she is but she's still meeting up with a client."

"Oh, I see, well then I'm just going to wait for her here."

"Do you want me to inform Doctor Kim?"

"No, no need. She still has a job to do."

"Would you want some coffee?"

"Oh no thank you but here's one for you by the way."

"Lieutenant Kim you didn't have to." Miss Lee blushes at Jennie's act. "But thank you."

"No problem." She grins. "I'll wait outside, don't tell Jisoo okay?"

"I got it." She says with an okay hand sign and with that, she walked outside of the office and decides to wait for Jisoo at the main lobby.


Thankfully she was quick to her reflexes and caught Yeri in her arms just in time. "Dude what the hell! Are you on a maniac or something?"

"You know what, I think I am a maniac. I am overjoyed to finally, see your face you asshole!"

"Asshole?" Jennie asks with connected eyebrows. "What do you-"

"JENNIE UNNIE!!!!" This time though she came unprepared when it was Lisa's turn to jump in her arms. "OH MY GOD, YOU'RE FINALLY HERE!"

"Get off of me first you giant!"

"Oops!" Lisa gets off of her and helps her stand up. "Sorry, I was just overexcited."

"What's with you two that you are so happy that I'm here."

"You have no idea how happy we are to finally see your face. You're our savior!"

"Savior? What do you-"

"That Kim Jisoo is a monster." Yeri hisses and her face reeks of anger but then softens when she turns to the Officer. "Kim Jisoo is a meanie..." She says with a pout.

"What did she do to you?"

"Right after Irene's Bachelorette Party, she turned herself into Satan's pawn." Lisa whispers. "She's been treating everyone she meets like a punching bag and lashes out her frustrations at us."


"I have never been more scared in my entire life...." Yeri overreacts. "It was the very first time we saw her snapped when our fellow doctor forgot to send her report for the weekly evaluation. Every time I remember that day it still brings chills to me."

"And she even gets easily pissed during our get-together." Lisa says who is now also pouting. "We were only teasing here because it was obvious that she's frustrated because you're not around but she would snap at us in an instant."

"We're so scared Jennie... please save us from her."

"You're our only hope." Lisa says and then looks down on the seats. "Are these flowers for her?"

Jennie looks at the bouquet of sunflowers. "Uh, yeah that's for her."

"Awe! So is it like a peace offering for ditching her for two weeks?"


"I already tried and explain things to her Jen, Chae told me you were training in Japan and you got swamped in work which is why you haven't been giving time to Jisoo but she just won't buy it." Lisa says. "Don't worry, even though that angel is now of Lucifer's side I think she will hear you out. Just explain things properly to her okay?"

"Please make it up to her already, I'm so tired with the endless amount of reports and tasks that she's been giving us."

"I'll try-"

"Look there she is!"

Jennie turns her head to the side and frowns at the sight. The three of them continue to watch as Jisoo laughs along with the pretty woman while they walk towards them. Jennie disregards Jisoo for a moment and looks at the woman beside her. The woman is so beautiful that Jennie could easily assume that the woman belonged to the modeling industry. Slender Legs, Tight muscles, and wavy figure? Definitely a model.

Though Jennie hates the fact that Jisoo is laughing something whatever it is that she's saying, the fact that they are probably standing too close to one another or the fact that the woman has thicker eyebrows than her.

Both Lisa and Yeri felt a sudden change in the atmosphere and so they decide to mend things out. "Doctor Kim!"

Jisoo turns to her colleagues with her blank face. "What?"

"Look who came to visit you today!"

Jennie reappears from the side of the wall holding onto her sunflowers. "Hello, Jisoo."

Jisoo eyes widen at the sight of the Lieutenant. "Jennie?" She says with her utmost surprised face. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit you of course... Why? Am I not allowed to visit you during office hours?"

"Of course not." She chuckles nervously. "This is Soojoo by the way, she's a long-time friend. Soojoo this is Doctor Kim Yeri, Doctor Manoban and this is Jennie Kim."

"Oh! So you're Jennie!" Soojoo smirks. "Nice to finally meet you, Jisoo shared a few things about you."

Jennie raises her eyebrow at the statement. "Really..." She turns to Jisoo. "She never mentioned you to me though."

Lisa and Yeri widen their eyes at the shade Jennie said. "Well like she said I'm just a long-time friend." She smiles and then turns to Jisoo. "Anyway, I'm going to be leaving now. It was nice to see you again Jis, remember I'm always here for you okay?"

"Thanks, Joo, I know I could count on you." She smiles at her and returns the hug.

As soon as Soojoo left, now comes the awkward silence between the four of them which consisted of Jennie and Jisoo staring at one another while Lisa and Yeri patiently wait for either one of them to make the first move. Yeri nudges Lisa to speak first and in return, she gets nudged back saying it's her turn to deflate this awkward aura situation. While they were battling their own argument Jisoo places her hands in her lab coat pocket and decides to break the ice.

"Want to talk inside my office?"

"Sure, let's do that."

"Okay." Jisoo turns to Yeri. "Back to your office Yeri, I still need those reports by the end of the day."

Yeri couldn't help but give the latter a salute. "Yes, Doctor Kim."

Jisoo walks away from them with Jennie following suit. "Hey Lisa?"


"I bet you that Miss Lee will be asked to leave her office and they're going to fuck."

"I bet with Jisoo's satanic attitude, she's going to make Miss Lee stay."

"Loser buys lunch for the rest of the week?"

"Deal." They remained in their positions, waiting until the two of them reached the door. After a few minutes, Miss Lee walks out of the room and places the sign of 'Do Not Disturb' in front of Jisoo's office. "Oh hell no..."

Yeri smirks. "I'll have prime ribeye steak for lunch. Thanks, Lisa."


"It's a surprise to see you here." Jisoo says as soon as she closes the door.

"Uh yeah, I was busy with work."

"So I've heard." Jisoo trails off. "You seemed to be pretty busy."

"Oh yeah, with all the training and reports..."

The latter replies with a hum and proceed to look over her charts. "So, what brings you here in my humble abode?"

"I am in need of your chiropractor expertise."

"You know you could've asked from Lisa you know. She would've given you a free session." She gives Jennie a brief look. "Why? Can't trust Lisa with your life yet?"

"I'm used to you so..."

"Guess you only remember me when there's pain in your shoulders huh."

"Did you say something?"

"Nope." Jisoo closes the charts as asks for Jennie to head down on the bed and held her in a certain position. "Okay breathe, three, two-" Jisoo shifts the pressure on the right side. "Again..."

Jennie lets out a painful groan. "Why was that so painful?"

"Oh, maybe that's because your shoulders are so strained... I bet your other parts feel that too. Hold on." Jisoo places her hand on Jennie's waist and realigns her bones in a painful manner that Jennie couldn't help but wince. "Damn, you really were busy for the past weeks huh."

"Yeah well, I had training and- Ow fuck!" Jennie's face screamed pain when Jisoo worked her way to her legs. "And I had- shit Jisoo that hurts!"

"Well, not my fault you did some busy stuff for the past days right?" Jisoo looks at her with her blank face. "Let's get on with your neck."

"Ah, not the neck!" Jennie hops off from the table.

"Why? Is there a hidden hickey there?"

"What? Of course not! I'm just worried about the amount of pressure you're putting." She says. "You look like you can break my neck at any given moment."

"Your call..." Jisoo stands up and returns to the papers on her table. "If you don't have anything to say then you're free to go. Thank you for dropping by."

"Okay, there's something really different with you."

"Last time I checked I was pretty fine earlier but thanks for the concern."

"Why wouldn't you be fine, you had Soojoo earlier right?"


"You had Soojoo earlier." She repeats. "Like as your patient and like you said you guys were friends for a pretty long time."

"And you're point is?"

Jennie shrugs. "I'm just saying that the two-finger insertion went pretty well."

"What the hell- are you implying that-" Jisoo lets out a scoff. "Okay for your information I didn't fuck Soojoo alright? I meant it when I told you guys that we were friends and she didn't come here as a patient but as a friend."

"All the more reasons why I should believe that the two-finger insertion-"

"Stop talking about that two-finger insertion!" Jisoo screams. "For your information, the last pussy that my fingers got inside was mine okay?"


"Oh so now you want to know why I did it? I want to check my ovaries."

"You did?"

"For Fuck's sake no! I did it because I was masturbating!" Jennie could see that Jisoo was clearly frustrated right now and she's lowkey scared for her life right now. "And before you demand me why I was masturbating it's because I can't fuck other women. I've tried flirting at clubs but somehow I always end up imagining fucking a woman with jet black hair, plump lips, and feline-like eyes." She says. "But of course, I really couldn't do it since she probably had other women to spend the night with."

"I wasn't seeing other people Jisoo."

"Really, then why didn't you send me a text?"

"Because you didn't!"

"Oh so what I do you're just going to repeat it, is that how it's going to be?"

"Well two can play a game Jisoo so yeah- I'm going to repeat it whatever you're going to do and I'm going to do it better!"

"Then let's put it to test shall we?"

Out of the blue, Jennie finds herself getting pulled in a rough manner and her lips were smashed against Jisoo's. She widens her eyes at first as her brain shuts down for a moment before wondering how in the world they went from screaming at each other's face to this and just as she was about to respond, Jisoo pulls away, leaving Jennie hanging for more contact. When she finally regained consciousness, she looks back at the doctor who was wearing her victory smirk.

"Well, I guess you're wrong." Jisoo confirms. "Clearly I'm the better kisser between you and me so- JENNIE!" She whines when Jennie carries her all of a sudden towards the edge of the bed and then hikes up her skirt. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"I meant it when I said whatever it is that you're going to do to me I'm going to return the favor and I'm going to do it better. Last time I checked I haven't returned the pleasure of allowing you to fuck me."

Jisoo widens her eyes. "Jennie don't tell me-"

"Why not? All we do here is crack bones. This is the perfect time for me to crack you." She smirks and removes Jisoo's underwear in a very swift motion.

"We can't do it here I'm not going to- OH MY FUCKING-" Jisoo tries her best to keep her groan in her throat when Jennie's finger easily went inside of her."

"Would you look at that, looks like fighting with me turns you on." She looks at the doctor. "Maybe we should fight first before we fuck?"

"Jen I told you we can't- Fuck..." Jisoo moans when Jennie pushed her fingers further.

"Do you want me to stop and leave?"

"Try doing it and I'll have your head bitten." Jennie smirks for her victory. "Remember you still have to prove to me that you fuck better."

"Still questioning my skills are we?"

"Can't blame me, all I had was your tongue."

"Well then buckle up princess." Jennie withdraws her fingers and then inserts then with full force making Jisoo bite her lip and close her eyes at the pleasure. "You're in for a treat today."

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