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"I am going to eat your soul... and SHIT it out, Martin!"


"Stiles!" Lydia screamed his name again in the deserted parking lot. He had to be close since she could still sense Jennifer's rage simmering in the night. The panicked teenager wandered further from the building, her heels pressing against the grass and dirt.

Unexpectedly, she came across an abandoned corsage on the ground. As Lydia kneeled to inspect it, she recognised it to be an orchid; it was the corsage Stiles had planned to give her. He wouldn't have dropped it on purpose, especially if he had meant to bring it tonight.

"Help!" she heard a male voice yell. It came from the old swimming pool that had not been used since someone almost drowned in it. Lydia immediately knew it was him.

She wrapped the orchid corsage around her wrist and made haste, sprinting towards the other building. It had been broken into several times before, leaving some shattered windows which was a clear opening for her. Lydia climbed onto some overgrown vines and ivy, pulling herself through the gap. She tumbled inside, cutting her arm on a piece of broken glass. 

The stinging pain did not prevent her from completing her mission. Lydia stood back onto her feet, her eyes instantly locking onto the sight of Jennifer gnawing into her boyfriend's neck. Stiles' eyelids were fluttering, seemingly going in and out of consciousness. 

"Stiles?" her voice was shaky and quiet, but it was enough to bring him back.

His eyes opened, weakly peering back with fear in his eyes. "Lydia..."

Abruptly, Jennifer's head turned towards her. Her mouth was wider than usual, blood was dripping from rows of sharpened teeth. An inhumane screech erupted from her throat, angry that her feast had been disrupted.

Lydia's hands covered her mouth as she gasped. She had finally seen the physical monster Jennifer had become, and she wasn't going to let her take Stiles from her.

When she spun back to feed on Stiles again, Lydia's wrath had reached its peak. "That's it, bitch."

Without a second thought, the strong-willed Queen of Beacon Hills leapt into the water to save her boyfriend from certain death. Lydia grasped onto Jennifer's shoulders, yanking her away from him. Both girls went under, the strawberry-blonde being the initiator.

Stiles, dazed and confused with a bloody neck, scanned the water for the girls, hoping that the right one would emerge. Luckily, after a few seconds, Lydia was the one to return to the surface. Yet, Jennifer was nowhere to be seen.

She coughed, reaching for him. "Oh, my God. Stiles, I'm so sorry."

"Where is... where is she?" he asked as his senses slowly returned to him.

Lydia searched the area, wondering where Jennifer was going to pop up next. It was quiet for a moment until the couple heard a splash at the other end of the pool. Then, something began moving towards them at a fast pace. She didn't have any weapons on her to protect herself, and she knew Jennifer wouldn't hesitate to rip her apart.

"Lydia..." she faced him again, seeing a can of pepper spray in his hand. He threw it to her, the can lightly splashing in the water.

As Jennifer was getting closer, Lydia struggled to remove the lid. Her fingers fumbled, slipping against the pink plastic. Just as the demon was about to return to the surface, Lydia managed to unseal it. Her head popped through the water, ready to feed again.

Nevertheless, Lydia sprayed the deadly contents of the can into her eyes. Jennifer screamed in agony as she shouted. "That's what you get for trying to eat my boyfriend!"

She backed away as Jennifer's healing abilities tended to her wounds. Her fists slammed against the water, watching her ex-friend tightly clutch onto her prey. She gagged, black sludge clogging her throat. Lydia's confidence subsided slightly, recognising what was happening.

Suddenly, a projectile of black watery vomit was thrown onto the pair. Lydia cried out in disgust as they were being covered in Jennifer's sick. She choked, quickly ceasing. "And that's what you get for being a little bitch!"

To their shock, Jennifer instantly shot out of the water, levitating many metres above them. As Lydia ushered her boyfriend over to the pool ladder, Stiles stammered. "Okay, she can fly...?"

"She's just hovering. It's not that impressive." She declared, latching onto the metal bars and climbing out of the water.

"God, do you have to undermine everything that I do?" Jennifer harshly questioned as she floated towards the poolside. "You're such a player-hater!"

Once she was out of the pool, her dress weighed her down with water, but Lydia was still determined to face her demons. "And you're a jerk."

"Wow, nice insult, Hannah Montana." Jennifer sarcastically remarked, landing on the tiled flooring. "Got any more harsh digs?"

"Yeah, I do." She replied, taking a step towards her in a condescending manner. "You were never a good friend. You used to steal my toys and pour lemonade on my bed-"

"And now I'm eating your boyfriend." She finished with a smirk, glancing at Stiles as he scaled the pool ladder. "See? At least I'm consistent."

"Why do you need him? Huh? You know the band who killed you is literally at our school dance. You could have gone after them!" Lydia mentioned, making Jennifer flinch a little. "You can have any boy that you want, so... why Stiles? Is it just to get at me? To piss me off?"

Jennifer scoffed. "Oh, you'd love that, wouldn't you. But not everything's about you, Lydia. You just happened to get in the way."

She narrowed her eyes, bewildered by her answer. "In the way of what?"

"Seriously? Did you even notice me ogling Stiles for the last few years? Well, obviously not since you barely acknowledged his existence until half a year ago. I was this close to asking him out when you managed to beat me to it." Jennifer ultimately confessed, having withheld her feelings for ages. "And you know what? I wasn't actually planning to eat him. I was actually going to spare him. Of course, even though we had a great makeout session, he still chose you." Emotions arose from within her hollow shell, taking her over like the demon possessing her body. "No matter what I do or how beautiful I am, he will always choose you. It's always you. It's always you, and it's never ME!"

To be honest, she was surprised about Jennifer's confession of unrequited love and envy. Perhaps they weren't as close as Lydia originally thought. "So, you're jealous of me? Is that it? Wow, you really are insecure."

The comment appeared to scorn her. "Me? Insecure? That's just... ridiculous! How can I be insecure when I look like this? I am hot as hell!"

"Is that all you care about?" she asked. "Jennifer, you've always been pretty from the start; you just never realised. I tried to boost your self-esteem multiple times, but you never took my advice."

Even though Lydia's words stung her, she held her head high. "Let me tell you about Jennifer. She was a loser. Someone too scared to stand up for herself. A shy girl that people loved to push around because she made it so easy to do." She hissed, displaying her anger towards the world. "For every stupid day of her life, she dedicated her entire being to making sure that you were the popular one. The hot one. The one who was happy with her life because she wasn't happy with her own. You got everything handed to you on a golden platter, and I got nothing."

"I've never cared about popularity!" There was a swift and awkward silence. Immediately, Lydia rethought her statement. "Well, I kinda did, but not anymore. I've changed for the better. It seems like you've changed for the worst." She frowned, acknowledging what her friend had turned into. "I wanted to help you, Jen. But now I know that it's far too late for that. You've ruined too many lives."

"Oh, please! I'm just getting started." She retorted.

Even from a distance, Lydia could see Jennifer weakening. Her emotions were powerful, they fuelled her rage. However, Lydia used hers for strength. "You know what, Jen? You may think that I'm nothing without you, but you're wrong." She started. "I have Stiles, I have my family, and I have my friends. Hell, I even have a cute little dog named Prada! What will you have in the end, Jennifer?" inferred Lydia. "Because I know that your perfect beauty and your hunger for human flesh won't satisfy you forever. You're not even socially relevant anymore."

"I am still socially relevant." She argued.

"Yeah, like, two months ago when you decided to go braless." Lydia mocked. "Don't you get it, Jen? In the end, you'll have nothing but a cruel and selfish heart."

"Shut up." 

"You will always end up alone." 

"Shut up, Lydia!"

"That's what will always happen to a loser like you."

Jennifer's demeanour had changed, the words clearly affecting her. She was more than angry now; she was pissed. "I am going to eat your soul... and SHIT it out, Martin!"

Lydia backed against the wall. "I thought you only murdered boys."

"I go both ways." She snarled, about to release the beast. Jennifer charged towards her, but she was narrowly stopped by Stiles, who had thrust the end of a broken net into her stomach.

 Although she was physically weak, it was not enough to mortally wound her. Stiles collapsed, having used the last of his energy. "Ow." Lydia watched disgustingly as Jennifer grasped onto the net and painfully began to remove it. "Ow!" Every tug was agonising until she finally pulled it out. Red liquid seeped out, staining her white dress. The wound wasn't healing as fast this time, leading her to query. "Do you have a tampon?" Still shocked, Lydia shook her head. "Huh, kinda assumed you were flowing."

Then, she started to hobble across the tiles, shuffling past Lydia and Stiles. She jumped onto the window ledge and leapt back outside. Once again, Jennifer had escaped without suffering the consequences of her actions.

"I'm not even surprised." She murmured. Jennifer had always been a bit of a coward, especially when their friendship was still intact. Nearby, Stiles let out a harsh groan, growing weaker by the second. "Stiles!"

Lydia knelt beside him, stroking his face delicately. He glimpsed at the orchid on her wrist, mumbling. "My corsage..."

She smiled with tears in her eyes. "Yeah, I love it."

"I'm sorry..." he coughed up some reddish saliva before finishing his trailing sentence. "I didn't think about the implications..."

"Who gives a shit about the fucking implications when you're bleeding out?" she mentioned to him.

"I do..." answered Stiles. "Because I should have believed you..."

"That doesn't matter now. I don't care about that. I care about you staying alive." Lydia cupped his face. "I'm going to get some help, okay?" She reached for her phone as he coughed again. Nevertheless, as she tried to switch it on, Lydia was only greeted by a black screen. "No, no. Please, no!" she yelled, smacking the phone on the tiles, yet the moulded cement could not fix it. "It's not working! Fuck!"

She banged the phone a few more times, letting out her rage. Seeing Lydia in this state, Stiles weakly clutched her arm. "Lydia, stop it..."

"It won't work!" she wept, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"I'm going somewhere, Lydia... I can feel it..." his words slurred. Stiles was slowly but surely slipping away, and she couldn't stop it.

Yet, she couldn't accept that he was leaving her. "No, you're not fucking dying on me!"

He chortled a little. "You need to stop swearing..."

"It's becoming a habit, and I won't stop until you say that you're staying with me." She told him. "Please, stay with me."

"Lydia... I can't..." He affirmed, knowing this was the end. "I think I already died before you got here... but I woke up when I heard your voice. At least I'll die knowing that you tried to save me. You look beautiful, by the way..."

"You're clearly delirious." She remarked since they were both covered in blood and black demon goo.

"I always think that you're beautiful, Lydia Martin. Ever since the third grade... it was always you..." he choked.

She couldn't think of a life without him anymore. Their bond was unbreakable. As Stiles prepared for his imminent death, Lydia ultimately confessed. "I love you."

The corners of his mouth lifted into a smile. "I love you too." He inhaled for the last time. "You're the only girl I've ever loved..."

His expression dropped as a single tear emerged from his eye. Stiles' eyes became soulless as his breathing ceased. He became a ragdoll in Lydia's arms. "No..." She cradled his lifeless corpse as her emotions overwhelmed. "No, Stiles!" There was no response, no wisecracking remarks exited his lips. He was gone. "No!"

Lydia screamed, feeling the weight of his death on her shoulders. The windows shattered around her, the whole room was shaking. But now she had nothing left to lose. It was time for Jennifer to face the consequences of her actions.


I hated writing this part. I can't believe I just killed off Stiles Stilinski. Am I the true antagonist of this book?

Anyway, I'd usually say that "I hope that you liked this part", but we all know that wouldn't be true. Unless you hate Stiles with every bone in your body or something which is almost unacceptable (then again you are entitled to your opinion, so it's okay if you don't like him).

- Alice ❤

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