Focus Part 8

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"I beg your pardon?"

"You're in that SWAT type of group... the one who fights against anti-terrorism am I right?"

"Sir as you can see, I'm working here inside the bar, not a SWAT official."

"Wow and you can act too! I'm quite amazed... tell me, do they teach this inside the academy too? When it was my time, all they had was robotic conversations on how to tell the terrorist to calm the fuck down." He chuckles. "It wasn't quite convincing trust me."

Namjoon saw the confusion on Jennie's eyes so he decides to explain things further. "Oh! I was a former member of that KNP SOU team and if you're the person who caught that old hag Seungri then your superior must be Mino..." He looks back at her as if they were just having a casual conversation. "I knew the guy way back, he was my best bud throughout the academy and my working years. Well, that was until I was scouted because my financial crisis was choking me. I tried convincing Mino though, but when he nearly shot me, I knew the friendship was long over..." Namjoon ends his storytelling and looks back at Jennie. "So tell me, did Mino assign you to personally come after me or was it your heroic instincts that lead you here?"

"Judging by the way you're not answering I guess it was just your instinct that made you decide and come after me all alone." He says. "Well, bad news baby girl, you can't."

"Don't call me that."

"Aha, I love it when female turns feisty..." He chuckles. It sure does give me a different kind of energy." Jennie looks at him with complete disgust. "But I would have to delay that because I have another appointment to attend to. But! We can enjoy the fireworks together." He wiggles the detonator on his hand. "In 3, 2, 1-"

Jennie closes her eyes as soon as Namjoon presses the button and the two of them waited for the booming sounds that would come from the tower. She closes her eyes shut and waits for three seconds, then to five and eventually, she opens her eyes and saw that the targeted tower was still as peaceful as she last has seen. She looks at Namjoon who was just as confused as she is so he presses the button again, only to find out nothing has ever happened to it.

"Fucking hell?"

This time, Jennie turns this change of events to her advantage. "Did you really think that I was here to catch you?" Namjoon looks at her and she plasters on a smirk on her face. "Then you must be an idiot for thinking that way."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm not here to catch you, I'm here... to distract you." She says. "And now, it's too late for you to run."

"Oh no, if there's anything I'm going to do right now that is to run away." He readies himself onto a fighting stance. "Since you're here to distract me, why not do it until your very last breath."

"Before you can lay your hands on me, Captain and the others would be here. They may even get a sight at you just now."

"I'd like to take my chances." He smirks. "If you can catch a quick guy like Seungri, let's see how fast you can do that to me."

Just right after saying it Namjoon throws her a quick jab to the nose, making Jennie back away a few steps and leaving her with a bleeding nose. She disregards the pain and prepares for defense, which was a good choice since he came with a kick. Jennie kept blocking all of his attacks, thinking that if she can wear out some of his energy it might give her time to counter or better yet for back-up to arrive.

But once Jennie saw an opening to his jaw, she couldn't help but throw a punch- completely catching him off guard. When she saw that he was taken aback, she immediately throws in a couple of combinations of punch and kicks combo knocking him off to his knees, and he saw this as a quick opportunity to engage in a headlock, which was her favorite move.

"Aha, the infamous Saint Lucias headlock. Man, I sure miss those training days." Jennie was surprised at how Namjoon manages to even hold a chuckle while losing air. "I bet they taught you to always put pressure on the neck."

"Shut up."

"Well, you know what kid, while I admire your bravery- there is something that you must know about me." And before she could even react, Namjoon's long arms grab a hold of her waist and throw her off of him and with just a second, Jennie finds herself being locked by Namjoon's grip. "I thought the legendary headlock." He smirks. "Too bad, I quitted the unit before being able to teach Mino on how to escape but since you're here, just grab them by the waist with full force, and throw them onto the ground."


"I'm afraid that's something I can't do." Pulling out something from his socks, Namjoon immediately stabs Jennie onto her chest. "Consider this as my consolation gift to you for ousting me tonight with my plan. I must admit, despite your stupidity, maybe your courage can take you to places indeed." He says and then leans in. "But remember this Lieutenant, I also have a very good photographic memory. And I always get even."

"Ahh!" Jennie winces in pain and closes her eyes.

"Don't worry, I just stabbed you by the Sternum, not the heart." He says as he pushes even further the knife. "But if I were you, I'd keep this close in my chest just so I don't lose blood quickly."

"Fuck you Namjoon I'm going to..." Jennie was already catching her breath. "I'm..."

He fixes her hair and whispers- "Night, night princess."


The next time Jennie opens her eyes is when she was inside a hospital room.

It just a few hours after the successful operation with three of her friends were inside her room, watching for any slight change of her movement. Dahyun was the first one to notice the blinking of her eyes so she calls the nurse's attention while Jennie tries her best to sit up, feeling the dehydration hit her like a tsunami. The doctor, Doctor Ji finally attends to her and tells the rest of her friends that Jennie was a lucky soul that the suspect decided to stab her in the Sternum or else she would've been DOA. After instructing them to let the patient rest and for Jennie not to move around that much, Sooyoung was the first to give the victim a deadly glare.

"What the fuck were you thinking asshole!?" She was ready to launch herself towards the smaller woman but thankfully, both Chaeyoung and Dahyun stopped her. "Are you out of your mind?!"

"She's right Jennie, were you not listening to the debriefing?!" Chaeyoung hissed. "You practically changed everything that was planned."

"Guys, don't I get like a thank you for the initiative or thank you for being a brave type of congratulations?"

"Oh no, no thank you or throwing you into the air today Lieutenant; You're going to get series of earful scolding from us, from Captain, from Colonel and don't think that you forgot about-"

Just then the door bursts open, revealing Jisoo which totally surprised everyone. Before anyone could react, Jisoo was already stomping her way towards Jennie and gives her a loud slap on the cheek. Chaeyoung and the other two lets out a gasp while Jennie remains her cheek to the side as tinges of pink and red started to color the injured cheek. As if that wasn't enough to surprise them already, Jisoo climbs on top of Jennie and grabs her by the collar. They tried to stop the latter from really killing their friend but it really looked like Jisoo was up to no games.

"Do you want to die?" She practically growls at her. "Tell me Jennie do you want to die?"


"ANSWER ME!" She demands as she grips harder on Jennie's hospital gown. "Do you want to die?"

"J-Jisoo..." Jennie winces in pain. "C-can we talk?"

"Talk? You didn't even give me the chance to finish what I said over the phone!" She screams. "The next thing I know, you're being rushed to the hospital because you were fucking stabbed!"

"Jisoo I think it would be best if we-"

"Don't-" She glares at Jennie's colleagues. "Don't tell me what to do." Turning to Jennie once more, she looks at her death in the eyes. "You fucking prick!"

"P-p-please... le-let me explain."

"Explain what?! That you were reckless and stupid?! Your captain already gave you instructions and yet you still disobeyed them?! For what?! Just so you could be the hero or some shit?!"

"I didn't do that for my own credit, I was just trying to help-"

"By running after the man your superior discretely told you not to run after alone?! Is that what you called helping Kim Jennie!?" She screams at the top of her lungs that the rest was sure her voice could be heard outside. "You think you were trying to help by stalling? And how did you do that? By offering yourself? You think you're some sacrificial lamb?!"

"Of course not-"

"Then stop chasing after danger!" She reasons. "If you want to help, then stop acting like you can stop every bad guy in the world all by yourself and gee, I don't know Jen maybe help out by not KILLING YOURSELF OUT IN THE OPEN!"

"I'm sorry."

"You're not-" Jisoo says in a soft voice as she looks down away from Jennie's gaze. "You're not sorry..."

The rest of the girls looked at Jisoo who remained silent. Jennie looked at the other girls who were quite stunned with what just happened but when they met eye to eye, she politely instructs the others to leave. When Chaeyoung closed the door, Jennie looks at Jisoo and tried to figure out how to comfort the latter. Her hand reaches out to Jisoo's, trying to loosen up her grip towards her but what surprised her, even more, were the droplet of tears that she felt on her hands.


"I hate you." She says through her cracked voice. "I fucking hate you."

"Baby I'm sorry alright? Please forgive me." Her voice reeks of desperation for Jisoo's forgiveness. "I never meant to scare you."

"Too late..."

She sits up and hugs her. "I won't do it ever again I promise." Jennie wraps her arms tight around Jisoo, disregarding the aching fact that she wants to be held by the latter too. "I'm really, really sorry... It's my fault. All mine alright?" The more Jisoo stays silent, the more she was starting to get nervous for herself. "Baby please, look at me." Jennie tries to lift Jisoo's chin up and don't be mad at me anymore, I'm going to do whatever you want just so I can take your anger away."

"Promise me one thing."


"Promise me, that you will never risk your life like that again."


"You said you were willing to do whatever it takes just so my anger would leave right?"

"But it's a part-"

"Promise me, Jennie, Kim."

There was something the way that Jisoo was looking at her right now, or probably the way that there were still tear stains on her face but Jennie's heart ached at the sight. Something inside of her really didn't want to be the cause of Jisoo's tears ever again. She leans in and gives Jisoo's forehead a chaste kiss before looking back into her eyes.

"I promise you." She says. "I will never risk my life like that."


"Ever." She smiles warmly at her. "Are we good?" Jisoo looks away from her while pouting and it was such an adorable sight that Jennie couldn't help but gush at the latter's cuteness. "Jisoo am I forgiven?"

The doctor doesn't answer and instead pulls her in for another hug. "You know I can never be mad at you."

"I know, but still I'm sorry for scaring you like that."

"I know how you love the action and the thrill of your job. I get that and I'm not saying you should stop risking yourself for others because that's the nature of you being a Lieutenant of the Special Operations Unit..." Jisoo bites her lower lip. "But it also doesn't hurt to think things first before putting your crazy ideas into actions. There's someone waiting for you to come home safely."

Jennie couldn't help but smile. "Is that someone you Chu?"

Jisoo tightens her hold on her even better. "Don't leave me okay?"

Jennie pulls her in for a long kiss. "Okay."


"RISE AND SHINE NUT HEAD!" Sooyoung removes the covers off of Jennie's body. "Come on Lieutenant open those eyes!"

Jennie was shocked from the surprise wake-up call and slowly opens her eyes, lets them adjust to the light when Dahyun comes in. "OH LOOK! SOMEBODY FINALLY DECIDED TO WAKE UP!"

"What the hell are you guys doing?" She looks at the empty space beside her. "Where's Jisoo?"

"Out to do her explanation to the chairman as to why she had to ditch the Japan seminar which was so important to the hospital." Chaeyoung inserts herself inside the conversation. "Don't ask me the obvious, of course, Lisa told me that."

"Aw, look at little Jendeukie being all guilty and worried." Out of annoyance towards her friends, she pulls the pillow out and throws it at them. "Wow, you just got stabbed at the chest but what happened to your accuracy huh?"

"Can you guys be quiet? It's so early for your nuisance honestly." She hisses at them while they all laughed. Dahyun and Sooyoung settled on their chairs while Chaeyoung started cutting the fruits that they bought.

"So... I take that you guys have reconciled?"

"Yeah, we did."

"And how did you two do it? By words? Actions? Or a bit of both that involved rocking the hospital bed?"

"Quit being a pig Sooyoung." Chaeyoung says as she threw some peeled orange at her. "Don't mind them, Jen, I'm glad you two reconciled easily. I thought she was going to be hard on you."

"Please, Jisoo is not a bossy bottom Jennie is."

"Hey! I am not a bossy bottom!" She looks at Chaeyoung and Dahyun looking for support. "Unbelievable not you guys too! Sooyoung's lying alright?"

"Well, the last time you challenged her words it cost you buying her a new motorbike so..." Dahyun shrugs.

"See, even dumb tofu here knows who spits out facts."

"I am not dumb!"

Sooyoung rolls her eyes. "How are you feeling?"

"A bit good, the chest area still hurts."

"The Colonel told us that you can take a long rest. He wants you back in full healthy condition."

Jennie looks at Chaeyoung. "I will get healthy as early as possible."

"Oh and to give you a little heads up, Namjoon flew away from Korea."


"He used different Alias and all, but we've managed to track him down. I think he's heading for the States."

"Then what should we do? Wait for the Westerners to come and aid us?"

"We've already lifted this situation to the Colonel, he said he will do the best that he can to handle it."

Jennie sighs. "It's all my fault."

"It wasn't your fault alright? It was all our fault. Cut yourself some slack. We went there as a team, we're going to take the blame as a team okay?"

"And besides, we couldn't come right up because his men blocked all the entrances and we had to engage ourselves into some shootout." Chaeyoung says. "I think he had that as a contingency plan to escape."

"Enough about Namjoon, I'm getting chills of goosebumps every time I hear his name." Sooyoung says. "So, what's the real score between you and Doctor Kim Jisoo?"

"Sooyoung!" Both Chaeyoung and Dahyun scold.

"What? You two kept beating around the bush it was tiring already." She rolls her eyes. "So, do tell, are you guys just fuck buddies still or are you guys planning to enter a relationship."

"Guys, we're just friends with tons of physical attraction towards each other alright?"

"We're friends and we once had a physical attraction towards each other but you didn't see us last night on the bridge of our tears."

"She was just overwhelmed."

"Yeah and I would be too since I flew right away after knowing that my friend got stabbed."

"I hate to say this but Sooyoung's kinda right with this one."

"Finally Chae!"

Jennie looks at Dahyun. "Sorry Jen, but Sooyoung's right."

"I'm not ready for a relationship okay?" She says. "After Irene-"

"Was complete bullshit we know." Dahyun cuts her off, which was totally surprising knowing how the later valued politeness. "You were in pretty rough shape but you managed to pull through."

"Yeah but after a very long time..." She trails off. "I even thought she was the one for me but then, of course, the universe doesn't always side with me. I thought that maybe love wasn't such a bad thing at all because she was one of my inspirations until she decided that waiting for my dreams to come true is like waiting for hell to freeze so she leaves me. I was so broken at that time, I barely couldn't even function and do my job. I was on a trance, zoning out became my part-time job and no matter what I do, I can't bring myself to it because it was hurting me."

"So you promised yourself that you wouldn't go through it over again am I right?"

"I don't think I can go through it again Tofu." She calls out the latter by her nickname. "Just imagining being in that zone again brings an ache to my heart."

"Don't you think it's too late for that though?"

"What do you mean?"

"I know you know." Chaeyoung says to her. "Jen, you can't hide it to us... you like Jisoo."

"I don't-"

"Save me the crappy reasons, Jennie. You can deny it to me or even to yourself but that's just pure clownery don't you think so? You may clear your label as fuck buddies but we can all see it okay? We see the fact that you're caring a lot for her and believe it or not she feels the same."

"That's because we're friends, friends can care for one another."

"Are you really kidding me right now? Did you see how much she was so mad and worried at the same time when you were hospitalized? Did you even notice that you were heading out early now just so you can pick Jisoo up from her clinic or even from the conferences she's been attending?" She asks Jennie who couldn't even form a proper argument to rebut her statement. "Sometimes we always focus on the bigger picture that we forget that it's the little details that matter the most. It's the little details that get us to the bigger picture."

"Okay, so let's say you're right-"

"Goddamn you know I'm right."

Jennie ignores her and went on with her question. "If you were me, what would you do?"

"What a fucking easy question." Sooyoung scoffs. "I'd go for Jisoo. A thousand times."

"Really? Yo- you would still go for her despite all the warning signs you've been receiving your entire life?"

She chuckles at her friend. "Yes Jennie, I would still go for the person despite all the warning signs because I'm human. I tend to gravitate towards the people who make me happy and disregard every bad omen."

"Huh, gravitate towards the people who make you happy..."

"Jennie, you're just going to tell Jisoo that you like her and ask if you two can date exclusively- you're not going to tell her that you're in love with her."

"I'm not in love with her!"

"Isn't that every in denial's line?"

"S-shut up! Guys, stop laughing at me!"

"Then stop stuttering you, idiot."

"What? Idiot?!" Jennie was about to come after her friends. "Come back here!"

And while Jennie was busy trying to get hold of either one of her friends, a thought suddenly pops into her mind.

Is she willing to risk it all over again for a woman named Kim Jisoo?


"Alright!" Jennie slams the books onto her table, startling all of her friends. "I'm going to tell Jisoo."

"Tell her what?"

"I'm going to tell her that I have feelings for her." The three of them looked at one another and Jennie was just sitting there, observing the looks that they have been giving. "Hey, what's with all the looks huh?"

"PAY UP MOTHERFUCKERS!" Chaeyoung screams at the top of her lungs while doing her silly dance.

"What do you mean pay up?"

"Oh come on Jen..."

"What? What did I do?"

"You made us lose a bet, you idiot!" Sooyoung sighs as she pulls out thirty thousand won and hands it over to the giggly Chaeyoung.

"A bet?" Jennie connects her eyebrows. "What- oh hell no."

"I placed a bet that you would confess your feelings right after she visited you while Sooyoung placed a bet that you were going to tell Jisoo how you really feel right after a few days of your discharge from the hospital."

"And I..." Chaeyoung grabbed Dahyun's thirty thousand as well. "Placed a bet that you were going to confess to her as soon as you get discharge from here." She giggles. "Thanks, wifey, now I get to treat Lisa to something good."

"Nice never realized that all it takes is thirty thousand won to get me some pussy- OW!" Sooyoung glares at the other tall member inside the room. "FUCKER!"


"Whatever." Jennie hops off of the bed and started packing her things.

"So do you have some kind of plan already?"

"Is it something fancy?"

"And have you guys placing bets on me again? No thanks."

"Awe look at you being all protective and secretive from us." Chaeyoung fakes her tears. "You really are growing up."

"Disgusting." She shoos her away but ends up laughing with the rest of the group.

"So are you going to pick her up straight in the office?"

"Of course not, I smell like shit." She scrunches her nose. "I'm going to take a nice bath and then go to the nearest salon, buy myself a new dress and all." Jennie grins at her friends. "And then, I'm going to give her a bouquet of flowers."

"But I thought that Jisoo doesn't like flowers?"

"She doesn't... but she likes to receive one on a very special occasion." The three of them made an 'o' form of their mouths before nodding in understanding.

"Well, that is a pretty smart move."

Jennie smiles at her. "And that's all I'm going to spill today so bye."

"Hold on! Are you going to drive on your own?"

"I'm a fully-functioning individual." Jennie lifts up her hands and even twirls around three times just to make things sure.

"But you're still going to drop by at Jisoo's office just so you can have the go-signal right?" The latter just gives them a nervous laugh. "Well then what are you waiting for Casanova, go get it."

"I'll see you guys on Monday."

"We're going to hope for that." As soon as the door closes- "Alright fuckers, time to get my thirty thousand won back. My bet is Jennie's not going to be for work on Monday."

"My bet Jisoo's going to take her out for a romantic whole week getaway." Dahyun chirps. "Knowing how whipped Jisoo is for Jennie, she wouldn't hesitate to buy anything for her soon-to-be girlfriend." The two losers looked at Chaeyoung.

"My bet?" She taps her chin. "Jisoo is not going to give away her yes that easy."

While the three of them continue to argue on their bets and the agreements of their bets, Jennie was already skipping her way towards Jisoo's office with a smile on her face. She greeted the staff that was under Jisoo's department and all the staff that she managed to pass by. Deciding that coming with nothing to offer was a tad bit rude, she switches lanes and grabbed to cups of drinks, one hot coffee, and one iced chocolate before heading inside Jisoo's office and greets her girlfriend's assistant with a smile.

Handing the coffee towards the latter she gives her an 'ssh' sound before knocking on the door. "Come in!" Jennie smiles upon seeing Jisoo distracted with all the paperwork as she turns her back on her. "Miss Lee is the next patient there yet?"

She places the iced chocolate on the desk and stealthily walks behind Jisoo and gives her a warm back hug. "I'm here and I'm ready for my two-finger insertion doctor."

Jisoo tenses for a moment but when she figured out that it was Jennie, her entire body immediately relaxes and she even leans in furthermore into Jennie's embrace. "So the doctor gave you the go signal to be discharged?"

"He said I was already healthy enough and the stitches from the operation are fully healed. I just have to come back a week later to have them removed."

"Good, I also checked in with him last night before going home. He really said that you were physically fine and good to go."

"Which brings me into asking your permission if I can ride my motorbike right now?"


"But how am I supposed to go home."

"Call a cab or better yet I'll drive you home."

"N-no need!" Jisoo furrows at Jennie's sudden disapproval of sending her home. "You're piled up with the workload and I didn't want to be selfish on you."

"It's just a couple of minutes Jen, if you don't want to come home then at least let me drop you off home or have the security pick you up here."

"Okay, how about we compromise?" Jennie smiles at her. "I need to go home because there's a lot of things to do back there but you don't want me to possibly get myself harm this time because of riding a motorbike right?" Jisoo nods in agreement. "How about I take your car right now and go home, take proper sleep and have some nice and warm bath. I'm going to pick you up around seven and we're going to celebrate because I managed to escape death."

Jisoo looks at her and then back at her paperwork. "Make it eight o'clock. I still have to prepare myself too."

Jennie grins at the idea. "Okay, shall I pick you up by your home then?"

"Sounds like a plan."

"Alright! It's settled." Jennie kisses her on the cheek. "I'll see you later Chu."

"See you later, Jendeuk." When she hears the door closes Jisoo jumps at her bed, covering her face with a pillow as she tries to hold back a squeal.

Meanwhile, Jennie was happily skipping through the hallway as she smiles at the first part of her plan. She already thinks about what could happen later when she brings Jisoo inside their favorite Japanese restaurant where they first talked about the agreement of being a fake couple just so she could save face towards Irene. She also thinks about how will she confess later on and how determined she is to make sure that Doctor Kim will flutter and possibly say yes into becoming her-

"Lieutenant Kim."

Jennie stopped in her tracks as she looks at the person in front of her. "Lieutenant Kim."

Seokjin bows down his hand. "Can we talk?"


"I heard you were severely injured during one of your missions. Are you feeling alright now?"

"Uh, yeah I'm good." She looks at him weirdly. "Why the sudden question?'

"Nothing I uh, I was just curious." He chuckles.

"Why are you here?"

"Oh, I was just looking for someone."

"Well then, I guess it's another mission." Jennie stands up from their table. "I'll be on my way now."

"Wait for a second! I just need to confirm something from you."

"Tell me immediately, you're wasting my time."

"I just want to know if you are really dating a doctor here named Dr. Kim Jisoo?"

Jennie's over-protectiveness over Jisoo gets triggered. "Why have you suddenly interested in my love life?"

"Just answer me, Lieutenant." Seokjin's tone was very different from the insulting ones that he would usually use whenever he was trying to pick up a fight with Jennie.

"I don't need to answer to you, Seokjin because last time I checked; I don't give a fuck about what other people say in my life." She stands up and was about to leave when Seokjin's seat creates a screeching sound.

"I don't even care about your life and you're right, I don't have a say in whatever you do and I don't have the time to put a pinch of concern. But what I do care about and what I do I have a say is about Jisoo's life."

"Why? Who are you in Jisoo's life huh?" Jennie walks up to him and taunts him with her pissed off and arrogant aura. "Are you some type of crazy ex-boyfriend?"

"Crazy ex-boyfriend? Pftt." He shakes his head. "Why don't you try something like-" Seokjin's playfulness disappeared. "Jisoo's older brother."

Excuse me? You're her what?"

Seokjin arrogantly slumps back on his seat. "I'm her one and only sibling." He scoffs, trying not to hide his disappointment towards the latter. "I'm quite surprised that you didn't notice the resemblance from the very beginning."

"There's actually not much resemblance to be surprised about." Jennie spats back and crosses her arms. "If you're planning to give me the brother talks then please just do it already." She tries to play it cool but when Seokjin's blank face remains unfazed, Jennie's confidence was starting to waver. "Hey, Kim Seokjin-"

"You know from the very beginning that I hate your guts. Ever since our paths came across, I somehow felt that everything I do, even when I think it's already my best performance isn't enough." He says. "I was always starting to question my knowledge, my skills, and even my own purpose..." Seokjin looks at her. "I had this some kind of anger towards you that I couldn't explain, but I guess it all makes sense now."

"Seokjin, we may have our differences but the one thing in common- and the only thing that can be common between the two of us is the fact that hurting Jisoo is the greatest mistake in our lives." She tries to let him see where's she's coming from. "I really do care about your sister Jin, if you could just give me the chance to let me show it to you, I can."

"Then break up with her."

Jennie furrows her eyebrows. "I'm sorry, but did you just-"

"You're not dumb Kim; I know you heard what I just said."

"So why the hell are you asking me to break up with her?"

"Even if you say to me that hurting her is last on your list, you're still going to end up hurting her."

"And you say that because?"

"Because I know you, Jennie. People like you- you were made to hurt my younger sister."

"You make it sound like I spend my free time fucking around."

"Oh no, I don't mean it that way, Lieutenant Kim. When I said that people like you were made to break my sister's heart, I wasn't referring to people who like a one-night stand and non-committal relationships. I was referring to people, like you, who value honor and promises. People who tend to give it all for the benefit of the majority, even if it means offering your life."

"And that's wrong in what way exactly?" Jennie was lost totally with this conversation. "Would you rather have your sister be with someone who doesn't take relationships seriously?"

"I'm not scared of that to happen because we all may be fools when it comes to love, but my sister has a slight advantage than all of us. She can sense an asshole from a mile away." He says. "That's why I am confident that she wouldn't get her heart broken easily... but she just had to meet you."

"Seokjin can you just be honest with me, why can't you let me be with Jisoo? I know I can be the person that she needs."

"Because people like you Jennie are like my father who gave up everything just to save this country, and yet he somehow couldn't save the woman he loved the most." Jennie could feel Seokjin's anger rising. "While he was praised for saving by the people, I watched him with immeasurable hatred. While the people adored him, I despised him and while he's colleagues look at him with such adoration, my sister looks at him with pain."

"He was so focused on being a great contribution to this city that while he was out there saving a lot of people, a group of wannabe terrorists came sneaking into breaking in our house and killed my mother just because they felt like doing so." Seokjin just scoffs but she could see him closing his fist hard. "My mother sacrificed her life to save us at all costs. My father sacrificed his life, but at what cost?" He looks at her. "You see now why I can't let you have Jisoo Lieutenant? Because you will leave her, just how my dad left my mom out there."

"I won't leave her-"

"My dad promised my mom the fucking same thing and look where it got us."

"Just because your dad left your mom doesn't mean he wanted to-"

"He didn't want to, but that night he had a choice. He was on day-off that day and my mother even planned something nice for all of us but one call, ONE call from his friend and he came running away like a lapping dog." Seokjin shakes his head. "You know what's even worse?" He asks and so Jennie waits for him to continue. "Mom used to boast about how romantic and how she looked like a crying mess during their wedding. Out of all the paragraphs, sentences and statements on his vow- only one thing stood out for her the most..."

"My duty is to answer the call of help in this city, but if I was to choose between being an officer and being a husband- I will always choose you because you are the woman that answered the call of my heart... And while my mother was spitting out blood, all she could mutter during her last seconds was that man's name." Seokjin, who had tears that were willing to fall at any second, looked at Jennie with shaking lips. "Now, do tell me, Jennie- if my sister called out for your name and your presence is needed by our unit which call would you answer?" He asks. "And I don't want you to answer because all you see now is Jisoo. I want you to answer because you're sure that even this question would be asked to you years from now, the answer would still be the same as the word that is on the tip of your tongue."


"Hey." Lisa's voice echoed through Jennie's train of thought. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah." She says with a tight lip. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"May I?" Jennie nods her head so Lisa takes the seat where Seokjin used to be. "I thought you went home already."

"I was about to, but then I got hungry."

"You could've just went somewhere nearby." Lisa turns from left to right before leaning in. "The food tastes shit here."

Jennie chuckles dryly. "I think that I'm still under the influence of the medicines."

"Could be." Lisa nods her head.

"Lisa, can I ask you a question?"


"When did you first met Jisoo?"

"Well, that was a funny experience..." Lisa says. "We met because we actually flunked in the same subject."

"The same subject?"

Lisa nods her head in remembering the first time she laid her eyes on the heart-shaped lips girl. "I was failing badly though because I didn't even know why I took that specialty in the first place. Probably my dad acting like a pressure cooker and my mother being a slow-burner but in the end, I realized that I wasn't going to be a successful surgeon and compromised with my parents that if I-" She looks at Jennie, who was smiling politely. "Right, onto your question..."

"While I was failing the subject with flying colors, Jisoo was aiming the top with a different type of flying colors. She aced every exam, answered every quiz and became very participative when it comes to group tasks. She was so focused on the program that when even before the practical exams were bound to happen everyone inside the class was gossiping that she would be able to enter the spot. I, of course, was one of those people."

"And then what happened?"

"Well... she collapsed during the practical exam."

"What? She fainted?"

The latter nods as a form of response to her question. "It was the first time I have seen her being that nervous. I thought it was just first time jitters but when she held onto the scalpel, she just fainted."

"... And then what happened?"

"The professor talked to her privately and then the dean as well. By the end of the semester, Kim Jisoo's name wasn't found on the following students who made it..." Lisa trails off and sighs. "She had so much potential."

"Did you know why she didn't make it?"

"At first I didn't but when she got drunk on her mother's death anniversary. That's when I understood everything..." Lisa shakes her head. "Sometimes I wonder how she managed to survive all of those things. Her mother died, then she grew up with this kind of hatred towards her father until his very last breath, her brother ending getting a job like their dad, causing them to drift apart." Lisa stops with her story-telling and takes a look at Jennie. "But I guess, fate had its own playful way of putting things together."

"I don't think I follow."

"All those sad moments in her life may have caused a wound inside of Jisoo that no one, not even Jisoo can heal... That was, of course, until you came into her life." Lisa smiles at her. "And I guess I kind of owe you one as well because if it weren't for you; I wouldn't have met someone as charming as your friend."

"Chaeyoung can be pretty charming when she has the chance."

"I was actually referring to Sooyoung." Jennie snaps her head towards Lisa. "I know, my chemistry with Chaeyoung is undeniable-"

"But you guys fucked already..."

"Pfft..." Jennie looks at the doctor who ended up laughing her ass out. "I was... I was just messing with you Jennie relax." She says as she wipes her eyes from the tears of joy. "But yeah, thanks to you, I managed to get the best girl ever."

"Excuse you, Jisoo is the best woman ever."

"Nah uh, Park Chaeyoung is the only girl that matters."

"Jisoo in the middle is the Jisoo in my eyes."

"I don't know what that means but I'm pretty sure Roseanne Park is the best girlfriend ever." Lisa smiles again as soon as she thought of the junior lieutenant. "We're pretty much whipped to our girlfriends huh?"

"She's not even my girl yet..."

"What was that?"

"Nothing." Jennie taps Lisa's shoulder and stood up. "Hey, I'll get going."

"Alright, take care on your way home."

"Hey Lis?"


"Take care of Jisoo for me okay?" Lisa eyed her curiously. "Just don't ask anything further okay? Do it for me."

Lisa looked like she wanted to say more but Jennie's pleading eyes made her close her mouth shut instead. "Okay..." She responds with a soft tone. "I'll do it."

Jennie heads home after the talk she had with Lisa. Thinking that maybe a little rest would help her out in thinking a proper way to address the problem, the first thing she does as she arrives home is jumping on the bed and head off to dreamland. It was working, for a while as her brain was able to cooperate but when Jisoo's face flashes on her memory; her mind immediately drifts off to the recent conversation she just had with the doctor's brother.


"I'm willing to step down as for the position of being Captain."

"But that would mean-" Jennie shakes her head. "Don't do that."

"Then are you going to break up with Jisoo?"

The question echoed inside her head repetitively that it irked her system, forcing her to wake up from her dream. As soon as she sat up, Jennie massages her head with furrowed eyebrows before opening her eyes and let them wander around the East side of Seoul. Jennie sighs out, slightly annoyed over the fact that she still hasn't come up with a decision that would put her mind at ease. Her mind was in trouble, her heart was still at heavy and for the very first time in her life, Jennie couldn't seem to do the right thing.

All her life, she was taught how to do the right thing. It was the main principle in her life, and she promised that no matter what happens, she will make sure that she will do it because it was the right thing to do. Jennie sighs out loud, getting annoyed at herself for still not being able to come up with a proper decision.

She grabs her phone from the nightstand and looks at the time. Thankfully enough, she still got an hour left to prepare. She sees the notification, which consisted of five messages coming from Jisoo.

Lisa told me you stayed behind a little while. You should've gone back to the office :(

Are you home? You're probably are and you're drooling over your pillow too. Take lots of rest!

The meeting is so dragging and I still have two more. I wish I could just ditch and cuddle with you.

That was disgusting and this is all your fault. I'm blaming you for this.

Finally! Those meetings are done and I can prepare for tonight. I'm kind of excited. I can't wait to see you.

Jennie couldn't stop herself from smiling seeing how vocal Jisoo became ever since their argument that happened weeks ago. It started off as a misunderstanding then turned into something way bigger and deeper causing her to witness Jisoo's outburst for the very first time and how they had their first fight too.

"Jisoo," Jennie calls out to the latter as soon as they arrived inside Jisoo's home. "Are you still going to give me the silent treatment?"

"I'm not giving you the silent treatment."

"You were pretty quiet on our way home."

"Do you want me to be loud with you even after a stressful day at work?"

"Not like that too, it's just- I don't know."

"Your mind is just playing with you." She says as she slams her coat on the couch, which was a rare thing for her to do. "I'm gonna make dinner now."

Jennie, who was certain that there was something wrong, follows Jisoo towards the kitchen. "You're not telling me something."

"Are you my shrink now?"

"Jisoo come on, you have to tell me what's going on."


"It's not 'just nothing' when you're this quiet."

"Jennie, you have to understand that there's going to be some days where I prefer to shut up and not talk to anyone, and that list also includes you."

"I know that, but you seem oddly quiet. Not the quiet thing that I understand, but the kind of silence that I feel like I did something wrong..."

"You didn't do anything wrong." She says. "If you want to talk with someone why don't you have a conversation with Botox Queen."

"Botox queen what are you..." Jennie furrows her eyebrows. "Were you referring to the woman I was talking with earlier?"

"I don't know Jennie you tell me, how many botched up women have you met?"

"Jisoo that's mean."

"It's not mean, I'm being frank. That woman's nose job is done so wrong I could see her nostrils even from the main hall. Don't get me started on how fucked up her Botox work is."

"Okay, so something is definitely wrong here and you're not telling me that. So spill."

"There's nothing wrong."

"There is, stop denying."

"I am not denying, you're just simply assuming which leads you to imply things that are non-existent from the very beginning."

"Jisoo just talk how hard is it for you-"

"Fine, you want to talk? I'll talk." Jennie was shocked to hear just how stern the doctor's voice is. "You know what was wrong Jennie? You're so dense."

"Dense?" She furrowed her eyebrows again in confusion. "How am I dense?"

"See!? You're this dense it's so annoying!"

"Why are you getting annoyed at-"

"I'm getting annoyed because you're not aware of other people's motives around you! The woman was endlessly and shamelessly flirting with you!"

"She was not, she was just trying to have a conversation with me."

"Asking for your number and for a lunch date doesn't sound like 'having a conversation' only to me."

"She was just trying to repay the act that I did."

"By taking you out? She could've just treated you right there! And you know why she didn't? Because she knows cafeteria food tastes like crap and she would rather treat you someplace nice and maybe continue your conversation that was interrupted by me." Jisoo rants.

"Are you saying-"

"No, I'm not just saying this Jennie, I am shoving this at your face the fact that woman- is flirting with my girlfriend! And you want to know what's even worse and what's making me angry Jen? It's the fact that you allow her to do that to you and the fact that you didn't even introduce me as your girlfriend!"

"Hold on, I did introduce you."

"Does 'And this is Jisoo' tells someone else that you're already taken?" And when Jennie couldn't respond, Jisoo just ends up with a sigh. "You know what, why bother explaining things to you, there's not even an us, to begin with." She fixes her messed up hair and looks at Jennie. "Go home Jen, I don't think I can cook and see you right now."

Before Jisoo could leave her, she holds her by the wrist. "Jisoo let's talk."

"I don't want to talk."


"Jennie please, just tonight give me this night." The doctor tries to free herself from Jennie's tight hold. "Jen please just-" She wasn't able to finish her plead as Jennie holds her firmly into place.

"Then look me in the eyes when you say it to me..." Jennie says in her serious tone as well. "Say that you don't want to talk to me right now and that you don't want to see me because you're tired and not because you're angry with me. Because you need a good night's sleep, and not because you just want to run away from me." She makes Jisoo looks at her. "Look me in the eyes when you say it. Because the last thing I want to do tonight is to let you sleep with a heavy heart."

"I..." Jisoo bites her lower lip. "I don't..."

The officer waits for three more seconds for Jisoo to finish what she's been trying to say, then those three seconds turned into five then into ten. When she finally confirmed that the doctor wasn't meaning what she was saying earlier, she doesn't say anything yet and instead, she wraps her arms loosely around Jisoo's slim figure as she hugs and pulls the latter close to her.

"Jisoo, I can be dense sometimes, but you don't have to take it against me. I didn't even have the slightest clue that she was flirting with me because all I really thought is that she was trying to repay the act of kindness I did. Just because I'm dense, doesn't mean I do things intentionally to piss you off, I just do things because I think it's the right thing to do and not to flirt around." She says. "As you said, I'm dense so you need to actually talk things to me for me to understand how you really feel."

"You're making it sound like I'm the bad guy here."

"I'm not making you the bad guy, I'm just saying rather than keeping things to yourself and bursting it all out on me, make me understand. Tell me if you're upset or if you're happy. I need for you to say things sometimes because I'm not some mind reader." She explains. "Having said that, I also apologize for not introducing you properly... I guess I'm still not sure where we stand."

Jisoo pulls away and looks at Jennie this time. "Where we stand is complicated yet simple at the same time. To others, we may be dating but between the two of us, we're still sorting things out. To others, they may think we're a couple but when it's just you and me we're taking baby steps." She smiles. "I'm sorry."

"As they said, there's no perfect relationship." Jennie smiles too. "We just need to talk more and express ourselves more alright?"

"With you, I'm sure there's always more."

Jennie leans in and kisses Jisoo's forehead. "Sit down and get some sleep, I'll make dinner tonight."

That seems to do the trick and Jisoo's eyes were already gleaming. "Are you going to make some kimchi fried rice again?"

"Of course, and then I'm gonna prepare some warm bath and I'll massage all the sore spots. It's been the long day for you too."

"Yes! Thank you Jendeuk!" She says and kisses Jennie briefly. "You're the best."

Another buzzing sound causes for Jennie's thoughts to stop reminiscing. She looks at her phone where another text message came from Jisoo arrives.

I know you're fast asleep but I thought that this message might alert and wake you up with a smile on your face. I'm done getting ready and I can't wait to see you.

See you in thirty minutes Jendeuk.

Between the mind telling you to do the right thing and with the heart telling you to do the thing that makes you happy, where would Jennie stand this time?

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