Focus Part 9

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Jennie are you okay?"


"I asked are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah... Yeah, I'm okay." She manages to smile at the latter. "Let's order."

Jisoo eyes Jennie a bit more and wondered what was going on through the officer's mind as of the moment. She wanted to ask if Jennie was feeling not good or if there was something that was bothering her mind. The first thing was she caught the Lieutenant staring off of space inside her living area as she grabs a few things before leaving the car.

Next, when she tries to initiate a cute make-out before heading out, Jennie cuts their session a bit too early for her liking and comes up with an excuse that they're late for their reservation. It made her curious for a moment but realized that the latter was still recovering so she brushes it off and linked arms with Jennie and heads out to the restaurant.

Alongside with Jennie's weird behavior, the car ride was silent. Usually, Jennie plays her favorite playlist even though the car belonged to Jisoo. She even remembered Jennie making up excuses just to have her bass boosted, 'chill' playlist to motivate her drive which was contrasting to Jisoo's relaxing beats. In the end, Jisoo let her win just for the reason that she feels happy whenever Jennie lets out a huge chubby grin of her.

Now, the latter was oddly silent during their mealtime considering how talkative and engaging she can get.  For some unknown reason, even though the Lieutenant was all smiles and even strikes up to a conversation with the latter but deep down, Jisoo knows something is bothering Jennie and she's going to make sure that she's going to find that out.

But tonight, she will play along and try to take Jennie's mind off of things.

"I can't believe that you decided to book this place tonight."

"Well, this place is a special place for us..." Jennie says. "Remember, this place is was the place where I asked you if you could be my fake girlfriend."

"It all turned out well did it?" The latter nods her head. "We pretty much annoyed the hell out of your ex."

"Yeah... I guess so." She says as she keeps focusing on her food.

"So how was your sleep?" Jisoo starts a conversation with Jennie amid their dessert. "I'm surprised you woke up an hour early." She smiles. "Remember how much you value your bedtime, it's amazing."

"Well, it was a good sleep. Besides, I think it was a long rest for me to last for the rest of the night."

"Rest of the night?" Jisoo scoffs. "You try to make it sound like we're not going to be up all night." She says. "Are you underestimating my skills?"

The comment alone makes Jennie cough out the sweet toast inside her mouth. "Can you stop surprising me with those frank side comments?"

"You and I have been hanging around for quite some time I'm surprised you're still caught off guard."

"Just because we've been hanging around for quite some time doesn't mean I know everything about you."

Jisoo stopped taking a bite of her dessert for a moment. "Whoa Jen, chill... I was just trying to make things lighter between us, no need to take things seriously."

"I'm sorry."

She eyes the Lieutenant again, wondering if when Jennie will have the heart to open things up to her. "You know you can always say anything to me right?" Jisoo looks up and eyes her. "Whether it's something that makes you happy or something that is bothering you."

"I know." She says in her dull tone.

Patience Jisoo, patience... "I mean it Jendeuk, anything that you'd want to sha-"

"Jisoo, can we just please talk about other things besides feelings? I told you, I'm okay so please stop worrying about me."

"You can't expect me not to worry about you when you're oddly behaving like this. And if you aren't here to talk about feelings then what are we going to talk about then? Irene? Our pasts? Sex?"



The Lieutenant looks around to see if any servers were around the area before snapping her head towards the woman sitting in front of her. "I didn't reserve this whole place for you to throw a tantrum at me."

"So why did you reserve this place then? For you to be an asshole and get irritated for some unknown reason?"

"I just want to have dinner with you!"

"No, you don't!" Jennie once again witnesses Jisoo in the state of anger. "Reserve an entire restaurant to have dinner with me? Are you for real?"

"What do you expect?! For me to pour out feelings towards you!? Is that it?!"

"Why!? Isn't that your plan!?"

"I booked this place to break up with you!"

Jisoo couldn't believe what she was hearing. She thought it was just a relapse, that she just misheard Jennie saying it. "... what?"

The look of pent up frustration shows up on Jennie's face. "Jisoo, were you thinking that I was going to be in a relationship with you?"

"Wasn't that the plan?"

"Initially it was..." Jennie trails off and Jisoo could see that there's was a slight indifference between the words she's spitting out and between the look in her eyes. "But I realized when I got shot, I can't be around you."

"Can't be around me what does that-" Jisoo connects one from the other. "Seokjin..." She trails off. "He told you the story of our parents isn't it?" And when Jennie looked away, she finally confirmed her theory. "I'm gonna-"

"All he did was to tell me the story, whatever decision I may have come up with, it's all entirely up to me."

"But I can blame him for influencing you."

"You don't have to blame him, all he did was to be a big brother to you."

"Big brother? Now I have to laugh..." She shakes her head. "All he did was to prove that he was not like dad. He enrolled himself inside the academy with a mindset that he will never be like my father who chose his duty above everything else. He says that he was only looking out for me, but I know... I know he was just doing this for him. That if he becomes everything my father wasn't able to do, he would feel better about himself. He never thought about his wife, his kids, his sister... all that matters is who he can be." She spits out. "He promised that he will never be like that man but look where he is right now but you, you're different."

"How am I different?" Jennie asks and demands an explanation at the same time. "Because I give you time? Because I pay attention to you and cater to your needs? Because I made you happy?" She further asks for answers. "If you think I am different because of those reasons then you're wrong... how did you think your dad won over your mother's heart?"

"Are you saying you're going to break mine just like how my dad and brother did?"

"I don't know okay?!" She says out of frustration. "I don't even think I would even want to know. Just even thinking that I can give you that kind of pain for the third time- I..." Jennie shakes her head. "I can't."

"You can't take to break my heart in the future so you decide to break my heart now..." Jisoo says in her soft voice. "Aren't you a little excited?" She dryly chuckles.

"I'm sorry."

"If you think I am just going to give up just because of this, then you're wrong." She looks up and meets the Lieutenant in the eyes. "If you really mean that you want to break up with me, then look at me in the eyes and say it."


"Look at me, Jennie." She says with every inch of determination she has left. "Tell me you want to break up with me because you can't stand me and not because you're scared of breaking my heart... Tell me you want to do this because you're tired of taking things slow and you want some assurance...." Jisoo trails off. "And tell me that you want to end this foolish game because you don't love me. Not because my brother's words got into your head."

Jisoo watched as Jennie struggled to find her voice. She looked at the latter repeatedly swallows the lump inside her throat, at her furrowed eyebrows and clenched jaws. Jisoo looked at the officer's hands whose knuckles turned white because of her effort in controlling her emotions. Finally, she looked at Jennie, whose eyes were trying so hard to focus on her in the first place and watch as they slowly moved away and stared on something else besides her.

And that was probably the most painful thing Jisoo had to experience.

To sit in front of the person whom she was willing to risk every bit of her again just to try and believe in love once more, yet watch them not being brave enough to leap.

It made her feel as if she wasn't enough the try, that despite everything that she has been constantly giving to Jennie, the latter just couldn't find it in her heart to take the next step with Jisoo. Although the officer had already clarified and explained things to her, deep down it still made her feel what her brother and father never fail to make her feel. Once again, Jisoo felt like she wasn't worthy of being happy... and for Jennie to be the one to give it to her, made her lose hope in love.

What's the point of loving when you end up loving the wrong people anyway?

"If you can't muster up the courage to look at me- then watch me do it." Jisoo tries to remain firm and calm despite the shakiness that her voice did. "I want to be with you Jennie, I want everything about this role-playing between us to be real... I want to be confidently calling you mine, not because of some kind of agreement but of the fact that you put your trust in me to be in a relationship again because I was ready to do the same thing for you... I want us to accomplish things individually with each other's help, be each other's source of comfort and happiness and I don't want to just fuck around with you, I want to make love to you all through the night. I want you to focus on me, the way I am focusing on you. Can't you see it, Jennie? I badly want to be with you."

"I was willing to throw all my doubts, my fears and inhibitions away. I was willing to forget the pain of my past if it meant being happy with you in the present..." She softly trails. "And you wanna know the sad part is Jennie?" Jisoo clicks her tongue as a tear successfully escapes from her eye. "I actually saw you in my future... and I think that's the most painful thing I ever did to myself." Wiping away her tear, she focused on being a strong person as she usually is. "If you can't be with me, then I don't want to be with you, because the last, and probably the craziest thing I would be doing is to give my heart away to the person who can't even take care of it from the very beginning." Standing up, Jisoo reaches for her wallet inside her bag and dumps some cash. "There's your generous tip, for making effort in breaking my heart."

After that dinner with Jisoo, Jennie was never the same.

No, she wasn't the usual- what you see in the movies type of heartbroken. Jennie wasn't a fan of that. After Irene, she vowed that she would never publicly show her sadness and a broken heart. Because she had this thought inside her mind that she needs to maintain a strong image just for the reason of the nature of her job. So when she showed up to her overly-excited friends and drained their energy over the bad news, she excused herself to the training grounds and did what the Colonel asked her to do for the day.

At first, her friends were surprised to see her immediately 'coping up' with the news and many times they have tried to console the latter over soju and karaoke, sometimes just a good dinner out together but Jennie seems to always find an excuse to not entertain their invitation and be all alone most of the time. The three decided to give her some time alone, figuring out that it will only be a matter of time before Jennie breaks her façade and open up to them just how they always do but no, Jennie remained this dull tone and poker face aura throughout the current two weeks, and it has been bugging her friends and they finally draw the line in giving Jennie her own space and giving her the comfort that she needs.

"Jennie, you have to eat."

"Come on Lieutenant, uncle chicken has been asking for your whereabouts."

"I'm not in the mood to eat."

"Well sad news, we are so whether you like it or not, you're coming with us."

"Take one more step Park Sooyoung and let's see if you can still walk to Uncle chicken after you do it." Jennie shoots the tallest girl inside her office one last glare before resuming to the task at hand. "If you guys want to eat, then go ahead without me. I don't hold your mouths."

"The fuck did you-"

"Sooyoung," Chaeyoung warns the latter. "Not now."

"Not now? Then when do I get to beat the crap out of her because honestly? I can do it right now."

"Are you sure?" Jennie says without even lifting her head from the reports. "Last time I checked, even Dahyun was able to defeat you back in the academy."

"You're testing my patience."

"Why? Aren't you testing mine right now?" Jennie looks back at her with the same look earlier. "And didn't I tell you that you should leave? I would rather be much alone if you don't mind."

"Oh is that why you pushed Jisoo away too?"

"Sooyoung stop it." Chaeyoung reprimands once more when she saw Jennie changed her demeanor. "Jennie don't mind her-"

"No, please do mind me Lieutenant." She challenges. "Mind me by answering my question. Do you want to be alone that much that you had to push Jisoo, the only person who made you believe in love again as well?"

"And if I did that to become all alone, what are you gonna do?"

"Then you're all talk." Sooyoung takes a step closer, obviously towering the menacing Jennie Kim. "I saw how much you wanted to keep her by your side all the time. I saw you change from someone so focused on making other people happy to be someone who learned to value her happiness first too. I saw how much you want to be yours Jennie so don't bullshit me, you didn't do that because you wanted to protect her, you did that because you're a coward."

"Take that back."

"And what if I don't?" Taking a step closer, Sooyoung lowers herself in hopes to taunt the smaller woman even more. "What are you gonna do about it?"

Jennie suddenly punches Sooyoung hard, making her fall to the ground where Chaeyoung and Dahyun immediately went to her side and helped her out. "That's what I'm gonna do."

"You hit like a bitch." She arrogantly scoffs.

"Guys stop." Dahyun calmly pleads.

"That's because I went easy on you."

"Please just stop."

"Oh yeah then why don't you give it your best then midget."

"Chaeyoung call an ambulance. That would be Sooyoung's uber for tonight-"

"JUST STOP!" Dahyun screams at the top of her lungs, making everyone stop with their acts. "What are you guys doing?! We're all friends!"

"Friends? Do friends annoy the fuck out of one another?"

"Yes, they do Jennie, especially when they see their friend keeping sad things to herself!" She exclaims, surprising the rest of the people inside the room, especially Jennie.

"I'm not sad."

"Yes, you are!" She fights back. "I know we're no Kim Jisoo, but fuck Jen, we're friends! We're here to listen to you!"

"And what would you listen to? My pain? My suffering? My regrets?"

"Are you willing to sit there by my side every night and listen while I cry myself to sleep? To witness my nightmares? Are you there to listen as I take in beer can one after the other? Are you there to listen to me as I drunkenly call out to the girl who probably never wants to see me ever again in her life?"

"Just because I act strong here doesn't mean I don't break down and cry all alone. Sometimes I would rather keep things to myself because you will never relate to me! Chaeyoung's dating someone, Sooyoung keeps on hanging out with the cute singer from the coffee shop named Wendy and Dahyun keeps coming back to the salon just to meet Sana! You three are happy, and as your friend, who am I to dampen your mood?"

"Then do you only treat us as your friends whenever you're happy?" Dahyun asks back. "All those tears we shed together during the academy, when we nearly lost Sooyoung in the program or even when Chaeyoung was in the trial because she was 'too soft' to be a police officer, all those bad times, were you just pretending to be our friend?"

"Of course not!"

"Then why do you think we only want to be around you during the best periods of our lives?!" Jennie was silenced with her question.

"Friends, no matter how or whatever they go through, they never leave one out just because she isn't just as happy as others. Friends don't keep secrets from one another and friends- don't leave each other behind!" Dahyun says at the top of her lungs. "Real friendship, much like what the four of us have, don't do that... unless you barely treated us as your friend at all."

All of a sudden, one cadet barges inside Jennie's office and immediately sensed the tensed atmosphere lurking around the office space. "Uh, Captain Mino requested the attendance of every Saint Lucia inside the general assembly hall ASAP."

Not wanting to be there any longer, the cadet bows down and leaves the room. "Let's go, we have a meeting to attend." Dahyun broke back into her calm tone and sighs. "But we're not done here, Jennie. Right after the meeting, we will go to uncle chicken and drink out hearts out. I don't care if I have to drag your sorry ass there, I won't hesitate. I don't mind if you won't talk, I just want to be there for you, even when you don't think you don't need any help."

Dahyun was also first to exit the room followed by Chaeyoung and Sooyoung, with the latter glaring at her like how she glared at her earlier before slamming the door shut. Jennie sighs, much similar to the manner Dahyun did earlier and decided not to follow right away. Jennie stayed behind and takes a short breathing exercise before exiting her office and head off to the general assembly.

"Lieutenant Kim?" Captain Song notices Jennie by the door. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to attend the meeting captain. Weren't all Saint Lucia's attendance was required?" She asks.

"Uh, well not literally everyone." He said and Jennie could immediately sense that he was lying. "I suggest that you sit this assignment out. You need some rest with all those overtime you have been doing."

"But captain-"

"Lieutenant, I beg of you." He pleads. "Stay out of this. That is an order." He opens the door and immediately locks it as soon as he got inside. Meanwhile, Jennie was just standing there, totally confused about what just happened.

Walking back, Jennie decides to make a detour to the vending machine for her dry throat while thinking about what did her superior implied by not participating in today's meeting. She was sure that whatever the agenda was no joke and was surely a very big one- considering she also saw different members of different teams enter the venue. Was it because the captain knew what was going on and he realized that she wasn't in the right mindset to attend?

"What could be the possible reason?" Jennie asks herself as she picks up a bottle of sparkling water before heading back to her office. "Was it a meeting? Or is it a mission debriefing?"

"Hey, have you heard the news?"

"What news?"

"Why everyone is gathered inside the assembly hall right now." Hearing that made Jennie stop in her tracks and even though eavesdropping wasn't her kind of boat, her curiosity won over so she stealthily hides behind one of the pillars and listened closely to their talk. "Okay, whatever it is that I am about to say better not reach everyone okay? The Colonel said this himself. This mission is classified, and it'd be for the best if the public won't be publicly aware."

"Stop with the prolonging, get down to the point." Jennie couldn't help but nod in agreement.

"I don't know much, but a terrorist group hijacked a huge building in downtown Seoul, with thousands of lives at stake." The rest of the cadets gasp in surprise. "The police are trying their best to hold off the media, but knowing how we're desperate for some gossip, I doubt they're gonna do a good job."

"Is that why they need our help?"

"Not just our help, but probably every help they can get."

"Who is the leader of that terrorist group? And what the building did they capture?"

"My bet's on the L Tower."

"No, it's the TIFC."

"Might be the 63."


"What in Jumong's name are you still doing here?!" Jennie heard the cadets' headmaster's voice. "Go back to training or else I will punish you severely once we head back to the academy!"

With the cadets gone, it seemed like Jennie only gotten more questions rather than answers. She walked back and forth outside the cafeteria, trying to figure out the real reason why she was evicted to attend today's mission. She tried to re-evaluate her deeds for the past weeks and she has been successfully separating her personal life to her professional one and she hasn't shown any kind of breakdown despite her aching heart. So what was the reason?

Lost in her thoughts, Jennie wasn't even able to notice Seokjin's sudden appearance in the hallway. Seeing Jennie for the very first time after the talk they just had, and honestly, instead of feeling negative towards the woman in front of him, all Seokjin feel towards Jennie now is deep gratitude. The least he could do was to be civil with her, after all, she broke her own heart just to keep her sister safe.

"Lieutenant Kim." Seokjin cuts off Jennie's thinking and bowed down as soon as he got her attention.

"Lieutenant Kim." She says in her surprised tone. "Why are you here?"

"Well, I was supposed to attend the meeting like what Jimin texted me earlier but when I got here I received another text telling me that my presence wasn't needed." He explains.  "What about you? What are you doing here? Taking a short break from the meeting?"

"I was suggested to not attend the meeting as well."

Seokjin furrows his eyebrows. "Really? Well maybe the ranks of Lieutenants are excluded?"

"And Junior Lieutenants are not?"

"It's probably because of announcing that a vacant position is available and-"

"No, I saw Jinyoung inside. He's a Lieutenant as well."

Suddenly Jennie's mind starts to connect the dots between her and Seokjin. "Well, maybe that's because- hey! Jennie! Where are you going?!"

Jennie ignores his calls and starts to make a run back to the assembly hall. She tried opening one door after one door but every last of them was shut down. That even confirmed her suspicion of things and hurriedly searches for something that could break the door. She tried barging in, slamming her body against the wooden doors with all her mind and then when that didn't work, she tried kicking which, for her petite figure also didn't work out as well.

"Lieutenant Kim, what are you doing?" Taehyung, the head of the security team within their building approaches her. "What seems to be the problem?"

"This one is the problem." She says. "It's locked."

"But isn't there an on-going-"

"I know but I'm late now I need to get inside."

"Well, why didn't you say so? I have the keys to all doors inside this building." He smiles proudly and shows off his set of keys.

"Please help me Tae, you're my only hope."

"Oh shush, you make it sound like this deed is like a life or death situation." He says and searches for the right key. "Aha, there you are."

As soon as she hears the door ticking she pushes Taehyung off of her and pushes through the double doors. The sound of breaking in, echoed inside the entire hall, making everyone turn their heads to her. Suddenly, Jennie feels awkward and cautious as if she was being skinned by their looks little by little. But that wasn't her mission right there, it was to find out what the hell is going on, and why she and Seokjin weren't allowed to join.

"Jennie, what are you doing here?" Chaeyoung first approached her.

"Why? Am I not allowed to be here?"

"Jen I think it would be best if-"

"No, I deserve to be here."

"Jennie listen to us-"

"No, I won't-"

"Lieutenant Kim!" Captain Song's masculine voice stopped the four of them from bickering as he approached them. "What are you doing here?"

"With all due respect sir, I believe that I should be here."

"And with all due respect, I also ordered you to sit this one out. Seeing you here means you don't have any amount of respect to me as your superior and to the entire organization by wasting our time, barging in when we have important matters to be discussed!" He looked at her friends. "Escort your colleague out before I place some disciplinary actions towards her."

The three didn't even have to be told twice to follow to their captain's orders and tried to drag Jennie away. "No! Let me go!"

"Out of all the times you decided to be stubborn why does it have to be this day!?" She turns her head to the side and widens her eyes when she saw Namjoon's profile on the big screen. "What the hell is Namjoon doing there?"

"Can you try and be cooperative?"

"Answer me why is Namjoon on the screen!"

"Let's hurry!" While her friends were in the midst of escorting her ass out, she suddenly remembers the talk she overheard earlier.

"A terrorist group hijacked a huge building in downtown Seoul, with thousands of lives at stake."

"The police are trying their best to hold off the media, but knowing how we're desperate for some gossip, I doubt they're gonna do a good job."


A huge building in Seoul.

This Mission.

"Last time I checked you weren't this heavy!" Sooyoung low key hisses as she carries most of her friend's weight. "Jen just stop- OW! MOTHERFUCKER!"

Jennie was able to free herself and chase down her Captain to hold him by the collar. "Tell me the truth."

"Lieutenant Kim I suggest-"

"TELL ME!" She screams and tightened her hold onto him. "Which building did Namjoon invaded this time..." When her superior didn't answer, she starts to harden her hold around his neck. "ANSWER ME, CAPTAIN!"

"He's inside the Seoul Central Hospital." Looking up in front, she sees the Colonel standing a few meters away from them. "From what we received, he's threatening to blow the entire building up if we don't give in to his demands."

Jennie's hands let go of Captain Song who coughs out and tries to catch his breath. "S-Se-Seoul C-central Host... Hospital..." She looks down and watched as her hands begin to shake and her knees begin to buckle up. "But- but that's..."

"That's where Jisoo works."

"Listen up."

Mino steps on the platform, looking at his subordinates with who looked pretty tensed yet kept their blank and serious faces. "I won't sugarcoat it, but this probably the most dangerous mission I have to debrief you once more." He begins.

"As we have been introduced earlier by the Colonel himself, at 1500 hours, Seoul Central Hospital has been hijacked by Namjoon alongside with his numerous troops. We don't have any inside view of the hospital or why out of all the places in Seoul he chose this but knowing our target, he's gonna go all out, considering the size of the building... Our mission is to infiltrate the building, find him or take hostage one of his men so they could tell us where he is." Among the stoic crowd, Mino looks at Jennie, whose mind seems to be someplace else. "In ten minutes I want everyone to gear up! Move the fuck up because we have a hospital to rescue and lives to save are we clear?!"

"Sir yes, sir!"


The Saint Lucias' assembly doors opened and the officers hurry their way and head out to the gear room to put on their defense gears and the same goes for all the different squadrons. It was the very first time that the entire KNP-SOU was needed and to be honest, not everyone had a good premonition about it. Some were very practical and some believed in the possibility of the impossible and out of everyone, Mino focuses her eyes on Jennie, who was being escorted by her friends, somehow convincing her to stay behind but the latter remains unfazed as she jogs through their weaponry.

"Move! Step aside!" One man barges into the Lucias quarters as he harshly shoves out of his way. "Get the fuck out of my way."

"Seokjin what do you think-"

"Where's Jennie," Seokjin asks Sooyoung who blocks his away. "Fuck off Sooyoung or else I will cut you off."

"She's not going to-"

"Leave us alone." Before she could even respond, he forces her to step aside and finally sees Jennie wrapping her hands with gloves, all geared up for today's mission. "Let's talk."

"It's no use she won't listen."

"That's because you're not trying hard enough." He scolds Chaeyoung. "Leave us alone."

Dahyun looks at Jennie's facial features and decided that maybe they deserve some time alone. "Come on guys." She suggests and the rest of the squad follows. "Lieutenant we'll wait for you. Five minutes."

When they were both left alone he turns back to Jennie. "Lieutenant Kim, what do you think you're doing?" Silence. "So now what, you're just going to ignore my existence and just pretend that everything's going to be okay? Are you out of your mind?! You're going to do with your impulsiveness!"

"You shouldn't go to missions that involve people in your personal life haven't you read the handbook? That's too dangerous for you! You may think I am a complete asshole but I am just looking out for you. I can't let my sister go through all of that pain again so I beg you, stop trying to do whatever it takes to save her because you can't."

Jennie stands up and bumps on his shoulder, completely ignoring his existence as she looks through the weaponry inside their room. The continuous ignorance made Seokjin's anger burst through the roof so he grabs onto her shoulder, ready to snap at him but then Jennie shifts the momentum and now it was his back that was slammed against the metal lockers.

"So what do you think I should do huh Seokjin? Pretend that I am not capable of saving her?"

"You can't save her Jennie."

"Then who will?!" She screams back. "I can't sit here and wait around like some coward like you are!"

"I'm not a coward!"

"Yes, you are!" Jennie retorts as she slams him on the metal lockers again. "You telling me not to save her and just let the rest of the department take care of it- is just fucking selfish!"

"But you can't save her if you're this irrational and unreasonable!"

"We made a vow to protect and save every resident of this city, that's also in the handbook." She lessens their distance in hopes that her cold demeanor would get her point across. "If you want to sit pretty and be a hero to the public but not being a liability then I don't care- that's your decision. If you want to be like your father who ignored Jisoo's call for help I don't care because that's going to be your guilt and your biggest regret. I care about Jisoo and I don't care if I am being irrational, unreasonable or even crazy. I don't care if I die Seokjin." She says. "Unlike you and your father, I'm going to die, trying to save the love of my life."

Jennie leaves him behind and heads over the van where the rest of the Lucias was waiting on her. She wasn't dumb, she knew and felt that everyone inside this vehicle were against her attendance and even her friends who had her back every single time wasn't agreeing with her decision this time around. The Lieutenant couldn't blame all of her team, as one squadron, they treat one another as a family and even though they were against her decision of being here, it was because they were just looking out for her.

Even though she was grateful, her desperation to save her was greater and no one- even her family's concern can change her mind.

The entire SOU department has been scattered all around the building, each of them following the orders of their squadron's captain. Everyone, including Lieutenant Jennie Kim, checked every accessory and weaponry they have before waiting for Dahyun's team cue to infiltrate the building. Jennie made sure that her gloves especially her bulletproof vest were securely put in place and all of her guns, alongside her favorite Caliber 45 is secured on her ankle. Most of all, she pulls out the necklace and remembered when it was given to her.

Jisoo surprised her by a visit inside the office and told her that they would be having a date tonight. Nothing fancy, just a good day out towards the aquarium just to get a breather from their professional work and Jennie couldn't have agreed more. Jennie remembered she enjoyed viewing the Dolphins and huge Whales and how she felt like a kid again as she heads inside the tunnel with Jisoo and played around with kids.

It was inside the Jelly Fish Observatory where Jisoo pulls something out from her bag and hands it over to Jennie. At first, the Lieutenant was lost as what was inside the box but when Jisoo pulls the cover-up and for the first time Jennie laid eyes upon the beautiful necklace. And boy was it indeed a beauty.

"It reminded me of you." Jisoo starts their conversation. "I was walking around with Yeri inside the Department store and I stumbled upon this."

"Jisoo, who are you going to fool? You don't do Department stores, you head for boutique shops."

"Way to ruin the moment." Jennie finds herself chuckling at the latter's annoying facial reaction. "Do you like it?"

The Lieutenant nods her head. "Although I'm not quite sure as to how this Daisy reminded you of me."

"It means courage." Jisoo says.

"Do I look like someone courageous?" She chuckles.

"You are." She confirms. "I mean, you lost a lot of people in your life at a very young age... but instead of backing down, stood up and went on. Instead of allowing the cruelty coming from the world's harsh realities, you didn't give in and you gave back more than the world demanded from you." She shifts her focus back to the jellyfish in front of them. "Every day you put on that uniform, dedicating your lives for all the people who probably won't even know your name. Every mission you give your all and when your team praises you for a job well done, you decided to give it to every single one of you." Jisoo looks at her. "So if someone hasn't told you that you're strong, let me be the first person to do so."

"You're a strong person too Jisoo."

The doctor laughs and shakes her head. "I have resented my father until his last breath... forgiveness requires a strong person."

"And so does letting people inside your life," Jennie says. "In this modern time, allowing new people to see every side of you can be quite exhausting because every time we decide to open up, we always do it with the wrong people. I'm sure that's what happened to you after your mother died."

"But look at me Jisoo... months ago I was just a mere client but now I'm here standing beside you receiving this beautiful necklace all because you thought of me." Jennie looks down at the necklace and trails it off with the use of her thumb. "If someone hasn't told you that you're strong, let me be the first one to do so." She lifts her head and meets Jisoo's eyes back. "You're strong Jisoo, more than you'll ever know."

Jisoo couldn't help but smile. "Want me to put it on for you?"

"Sure." She turns around and shifts her hair to the side. Jennie slightly shivered as the necklace was placed against her necklace. "It's beautiful..." Jennie whispers as she looks at her reflection looking better because of the added accessory.

"Not as beautiful as I one I have in my arms." Jisoo wraps her arms around Jennie's firm waist and rests her chin against the Lieutenant's shoulder. "Jennie?"


"You're going to answer right?"

Jennie furrows her eyebrows. "Answer?"

"If I call for you... would you answer?" There was no hint of playfulness lurking around the doctor's voice. "Will you?"

"Of course." Jennie says as she remembered what happened to Jisoo during her younger years. "I'm here now Jisoo..." As she says those words, Jennie's hand found Jisoo's and intertwined their hands together. "I'm here, and I'll answer whenever you're going to call."

"Lieutenant." Captain Song's voice stops Jennie's mind from her reverie.

Jennie coughs out and returns to her stoic facial expression. "Captain Song."

"Are you fine doing this mission?" He asks.


"I'm not asking as your superior but as your brother figure." Mino sits beside the woman who remains silent. "You shouldn't be here."

"I thought you're being a brother figure."

"I am, therefore I advise you right now that this thing you're doing... isn't going to help her at all."

"Please..." She heaves out a sigh. "Not you too, I need you to be on my side this time."

"I may not-"

"I have to save her." She cuts him off immediately. "I promised to save her-" Suddenly she was surprised with the ticking sounds. She looks to her right hand and was surprised to see it cuffed against the bar. "What are you doing?" Jennie tries to remove the cuffs but obviously, it was no avail. "Let me go."


"I said let me go!" She continuously retaliates and ignores the aching pain that was rubbing off of her skin. "Mino!"

"Jennie!" He says in full authoritative voice. "You need to listen to me." Placing his hands on her shoulders where he placed a firm grip, Mino continued to explain his reason to her. "You can only save Jisoo if you're here."

"What fucking crack are you on!?"

"Listen to me." His tone was a tad bit calmer now. "I am a leader Jennie, as a leader, I do not only think what's beneficial for me or for the people who are close to me but I need to think about what will benefit the entire team and even if I have to eliminate a person from my squad regardless of being an asset I would do it because that's what leaders do. You understand me?"

"I can't worry about where your headspace is because I need to save thousands of lives inside this hospital. A lot of people count on us to deliver our job and as a future Captain of Saint Lucias, I hope you understand where I am coming from." Sighing, he releases his hold on her. "Jisoo lost a lot of people in her life too Jennie. I can't have your name added on that list."

"Captain Song." One of Dahyun's team steps in their conversation.  "Junior Lieutenant Kim is about to give the go signal. She instructs everyone to be in their positions."

"I'll be there in a minute." He gives Jennie one last look before hopping off the vehicle. "Even though you guys are not talking any longer, I know she will agree with me."


"Coastal sector clear."

"Parking lot D clear."

"Parking A and B clear."

"Are you sure that Seoul Central Hospital is the target?"

"Affirmative, it's on the Colonel's orders."

"I still think that the hospital is just a distraction." Captain Lee says through the intercom. "Looking from the outside, it looks like a normal working day."

"We're still looking through other possible buildings but right now, we have to stick to the plan."

"Okay, on your way to parking lot C is the employees' parking building. On your way inside there's going to be an emergency exit at the far right corner. That should lead you to their watchtower." Dahyun says over the microphone. "Panther what's your response?"

"We'll take over the watchtower."

"Copy." She says over the intercom. "Cobras and Lucias, head over the general lobby and wait for the watchtower and clear if there's anything tampered. Knowing them, they've already tampered the signal." Dahyun checks the rest of the cameras all over the hospital. "Jeong and Nayeon, I need the two of you to scan around the area. See if there's anything suspicious."


Dahyun looks at her friend, who was still trapped inside the van parked beside them. When she saw their van being driven over to their spot, she was surprised to see when their colleague said that Lieutenant Kim was inside the van. She checked over for a minute and when she had confirmed that Jennie was inside, all she wanted to do was to offer support to her friend who has been hers throughout these years.

So when the time that she was still waiting for the other teams' monitoring personnel for their reply, she makes a quick run inside the van just to check up on her friend. What was surprising, was how bruised her cuffed hand was. Dahyun gasps seeing the bruises and hurriedly grabs the first aid kit and helps Jennie with the swelling.

"I don't need it," Jennie says and softly breaks her arm away from Dahyun.

"Stop being stubborn and just let me do this for you okay?"

"Dahyun, please stop. I don't need it."


"Dahyun I said stop it."

"No, you stop it."

"I don't have the energy to fight you anymore."

"I'm not asking you to fight me on this one."

"Goddammit, Dahyun!" She roughly pushes her friend off this time, causing the latter to stumble and fall. "I told you! A million times already! I don't need that!"

"Then what do you need?!"

"I NEED TO SAVE JISOO!" The desperation on her voice was evident and she looked so vulnerable that it pained Dahyun to see her friend in that light. "Why can't you see that?! I'm all that she has left and if I abandon her this time, she will have no one okay?! Saving her is the least that I could do, for fuck's sake Dahyun I can't even tell the girl that I like her!" She breathes out all of her frustration towards their disagreement towards her joining this mission. "Instead of risking all that I have, I'm stuck here- thinking where the hell is she! So get me the fuck out of here because I need to save Jisoo because I'm the only one that can save her!"

Dahyun's hand came across Jennie's cheek as quick as the thunderbolt. It was so spot-on, that the sound echoed throughout the entire vehicle and Dahyun was sure that the sound could be heard from their vehicle too but she couldn't care less about that because right now, all she could focus on was knocking some sense to her friend.

"Can you even hear yourself? Jennie when will you realize that you can't save Jisoo of your mind is all over the place!" Dahyun boldly wraps her hands firmly around Jennie's collar. "You talk shit like you're the only one that can save her but guess what stupid? You're not saving Jisoo you're just allowing her to go through what she has been avoiding for these past years!" She screams at the top of her lungs. "If you want to kill yourself then be my guest, I'll even throw you a gun right now." Dahyun walks closer to her and meets her eye to eye. "But if you want to save Jisoo, for all the times that she wasn't able to be saved, you sort your thoughts and help us save the city."

Dahyun's slap felt like a rude awakening for Jennie. The stinging pain was lingering around her cheek, much similar to the biting of an ant. She closes her eyes and hopes for the pain to go away but instead, she remembers that day when she first received her badge, her first mission, and the first 'thank you' she had received as a Special Ops Unit officer. She remembered why she was doing this, and what how satisfactory it was to put her life on the line just so thousands of people can be saved.

And like a ticking bomb, all those realizations made Jennie realized why she was here. Mission after mission, gratitude one after the other Jennie felt like she was slowly coming back to her senses. Then, the final touch that completed everything was Jisoo's smile at Jennie and how much she wanted to see more of the latter.

"Dahyun." Jennie snaps her head up and saw her friend turns her back away from her. "Dahyun!"

"What!" The latter hisses as she turns around but then Dahyun's stern face immediately softens when she realizes that this was the Jennie that she used to see. "Shit Jennie!"

"It's okay, it's okay." She says as Dahyun tries to mend the stinging pain from her cheek. "I'll be needing your help later when I'm all bruised up."

"Stop acting like you're going to die." Jennie just smiles in return and ruffles Dahyun's hair like her little sister. "I'm serious Jennie Kim!"

"I still have to save the quarter of the population to save... Plus, I haven't told my feelings for the woman I really like so I cannot die just yet."

"You still owe me a month's worth of lunch."


"Because I need to treat Sana someplace nice."

Jennie smiles and just nods her head. "Alright, a month worth of free lunch dates."

"Now that's agreed upon, what are you going to do about this mission?"

"I still don't know what's inside the hospital that's worth Namjoon's attention."

"Captain Lee says that the hospital call was just a distraction and that he plans to bomb a different building."

"That could be another angle..." Jennie trails off. "Or did he wanted us to think that there was nothing ordinary out of the hospital so he could push through with his plan?" She taps her finger against her chin. "Dahyun, can you give me the latest articles regarding Seoul Central Hospital?"

"Already on it." She pulls out her tab and scanned through the articles. "Well, there's nothing revolutionary or worth Namjoon's time however their research facility has been working on a cure from Polio which I think is nice. Also, there have been proofs that they have conducted studies with positive responses from the subjects-"

"That's it."


"He's not after the money that the hospital has, he's after the money what the hospital could have..." Jennie trails off. "He's gonna get that cure Dahyun, with that cure in his hands, he can put every country bow down before him, and we shouldn't let that happen."

"So what are you planning to do?"

"I need to check the CCTV."

Dahyun immediately lets go of Jennie and together they leave the van and head over to the monitoring team and scanned through the entire building. While everyone was busy scanning the area, Jennie thinks about what to do next. If she was Namjoon, what would she do?

"Alright so listen up, we need to focus on the research department inside the building. Search for it." Jennie, who is now cuffed free looks through the monitors accessing the hospital's cameras. "I need eyes on it ASAP."

"There, I see it on the at the top of the main building."

"What's the status?"

"It's a completely normal Lieutenant. Nothing out of the ordinary."

"Don't you think it's weird Jen? If he's after the cure, he would've had his goons roaming all around the facility."

"What do you think he would do next Jennie?" Dahyun asks. "Do you still think he's after the cure?"

"I wanna believe he's after the cure. But if there's nothing that's about to happen, the captains would not have any choice but to call the Colonel and give a false alarm."

"South and West building clear."

"East and North cleared."

"If there's no suspicious activity, we would have no other choice but to call in a false alarm."

Dahyun looks at Jennie who was still in deep search within the monitors. "This is Captain Lee, I call in a false alarm."

"This is Captain Park, I call in a false alarm."

"Captain Song? What's your take?"

Saint Lucias' captain didn't answer immediately for a few seconds while everyone waits for his answer. A sigh could be heard through the intercoms first and then- "This is Captain Song, I call in-"

"Wait," Jennie says and taps on Dahyun's shoulder. "Can you zoom in on his face?"

"Lieutenant Kim is that you?"

Their colleague maneuvers through the cameras and saw a man with a bunch of tattoos tapping on his phone. "What about him?"

"I know that face..." She trails off as she digs through her photographic memory. "He's one of Namjoon's guys. I remember him, he's the one I brawled back with the N Tower building."

"So you mean..."

"Lieutenant Kim, this is Captain Song. Is that you."

"My bet, he's gonna call someone from the upper board and tell them that the hospital was just a distraction. He's gonna send them a different address and then when we're nearing a different sight, that's when they're going to infiltrate the building."

"Lieutenant Kim!"

"Captain Song." Jennie says through the microphone. "There's a guy in the main lobby on his cellular phone. It's one of Namjoon's men."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Is there any way we could hear whatever it is that he's saying?"

Dahyun nods and turns to her computer. "There."

"Hello, this is the informant earlier." The goon says with his fake beaten-up voice. "Their plans have... changed. He's going after the bank... I repeat, he's going after-"

"Sir, permission to speak."

"Permission granted."

"I think to catch Namjoon red-handed we need to let him think that he got the upper hand."

"And how are we going to do that?"

"Move out and come back to respective AORs and walk on foot." She says. "Then meet me by the old dumpster in ten minutes."




"What are you trying to do here Jennie?"

"What I've always wanted to do." She looks over at Dahyun. "To save Seoul."

Jennie told Dahyun her instructions before meeting out the rest of the entire KNP-Special Ops Unit. If she was being honest to her self, all she wanted to do now is to throw up. She was never a fan of giving a big speech in front of people. Jennie would prefer herself at the very back portion of the audience and just attentively listen to what the leader is supposed to say.

But at a time like this where everyone is just lost and worried, someone has to step up. Unfortunately for the entire Korean National Police- Special Operations Unit, it's Jennie Kim.

"The Colonel called, he wants us to evacuate and head for the Metro Bank."

"What's the status on the Vans?"

"They're on their way to the bank, our team is doing their best to delay their arrival since Namjoon's men would be waiting for them to arrive."

"How about the Police?"

"They're gearing up to be our substitutes."

Captain Park nods and turns to Jennie. "Lieutenant Kim, shall we discuss your plan now?"

"Okay before getting on with the plan I just want to say thank you for agreeing with me, I know the plan sounds stupid and a bit-"

"Lieutenant Kim." Captain Lee interrupts her as soon as they all gathered by the abandoned dumpster. "I appreciate the expression of gratitude but we don't have time to spare."

"I know, right- I'll get to the point." She coughs out and lays the blueprint on the table. "Namjoon isn't after the literal money that he's after. He's after the cure to Polio, which is a medical breakthrough for all of us... Imagine countries bidding for that cure, it'll not only cause conflict but it'll cause chaos and knowing that man, he would want to see that."

"So what should we do? How will we find this guy?"

"Namjoon likes to see his plans from afar. I've assigned Dahyun to search any tall building within the perimeters of the hospital and check if he's within the area." She says. "Right now, I'm certain that his men are planting bombs within the area The Research facility is highly secured, so they would probably create a diversion which he will do, by exploding everything but the central building. Once there's a diversion, his men will sneak to the top and grab the cure." She stands up straight and looked serious as she delivers out her plan. "I plan to dress up as civilians and follow through the guidance of our respective monitoring teams and try to civilians as much as possible without arising suspicion. I'm pretty sure he has his men walking around the bomb sites so be discrete yet be quick."

"What about the main building? How are we going to protect that?"

"I will." Jennie said ever so bravely. "I'll take cover as nurse personnel so either Namjoon's men or the research staff would notice me. I will convince them to take out the cure."

"Are you crazy? You're going to a suicide mission Lieutenant." Sooyoung says.

"I am not going into a suicide mission because I know everyone here has my back." She looks at her Captain. "I am an SOU Lieutenant, going through suicide missions is what I do for a living."

"Let's carry out this plan." Captain Song stands up and takes over. "Namjoon is a very egotistical person, letting him think things are going his way is a great way of pushing through with our plan."

"If Captain Song approves of this then I will do so too." Captain Lee says and then turns to Captain Park. "What about you?"

"I agree with this plan."

"Let's change gears and head back to our AORs. Let the van leave as soon as we have changed suits, understood?"

"Sir yes, sir!"


"Lieutenant Kim." Captain Song calls for her. "I will go with you."


"Junior Lieutenant Park."

Chaeyoung heads over to them. "Yes, Captain?"

"I assign you to lead the entire Saint Lucias." The latter widens her eyes as she was taken aback by the sudden order. "I know it's too much, but I also know that you are good friends with Lieutenant Kim and she may have influenced her in some ways. You're a good leader Park, this mission will help you realize it."

Chaeyoung looks over to Jennie who gives her an assuring nod and held her hand tightly. "Affirmative Captain, I will look over the entire squadron and I promise you I won't fail you."

"You won't."

"Lieutenant Kim." Jennie looks at her. "Don't. Die."

On Mino's signal, everyone went out from their stations and proceeded with their respective areas of responsibilities. Everyone was quick on their foot, assigning each agent with the strategy imposed by each squadron's captain. The mission was simple- get the public to safety without getting noticed, look for Namjoon's men, find Namjoon and save Seoul.

Mino and Jennie arrived enters the central building from the cafeteria exit where Jennie was quick to grab a medical cart that was left by the nurse who went for a quick drop at the bathroom. Upon entering the main lobby, the two of them immediately scout the area, and Jennie could immediately tell that having the Central building all by herself as she had planned earlier would've been similar fighting through the small needle hole.

"Thank you." She mumbles through the face mask as they enter inside the elevator.

"You're welcome." He replies as he looks through the charts. Silence accompanies them for a bit when he turns to Jennie who looked like her soul was about to leave her body. With a sigh, Mino pats her lightly on the back. "You're over-thinking again."

"Well, you really can't blame me."

"You have nice friends Lieutenant. It's nice to know you're with those kinds of people."

"They keep me sane most of the time." She chuckles. "I would do anything for them in return."

"Well, buckle up Lieutenant Kim..." She looks at him as the elevator dings. "This might be the time to return the favor."


"Well, that's all for the first part of the seminar. Let's take a fifteen-minute intermission break before we return to the second part of the program, thank you."

Right after the announcement several people stood up, fixed their scrubs and head out to take this fifteen-minute break to have a short breather from a long and exhausting learning seminar. Brand new discoveries and theories were discussed along the way however, there were multiple traditional doctors who were against the idea, especially Robotic surgeries and wireless brain sensors. Among the few professionals who decided to enjoy the snacks provided by the speakers, were Jisoo and the rest of her friends.

"Kind of unfair that Lisa has a seminar overseas at the time of this dreading seminar don't you think?"

"We're rather lucky in my opinion." Yeri rubs her eyes as she tries to wipe away her drowsiness. "She's in Australia having a three-day seminar about Osteomyelitis."

All of them nodded in agreement and Jihyo turns to Jisoo who looked like she's still lost in space. "I wonder what's going through her mind right now."

"Well, I'm pretty sure it's anything but the content of this seminar." Jihyo nudges Tyuzu by the shoulder, making the tallest of them let out a grunt. "I'm just being honest!"

"You didn't have to be that honest," Wendy comments and shakes her head, completely not surprised how Tyuzu's blunt comments would make or break a situation. "Hey, Jisoo?" The latter hums in response while toying with her pen that was skillfully circling her fingers. "Is there anything about the seminar that makes you wonder?"

"Hmm, not really... I just wonder what we'll be having for afternoon snacks. The lunch buffet was nice." She smiles and when she turns around to take a look at her friends, they all gave her a judging look. "What?"

"There were several topics that were discussed and that remained in your brain is what we're having for afternoon snacks."

"Is there something wrong with that?" All of her friends just shook their heads with disbelief. "What?" She drags, quite confused as to why they were reacting similarly.

"Nothing, nothing..."

"Nothing at all."

"Just don't mind us."

"Food comforts the brokenhearted." Tyuzu comments again, and now she received three nudges at the same time making her pain voice out a bit louder. "What the hell you guys?"

In the end, Jisoo finds herself chuckling at her friends' antics. "Alright you four, cut it out." She smiles at them and stands up.

"Where are you going?"

"To the bathroom mom, I need to pee." She says sarcastically and turns around to head out.

"Tyuzu, seriously you need to shut your mouth some times."

"What did I do this time?"

"Uh, hello captain doofus I thought we weren't going to talk about Jisoo's heartbreak unless she opens it up to us."

"Oh, c'mon you guys are pessimists! They clearly have not broken up."

"They did already, I mean that police officer doesn't come in here for like a week or more."

"Doctor Park may I remind you that she's not just any police officer but she's a member of the Special Ops Unit. Not showing up for a week in your girlfriend's occupation space is totally understandable!"

"But why does Lisa's girlfriend can come and visit her and not her?"

"And Tyu, why are you acting like you're Jennie's defense attorney all of a sudden?"

Jisoo turns back to just catch a glimpse of them and she observed how it was a three-on-one debate with Tyuzu eagerly defending her opinion against the three's combined and similar ones. If she was being honest, Jisoo wanted to side with her tall colleague. She was right, they didn't break up or they couldn't go through break up because there was never a 'them' or an 'us' to even begin the story. It just started as Jisoo trying to be a helpful friend, ends up catching feelings for someone who had the same background as the person whom she had despised the most, and then experiencing the heartbreak as she did in her younger years. Her mind was telling her to be logical, but her heart kept on repeating the sentences-

It's okay, you're hurt and you're allowed to feel that way.

Relationships don't give you the limit on how or what to feel.

You liked the girl. That's why it hurts so much.

Guess labels don't exist when feelings are involved.

Feeling pity for her own self, Jisoo just exits the hall and tried to find a place where she could recollect herself and just shove everything behind, just like how she was doing for these past days. She brushes through the west wing, where she was greeted by some patients and fellow doctors in different departments. Thinking that the hospital's zen area was the perfect place for some self-meditation, she makes a u-turn and heads back to the main building.

Halfway through, she sees something that sent chills to her spine.


While Jisoo stood there frozen, she watched with her two eyes as Lisa with tears on her face and fear on her eyes, along with other doctors and patients were dragged by some goons into Lisa's holding area and securely locked the area. Right before the men turned around Jisoo's locomotive senses moved involuntarily and forced her to hide behind the wall with both of her hands cupping her mouth shut.

"What should we do with them? Should we tell boss?"

"He's gonna fuck us up if he finds out we locked some civilians before the initial plan. You know how organized he can be."

"What do we do now?"

"Let's lock them up until the go signal. They're all gonna die anyway."

"True, let's just place the bombs and look around."

With footsteps fading away, Jisoo's initial reaction was to make a run to where Lisa is but then her mind thought about Yeri and the other's safety. Her mind was a mess, and she tried calling the authorities but it looks like the place was on cellular signal lockout. Beads of sweat were slowly showing up to her forehead as she tries to look for ways on how to save all of her friends without risking her life in return.

She was biting her fingernails as she thinks of a solution when her peripheral catches a very bright and eye-catching red, which was the color of the fire alarm. She stopped and stared at it for a moment, before transferring her vision to the fire extinguisher which was next to the 'BREAK IN CASE OF EMERGENCY' glass where inside an ax was located. Connecting one after the other, Jisoo closes her eyes for a moment and came to a thought that she had two options.

One- to head to the emergency exit and head outside to call the authorities and wait for them to miraculously arrive before this entire building turns into a blood bath. She can avoid being dead but risk the possibility of losing the lives of hundreds of people- including her loved ones.


Two- To take matters into her own hands with a slight chance of survival, but she gets to do one thing her father failed to do for them and she gets to shove it in her brother's face that he doesn't have to follow their dad's footsteps to make a difference.

She breathes out huge one last time as she makes a run for the fire emergency button, creating a huge sound throughout the building.

As soon as the fire alarms were on, it created such chaos to the public, including the entire KNP-SOU were completely taken off guard by the sudden alarm in the main building.

"Captain, is everything alright?"

"Yes, we copy. Everything is okay but the majority of the public is running out for safety measures." Mino scans the area and gives out an order. "Attention to all Captains and leaders assigned to different AORs. I give an order to press the fire button. I repeat, press the fire button."


"Roger that."

"Affirmative Captain."

Soon enough, the entire hospital was blaring with alarms, making every civilian worry for their safety and immediately head out towards the main building. "Now, scout the area of responsibilities. Those who will be left behind will probably be Namjoon's men, and where they are located, probably where the bombs are."

"Sir, yes sir."

"Why didn't we think of the fire emergency alarm?" Mino says.

"Whoever thought of that is a genius."

"I'll recruit them on the next try-outs."

Jennie then proceeds to follow her superior's orders and scouts the area. "Captain."

"Yes, Lieutenant?"

"I think we just found our bombs."

Mino lifts his head and saw three men coming from the fourth-floor balcony looking at the people flooding before rushing back inside. The sight made him smirk as he secures his face mask once more. "Lieutenant Kim?"

"Yes, Captain?"

"I think it's time to save people's lives."

Jisoo was surprisingly athletic and fit despite her lack of interest in working out. As soon as she presses the fire button and all the alarms went off, she carried the fire extinguisher like it was just a piece of baguette and slammed it straight through the emergency glass, grabbed the ax and makes a run for the holding are where Lisa and the rest were trapped. She smashed the metal lock multiple times with every strike was of her one hundred percent strength. In her mind she couldn't even figure out how the hell did she manage to do all these things and guessed it was probably the adrenaline rush that's flowing throughout her body, giving her this unexplainable strength.

It would've been a very good flow already. Jisoo was on the same floor as the goons which were Mino and Jennie's target. In a short matter of time, Jisoo would save the civilians and Lisa and then they would be saved by Jennie and Mino from the goons that were on their way. Jennie would risk her life for Jisoo, she would probably get shot at, but they were inside the hospital. The operation's only seconds away and when Jennie wakes up, Jisoo would be by her side and then they'll make up and have the most amazing post-operation and break-up sex ever.

Only- if only- Namjoon wasn't seeing everything that was going on inside the buildings.

"Sir." One of his men appeared.

"Is everything going into the plan?"

"Better than we expected all because of the fire alarm."

Namjoon couldn't help but smile. "Good... good..."

"We also found the woman that you're looking for sir." He showed him the view of Jisoo smashing the lock with all her might to Namjoon.

"Well, well, well... would you look at that." He chuckles. "By now, I'm sure every KNP-SOU agent is on their way to my little gift."

"ETA in thirty seconds."

"Yes! Everything is so much better when I finally see it in action!" He says in his happy voice. "How's that hacking going?"

"We're breaking through in one minute."

"What are we going to do about that woman sir?"

"Bring her to the rooftop."

With a nod, the man beside him gave instructions and just like that, Namjoon watched as Jisoo was knocked out, carried like a sack of potatoes while his men make a run for the fire exit. Mino and Jennie arrived seconds later and immediately starts searching the entire area without any clue what Namjoon had in store for them.

With every step that each agent took, his smile grows wider and wider.  He watched every single agent fall into a piece of his great puzzle that he had been planning for so long, slowly coming to life.

"Sir, we're in." Another man steps in and gives Namjoon a microphone.

"Alright." He claps his hands and puts on the microphone. "It's showtime."


"Where are they?"

"Have you seen them?"

"Negative." Jennie arrives after checking the south part of the building.

"I've checked the North and there's none too."

"Okay, Lieutenant you go West and I'll go the opposite. Report as soon as you spot anything suspicious okay?"


"Mic check, 1, 2..." Both Jennie and Mino stopped in their tracks when they heard a very familiar voice right through their earpiece. "Mic check..."

"Are you hearing this?" Jennie answers with a nod.

"Are we live on this thing?"

Mino sighs out and closed his eyes. "Namjoon."

"Oh look they can hear me!" He chuckles and Jennie's anger rose through the roof. "Sorry for that mic check thing- I had to make sure everyone can hear me since your unit offers shitty weaponry, including the lamest technology system."

Don't talk. Mino mouths out to Jennie who was being provoked. "Namjoon, what do you want?"

"Nothing, I just want to point out how shitty and lousy your security system is. I mean, I didn't even lift a finger to break-in to your system!"

"You have money to pay for people to do that to you because honestly, you suck the most at hacking."

"Oh come on don't bring out the Academy days! It makes me want to call you Mojiri!" Namjoon's laughter echoed through each agent's earpiece. From his screen, he saw Mino mouthing Jennie to scout the area while he 'keeps' him distracted. "I wouldn't let your trooper take another step if I were you Mojiri..." He whispers. "Her next step might be her last."

"What are you talking about?"

"You want a live demo? Okay." With a nod of his head, a sniper shoots someone an agent coming from the West wing and automatically the agent falls off of balance, triggering the bomb, forcing him along with five other agents fall to the ground. "Oh yeah Mojiri, I forgot to tell you, every one of you is stepping onto a bomb." Smirking as he watched every agent tremble with fear, he proceeded with the first unveiling of his grand plan. "Anyone who removes their feet gets splashed into pieces! Isn't this fun?!"

"Namjoon you fucking psyc-"

"Cursing me is a major no Mojiri and for that-" Another an explosion erupts, and this time it came from the South wing.


"I won't let this go things my way smoothly, you know me mojiri, I like a challenge." He says. "So my challenge is up to Lieutenant Jennie Kim. Are you ready to play Lieutenant?"

"Why don't you come down from whatever building you are on and face me like a man-"

"Hush now Lieutenant. You might want to control that tongue when you're speaking to me, after all, I have something very valuable to you."

The television inside the hospital lobby lights up, and Jisoo's knocked out figure was shown. Jennie widens her eyes and allowed her emotions to get the best of her. She was about to hastily remove her foot when Mino's voice intervenes in her next move.

"Jennie, calm down..." Mino says. "If you take your foot away from the floor, you will never be able to save Jisoo."

"Show yourself Namjoon! Goddammit, man up!"

Despite her curses, he finds himself enjoying seeing his primary target act the way he wants them to be. "Since this game is for you Lieutenant, I'm turning off the bomb you're currently stepping on right now. You can test it if you want; I'm playing even this time." Jennie follows instructions and removes her foot. "You know what, hold up the game didn't even start yet so I'll cheat one more." An explosion from the East Wing blows off. "Okay, now I won't be cheating. Pinky swear!" He says in his sarcastic tone.

Jennie tries not to let her emotions take over and just focused on her current task. "Tell me the rules."

"Rules are simple Lieutenant, this building has fourteen floors. Right now you're at the seventh and the love of your life is sleeping soundly on the rooftop. From this moment on, each floor you will have a challenge. Fail to do the challenge, well- you know what will happen or do I need to blow off someone from your team too because-"


"See now you're just playing favoritism." He shakes his head. "Okay so Lieutenant, are you ready to play the game?" Jennie nods as she knows she was being watched. "Perfect! Now, the first trial is this bomb mine. I may have removed the trigger the one that was on your foot but I haven't removed the rest, which is scattered throughout the hospital."

"The first level is simple Lieutenant, twenty-five steps away from you lies a locked holding area where there are civilians together with different doctors who are trapped inside. If you successfully maneuver your way then congratulations! You are not dead!" He claps his hands. "But the real challenge lies inside... One of the doctors is wearing a bomb vest." Namjoon smirks as he watched someone else's reaction. "She goes by the name... Lisa Manoban."

"I'm going to fucking kill you-"

"Chaeyoung," Jennie says in her authoritative tone. "Don't."

"Wow who knew you had a thing for feisty agents..."

"Just tell me what to do Namjoon."

"If you detonate the bomb just in time, then you will be able to save her, and the rest of the civilians she's with. They get to run into safety outside, and you proceed upstairs where your next challenge awaits." He finishes giving off instructions. "You don't have much time to think about it though, the bomb was like a five-minute trigger and I accidentally pressed the go earlier so you only have three minutes left."

"Jennie! Jennie, please save Lisa! I beg of you, Jennie!"

"I will Chae..." Jennie says as she swallows the lump on her throat. "I promise I will save her."

Jennie takes a look at the floor where could be the next bomb be. Thinking of thousands of possibilities, it was so time-consuming which is unfortunate for her because time wasn't really on her side. She then tries to think of another way when she lifts her head and saw tube railings. An an idea pops into her mind and right then Jennie jumps high with both of her hands and swayed from one bar to another until she successfully lands on the entrance where she picks up the ax that Jisoo left earlier and smashed the lock three times and barges inside where she saw all of their scared faces, especially Lisa's.


"Shh, shh..." She immediately rushes to the latter who was shaking in fear. "It's alright Lisa, it's okay."

"I'm scared, I'm so scared." She says through the tears.

"I'm here." She reaches out to the medical cart where she sees a scalpel. "Okay, listen, Lisa, I want you to close your eyes okay? Just close them."

"Okay..." She closes her eyes shut.

"Do you trust me?"

"I do." Lisa accompanies her answer with small nods. "I do Jennie."

Jennie looks through all the wires together and tried to put the pieces and bits of them. She looks at the timer which indicated one minute, making her more nervous than ever. Jennie tries to remain calm while her logical and gut feeling goes at it hard inside her mind. Her hand was shaking, sweat poured heavily on her forehead and even her breathing was greatly uneven and ragged too. When the time narrowed down to thirty seconds, she knew she couldn't do what she had down with Seungri's mission and listening to her logical would take than more than thirty seconds and so with her gut feeling, Jennie closes her eyes as well and pushes the scalpel in between the only red wire within the bomb and hoped for the best.

Luckily for her, it was the gut feeling that won the battle.

"Holy shit." Jennie breathes out and Lisa slowly opened her eyes. "Holy shit I did it."

Lisa slowly opens her eyes and saw that she was in one complete piece. "Thank you, Jennie! Thank you!"

"Don't hug me yet, let's remove this first off of you." Jennie helps her remove the vest and the agent immediately ushers the rest including Lisa to safety. "Find your friends outside and  make sure they're okay."

"But wait, Jisoo- she's-"

"I know Lisa, and I will save her. I promise you that." With a nod, Lisa left the building together with the other civilians. Jennie leaves the holding room and then looks at her leader. "Will you be alright holding that position Captain?"

"I'm good at staying still Lieutenant, don't worry about me and go save this city."

Leaving Mino behind, Jennie uses the stairs to head up where she saw seven men holding onto different types of melee weapons. "What's the rules this time dickhead?"

"I admire you for still being feisty regardless of how things are not going so well! It makes me want to beat the shit out of you..." He chuckles. "That would be for later of course..."

"What are the rules." Jennie demands.

"This time we go a bit difficult." He says. "In front of you are seven people out for your head. I gave them a condition that if one of them kills you, I'll give then fifty million won."

"And if I kill them?"

"You get to keep your life and your one five floors away from saving your woman." Namjoon answers. "Be careful though, with every hit they give you, it will be equal to an agent's life. So, if I were you Lieutenant, I'd pray that you're ready to fight."

Jennie doesn't reply and instead rolled up her sleeves. "You want to know something about me Namjoon?"


She doesn't respond again and just straight up throws in a high-kick to one of Namjoon's men, knocking him out. "I've been fighting all my life."

Jennie manages to succeed in Namjoon's second mission and then on the third where she was forced to detonate nine bombs that were ticking all at the same time. The fourth challenge forced her to sit on her chair and watch as he randomly selected agents to tick off their bombs, allowing them to fall to the ground. The more Jennie continues with Namjoon's little game, the more it got difficult and painful to experience and yet, one after the other, she pushed through rather than letting it take over her and force her to call it quits. No, she couldn't do that. She will fight with every fiber of her existence.

"Well, well, well! Would you look at that, you survived nearly everything!" Namjoon says over her in-ear piece.  "Now you're only three steps away from saving your little doctor, it's also time for the ultimate task." Jennie hears loud and heavy footsteps coming from the other end of the hallway. Seconds later, a huge buff guy with lots of tattoos glared at her. "Meet Buffy, he's one of my non-sociable guys and Buffy here took a lot of vitamins called Steroids before coming here. Now, this is the time where we level this shit out to a whole new level okay? We're going to make things interesting, if you look at your three o'clock, you would see two very familiar figures."

Jennie widens her eyes when she spots red dots placed on Chaeyoung and Sooyoung's head. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!"

"The rules are simple Lieutenant... You need to fight with Buffy for two rounds and if you miraculous stand for two minutes, you get to save your besties but if you don't..." He trails off and a bullet missed both Chaeyoung and Sooyoung's heads. "you say bye-bye."

"I'm going to fucking kill you Namjoon."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves alright? Before you imagine having my neck trapped in between your hands, why don't you try and stay alive first?" With a smirk and a sip of his favorite cocktail, Namjoon gladly announced- "Let the game begin."

Jennie instantly shifts her stance into defensive mode as she tries to think of ways on how to overcome the situation. Her eyes first noticed the mop located by the comfort room and the IV stand on the other end of the hallway. She was so zoned out that she didn't even realize that Buffy was on his way towards her and gives Jennie a head-smacking punch that made her back away a few steps.

"What the fuck?" She throws him a glare. "Playing dirty aren't we?"

"I don't have time for you so I'll kill you swiftly and collect my money from boss and spend my time someplace else."

"Like the morgue?"

Buffy couldn't help but scoff. "You sound so confident."

"I don't see why not."

"Alright small bean..." He taunts her with his hand. "Let's see what you've got."

Namjoon enjoyed watching the battle from a distance as he was drinking from his glass and puffing out his cigar while continue to observe the fight where it looked like a mouse running around the maze and waiting for some kind of loophole for it to escape from the very huge predator. He would throw in a dramatic grunt every time Buffy's knuckle would land on any part of Jennie's body or would get annoyed whenever Jennie throws in a steady counter-attack. It wasn't a surprise to him when Jennie survived the first round because as the rule states, all she would have to do is to stay alive for two minutes. But surviving for four minutes against a man who doesn't feel a thing? Now that's something he would find too good to be true.

So when Jennie received a hard punch cutting her eyebrow which seriously compromised her vision and with Buffy trapping her between his strong arms, taking every bit of breath out of her minuscule body sure was a delightful scene for him. She might have been able to save her friend's lover, but it looks like she wouldn't be able to save her friend at all. He lights up one more stick and waited for Jennie's last moments with her witnessing one of her closest colleagues die at her expense.

"All that effort for nothing..." Shaking his head and taking the first hit of the smoke, Namjoon watched as Jennie starts to slowly lose movement with her friends screaming out her name. "It was fun playing with you Lieutenant. Night, night..." He smirks.

But then all of a sudden, Buffy was knocked out leaving everyone surprised and curious on what just happened, including the Namjoon himself.

"What's going on?"

"Buffy has been knocked out."

"You think I didn't notice that shithead? Zoom in!" As they zoom in the camera, he was even more surprised to have Buffy drowning in his blood. "What the fuck is-"

Right before his very eyes, Jennie was alive and kicking as she coughs out and chases for her breath. Seconds later she's slowly sitting up, holding onto her neck while wiping off the blood from her eye. Namjoon watched with his wide eyes as Jennie slowly stood up, stretched his muscles and cracked her bones that it almost looked like they all watched Jennie resurrect from the grave... The most bone-chilling thing that he had to see was Jennie, looking straight through the camera without any hint of emotion. Like she was conversing with her eyes, Jennie pulls out her handgun and shoots the camera leaving Namjoon without any vision on her.

"Send the guys." Namjoon says in his pissed tone. "SEND THEM ALL NOW!"

"What about the doctor sir?"

Namjoon looks at Jisoo who was still lifeless laying on the couch. "I have a gift for her."

Jennie couldn't believe it.

Her plan is working out.

It's all working out.

"What are you planning to do?"

"To do what I've always wanted... to save the city."

"And how exactly are you gonna do that?"

Both Dahyun and Jennie snapped their heads and turned to the owner of the voice which surprisingly was- "Seokjin?"

"Duh? Do I look like another person?"

"What are you doing here?"

Seokjin doesn't answer right away and placed both of his hands inside his pockets. "I've decided that I would take back what I said." He says. "I'm fighting again for the position of Captain and I'm going to be the hero of the story."

"Seokjin now is not-"

"And how are you going to do that?" Jennie cuts Dahyun off.

He takes a look over the cameras all around the establishment. "If you're good with firsthand combat, then I'm pretty good at shooting things from afar."

"He's right Jennie, Seokjin has the highest number of kills within the Snipers that even Sooyoung can't even beat it."

"I have sixty kills in one mission." He brags and then glanced at Jennie. "It's the only thing I'm better than you Lieutenant Kim so let me have my moment."

"So what, you're just gonna shoot goons from afar? It's not what heroes do, sorry to burst your bubble."

"I'm gonna be the hero by letting you save the day." He says. "You said earlier that Namjoon likes watching his masterpiece plans come to life from afar, like a firework. Now, there are only two buildings who have a complete view of the entire hospital and that's Dynasty Enterprises and Fat Cow."

"Wait, Namjoon owns the Dynasty Enterprises."

"How'd you think he found out about the anecdote?"

Jennie looks at him. "Wait, you knew?"

"I figured it out on my way here."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Well, what do you have in mind?" He asks back. "You're the one who had a one-on-one encounter with him after all."

Jennie thinks about the hundred possibilities that could happen. "Do you trust me?"

"I don't trust you in a lot of things Lieutenant Kim, but I do trust that you can help me save my sister." Gone was the arrogant Seokjin and now Jennie sees a manly side of him. Right now he looks like Kim Jisoo's brother. "I may hate you, but you're the only one I have right now so I'm willing to set our differences aside for the only thing, we have in common- and that's the love that we have for Jisoo."

Jennie breathes out and then takes her eyes back on him. "I have a plan."

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