Jennie's Room

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Red cups. Red lights. Red rooms.

Pink drinks. Pink drugs. Pink sluts.

Black sins. Black inks. Black hearts.

On the top floor of the latest and most expensive building in downtown Seoul lies the 400-square meter penthouse of the new 'it' girl of the rap industry- Jennie Kim.

Jennie Rubyjane Kim, the girl who was born not just on a silver spoon but on platinum silver with Swarovski diamonds surrounding every bit of it. She grew up seeing different countries as if they were just different districts in Seoul, buying every bag from the latest trend and wearing nothing but designer brands. Elite designer brands.

But she showed she was no pillow princess the moment she moved out from her parent's loving and protective hold and pursued her dream to become an artist instead of becoming their A-lister lawyer daughter. It took a while and a lot of rejections, but she took the opportunity when it was handed to her, and now she's having the time of her life Hosting parties like these were nothing but dime spent and she loves spending time with influential people too much, that her parties became their stress-free zone.

Her first hosting party was like any other party until one famous rapper was caught sleeping with a congressman's daughter. Someone was about to make a posting about it in the internet but Jennie decides to step up and stop him from doing so. She may be a beginner in the entertainment business but her family background was enough to turn you into dust.

From then on, the one rule was made whenever she hosts a party. What happened in Jennie Kim's party stays in Jennie Kim's party.

And today was no different.

"Chug! Chug! Chug!"

"Jump! Jump! Jump!"

"Let's go craaaazy!"

Her vast penthouse allows you to have the freedom to do everything. May it be drugs, poker, sex- anything was possible and in whatever you do, no one would give a shit or look at you twice. In Jennie's Room, you can do whatever you want, kiss whatever you want, say whatever you want and absolutely no one would give a damn.

In the middle of everything howls and screams could be heard from one part of the house. In between from the people dancing their hearts out and from the people who were getting high, there were people found in the kitchen cheering for their bets as two famous individual battles it out on the 7 deadly shots.

"Alright everyone who are cheering for the challenger for the night- Bobby!" A mixture of cheers and boo's huddle up from him as the referee points on his side. "Alright, alright. Fair enough... now who's in it for Jennie?!"

People were going insane cheering for the party host. "Wow Jennie, never knew you were this worshipped." Bobby says.

"Don't worry man, I'm pretty sure by the end of the night you'll be one of them too."


Jennie smirks and before the man could make his comeback the referee cuts him off. "You guys know the rules, first one to be able to finish the 7 deadly shots win this bet gets the bragging rights and the possibility of you getting laid just got higher."

"Huh, maybe I'd let you win tonight if you'd let me tap that ass Jen."

"C'mon Bobby, everyone knows you wish you could tap this ass." Jennie smirks. "But we all know Lisa has a higher chance than you."

Bobby was about to retort back when the referee cuts him off again. "Okay everyone! Place your bets, the game starts in 3, 2, and 1-"

Everyone in the room started screaming for their own bets as Jennie and Bobby battle it out on the kitchen island. The drink-off game was neck and neck, with Bobby gulping shot after shot like water and Jennie trying to get a grip control of the game.

When she saw Bobby was already slightly ahead, Jennie did the impossible. She poured shot after shot down her throat, letting her tongue out and did five turns and three jumping jacks making her the ultimate winner of the game.

Her supporters lifts her up and she was literally in a higher state as she laughs and boasts about her win. Placing her down, Jennie playfully winks at Bobby and heads up to the balcony where she hopes this time, she will answer the phone.

"Come on, pick up." Jennie mumbles. "Pick up, pick up."


The cat-like face woman smiles. "You finally answered."

"Jennie?" A mixture of surprise on confusion played on her tone.

"Why? Are you expecting somebody else to call you?"

"I'm tired and you're drunk. Let's talk some other time."

"I am not drunk!" A few hiccups escape her lips. "Why are you not here? I want you to be here."

"I was out with my friends." She explains. "They hosted a surprise congratulatory party for me."

"Where did you guys go? What did you drink?"

The woman from the other line releases an annoyed sigh but answers Jennie's queries nonetheless. "We went out to a couple of clubs and I had a few lady drinks that's all."

"You went out to a couple of clubs but you couldn't even bring yourself to a party that I prepared for you."

"I'm sorry, I can't just ditch them. They've put in a lot of effort. The least I could do is show some gratitude."

"Pity you couldn't do the same with me."

"I don't have the energy and the time to argue with you Jennie. It's going to be useless so good night." She argues on the other end. "And I never ask for you to give me a party. So technically, I owe you nothing."

The line ends causing for the rapper artist to burst into anger, causing for her to slam her phone into pieces as soon as it collides with the concrete wall, the same time when the balcony door opens.

"What the fuck?" A blonde-haired woman stares at her wide-eyes. "Did you seriously plan to bruise my billion-dollar face?"

Jennie scoffs and turns her back on the latter. "What billion-dollar face are you talking about?"

The other woman gasps as she walks closer to the shorter woman. "It's alright, with your state right now I doubt you'll be able to see my true worth." She walks closer and hands her another red cup.

She scrunches her face in complete disgust. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?"

"Some weird mixture with lots of tonic."

"How can you manage to drink shits like this?"

"Well unlike others, I didn't drink 4 shots of the 7 deadly ones so I think my throat is completely fine."

"What can I say I have a reputation to uphold."

"Yeah right." Silence surrounds them for a moment until the blonde hair girl decides to speak up. "What happened?"

"Nothing happened."

"Jennie that was your fourth phone of the week. In 2 months time, you might as well invest some stocks on their company. Better yet, be the CEO so you can have unlimited supplies." She says. "It's her again isn't it?"

Jennie clicks her tongue. "Stop asking what is already obvious Lisa, we both know she is the only one capable of turning be into-"

"A sad bitch?"

The shorter one gives her an eyebrow raised before rolling her eyes. "Yeah a sad bitch."

Lisa nods her head in understanding. "Let me guess, she ditched your party?"

"Yeah because apparently, her 'squad' gave her a surprise party."

"Oh." The latter furrows her eyebrows in confusion. "They did?"

"Why didn't you ask your girlfriend?"

"I asked her where were they going and I inquired if they were planning to drop by, she told me 'probably'." She says and shrugs. "Besides, I don't think she could think straight after what I did to her."

Jennie pushes her slight. "First of all, she's straight and second I didn't need to know that you ass."

"Well I also didn't need to know what you do to your women every morning but here we are."

"I can't blame you though. If I was you, I'd tap that everyday."

Now it was Lisa's turn to shove the girl off. "Okay, enough. Park Chaeyoung's ass is for mine to tap and mine only thank you very much."

"Yeah, yeah whatever."

"But you my friend, have different options for tonight." The latter scoffs. "Ah, ah, ah. I know that look. You might think she's the only one that can satisfy you..." Lisa tilts Jennie's head back at her living room where a lot of girls dancing their bodies off. "But that's only because you don't know where to look."

She turns to her friend who gives her an 'I told you so' look. "Well... you do have a point."

Lisa scoffs. "Come on bro, before Chaeyoung you and I were tag teams in these types of games." She smirks. "Now, why don't you forget that girl and have some fun tonight?"

Jennie smirks and walks back with Lisa's arm draped around her as she introduces her to a fine lady named Chaehee.


Jennie wakes up to series of kisses from her nape to her shoulders. The coldness of the room brings the woman to her consciousness and looks over to the woman smirking at her with eyebrows furrowed. Ignoring the look and the kisses, she looks over to her watch and mentally cursing herself for waking up this late.

She swats her body away from the woman and starts to rummage for her phone. "Need to leave so soon?"

"No, but you do."

"But why? We can still have some fun in the morning."

"After you wipe your saliva from my nape to my shoulders? Yeah, I think not." Jennie throws the girl's dress at her face. "Get dressed. When I get out from the shower, you better not be here any longer."

"Ugh, as expected Jennie. You're such a bitch!"

"Well how did you expect for me to come out on top without being one." She scoffs before glaring at her. "Leave. Now."

Now a little bit sober and thankful that there's no one around, she calls through the intercom and asks for Mrs. Lee, the regular cleaning utility she hires to clean up the mess after the party. Reaching the basement, she enters the van and heads down to the restaurant where she opted to meet the very important person in her life at the moment, career wise.

"Good morning to you Jennie." A man in his jet black semi-messed up hairstyle greets her with his face hidden on the broad pages of the news paper.

She says as she takes a seat down. "Good morning oppa."

"Hmm, your voice is hoarse. I wonder where that came from."

Jennie swallows the lump on her throat. "Uhh..."

"Never mind I'd ask about that matter some other time." He places the newspaper down and smiles at his artist. "Now, shall we talk about some important matters."


"Like your promised demo!" He was totally faking his enthusiasm, one that never sound good if you're under his wing. "You know, the one you promised weeks ago?"

She bites her lower lip, trying to find some excuse for her lack of commitment. "Jiyong oppa I-"

"Jennie." He says in his low voice, almost like hissing. "You told me you were going to give me a demo, and when you say something to me- you have to actually mean it because you know me, I have some trust issues. Now, where's the demo?"

The latter finds herself swallowing for the second time. "It- it's in the studio."

Jiyong slumps in his chair with arms crossed as Jennie feels herself being studied and honestly she didn't like it one bit. " In the studio?"


"Okay, so can I expect a demo from you in three days?"


"Well it's in the studio right? Which means it's already in the final stage of polishing. That means it can only take up to three days to have a solid demo or am I wrong Jennie?" He leans in, daring his artist to look at him in the eye which she does. "So, let me ask you again. Are you able to give me a demo within three days?"

"Of course oppa."

"Good. Then I expect everything to be top notch." He says. "Until then Jennie, get your shit together."

Jennie decides to skip breakfast and locks herself inside the studio, hoping that she could release a solid demo. She tried different beats, surrounding herself in pure hip hop songs and even scrolling through her old notebook of lyrics, seeing if she could use something to show to her boss after three days.

After several attempts, everything comes to waste when nothing came into her mind. Slamming her back against the leather swivel chair, she sighs in frustration yet still trying hard to find any source of inspiration inside her.

"Wassup wassup dumb bitch!"

"YAH!" Lisa snickers and threw Jennie a granola bar. "What the- is this the only thing you got for me?"

The latter gasps and smacks Jennie's head. "You ungrateful swine! I came all the way here, ditch a Pilates workout with my girl only for you to complain about me giving you a granola bar?"

"Well no one asked you to." Jennie states in a matter of fact tone. "But thank you."

"Damn right you should." Lisa took a seat besides her label mate. "Oppa tells me to check on you. He sensed that there must be something going through your mind."

"There's nothing going through my mind."

"Well then you can consider yourself lucky, some artists in the company are hungry to go and perform and here you are having the luxury to do so and yet still decide not to." Lisa shakes her head in disapproval. "You're lucky that my mama didn't raise an ungrateful bitch so I'll help you out."

"Ugh, I don't need any help. I am perfectly fine. In case you haven't noticed, I need complete silence to focus."

"Hush, come on let me help you a little. You can write about your way to stardom and not giving single fucks in the world, or you can write about how you worked hard for everything and how you're not some pillow princess." Lisa stops suggesting for a moment until- "Or you can write about how complicated your love life is."

"It's not complicated because I don't have a love life."

"Yeah, and I let Chaeyoung top me most of the time." She snorts and looks back at Jennie who has this blank stare on her. "What?"

"Nothing, I was just surprised we both said the truth."

"No! I was being sarcastic!" The blonde haired woman argues. "Chaeyoung doesn't top me!"

"Oh so that one time when I crashed in your house-"

"Fine, but that was one time." Lisa rolls her eyes. "Anyways, you do have a complicated love life. But I won't pry on that any longer... the point is, a lot of people are in a complicated relationship today and it's like a modern day trend."

"Maybe you can write about how complicated your relationship can be and tell that if you give her your all then she would stay with you instead of her dumb-ass boyfriend."


"Right." Lisa nods in understanding. "She's a bisexual."

Jennie thinks about it for a moment until a spark of imagination ignited within her. "Get out."

"Wha- hey!" Jennie drags Lisa all the way out to the door. "What did I do?"

"You did what you wanted to do and I love you for that but right now I need you to leave and tell everyone I'll be MIA for three days thanks."

The door slams and almost hitting her nose. "Well at least this bitch learned some manners."


I bet if I give all my loving then nothing could ever tear us apart...

Jennie looks at her boss who seems to be in deep thought after pressing the pause button. "Jennie, how long has this been inside the studio?"

"It's actually a scratch work. I wasn't satisfied with the work I made so I made a new one."

"And the other two?"

"Also from scratch."

"You know, maybe you should lock yourself inside the studio more." He turns to her. "I like this. I can work with this."

Jennie's eyes beam in delight. "R-r-really?"

"I'll talk with the others and when it's finalized we can start talking about the release of this song. I think it's a pretty good choice, I like it."


"But this one..." Jiyong presses the play button again and low bass beats accompanied with a soothing melody echoes throughout the room l. "This is just something else."

"I'm not done with that song yet."

"I know, but I'll be waiting because this might go over your first full album." Hearing those last two words made Jennie happy. "The demo is approved and I'll be seeing you in a few weeks. In the mean time, try not to do things that will get you killed or involve yourself in a scandal."

Of course, Jennie wouldn't do something ridiculous. No, she wouldn't involve herself in killing or scandal. She's just going to host a party as to congratulate herself. What's going to be wrong with that?

Hours later disco party music is blasting through the entire penthouse suite. Different people from all walks of life groove to the beat and a lot of activities are happening but Jennie doesn't give a damn as she was out on the balcony trying to get a hold of someone.


"Hey." She responds. "I just called to invite you to come to my party."

"What's the reason?"

"You can only know if you come." The rapper says. "Besides Chaeyoung is here and you can leave any time you want, I won't force you to stay."

"Jen, we both know that if I come there tonight, I'm going to be staying."

"Does that mean you'd come?"

"... okay, it may take an hour or two for me to prepare though."

"It's okay!" The woman chuckles over the phone and Jennie could feel her cheeks blushing. "S-s-sorry I already had a drink."

She chuckles again and Jennie could feel her happiness soar into a different place. "Don't drink too much though, I want you to be sober when I arrive."

"Definitely." She bites her lower lips in excitement. "So I'll see you?"

"See you."

As soon as the call ends, Jennie tucks her phone inside her pocket and couldn't help but jump and do a little celebratory dance doing her giddy and high tone, one that she never show to someone else.

"Wow, is that a new dance trend." Jennie froze on the spot and could feel her heartbeat quickening. "Don't stop now, I am enjoying the view."

She slowly turns around and greets the latter awkwardly. "H-hi?"

The latter tilts her head to the side. "Hi Jennie."

Hearing that warm voice made her gain her confidence back and now she is smiling. "Hi Chu."

The 'Chu' woman smiles back as she walks closer to Jennie, handing her a red cup. "Cheers?" Jennie toasts with her cup. "So, what's the good news?"

"Well... my boss approved of my demo today." She shares. "Not that I'm surprised though, I was actually expecting it."

The latter scoffs and shakes her head. "Ah of course, the ever dashing Jennie Kim."

"What do you expect." Both of them laugh at how arrogant the rapper sounded.

"Will I be hearing it now or do I have until your producer destroys the demo?" Jennie laughs again. "You can't blame me, I've heard the originals and to be honest, I really like the prior versions."

"Don't worry, I perfected it this time and I'm sure there's going to be some minor changes only."

"Yeah, like that'll happen."

"Hmm, is that why you switched your preference and chose another field instead?"

"I just don't feel like I belong in your world."

"Chu, your vocals are on another level. Don't you dare say that you don't belong in this world."

"So, is this how you get women on your bed?" She turns towards the latter. "Shower them with flattering words?"

"Correction, I don't shower them with words. Bitches like diamonds, lambo's, mansions- the whole nine yards." She states. "And I don't take women to my bed, we both know there's only one woman inside my room."

Jennie looks back at the girl and the latter does the same. The downtown breeze passes them by and even if the others would look at them you'd think that it's a dead conversation already but little did they know, looking at each other's orbs was another form of their language. The rapper drags the latter girl inside back at the party room onto the second floor.

"Holy shit!"

"Dude, did you?"

"Is it just me or did Jennie just dragged the actress Kim Jisoo?"

Pressing the code in, Jennie looks at the crowd, smirking at the absence of people around them before closing her door shut.


"Morning sunshine." Jennie ignores the greeting and shifts on the other side of the bed. "Come on wake-up."

"What time is it anyway?"

"Time for you get up and- Ah!" The actress squeals as she was forcefully slammed back on the bed. "Yah! Don't surprise me like that!"

"Five more minutes."


The rapper sighs before opening her eyes. "Fine, I am up." She says before turning to the woman. "Morning Chu."

"Good morning Jendeuk."

"So, excited to hear the demo huh."

"Well it's the main reason why I came right?"

Jennie pulls out her phone and earphones. She plugs it in onto the actress' ears and presses the play button. All throughout the song Jennie observes Jisoo response to everything.

Every tap, every movement of the head including every flicker of the eyes and tongue. If Jisoo could read Jennie just by looking at her in the eye, Jennie could read her like the back of her hand.


"I think..." She teasingly trails off and looks at Jennie.

"This is going to be the bop of the century." Both of them say in unison.

"Hey, how'd you know I was going to say that?"

"How do you think?" Jennie shakes her head. "Think it's a good continuation from where I took off?"

"Definitely. I think that a lot of people can relate to it and I admire the part where you sang- I'm more than just an option." She answers. "I wonder where you got the inspiration to write a song like this."

"It's a secret."

"Well whoever it is, she might be the luckiest girl. Imagine being Jennie Kim's muse."

"Imagine being Kim Jisoo." She looks at the idol. "Imagine being you."

Jisoo responds with a smile, lips forming into a heart shape, making the rapper return her smile back. Looking at the latter's lips before slowly leaning in, it would've been the perfect morning for the young artist- until Jisoo's hand phone starts to ring.

It seemed like a wake-up call, breaking the walls of their little world. The ringtone somehow brought Jisoo back to her senses. She holds onto her pouch bag, fetching her phone inside. The actress looks back and forth between Jennie and the name flashing through her screen before excusing herself and creates some distance between them.

"Hey. Yeah sorry for not picking up quick."

"No, no, I stayed at Chae's."

"Yeah I know I was supposed to stay at Nayeon's but- hey! I am not lying!"

Jennie lets out a sigh as she opens the second shelf of her accent table. Pulling out a stick she places the tube in between her mouth and lights it up, before puffing out a smoke, watching as the trails of it disappear above her. She takes a sip of the toxic substance again, trying to zone out the on going argument a few feet away from her.

"Fine, you can pick me up from here but just so you know, Chaeyoung wouldn't like it if you're doubting me again, especially when she already gave you a pep talk." Jisoo hangs up and sighs. "Jennie..."

"Go." The latter says blankly.

"Jen I-"

"Go back to her Jisoo." Jennie spares her a look. "You know your way out."

It was a cold hearted comment, but Jennie didn't even bother to look at the latter's face as she stands up heading towards the bathroom and locks herself inside.

After preparing the bath tub, she submerges herself inside and feeling the alcohol inside her slowly disappearing as the warm water comforts her skin. Sighing out loud, she closes her eyes and tries to relax but instead, a familiar memory flashes back.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was trying to get a breather." The latter answers. "I don't think I can handle another rice cake."

Jisoo chuckles. "Sorry, my mom just wants to make you feel at home."

"Don't worry, she made me feel full too." Jennie smiles.

"May I?" Jennie moves a little to make space for her. "So, how are you liking Jeju so far?"

"It's very different from what I remembered. Maybe that's because it's been years since the last time that I've visited." She answers. "Thank you for allowing me to tag along."

"Nah, I just don't want you to be at the dorm all by yourself. Besides, the more the merrier."

"Hey Chu?" Jisoo replies with a hum. "Thank you."

"You already said that earlier."

"No, this thank you is for another thing." She says. "I want to say thanks, for helping me get through the bad days. Thank you for cheering for me, being there for me."

"Eyy, what's with the sudden cheesiness huh?"

"Nothing I just thought you should know."

Jisoo smiles scoots closer to the girl. "Should I get greasy and say cheesy words as well?"

Jennie laughs and closes her eyes. "Chu..." She warns.

"Alright, alright I am just kidding sheesh." She chuckles. "But jokes aside I hope you know one thing."


"I'll always be here for you."


Jisoo smiles. "Always."

Her relationship with Jisoo go way back even before when this whole stardom happened. She first met the girl entering the building as she was listening to hip hop beats, trying herself to get into the mood while waiting for her time to be evaluated.

She remembered how she was confused a pretty face like her doing here but when she started grinding it all out on the practice room she figured the girl was meant to be here in the very beginning. So Jennie befriended the girl, offered her to tag along as they head out into the sauna but then she saw Jisoo's naked form and the word 'friend' was thrown away even before she said it out loud.

But she couldn't surprise the girl, knowing how taboo and traditional their culture is, so Jennie settled being the 'best friend' until the sleep over happened. Later on, they decided to mess around and experiment despite knowing what would be the possible consequences of it but Jennie didn't mind. She was already catching feelings for the heart-shaped lip girl, now all she has to do was to make Jisoo feel it too.

But then Jennie was announced to debut and soon the connection between them got less and it got worse when Jisoo requested to be transferred to the acting department where she debuted a year after Jennie's successful career.

Jennie remembered crying out to Lisa, her best friend the moment she found out about Jisoo's first boyfriend. He was an idol from another company and they were already dating for 3 months.

She felt betrayed hence the reason why she was introduced to clubbing. After almost being harassed, she settled to hosting her own. Trying to keep herself from thinking about Jisoo but when Jisoo's crying voiced greeted her over the phone, she came rushing in- hence the start of a very complicated relationship.

There are times where they try to be civil with one another after realizing that they still belong to the same company and they would have to see one another more often. But after a bathroom quickie during their company's anniversary party, they realize they couldn't be civil with one another.

Sex was nice and awesome especially when you're doing it with someone named Kim Jisoo. But then Jennie Kim wonders how does it feel to not have sex with Jisoo and just talk.

Jennie sips the cigarette down to the last bit. "What happened to your always Chu?"


After a successful promotion and a concert in Japan, Jennie arrives home from Paris after bagging the Chanel ambassador title, one that she had been dreaming about for so long and of course as to celebrate, Jennie's room was once again open for public. And just like what she always do, she enjoys it for a few moments until she fills empty again and calls Jisoo hoping that it would feel that space for her.

"Why are you calling?" Jisoo's voice echoed through the mobile device. "Now is not-"

"Hi Chuuuu..." She giggles and tries to maintain her balance. "Can you come overrr?"

"You're drunk."

"Nope, I'm Jennie." She giggles.

"Where's Lisa?"

"Watch... Chae... Pe-perform." Jennie looks at the view and smiles. "Come and watch the stars with me Chu."

"Where are you?"

"The balcony."

"Jennie, step away from the balcony go back inside the party okay? Go and take yourself some place safe."

"Then should I come to you?" She asks. "Your arms feel safe for me."

"You're drunk, go get some rest."

"Come visit me Chu, I really need you right now."

"I can't come Jennie."

"Why?" She asks somewhat annoyed with the constant rejection of the latter. "You were here last time so why the sudden 'no'?"

"It's our first anniversary."

Those four words sobered Jennie somehow. "So what? You ditched me on our anniversary."

"As friends Jennie, this anniversary is a whole other story."

"We both know who you want more Chu." She argues. "Stop trying to fight it."

"I am not fighting anything because I choose Soojoo over you over any given day Jennie because you're my friend but Soojoo's my girlfriend. Get that on your drunken head."

I can't come Jennie

It's our first anniversary

I choose Soojoo over you over any given day

You're my friend but Soojoo's my girlfriend

All she could ever think about was how Jisoo made her feel like she was no more than but a friend, a constant hook up and someone she would never love. So she decides to also ruin Jisoo's night by grabbing her keys and driving over the latter's condominium.


"Jennie what the hell are you doing here?" Jisoo exclaims as soon as she arrived at the building's eco park after having a short chat with a drunk Jennie over the phone. "You shouldn't be here. You need to leave right now."

"You shouldn't be here too but look where you are right now?" She chuckles.

Jisoo tries to be understanding and controls her emotions. "You're drunk and you need to go home."

"Who says I'm drunk?"

"Everything about you, now go!" She pushes the latter off. "This is going to be the last time we're going to meet!"

"Oh come on Jisoo, you and I both know you're just bluffing."

"No, I am not Jennie." She says in her serious tone. "I'm going to terminate my contract and sign with another agency."

"What?" Jennie couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Isn't it enough for you to switch to acting to create some kind of distance between us and now you want to switch agencies? Does that bother you that much that you have to push me away every damn time!?"

"Because I can't be around you anymore!" She speaks out her frustration. "I don't want to risk my relationship just because of our friendship so don't come near be or-"

"Or what Jisoo?" She walks closer to the latter. "You're going to shove to my face that I don't have any right to be here? That I need to leave because Soojoo might doubt you again?"

"I'm not even on the clear zone and here you are ruining everything!" She hisses. "We almost got caught the last time and I am not risking my relationship just because you cannot control your current libido!"

"So do you want this to end?" Jennie challenges once more. "Do you want this to stop, us being civil with one another and living off with formal text messages?"

She smirks as soon as Jisoo wasn't unable to answer. "See? You can't even answer me angel and yet here you are acting that somehow letting our skin rub each other disgusts you." Jennie cups Jisoo's cheek. "You don't regret anything Jisoo, you don't regret everything about us."

Almost kissing each other Jisoo musters up the courage to answer. "Yes, I do Jennie." She swallows the lump on her throat. "I do regret everything about us."

Jennie stops closing in and she took this opportunity to retort back. "I regret giving into you every single time, I regret cheating and choosing you over my partners, I regret the things we did when the morning comes."

"No. No you don't-"

"I regret having the face to stay until the morning and lying to Soojoo, I regret smelling like you on my way home, I regret kissing you, I regret being underneath you, digging my nails on your skin... I regret for staying with you for all these years, I regret that I allow myself to be in this situation with you."


"NO! I will not stop because I will forever regret everything that has happened between us! I hate you Jennie Kim! I hate you! And I fucking regret that I met you! If I had known this would all come down to this, I shouldn't have agreed to come with you to sauna because I regret that too!" As soon as the words left her mouth, she lets out a gasp. Jennie, who was still shocked of the chosen words manages to pull herself away from the latter. "Jen-"

"Don't touch me."

"I didn't mean-"

"Clearly you do."

"No Jennie, I would never mean those words."

"Too late."

She tries reaching out again but Jennie immediately swats her hand away. "Please, listen to me."

"What's the point? I'm pretty sure you don't regret saying those words right?"


"Just so you know Jisoo?" She looks up and meets the latter with tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "I regret meeting you too."

There was so much venom in Jennie's words that it stunned Jisoo for a moment. By the time Jisoo was already pulled back to reality, Jennie was out of her sight and her phone was out of reach, making Jisoo fear on what Jennie was capable of doing especially with her drunken state.

While Jisoo was unaware of the fact that Jennie drove over her phone, making for her impossible to contact the latter, Jennie speeds up on the nearest gas station and fills up a huge gas container and buying herself a huge bottles of vodka. She throws the money at the youngster's face, not even bothering to get the change.

She drank the first bottle inside the car, the second one was devoured on her way home and the third was the one she was struggling to open with as she tries to enter her penthouse. She opens the door, not totally surprised that the place was empty already.

"Well what do you expect Jennie, it's not like everyone loves you for who you are. They just love you because you own the room."


Shaking her head and locating the fire extinguisher, she struggles to carry it with the last remaining consciousness that she has and breaks the key card pass of her apartment. Throwing the extinguisher on the carpeted floor, she enters her unit and locks it, before spilling the bought gasoline all over her place.

Finally satisfied with her craft, she settles down on her living room and trying to get herself a good look of her 'home'. The smell had a mixture of cocaine, drinks, marijuana, sex, and sweat and now- gasoline. Lighting herself a cigarette, she takes a good puff before looking at the view of downtown Seoul. It was a pretty view, a pretty career and a pretty life. What more could she ask for?

She had everything in her room, everyone was inside. Jennie should be happy, she should be grateful that she had reach this kind of success in just short amount of time and she could hear everyone wishing they were her so they could have the chance of living what most would like to the life. So why wasn't she satisfied?

Because even though Jennie's room had everyone and everything a person could ask for, Kim Jisoo still wasn't there.

"Now I am going to host the hottest party ever..." She scoffs and looks at her dying stick. "Maybe then you can decide to come Chu."

With one last puff she throws the cigarette away and as soon as it reached the marble floors, fire starts to appear. As the fire spreads rapidly all over her place, Jennie spreads her arms on the leather couch and leans her head back. As the fire breaks things inside, Jennie could feel her heart breaking over and over again after remembering Jisoo's last words for her.

"I shouldn't have agreed to come with you to sauna because I regret that too!"

And as the fire comes close to the living room, Jennie closes her heart, feeling close to her final seconds. "Good bye Chu."


Two orbs widen as the flashback ends there. The patient looks around, and after getting herself familiar with the surrounding, she finally realizes that she's inside the hospital. She tries to get more additional information about the current environment when she hears a very familiar voice outside.

"No doctor, you don't understand. She's been unconscious for a week now. I need an update."

"Miss Kim I am trying-"

"Well clearly you are not trying hard enough because she's still laying down there looking like almost dead!"

"No matter what we do, if her body doesn't want to respond, even if we give her the best treatment..."

Jennie tries to sit up but then falls back immediately, feeling a great amount of pain. "FUCK!"

The door bursts open, revealing Jisoo. "Jennie!"

"I shouldn't have agreed to come with you to sauna because I regret that too!"

"Jennie don't move-"


"Miss Kim. Let me handle this one, she's still in the state of shock and confusion, so I will explain the details to her. In the mean time, can you try and get yourself a cup of coffee?"


"Miss Kim." The doctor calls her out as soon as he left Jennie's room.

"Doctor, how is she?"

"She's fine. Vital organs are normal and she just needs some additional treatment and rest. Other than that, she's on full swing."

"Oh God thanks." She heaves out a sigh of relief. "Does... does she want to see me?"

"She did." He answers. "I'll be on my way now Miss Kim."

"Thank you doctor and- sorry for my attitude towards earlier."

He smiles at her and gives her a tap on the shoulder. "Don't worry Miss Kim, I'm sure everyone would be in that state to see their girlfriend fighting for her life."

Jisoo gives him a half-hearted smile before entering the room where she sees Jennie, in a sitting position while looking at the view. It took a few seconds, but when the rapper turns her head towards her, she could feel her heart being clenched seeing the latter's current state. Bruises, multiple degree burns and even a scar on her eyebrow. She was far different from the last time she saw her, and she couldn't help but blame herself for allowing Jennie to go through something like this.

As Jisoo tries to control her feelings, Jennie looks at her with a heavy feeling inside her chest. She looks at the bags hiding underneath those beautiful eyes, the unhealthy paleness that the actress possess, the chapped lips that looked like the Sahara desert for being so dry, and even with one look Jennie could feel that the actress already lost some weight in the short amount of time. Looking at the latter's entire full figure, she also couldn't help but blame herself for everything.

"Your parents just went home. They will come back later this afternoon."

"You should go Jisoo, I can wait for mom and dad."

"I told them I'd watch over you in the meantime."

"No, I'm okay. I can manage."

"Jennie, I can't just let you here all by yourself you just woke up and your muscles are not that strong yet."

"I can call for the nurse don't worry." She forces a smile. "Thank you for looking out but you can leave now."

Jisoo tries to be patient and understand where Jennie is coming from. "Seriously Jen I-"

"Just go Jisoo." She looks at the actress. "Leave."

"After what you've done to yourself, you really expect me to leave you all alone?"

"It's not like you haven't done it before right?"

Jennie non-chalant attitude towards what happened was the final straw for Jisoo. "You know what Jennie? I am so done with your shit. I cannot believe how carefree you are towards what happened to you! You almost died! How can you not be worried about that?"

"Maybe because it was my initial plan Jisoo. Wasn't the broken lock, unreached phone and burning myself made you understand that it was my intention to kill myself?"

"But why!?" She desperately demands. "What made you want to kill yourself?!"

"Because it's unfair! It's so fucking unfair to me!"

"About what!?"

"About you not being mine!" Jennie couldn't help but raise her voice as well. "For fuck's sake Jisoo, you've dated Jinyoung, you've dated Mino, Soojoo and you even had the audacity to date Seulgi as well but you never had the courage to date me!" She spats. "I was the one who saw you first, been with you first, and I even kissed you first! Do you know how hard was it for me- to see you belong to everyone else besides me?"

"Do you even have the slightest idea on how much my heart broke every time you chose to be with them, to love them, to care for them... how hard it was for me to try and be the person you wanted, the person you deserve and yet here you are, continuously choosing people who doesn't even see your worth!"

"Oh and what about you huh? You fuck Wooju, Lena, Chaehee, the girl with the blonde locks or the girl in the black dress? Why don't you settle for something serious?!"

"I'm trying to do it with you but you won't let me!"

"Because you don't love me Jennie!"

"What the fuck are you talking about? Of course I love you!"

"You don't love me!"

"Yes I do!"

"NO! Because you don't fuck up the people that you love!" She screams straight at her. "Remember where you and Lisa had a talk together with Chaeyoung? We just came from a day together, made matching rings, bracelets and even went on roller skating while the two of them went on an archery and trampoline date. Do you remember when I excused myself at the bathroom and they interrogated you about us?"

"So unnie, humor us for a moment will you?"

"What about it?"

Lisa smirks and turns to Jennie. "What's the real score between you and Jisoo unnie huh?"

"We're best friends."


Jennie chuckles. "What do you mean bullshit? I mean it, we're best friends."

"No unnie, Lisa and I are best friends." Chaeyoung states in a matter of fact tone.

"Correction we still are because I'm still wooing you babe."

Chaeyoung rolls her eyes and ignores Lisa's comment. "You and Jisoo unnie seem to have a pretty nice relationship already. I mean let's be honest, you two have made out a couple of times and that's perfectly fine with me no homo." She explains in her Aussie accent. "But I see the way you look at one another and I could really tell there's more than being just 'best friends'."

Jennie decides to think over it for a moment. "Guys, Jisoo and I aren't dating. In fact, I don't think I can date Jisoo to be honest."

"Are you for real right now?"

"Yeah." She shakes her head. "If I date Jisoo, then it would feel like dating my sister and that's- honestly disgusting."

"But unnie..." Chaeyoung trails off, completely shocked with the revelation. "You guys look like you're already in love with one another."

"Trust me, Jisoo and I are just messing around. I wouldn't take it for something serious."

"Now do you remember?" Jisoo says. "Do you also remember how many times you fucked Irene behind my back? How many times your lips touched hers and then you touched mine?"

"Jisoo about that time I- I wasn't sure about what I was feeling..." She admits. "I was young and all I had was the dream of becoming an idol to prove to everyone even to my own parents that I was capable of making a living out of something that I love!"

"And when you finally got the chance you treated every woman moaning underneath you like some kind of prize right? An ego booster for your rapping career and I was one of them."

"Jisoo no! You're different because-"

"Because what Jennie? Because you fuck me on your own bed while the other sluts settle in for an unoccupied guest room? Because you host every party just so I could come and visit you? Because you love me?" She scoffs. "No, you don't love me. You just love that I am there for you, to fill that emptiness in your heart, you might think that you love me Jennie but you don't. You don't love me at all..."

"Who are you to say to about what should feel like?" Jennie tries to argue. "Who are you to be the judge if what I feel for you is real? How do you know that you love me?"

"Because I have been in love with you for years! Years Jennie! Do you have any idea how painful for me to love you and to be seen as an option?! As someone who could keep you company?!"

"But I told you I love you!"

"Really? Are you sure you love me?" She challenges the latter. "Do you love me because that's what you really feel or do you love me because I fill the emptiness inside of you?" She lessens their distance and sits on the edge of the hospital bed. "Do you love me enough to stay when worse comes to worst, will you still be there by my side through the bad days, and will you still think I'm beautiful ten years later?"

"But I want you now, what difference does it make Jisoo?" Jennie says out of panic and that just hurts Jisoo more.

"You see Jennie when you love someone, you don't just stay on the good days." She meets Jennie in the eye. "You also stay through the bad."

"Godammit Jisoo!" She says out of frustration. "Why can't you just go with the flow?! Why do you need complicate things between us!?"

"I tried going with the flow Jennie..." Jisoo says in her soft tone. "And look where it got me."

"At first I was okay with it you know. I kept myself on believing that somehow you'd wake up and realize that it's really me who you want to be with. So I waited, I waited even though I was with Jinyoung, I waited even when I was with other people. It was so pathetic and mean because I was using them to make you jealous and take me away from them."

"But what do you do Jen? You do nothing, nothing at all..." Jisoo's heart broke reminiscing those memories once again.. "You say you work hard on being the person that I want, that I deserve but everytime I leave your room or don't come at your party you fuck someone else... tell me, how am I suppose to believe you when you can't even fight for me?" Tears were threatening to fall once again. "You might think I am the one mean between the two of us but I hope you realize that it's you Jen..." Jisoo looks at her with a messed-up make-up. "It was you who destroyed the idea of us."

"I am so in love with you that I forgot how to love myself." She says through the tears. "And this is where I am drawing the line."

"But I love you Chu! I love you." Jennie manages to pull the latter closer to her and cup her cheek. "I'm sorry for hurting you over and over again. I am so sorry for not fighting for you, for making you wait but- here I am. I'm fighting for us now so please... please don't give up on me just yet."

"Jennie, this is the basic rule of loving someone." She sniffs. "You put their happiness first before yours. You do things that make them happy, even if it means letting go of them."

"Is that why you're letting me go?"

With a sad smile, Jisoo looks back at her. "I did say I love you right?"

Jennie shakes her head immediately. "Why can't you listen to me, I said I love you Chu... what more do you want?"

"I want you to be alive Jennie..." She answers. "Not having you as my lover hurts, but not having you at all is another story."

"Please, please don't leave me Chu... I can't." She bites her lower lip. "I don't know how to live without you."

"You have to, only then will I be able to believe that you really love me, and that you don't just need me to fill that space in your heart." She says. "If we want to work this out, we have to work out our own issues first, by ourselves otherwise the years of waiting will be put to waste. Do you understand Jendeuk?" Jennie cries her heart out but nods in understanding. "I love you Jennie Kim."

The latter sobs, making her shoulders heave up and down in a rapid movement. "Will... will you believe me if I say I love you?"

That made Jisoo smile. "Of course I would."

"I love you Jisoo Kim."

"I love you Jennie Kim."

She manages to say. "J-J-Jisoo?"


"Will it break you if we will never see each other again?" Hearing the question alone brought Jisoo to tears.  "Will it break you to know that this will be the last time we will see each other?"

"Perhaps." She answers and caresses Jennie's plump cheek. "Will you always love me Jennie?"


"And now we open the Argi-business expo 2021 open!"

Claps could be heard all around the hall as different businessmen with different agricultural business try and make negotiations with one another. Men were wearing their best suits trying to impress or intimidate their fellow businessmen to do a partnership with them. Wives, girlfriends or dates can be found by their sides, wearing all their funds could afford to show their wealth. It was a game of money and power and Jisoo was just not having it.

She was currently sitting at their table, trying to enjoy her drink, bored to death and starting to regret about accepting the offer to come here. Her eyes scans the room and there's clearly no one who she was familiar with and if someone approached her, it would be to have a selfie with her or have her autograph. Some would be even polite and congratulate her on her first drama, but no one would dare and try to stay to make a conversation with her.

Trying to not look like an arrogant bitch, she pulls out her phone and played the games inside her hand phone. While she was already on her beast mode level, a voice cuts her off from her reverie.

"Wow, I guess some things never really change over the years." Jisoo stops playing the game and turns around. "Don't a get a hug or something?"

"Bitch!" The heart-shape lips girls jumps in the latter's embrace. "I thought you were another fan or something!"

"Wow, you must be really full of yourself for you to say that one."

"Finally you're here! I thought I was going to die out of boredom or something."

"Wow, the ever energetic Kim Jisoo has finally feel the word 'boredom'."

"Shut up." Jisoo rolls her eyes and makes the latter sit beside her. "So, tell me what are you up to these two years?"

"Well you know work, and more album concepts but that's about it."

"Satan works hard but Im Nayeon works harder huh."

Nayeon gives her an arrogant smug before flipping her hair. "That's what I do baby." She giggles. "But you what do you do? You know besides going MIA for two years."

"Nothing big, I just travelled around the world. Took a little break."

"Hmmm... are you sure that's the real reason?"

"Why? Is there any other reason?"

"Not really, it was just so coincidental that you disappeared a month after-" Nayeon was cut off when her phone rings. "Oops, we have to go."

"We?" Nayeon nods and drags Jisoo away. "Wait, hold on-"

Jisoo half-heartedly allows Nayeon to drag her away, partly grateful that she had a valid excuse for leaving the boring party. She was curious why Nayeon drags her away from the hall down to the porch facing the gardens of the venue.

"Nayeon I am thankful that you took me away from the party but what the hell are we doing here?"

"I want you to meet a friend of mine." She smiles. "Come, she should be right here."

They stopped by the veranda and from there Jisoo could see the back of a woman, hair tied in ponytail and wearing formal clothes. Black coat, pencil skirt and red stilettos, this woman look like she was dressed to intimidate.

But wait...

Her heartbeat starts to quicken because of the familiarity of the physicality, but she tries not to get ahead of herself and waits for her friend to introduce the woman to her. Nayeon calls out for the woman informally and when the latter turned around, Jisoo felt the air inside her got knocked out of her lungs.

"Jennie." She says in a soft, whisper-like tone.

Jennie gives her a small smile. "Hi Jisoo."

"Okay, seems like my job here is done. Jennie, tell your mother I can only take wholesome roles, master Park thinks that it would destroy the group's image if I take on the sultry ones." She smiles. "Have fun talking you two."

"Thanks bunny."

Nayeon leaves them alone and Jisoo took the time to take everything in. The fact that Jennie is in front of her, the fact that she went back to Black hair color and gone were the honey golden brown hair with blonde highlights. The latter looked a lot healthier from the last time she saw her too.

Jennie understood what Jisoo was going through so she remained silent and allowed for the older woman to catch up and internalize about what was currently going on.

"Are you okay now?"

"No, not really." Her answer made the latter smile. "Sorry, it's just that all of this..."

"I know."

"How are you not surprised to see me?"

"Don't sound too offended now Jisoo." She smiles. "It's hard not to keep up with your life when all my parents could do was inform me about you."

"Really?" She asks.

"Yeah, it sometimes meddle with my study time but hey, at least I get updated with your life."

"Study time?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I'm studying law now." Jisoo couldn't believe what she said. "I know, it takes a while to kick in but it's going to be okay after a few meetings."

"Sorry I didn't mean to be rude or anything or to even offend you."

"None taken." She answers. "I figured that I need something to divert my attention while I am out in the music industry and thought that maybe I could give the Law School a try." Jisoo nods in understanding. "It's a bit weird but I actually love it. I guess our mothers really know what's best."

Jisoo smiles. "So what happened to-"

"Hey Jis, where have you been I-"

Jennie turns to her left and sees a man with a clean cut, black hair and a navy blue suit. His oxford shoes matches the way he was wearing and the Rolex wristwatch tells something about his status.

"Jennie Kim?" He says with surprise. "Wow, it's been a long time."

Jisoo looks at him confusingly. "Do you know her?"

"No, I've been a fan of her back when she was an idol." He immediately extends his hand towards her. "Pleasure to meet you Miss Kim, I'm Suho by the way, Jisoo's boyfriend."

Jennie looks at him, his hand before she gives Jisoo a quick glance. "Pleasure is all mine sir."

"So are you back to make a comeback in the music industry? Everyone's been talking about your sudden disappearance, even I was devastated." He confesses and nervously chuckles. "Sorry, I bet that's a lot to take in."

"It's not the topic I usually go to during first meeting but I guess change is good." She says. "I'm sorry, I don't think that I can go back to being the artist you once admired. It's was a nice life, but I am pretty contented with what I have now."

"Oh... such a shame you don't have any plans. Your last album was fire. Especially the title track, Jennie's Room."

"Ah, yes. Jennie's Room." She nods in understanding.

"It was a daring move, and I like how you wrote the song. Whoever the woman is, she can consider herself the luckiest girl in the world." He says. "I used to not believe in unconditional love until I heard your song."

"Yeah." Jennie takes a look at the actress who was looking back at her. "I love her that much."

It was starting to be awkward so Jisoo decides to intervene. "Suho, I think it's best if you return. You're losing a lot of opportunities just by hanging out here."

"Right." He turns to Jennie. "Miss Kim, it's such an honor to meet you once again." Jennie responds with a curt nod. "I'll see you back inside okay?"

Jisoo nods at him and he was back on his way. "I like him. Compared to the paranoid Soojoo, he's a total upgrade."

"I see that you haven't lost your sense of insult."

"Oh and sarcasm too." Jennie smirks when Jisoo made an offended facial expression. "I'm kidding Jisoo."

"Asshole!" She smacks Jennie's arm and shared a short laughter with the latter.

After the joke dies down, Jennie looks at her. "He has an exquisite taste in women and in music."

Jisoo rolls her eyes. "Two years later and you're still the arrogant Jennie Kim."

"Well, I mean I have receipts in backing it up so..."

The actress chuckles. "Now I'm curious if someone did dare to try to date your arrogant ass."

"Hmm, I'm sure that you just want to know if I am dating someone right now." She playfully says, causing for Jisoo to blush. "But if you insist, I am not dating someone at the moment." She answers. "I've had a few dates and casual flings but nothing serious."

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find someone who will love you for who you are."

"I know." She says. "She's standing right in front of me."

Jisoo was caught off guard with what Jennie has said and was trying to get something out of her mouth but another voice beats her to it. "Hey, come on it's time for us to go."

The aspiring lawyer turns to her colleague. "Get the car ready, I'll be in a sec." She says in English and Jisoo forgot how amazing Jennie sounds like when speaking another language.

"Okay but be quick though. We don't want to be late for our flight."

Jennie nods in response and Jisoo was confused. "What flight?"

"I have to go back to New Zealand." She and answers. "It's where I am studying for Law."

"Oh." She says. "So you're not actually staying?"

"No, I just went home because of term break." She answers. "Mom forced me to go home."

"I see." She says.

Another moment of silence until Jennie decides to break it. "Guess it's still not time for us then."

Hearing that made Jisoo's heart clench. "Jennie I-"

"Jisoo it's okay, as long as I know you're in good hands that's all that matters." She smiles. "That's what love is about sometimes right? Putting their happiness first before yours... even when it means you're not included."

"Jennie you will always be included in my life. Whether you're here or in New Zealand or anywhere in the world, my life wouldn't be my life without you in it."

She lets out her gummy smile, tears threatening to fall any seconds now and seeing that - Jisoo was already breaking inside. "Come here you."

Jennie pulls Jisoo close and hugs the girl tightly in her arms. Both of them settle their nose on the crook of each other's neck, feeling a sudden hit of nostalgia coarse through their system, remembering a lot of memories, conversations where they would always end it with a hug.

And maybe that's what they were doing, all the emotions, memories, unsaid words and everything were slowly trapped inside this one last hug.

"Will you forgive me for everything I've done? For breaking your heart, for choosing myself this time?"

"Perhaps." Jennie pulls away and looks at her first love as she fixes the latter's hair and cups her cheek. "Will you wait for me? Will you wait for years, endure every heartbreak and every moment that I am not with you and patiently wait for the time when it's our turn to love one another?"

"Jennie we have to leave now!!!"

She closes her eyes, trying to control her frustration towards her colleague. "Yeah I'm coming!" She sighs and turns her attention back to the actress. "I swear I am not letting him tag along the next time."

Both of them chuckle. "Yeah, I think it's better that way."

"I guess it's time for me to go."

"But your question..."

"It's fine Chu, you don't have to answer it." She smiles. "See you around?"

And while her heart screams for her to stop Jennie from leaving, she manages to smile. "See you around Jendeuk."

Jennie turns around and all Jisoo could do was watch her walk away. And it may have been an easy sight to anyone else, but it took all of their willpower to ignore all the warning signs and go to where their hearts really belong.

"Will you wait for me?"

"Perhaps Jendeuk." Jisoo answers as she wipes the tears off of her face and smiles. "Perhaps."

"Thank you for coming with me to the sauna again Jendeuk."

"I badly needed it anyways, it was a tough day at training today."

"Ahhh... this feels so nice by the way."

"It does, doesn't it?" Jennie smiles and leans on Jisoo's shoulder, making the older one laugh. "What's with the laughing?"

"Nothing, even on hot places, you still like to cling to other people huh."

"I don't like clinging to other people unnie, I just like clinging to you."

"Hmm, you be careful or else I might think that you're flirting with me." Jennie immediately creates distance between them. "Awe, is it true Jendeuk? You have a crush on me?"

"N-n-no!" Jisoo chuckles at the adorable sight. "W-w-hat's in it for you anyways, it's not like you will like me back if what you said was true."



The older one shrugs and dips herself lower to the warm water. "Perharpssssss."

"Unnie, say it again." Jisoo submerges lower, and her answer only ends up in bubbles annoying Jennie. "Ahhhh unnie..."

Jisoo smiles and looks at Jennie. "Perhaps."

Jennie could feel her cheeks reddening because of the word. "Oh."

"Oh?" The heart-shaped lips chuckles again. "Why? Are you going to tell me you have a crush on me?"

Now, it was Jennie's turn to be playful too and show Jisoo that two can play a game. "Perhaps."

Her answer makes Jisoo smile. "I forgot you're a fast learner."

"I kind of like it though... the word perhaps." Jennie shares all of a sudden. "It's like our 'okay'."


"Unnie, remember when we watched The Fault In Our Stars? When Augustus and Grace agreed that the word okay will be their always?" Jisoo tries to recall it for a moment before nodding her head. "Well, perhaps can be our okay."

"Perhaps is our always?" Jennie nods her head. "Hmmm... I like it."


Jisoo smiles. "Perhaps."

"Will you always love me Jennie?"

"Perhaps Chu." Jennie whispers to herself as she looks at the last buildings of Seoul through her window. "Perhaps." She whispers one last time before closing her eyes with a smile on her face.

Jennie might've realize it too late, but she knew deep down, way before they separated ways and she might've confused herself before but now she knows for a fact that she has always love the girl.

While it's saddening to think that their choices has lead for their story to reach its end, Jennie likes to believe that it may not be the ending that they wanted, but it's the ending that they deserve.

Maybe they will meet again someday, at a downtown café, through an online game or even through a late night sauna. Maybe fate will allow for them to meet and by then maybe- just maybe, it will finally work out this time.

And even though Jennie never really like the idea of waiting and prefer to believe that hard work, dedication and ambition will take you to places you want to be, she entertains the thought of what's meant to be yours will be given to you when you're ready.

When two people are meant to be together, eventually they will find their way back together.

And if Jennie learned something from all of this is that she finally understood what loving someone really means in her own definition.

When you want someone, you let them inside your room. But when you love someone, you let them inside your heart. And that's where Jisoo belongs.

Not in Jennie's room, but in Jennie's heart.


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