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Dear Beloved Readers,

I hope this update finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to share how much I miss the process of writing my completed book.

I want to dive deeper into the emotions and experiences I've had since completing my book. Writing it was an incredible journey, and now, as I reflect on it, there's a profound sense of longing. I miss the late nights spent crafting each sentence, the excitement of exploring the characters' lives, and the satisfaction of weaving intricate plots.

One of the aspects I miss most is the connection with you all. Your reviews and messages have been a lifeline for me. They provided insights into how the story touched your hearts, and I was deeply moved by the personal stories some of you shared. It's an indescribable feeling to know that something I created could resonate with you in such profound ways.

Now, let's delve into some hidden facts about the story since many of you wanted this:

Character Inspirations:
While some characters were inspired by real people, others were born out of my imagination. I won't reveal which is which, but I can tell you that it was a delightful mix of personal experiences and creative exploration.

Setting Secrets:
The city or town or that temple visit, were all inspired by the places I stumbled upon during my gowth and travels. I wanted the setting of the book to be a quiet one. A picturesque town tucked away from the bustling world, having unique charm and aura leaving an indelible mark on everyone. That's why I revealed the names of the places very very late since I myself was confused.

Literary Detective here?Throughout the book, I sprinkled subtle references to my favorite books and the style of writing of my favourite authors. If you can spot them, consider yourself a true literary detective. It's my way of paying homage to the literary giants who have influenced me.

Character Quirks:
Several characters in the story have quirks that were inspired by real-life people I've met over the years. Not gonna give any instances but yeah, many things resonate with my habits too.

Naming Secrets:
The names of some characters hold hidden meanings. They were chosen carefully to reflect their personalities or to foreshadow their arcs in the story.
Feel free to ask any name's meaning if you don't know...

Symbolism in Objects:
Throughout the book, certain objects carry hidden symbolism. They provide personal significance for many of the characters.

Time Period Clues:
Although the book's time period isn't explicitly stated, there are subtle hints and clues scattered throughout the narrative that hint at when the story might be set.
Did you guess that out?

Parallel Storylines:
Originally, I'd intended to give equal space to the other two couples as well but with time and responses I didn't. If you look closely, you'll notice that there are parallel storylines that mirror each other, exploring more or less similar themes but with different characters. It's a narrative technique I used to add depth to the overall plot.

Musical Influences:
I'm a music freak person. Like I breath on music. Writing and my earphones were in a relationship. Music indeed played a significant role in my writing process. Each major character has a theme song that I listened to while writing their scenes. It helped me get into their heads and capture their emotions. My insta fam knows this. How can you miss those songs I put on my stories there with every glimpse or announcement of updates?

Hidden Messages:
There are hidden messages and codes embedded in certain parts of the text. These messages are meant for the most attentive and dedicated readers to discover.
Hope you were able to unveil them!

Nature's Influence:
The changing seasons and natural elements in the story aren't just for aesthetics. They symbolize the characters' inner journeys and the evolving plot.
Which season you found most repetitive in the book?

Character Crossroads:
Some characters' paths almost took entirely different directions. At certain points in the writing process, I contemplated different outcomes for their arcs. But somehow, everything went well.

Character Red Herrings:
Certain characters are intentionally presented as red herrings, leading readers to make assumptions about their roles and motivations. These assumptions are later challenged.
Noticed or not?

Personal Reflections: The protagonist's inner thoughts and reflections often mirror my own personal experiences and philosophies. Every character ideologies have got bits and pieces of my persona. It's a way for me to infuse a piece of myself into the narrative.

Childhood Memories:
The characters frequently reflect on childhood memories, which are woven into the narrative. These recollections provide insights into their motivations and character development.

Age-Related Symbolism:
The ages of the characters hold symbolic significance. The young represent innocence and hope, while the elderly convey wisdom and reflection. These age-related themes play a subtle role in the story. Perhaps, elaboration on this is unneeded.

The Babies' Symbolic Names:
The babies' names, although seemingly ordinary, carries a hidden symbolism related to the themes of unity and connection between the parents.
Hope you loved the new generation's names!

Parental Roles:
As the baby embodies traits from both parents, her development and behavior serve as a reflection of the parents' evolving relationship and their growth as individuals.
I personally so loved and enjoyed writing them as a small family. They were so soft, my God!

Dream Sequences:
There is a dream sequence scattered somewhere in the narrative. While it may seem abstract at first, but it held essential insights into the characters' subconscious minds and foreshadow events to come. Failed to notice, right?

Alternate Endings:
During the writing process, I considered multiple endings for the book. While the final version is the one I felt best served the story, it's interesting to explore what might have been.

Character Journal:
Inadvertently, the main highlight in the story is the "Letter" thing. Though, emails were equally loved but still somehow letters overruled every other thing. Honestly, I never plotted this. I brought it to just provide a unique window into the inner thoughts, and if you pay attention, you might spot hints and secrets that aren't revealed in the main narrative. Thanks for giving so much love to this particular sequence.

Character Evolution Through Dialogue:
Did you pay close attention to how the characters' dialogue changes throughout the story? Well, I believe, their speech patterns and choice of words evolve to reflect their growth and development.

A Hidden Society:
There's a secret society within the story that operates beneath the surface, affecting the lives of the characters in unexpected ways. Clues about this society are scattered throughout the narrative. And I know you abhorred that sequence a lot but my only motive to bring that up was to showcase on how society corrupts or ruins a certain things.

Hidden Tapestries:
Throughout the book, there are descriptions of intricate tapestries. These tapestries are more than just decorations; they contain hidden patterns and messages.

Mirrored Chapters:
Some chapters are intentionally mirrored, with events or conversations occurring in reverse order. This technique serves to highlight the dual nature of certain characters and themes. I really enjoyed writing these. Hope you all enjoyed reading those and not got bored because of the repititions.

Hidden Themes:
Beyond the main themes, there are secondary and even tertiary themes that emerge as the story progresses. These themes add depth and complexity to the narrative's exploration of human nature and relationships.
Can you draw out a few?

The Map of Emotions:
An intricately drawn map of emotions appears at key points in the story, allowing readers to visually explore the characters' emotional journeys and psychological transformations as the story progresses.

I hope these hidden facts add an extra layer of intrigue and depth to your understanding of the book. Feel free to ask more questions or dive deeper into any of these aspects. I'm here to share the secrets and stories behind the story.


(Gonaa answer every question, promise!)

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