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"Remind me again why we're doing this."

"It's because we're their daughters and they need something to brag about at the party."

"Ugh, I hate them."

"I hate them too but without them, we wouldn't be able to enjoy this life so we still, owe them a bit."

The girl looks at the girl on her right, smiling inwardly because she really can't move because of the grooming that's been going on with her. "Do your parents still hate you for coloring your hair pink?"

"My dad is okay with it, mom, on the other hand, thinks it's an abomination." She rolls her eyes. "So I just make a joke about how I can't escape her eyes now, because not every mother would allow their daughter to dye her hair pink."

"Well, that's auntie for you."

"I know right." She sighs but then winces once the artist messes up. "Jesus Maeng, do I pay you to mess up?" The artist shakes her head. "Then do it right!"

When their make-up was done, they looked at their outfits for tonight's event. She watches the girl with the pink-dyed hair checking herself out in the full-body mirror. She has to admit, her cousin has very exquisite taste when it comes to fashion. She wore a beautiful Maxi dress that hugged her figure in all of the right places. Her make-up and heels were on point and even with just a simple necklace accessory, it was enough for the latter to capture heads and attention tonight. She just wasn't sure about the length of the slit of the dress though.

"Why? Is it too whore-ish for you?"

"No, I think the dress is perfect."

"You're just not sure if this is the right dress for the event right?"

"Knowing your parents..."

She waves the latter off. "Dad would like my dress, you know how men like it when women show some skin." The latter answers. "My mother is going to lowkey shade me and I'm going to make her mad.."

"In what way?"

"Look at what that makeup artist did to me, she made me look like a saint!" She groans as she fixes up her eyeliner and the other details on her make-up. "Now, I'm going to show my mother that she raised a little satan in her womb." She snickers and then takes a look at the black-haired woman. "Looking good there cousin."

She takes this time to look at herself and is proud of how she looks right now. The blue lacy sleeveless dress was perfect for the event and her light, natural make-up makes her perfectly blend in with the rest of the crowd. "Thanks, cousin."

"Pretty shame it's going to be ruined by tonight when-" She cuts the taller woman off by tip-toeing and cupping her cousin's mouth.

The shorter one checks the surroundings before letting her cousin go with a glare. "Would you shut your mouth? People might hear your loudmouth." She hisses.

"Don't worry cousin, it's only when I'm with other women that I am loud."

She rolls her eyes. "You and your lesbian adventures Chaeyoung."

"Sorry, I can't be loyal like you Jisoo." She smirks. "Let's go, we have a party to attend to."

The event was similar to the other events hosted by the elite families here in Seoul. The event would be a five-star hotel, an expensive compound, or even a hilltop view with such privacy provided. Jisoo and Rosie would normally find themselves in either one of these places at least once a month; it depends on whether it's nearing election season or not. They're used to it though, after all, Rosie is the daughter of the largest and possibly biggest Hospital Institution in all of Seoul, and Jisoo being the daughter of the top car manufacturing company has its perks.

But since their titles are too long, let's refer to them as the same term the locals call them.

Chaebol Daughters.

"Miss Park, Miss Kim." The chauffeur greets them at the entrance of the venue. "Good evening."

"Good evening."

They stride the red carpet halls and stop at the 14-foot-double doors with tons of guards surveying the area. "Are you ready for this cousin?"

"All the boasting and insecurity talks? Sure, where do I sign up?" Chaeyoung scoffs and looks at the guards. "Well don't just stand there, open the doors." She sassily orders.

What greeted them first was the loud chit-chattering and the sound of classical music provided by the orchestra which could be found at the far end of the venue. Two pairs of eyes looked at how extravagant and luxurious the event was, from the table setting, the flower arrangements, the theme, and of course, the wine that was recently offered to them. Both of them decide to take a small sip before looking at one another as if they just completed a murder mystery.

"The Changs." Both of them answered.

"I already knew from the Gardenias surrounding."

"Huh, so you did accompany your mother in the Netherlands for the flower thing convention."

"International Flower Fairs. You know I only went there to see the flowers."

"Flowers with petals I presume?"

"You know me too well cousin."

Jisoo shakes her head as she takes another sip. "I guess this is not much of a serious event, knowing she just pulled out a 2011 red wine."

"Ah, as expected from my intellectual cousin," Rosie remarks. "A real sommelier." She air quotes.

"I'm hardly anything but that." She comments as she looks around. "You know who made me do it."

"Speaking of..." She uses her eyebrows to make her cousin notice the people approaching them. "Uncle, Auntie! Hello to you adorable humans." She kisses them both on the cheek. "Auntie I was about to be mad at Uncle over here because I thought he brought a younger woman as his date!"

That compliment made Jisoo's mother smile. "I'm sure he would like that but he's stuck with me."

"And I wouldn't mind doing that for the rest of my life darling." He chuckles, making both Jisoo and Chaeyoung internally gag. "Chaeyoung I think your mother is looking for you."

"I don't even understand why she purchased that quarter of a million won eyeglasses when she can't even use that to look for me." She comments. "I'm going to have to ask for a compensation fine from her now- Jisoo my love I will see you later okay?"

When her cousin leaves the three of them alone, Jisoo's father turns to her. "You look beautiful as ever darling."

"Thanks, dad."

"Can you come with us? I've had a lot of people who's been dying to meet my daughter."

And with a forced smile, Jisoo links her arm with him. "Then I must meet them."


"I'm sorry ma'am but we do not have the wine you requested?"

"Not even a 1990 Marcel Juge Cornas?"

"No, ma'am."

"Ugh, do you have whiskey then?"

"Would Very Old Barton suffice?"

Chaeyoung had this look of disbelief painted on her face. "Are you fuck-"

"A Suntory Toki whiskey should do the trick." Jisoo comments, sitting beside her cousin.

"Will do ma'am."

"Well, well, well... Not only a wine expert I see."

"I'm just saving auntie from the amount of embarrassment you would probably cause when you taste that kind of whiskey."

"Here you go." The bartender gives Chaeyoung the glass. "And to you ma'am?"

"Oh no thanks, I've had enough of cheap things thank you." She politely shuts down the offer, making her cousin laugh. "What, I simply cut it to the chase."

"I guess you had lots of those 2011?"

"I needed some distraction with all the business talking dad has probably allowed me to indulge." She says in an eye roll. "I seriously want to get out of here if-" Her whining was cut too short the moment she felt her phone buzzed through her dazzling pouch bag. Pulling out the latest handphone, she taps in the recently received message and couldn't help but smile seeing the contact name.

I hope you're having fun at the party

At this kind of party with the Changs as the hosts?

No, I don't think I'll ever enjoy it.

Are they that bad at hosting?

You really don't want to know.

It's okay, it's not like I'm going to understand.

Anyway, I would just like to boast to you that while you're

in torment, I am having fun over here.

Now, with what?

I hope it's something rated G.

You're such a pervert.

But yeah, it rated G.

I'm looking at the stars right now.

Now I'm jelly :(

Sucks being a chaebol huh.


Well, looks like it's going to be just me making the wish now.

Good luck with the party.

"Let me guess... she has successfully seduced you to leave the party," Chaeyoung says as soon as she sees her cousin biting her lower lip. "Well? Are you going to leave?"

"Can you cover for me?"

"You saved my ass by not allowing myself to taste another cheap beverage. How am I supposed to decline the offer?" She smiles. "Go, I'm pretty sure uncle has boasted you enough to even bother to look for you."

Jisoo leans in to give her a quick kiss. "Thanks, my love. I'll see you tomorrow at school."

Chaeyoung looks at her retreating form before sighing as she looks at her half-empty whiskey glass. "Guess that dress is going to be ripped off after all."

As soon as Jisoo steps foot outside the main lobby, a beautiful Genesis G80 parks and reveals her drive and her bodyguard. She smiles at both of them before entering the said vehicle that zooms off from the place quickly as it arrives at the main entrance. They head off outside of the expensive skirts of Gangnam down to the streets of Gwangju, a neighborhood that made Jisoo excited. They made several turns and after fifteen minutes, the car found itself in a very familiar alley stopping at the corner lot.

"How much time do I have?" Jisoo asks her bodyguard who's sitting in the passenger seat.

"One hour maximum Miss Kim."

"Alright, I'll see you in an hour. Grab something to eat." She says pulling out 30,000 won from her bag before exiting the luxurious vehicle.

She climbs up the stairs onto the very narrow street alley and then climbs up another set of stairs before arriving at a very familiar tiny house on top of the village. Smiling to herself she presses the code of the gate and enters the home, carefully sneaking through the back part which was the garden. She looks at the living room and grins when she finds a middle-aged man sleeping on the couch with their dogs on the side, sleeping beside him and the television on.

Jisoo lifts her dress to climb up the stairs with ease. When she reaches the wooden door, she knocks on a rhythmic pattern, like a code of some sort.

Nine knocks- five knocks and then two knocks.

She backed away for a minute and she could hear the tapping of excited footsteps approaching the door. When it opened, Jisoo finally smiled the best one that she had ever given for the night. Jisoo didn't waste any time and jumped onto her arms, catching the latter by surprise and making her laugh.

"Someone missed me." The girl with brown hair teased. "We've only been apart for 14 hours Chu."

"You know, you seem to be very precise with the number of hours that we were apart." She smirks. "I don't know what you call that but to me, it sounds like you missed me more than I missed you."

"Silly, who wouldn't miss someone like you?" She smiles and then takes time to notice what Jisoo is wearing. "This looks expensive."

"Did you like it?"

The latter nods her head. "It'd be a shame to rip it off."

Jisoo immediately blushes, especially when she remembers her cousin's teasing earlier. "Chaeyoung said the exact same thing."

"What can I say, great minds think alike."

"Perverted minds are more appropriate though."

"Come here." She and Jisoo lay down on the mattress filled with pillows. "Tired?"

"Super." She sighs and melts into her hold.

"They're still arrogant and self-entitled?"

"I doubt it'll change anytime soon."

"Just like us?"

Jisoo smiles and looks at her. "Just like us." She says before reaching in and capturing her lips.

"How long do we have?"

"An hour tops."

"Then what are we waiting for?" That was all Jisoo was waiting for before switching their positions and now the chaebol daughter was found straddling the shorter woman.

Jisoo leans in, taking a closer look at her lover. "What happened wishing to the stars?"

"Why wish when you're already here with me?"

"Smooth Jen." Jisoo gives her a quick peck. "Smooth."

Out of all the people Jisoo could fall for in the city of Seoul, she falls for someone whose world is different from hers. Out of all the people, her heart chose Jennie Kim, the daughter of a bookstore shop, and created a love story that's so beautiful.

So beautiful that it was so hard to forget and so painful to memorize.


"Let's congratulate all the students who passed the examinations, especially Kim Jisoo, who topped this year's exams." The professor smiles at her students. "I think you all deserve a nice treat so I'll be dismissing you earlier than expected. I'll see you guys next week."

The cheers inside the classroom didn't die down even though the teacher had already left the premises. Various conversations hovered one over the other making the entire place look like Wall Street in its peak hour. Among all the chit-chattering that's been going on, five girls left the room as soon as they had decided on what to do for the remaining minutes of their free cut.

"I'm just glad Mrs. Park noticed our suffering and decided to cut us off some slack."

"Me too, she really is the best teacher here all around unlike Mr. Jung."

"Joo, can your father do something about him? He's being a pain in the ass and not to mention that he's one big pervert."

The girl who was fixing her thick eyebrows snickers. "I already made plans for him."

"Really? Are you planning something bad?"

"To him yes, but to the institution never..."

"Ah, already spoken like a true president. Are you ready to take over the university?"

"If I pass the entrance examinations at Oxford then maybe..." Soojoo says with a smile. "Dad has already made some calls and I plan to fly over there before graduation to do some interviews."

"Well, what can we expect from Hong Soojoo huh?" Yujin says, making the rest of her friends nod. "Oho, look who's busy again."

All of the three girls look at Jisoo who was smiling widely at her phone. "Someone's lovesick again."

"Hey, Kim Jisoo." Jisoo hums in response yet she was still tapping on her handphone. "Jisoo-yah..."

"Yep?" The latter answers as she pops the 'p' word. "What?" And when her friends didn't respond, she takes her eyes off from the gadget and looks back at her friends who were giving her smirks and knowing looks. "Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

"Nothing, why are you so busy with your phone?"

"Oh, I was just texting someone." The three girls give her sure Jan look.

"So Jisoo, up for a little shopping and nail salon bonding today? It's been ages since we last hang-out."

"We just bonded over afternoon tea and golf girls." Jisoo shakes her head. "I'm going to pass this time. I have somewhere else to be." And before her friends could respond, she gives them all a quick farewell kiss and off she goes, leaving the three of them quite stunned with how fast their friend left.

Suddenly, Soojin clasps her hands together. "Aha! I know why she's all smiles today..."


"It's their anniversary."


"Have you already prepared everything that I texted you?"

"It's on the trunk, Miss Kim." The man on the passenger seat says as he looks at her through the mirror. "Quite nervous I say?"

"Who wouldn't be nervous?" Jisoo nervously taps her foot against the car. "This is my first time doing this and I doubt I'm going to do a very good job."

"Miss Kim, you're going to do a very good job. You have attended multiple summer classes involving different activities-"

"Yeah but there's no summer classes on how to surprise someone on a very special day right?!"

"Stop the car." He says to the driver who automatically follows his orders. "Excuse us for a while please." As soon as the driver exits the vehicle, he turns to his girl. "Jisoo..."

"I'm sorry, it's just-" She sighs out loud. "I really want to give her the best Jiyong."

"That's why you have been spending time in your kitchen, cooking and perfecting every dish that you are planning to cook for her tonight." He says. "Do not doubt yourself too much because you have prepared for this."

"What if I fail?"

"You will not. I have seen your efforts and taste every bit of the dish that you have made. If you will fail, then I wouldn't be sitting here in front of you, fully-functioning right?"

That somehow comforted Jisoo. "You're right."

"While we are on the way, may I suggest you try and walk back the memory lane?" He suggests and that made Jisoo look at him in the rearview mirror. "I heard that when you cook with a happy heart and lots of love, it makes the dishes even more delicious."

Her bodyguard calls the driver's attention again and off they are to the said destination. While waiting for them to arrive, Jisoo takes this time and follows his suggestion, closing her eyes as she remembers the very first time that they met. She really couldn't believe that it had really been, four years ago.

"Are you seriously kidding me, Chae? Why are we here?"

"I told you I want to buy myself some pet fish!"

"And you somehow decide that it would be fitting for us to drive here in Gwangjin not to mention climb up all the way." Jisoo strains out her exhaustion. "If you wanted some fish then I would've given you one! My treat even!"

"But the fish I want is found here," Chaeyoung says as she helps her struggling cousin. "We're here."

Jisoo looks at the shop sign. "This fish better be worth it Chaeyoung or else..."

"Trust me." Her cousin reassures her as she holds onto her hand. "It's more than worth it."

They entered the shop, and right away the two girls were greeted with lots and lots of breeds of fish. Jisoo couldn't even remember when was the last time she had been to the pet shop like this. "Hello! Welcome to our shop!" The chaebol daughter turns around and smirks as soon as she sees the person who is attending to them. "What can I help you guys with?"

"Uh... We're looking for a fish."

The girl looks at Chaeyoung with a smile. "What kind of fish?"

"P-pet!" The taller woman answers in a high tone. "Show me fishes that can be used for pets."

"We have a lot of fishes here but let me guide you through some fishes that can be good for first-time pet owners." The smile on her face was still on her face. "I'm Lisa by the way."

As the woman was walking through the hallway, Jisoo took this time to nudge her cousin on the stomach. "So when you were referring to the fish that's more than worth it, were you referring to the actual fish or to the person who was selling fish?"

"Shut up."

Minutes later Jisoo would find herself internally gagging or snicker from time to time seeing how her cousin would throw off a punch line or directly go flirting and while the pet shop lady was cute, hearing her giggle and compliment back her cousin from time to time. The urge to roll her eyes was getting uncontrollable so she found the timing to excuse herself and leave them all alone, texting that she'll probably roam around the area and come back in thirty minutes. Exiting the shop, she walks around the neighborhood, waiting when her cousin will be done with the flirting game.

She looked ahead and realized that she was already at the end of the street and she still had some fifteen minutes more to spare. Sighing to herself she turns her heel to walk back when she hears the sound of a shop opening. Turning around once more, a smile escapes from her lips as she reads the signage.


Jisoo smiles at the sight of the books displayed right in front of her. Opening the door and making the small wind chime make a sound; she was already in love with the place. Normally a bookstore would smell like old pages and a musky type of smell but here she smelled a wonderful vanilla scent with a hint of coffee that reminded her of winter reading some book by her veranda and enjoying the snow falling on the ground with her hot chocolate by the accent table.

She walks further inside the small store, allowing herself to read some titles of the books available for purchase, and to be honest, these were really good books and some that were already sold out in the market were available here, much to her surprise.

One book though out of everyone grabbed Jisoo's attention more than anything else. A sudden excitement flows through her as she finally sees the book that she has been dying to read. She immediately grabs the book on the shelf, double-checking if it is indeed the book that she has been looking for and truly it really is the book she has been looking for.

"The Courage to Be Disliked." A voice interrupts her, making her jump in her stand and making the girl laugh. "Sorry, I didn't mean to."

"I'm finding it hard to believe."

The girl with the black hair laughs and fixes her hair. "Really, I'm sorry. I'm not just used to-"

"Seeing customers come at this early?"

The latter shakes her head. "People coming in who actually have an interest in books we sell."

Jisoo likes this girl. "Why, do you people just come here to hit on you?"

Now that made the girl chuckle. "You could say that."

"A little confident now are we?" She says as she holds onto the book. "I'll be buying this..."

"Jennie." The girl answers. "Jennie Kim."

Jisoo remembers the time when she came out from the bookstore looking like she came out fresh from the sauna. Flustered and totally hot, she talked Chaeyoung into making an agreement that whenever her cousin visited the pet shop owner, she'd come, just because she wanted to come and see the books in that store again, and also about a girl named Jennie Kim.

Eventually, the four of them became friends and met up together often and even did some sleepovers where they finally caught Chaeyoung and Lisa who admitted that they were seeing each other exclusively at that time. As the teasing went on for the two, Jisoo would take subtle glances towards the girl on her right, wondering how would it feel like to have her as someone she really cherished.

And after a kiss, while stargazing inside Jennie Kim's treehouse, Jisoo finally knew what it felt like. Even though they had been together for quite a while, Jisoo would find herself gushing and falling for the girl with a gummy smile more and more. What touched Jisoo was despite knowing the consequences of dating someone who has the same social status as hers, Jennie didn't flinch when she told her that it was going to take more than a social status difference for her to stop loving the Chaebol daughter.

Jisoo knew she was a goner the moment Jennie said her name but to hear that she was going to be there no matter what made the girl feel that maybe real love does exist in her world.

"Miss Kim, we have arrived."

Both of her staff helped her with bringing the materials needed for the special event later on and headed to the same gate she had visited the other day. This time pressing the buzzer, Jisoo announces her arrival over the telecom where seconds later, a middle-aged man opens their home for them to come inside. Jisoo's driver and bodyguard soon excused themselves and went back to the car after placing the materials in the kitchen.

"Wait, are you sure you're just preparing for the two of you?"

"Of course, not uncle, I'm also making you a meal. Also, I bought some for storage, just in case." She smiles.

"Oh, look at you playing the daughter-in-law role pretty well eh?" He chuckles. "Are you nervous?"

"A little but Jiyong cheered me earlier so I guess that should do the trick right?"

"Don't worry too much! We both know even if you presented some non-edible product there she would eat in a heartbeat, that's how much my daughter adores you." Jennie's dad smiles at Jisoo and gives her daughter's girlfriend an encouraging squeeze. "How long have you been together?"

"T-three years."

"Look at how the time flies by, back then you were just very awkward girls that turned into friends and then into something more... I remember how that rascal wouldn't let me sleep all because she could blabber about you."

Jisoo blushed as Mr. Kim went on with some sharing. "Thank you for allowing us to be together uncle, I know it's a pretty big deal for you since Jennie is your only child and you probably want-"

"You think things way too much..." He says. "Before her mother left us, all she ever wanted was for Jennie to be happy. And I as her dad would only want one thing; that is for her to be happy... I'm not looking for someone who can give his surname to my daughter and give me offspring. I'm looking for someone who's going to love her, understand her, and be there by her side when I no longer can... and I am so happy that Jennie introduced you as her girlfriend because I see what I am looking for in you."

Jisoo looked at the foods she had prepared and made sure that they tasted to perfection. She checked the lights, the music that was ready to be played on cue and of course, the wine which was, thankfully, fit for her taste now.

She checks herself in the mirror too, making sure that she is presentable for Jennie once her girlfriend arrives. Jisoo has probably heard a lot of times from the latter that Jennie would still think that she's the most beautiful person on Earth even looking like a zombie or just wearing a potato sack.

By the time Jisoo was done rehearsing, she could hear rapid footsteps approaching the main door of the treehouse. Doing some last-minute checking on herself, Jisoo held her breath, preparing to see her girlfriend's surprised reaction and the camera that she had placed on the side to record everything on this very special day.

"Dad call me when Jisoo arrives okay?!" Jisoo couldn't control the smile on her face as she could her Jennie reaching out for the doorknob. "Just call me! I am preparing something for her!"

And when the door opens, Jisoo screams her loudest cheer. "Surprise!!!"


"Jesus you really scared me out there," Jennie says before opening her mouth where Jisoo feeds her with the slice of steak. "Wow, this is some really good food."

"I'm glad you like it."

"You really took some time to learn all of this?" Jisoo nods her head. "Awe, look at you being the perfect girlfriend."

"No, you're the perfect girlfriend." Jennie smiles and takes another bite. "Happy three years my love."

"Now you're going all poetic with me."

"I'm not just going all poetic with you, I am also going-" Jisoo retrieves a red box from her bag and hands it over to the latter. "All romantic for the girl I love."

Jisoo hands her the box which she gladly accepts. The moment that her hands opened the box and saw the content, Jennie couldn't be more surprised. "Jisoo is this..."

"Remember when I accompanied my mother when she flew to London?" The girl with the heart-shaped lips shares. "I saw this when I was window shopping and I remembered you scanning this necklace online. I knew how Daises reminded you of your mother so I really want to be that person who brings you closer to her."

"Oh, Jisoo..." Jennie bites her lower lip, trying to fight the tears in her eyes. "Thank you..." She looks at her girlfriend in the eyes. "Thank you Jisoo."

"Is it really just thank or do I-" She wasn't even able to finish her sentence because Jennie jumped on top of her, engulfing her in a very tight hug. "There, there..." Jisoo chuckles.

"Wait, I also have a surprise for you."


"I know, I know, I should be saving up for college but- the part-time job that I have right now is giving me some good tips."

"They only give you huge tips to get your number." She rolls her eyes. "Or- they keep ordering and ordering just so to get your attention."

"You really don't trust my barista skills do you?"

"I do, your hot chocolate is so out of this world."

Jennie grins. "Wait here okay? And close your eyes."


"Alright." The brunette returns and sits in front of the latter. "Are you ready?"

"Is it going to make me cry too?"

Jennie looks at her anniversary gift. "I sure hope so... you've been wanting to have this too."

"Now I can't wait to see this."

"Alright in 3, 2, 1-"

"Oh my God Jennie!" Jisoo couldn't help but gasp as soon as she saw what Jennie was holding. She covered her mouth and gushed at the sight of the small Maltese dog that was sleeping in Jennie's arms. "Is... is this mine?"

"Well unless I have another girlfriend- ow, ow, ow!" Jennie hisses as Jisoo holds her by the ear. "You're going to wake him up."

"Give him to me." Jennie complies and hands her the baby boy which makes Jisoo so in love especially when he scoots closer to her. "He's so cute Jen..."

"I was looking over at Lisa's shop and her dad told me there were puppies up for adoption. I saw him wagging his tail at me and I knew he was the one for you."

"Does he have any names yet?"

"It's your dog Chu, I would want you to name him."

"Then, I would name him as my first stuffed toy." She smiles as she looks at the little fella. "Bandalgom."

"Hi, Dalgomie... you're home with your new mommy now."

"Mommies." Jisoo corrects and both of them share eye contact. "You're new mommies."

Jennie grins, letting out those chubby cheeks that seem too irresistible for Jisoo. "Happy third anniversary Chu."

"Happy third-anniversary Jendeuk." Slowly, both of them lean in towards each other and celebrate another milestone with a lingering kiss.

"What do you plan for us tonight? I heard you talking to Uncle that you've got something prepared for me."

"Since our son is fast asleep I was thinking maybe we could cuddle over some movies, I've prepared lots of genres that we can enjoy."

"Really..." Jennie swallowed the lump in her throat, it was always her weakness whenever Jisoo used that tone on her. "What genre would you like to watch first?"

"Uh... Maybe I was thinking that-"

"Or would you prefer live-action?"

"Jesus Jisoo..." She closes her eyes as she feels Jisoo's breath lingering on her neck. "You're going to be the death of me one day."

"Well then shall we-" Three knocks were heard making Jennie and Jisoo take a pause. "Uncle?"

"Miss Kim." Jiyong's voice says from the other side. "I'm sorry but I believe you're going to need to come home."


"Your parents are at home and they would like you to come home for dinner."

"O-okay, I'll be out in a sec."

"I'll see you at the gate."

When her bodyguard's footsteps disappear, Jisoo looks at Jennie apologetically. "Jennie I'm sorry-"

"Don't worry." Jennie tries her best to smile. "I understand."

"Still, I feel-"

"Jisoo, we can always celebrate on other dates." Holding Jisoo by the hand she gives it a gentle squeeze and gives her a quick forehead kiss. "Go, text me when you have arrived okay?"

"I will."

Jisoo kisses her on the lips and brings Dalgom with her. She looks at Jennie one more time taking a good look at her girlfriend before leaving, without knowing the fact that it will be the last time that she gets to see the latter freely.


Dinner inside the Kims was quite unusual for Jisoo. Usually, their dinners would involve talks, lots and lots of them since her parents just come home to another set of business meetings. Her father would ask her opinions on things that were discussed on his trips just like he used to do and then her mother would cut in between asking her dad to not pressure their daughter on such trivial matters.

But tonight, it was very awkward that Jisoo couldn't help but have a hunch that something bad was about to happen.

"So, how's school?"

"We just got our results for our Political exams and all of us passed." Jisoo shares.

"And did you get the highest?" Their daughter nods her head. "By how many points?"

"I think five."

"I think you can do better than five Jisoo don't you think so?"

"Honey, why don't we just acknowledge the fact that she got the highest score?" Mrs. Kim turns to their only child. "Jisoo, darling congratulations on getting the highest score, we're proud of you."

"Thanks, mom." Jisoo gives the latter a timid smile. "Don't worry Dad, I'll try harder the next time." She says with a forced smile. "Um, so how was-"

"Where were you?" Mr. Kim cuts her off.


"I called you multiple times today and you weren't answering. I even had to call Jiyong to ask about your whereabouts which he seems unsure to tell."

"Oh, I told him not to tell anyone."

"Anyone including me?" He asks, making Jisoo shift uncomfortably in her seat. "Where were you?"

"I was at a friend's house."

"Whose friend? Yujin? Soojin? Soojoo?"

"I... I was at Jennie's dad."

"Jennie? Jennie Kim?" Jisoo nods her head. "The daughter of the bookshop store?" She nods once more.

"You two seem to be very good friends dear." Her mother decides to intervene. "I'm happy that you're able to find a good friend in her."

"She's really nice and fun to be with too."

"Where does she study again?"

"Gwangjin National-"

"Oh, the foundation school donated by Soojoo's family right?" Jisoo was feeling uneasy with all these questions about Jennie. "It must be hard living as a daughter of a bookshop owner. Lucky for her, she has a friend like you right?"

"Honey, stop it."

"Dad, I told you lots of times, she's not like that. I've introduced you to her already right?"

"Yeah, but you introduced her as your friend." He stops cutting through his salmon and looks at her. "When were you going to introduce her as your girlfriend?"

At the sound of the last word, Jisoo drops her silver-plated knife which makes a loud, echoing sound throughout their dining hall. Her muscles were frozen and her heart was starting to move in a very uneven and disturbing movement. To make matters worse, she looks at her father who seems like he is taunting her to say anything further.

"Well?" Mr. Kim continues to salivate his food. "When?"


"What? Think we'd really let you roam around the streets of that neighborhood without leaving an eye on you?"

"Allow me to explain..."

"You know Jisoo, I know we're not the perfect parents I can say that. We missed some of your birthdays, milestones, and even school activities and maybe this caused some anger in your heart but don't you think this is going a bit too far?" Jisoo furrows her eyebrows, still trying to pinpoint what her father was implying. "Can you please stop the rebellion already?"


"Isn't what this is all about? Getting even with us?"

"What are you-" She stops for a second after realizing things. "Oh my God, you think that this is just for show?"

"Why? Don't tell me you're serious about her." He chuckles, waiting for her daughter to say something back. When Jisoo remained silent, that's when he changed his demeanor. "Are you trying to tell me that you've really fallen for that woman?"

Somehow her dad's inferiority irked her. "That woman has a name Dad. Her name's Jennie Kim and she's my girlfriend."

"For heaven's sake Jisoo!" He says as he spits out the fish in his mouth. "You've got to be kidding us!"

"Dad, Jennie is a good person and she really loves me-"

"Well, she does now because you're my child! You're a chaebol! Everyone loves someone who has a lot of money."

"Jennie isn't like that!"

"I don't care who she is!" Mr. Kim's voice roared throughout the entire household. "You will stop seeing this girl once and for all starting today. I am going to hire more bodyguards and from now on, there will be no gadgets and no means of technology. Whenever you hang out with your friends your bodyguards will be there beside you at all costs. Once the school ends you will come home immediately and attend your cram classes."

"But Dad!"

"You will not embarrass the family I try so hard to build Jisoo. You will not be the cause of my rejection for Congress!"

"Dad please just-"

"GO TO YOUR ROOM! IF YOU TRY TO DISOBEY ME JISOO, YOU WILL NOT LIKE IT. I know everything about Jennie Jisoo and I will not hesitate to do something bad to her if you try and disobey my orders."

Jisoo runs upstairs, up towards her room where she jumps on her queen-size bed, crying herself to sleep, wishing everything that just happened was just a complete nightmare.

But that wasn't the case as soon as she woke up the next morning.

By the time she got down the stairs, 4 new men were already waiting for her, greeting her with their stoic faces. "Good morning Miss Kim." Jiyong greets her. "These are the new addition to your protection team, and they will be under my guidance."

"Good morning Miss Kim!" All of them bowed down.

Jisoo could only scoff. "So last night was real huh."

Jiyong remains silent regarding her comment. "Miss Kim, your school starts in an hour. Shall we depart?"


"Chae! Over here!"

Chaeyoung looked over to her cousin who was hiding at the farthest part of the library. "Jisoo what the hell, what are you doing here and why are you whispering?"

"Shhh..." Jisoo drags her cousin to the corner. "Chaeyoung, I am going to need a huge favor to ask you."

"Why what happened?"

"Dad..." Jisoo bites her lower lip. "Dad found out."

"Holy shi-"

"I haven't talked to Jennie and knowing her I know she's going to be dead worried by now. So I'm going to need to meet up with her and tell her that Dad found out." She says. "He took my handphone, any type of gadget back home and whenever I am with someone else, I have five bodyguards surrounding me and he's making me even attend cram classes!"

"Okay, okay I think I can do that." Chaeyoung was quick to think of ways, that was one of the things Jisoo liked about her. "What time's your cram class?"

"Not in two hours."

"Two hours, perfect." She holds onto Jisoo's hand. "Come with me, let's grab some coffee."

Now with Chaeyoung tagging along, they stopped by the coffee shop where Jennie works part-time. As soon as the guards were about to join them, Chaeyoung used her sassy attitude and 'shhed' them up, making them wait in the car as she promised that it wouldn't take long and that they would be only taking a take-out order before Jisoo starts the cram lessons. The line was long, considering that they went there during rush hour when everybody needed coffee. Upon seeing Jennie serving drinks and smiling to the customers, Jisoo felt the tears coming from her eyes, it had only been a day since the last time that they were apart, but at times when Jisoo was so down and sad, it was only Jennie that could give her the sense of security and comfort more than anyone else could.

And today was no different.

"Stop fidgeting you're so obvious."

"I'm sorry, I just missed her so much."

"Whipped."Chaeyoung comments accompanied by an eye roll. "Listen as soon as we're next in line, act like you're in pain. Use that to enter the bathroom, wait there and I am going to get Jennie for you."

"How in the world are you going to do that?"

"Don't worry, I wasn't in theatre acting for nothing." She smirks. "All you need to do is to follow my instructions. You only have fifteen minutes to talk, use it properly."

Jisoo trusts her cousin with her own life so when they were already next in line, Jisoo acted like she was told to do so and Chaeyoung delivered a very believable act that allowed her to go to the bathroom. While Jisoo was walking toward the bathroom, her cousin intentionally bumped into the customer before her, creating a mess and catching everyone's attention. Jennie turned to her and a look of confusion was printed on the barista's face when she saw her girlfriend's cousin over there. Just as Jennie is about to approach her, Chaeyoung mouths the words 'bathroom', and the latter instantly gets the message after seeing two cars in the parking lot outside. She gives Chaeyoung a curt nod before using their kitchen door to proceed to the bathroom.


"Jen!" The elite daughter pulls her into a bone-crushing embrace. "I've missed you."

"Chu, what's wrong?" She asks before looking at her girlfriend's face. "Tell me, love."

"Something bad happened last night..."

"Is that why there were two black cars outside?"

"I don't have much time so I'm going straight to the point." She swallows the lump in her throat. "Dad found out about us."

Jennie's eyes spoke volumes to her. "He what?"

"Last night- he- he just approached me about it and he thought that it was just my way of rebellion towards their shitty parenting and I got mad and he got madder so we kind of exchanged words and then now he's putting me on hold."

"What do you mean by that?"

"He took my phone, he gave me more security and made me attend cram classes, I can't move on my own starting today Jen..." Worry was filled in Jisoo's every word.

"And what if you don't obey him?"

Jisoo swallows the lump in her throat and lets out a shaky breath. "He's going to come after you." The first thing she saw on Jennie's eyes was fear. "But don't worry! I won't give up on us, I promise. I'm not going to give you up okay Jen? We- we're going to figure something out."

"Fuck Chu!" She groans out of frustration.

"I'm sorry Jen, I'm sorry." Jisoo hugs the latter. "This is all my fault, I shouldn't have told him the truth."

"You can't disobey him."

Hearing that made the heart-shaped lips girl pull away from her. "No, I can't do that."

Jennie looks at her. "Didn't you hear what your father said?"

"I heard perfectly what he said what I don't get is why does it sound like you're giving up on me? On us?"

"Well, maybe that's because I am!"

"Jen..." Jisoo was out of words with what the latter had just said. "Y-y-you don't mean that... do you?"

"What if I do?"

"No." Jisoo was still being stubborn as she bites her lower lip with tears threatening to fall any second. "You don't mean that. You love me."

"But I love my dad too Chu... I'm the only one that he's got." Jennie begs to differ. "I can't fail him now."

"Jen don't; we'll figure something out okay? Just give me more time, I'm going to find a way somehow just-" She holds onto Jennie's wrist a little tight as she shakes her head. "Please, don't break up with me."

Jennie closes her eyes as she uses her other hand to push Jisoo's hold away from hers. "It's for the best."


Days passed ever since Jennie and Jisoo's last conversation and it was also the last day that Jisoo was in the right state of mind. Ever since that fateful day, Jisoo Kim was never the same anymore. Sure, she attended classes, passed some requirements, and still participated in some activities, she was also there whenever her friends invite her over for a simple hang-out or just chilling but the problem was she was just there. Simply existing and not even minding anything around her surroundings.

She lost some weight, there were some dark circles underneath her eyes and she barely speaks to anyone now. First, it caught the attention of her friends who tried to cheer her up but they all failed in the end. Next, it was the staff around the house who gave her all kinds of food and entertainment just to hear a word from her but still, all attempts have to lead to failure. Jiyong and even her own mom tried their luck too but they, too, did not receive anything from the latter who spends most of her time inside her room after the cram classes or even the weekends.

It was becoming an eyesore to Chaeyoung too because she saw Jisoo first-hand after the talk that happened between the two of them and she had patiently waited for her cousin to come around and return to her own life but when Jisoo declined her offer to go on a buffet, a habitual thing that she and Jisoo would do once a month, this is where she draws the line.

"One cappuccino!" The cashier says and hands the change to the customer. "Thank you for coming!"

"Hey, Jennie Kim, what do you think you're doing huh?" The manager stands beside his employee. "That's not cappuccino that flat white!"

"S-s-sorry sir."

"Get your head in the game! Do you think that order has no cost in our inventory? I've had enough of your fuck-ups! You're-"

"Jen! Thank you for complying with my order."Chaeyoung cuts in the talk. "I'm sorry for texting it to you, I knew it was rush hour."

She turns her attention to the manager, who looked like he was about to piss in his pants. "M-Miss Park." He immediately bows down to her. "Suc-su-such an honor to have you visit our coffee shop."

"My order please." The manager complies with the latter, handing the flat white drink to the girl with his shaking hands. "Oh and Jennie's off for today's shift."


"I said..." Chaeyoung smiles and gives the manager the amount of money that he has probably never seen in his life. "Jennie's is done with her shift."

After dragging the barista away from the coffee shop, she throws the drink outside and the two of them head out to one of the parks in the neighborhood. She looks at the latter, before releasing a huge sigh and then looks at the view in front of them. Chaeyoung decides not to speak at all and patiently waits for Jennie to come around which she does and mumbles a quick and almost inaudible 'thank you.'

"I didn't know that the zombie infection was already here in Seoul." She says, trying to spark some kind of conversation. "I'm pretty sure my father would be glad if I show you to him. He's all about keeping the city he breathes in a safer place. You'd be a good test subject."

"T-thank you," Jennie replies with a louder voice. "If it weren't for you, I probably would've been-"

"Fired?" The shorter woman nods. "Well that's the least I could do, after all, you broke up with my cousin just so you can keep making shitty drinks, having that shitty manager and working four hours in that shitty coffee shop that smells like a funeral home because of the mixed sweat of every human inside. Has your management ever heard the word 'proper ventilation'?"

"Chae?"The latter waits for Jennie to continue with her question. "How is she?"

"Well..." Chaeyoung sighs. "You can look at yourself in the mirror just a little whiter. Sorry, family over everything."

"I miss her."

"Well guess what idiot, she feels the same."

"But someone has to decide Chaeyoung right?" Jennie asks. "Someone has to think of the bigger picture."

"And what is the bigger picture?"

"That she and I were simply not meant to be."

"Oh don't give me that bullshit."

"It is for the best Chae, best for me, for Jisoo, and for everyone. By breaking up with her-"

"You saved your guys from a bigger heartbreak is that what you're trying to say?"

"Why? Am I not?"

"Of course you're not! Look at you!" She says. "You look like you can get casted in any horror movie and they wouldn't even bother putting make-up on you because you truly are a natural."

"This isn't easy for me okay?!"

"Why do you think it's easy for Jisoo too?!" Chaeyoung raises her voice, feeling a little competitive with the shorter woman beside her. "Do you think it was so easy for her to fight for something after being her parents' pet for so long? Jennie, I don't know if you have realized it but Jisoo is actually fighting for your relationship out there in the open field. She could've just denied the rumors and cut off ties with you, leaving you in the dark if she was thinking like you but no, she went against everything just so she could be there at the coffee shop with you and tell you that she was willing to fight for you if you were going to do the same..." She trails off. "But what did you do Jen? You left her all alone."

"Doing the best doesn't mean you're going to be happy. Doing the right thing doesn't guarantee that you're going to live a better life and doing things for the sake of your family doesn't guarantee you being happy too." The pink-haired girl counters. "You two are the most selfless people I have ever known to exist on this shitty planet. And that's a lot for me to say... Why can't you understand that you deserve to be happy too? You can be selfish too Jen."

Jennie looks at the latter with disbelief. "You've completely lost your mind."

"No Jennie, you have completely lost your mind." Chaeyoung spats. "Who are you to give up? Do you really think that if you are going to choose Jisoo you would really lose your dad? Do you think that Jisoo would really let you lose another parent? Think Jennie! Think!" The latter rants out. "Would Jisoo really allow you to go through that pain all over again?"


"EXACTLY!" She spats. "Jisoo would never do that to you because-"

"She loves me."

Chaeyoung claps her hands together. "See? That wasn't so bad right!?"

"Why are you helping us, Chae? Shouldn't you be the one who's supposed to tell us that we did the right thing?"

"How can I tell you guys that when I clearly did the same thing years ago!?"Chaeyoung huffs. "Look at me Jennie, do you even see any amount of pure happiness in my eyes?"

"Sure I made my parents happy but can you see me feeling the same?" She takes a short pause, remembering a pair of painful events that flashed before her. "There are days that I wonder what would've happened to us if I only fought harder for us... If I wasn't so scared to lose my status back then, maybe I would've been happy, I may not have all the money in the world but at least I have her... Up until now, I still wonder what kind of life I had if I had chosen differently back then, and that's probably the most painful thing I would have to go through for the rest of my life..." Chaeyoung looks down, not letting Jennie see the tears in her eyes. "Not knowing what could've happened and be left alone with imaginations inside my head."

"So if I cannot have my happy ending, then I would do everything in my ability to make sure Jisoo does." Chaeyoung looks at her. "Jisoo has been giving happiness to everyone else except herself, that she forgets that she too, deserves some happiness in her life."

The evening falls and once again Jisoo finds herself hugging herself to sleep with a piece of Lo-Fi music playing in the background. She tries rolling around on that big bed of hers and she had already probably counted tons of sheep but nothing ever seems to do the trick. This has been her routine every night, forcing herself to sleep, only to wake up in the wee hours in the morning to cry as she remembers all the bittersweet memories she shared with Jennie until the very day that the love of her life chose to cut ties and break-up with her just like that.

She wanted to understand where Jennie was coming from because if they switched places, she too would've done the same thing that Jennie has done. But there was a part of her, a very big part of her that wanted to be mad at the latter. How dare she throw everything away that quick? How it was so easy for Jennie to say those words and push her away like everything about them never happened... Like they never happened.

Jisoo shuts those repetitive thoughts away and forces herself to snooze off when she hears a sound coming from the outside. She ignores it though, thinking it was just something coincidental but then she hears it the second time, a bit louder this time making her turn around and look at her veranda. She looked at the glass door, waiting for that sound to be heard again. When she hears it for the third time, she stands up, grabs her robe, and walks out to check if it was some sort of prank that the children were playing.

But when she looks down, she never would've expected to see Jennie Kim, with Jiyong standing beside her.


"What are you doing here?" Jisoo says after helping Jennie climb up the veranda. "Why didn't you use the main entrance?"

"Jiyong told me that his fellow guards were still awake. They're just taking a short coffee break." She chuckles. "I would've acted as one of your guards but you see I am not fitting for the role."

"Jennie, why are you here? I thought you made things between us clear last time."

"About that..." Jennie bites her lower lip as she tries to compose a proper, well-deserved apology message for Jisoo. "Jisoo I was wrong."

"I was wrong about a lot of things that day." She admits. "I'm sorry for not hugging you tighter, I'm sorry for panicking, and I am sorry for saying words out of fear... but most of all, I am sorry for breaking up with you that day. I thought by doing that, I was able to save all of us from the dilemma, thought that if we broke up, we would be happy because by doing so, it would make your parents happy and I would keep my dad safe away from your father's wrath."

"But then I realized that if dad knew what I am going through right now, I'm pretty sure he would've scolded me because to him, you've always been his ideal type for me. He would tell me that I am a coward for giving up someone who's worth fighting for, and I would never hear the end of it." She chuckles. "If my mom was here, I'm pretty sure she would've been louder than my dad that she would haunt me even if I hide in the treehouse. With all the mischief that's been going on with me lately, I know for sure it's her way of scolding me for my stupid decisions."

"Yeah, you are pretty stupid."

"I know." Jennie turns to her. "But you'd forgive me right?"

"I..." Jisoo looks away. "I don't know."

"I know I messed up big time and probably it's going to take a while before I gain your trust back, but I am willing to do whatever it takes just so I can be with you again Jisoo." Holding onto Jisoo's hand she presses her cheek, savoring the mixture of warmth and coldness of her lover's hand. "I'm ready to fight for us now."

"You promise you would never leave me?"

"I promise."

"Until death?"

Jennie smiles as she fixes Jisoo's hair and trails her fingers off of her physical features. "Until my very last breath love... I would die for you Jisoo."

"I would die for you too Jennie."

And that's all it took for Jennie to be back at Jisoo's good graces and for Jisoo to surrender everything she has, all in the name of their love.


"So what are we going to do now?" Jisoo asks as soon they calmed down from the high of a night spent together underneath the sheets. "We can't keep hiding forever."

"I know we can't." Jennie faces her girlfriend. "Jisoo, this is going to be a very, a really long shot. But this is all the plan I've got."

"Let me hear it."

"Let's run away."


"You heard me," Jennie says. "I know it's a crazy plan but we can't keep hiding forever. Even if we decide to continue it now, your father will soon find out and he's going to pull us apart and I don't want that. He might come up with an arranged marriage and I know that's drastic but-"

"It's my dad, nothing is impossible with him." The latter says. "Okay, say if we do runaway. Where would we go? My dad knows everyone in this country."

"I'm thinking of New Zealand."

Jisoo looks at her girlfriend like she grew two heads. "New Zealand?"

Jennie nods her head. "I remember we have a family friend there. She was pretty close to my mom and she told me that whenever I needed help."

"What about your dad?"

"I'll leave a letter, tell him to go off the radar for a while. Maybe recommend him to go to Jeju for a while, he's been aching to live an island life."

"How are we even going to get there?"

"We're going to head to Busan. From there, we're going to take a ferry to Singapore and then we'll take a plane to New Zealand." Jennie says. "It's going to be tough and we'll probably run out of money but we can stay in Singapore for a few days-"

"I have savings." Jisoo walks towards her closet and opens her safe. "Do you think it'll be enough?"

Jennie was shocked to see the amount. "I think that's more than enough."

"When are we going to do it?"

"Does your father have any kind of business meeting? One that he must attend overseas?"

"He's going to New York this 12th."

"Then Thursday it is." Jennie smiles. "Let's meet up by the river bank, until then no suspicious doings okay? Let me take care of everything. All you have to do is to be certain that this is what you want."

With a smile, Jisoo welcomes Jennie's forehead kiss. "I want this Jennie, more than anything."

Over the week Jennie and Jisoo have been communicating through Chaeyoung's spare phone or through hand-written letters that were usually delivered by Jiyong. They kept each other updated with the process of eloping and it was safe to say that everything was indeed ready. The bus tickets, the ferry, and even the plane tickets were already secured by Jennie. The only thing that Jisoo worries about now is how she is going to successfully leave the house without getting caught. Sure she knows that Jiyong has been her body since she learned how to walk but it wasn't a complete guarantee that he was on her side. His salary is still being funded by her father after all.

Though her friends were relieved to finally have her back, like the normal, fully-functioning Jisoo, they still felt that she was going through something and while her friends knew how to respect privacy, doesn't mean that they were just going to sit there and wait for Jisoo to open up her problems. So when classes ended on a Wednesday, Soojin offered for all of them to relax and enjoy an afternoon tea back at her home. The ladies tried their best to entertain Jisoo, hoping that it would get her mind off of things, though responsive, they still could feel that something was bothering her. So while Jisoo was out for a quick bathroom break, the three of them shared a look, knowing that it was for them to find out what was going on with Jisoo's head.

"What did I miss?" Jisoo asks her friends as soon as she returns from the bathroom.

"Can you excuse us for a moment please?" Yujin told Jisoo's bodyguards. "We have an important matter to discuss."

"I'm sorry but Mr. Kim specifically told us to not leave his daughter."

"She's in my household what are you talking about?" Soojin snaps. "Do you think my house is not safe?"

"It's not like that-"

"Then leave." Soojoo glares at them. "This talk will not last more than an hour."

When the guards have left them all alone, Soojin presses a button from her seat causing curtains to fall down and cover the entire greenhouse and even activated the sound-proof system, making Jisoo totally confused. "What's going on?"

"Something is bothering you."

Jisoo furrows her eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

"Soo, you don't have to hide it, we know you're going through something."

"Is this about Jennie and your break-up again?"

"No, no, no." Jisoo sighs. "It's not about that."

"Well then can you tell us? We're your friends..."

"It's better if you don't know anything."

"You have to tell us, you haven't been yourself these past few days and now you're being secretive. What the hell is going on with you?" Yujin says out of frustration.

Jisoo bites her lower lip and decides to remain firm. "I'm sorry, but I can't tell you now."

"Is this about your plan of running away?" All heads turned to Soojoo but her eyes were fixated on her best friend, who looked like a deer who was looking straight in the headlights of a car. "Surprise?"

"How did you...?"

"You're a Chaebol and you use a 2017 released phone? A bit sketchy don't you think?"

The latter mentally curses herself for leaving her spare phone unlocked. "What phone? What running away? I don't understand." Soojin says and then looks at Jisoo. "Are you going to leave us?"



"I mean no, I mean yes! In a way, but not for long... just a few years."

"Jisoo, what on Earth are you talking about?"

"It's a long story..."

"Well then make it short!" Yujin was demanding now as well. "Soojoo say something!"

Soojoo looks at her. "Just tell them, Soo. They'll understand."

"My dad found out about my relationship with Jennie." She starts. "When I told Jennie about the news, she broke things off with me and it left me devastated, hence why I was acting like a zombie these past few days but one night she came into my home, with Jiyong's help and we talked."

"You guys got back together?" Jisoo nods her head.

"We both figured that even if we got back together sooner or later dad will catch up with us and maybe he'll do something far worse than the ones he threatened me with so Jennie suggested that it was best if we would run away."

"Runaway like- eloping together is that what you're trying to say?"

"In a way, yes."

"Where are you guys headed off to?"

"New Zealand."

"Heol... that's pretty far."

"The farther away I am from my family, the better." Jisoo looks at her reflection within the teacup. "We've already planned everything and it's good to go. The only problem left is how I am going to push through by the guards. I can't even breathe without them guarding my every move."

"What if we distract them? Like maybe flirt with them or something while Jisoo gets away?"

"Ew, like in hell I'd try to flirt with them. Have you seen the age difference?"

"Well, what do you suggest then?"

"Maybe we can go shopping? There's no way they'd follow Jisoo in the ladies' changing room right? Plus we could head somewhere very feminine. Like a lingerie shop or something, bet that would probably give us some distance right?"

"Even so, that wouldn't be enough time for Jisoo to leave. We would have an hour, probably an hour and a half to distract them if Yujin still plans to seduce them."


"Jisoo can leave the mall but by the time they cross to Busan, police will be searching for them and they still will get caught," Soojin recommends. "What about going on an all-day spa? Like in the woodlands or something?"

"Aha! I know!" Soojoo claps her hands. "Yujin, we could go to that spa house you've been talking about in the highlands remember?"

"Oh yeah! There's a recent spa therapy center there that serves as a boutique too. It's a good spot!"

"I know right? It's right around finals week too so we can tell Jisoo's dad that we have to unwind before hell week starts. It's a believable lie." Yujin says.

"And the location is nearby Busan too, Jennie and Jisoo wouldn't have to worry so much about driving."

"What if we can provide some private boat for them to avail? In that way, whenever they're at the port they're immediately free to go. Somewhere between 40 knots? The faster they arrive at Singapore the better."

"Wait, hold on, what are you guys doing?" Jisoo asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"Isn't it obvious? We're helping you out!"

"Wha- but why?"

"What do you mean why? Friends are supposed to help one another right?"

"I know but-"

"That's exactly what we're doing," Yujin says. "You really think that we're going to let you go through this all alone?"

"Yeah Soo, we're friends and that means helping one another in times of need and you need ours right now."

"But what if dad will get mad at you? Our families' will break apart."

"If that happens then he can kiss his congress seat goodbye." Soojin smirks. "Just because he's a powerful man doesn't mean he doesn't need our families' help."

"Your father is a smart man Jisoo, the last thing he would probably do is go against us. So don't worry too much and just let us handle this."

Jisoo looks at them, feeling so overwhelmed by the amount of support and love that they have shown. "You guys..."

Seeing their friend on the brink of tears, the three of them hovered over Jisoo, giving her tight hugs. "Don't cry! You're going to make us cry too!"

"And you know how disgusting it is whenever Yujin cries!"

"Hey! What do you mean by that huh Soojin!?"

"It means whenever you cry it makes me want to puke!"

"I'm gonna kill you!"


"Come back here!

While Soojin and Yujin were busy chasing after each other's necks, Soojoo looks at Jisoo, who was laughing with their friends' antic. "Jisoo?"


"Be happy okay?" Soojoo smiles. "It looks good on you."


"I got a call from Yujin's dad." Mr. Kim says over their dinner. "He told me that Yujin was asking for my permission if you could tag along with their little de-stressing tomorrow before exams."

"She invited me earlier when we were having afternoon tea. I told her I wasn't sure if you were going to let me go."

"Why would you think of that?"

"I still have cram classes to attend for tomorrow and with what I have done-"

"And where is this?"

"Up in the highlands, she told me that it was a newly-opened boutique hotel that offers great therapeutic massages."

"And who will be joining you?"

"Just the four of us.The usual."Jisoo's dad nods, for he knows his daughter's set of friends.

"What time will you leave tomorrow?"

"Around in the evening so we would arrive there early morning. Yujin says it was best to start their set of activities around six o'clock in the morning but with the girls, I doubt we'd be able to wake up that early."

"If she invited you for a little de-stressing then I guess that's okay."

"R-really? You'd let me join them?"

"Yujin's family is a very close friend of ours... They're a family of Lawyers for four generations now and soon she will take part of that being the fifth generation. The last thing I want to make the thing is I am that over-protective father who doubts everything that her daughter does. I need their support in the incoming elections." He says. "I'll be flying to New York tomorrow for another set of meetings so I won't be able to drop you off myself."

"It's okay; I'll have the bodyguards with me anyway."

"Okay. You girls take care over there."

The next day, Jisoo receives a message from Jennie that she too was overwhelmed with the help that her friends provided for them and told Jisoo to give them all one big hug in behalf of her. After typing a quick text to her girlfriend, she looks on her bed where she had placed her clothes. A dress, three shirts, and a pair of faded jeans. Out of all the clothes, shoes and other things that could be found in her closet, all that she was left with were the ones that she has on her bed. She heaves out a huge exhale and proceeded with her packing, preparing herself for this has got to be the biggest day of her life so far.

Zipping her huge backpack she gives her bedroom a lingering look. From her calming peach-colored wallpaper to her comforting bed sheet, her study table and all the memories she had with her parents inside this room. It wasn't much, but it was enough for her to be sad about it.

But there was no turning back now...

"Mrs. Lee I'm off!" She screams at the head servant of the household when-

"Honey?"Jisoo stops in her tracks as soon as she hears the voice of her mother. "You're leaving already?"

"Uh, yeah." Her body becomes stiff as Mrs. Kim makes her way towards her.

"That's such a huge bag for an overnight stay."

"W-well, you know the girls. We tend to play dress up and do all stupid stuff." She dryly chuckles.

"That's true, I remember back in the days when you were just a small kid, the four of you would normally cause a ruckus during dinner events by playing and giggling, sharing stories underneath the banquet table." Mrs. Kim answers with a smile. "You were just a small girl back then but look at you now..." She looks at her daughter with watery eyes. "Come here you."

Jisoo was confused about why her mother was hugging her so tight. "Mom?"

"Shhh, just- just let me hug you okay?" After a few seconds more, Mrs. Kim lets go and cups Jisoo's cheeks. "Take care okay?"

"Is there something wrong?"

The other just shakes her head. "I guess I'm just a little emotional because I was looking through your old pictures."

"Stop looking at them, you're going to realize I'm not your daughter."

Her mother chuckles and pulls her in for another hug. "Whatever happens, you will always be my daughter Jisoo."

"What are you-"

"Go." She pats Jisoo's butt. "Your friends are waiting for you."

Somehow, she could tell that there was something that her mother wasn't telling her but she has no time left to think about it because she has a bigger task at hand."Goodbye mom."

"Goodbye, honey."

Jisoo meets up with her friends at a parking lot where they all went inside in one car heading towards the highlands. It was in the upper part of the city where most parts of the place were either a trekking track or a park. When they have arrived at the place, Jisoo noticed how private the place was, and now she was worried about how could she successfully escape this place when you can even hear your own breathing and the next house is probably miles away.

"Okay, so can we go through the plan again?" Yujin asks as soon as they arrived at their room after having dinner. "First, we go through the sauna."

"You and Jisoo will first go to the sauna. Soojoo and I will stay behind while we grab Jisoo's bag and hang them over the emergency exit."

"We'll go after you guys after we finish that. By then the guards would probably be at the Sauna area and once all of us are inside, we're going to stay for three minutes until Soojoo will complain about something and request them to do it for us."

"When they're gone, you will leave the place and grab your things and leave. Use the back door."

"Okay." Soojoo nods at the girls. "Let's do this."


After thirty minutes of preparation, they started the plan with Yujin and Jisoo wearing their bathrobes head towards the Sauna with Jisoo's guards following them. When the coast was clear, Soojoo and Soojin placed all of Jisoo's belongings on the emergency exit of the establishment before changing onto their robes and head off to the Sauna with the guards standing by on the main door of the Sauna area and the other two outside of the room where they will be in.

"What the hell?" Soojoo curses as soon as they were all inside. "Who are those additional guards waiting at the entrance? I thought you were just going to bring three Jisoo?"

"I thought the same thing too!"

"It's probably your father's working."

Jisoo groans. "I hate him!"

"Wait, wait, wait, we can still make this work."

"Soojin you take care of the guards waiting for us outside. Yujin, you take care of the guards on the entrance."


"Soojin you go first." The latter nods her head and starts to make conversations with the guards outside with her annoying voice.

"It's so hot in here, I wish someone could give me some refreshment... I'm so wet!" The three of them cringed hearing those kinds of words from their friend. "Really? You would do that for me? Thank you! Tell you what, why don't you drag this little handsome guy with you as well so you could buy drinks for me and my friends. Buy for yours as well and just charge it onto our room. Yes! Yes! Choose anything you like! Alright! See you!" Right when Soojin gives the go signal, Yujin walks out of the room and starts her own assignment as well.

Seconds later, Yujin comes rushing back to them. "Coast is clear!"

"Okay Jisoo, now."

She hugged the three of her friends all at once. "I owe you guys big time."

"Thank us later when you send each of us a postcard of New Zealand!" Yujin smiles.

"Take care Chu okay?" Soojin says through the tears. "We'll visit you one day."

"Promise?" Both Yujin and Soojin nod their heads, making Jisoo smile. "I'll miss you crackheads." This time she turns to Soojoo who has been fighting the tears in her eyes. They share a brief eye contact before Jisoo pulls her for a hug. "Thank you... for everything."

Soojoo says nothing and just returns the amount of hug that Jisoo was giving her. "Remember what I said Chu. That's all I want from you." Pulling away she pinches her best friend's cheeks. "Go."

Though she wasn't very athletic, Jisoo managed to leave the Sauna room without being noticed by the guards. Instead of using the elevator, Jisoo took the stairs and stride through the ground level where she took off her bathrobe, revealing her in a different set of clothes. Opening the door a little bit, she surveys her surroundings to make sure that there was no inch of her father's staff lurking in.

When the coast was clear she exits the place and head over to the garden with her breath lightly fogging her vision because of the cold. After making it pass through the garden, she sees her backpack dangling nearby and so she doesn't waste any time grabbing the said item and starts to make her way towards the main entrance when she stops in her tracks, seeing one bodyguard who looked like he came from a smoking break. She was slowly backing away because there were only two of them and for sure if she makes any unnecessary movement he would notice her.

Backing away with a few steps, she was trying her best not to get caught. But when she saw that he was going to look this way, she holds her breath and tries to think of another exit plan when a pair of strong arms pull her away from the scene, leaving the bodyguard seeing no one the moment he turns to look at Jisoo's stance a while ago. Jisoo was panicking inside who was this man, (as she assumed him to be) that saved him in some way. 

But she doesn't want to be complacent so she tries to remember a thing or two she learned from Jiyong about self-defense so she stomps on the man's foot real hard and bites down on his hand that was holding her still. The man lets out an antagonizing screech, only to find out that the man was holding him was the same individual who taught him how to.

"Jiyong?"Jisoo whispers through the cold. "What are you doing here I thought you were on a day off?"

"What do you think I'm doing here?"

"No, please don't return me to the hotel."


"Please." Jisoo rubbed her hands against one another like she was on his plead. "I have to go. Jennie is waiting for me."

"Jisoo." He holds her on both sides of her shoulders. "I am here to help you leave here."

Now it was Jisoo's turn to say- "What?"

Jiyong looks at their surroundings. "Come with me, we don't have much time. They'll figure out sooner that you're not there with your friends."

She allowed Jiyong to drag her to the back part of the place, where a black car was parked. It wasn't her family's type of car that they would own. Jiyong pressed the button and made her get inside before he took the seat in the driver's and left the place using the back door. Once they were in the main street, Jisoo started asking questions.

"Where are you taking me?"

"I'm taking you to the place where you and Jennie are supposed to meet."

"But why? I mean, how did you know?"

"Miss Kim, I think I have been with you long enough to know how your mind works." He answers with a smug. "And besides whenever you and your friends have overnight events you would usually pack light because you didn't find the sense of packing big since you're only going to be away from home one day."

"How long did you know?"

"The moment Jennie asked for my help to talk to you."

"Why didn't you say anything to me?"

"I was simply waiting for you to ask me, Miss Kim, I don't ask the questions here."

"Dad is going to be mad at you when he finds out."

"I will handle the talk with your father. What matters most is that you meet with Jennie right now."



"Jen!" Both girls melted at the hug.

"I was so worried about you." Jennie's voice was muffled as she stayed firm at the crook of Jisoo's neck. "I thought you weren't going to make it."

"I have the assistance of three of the most amazing women in the world. It would be impossible for me not to escape."

"Now I am just seriously offended." Hearing a familiar voice, Jisoo pulled away and was surprised to see Chaeyoung leaning onto the car. "Hi, cousin."

"Chae... wha- how-"

"You really didn't expect I'd let you off without letting you say goodbye to me personally right?" She smirks. "I picked up your girlfriend after she left a letter to her sleeping dad."

Jisoo looks at her girlfriend with guilt. "It's okay, he'll understand. If your dad comes after him, they'll find the letter and realize that he knows nothing about our plan. I didn't leave any details in my letter, just a simple goodbye and a promise to see him soon."

"Here." Chaeyoung hands the keys to her car. "You have a new pair of clothes located in the backseat."

"What is this?"

"Duh?Your getaway car doofus. You can't be seen in the same car used in leaving the spa." Chaeyoung states the obvious.

"Is this yours?"

"No." Her cousin responds. "It's from your mom."

"My... mom?"


"Shhh, just- just let me hug you okay?" After a few seconds more, Mrs. Kim lets go and cups Jisoo's cheeks. "Take care okay?"

"Is there something wrong?"

The other just shakes her head. "I guess I'm just a little emotional because I was looking through your old pictures."

"Stop looking at them, you're going to realize I'm not your daughter."

Her mother chuckles and pulls her in for another hug. "Whatever happens, you will always be my daughter Jisoo."

"What are you-"

"Go." She pats Jisoo's butt. "Your friends are waiting for you."

"Goodbye, Mom."

"Goodbye, honey."

"She also asked me to give this to you." Chaeyoung hands her an envelope. "It'll be best if you read it on the road." She instructs. "From the trunk, you'll find two bags of clothes and some spare cash."

Their talk was cut short when Jiyong's phone rang. All of them look at him, and the name MR. KANG was enough for them to know that the guards back at the spa had finally caught up with them. "Hello, Mr. Kang."

As Jiyong was trying to buy them some time while talking to the head of security, Chaeyoung pushed Jennie and Jisoo into the car. "Don't forget to change your clothes Jisoo and don't over-speed Jennie because cops will catch up to you and it'll be the end game. From here it only takes thirty minutes away to Busan so make sure you head to the port immediately. Your ferry leaves in an hour so make sure that you arrive before that."

"Thanks, Chae." Jennie hugs her. "Thank you for helping us."

"Hey Jennie, just because I have known you personally doesn't mean I am going to let you off the hook. I'm still going to watch your moves, you minion. If you hurt Jisoo, I will hurt you three times more do we have a deal?" Jennie nods her head eagerly with a smile.

"I just got a call to report to the spa center. You guys have to go." Jiyong cuts their conversation off.

"Chop chop lesbians! Go!" Jisoo jumps into her cousin's embrace. "Stop being a crybaby."

"I'm sorry..." Jisoo keeps crying in her arms. "I'm sorry for leaving you behind."

"Hey, hey, hey. You're not leaving me behind Jisoo. You're going your path and you owe it to yourself to walk down the road with the person that you were meant to be with." Chaeyoung pulls away and kisses her on the forehead. "I'll bring Dalgom the next time we visit okay?"

"Take care of him for me?"

"Always babe." She smiles. "Now go." Jennie and Jisoo got inside the car and zoomed off, leaving Chaeyoung and Jiyong behind until the car could no longer be seen with the use of their eyes.

"Do you have your acting skills ready?"

Chaeyoung smirks. "My mother forced me into acting school for five years when I told her I've always wanted to sing." She looks at Jisoo's bodyguard. "Now I am going to give her a taste of her own medicine."

That somehow comforted Jiyong. "Come on, we need to head back now."

Meanwhile, inside the car, Jennie and Jisoo decided not to talk to one another just yet so that Jennie could focus on her driving and not panic while she stripped herself from her old clothing and wore what Chaeyoung had prepared for her in the backseat. After successfully changing her clothes, she threw her old ones out in the open before picking up the envelope that Chaeyoung had given earlier.

Dear Jisoo,

I know what you're up to... you're going to run away right?

You're going to leave us behind including your friends, Chaeyoung, Jiyong, and all the great plans that we have for you to be with Jennie.

If you think that this letter is to make you feel guilty because of what you are about to do, then allow me to stop you right there because I am not. This letter is not to stop you from leaving; this letter is about me letting you go.

All this time, I know that I am not the mother that you deserve to have. I am weak because I can't even protect my daughter from her father's expectations. I cannot even comfort you nor be there for you when you need me because I need to be by his side. I can't even talk to you for five minutes without having my phone blowing up, demanding my presence from different organizations and events. I have failed you as a mother and as a role model and for that, I apologize.

I wish I could be like you Jisoo... I wish I could be as strong as you are, I wish I could do what I want in my life and I wish I could be as happy as you are right now... but seeing you go with the love of your life makes me content and happy in a way, because I know Jennie is going to take care of you far better than I did.

Someday, when you have a family of your own or are successful in the career that you always wanted to take, I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me, for all the things I wouldn't be able to do for you when you were by our side. I'm sorry Jisoo, I am.

And in case you didn't know, I love you with every bit of my existence.

Be happy Jisoo... that's all a mother could ask for after all.

With Love,


Jisoo presses the letter to her chest as she closes her eyes. Tears freely fall from her while she is holding onto the letter like her life is dependent on it. Soon the cries were replaced with whimpers and now she was sobbing her heart out as her mother's words reflected on her head. As Jisoo cries her heart out, Jennie sneaks her hand and holds onto Jisoo's, giving it a gentle squeeze as a way of comforting her.

Once Jisoo opened her eyes and saw the welcome signage of Busan, one thing came to her mind.

She was going to make sure that she was going to be happy.


"Are you ready?"


"Okay." Jennie closes the trunk of the car. "Let's go."

Hand in hand Jennie and Jisoo walked towards the entrance of Busan Port with their bags following suit. They immediately headed towards the ticketing area where they secured their passes and checked in their luggage; both of them shared a light dinner and just waited for the boarding time of their trip. 

Jennie and Jisoo took turns sleeping just making sure that one of them was able to hear the boarding announcement of their ferry. Jisoo was the one awake this time with only fifteen minutes left and they will finally be able to leave this place when Jennie starts to whine uncomfortably.

"Hey, is there something wrong?"

"I... I don't feel so well." Jennie says with closed eyes.

"Why? Do you have any stomach pain?" The latter nods her head. "I told you not to order so many dumplings earlier."

"That's because I know they won't be having any dumplings once we go on board and we'll be in that ferry for three days so might as well be prepared."

"You and your lame reasoning..." Jisoo shakes her head and looks around for the nearest pharmacy. "Look, there's a nearby pharmacy just right outside."

"And you're going to leave me here all alone?"

"I know how you are whenever you're sick. You're grumpy and slow."

"You forgot clingy too." The older girl gives her a reprimanding look, one that she dismisses right away. "I promise I won't be grumpy and all, I'll patiently wait."

"I highly doubt that."

"Just think of this as your training ground."

"My training ground for what exactly?"

"Hmmm... training in becoming my wife?" Jennie greasily says. "Ah!!!! That was way too cringy."

"I'm glad you noticed." Jisoo comments. "Come on, let's go. We have to leave soon so let's make this quick okay?"

Jennie links her arms with Jisoo as they cross the street towards the small pharmacy upfront. She looks at the different over-the-counter medicines for upset stomachs and other things she thinks they both might need in this 3-day trip to Singapore. Once settled in, Jisoo pays for it at the counter and leaves with her girlfriend wrapping both of her arms around her similar to how a person would hug another sideways. 

Jisoo stops and stares at Jennie's face, knowing for a fact that she is going to be a grumpy minion at any second now. It made her imagine all the future scenarios in her head, like how domestic it would be when Jennie calls for her in the future, asking her to buy some medicines when she comes home from work or school.

"You idiot, why are you smiling?" Jennie cuts her train of thought. "Are you having fun seeing your girlfriend be in pain?"

"Silly, of course, I didn't think about that."

"Well, then what are you thinking about?"

"Where's the fun in telling you?" She grins. "Here, take this."

"This is a lot of medicine, you sure you don't want to kill me on the spot?"

"Excuse me this is for your upset stomach and this one is for your motion sickness."

"Can't I take them all later so that I can get some rest?"

"You have to take them both now and then take rest later..."

"Passengers bound for Singapore, please proceed to gate 8. Passengers bound for Singapore, please proceed to gate 8."

"Hurry up and drink it already. They're already calling for us."

"Eesh, fine." Jennie takes everything and makes a face of disgust when she tastes her medicines. "This is fucking disgusting!"

"It's good for you anyway. Come on, let's cross the street." Jisoo says but then as soon as she crosses, Jennie stops and bends down to fix her shoelaces.

"Just as when I have an upset stomach, you decide to loosen yourself up. Fucking convenient don't you think so huh?"

"Stop scolding your shoelaces or else they will keep you annoyed."

"I don't have much choice since they're the only pair of shoes I've got." She grumbled as she was done on the left shoe. "When you become a doctor, buy me lots and lots of pairs of shoes. I want different colors with different designs."

"Call, as long as you pay for my tuition fee then."

"You're smart, you can apply for a scholarship."

"You're hard-working, surely you can find ways." She chuckles and extends her hand out. "Hurry up, Jendeuk. We have a new life to chase."

Jennie stands up and smiles at her. "A new life huh, I like that."

But even before they can begin their new chapter together, it seems like fate has other plans.

Suddenly there was a loud screech followed by serious beeping horns of a car from a distance not too far from them. Both Jennie and Jisoo turned their heads around and saw a raging truck heading their way, with the driver screaming-



Jisoo looks at Jennie who is frozen in her spot as the speeding car goes in her direction. At that moment everything turned slow motion, so slow that Jisoo could feel her rapid heart beating, banging itself against her ribcage. 

With every ounce of strength in her body, she launches herself forward at a speed that she probably has never done in her life and pushes Jennie away from the vehicle, having to sacrifice her own just so she can keep her girlfriend safe.

Like a paper thrown in the wind, Jisoo's body collided with the front part of the SUV, changing the car's direction and slamming itself on one of the light posts, making the car into a complete stop. As soon as she recovers from the force, Jennie immediately looks around the scene and sees Jisoo's non-moving body. 

She immediately rushes to the latter's side, and once she sees blood coming out of her girlfriend's head covering the white snow with red blood, she falls to her knees with tears in her eyes. She holds onto Jisoo's hand, and with eyes closed, Jennie screams-



The sound of the ambulance woke the entire division of the emergency unit of Busan Hospital and brought everyone in their A-game. As the double doors opened, staff from the ambulance came in with a girl, whimpering in tears as she held onto the girl who was footsteps away from death. 

On their way there they were immediately assisted by three medical personnel who were followed by a doctor, asking various questions to his staff.

"Check the eyes. Is she responsive to the light?"

"Jisoo..." Jennie softly whispers to her lover who is unresponsive to any form of touch. "Jisoo wake up."


"Jisoo please." She holds on tightly to her. "Don't give up."

"Check the other vital signs."

"I can't lose you..." Jennie closes her eyes as more tears fall. "I can't lose you now Jisoo."

"Pulse is still here but she's losing a lot of blood."

"Let's head to the operating room."

"Miss, I'm going to have to stop you right here." One of the nurses says. "Authorized personnel only."

"Please mister..." Jennie bites her lower lip. "Please save her."

"We'll do the best that we can." The glass door shuts and leaves Jennie all alone in the corridor of the operation hall all by herself. Her body was still in shock at what happened.

It all happened too fast.

One moment she and Jisoo were laughing and talking about a new life that they both would have and then the next she was holding onto her girlfriend inside the ambulance, crying her heart out with a great fear inside her that this would be the last time she gets to see Jisoo's smile.

 With shaky hands, Jennie covers her face with blood-covered hands while her body gives in to the exhaustion that she has been feeling. She tries to focus on the good things and thinks of how much of a fighter Jisoo was, and how she wasn't going to let death take her away just like that.

"You promise you would never leave me?"

"I promise."

"Until death?"

"Until my very last breath love... I would die for you Jisoo."

"I would die for you too Jennie."


Jisoo can't die.

She can't.

She really can't.

"JENNIE!" She looked up and saw Chaeyoung's rushing over her. "Oh my God Jen!"

She bursts into tears and Chaeyoung holds her in her arms. "Jisoo... Jisoo is..."

"Calm down Jen."

"It's all my fault..." She cries. "It's all my fault."

"Don't blame yourself, I'm sure there's-"

"I should be the one inside there, not her, if I didn't have an upset stomach we wouldn't have to go out and grab some medicines... If I wasn't so weak then maybe we would've left already-"

"Shhh..." Chaeyoung tightens her hold around her friend. "It's okay... it's okay."

"I can't lose her Chaeyoung." Jennie looks at her with desperate and pleading eyes as she shakes her head. "Not Jisoo..."

"You won't lose her, I'm going to promise you that okay?" She assures the latter. "But Jen, you have to go."

"Wha-what do you mean I have to go? I can't leave her."

"Jisoo's parents are on their way here."


"I don't know how it happened but Jiyong's last update on me was he was convoying auntie and uncle's car and they are heading this way."

"I'm not going to leave her."


"No!" She screams. "Jisoo wants me here!"

"Jisoo also wants you safe do you hear me!?" Chaeyoung tries her best to argue. "If her parents find you here the least of your worries is Jisoo's welfare because I'm sure uncle won't hesitate to bestow hell upon you once he finds out that you two both decide to run away do you understand?!"

"I know this is hard for you, believe me even I don't want to be in your shoes right now but if you want to continue to see Jisoo then you must go. The longer you stay here, the more people will see you and you know just how powerful Jisoo's dad is."

Even though she wanted to counter what Chaeyoung had just said to her deep down she knew that the latter was right in her reasoning. Right now, all that matters is for Jisoo to be safe and not cause any more trouble to worry for later as soon as she survives the operation.

As they were walking towards one of the exits of the establishment, they managed to pass by the Emergency Area where she caught a glimpse of the reckless driver who only got minor injuries on his body. Still, at the peak of her emotions, Jennie swats away Chaeyoung's hold and heads towards the room where the man receives a loud slap from her.

"Get up." Jennie holds him by the collar. "Get up!" She screams.

"Jennie what the hell?!" Chaeyoung tries to pull Jennie away from the latter but remains firm in her stance.

"Do you know what you have caused? Do know what happened because of you?!"

"I- 'm sorry-"

"Because of what you've done, she's fighting for her life!"

"I really didn't mean to-"

She grips his collar tighter, drenching blood over his clothing. "She's in the room because of you! Do you even understand what kind of pain I am going through?!"

"P-p-please forgive me..."

"Jennie we have to go!"


"Let's leave Jen!" Chaeyoung's strong arms carry Jennie away from the scene.

"Let me go!" She says as she tries to maneuver her way out of Chaeyoung's hold on her. "I'm not done with him!" Successfully enough the taller woman was able to drag Jennie to the West Wing of the Hospital where no one was in the vicinity. "Drop me!"

Chaeyoung complies immediately with her request. "What the hell were you thinking?! I told you, we don't need anyone to see you!"

"What so you were expecting me to just let him go without trying to get even with him? Chaeyoung, Jisoo's is in there because of that guy! It's so unfair that she's inside the operating room trying to escape death while he gets minor stitches!"

"I know okay?! I know! Trust me I will make sure he won't get away with this and neither does Jisoo's family." Chaeyoung pulls out some cash along with her phone and hands it over to her. "Buy yourself some clothes and check in at any hotel, Jiyong will find you and look after you. I'll also give you updates on Jisoo immediately."

After checking at a cheap hotel near the hospital and cleaning herself from the blood, all she did was stare at the phone waiting for it to light up. Hours passed, and she still hadn't received any news from Chaeyoung which really made her anxious. 

There was an internal debate inside her whether to follow Chaeyoung's advice and lay low or go to the hospital just so she could get up-to-date information regarding her girlfriend's status. Biting her nails, she shuts down the dangers of her decision and heads to leave for the hospital when she sees Jiyong standing there with a plastic bag behind her door.

"May I?" He asks permission and Jennie widens the door for him to enter. "Thank you."

"How is she? Is she safe now Jiyong?"

"Have you eaten?"

"I don't want to eat."

"I bought you a meal." He ignores the latter, pulling out a ready-made bento and laying it on the table. "I kind of figured that you might be hungry."

"Is Jisoo out of the operating room?"

"You like-"

"I SAID I DON'T WANT TO EAT!" Jennie throws off his prepared meal and forces him to look at her. "I need to know about Jisoo!"

"If Miss Kim was here, she would not favor of your actions."


"Yes." Jennie looks at him with a look of disbelief. "Miss Jennie, how would Miss Kim react if she finds out that while she was there, trying her best to live you're here not even finding any will to eat even just a simple meal?" He asks. "How would she fight for her life when you are giving up on yours?"

She sits on the edge of the bed with Jiyong following beside him. "You don't understand... I saw everything..." Jennie trails off. "And you don't know how much I blame myself for everything that has happened to her. If it weren't for me-"

"Miss Kim would still be locked up in her cage that her own family put her in, wondering what achievement would it be to be able to live her life."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm simply stating that if it weren't for you, Miss Kim wouldn't be able to realize how beautiful and how fulfilling it is to do something that she wants for the very first time." He says. "If it weren't for you, she wouldn't be able to find the courage to go for the things that make her happy or do the things that she really loves." Jiyong looked at her who was on the verge of crying. "If it weren't for you Miss Jennie, Jisoo would be back in her room, reading a romantic book and wondering what wonderful it must be, to find someone worth fighting for."

Jennie was brought to tears once again. "She will be okay right?"

"She's Jisoo, and we both know that she's going to make it through it."

"What am I going to do now Jiyong?"

"You wait Jennie." He says and pulls out a rice roll from his suit. "You wait for Jisoo to come back to you."


"Chaeyoung!" Jennie wakes up from her slumber as soon as she hears her phone rings. "I am so glad you called, it's been two days!"

"I know." The latter says from the other line. "I'm sorry for not updating, uncle's people were all over the place plus I had to do some damage control."

"It's okay." She reassures her. "H-how's Jisoo?"

"She's okay, the operation was a success."

"Oh thank God." Jennie chuckles after letting out a sigh of relief. "That's some good news."

"Jennie, Jisoo is not out of the woods yet."

"What do you mean she's not out of the woods yet? I thought the operation was a success?"

"There has been some serious damage in her brain and her amygdala needs some mending." Chaeyoung shares, followed by a long pause, keeping Jennie up to her toes. "It's going to be very critical because if Jisoo's brain doesn't cooperate, she might..."

"She might?" Jennie was starting to get frustrated with all these delaying tactics of her girlfriend's cousin. "Jesus Chaeyoung just-"

"Die." Jennie could feel her knees weak at the sound of the word.

"No... Chaeyoung she can't-" Jennie was starting to feel nervous all of a sudden. "Chaeyoung that can't happen right? She can't die... not just like that"

"That's why the doctors are giving some time for her to rest and they regularly check her condition if she's ready for surgery." She answers. "But even if she survives the operation, there is still one thing that can happen to her."

"What is it?" She asks. "Tell me."

"She might have retrograde amnesia Jennie." The latter says. "That means, Jisoo might not be able to remember anything before the accident including-"

"Me," Jennie says in a whisper. "She might forget about me."

There was once again silence inside the place. "That's just one of the other things from the other side of the coin Jennie, I am not telling you that's the immediate result. The important thing is Jisoo needs to survive the operation."

"What's the success rate in her situation?"

"I... I really can't tell. It all depends on Jisoo. Most patients that undergo this type of operation rarely go through the amnesia phase Jen and her parents are also bringing in the best doctors they could find in Seoul since we can't move her due to her condition."

"When's the operation?"

"It's still tentative, but Jisoo is showing some progress so they will try to do it tomorrow morning."

Jennie was already pacing back and forth inside the room where she had been residing. "Can I see her?"

"Jennie that's impossible you know I can't do that."

"Chaeyoung please, I need to see her before she goes for an operation." She pleads. "I have to."

The latter didn't respond but Jennie could hear her talking over someone from the distant voices that her phone was able to pick up. "Okay, Jisoo's parents just left and they won't be returning tomorrow morning for Jisoo's operation." She says. "I'll try to give you as much time as possible. I'll divert the guards' attention."

Jennie leaves her room in the speed of lightning and made her way to the hospital. Chaeyoung had already texted her details regarding where was Jisoo staying and since she had already been inside the vicinity, she already knew the way to Jisoo's room. Arriving at room 0509, Jennie looked around to see if the coast was clear before walking towards the door and entering the room.

When she had successfully closed the door, she sent a quick text to Chaeyoung that she had already arrived inside and received 'Okay, I took them out for a quick dinner nearby so you don't have much time' making her smile. She places her phone back in her pocket and turns around to finally see the face she had been longing to see all this time. Only to find herself almost crying as soon as her eyes laid on Jisoo.

The latter was different from the last time she saw her. Jisoo looked pale, thin, and uncomfortable. Her mouth was opened due to the tube that was attached to her mouth, gone was her long wavy hair now was trimmed with a bandage wrapped over her head, covering the majority of it. She had various scratches on different parts of her body too and once again Jennie couldn't help but feel guilty.

She approaches the sleeping girl, slowly reaching out for her hand. "Your hand is cold." She starts and rubs her thumb across her girlfriend's hand. "The good kind of cold by the way, like- your hands are cold because the room is cold type not the other bad type of cold- I'm rambling again am I?" She chuckles. "If you were awake, I'd probably hear your endless teasing right?"

Jennie takes a short pause after that. "Chaeyoung told me that you have another operation coming tomorrow." She says. "I think you just want to go through all these operations because you need some bragging stories to tell later on once it's your turn to operate patients. You're just trying to make yourself look cool right?" Jennie looks at her and controls herself from breaking down. "But to make yourself look cool in front of the interns, you need to survive this operation first you hear me?"

"You need to tell your brain to cooperate with your tomorrow so that you can tell these awesome stories when it's your turn to help people. You tell your brain that it should be strong for the operation because a lot of people love you Chu and a lot of people would still want to create memories with you so you can't leave just like that you understand? You can't take the easy way out." Unknown to Jennie, tears were starting to flow from her eyes."Your cousin needs you, your friends, your parents, and me..." She trails off. "I need you so you have to do whatever it takes so you get to live okay? You still owe me a new pair of shoes remember?"

"And when you do survive, then the next thing you do is tell your brain to help you retain your memories because-" Jennie swallows the lump in her throat. "-because I-" She bites on her lower lip really hard that her entire mouth starts to shake. "-I don't think I can handle it to look you in the eyes and see a stranger in front of me..." She hangs her head low and leans onto their intertwined hands. "So please Jisoo... don't forget about us..." And like a whisper in the wind, she utters- "Don't forget about me."


Still no update Chae?

No, no updates still.

Relax Jen okay?

I can't! It has been more than six hours already.

Because it's that critical, you think they'd just do everything so hastily?

What about Jisoo's parents? Are they there?

Not yet, Jiyong hasn't been giving me updates because

Jisoo's parents' are still doing some meetings.

They should be here soon.

Please update me.

I promise Jen.

Jennie finds herself again pacing back and forth inside her room at eight in the evening, eight hours past since the beginning of Jisoo's surgery. She stops for a moment to check on her phone by the table and sees a blank screen without any text messages from Chaeyoung. Jennie thought about sending a quick message to the latter but she figured that Chaeyoung had already been under a lot of stress and the best thing that she could do was to not blow her off so she exited the messaging app and lay down on her bed.

She lets out a huge exhale, looking at the dull and flowery ceiling above her. Suddenly, her attention was diverted onto the lack of skill from the baby powdered blue paint that looked like it was painted without any certain direction and covered up with some flowers just so it could compensate for its shitty work. Focusing on the flowers, she remembered how Jisoo would come by at their house and both of them would hang out in the garden to paint.

"Painting helps me get distracted."

"From what?"

"Things." Jisoo simply answers.

"Here you are going cryptic on me."

"I'm not." The latter chuckles and starts to dab her brush on the black-covered canvas. "You simply want everything specific."

"Why? Don't you?"

"Sometimes." Jennie looks at Jisoo who is focused on her craft. "But I would rather let things surprise me because when it's specific, you sometimes expect and when you expect, you invite disappointment to come to your doorstep."

"See this is why I like having you around, you always seem to talk with sense, unlike Lisa who does nothing but blabber about your cousin."

Jisoo chuckles at that. "Is this your way of complimenting me for making your summer not boring?"

"You could say that." Jennie closes her eyes and allows the sun to sink into her skin. "I like having your company Chu. It's better than books and Lisa, you make me."

"Careful now, I may think you don't want to be far away from me." She teasingly says.

"What if I don't want to?" Jisoo stops painting for a second to look at Jennie, only to find the latter to be looking at her. "What if I don't want to be away from you?"

Both of them looked at each other for seconds, until Jisoo smiled and turned back at her work. "Don't worry Jen."


"Because that will never happen." She smiles. "Remember Jennie, whether I have night and you have the day, or I may have winter and you may have spring, whether you may have falling stars and I have none, as long as you and I live under the same sky-" Jisoo turns back her attention on Jennie, and there was this look again on Jisoo's eyes that was making Jennie feel things. "You will never be far from me."

"Jisoo!" Jennie opened her eyes and found sweat trickling on her forehead. She jolts herself up once she hears the familiar cellular ringtone. Grabbing the said item on the table, she taps on the green button that is flashing on the screen and answers the call. "Chaeyoung? Any update?"

"Jen, the operation was a success." Jennie could hear the happiness in her voice. "She survived."

"Oh thank God." She was so relieved to finally hear the good news. "Thank God for that." Now, Jennie was all smiling to finally hear the good news. "Is she awake?"

"She just woke up and-"

"I'm going there."

"Are you crazy? Jennie, you can't-"

"Jisoo needs me right now and I need her," Jennie says with full conviction. "I'm going there."


"Jennie." Chaeyoung spots her on the other end of the hall and tries to stop her from getting inside. "Jen, stop for a second."

"Step aside Chaeyoung."

"But Jen, Jisoo-" Jennie remains persistent and ignores Chaeyoung's efforts to halt her. "Jennie wait, you listen to me-"

"No Chae, you listen to me okay?" She stops right in front of the taller woman not minding the height difference between the two of them. "I have been listening to every order you have instructed me. I was patient because I knew it was what was best for my girlfriend. But this time, I am going to follow my way, my girlfriend is awake after for so many days of not seeing me and now you tell me not to go inside? Have you lost your mind?"


"Move Chaeyoung, or else I might forget every good thing that you have done for us."

"Go ahead, forget it."

"Your choice." She says before roughly pushing Chaeyoung, making her fall to the ground. After catching Chaeyoung off-guard, Jennie runs inside Jisoo's room where she immediately locks the door.

"Jennie wait! You have to listen to me!"

"No! I'm done listening to you!" Ignoring the latter's constant pleas she turns around and finally looks at the eyes of the person she had longed to see ever since all this chaos has started.

Jisoo's eyes.

The moment that they looked into each other's eyes, Jennie finally let out a sigh that she had been holding onto for so long. She looks at Jisoo, who just finished eating her food and the first thing that comes to Jennie's mind is how she was just so relieved to know that her girlfriend was able to survive all the critical things that she had to go through. 

She was slowly getting overwhelmed by everything that had happened and the first thing she did was to pull Jisoo into a hug. Jennie breaks into tears because finally, after all these days she was able to hold Jisoo's warm body and not her cold, unresponsive hands.

Jisoo is alive.
Jisoo is still here with her.
Jisoo is okay.

"You're okay..." Jennie sniffs the tears as she nuzzles herself further into Jisoo's neck. "You're okay." She says. "You can't imagine what kind of worry you've put me through." Pulling away she cups Jisoo's cheeks and pinches them slightly. "I'm just so glad you're okay Chu... I really thought I was going to lose you back then." Jennie leans in for a quick kiss on the lips, but she is surprised when Jisoo suddenly pushes her away. "What? Suddenly you think I'm not enough for a kiss?" Jennie smiles at her. "Fine, a kiss on the forehead then-" She was cut off when Jisoo harshly pushed her away this time. "What the hell?"

As if the push wasn't enough to surprise Jennie, Jisoo says something that completely stuns her. "Who are you?"


"I asked, who are you?"

Jennie looks at the latter as if she had grown two heads. "Jisoo, it's me- Jennie."

Jisoo asks with furrowed eyebrows. "Jennie? Are you a friend of mine?"

"You're just playing with me right?" She walks closer to her. "You're just doing a prank on me."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jisoo shifts herself away from her. "Where is Chaeyoung?"

"Jennie open the door!" Chaeyoung screams from the other side.

"Miss Jennie, please open the door." Jiyong was there as well.

"Who are you really?" She demands this time around.


"Who are you really."


"I want to see Chaeyoung."

"But Jisoo this is me!" Jennie holds Jisoo by the wrist. "It's me, Jennie! Your Jennie! Can't you recognize me?!"

"NO!" She says as she tries to wiggle out of Jennie's tight grasp on her. "LET ME GO! CHAEYOUNG!"





"No! Stay away from me!"

"Jisoo I'm your girlfriend!" Jennie pulls out the necklace with a Daisy pendant. "See this? You gave this to me on our third-year anniversary because you know how my mother likes Daisies and how it always seems to remind me of her." She removes her ring and places it in front of her too. "You even bought a ring for me, see?"

"I SAID I DON'T KNOW YOU!" Jisoo swats away her hand and throws off the ring from her hold. "LEAVE ME ALONE!"

The door finally bursts open and Jiyong pulls Jennie away from her. "No, no let go of me!"

"Jennie let's go."

"CHU IT'S ME! JENDEUKIE!" She voices out her desperation. "You have to remember me!"

"GET OUT!" Jisoo suddenly holds onto her head. "LEAVE ME ALONE!"

"Jiyong take her out of here." Chaeyoung turns to her cousin who was holding her head and wincing in pain. "Nurse! Nurse we need some help!"


"What happened?"

As soon as Jennie was successfully dragged away from the scene, Jiyong decided to place Jennie by the hospital's garden. Similar to their situation back at the hotel, Jiyong doesn't say anything and lets Jennie vent out for a few seconds by crying and leaving her all alone. 

After a few minutes, he returns with a bottle of water and hands it to Jennie who took it this time without any restrictions and drank the entire bottle in one go. Jennie throws away the bottle and then she starts to ask for some explanations.

"The operation was a complete success. However, her brain wasn't really responsive with the medication given so when she woke up, she barely knew anyone and freaked out." Jiyong looks at the distance. "When we consulted the doctors, they ran some tests in her brain and it was positive, that Jisoo has retrograde amnesia."

"But I thought that amnesia rarely happens in her case?"

"She's just one of the unlucky ones."

"Do her parents already know?"

"I gave them the news and they will be moving Jisoo tomorrow morning back to Seoul. Chaeyoung's dad will handle her from now on."

"Can they reverse the effect? Maybe go through any type of rehabilitation?"

"It's still uncertain, it all depends on Jisoo."

"Okay, I guess I'm going to travel to Seoul tomorrow too." Jennie sighs. "Mister Jiyong think you can let me sneak inside the house? I just want to-"

"Miss Jennie."


"I think it's better if you stop seeing Miss Kim from now on."

"What are you talking about?"

"The doctors advised that it would be wise not to allow Miss Kim to associate with herself that is related to the accident first. It causes her stress and it lessens the possibility of progress."

"So you're suggesting that I should break up with Jisoo is that it?"

"I'm not suggesting it to you, I am saying it." Jiyong looks at her with a different look. "It is my duty to protect Miss Kim from all the things that cause negativity to her well-being and even if that includes you then so be it."

"You can't just break us apart! We belong to one another!"

"She has amnesia."

"I can make her remember me; we can still make new memories together."

"Her parents are moving her to London once she recovers."

Jennie was caught off guard by another revelation. "Then I'll move to London too!"

"Don't you get it? She doesn't remember you. All those memories you had with her are gone from her memory and even if she means everything to you, you mean nothing to her. Absolutely nothing..." Jennie couldn't answer, so Jiyong decided to continue laying out the consequences of her stubbornness.

"Have you thought about her parents' and what they could do once they found that you're still pursuing her? With her not remembering a single thing about you, it's going to be so easy for her father to manipulate her thoughts and even you can't do anything about it. More so if Mr. Kim finds out that Jisoo was originally planning to run away with you. Think about your father and just how much Mr. Kim can turn your life upside down." He lets out a sigh before continuing his argument. "This is more than your relationship with Jisoo... you have to think of who's more important to protecting right now."

"I... I can't give her up." Jennie shakes her head as she starts to cry. "I don't know how to start again without her. I don't want this to end..."

"So what if this ends? Just because your time with her stops here doesn't mean you can't move forward. You will still keep on going through your life. The sun will still go up tomorrow and the moon will still do the same so it doesn't have to end here Jennie. Sometimes we stop being in other people's lives not because it's what's for the best. That you have served your purpose in each other's lives and now it's just time to move forward."

"It's not easy."

"I never said it was easy Jennie, I'm saying that it's going to be hard, but it doesn't mean you can't overcome it."

"I don't even know where to start..." Jiyong pulls out an envelope and hands it to Jennie. With furrowed eyebrows, she accepted the letter and was shocked to see that it was the plane tickets to New Zealand. Only this time, it was a ticket for her and her father. "Why..."

"Miss Park asked me to arrange this for the moment she found out."


He nods his head. "She figured that it would be at best if you were both far away from one another because she understood the feeling of staying in one place trying to forget the person who gave you so much to remember." Jennie felt guilty about the way she acted with Chaeyoung earlier... Now she understood why she was stopping her from going inside, it was because she was stopping her from feeling the pain. "If you'd agree, then I can call for assistance and have your father drive here to Busan where you would take your flight to New Zealand. Miss Park also took the liberty of finding you a place to stay once you arrived and also sent letters for a student scholarship for your college and senior year in high school. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to call us. We will do our best to help you, Miss Jennie."

"Will you be flying to London with Jisoo too?"

"I was his bodyguard before she was even born Miss Jennie. Wherever she is, there I will be too."

Jennie looks at the plane tickets for a while, rubbing her hand across it. "Can you promise me that you will look after her?"

"I promise you that I will look after her whatever it takes. I will risk my life for her."

"Mister Jiyong?"

"Yes, Miss Jennie?"

"Can I talk to Chaeyoung?"


"Jennie." Chaeyoung immediately walks towards her. "Stop okay? Jisoo has just been sedated and-"

"I'm not here to argue Chaeyoung. I'm here to apologize."

"Apologize?" She was surprised by how soft Jennie's tone was, completely different from what she used on her earlier. "Why are you apologizing?"

"Because I was wrong... I never should've done that to you because you were just looking out for me." Jennie hangs her head low. "I'm sorry Chae."

"You don't have to apologize for anything. If I was in your shoes, I would've done the same thing."

"Jiyong already gave me the tickets."


"Can I ask you a question?"

"Uh, sure... go ahead."

"Did- did you regret it?" Jennie looks at Chaeyoung. "Letting Lisa go when she meant everything in the world for you?"

"No." The latter instantly answers. "I've learned that just because I decided to let people go doesn't mean I've stopped loving them. I had to let Lisa go because I loved her enough to know that she didn't deserve what my family was about to do to her. Just because I was the one who broke off things, doesn't mean it was easy on my side." She smiles. "Letting Lisa go isn't regret; it's proof that I love her so much that I allowed her to live a new life, even if it meant not belonging to me."

"Chae?" The latter hums in response. "Can I have a favor to ask?"

"Anything Jen."

"Before I forget everything about Jisoo-" Swallowing the lump in her throat she looks at Chaeyoung with her most pleading eyes. "Can you allow me to memorize her?"


It was nearing midnight when the door of room 0509 opened. The room was pitch dark and the only light source inside the room was the light outside of the room. Jennie closes the door and takes a seat beside Jisoo who was sleeping soundly on her pillow. Reaching out her hand towards the latter, Jennie brushes her hand on top of Jisoo's hair, remembering how she would always adore the length of her hair.

"I remember the very first time you came inside the store..."

"I was in the middle of arguing with my dad because he was busy being stubborn from going out fishing when he just recovered from a muscle strain. I heard the wind chimes and I dismissed him off while he was grumbling all to himself. From our house's door, I could see you fascinated by the stacks of books as you trailed your hand from them, I gave you time to just enjoy the books because you looked like you were having a good time, especially when you found your book."

"When I called your attention, you turned around and I have never seen hair move flawlessly as much as yours did. From that moment, you took my breath away without even apologizing, but I completely forgave you anyway." Jennie closed her eyes and remembered the same feeling when she saw Jisoo's hair move like that, it was when the accident happened and when she saw Jisoo running towards her for the very last time.

Moving downwards, she stops at the latter's cold hand while looking at those dry and chapped lips. "It may seem cocky to hear it from me but I kind of figured out that you had a little crush on me because the first time I held you when we were walking by the Han River, you called me because you wanted to watch the fireworks display so we stood there, amongst the other people. I noticed that the guy beside you was trying to make a move on you so I switched places and glared at him. I held you by the wrist and I felt you jump a little. When I asked you if you were okay you even stuttered and I thought it was cute."

"Also, a little bit flattering knowing that a girl like you with such status found liking in someone as common as me." She smiles. "You even kissed me on the cheek before going home do you remember that? It was also the first time your lips touched my face." Just then a flashback of recent events came through her and Jennie thought about how Jisoo's hands pushed her away while her mouth said nothing but hurtful words as their last conversation.

"But out of all my firsts with you Jisoo, I would never forget the first time I looked at you in the eyes." She says. "Not just plain blankly look at your beautiful orbs, but to look at your eyes and speak with you differently."

"We were lying on the treehouse that time, you kind of stormed away from your home because you felt the pressure from your parents because you hadn't told them that you were planning to take up medicine instead of business or any political-related major. I remember not saying anything at all while you ranted out your frustrations because I was so focused on looking at your eyes and how they spoke to me. I felt your anger towards them, towards everything and it made me realize that I liked it better when your eyes were the ones that were talking because I could understand you better, far more than your words could do."

She recalls the last time Jisoo laid eyes on her, and how it made her nightmare come true because even though Jennie was in denial of the things that were happening earlier, she knew that Jisoo had lost their memories together for when she looked at her eyes, all she could see were the eyes of an afraid, confused and the eyes of a stranger. "You're a bit unfair you know..." Jennie takes a breather as she tries to stop herself from crying. "While you sleep peacefully without any memories of me, I get to suffer sleepless nights remembering our entire first's and last's."

"Maybe you were meant to be dragged by your cousin so you could see my family's bookshop because it was the only way that our paths would've been able to cross. I used to think that the reason why you and I were able to cross paths was that our hearts were looking for one another. After all, we were made to be together and to just be each other's half for the rest of our time here but now, I realized that I was wrong."

"We met to be each others' pain," Jennie answers. "For there is no better teacher in life than to have our hearts broken by the people we trust the most." She trails off. "Having you not being able to remember me might be the most painful thing you have done to me but I hope you realize that what I am about to do is far worse than you did to me and this is fate's way of saying that it's better off if you don't know."

"I'm giving up on us Chu..." Her voice was barely audible from the tears that were flowing from her eyes. "I'm giving up on us because I've come to realize that just because you love someone doesn't give you the right to keep them as long as you want because that's not love anymore, that's selfishness and love is never selfish right?"

"I'm giving up on us because I learned from a good friend that letting you go doesn't mean I'm going to stop loving you because it doesn't- and I don't think I'm going to stop myself from doing so because you, Jisoo Kim will always be the love of my life. You may have lots and lots of suitors and you might think that your future partner is the one who loves you and knows you the best but your heart knows that there's a Jennie Kim who loves you more than anyone else." She smiles. "Your mind may block our memories, but I believe that your heart will always find ways to make you remember that at one point in your life I exist, and that's enough for me to know."

"And finally Chu- I'm giving up on us because I've finally accepted why we met." Looking at Jisoo's sleeping figure she cups Jisoo's cheek and strokes it with her thumb. "We met to cross each others' paths not to be each others' life. We met to be in love with one another, but not stay in love with one another and we-" She swallows the lump in her throat. "We- we were never meant to have lots and lots of memories, just enough to memorize one another." Jennie slowly leans in and with her shaking lips, she softly presses it against Jisoo's, allowing herself to taste the bittersweet feeling of their last kiss. Pulling away she wipes her tears and says words that she never would've thought she would be saying to the latter in this lifetime. "I'm letting you go now."


"Oh my God." A woman was frantically pacing back and forth inside a dress-up room. "Oh my God, I am so nervous."

"Why would you be nervous? There's nothing to be nervous about."

"There is something to be nervous about you idiot!" She hisses and strokes her wavy black hair. "This is-"

"A huge step in your career- I get that already Captain Obvious." Another woman rolls her eyes as she takes another sip of champagne.

"Sometimes I wonder if I pay you to insult me."

"Oh come on, I wasn't insulting your worries, I was just merely saying that you don't have to worry about it so much because hello? You're you!"

"And how is that supposed to make me feel better?"

"Well, you're the mother fucking Jennie Kim! The trendsetter fashion designer, the dark horse of the competition; the little goliath of the fashion industry." The other woman forces her to look at herself in the mirror. "The CEO of Ruby Jane, the hippest and most modern clothing line in the 21st century."

"Now you're doing your job, Irene."

"No, I was doing that as your best friend. Now I am going to do my job as your secretary and make sure your welcome speech is flawless and so is this event." She smiles. "Be ready in ten okay?"

Jennie looks at herself in the mirror and still finds it hard to believe that it has been a decade ever since she left her life in Seoul. It has been ten years since she stepped foot in Auckland and from then, she never looked back. Because the moment the plane landed here in New Zealand, Jennie promised herself that she would work hard, to give herself and her father a better future and that she would get to live the life that she really wants to.

"Jen it's showtime!" Irene, her secretary, and best friend all in one say from the other side.

"I'll be right out!" Jennie looks at herself in the mirror and lets out a huge exhale. "Let's do this Jennie."

The doors opened and Jennie finally revealed herself in front of numerous guests and media personnel who were waiting for her to show up. Dozens of flashes came in her direction along with applause of congratulations from the people who were present at the event. She waved at the people and smiled after spotting familiar faces as she was escorted by her father all the way upstage where she delivered her welcoming speech to her honored guests.

"I'm sure everyone had schedules to go to at this moment and a lot of you canceled your meetings and moved your business trips to be in this event so let me start by saying thank you, everyone, for sparing time to be with me on this very important moment in my life today." She smiles. 

"I remember stepping foot in this city without anything except my determination and inspiration. Back then my father and I were living in a small apartment while I struggled to find a school and when I got in, I was struggling with how to buy books that were more expensive than our rent. There were times that I was close to giving up and just going back home where I could manage my book store but every time I looked at my dad and thought about how much he had sacrificed for me, and then I knew that I had to fight no matter what."

"And just like what they said, all hard work can be paid off. With my determination and the amount of support and love from the people who have seen me grow, my hardworking staff, and the people who believed in me, because of you, I am standing here in front of you. " She smiles. "Today, I stand in front of you not as Jennie Kim the girl from Seoul with a lot of worries and doubts in herself. I am Jennie Kim, the owner of Ruby Jane, and I gladly welcome you to my fifth branch opening."

From there Jennie spends her night with greeting guests, engaging in small talk and not forgetting to end their conversation with her thanking them for the invitation. From friends within the industry to influencers and A-plus celebrities, to her staff and close peers, everyone congratulated her for another milestone achieved.

Jennie couldn't help but be more proud of herself. Deciding that her feet would need some relaxation and the fact that her throat was getting dry, Jennie decided to hit the bar and grab herself a refreshing drink.

"I'd like a whiskey, please. On the rocks." The voice says.

Jennie smiles. "Don't drink too much of that now, I would very like it if my escort would be able to leave with me tonight sober."

"Ah, it's only one drink."

"Dad..." Jennie shoots her father a warning look, fully knowing just how low his alcohol intake is. "Don't make me scold you."

"I know, I know." He chuckles. "I would just like to give myself a congratulatory drink since my baby girl is so successful in life."

"You always say that whenever I hold events like this"

"That's just because I want to congratulate myself because I have a daughter like you." He smiles. "I am so proud of you princess."

"I'm 28 already."

"You will always be my little princess and I know that." Jennie smiles and nods her head. "If your mother was here, she would probably talk to the guests non-stop and tell them how hardworking you are and good-hearted you are. The bragging would probably never stop."

"I know right? She would also have a say in my designs since I know I got my artistry from her."

"Hey! No fair." He playfully pushes his child and they both end up laughing. "Are you happy?"

"Of course I am, I was able to survive all the problems that came my way, I never gave up, I was able to accomplish my dream and now I get to give you a life that you deserve."

"Not that kind of happy Jen."

"What are you talking about?"

"This." Using his index finger, her father points taps on Jennie's heart. "Is this happy?"

And when Jennie doesn't answer, Mr. Kim drinks her shot in one go, before putting the glass back at the bar. "One more round sir?"

"No, no, no." He smiles at the bartender. "I will only allow myself to get drunk when my daughter-" He pulls Jennie closer to him. "My little princess, is really, really happy." With a quick kiss on her forehead, Mister Kim retreats towards his fellow friends and leaves Jennie with her red wine.

Jennie wasn't dumb or dense. He knew exactly what her father was talking about and it didn't mean that she didn't try to allow herself to fall for someone else because she did, multiple times in fact and Irene knows that because before Irene became her best friend and secretary, she was Jennie's first girlfriend after Jisoo. 

It went over for a year until Irene fell for someone else and Jennie had enough of fooling herself. It was a mutual decision that became one of the most solid friendships Jennie has ever had in her life.

Right after she graduated with her degree, Jennie stopped and focused on her career which paid off after successfully establishing her line, she tried her luck in dating but either they were too obsessed to climb up the hierarchy or they were men wish were far terribly than gold-diggers in her opinion. 

Eventually, after a year of trying, Jennie took this as a sign of giving up and stopped searching for love and let love find her instead. She diverted her attention to building her empire and she didn't regret any single thing. She likes the life that she has right now, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

"I'll have a shot of whiskey please." Another manly voice says, but she is too lost in her thoughts to notice someone else's presence. "And for the successful Miss Kim?"

Jennie blinks in surprise as she turns around to see a very familiar face. "Jiyong!" He lets out a chuckle as the latter jumps into his arms. "Oh my God, it's been-"

"Ten years." He smiles at her. "How are you, Miss Jennie?"

"I'm good! I'm good!"

"I'm glad to hear that."

"Wha- I mean-" Jennie was still recovering from her shock. "Wow, I never expected that you'd be here." She says. What brings you here anyway?"

"Work." He takes the shot of Whiskey. "As always."

Jennie was curious. "You work for another family now?"

"You and I both know that I will never do that." Jiyong answers.

"Well if you're not working for another family then-"

Suddenly murmurs and small talk could be heard across the hall as all of them looked at the person who just walked in. Jennie turned around, and for the first time in years, she finally found her heart beating irregularly like a hummingbird was slamming its beak against her hardened chest. 

Indeed it is true what people say about looking for love. You don't need to look for it; you just have to wait for it to gradually come to you.

Or in Jennie's case, come back to you.

"What did I tell you about drinking during work? I'm not going to carry your drunk ass back to the hotel Jiyong."

"Ah, I wasn't drinking- I was just simply coating my throat with heat because New Zealand winter season is no joke."

"Trying to get away with me huh mister, just so you wait."

"I am being honest, I just happened to meet a very old friend of mine." The latter turns around and sees Jennie standing there with wide eyes. "Where are my manners?" He chuckles. "Miss Jennie, this is my boss' daughter Miss-"

And for the first time after a decade, Jennie utters the name she tries so hard to forget. "Jisoo."


"Pardon?" Jisoo says. "I'm sorry I didn't catch that."

"Uh- nothing, nothing." She smiles.

"Wait a sec, you're Jennie Kim? The designer for this show right?" She excitingly asks. "Hi, my name is Jisoo." She says in her perfect Western accent and extends her hand.

Jennie looks at her hand for a second before holding it firmly in hers. "I'm Jennie, nice to meet you, Miss Kim."

"Wow, I really cannot believe that I am standing in front of you."

"I could say the very same thing," Jennie mumbles under her breath.

"Miss Kim has been an avid fan of your works Miss Jennie." Jiyong decides to keep the conversation between them going. "When she found out that you were launching a new branch, she took the chance and flew here."

"Stop making me look like a creep." Jisoo reprimands silently to her bodyguard.

"Miss Jennie, can you give Miss Kim a quick tour of your store? I'm sure she'd be delighted to hear where you got your inspiration."

"Wait- where are you going?" Jennie asks out of panic. Jiyong couldn't possibly leave them all alone, could he?

"I'm going to stick around and enjoy my night." He holds his cup which is still half-filled.

Jennie looked at Jisoo who was still smiling at her, waiting for her cue to begin with the tour. "So um... shall we begin?"

"Whenever you're ready Miss Jennie."

Jennie walked together with Jisoo and they did a little shop tour where Jisoo enthusiastically asked questions, very detailed ones that Jennie answered openly, knowing that there was no better human in this world that could understand her better other than the woman standing beside her admiring her dress collection. 

Sometimes Jennie would find herself looking at Jisoo a bit too long that she would always mentally scold herself for staring at her like some kind of creepy stalker. She was just thankful that Jisoo was too busy checking out the dress and asking questions for her to notice.

But even she has a lot of questions about the latter. She was itching to ask what happened to her right after she got out of the hospital, what's her profession now, is she a businesswoman? A doctor? A politician? She wanted to ask where she lives right now or if she is happy.

The questions were endless and repeatedly floating through Jennie's mind yet deep down, she knew what question of hers was dying to have an answer. She just doesn't know how to open it up to the Jisoo.

"And that's the end of the tour," Jennie says as she looks at Jisoo who is still scanning the accessories collection. "Miss Kim?"

"Huh?" Jisoo looks at Jennie's expectant eyes. "Oh sorry, I was busy looking through your pieces of jewelry. They're the latest addition to your line and everything looks good." She answers. "I wonder how did you manage to make all of these sketches come to life, I know I've been asking you this one endlessly but I just want to know how did you do all these wonderful pieces?"

"I can show you better than I can tell you."

"E-excuse me?" Jennie was trying to hold back her laugh when Jisoo started blushing. "W-what did you say?"

"Come with me Miss Kim, there's one more thing I have to show you." Grabbing two glasses of champagne, she lets Jisoo follow her trail as pas through the jam-packed crowd off to a room located just right upstairs of the shop. "Are you ready?"


"Alright." She clicks the door open and lets Jisoo come inside first.

"Wow..." Jisoo says as her eyes travel along with the entire room. "What is this place?"

"This is my sanctuary, Miss Kim." Jennie smiles. "This is my workroom."

Jennie allows Jisoo to work her way through the fields of different mannequins wearing different clothing. From coats to dresses, to suits and down to the stacks of different fabric that reached the 12-foot floor ceiling and even to the dozens of pinned sketches against the walls, and took some time to read the scribbles she had against the whiteboard. 

Jennie thought that a decade could be a lot of time for someone to change everything about themselves, but the more she looked at Jisoo, the more she realized that maybe something was really changing at all.

"Aha, I see you found my secret favorite place," Jennie says as Jisoo stands by in front of the huge glass window.

"It's not a very secret location you see..." Jisoo answers, making Jennie smile.

"So? What did you think of it?"

"Are we talking about your collection or your sanctuary?"

"Depends, what do you want to answer?"

"I now understand why your pieces are so breathtaking..." Jisoo trails off as she focuses on the view in front of her. "It's because you also have a breathtaking view right here."

"Breath-taking is such a great compliment that I don't even think I can compare it to my works."

"You should." She replies. "You wouldn't be where you are right now if I'm telling a lie."

"I'll think about it."

Jisoo takes a sip of the champagne and smiles. "Bollinger RD 2004. You sure do know how to throw a party."

"And you sure do know your champagne," Jennie responds. "How's Chaeyoung by the way?"

"You know Chaeyoung too?" Jisoo asks with connected eyebrows. "How come you know my cousin?"

"Um, that's because she was my friend's, first love."

"Are you talking about Lisa?"

"You know Lisa?"

"Of course, I know her," Jisoo says like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "She's my cousin's girlfriend."

"Wait what?"

"They reconciled." Jisoo shares good news. "When Chaeyoung and I graduated, we did some volunteer work where they somehow magically saw each other in New York. Chaeyoung finds herself staring at Lisa and she can't look away so they clear things between them. The reason why I was able to visit your shop is that I just visited them. They live in Australia now, Melbourne specifically, but not for long because Chaeyoung got accepted in Paris and Lisa is kind of a big thing now so I'm sure they're going to do well there too."

"So you became a doctor?"

Jisoo nods her head. "My dad originally wanted either business or politics related but my mom stepped in and firmly said- if my daughter wants to become a doctor, then she will become a doctor. End of discussion kind of talk with dad and knowing how he's lowkey scared of her, he lets it go; which was weird because normally my mother would just let things be and allow my dad to have his way."

Hearing that made Jennie smile and feel relieved too. "I guess she just wants to make it up to you."

"The moment Chaeyoung saw her again; she knew she had to fight for Lisa this time around. And so when we went home, she told her parents about it and obviously, they went ballistic on her but she remained firm on her decision, and just left home. Of course, my uncle had to do some threatening things to her but she survived every obstacle and now, she gets to live the life that she wants and the life that she deserves."

"Wow..." Jennie reacts to the news.

"I know you're going to keep this a secret so I'm just going to tell you straight ahead." She says. "Chaeyoung's planning to propose to Lisa once they moved in. It's already planned out, once Lisa is done with her casting in Paris Fashion Week, they're going to have a mini-celebration at their new home where she's going to drop on one knee and ask Lisa to marry her."

"That sounds Chaeyoung." She smiles. "I really cannot believe they found their way back to one another."

"Yeah..." Silence surrounds them for a little bit before she continues. "I guess this is why sometimes people can let go of the ones they love because even though it hurts in the beginning, they cling onto this small hope that if someone is made for you, no matter how much you let them go and push them away-" Jisoo looks at her in the eye. "- they would always find their way back home."

That totally catches Jennie off guard. "Y-yeah, I guess some people do."

She smiles. "I'm a bad actress am I?"


"Come on, by now I'm pretty sure you've got it all figured out."

"I don't have any idea."


"What are you trying to say?" Jennie was starting to feel nervous for some unknown reason. "Jisoo, tell me what's-"

"I lied Jennie..." Jisoo trails off. "I do remember you."

"You- you do?" The latter nodded her head and that was enough to bring Jennie close to tears.

"You're the girl from the hospital right?"

"What?" She really couldn't believe this was happening... "Th-the girl from the hospital?"

"You were the girl I pushed away right when I woke up from the operation."

Jennie could feel her hopes of getting crushed in a very slow-burning process. "Oh." Suddenly, she feels this urge to throw up this unexplainable feeling.

"Chaeyoung told me everything though..."

"She did?"

"Truth is, she was planning to keep her mouth shut, but when I did some rearranging in my room, I saw a photo book of us, and that's when I demanded answers from her," Jennie remembers that photo book. It was her first gift to Jisoo for their anniversary. "She told the story of how we met, how we dated, and eventually how we planned to run away from my family."

"When she shared everything with me, guilt flowed through my body and my heart got so heavy for days that I cried for nights too. I thought about how I acted towards you that night and how awful you must've felt to receive that kind of reaction from me. It was unfair to you, and I'm sorry."

"B-but what about now? Do- do you remember me? Do you remember anything about us?"

"I'm sorry Jen, but besides the stories that Chaeyoung told me- I don't remember anything about you." She answers honestly. 

"It is really frustrating on my part because every time I look at the memories we had, we look really happy. I sleep every night knowing a part of me, a very big part of me that was dying to know how happy you made me feel and I want to know just how much we loved one another back then..." She says.

"And every time I got curious, I would always be reminded of the fact that we were planning to run away from everything. We were willing to risk it all just to be together, and that's when I got my answers." Looking at Jennie, Jisoo lets out a sad smile. "We were so in love with one another, weren't we?"

And though Jennie wanted to cry right there on the spot, she bit back her lips and managed to smile at the latter. "Yeah, we were."

"It must've been painful for you... letting go of someone you weren't ready to set free in the first place."

"It was at first, to be honest." She says. "Sometimes I think it was too unfair to me, because, between the two of us, you were always the one who had a strong will. You always know what to do, and you don't put yourself first because to you, as long as the people you love are happy, then you're also good with that. I guess it was my time to learn how to let the people I love be happy even if it meant not being with me."

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize Jisoo, it wasn't your choice to forget about me."

"Forgetting is also painful you know." She answers. "It's painful for me because I want to remember you, Jennie, I do. I think that you deserve to be remembered." Jisoo's tears start to fall. "I don't want to forget about you Jennie, I don't..."

"Shh, shh... hey, hey." She rushes to her side and pulls her in for a tight hug. "It's okay, it's okay."

"It's not..." She whimpers in Jennie's arms. "It's not okay."

"Look at me." Pulling away, Jennie touches Jisoo's chin to make the latter look her in the eye. "It's okay that you can't remember anything about me alright? I know it pains you too, but I promise you it's okay. You're living the life that you deserve and I am living the life that I want. It may be unfair to both of us, but we had to let go of one another to become the people we are now. And if I could choose again, I would still let you go, if it meant making the both of us happy."

"I wish I could give you the love that you deserve Jennie..."

"You did." She smiles. "You gave me that love fourteen years ago when you stepped inside the bookshop." Jisoo cries, even more, making Jennie chuckle. She couldn't stop herself, so she stole a quick kiss on the forehead. "Stop crying already, you were never a crybaby before. Is this what amnesia has done to you?"

"Stop teasing me..."

Jennie laughs but wipes away Jisoo's tears and cleans up her make-up. "Did you plan on crying today? You came prepared." She teases again about the latter's waterproof, smudge-free make-up.

"I just didn't want you to look at me with a messed up face and then realize it was okay to break up with me." Jennie shook her head and continued checking up on her. "And besides, closure brings people to tears right?"

"It does." She backs away and looks at Jisoo. "But those are happy tears."

A knock on the door suddenly stops them from talking. "Miss Kim?"

"In here," Jennie responds and Jiyong reveals himself in front of them. "Hey."

He bows in acknowledgment. "Miss Jennie, I believe your father drank too much whiskey with me."

"Ugh, when will he learn his lesson?"

"He's being catered to by Miss Irene."

"Thanks, Jiyong."

The man shifts his attention to Jisoo. "And I believe it's time for us to go as well, Miss Kim."

"Can you wait for me outside?" Her bodyguard nods and closes the door once more.


The door opens again and this time, it is Irene who interrupts their talk. "Am I interrupting something?"

"No." Both of them replied, making Irene raise both of her eyebrows.

"What is it?"

"Press is here and they would like last words with you before they leave."

"I'll be out in a sec."

"Alright, I'll be uh-" Irene looked at them, from Jisoo then to Jennie before she got a light glare from her boss. "Right, I'll be on my way then."

"Shall we leave together?"

Jennie smiles at her. "After you Miss Kim."


"Well, I guess this is it huh." She looked at the doctor who wouldn't look in her direction.

"Yeah... I guess this is it."

"Don't I deserve a proper goodbye?" Jisoo looks at her. "I don't demand much but a hug from you would be very nice."

Jisoo's eyes turn soft before she wraps her arms around Jennie's neck. "Thank you, Jennie."

"Thank you too, Chu." They remained in that position for a couple more seconds before pulling away from one another bit by bit.

"Before I forget, I have something for you." She searches for something in her pouch and hands the latter a red box. "Here." When Jennie opened the box, she saw the same ring Jisoo had given her years ago with the daisy charm inside. "I was about to get discharged when I found it on the floor, just underneath my bed. I knew it was from you and even though I didn't know the truth back then, I knew it was something valuable to you so I thought of keeping it safe until the day we're meeting again."

"Keep it." She closes the box and hands it back to Jisoo who is confused. "You said you always wanted to remember me right? Well now, you can." She says. "Now, you have a memory of me Jisoo. I hope that whenever you look at that ring, you'll remember this night and remember that everything is good. That I am okay now."

"Okay." She places it back in her bag. "I'll keep it safe until we meet again."

"I'd like to see you again too."

"I'll go ahead." Jennie could only nod. "Jennie?" The latter looks at her. "Do you know?"

"Know what?"

"How much I love you," Jisoo says, surprising Jennie. "Do you know?"

Jennie doesn't answer immediately like she is searching deep inside her to find the perfect words to say to Jisoo. After a while, Jennie smiles and then looks at the love of her life. "You love me so much that you forgot about me, but I'm alive because of you Jisoo, that's how much you love me."

"Okay, that's all I need to know."

Jennie's eyes were on Jisoo even though the reporters were already fighting for her attention. Dozens of questions were already directed on her way and yet the fashion designer can't seem to take her eyes off the girl in the suit dress. Irene notices her boss's mental absence so she decides to kick in and nudge the latter. 

When she finally gets Jennie's attention, she uses her eyes and pertains to the crowd of reporters who wouldn't stop pestering her.

While Jennie's focus was now shifted to the reporters, Jisoo stopped in her tracks and turned to look at Jennie. She takes this time to look at the woman, remembering the last time they saw one another she could see the difference and it was a good kind of change, not just for Jennie but for hers as well. 

Even though she could barely hear anything, she could see from the way the latter moved her hands and mouth how excited she was with everything that had been going on with her life. She could see in the way her body moved and even reacted to certain compliments or questions, and even her eyes sparkled with so much happiness that she started smiling for Jennie too.

"Miss Kim?" Jiyong's voice cuts her train of thought. "Shall we?"

Jisoo answers to him with a nod and follows suit. "Jennie just one last question before we leave you tonight."

"Sure, it's okay."

"I managed to roam around and saw that you recently added the jewelry to your fashion line and while it has received a lot of attention, people were wondering what is the pendant of your necklace tonight."

Jennie pulled out the necklace and everyone saw a beautiful vintage locket with a daisy flower charm. "You mean this?" Everyone threw in a bit of compliment, really admiring Jennie's fashion sense. "This was the talk of the night?"

The crowd of reporters laughed. "Is this a part of your new collection?"

"No, no, this is a very sentimental piece. This belongs to my collection."

"Who gave it to you Jennie? Is it from a friend? From someone special or is it from your lover?"

Jennie looks back to where Jisoo was standing and sees her walking towards the exits. She ignores the question leaves it on read for a few seconds, and just focuses on Jisoo's retreating figure, memorizing every bit of detail of her until it is gone from her vision. She holds onto her locket, remembering the talk she had with Jisoo earlier.

"I'll keep it safe until we meet again."

Smiling to herself, Jennie brings her attention back to the crowd. "It came from someone that I will never forget."

Meanwhile, a black luxury sedan leaves the store heading towards the main highway down to the road that was heading onto the airport. The car ride was dead silent and all the passengers could hear was the sound of the air condition circulating the vehicle. 

Jiyong tries his best to focus on the drive and remain silent just like how he has been around his boss' daughter because he was in no position to comment or even ask questions. He knew his place and that did not include the ability to ask questions. That's how loyal he is to Jisoo's family.

Yet the more he sees Jisoo focusing on the city lights and remains silent, the more distracted he becomes, and honestly he doesn't like it, not even one bit so when he finds a clear path to the park, he shifts the direction of the vehicle and hits the breaks, confusing the woman at the backseat.

"Why did we stop?" Not answering right away, he presses the hazard button before leaving his post and sits beside Jisoo. "What are you doing here?"

"Miss Kim, how long have I served in your family?"

"Thirty years."

"Right, and in those three decades, have I intervened nor gone out of my duties to guard you? Have I neglected my duties as your bodyguard?"

"Wait, what's all with these weird questions?"

"Just answer me, Miss Kim."

"No, of course not Jiyong, you have been faithful to me and you're the best bodyguard that has ever been given to us, to me especially. You know where you stand and not once did I see you voice out your opinion on things. It was infuriating most of the time, but I understood that you were just doing your job. You're not just my bodyguard Jiyong, you're my family now."

"Since I am family, then family shares things correct? They share achievements, feelings, and all sorts of things right?"

"Where is this talk heading Jiyong?"

"All I am saying is that you can talk to me..." He looks at her. "You can share anything with me Jisoo."

As if it was the only assurance that Jisoo needed, tears were immediately released and Jisoo's eyes looked like a waterfall as she leaned onto Jiyong for support. 

She cried so hard that she began to wail, and her knuckles slowly turned white as she gripped his coat. Her entire being was shaking so hard and the once silent car was filled with Jisoo's cries. For Jiyong, comforting her was the hardest thing he had done for her because it was the only thing that he could do.

"It was so hard to say those words to her..." She says as tears were continuously pouring down. "I couldn't even look at her in the eyes without breaking down. It broke me to say that I had completely forgotten about her when I completely remembered everything."

Jiyong remembered that very night when Jisoo made a great sacrifice to protect the girl that she loved.

"Looks like everything is clear. Even her brain is responding well to the medicine and all of her vital signs are normal. There might be a series of headaches, but that's just about it." The doctor says. "You're good to go Miss Kim."

"Thank you, doctor." Mrs. Kim says as she sees the doctor out. "Jisoo, darling-" She was stopped by Mr. Kim, who was looking at their daughter as a piece of meat. "Honey-"

"Let me ask you this and I am only going to ask you once." Mr. Kim walks closer to Jisoo, who is avoiding his stare. "Did you plan on running away?"


"Why? You have everything in life Jisoo. Anyone would do anything to be in your position right now."

"In my position?" Jisoo looks up and meets her father's eyes. "You think anyone would kill to be your daughter? I couldn't even stand you and I am even your blood what makes you think someone who's not blood-related would want to be like me... They want your money, not you- because even though you act like a perfect father, everybody could smell your shitty fatherhood skills."

"You rascal!" Mr. Kim slaps her hard. "After everything I've done for you!?"

"Honey stop!" Jisoo's mom tries to halt him. "She's still our daughter!"

"I don't want an ungrateful daughter!"

"And I don't want an over-controlling dad!" She screams back. "All you ever do is control me, make me do things for you, to boost your public image, to display for everyone else to see that you have a daughter who follows your orders like a little poodle, that's all I am to you!"

"Jisoo stop!" Mrs. Kim says. "He's still your father!"

"He never was!"Jisoo argues back. "He never saw me as his child because he always wanted a son!"

"Darling that's not true, your father loves-"

"He never loved me; he only loved me when he gained something from me."

"That's it." He spats and grips on her collar. "If you want to run away then fine, so be it. The moment you are discharged, you are no longer my daughter, and you will not receive a single penny from me."

"I never wanted your money so get the hell out of here. I'm done being your trophy."

"Oh trust me, I will leave and once I do, I will call everyone I know and make your girlfriend's life a living hell. I will make sure to destroy her, to make things hard for her, and I will let her know that all the misfortunes that have been happening in her life, are your fault. I'm going to make things so hard for her that she's going to wish that she never met you, that she regrets falling in love with you."

That ignited Jisoo's anger and she punches him square right in the face. "Don't fucking touch her!"

"Jisoo, Honey please stop!" Mrs. Kim was already in tears, trying her best to control the situation.

"And what are you going to do about it huh? Are you capable of bringing me down? Remember this Jisoo; you are nothing- absolutely nothing without me. Do you hear me? Nothing." He says. "Not so feisty now are we?" Her father lets out a scoff. "Wait 'til you see what I'm about to do, starting with their beloved home."

Jisoo's father pulls out his phone and that makes Jisoo curious. "What are you doing?"

"Hello? Yeah, it's me." Mr. Kim says as he looks at her. "Start pouring the gasoline."

Jisoo widens her eyes. "Stop."

"Make sure it covers their entire house." He continues to taunt her. "Include the treehouse too."

"Stop!" She gets off of the bed and tries to steal the phone away from him. "Make them stop!"

"All good? Then what are you waiting for? Light-"

"I SAID STOP!" All of them looked at Jisoo, who was on her knees in front of her father. "You win."

"Change of plans, don't burn the house." He instructs. "Clean everything; make sure to leave no trace." When the call ended he bends down and meets her daughter's eyes. "What did you say?"

"You win," Jisoo repeats; biting her lower lip as tears flow down from her eyes. "I'm sorry, I never should've run away. It was a stupid mistake, and I promise to never do it again."

"See? That wasn't so bad was it?"He smiles. "Well played Jisoo but I'm afraid it's not enough."

"Offer me something that I cannot resist other than your apology." He sits comfortably on one of the chairs. "Surely you acquired some of my business blood right?" Mr. Kim looks at his daughter. "Give me something in exchange for me not doing anything to your little girlfriend."

Jisoo was silent for a few moments until she said- "Thirteen years." She looks at him in the eyes. "I'm going to do whatever you want in thirteen years. That's enough time for you to have the seat as the Prime Minister of the Blue House right?"Seeing that her father was slowly convinced, she proceeded with the persuasion. "As long as it's not marrying someone else, then I will agree. I'll do whatever it takes for you to secure that position for you."

"Why not until I become the president?"

"You don't want to be president; you just want more vast connections. That's all you ever wanted in life and being a president draws too much media on you, and that's the only attention that you despise."

"And what if securing the position for me would mean marrying you to someone else?"

"You don't want anybody sharing your riches so don't fool yourself."

"Are you sure that you're going to do whatever I want?"

"I promise."

"Even if it means breaking up with that lowlife girlfriend of yours?"Jisoo doesn't answer quickly. "Well?"

She closes her eyes and replies- "Yes. I will break up with Jennie, just give me two days."

As soon as Mr. Kim hears that from her daughter, he laughs. "Then I guess we have a deal, my dear daughter." He stands up and fixes his coat. "Two days Jisoo, and after that- I own you for thirteen years."

Jiyong perfectly remembers that day, how Jisoo acted like nothing happened that night, and just explained her plans to both him and Chaeyoung. He was so amazed that she still managed to think this very thoroughly even though she was actually planning to break up with the only girl that she has, and she will ever love. 

If he was in her position, he would've crumbled down and not thought of a scheme so perfect that if he didn't know the truth, he would've believed everything that happened was true.

He remembered how Jisoo cried to herself that night; right after Jennie visited her the day before her so-called 'operation'. Even if he was outside the room, he could hear Jisoo's crying and Chaeyoung would always comfort her and hug her, telling her that everything was going to be okay soon.

He couldn't forget the look on Jennie's face when Jisoo faked the truth and acted like she had amnesia, and how Jisoo couldn't stop crying for days even after moving back to Seoul.

He watched as the old Jisoo was slowly withering away and being replaced bit by bit with someone he wasn't familiar with anymore. From the bubbly, enthusiastic, and just a bundle of radiant energy to someone dull, expressionless, and heartless Jisoo. He saw how Jisoo became his father's puppet throughout these years, doing various things against her own will and yet uttering not a single word of disagreement. 

Every time Jiyong wonders just how much more Jisoo could endure, he remembers what she said the night before all of the planning began.

"Everything I do from now on is for Jennie. Not for my father, not for my family, and not for even myself, just for Jennie."

"I wanted to say everything to her," Jisoo whispers. "I want to tell her right there that I never forgot about her, that I remember every single thing she said to me that night, that hey Jennie, I actually remember you and you're still the love of my life-"

"But you didn't."

"She didn't deserve it." She responds. "If I told her the truth back there, she would've given up everything just to be with me."

"And you don't want that to happen."

"Because she deserves the life that she has right now... she worked hard for it, gave everything she had and who am I compared to that?"

"You're the love of her life."

"Doesn't mean we were going to give up everything for love." Looking down, Jisoo plays with her fingers, trying to find the words to fully express her emotions. "I did what I had to do here, and that was to give her closure. She has been living in what-ifs and could have been for too long. She deserves to start a new chapter in her life."

"And you? What's going to happen to you?"

"I can't put a period in our story."

"But you can't also stay in that part of the book for a long time," Jiyong adds. "You can't stop your life just because you guys are not together."

"I don't want to move on from her."

"I'm not saying that you should, what I am saying is instead of putting a period on your love story with Jennie, why not put a semicolon instead? In that way, you can always come back for it when you're ready." He looks at Jisoo, a woman who feels like his own daughter.

"Leave things the way they are now and allow the both of you to live your lives first, do everything that you guys were supposed to do, finish every unfinished business, and go through all the experiences that you have to go through alone first so when the time comes when fate decides the two of you to meet again, there will be nothing else that's going to stop you. No extra baggage and no more loose strings, just Jennie and Jisoo- just like how you met fourteen years ago."

"You think Jennie and I were meant to be together?"

"I don't assume, I know you guys are made for each other." He reassures. "I think she knows that too. That's why she gave back the ring to you so that you can return it when the right time comes." Remembering the ring, Jisoo pulls it out and looks at just how beautiful it still was even after all these years. "Just so you know, she was still wearing the necklace."

"She was?" He nodded his head. "You're not bluffing are you?"

"Miss Kim, I am all in for white lies but I would never, ever lie to you nor give you false hopes, especially if it involves Miss Jennie," Jiyong says. "I knew the chain was so familiar until I saw her fixing her dress and I saw it."

"Were you checking her out?!"

Jiyong rolls his eyes. "Her father told me that there was never a day in those ten years that the two of you were apart had she removed it from her. It was always there, because as per drunken Jennie, as much as Jennie would want to forget you, she memorized you way too much to let you go. If that's not love, then I don't know what love is at all." Smiling to lighten up the mood, he turns to her. "Do you understand now?"

"Yeah, I think I do now." She smiles back.

"Perfect." Going back to the driver's seat, he looks at her through the rearview mirror. "Ready?"

Jisoo looks at the ring, and then slowly slips it in on her ring finger. "Yeah." She smiles. "Let's go."

Jiyong continued the drive to the airport, the ride remained silent, but Jiyong didn't feel suffocated anymore. Whenever he looked at Jisoo, he was able to feel that she was indeed okay, and he knew he had done his job right this time. That was all he ever could ask for.

As the car ride continues, Jisoo looks at the buildings and now senses a bit of relief. She now understands that moving forward doesn't really mean moving on and just because they did not end up together right now, doesn't mean they won't be able to figure things out later. 

She knew it was a long shot, but if Jennie believes that their paths are going to cross someday, then she too should believe in it; for there is nothing more powerful than two desperate souls dreaming of the same dream.

3 years.
Just three more years.
And then I'm going to come home.
Back to you, Jennie.
Only you.

"I'd like to see you again too."

With that, Jisoo smiles and closes her eyes, with the belief that this chapter did not end on a permanent period but rather a semi-colon. She closes her eyes, remembering to place a bookmark on this very night, for she knows when the right time comes, she's going back to this chapter in her life and continuing what they both started and then maybe beautifully ending things.

Jennie Kim may not exist in the present chapter of her life, but she will always be the chapter that she would never want to end, the chapter in her life that is so beautiful that it was so hard to forget, and-

Jennie Kim's chapter in her life will always be the chapter that Jisoo Kim would never get tired of memorizing.


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