Focus Part 7

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"Shhh, keep quiet or else everyone will surely know what we're doing here." Jennie waits for her walls to adjust to her. When she felt Jisoo was already relaxing, she pulls out and thrusts again, making Jisoo moan out of pleasure.

Jennie had a lot of scenarios imagined in her head when she was on her way here. She thought about making a complete fool out of herself, one where Jisoo might still be distant and she'd let things be but there wasn't a scene where she'd have Jisoo's breath hit her ear every time goes in and out of her. Sure she might've felt the tension the moment that their eyes connected but she wouldn't expect for things to happen like this or have their quarrel escalating into this level.

Maybe it was because of the fact that she was slightly pissed with the arrival of an unknown face which was Soojoo or the fact that she looked way better than she does. Maybe it was the way Jisoo's eyes turned into crescents and lips breaking into a laugh as they stood together too close for Jennie's comfort. It could also be in the midst of their argument when Jisoo looked so attractive whenever she's mad or there was something with the way Jisoo looked so appealing, especially with how the pencil skirt hugged her in all of the right places.

"Jennie... More..." Jennie complies and adds another finger, expanding Jisoo a bit farther. "Oh my God, that feels so good."

"Right there, yes keep your fingers there." Jisoo breathes. "Fuck, yes!" She screams as her hands swat away some of her equipment, creating a very loud sound.

"Jisoo!" Jennie hisses. "Be quiet!"

"I'm trying..." Jisoo buries her head against the crook of Jennie's neck as she holds onto her like her dear life was on the line. "Fuck you're so good at this."

"Either shut your mouth of I'll stop." Suddenly Jisoo bites onto Jennie's neck, sending chills to her spine and almost spits out a moan, but she manages to keep it stuck on her throat so now it sounded more like a growl.

"Looks like someone's got a biting kink..." Jisoo pulls away and meets Jennie's lustful eyes. "I'll make sure to take note of that next time." She whispers. "Now let's see what kink you do have up on your sleeves."

Just as when she thought she had the upper hand, Jisoo's hands start traveling onto her uniform and starts to unbutton her top. Before Jennie could even protest, her bra was loose and thrown to the side and now Jisoo starts to knead and massage her breasts, giving them gentle caresses and light teasing. Having the latter's hands on her ignited the fire inside of her that she thought had burned right after the night they spent together. Jennie wasn't a prude, she could relate to Jisoo too because she also had her fair share of masturbation and even used her credit card on a sex shop as she heard from Sooyoung that sometimes the vibrator does the trick.

However much like the older woman, every time she tried to pleasure herself, she would always end up feeling unsatisfied and even more frustrated. She met other people, wanted to fuck other people but half-way through making out, she never seems to do it. It was totally unfair at first, but with the fact that Jisoo also feels the same way, it just boosts her, even more, to do well.

"Ugh, Jisoo..."

"Faster, give it to me faster..." Jisoo shakes out. "I'm close..."

Every pleads every moan and every bite Jisoo gives her just heightens the fire she feels inside of her. The more Jisoo stays like this, the more Jennie would want to give her the release that she knows Jisoo deserves and so she thrusts in deeper, faster and with such consistency on hitting that specific spot which Jennie assumed is the pot of gold inside Jisoo's cunt. And Jennie was determined to milk that gold down to the very last drop.

With Jennie's determination, Jisoo's heightened euphoria, their piled-up frustrations, and pent up feelings come a blissful yet earth-shattering release for the both of them. Even Jennie was surprised to find release without even being touched down there it wasn't as amazing as Jisoo- who was shaking under her hold and her fingers gripping onto Jennie's hair. Finally coming down from their respective highs- both of them leans in out of reflex and share a kiss like it was the cherry on top of their cake.

"How's that for a treat?" Jennie finds her voice first making Jisoo laugh.

"Quite impressive I might say... Looks like some officers mean it when they say pledge they're a man of their words."

"For a doctor, you sure do know a lot of Police stuff."

"It's called Crime Series, search it." Silence lurks in the air and Jisoo decides that she doesn't want to make the same mistake twice so instead of restraining, she tries to be honest. "Can we continue this?"

"Having my fingers stuck inside you?"

She hits Jennie by the arm. "Asshole."

"Then be more specific."

"Fucking." She responds. "I like fucking you."

"Just fucking me?"

"Well, I enjoyed getting fucked by you too but fucking you feels better for my ego."

"Trying to be a fucking top I see."

"Please, we both fucking know that I am the fucking top."

"Judging by today's even, I think the fuck not."

"Remember how I fucked you by the bed? Or does your mind linger on the scene with your tits pressed against my glass windows as I take you from behind?" Jennie blushes making Jisoo give out her signature smirk. "And the tea is finally spilled."

"What tea?" And so she gets back at the doctor by pulling out her fingers without any notice.

"You're such a sore loser!" Jisoo whines while she watches Jennie cleans up inside the bathroom and fixes her clothes.

"So, what now?" Jennie pops the question as soon as she gets out of the bathroom.

"Well, I think it's safe to say that there's physical attraction between the two of us." Jisoo states and Jennie nods in agreement. "And staying away from one another is clearly not the option."

"That's true. Not just for the both of us, but also for our colleagues."

"Ah, so you've heard from Yeri and Lisa?"

"I might have received a pep talk from Sooyoung."

"Now I know why I was instantly fond of her." She smiles and then looks at Jennie. "Come here."

Jennie complies and goes back to standing in between Jisoo's legs and lets the latter fix her properly. "Is this the part where you tell me the rules of our agreement?"

"And here I thought I was reading cliché plots." She chuckles. "Jen, there are no rules. We fuck when we want to, we hang-out when we want to."

"Oh." Jennie was surprised at how carefree Jisoo is with this new label. "I thought you're going to present me a slide presentation on the do's and don'ts."

"There's nothing to hide because, in their eyes, you're my girlfriend. We also have to keep this act until the wedding because something tells me that Irene is not done yet in proving you how better her life is without you."

"What are you talking about?"

"We gave her a show and practically stole her limelight during her Bachelorette Party. I'm sure she's going to get even by inviting us to her wedding." She replies. "After their wedding, I'm pretty sure Irene would lay off of you and from there we'll see how far this physical attraction will take us alright?"

"Ooh... okay."

"Drop by Lisa's office and ask her to give you a free consultation. I wasn't kidding when I told you your muscles are very strained."

"Why would I need to go to Lisa when I'm more comfortable with you?"

Jisoo smiles and cups Jennie's cheeks. "It's because I have loads of meetings to attend to and I'm actually fifteen minutes late. If I don't retouch now, I'm going to have tons of brand new haters."

"Alright, alright... I'm going to let you off the hook for now." Jennie says. "But can I pick you up later?"

"Well, well, well... look at you growing some confidence and initiative." Jisoo smiles at her. "I'll be done around ten."

"Alright, I'll see you later?" Jisoo nods and Jennie takes this cue to leave her office now with a brighter mood and a smile on her face. "Hello? Yeah hi, it's me. I'm going to drop by there right now. Oh no, my bike doesn't need any repair... I'm going to buy a new motorbike."

From Jisoo's office, they went on another all-nighter in Jisoo's apartment and let's just say Jennie still got her bones realigned and Jisoo finally put her kitchen into another alternative use. Ever since that clinic incident, it seems like Jennie and Jisoo couldn't keep their hands off of each other. They did it inside Jisoo's car, in Jennie's apartment, inside the club's bathroom (classic), within the movie theatre and the craziest thing they ever did, was inside the restaurant that Jisoo booked for just the two of them.

It was supposed to be a celebratory dinner for the two of them since Jisoo won an international award and Jennie being the top prospect of being the Captain's position. So Jisoo thought it was a harmless celebration on her part of booking a private room with a view inside of their favorite Japanese restaurant. But Jennie's attire was distracting Jisoo too much that she couldn't help but let her feet linger underneath the table and trail off her toe inside Jennie's thigh. The other woman, on the other hand, tried to control herself and not give in to the latter's temptation but when Jisoo pretended to 'drop' her earring's lock and then went underneath the table to tease her further, she couldn't resist any longer.

The agreement couldn't get any better.

"Don't go..." She whines as she clings onto Jennie.

"Usually I am the clingy person between us." Jisoo mumbles more incoherent words making Jennie chuckle at her morning antics. "It's not just me who needs to get going too you know, the head of Obstetrics and Gynaecology also have tons of things-to-do today."

"You don't have to remind me of that okay." She turns around and fixes Jisoo's hair and looks at her face. "How long are you going to stay in Jeju again?"

"Three weeks."

"Now that's just too long..."

"Stop pouting already." Jennie smiles and gives her a quick kiss.

"There's something different about you."


Jisoo shrugs. "I'm just feeling a different vibe from you."

"Really... how different am I?"

The doctor looks at her for a moment before standing up and fixing her hair. "Just different, but don't worry about it too much." She turns around and smiles at her. "You take care of your training okay?"

Jennie doesn't say anything else but crawls towards Jisoo who was on the other side of the bed and gives her a long kiss, one that Jisoo would make her want to try and convince Jennie to stay before pulling away. They both stare at one another for a good amount of time like their eyes were trying to memorize for their features. Jisoo reaches for Jennie's forehead and gives it a chaste kiss before pulling away and heading into the bathroom to shower.

She would really want to come and take a shower with the doctor but Jisoo was right, something was indeed different from her.

Something that she can't share with Jisoo just yet.

As soon as the plane landed, Jennie gave them 1 minute to grab their bags and fall in those who were failed to do so will be forced to quit the academy. Fail to reach the buses in 1 minute, forced to quit. Failure to change in their training uniforms in one minute? Well, you all know what happens next. She was so terrified that she even earned herself a new nickname, and that is Lieutenant 1-minute.

By the end of week one, out of two hundred cadets were cut down to one hundred and twenty. Week two was fucking exhausting for all of the cadets. The week consisted of continuous hiking, swimming, and climbing. Although the three of their superiors were quite encouraging, Jennie being the headmaster of the entire training crushed every hope and dream of every cadet because, by the end of week 2, the cadets were left with fifty.

Chaeyoung and Sooyoung thought that Jennie's sudden change of mood was because of the lack of interest coming from Jennie's gynecologist as they saw how Jennie kept looking at her phone from time to time and only end up looking even more frustrated. Yet Dahyun noticed something changed in Jennie as she showed no mercy towards the cadets for the last week of training. It was as if like Jennie wasn't the usual Jennie Kim, so she tries to find out the reason why, and she was going to- no matter how many times her Lieutenant might push her away.

"There you are." Dahyun finds Jennie sitting on the rocks while looking at the river. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

"Why? The fun was boring you out?"

"No, because you weren't there so I decided to come to look for you and ask if you would like to join us."

That made Jennie scoffs at her. "And now you see that I am okay, can you leave me all alone?" She says in her slightly annoyed tone, trying to non-verbally imply that she doesn't need any company as of the moment.

But Dahyun being Dahyun, ignores the warning signs and says- "May I?" Jennie rolls her eyes at her and shrugs. "Thanks."

"You're welcome... I guess."

"You were pretty hard on the cadets this training."

"Please, I'm hard on every cadet on every training."

"Hmm, I can tell this one's different though." Jennie looks at her. "We know you're tough but not like- really, really tough."

She doesn't say anything else for a few seconds until she decides to give Dahyun the credit for comforting her. "Do you ever wonder why I'm always hard on the trainees?"

"It's one of the questions that I've always wanted to ask to be honest."

"I'm always hard on them because I don't want them to take their jobs for granted." She responds. "When I got my badge I swore to live by the principles of our unit and I was so angry at the people who get to receive their badge without even putting out a sweat just because their father was this and that. I want them to see their badges and have them remember every hardship they have so they can treasure it more."

"You're really passionate Jen, I really like that about you." She smiles at her friend. "However, it brings a question into my mind."

"Well, what are you waiting for, ask ahead."

"You and I both know that you're willing to put your life on the line and you will shoot everyone who tries to do something bad to the country right?"

"Of course, I will do whatever it takes to protect our citizens."

"So when you're caught up in a hostage situation you're not going to hesitate to shoot at the suspect?"

"If he's not willing to do negotiation then yes, I'm going to shoot him."

"Even if that hostage-taker is me?" Jennie was surprised at the question. "Even if I was behind the gun who's pointing at you?"

Dahyun waits for Jennie to say the expected answer. "Of course, if you don't come to our terms then I will shoot you."

"And disregard everything we've been through?"

"... Yes." She replies. "If shooting you will benefit thousands of lives, I will not hesitate to shoot you."

"What if I'm the one held captive? Are you not afraid of shooting me instead?"

"What's with all these questions?"

"Just answer me." Jennie looked at Dahyun's eyes and was taken aback when she saw no sign of playfulness like she always does. "Won't you surrender to the hostage taker's terms if you found out that I'm the one being held?"

"I won't. I know that there will be back up and if I won't be able to shoot the target, Sooyoung's team will be in charge of that so no- I won't be afraid. I'm going to keep calm, because I know I can save you."

Dahyun nods at her response. "Jennie, do you ever wonder why Colonel favors you so much?"

"What are you talking about he doesn't favor over me."

"Seriously, everyone could tell how much he likes you. Even Captain looks at you with such adoration."

"Dahyun stop, that's nonsense."

"You're fearless and probably the best agent our department ever has. You always risk your life for the benefit of the team, the people and for the greater good of Korea." She says. "They usually say that you're like that because you've got no family to return to, no siblings to look after or look up to but I beg to differ."

"And how do you differ?"

"I think you are like that because you know what it feels like to lose the people you love." Jennie finds herself getting surprised by what she just said. "You know what it's like to weep, to long for people that can never return and so you do whatever it takes, even if it meant your life in return. You do that because you don't want other people to go through what you have been through."

"Why are you here Dahyun?"

"Because you aren't there, and I know you say like you don't need anyone's company right now but I think that's just a defense mechanism."

"Doesn't it get to you that maybe some people ask to be left alone because they just want to?"

"I know that, but I also know you."

Jennie knew that there's nothing that's going to make Dahyun leave her now. "Okay fine, you want to know why I want to be left all alone today? Why I was harsh to the cadets?"

"It's their death anniversary today right?"

She was taken aback by how her friend found out. "How did you-"

"Jennie, I'm head of the Saint Lucias Tech Support for a reason and like I said; defense mechanism." Dahyun looks at her. "Jennie I know it's hard, but can you always count on me, on us... We're friends for a reason."

"And I am grateful for that." Jennie smiles at her. "But we all have a story that's too painful to tell."

"But we also have that one person who we can freely talk to." She says. "And you may haven't found the person that's meant for you, I think you may have found someone who's willing to listen to you, no matter the reason is."

"Pft, please Jisoo is too busy these weeks I doubt she's going to listen to what I have to say." She laughs.

"I didn't say it was Jisoo though." Jennie stops with her laugh and looks at Dahyun who had this unexplainable smile on her face. "Well, now that I know you're okay I'm going to head back. I have to make sure that Sooyoung doesn't try to seduce Ryujin again. Chaeyoung's there though and she adores that kid too much."

Dahyun pats her on her back and lets her be. Jennie couldn't help but feel surprised with herself with how she said Jisoo's name without hesitation. She looked at the view and then back at her phone that was placed beside her. She contemplated whether to call or not since she hasn't been trying to contact the doctor whom she had assumed that was busy with her own schedule and besides, she really didn't have a clue as to how deep their friendship is or if Jisoo is available at the moment but Jennie felt that hearing her voice is the thing that she needs as of the moment.

"Well, look who finally got her memory back." Jisoo says from the other line making Jennie smile.

"I'm not considered as an asshole right?"

"If you didn't call me throughout your three weeks you would've been on my asshole-never-contact-again list."

"I called on the last day," Jennie responds. "Does that counts?"

"It's the thought that matters."

"How's work?"

"The usual... been kind of busy these past weeks too. You?"

"Hmm, I think I was the ice queen again to the cadets."

"Poor them..."

"Jisoo? Are you not busy?"

"No, why?"

"I just wanted someone to talk to right now."

"Hmm, I was right after all."

"What are you talking about?"

"Before you left, I told you that there was something different in you."

"Oh." Jennie blinks. "You're right... but how did you know?"

"I just do. It's kind of weird, but I just know..." She trails off and Jennie waits for her to finish on what she has to say. "Kind of like the one when you showed up in the middle of the night on my doorstep because you felt like just coming." She hums in response. "Well, that's what I'm feeling before you left."

"So why didn't you say anything?"

"I was just waiting for you to say something too."

"It's been fifteen years..." Jennie says in her soft tone and Jisoo doesn't say anything so she decides to continue. "Every year of this day, I can't help but go back to the eight-year-old version of me who was playing at home with my teddy bear as I wait for my parents to arrive. They weren't supposed to come home that day, but you know how stubborn I get when I don't have what I want so they packed their bag and went home. Suddenly Mrs. Yoo arrives, which was our neighbor together with the police shows up and tells me that my parents' car was one of the chosen vehicles of the terrorist groups."

"Then I was shipped off to a nursing home, crying myself to sleep as I try to think of a logical reason why out of all the people in Seoul, my parents were one of the chosen people. I sometimes get bullied for being such a crybaby and a wimp, a weakling- a nobody..." Jennie trails off as she tries to remember the bad side of growing up alone. "When I graduated from Junior High I promised myself that I would do whatever it takes to make it to the Police Academy, I will not let anything distract me because I want to focus on my goal, because I don't want anyone to go through what I've been through because it hurts Jisoo... It's the type of scar that burns your skin every year and that sting doesn't even fade away..."

"It's the kind of scar that you think it's already okay, but when it's already time for their death anniversary the pain feels like the first time."

"Yeah, that kind of pain..." She whispers. "I think that's why I can't completely move on."

"Jennie, you have to understand that not all scars can heal. There are scars that hurt from time to time, and there are scars that sting like it's the first time and that's okay... you don't need for your scars to heal just so you can move on, sometimes you just have to accept it."

"Accept that I'm always going to be hurt when the topic is about parents?"

"No, you just need to accept that guilt-tripping yourself will not be useful... I know you have blamed yourself for all these years, but Jen look at the brighter side, you saved a lot of people throughout your career. It may not be enough to bring them back, but they sure are proud of you."

"You speak as if you're so sure of it."

"There's nothing more than fulfilling for a parent than to see their child living their purpose in life..."

"My dad always wanted me to help people someday." Jennie looks down as she tries to stop her emotions from taking over. "And my mom dressed me up as Tomb Raider for my last Halloween so I guess you're right." Jennie chuckles.

"You know what can make them happier?"


"Seeing you smile." Jisoo answers. "I miss you."

"I miss you more."

"That's impossible, you're too busy being the legendary ice queen to think about me."

"I do think about you stupid."

Jisoo lets out a gasp. "You do!? My, my, my... am I starting to win over your heart?"

"Depends on if you're planning to keep it right after winning it over."

"Depends if you're going to keep mine too."

"Why, am I starting to win you over too?"

"Who says you haven't?" Jennie couldn't help but give out a wide grin hearing it.

"Aha, now I wonder why nobody fell for your charm and words over the years."

"Maybe that's because I'm waiting for someone else."

The Lieutenant shakes her head. "You're just saying this to make me think about you more."

"I hope it's working."

"Alright Casanova, stop making me grin like a fool here..."

"Stop grinning like a fool I don't like it when other people get to see your dumpling cheeks!"

"I'm not a dumpling, quit saying that."

"I will never let you forget that one Jen, you're a dumpling. Never forget that you're a dumpling!"

"What's so good at being a dumpling?"

"I like dumplings."


"Those mandu cheeks are mine Jennie Kim, don't ever forget that."

Jennie chuckles. "Alright, I won't forget that." And Jennie wondered if she will never forget how Jisoo called her a dumpling that night or the underlying meaning behind it. "You and your words sometimes Doctor." She continues with her chuckle.

"Speaking of words, Lisa must've slipped earlier that you're being a terror to the cadets on their training."

"I'm going to rip Chaeyoung's throat off."

"What time will you be arriving tomorrow?"

"A-around noontime?" Jennie says unsurely. "Why?"

"I'm going to pick you up. You deserve some punishment too."

She couldn't help but feel nervous right now. "B-b-"

"Good night Jennie."

"Good night Jisoo."


"Listen up guys!" Captain Song's voice echoed once again in the briefing hall with all of his team fully focused on the meeting. "There's another terror attack that's bound to happen within Seoul N Tower within 2200 hours."

He points his laser pointer at the man on top of the pyramid. "This guy right here is the leader of the operations, Kim Namjoon. Capturing him might be difficult since he got tons of bodyguards surrounding him and even if you get him all by yourself- he's tall, skillful and has high credentials in different forms of martial arts. When you get a sight on him on the field, call Sooyoung for support or other agents. You can't handle him alone... His team will try and bombard the entire place to scare off the country so make sure that we capture him before he pushes that button are we clear?"

"Sir yes, sir!"

"Alright, we'll assign the team in the same position. I take Alpha, Lieutenant Kim you take your Bravo squad and take over South, Sooyoung, you're partnering with Chaeyoung and take care of the East, Dahyun and the technical team you take over West. Once our cover is blown your watches will show you the weapons crate area but make sure you have enough ammo reserve in your pistols too. Let's try to make this operation smooth and simple okay?"

"Sir yes, sir!"

"Alright ladies, MOVE OUT!"

The entire Saint Lucias squad was readying themselves as they dress in their casual wear placing their in-ear pieces with their support pistols placed either the backs or by their foot. Some women have it on their chest too inserted on their bullet-proof vests before heading out to their respective vans heading out to their point of responsibility. Once inside the N Seoul Tower Jennie pretends to be a photographer with her camera moving just within her area, making sure that there was nothing suspicious in her area and on the floors of the building. Suddenly, she notices that there was a guy who was observing her actions. Deciding that she was a bit suspicious herself, she pulls out her phone and decides to press dial three.


"Hey, Jisoo." Jennie smiles and walks around. "How's the seminar in Japan?"

"It was okay, ninety percent boring but thank God it's done. I'm just lounging here in my bedroom, reading a book."

"I hope I'm not disturbing you."

"You just saved me from dozing off." She responds. "What about you? You look like you're in a crowded place."

"I'm here at the N Seoul Tower."

"Quite late to be there... is there something memorable about that place?"

"Not really, just strolling around..."

"I wish I could say stop strolling around and come to my place instead."

Jennie chuckles while continuing her observation. "I'm very sure that's what you would say."

"Don't tell me you called me just to say you missed me..."

"If I did would you ditch your seminar and come home instead?"

"Depends on how convincing you sound."

"Am I not sounding convincing enough now?"

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah... I just missed hearing your voice all of a sudden."

"Do you miss the way I sound from talking or do you miss the way I sound while we fuck?"

"A bit of both."

"Well then just hold on, two more days and you get to hear both of them." She decides to give the doctor a hum in response when she sees a capped man head for the power room.

"Hey Jis I gotta run."

"What do you mean-"

Jennie ends the call and uses the microphone placed inside her jacket. "Captain, they're cutting the power."

She decides to make a run for the chase and spots the man entering the power room. Just as he was about to shut the door, Jennie manages to squeeze herself in and inside, they engage in a brawl, making a mess out of the entire space. When she was sure she gained an advantage of him, she grips him off to a headlock.

"Where is your boss?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Stop playing innocent or I'm going to tie you up and have my people torture information out of you."

"Seriously I really don't- ack..." He coughs and tries to get some air despite Jennie's hard headlock.

"Are you still not going to talk?"

"Like I said I really..." He was slowly losing his stance and falls towards a kneeling position. "I really don't."

"You must be a fucking masochist for you to prefer torture than to just talk right now."

"Okay, okay, okay! I'll talk!"

"Wise decision." Jennie was quick to her movement and grabs the handcuffs inside her back pocket and tied the man who was still gasping for air onto the pole. "Spill."

"I don't technically know the boss I was just hired by one of his goons."

"What did he asked of you?"

"He asked if I know how to cut wires and all that shit so I told him yeah I know, and then he told me to go here and try to cut the power off this building."

"This is Lucias 2, I'm inside the power supply with the man they hired to cut down the power. Secure the safety of the people within the building now." Jennie shifts back her attention to the man. "Anything else?"

"He said he's going to contact me after fifteen minutes." Right on cue, his pocket started buzzing. "That must be him."

Jennie pulls out the phone and presses it onto his ear. "Try outing me and I'll blow the daylights out of you."

"Hey, how is it going there?"

"I just got inside." The man answers.

"Okay, when you shut the powers down leave the building immediately alright?"

"G-go-got it."

"And don't forget, swing by the Courtyard to get your paycheck."

"I-I-I will."

"Okay, we'll wait for your signal then."

The call ends and Jennie grabs his tools. "W-what are you doing?"

"We need to make them believe you're following their orders right?" Jennie pulls up her jacket. "What's your status?"

"We're cleared the majority, you can cut the power system off right now."

"Copy." Jennie pulls some wires, causing the entire tower to blackout. "Power out, clear the public."


She turns on her flashlight and looks at the man. "I like your look." The man widens his eyes and before he could any kind of protest, Jennie whacks him out. "This is Lucias 2 again, I have a cuffed hired man on the power room that is in need of rescue and questioning."

"Jennie where are you heading? That is not your AOR." Dahyun scolds over her earpiece.

"Dahyun make sure the bomb doesn't tick off. As soon as you have a sight on his men, eliminate and detonate the bomb."

"Lieutenant Kim, where are you going!?"

"Me?" Jennie smiles as she grabs onto her helmet. "I'm heading for Namjoon."


Jennie parks her motorbike a few feet away from the meeting place inside the parking lot. She moves in stealth mode, looking for their guy to arrive any second now. She hides behind the corner, and looks within the area, trying to find some security camera when the elevator opens and reveals a big buff dude looking around the vicinity. He grabs the phone and then the phone in her hands lights up, indicating that this is the guy that she's been looking for.

She circles up around the block and when she made sure that he was focused in calling the contact, she jumps on him, wrapping his neck around with an electric cord as they fall onto the ground. He tries to wiggle his way out of her hold and even tried biting her but Jennie endured the pain and placed more force onto him.

"What the fuck do you want!?"

"Where's Kim Namjoon?"

"I don't know-"

"I would speak up if I were you, buddy, you don't have much time left."

"He-he's..." He inhales what probably was his last intake of oxygen. "He's by the bar looking over N Tower."

Grabbing a syringe located on her ankle, Jennie stabs the man with a doze-off formula to help him lull into sleep. When she was sure that he was completely knocked out, she dashes towards the elevator and presses the 30th floor. "Lieutenant Kim where the hell is you?!"

"Captain I-"

"How many times do I have to tell you? Namjoon is not like any other terrorist!"

"Have the bombs been detonated?"

"Almost half of them have already been disarmed. Dahyun and the rest of the squad is still following through the rest."

"Good. I'm going to head there and distract him as long as I can. When you're done there, head by the Courtyard Hotel." She answers. "And come quick."

The elevator comes to a stop and Jennie's ears were greeted with classic jazz music and nearly an empty bar. She thought that maybe Namjoon would have reserved this area all to himself together with his guards. Deciding that she was going to be outnumbered, she rushed towards the staff room and worked her way towards the lockers and changed her attire to a waitress before looking at buffy's phone to see if she could use anything to lure away the guards. She skims through the contact when she sees an unknown number instructing buffy to text the number when the electrician arrives to meet him.

She sends the latter a quick text and leaves towards the bar, acting like she was checking the drinks and inspecting the glasses when a deep voice not too far from the bar says-

"Leave all of you, and tell the bar to get my usual whiskey."

Soon the doors opened and the guards from one of the private rooms left. Jennie widens her eyes a bit, realizing that she was totally outnumbered with all the guards that left the room. One of them approached the male employee and asked for a whiskey before leaving alongside with the other guards. Once the coast was clear and the Whiskey was prepared, she steals it from his hold and tells him that she can handle this. The bartender shoots her an odd look to which she dismisses and scurries away with the glass of Whiskey on her tray.

Opening the private room's door, Jennie finally sees Namjoon, or in her case- his back. He had broad shoulders, ash-blonde grey of shade in his hair with his plaided business class suit. However, Jennie wasn't focusing on those parts of the man rather on the detonator that he was playing around his hand. She had loads of ways to think of grabbing it from him, but then she had to take note that this tall man wasn't like any stupid terrorist, he has skills... Skills, that Jennie would prefer to not be placed on her.

"Why are you just standing there?" Namjoon's deep voice startles Jennie. "Do you expect my whiskey to magically levitate towards me?"

"S-s-sorry." She places the glass onto the table and bows down. Jennie concludes that it's better if she just waits for the Captain and the rest of her squad to arrive. "If you need anything, please don't hesitate to call our attention." She says in her utmost polite voice and bows down.

"Hold on." Jennie stops in her tracks. "Have we met before?"

"Uh... I'm not sure I follow... but I'm certain that we have not met before sir."

"No, no, no. I think I saw you somewhere..." Namjoon stares at her. "Ah, now I remember..." He smirks. "You're the one who captured Seungri."

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