Somebody Else

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According to the internet, there are 5 stages of grief.

1- In Denial

2- Anger

3- Bargaining

4- Depression

5- Acceptance

It may be grief of losing someone you love, something that was valuable or memory that will never be repeated again. There are a lot of reasons for us to grieve.

But for Kim Jisoo- it was losing someone who never belonged to her in the first place.


"Why!?" Jisoo screams from her side of the apartment.

There were some shuffling sounds before an energetic Lisa appears. "Are you ready for me?"

"What are you- Lisa you better not do what I'm thinking you're about to do!"

"I hope you are because here I come!!!"

"Oof!" She lets out a groan as the younger one ends on top of her. "Lisaaaa."

The maknae giggles at the unnie's reply before scooting right beside her. "Unnie. What are you doing?"

"Playing games why?"

"Nothing, I'm bored."

"Where's Chaeyoung?"

"In the dungeon." That comment earns a slap on the shoulder from the heart-shape lip girl. "Hehe, kidding! She's at the recording studio practicing for her solo stage."

"Makes sense." She replies shortly before shifting her attention back at the game.



"Let's play."

"I'm currently enjoying playing by myself so scram foreigner." Lisa pouts, making Jisoo chuckle. "Go annoy Jendeuk she's probably-"

"Jennie unnie left earlier. She said she had an errand to run." The jet-black hair girl hums in response. "Unnie."


"You know about it right?" The playfulness in her voice suddenly disappeared and the cheery atmosphere was gone as well. "About-"

"Lisa, unless it comes from Jennie herself, I won't assume."

"But Chaeng and I saw him pick unnie up-" Lisa bites her lower lip. "I know it's hard, but unnie even if I'm the youngest, you can count on me."

In the end Jisoo just chuckles and ends her game. "What game do you want to play?"



"Yes oppa?"

"What snack would you like to have? Your shoot is still 2 hours away."

"Hmmm... Let me think." She looks at the view as she taps her chin. "What to eat, what to eat-"

"How about chicken sandwich? You like chicken right?"

"I hate sandwiches though." She says in her dull tone and he knew he fucked up.

"S-s-sorry." He coughs out. "I-uh, I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine oppa." She smiles back at him.

"Jisoo, I know that you rarely open up but just know you can count on oppa okay? It's really hard being the oldest in the group and not having your best friend know your true feelings but- oppa's here. You can tell me anything anytime, I do the same thing to you remember that time when-"

"Then why didn't you?" She continues to look at the road they were passing on.

"B-be-because I wasn't in the position-"

"Wasn't in the position? Oppa- you perfectly were! You knew what was happening!"

"J-Jisoo pl-please calm down I-"

"Who knows how much paper I was eating already!"


"The phone numbers in the sandwiches! You know about them didn't you? I know I had a habit of eating paper in the past but it's different now!" She sighs. "No wonder why my bowel movement changed aigoo~"

He looks at her weirdly. "Jisoo, I was talking about-"

"The phone numbers stuck in the sandwiches I know."

"Actually I was talking about J-"

"Joining me next time we go for Inkigayo sandwich? Sure." She looks at him with those familiar eyes. "But this time , you check it okay?"


"I think I'm just going to get Americano."




Five girls rounded up the reserved table for them at a Japanese restaurant where they decided to order a little bit of alcohol, just to congratulate their good friend Kim Jisoo for a job well done after successfully pulling off their 2-day first ever Seoul concert.

"Yah Jisoo, you were so great doing that English song! Did you really converted the English lyrics?"

"I did translated them a bit but I got a little help from the musical crew too."

"Oho, look at you being the selfless person that you are as always."

"Yeah Jisoo, you are always like that ever since highschool! No wonder you just let Jennie run off-" Her friend's sentence was cut short when one of her other friends nudged her. "Anyways, since you're good at converting things, try to convert your sexuality so that you wouldn't be hurt when this blows up."

"What blows up?"

"Yah shut up already, you're ruining the mood."

"What will blow up?" Jisoo looks at her friends, being slightly annoyed that she's the only one left behind so she turns to her best friend- the real one which was Soojoo. "Got something you wanted to tell me?"

"Jisoo, when we were seating at our seats, a few rows ahead of us was-" She swallows the lump on her throat. "Kai a-an-and Chanyeol with other people but they were barely noticeable."

"And how did you confirmed it was them?"

"Well duh? His phone was just taking records and photos of Jennie! We even thought he was a fansite but he was so disguised and his hair kinda gave the idol vibe." Their drunk friend speaks. "I honestly think it was cute though, he really likes her." Soojoo noticed the sudden change of aura from her friend which is why she tries to lighten up the mood. "They even left the venue together with some of Jennie's friends so-"

The rest of the group jumps when Jisoo slammed her beer glass hard on the table. "Wow, you say a lot of non-sense things when you're drunk huh..." She tilts her head to the side, as if she was challenging the latter. "And here I thought you already had a high tolerance right after you continuously got drunk after you ex fucked your cousin-"

"YAH! Take that back!" The rest of the group immediately restrained their drunken friend. "Take that back Kim Jisoo or else!"

"Or else what? You'll rat me out? You're nothing. You're no one compared to me- who's going to believe you?"

"Kim Jisoo stop it already!" Soojoo reprimands. "You know how she is when she's drunk and you're a little too so I suggest you calm down before this get worse."

"I'm out of here." She immediately stands up and calls her manager.

"Yeah get out! As if you can compete to him! I may be nothing compared to you, but you're nothing compared to him either so who's got the last laugh!?"




Jisoo removes her headphones before doing her victory dance as she just one another round against the gaming duo of another popular group named Red Velvet. She runs through the entire living room of the girl group's brand new dorm laughing at their pissed off expressions.

Yeri removes her headphones before glaring at her unnie. "YAH! We were suppose to win that one but your lame ass caused us another game and dinner money!"

"We already agreed you can trash-talk me when we're in the game not after so come here you!"

Jisoo continues to laugh and shake her head at the team. "Admit it guys, I'm just that good."

"Pfft, yeah right! If you were that good then why is-" Yeri stops midway and meets Seulgi's glare. "Why is Seulgi is better at you?!"

"Because she's my ddeulgi and I let the bear win sometimes." She smiles. "Now, carry on Yeri. Order my dinner while you suckers play with grumbling tummies!"

"I'm telling this to Irene unnie I tell you." She points her index finger at Seulgi before leaving them alone.

Seulgi sighs and slumps at her seat, making Jisoo chuckle again. "Your girlfriend is going to kill you when she finds out right?"

"You bet! You haven't seen her when I accidentally spend all of my savings on the upgrades. I was this close to seeing hell I tell you."

"No wonder you're so affectionate towards her these days." She smiles. "Must be nice, having someone treat you the way you treat them."

"Until they plan a million ways on how to kill you." Seulgi shakes her head.

"Where is Irene and the others by the way?"

"Wendy and Joy went out to do girlfriend stuff, if you know what I mean and Irene's third-wheeling to Kai and-

"Your dorm is really nice Seulgi. I think it's nice that you have your own room right now."

"Jisoo, stop avoiding it."

"Well obviously your room need a little bit more touch, but I'd personally say it's aesthetically pleasing."


"It totally screams you and I wonder if-"

"JISOO." Seulgi both holds onto the latter's shoulders telling her to stop. "It's okay, I'm here and I'm willing to listen. I know you're hurting."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes you do. But you can't really blame it on Jennie, can you? I mean- it was about time she lets go. Kai is not really-"

"Seulgi. If you consider yourself as my friend then I think you know that this is where you are crossing the line. Whatever I'm feeling right now, doesn't concern you. Whether I blame it on me, on Jennie or even on that guy-you don't have a say because this is my life."

"Well then you don't have a say in Jennie's life either." Seulgi retorts back, getting pissed at her friend who is stubborn as rock. "Jennie may have had love you, but it's not up to you how long will she love you because let's face it Jisoo, you're afraid of feelings. So don't blame her for loving someone who makes her happy."

Out of anger Jisoo pulls her collar roughly. "He makes her happy? Really? Does he even know what makes her happy?"

"Well they did have a lovely dinner in Paris. Remember her caption? Hashtag happyjen?" She smirks, as if she was trying to trigger the latter more. "Go on Jisoo, show me what you feel right now."

"You little-"

"UNNIE!" Yeri uses all of her might to push Jisoo away. "SEULGI UNNIE WHAT THE HELL?!"

"Come on Jis! Hit me!" Jisoo starts approaching her again but only to be push off roughly. "What? Can't accept that I'm right? Are you still in the denial stage? WAKE-UP JISOO! You're fucking late because-"

"STOP!" Yeri shoves Seulgi unnie harsh too. "I swear unnie! Shut up!" She turns to Jisoo still with hands still in knuckles. "Jisoo unnie, you're one of the coolest people I've known but I think it's time for you to leave."

"This isn't over Seulgi." She points at Seulgi. "I'm going to end you next time."

"It's alright! At least I have Joohyun to take care of me! I guess it's true then!" Seulgi continues to scream at Jisoo's retreating figure. "You are what you eat because you're a fucking chicken! You're a chicken Kim Jisoo!"






"Rosé." She says in her broken accent making the Australian girl laugh. "Roseanne."

"Aigoo unnie why are you so cute." She giggles as she busies herself channel surfing at Jisoo's room in Shanghai. "Such a shame I couldn't understand a thing."

"Chaeng?" The taller woman hums in response. "Do you had any regrets being an idol?"

"Why the sudden question?" Jisoo shrugs and waits for her to answer. "There are always two sides of the coin unnie, I've had my fair share of regrets but it doesn't mean I'll trade them for what I have now. I love performing my everything out there and going all out for our fans."

"You don't think of your regrets? Not at all?"

"Of course I do silly." She giggles. "Sometimes I look out at the road, think about what life I would've had if I hadn't chose this one. It was probably simplier, happy and open."


"In relationship wise. Also, in being ourselves." She says making the latter nods in understanding. "Why did you ask all of a sudden?"

"Just reassuring if my regrets are worth thinking about." The younger doesn't say anything else, knowing that Jisoo wasn't usually like this. "I didn't want to lose her Chaeyoung-ah."

"But she wasn't also going to stand there and wait for you to decide that it's her that you want. Jennie unnie may be all out when she likes someone, but she's also someone who knows her worth."

"Is that why she chose him? Because they are a perfect match?"

"No unnie, you guys are the perfect match. You always were." The older girl could sense the frustration out of the latter's voice which was rare to hear. "She chose him, because you stopped choosing her. And she doesn't want that, she was done with this you guys being more than best friends but less than lovers act."

"Does he make her happy Chaeng? Whenever you and Lisa join them, do you see her eyes sparkling? Does her cheeks hurt from laughing too much? Does he know when to stop making her laugh because her stomach is sore from working out? Does he takes off his jacket and offer it to her? Does he listen to what she likes and takes note of it?"


"Does he walks slowly with her whenever she's wearing heels? Does he give her a pack afterwards? Does he shield her eyes from the sun when it's too bright? Does he understand how needy she is?"

"Unnie stop. You're hurting yourself."

Jisoo sighs. "I'm going crazy Chaeyoung. I'm missing someone I never had."

"You know you should let go right? She's making you sad and I don't like it."

"She makes me happy too. I guess this is why I'm still here, regretting."

"Oh unnie." Jisoo could almost hear the pity on her member's voice. She also knew Rosé was also in tears.

"Are they going to reveal it soon?"

"I don't know when, but their relationship is the first to be revealed when the time comes."

"How should I act?"

"You should act how a best friend would do." She says as she taps Jisoo's head lightly. "You stay right beside her."

"Even if it kills me?"

"Even if it kills you."


And by January 1, 2019- it finally happened.

Jisoo remembers everything perfectly. She was just at her room, lounging with Dalgom listening to random music when Rosé messaged her that they finally released it. Soon the message came from Lisa, then from Doyoung, followed by Seulgi and that friend of hers whom she had a recent fight with. Both women apologized for their actions and felt embarrassed for not being able to be more understanding.

She swallows the lump on her throat as she decides to be brave and searched their names online where various articles and pictures were shown. Jisoo could feel her chest tightening, her lips being chapped for some unknown reason and she knew she was suppose to press the exit button, lock her phone and sleep all day but she knew deep down- she just had to know the truth. She had to know if she was happy.

Like a fan, she traced all the similarities of their captions and the similarities between them and how was the gummy-smiled girl during those months and indeed, she was happy. Jisoo wanted to do to feel thing too- but how could she when she could hear her own heart breaking.

And she slowly feels it. As days passed by, with no Jennie showing up for her birthday- without her showing up for Jennie's birthday. Even when she's on stage, behind the mic, on the dance studio, on her dorm room, even with all of the people surrounding her with love and support- she feels like she's fading away.

The members feel it too which is why Rosé and Lisa are so worried. Afraid that this might reach their managers or worse- sajangnim. Even just thinking about meeting him in flesh right at the seventh floor was enough to give them goosebumps. So even if hell breaks loose on their dorm, they would rather experience it no rather than experiencing it on the floor no artist would want to step in.

"Jennie unnie?"

"Hey Lili." Jennie smiles as she carries Kuma in her arms.

"Hubby!" Rosé runs towards her and gives her a hug. "Oops, can't do that now since we're divorced."

"Silly!" She lets out a gummy smile. "Why are you two still up?"

"Well... We actually want to talk to you about something."

"And what would that be?" She says as she walks to the kitchen where the maknaes follow her with their whispers.

"You say it."

"No, you say it."

"We already talked about this Lisa and I won the bet so you do it!"

"Guys." Jennie says in her English and she places the glass down. "I'm right here."

"Unnie, Chaeyoung has something to say to you."

Rosé's meme-worthy reaction face appeared once again. "You traitor!"

"Sorry I'm scared!"

"Scared of what?" Jennie's temper was no joke right now so she wasn't in the mood to play. "Just tell me guys come on we're a family-"

"Jisoo unnie is fading away."

"What do you mean fading away?"

"Well I talked to her one time and I told her that it was nice wrapping up our Asia tour." Lisa joins in the conversation. "And I thought she would reply with the same enthusiasm but she shrugs and didn't say a single thing." Jennie's eyebrows rose when she heard that. "So I talked to Rosé about it then-"

"Then I told her about how I met with Joy and she said that Seulgi shared about Jisoo being distant. So I talked to unnie about it and that she told me she was feeling empty." Rosé suddenly shifts her tone of voice and both of the other girls knew she was going to go cry soon. "She told me she was fading away, little by little."

"Chaeyoung-ah, stop crying." Lisa hugs the blonde girl tightly. "Unnie, I know things between you guys have not been in the best condition but-please talk to her."


Jisoo was silently looking from afar from the window as she swallows the silence of the night. She never thought she would be able to feel this kind of emptiness inside of her. She was known to be bubbly, to be non-chalant, and positive girl. Now where is that girl right now?

Why does everytime she stares at the mirror, she no longer sees herself but just a woman with a pretty face? She has everything a person could ask for, people were dying to be her and she should feel proud about that but what happened?

She doesn't understand a thing too, but she really doesn't pay any attention to it unlike before. I was bound to fade away soon anyways.


Jisoo turns to her with a smile. "Jendeuk, you're home. How was schedule?" Lie, she knew she wasn't out for a schedule. She knew very well that she got inside his car.

"Can we talk?"

"Sure, what about it?"

"The maknaes noticed something different about you." She starts. "They noticed that you were passive these past schedules. They're worried about you."

"You know those two, maybe they're just overloaded with Disney movies and make small things a big deal." She waves her off. "Don't mind them."

"So what do you mean when you told Chaeyoung that you were fading away? Was it just a Disney thing too?"

"Maybe it's just the age thing." She chuckles but Jennie was slowly getting annoyed with Jisoo's attitude.

"You're 24 not 60 and for fuck's sake can you please speak up for once?" She hisses, surprising the latter. "What do you mean when you told Chaeyoung that you were fading away?"

"It's nothing-"

"Goddamnit Jisoo!" She screams, scaring the life out of Dalgom who was barking right now.

"Geez Jen, really? You're going that low?" She carries Dalgom and pushes him out of the room before locking the door.

"Well what do you expect me to do then? Not react? Be passive like what you're doing right now?"

"It's not like you can help me anyways right?"

"I can't help because you won't let me! How am I suppose to know if you're keeping your mouth shut!"

"Maybe I don't want you to help me, maybe I don't need any of you to help me because honestly? I'm a lost case Jennie, it's too late, I'm slipping away and I'm gonna disappear. Not that it bothers you that much since you have someone else."

"Jisoo you're ridiculous, of course I care! You're my best friend!"

"Don't." She points a finger accusingly at Jennie. "Don't tell me that we were just best friends."

"So what were we because I'm kinda torn between calling you my fuck buddy and lover really." She retorts back. "Oh right, we couldn't be lovers because you don't do feelings and we can't be fuck buddies because you no longer crave for me physically. So I guess that leaves me with the option best friend right?"

"And is that what you want? To be my fuck buddy?"

"Of course not Jisoo I want to be the one you love!" Jennie screams so loud that she was sure the other two heard her perfectly. "I want you more than anything else in this world!"

"So why didn't you wait for me? Why didn't you fight for me?" She asks back with similar intensity. "Don't you know how hard it is for me now? Seeing that you're with him?!"

"And did you think it was easy for me?! Did you think that being in love with you was walk in the park? FUCK NO! Being in love with someone like you felt like walking on a bed of roses barefoot. It was a slow and painful process but you know what? I disregarded every pain- every negative outcome of our relationship all because I am so in love with you! But what did you do? When I told you what I really feel you laughed- you fucking laughed at my face and told me that I took this thing between us too personally. You laughed at the only thing that's making me happy and after everything, do you expect me to fight for you? What is this? 1978?"

"What I expect from you is for you to understand that this is all new to me and it scares me! Here I am, not even knowing what love truly means but here I am feeling things for you that I shouldn't have in the first place. What expect from you is to understand that even if I don't say it with words- you'll understand through my actions- through my eyes." She looks at her, tears threatning to fall from her own. "Even if I don't say it- you'll look into my eyes and know that you, Jennie Kim is what I like to call home."

Jennie felt her heart being crushed hearing that coming from Jisoo. "No, Kim Jisoo- I am not going to be that same stupid 15 year old Jennie Kim who fell in love with you the moment you walked in. I'm no longer that Jennie Kim who's so fucking whipped for you and who would bow down at your presence. I've realized my worth and I can't go on waiting for you to say those words back because I am no longer that Jennie Kim you met six years ago."

"So that's why you're with him- because he realizes your worth? You're with him because he said that he likes you, that he loves you? Is that why you're with him?"

"What if I said yes?"

"Then I'm going to tell you that it's unfair. It's unfair because I saw you first, I touched you first and I loved you first."

"You know what's unfair Jisoo?" Jisoo looks at Jennie, with tears all wrapped up on her cheeks. "It's unfair for you to trap me into your late realizations. It's unfair for Kai to let go of him, someone who took the risk of being with me for someone who took years to say it." She wipes her tears away, a cold demeanor covering up her true feelings. "You're unfair Jisoo and I'm done."

"You wanna know what's even more unfair Jen?" She turns to look at Jisoo, who-despite of everything that has managed to smile. "Letting you go when you're not even mine to begin with."



"Yahhh Lalisa stop with the shouting!"

"Hehe, sorry Chaeng! I was just so frustrated with the ending!"

"Well of course they had to end it that way- they were not meant for each other!"

"What if they were meant to break each others' hearts that time only to find each other on the next? What if they were meant to fall apart only to find each other again?"

The older woman looks at the youngest with weird expression. "No, your argument is invalid."

"It's valid! Right Jisoo unnie?!"

"No unnie! It's totally invalid! If they were meant to be together in this life, they would work things out! No matter how hard it gets."

"Well..." Jisoo says as she shifts into a more comfortable position. "I think- I'm with Lisa with this one."


"Ahhhh~ Unnie why?" The chipmunk whines.

"The greatest tragedy in this world are not about earthquakes, tsunamis and thunderstorms. Sometimes it's about two people who were molded for one another but under the given circumstances, it just won't work out. They weren't able to and although it hurts- saying good bye to one another was the best decision for everyone." She smiles. "Sorry Chaeng."

"It's alright, after hearing what you said- it kind of makes sense now."

"Alright babies it's time for bed now." The two taller women whines. "Nah uh uh, don't use that tone on me, we still have schedules later on which is why it's time to hit the sack."

"Lisa let me sleep in your bed. I miss Luca and Leo."

"Sure no problem."

"Okay! It's fine for the deal!" Jisoo was surprised when Chaeyoung jumps on Lisa's back.

"One day, you're going to be the cause of my back pain."

"But you love me anyways so let's go, go, go!"

Jisoo shakes her head while looking at the younger girls continue their playful act all around the house before actually ending up on Lisa's bedroom, wondering if they finally figured out what was truly going on between them. They both screamed good night which Jisoo returns in the same manner before the oldest one was left alone for herself.

Sighing she picks up all of their left overs and trashes and starts to clean up, knowing that she needs to be the unnie between the three of them. After making sure everything was neat and tidy, Jisoo thinks that it was also time for her to hit the sack too so with one last yawn, she slowly walks onto her bedroom that is until- she hears the front door open.

She could feel her heartbeat slowly increasing because this was the first time- in a long time right after the confrontation that they were left alone. She hears the shuffling sounds and sighs of exhaustion before it all comes to a stop. Jisoo felt Jennie's stare right at her and though it was hard to admit- she knew it was time for them to talk once again.

"Are you sleepy?" She asks as soon as she turns around.


"Good, because I think it's time for us to talk."


They sat infront of the dining area, awkwardness slowly filling the atmosphere until Jennie coughs the silence away. "What do you want to talk about?"

"A lot actually... I just don't know where to start."

Jennie nods her head in understanding. "Well, whenever you're-"

"I'm sorry." Jisoo cuts Jennie by surprise. "I want to say sorry for a lot of things really but let me start with I'm sorry I was unfair. Because you were right, I was unfair to you, to the group, to your current relationship and to my friends, even to myself."

"But I'm also sorry for making you feel that you weren't good enough. I'm sorry for laughing at your feelings, but please know I did that out of panic and I hope you know that you are good enough Jennie, you will be more than enough and any person would agree to what I just said."

"And lastly, I'm sorry for destroying the possibilities of us. I know you probably thought about how we should celebrate our anniversaries or what should we call one another, you probably thought about having escaping from the public and just be ourselves overseas and then maybe when all of this is over, we'd get married and have the domestic life we always talked about." She smiles while Jennie was already close to tears. "I know you had those thoughts because I had my versions too."

"I had imagine spending the rest of my life with you, and maybe if I was strong enough to admit and did not let my fears get the best of me, I would've been able to experience it. But I guess we really don't know what we have until it's gone." She chuckles and really tries hard to keep it together. "I'm sorry I was the villain in this story. I'm sorry I destroyed us."

"And now, despite the fact that I love you, I'm going to have to let you go. Because you deserve to be happy and I know he's going to give that to you. You're in good hands now Jendeuk-ah." She holds on her hand and presses it onto her cheek. "I'm going to let you go, because it's the right thing to do, and it's the only thing I could do for now... This is me saying good bye to us."

"But this is also me, promising you that in the next life- I will find you. I will find you, no matter how hard it gets, and no matter how long I will wait for you. I will find you, and I will love you ten times more than I love you now." She presses Jennie's hand against her soft lips. "We're going to be each others' end game, and you won't belong to somebody else." She looks up and meet Jennie's crying face. "But right now, I'm going to be your best friend and I will always support you."

They stayed in that position for minutes, sometimes shifting and changing positions but not once did they try to let go of each others' hand. They decided not to speak with words and conversed with actions, one that they were also used to talking in times of feelings that are unexplainable with letters and paragraphs.

Every touch, every trail of finger, made Jennie feel how Jisoo really felt for her and every tear Jennie lets out from her eye, Jisoo understood what she really feels.

But like every story, it must come to an end whether it was good or bad or even a cliffhanger. So when Jisoo's alarm went off, she knew it was time to take a short nap before leaving for schedule and Jennie knew she was going to do the same. Both of them stood up, looking at their intertwined hands before giving each other a longing look.

And slowly, both Jennie and Jisoo slips away from their memories of their what if's and regrets, and decides to live in what they like to call reality.

Jisoo closes the door and sees Dalgom patiently waiting for her. She slowly patting him as she whispers the words. "I will always be here for you Jendeuk, even if it kills me. " She smiles at the tears she was holding back were freely flowing from her eyes. "Even if it kills me."

Meanwhile Jennie was still leaning for support on her door, as she becomes a sobbing mess. She remembered everything Jisoo had said earlier and couldn't help but feel so devastated even though she's supposed to feel relieved knowing that Jisoo was finally apologizing for her mistakes, she finally acknowled the fact that she destroyed the possibilities of them. So why does she feel that the Earth was suddenly placed on her shoulder?

Oh right.

Because even if Jennie has found somebody else- she knew Kim Jisoo was the one for her. In this life or the next.


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