Chapter 7

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Hi guys. I'm ready with the next chapter. Let's get started :)


At Adrastos

Amie's POV

I was very surprised by the news when Desmond woke me up.


"Amie my dear love! Wake up." - He said as he entered our room.

"Uhhn..noo Desmond. I still want to sleep." - I replied not even opening my eyes.

"You sould get dressed as soon as possible." - He said throwing my dress onto the bed.

"Why? What's wrong?" - i asked looking at him now.

"Some of The Black Soldiers are here with a girl. They want to speak to you." 

"Uh..okay." - And my head fell back onto my pillow. 

"Wait. What? THE BLACK SOLDIERS?" - I asked when his words truly reached my mind.

"Yes. I don't know what their aim is but you shouldn't make them wait long." - He said

"You're right."- And I dressed up quickly. 


Now I was in my room in which had always told people's future. 
The girl called Lia was sitting at the opposite side of the table. I waited for her to speak up but she didn't say a word.

"So...My name is Amie as you already know. I guess you're here to know some details about your future." - And i looked for my cards.

" It's not me that wants to know. I mean..." - She paused and looked down.

"Then who wants to know it?" - I asked raising my eyebrow.

"I'm the servant of Princess Meriem. She commanded me to come here and ask you about her future." - She said looking into my eyes.

"Oh I see. Well..let's get started." 

"NOO. You can't tell me what you see in those cards. You can't tell even a word to me. It's what Princess Meriem wants." - She said with fear in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I thought that she trusts in you and..."

"She trusts in nobody." - She interrupted me

"Then how does she want to know what I'm about to say if she's not here and I can't tell you anything?" - I asked.

"With this." - She was holding an envelope in her hands. It had the postmark of the Royals on it. I reached out for it and I saw that there was a blank paper in it.

"So..If i get it right...My task is to tell Miss Meriem about her future by writing it into a letter?"

"Yes. That's it." - She smiled at me.

I said nothing else. I put my cards in front of me and tried to look like I knew what i was doing. Actually I saw Meriem in my dreams a week ago. 
Yes. I will write down what i saw in my dream. Oh..She will be upset.

I looked at Lia and I saw that she was staring at me without even blinking and I went on.

At Pavea

Robert's POV

After Salindra left I went back to the inn. As I entered i saw that there were so many Black Soldiers in it. They were drinking and talking to each other about 'the girl they're after'. They probably were waiting for some news to come from their General.
Everything was the same as when we left the inn. Wine bottles were lying on the floor, tables and chairs were upside-down.
The Soldiers didn't notice me when i entered. They were so focused on their own world. I quietly went to the stairs and went upstairs. There were some of our guests on the aisle and they greeted me. I went to my room and packed my belongings to a bag.

It was already noon and i heard the Soldiers shouting for me or Rosie. I didn't care about them and i continued what i was doing. I went downstairs on the back stairs. A horse was waiting for me there and i put my bag onto it. Then I heard Rosie's voice behind me.

"Robert. What are you doing? The Soldiers are angry that you're not there with them. You know they love to hear your amazing stories." - She said.

"I'm not going back to them. I'm not in the mood." - I replied without looking at her.


"I have a feeling that i will have to save Salindra once more. I won't let them hurt her." - I cut off her sentence.

"Don't you think that it's a little bit risky? I risk your life for a girl that you don't even know. You have a safe place here Robert." - She said and I got angry.

"Did Mina tell you all of this? Whose side are you on?" - I asked and she looked down.

"I didn't talk to her and of course I'm on your side Robert...I always was. But it is a thing worth considering, don't you think?" - She asked still looking down. I looked away from her and said:

"I have already thought it over many times. And it's not just about Salindra. I have to get away from here to start a new life. I never liked being here anyway. I've always wanted to move to Naiad and open my pub there." 

"So you're only following your dreams?" - She asked me.

"Yes. Is it a sin?" 

"No..of course not. But this Salindra. The King wants her so desperately."

"I know Rosie. But he won't get her." - I said

"Did you fall in love with her?" - She asked raising one of her eyebrows.

"No. I just think that she has a good reason for escaping." 

"I don't think it will be alright. I'm worried about you Robert."- She said placing her hands onto mines.

"How many times do I have to tell you Rosie? I'm gonna be alright, I can take care of myself." 

"Yes I know you're a tough man." - She lowered her head again.

"Will you move from here as well?" - I asked breaking the silence.

"Well it depends on the consequences of Salindra's actions on Pavea."

"I hope everything will be okay with you."- I said while going to the direction of the inn.

"Do you know why does Mina do all of this?" - She asked and i stopped.

"Does she have a better reason than ruining people's life?" - I turned to her.

"She loves you..but you have never noticed her. And now Salindra made her jealous." - She answered.

"Can't believe she has feelings like us." - I said sarcastically.

"GENERAL TACITUS IS HERE. GENERAL TACITUS IS HERE" - We heard people shouting from in front of the inn.

"I guess you should make sure thing are going smoothly." - Rosie said

"You're right. Take care Rosie." - and I ran towards the crowd.

The General of the Black Soldiers was sitting on his horse surrounded by many other Soldiers. They were all wearing their black uniforms.
General Tacitus was such a snapper. Even his face testified this: he had thick moutache and there was a big bith mark on it. He never smiled and was never happy i guess. He had the tattoo of the Black Army on his cheek which was a white flag with a black coloured circle in the middle of it. He came off the horse and said:

"Don't worry people. My servants are after the girl and we will catch her soon. Then you can relax but until then nobody can leave this villgage. The borders are controlled by th Black Soldiers. "

People started to whisper into each other's ear sharing their opinion about what was happening.

"But now everybody must go home and wait for news to come. Of course you all have to serve my Soldiers in all ways." - said Tacitus and went towards my inn.

I saw Rosie's husband, George stopped him and they talked about something. I guess it was just a little 'how you're doing' talk as George was the son of the former General.
I hid behind a tree because i knew Tacitus very well. If i had ever talked to him i never had the chance to get free from his 'amazing' stories. My parents were good friends of the King and I first met with him at Naiad, at my parents' home.

"Will they really get her?" - I heard a man asking his friend

"I don't know. But i hope we won't be charged of hiding her or something." - Said his friend

"We were not hiding her. We didn't even know that she was here."

"That's true. And i guess we must be grateful to Mina because she called the Soldiers here and now they can see that we're on their side."

That's how people at Pavea thought of Salindra. It was enough for me and i went back to the river.

At Adrastos

Anne's POV

I was still in Amie's house with two Soldier and with Desmond. It was already noon and i was a little bit worried about my things. I promised my neighbour to help her with gardening and to tell the truth i didn't have the mood for sitting in a room sahred with the Soldiers. Desmond tried to keep up the conversation and we talked about many things: how they rebuilt their house, about Amie's paintings, about children and so on.

"Do you think she will end soon? I have things to do." - I went closer to Desmond and asked.

"Oh Anne. I didn't know. If you have to go then what are you waiting for? I guess they will finish soon so i can handle this from now on. Thank you for being here." - I couldn't even answer because the door of the room in which Lia and Amie went to opened.

"We're ready." - Said Amie as she was stepping out of the room.
The Soldiers looked at Lia and she nodded.

"Thank you for your help Miss Amie. Please take this as Princess Meriem's payment for you." - Lia handed several coins to her.

"You're welcome." - Amie answered.

"Now we should go. Goodbye." - Lia said as she and the Soldiers left the house.
We went to the window and were watching the happenings out there: They all got onto their horses and they gallopped away. 
I turned to Amie and asked:

"What did she want from you? I'm very curious." 

"You should sit down first." - We all sat down to the table once again.

"Meriem wanted me to tell her future."

"The girl's?" - Desmond asked

"No..of course not. Meriem wanted to know her own future. But i couldn't tell this girl what i saw."

"Then how will she know it?" - I asked

"I had to write a letter to her. I had to write down all the things i saw in my cards." -She answered.

"Amie. Do you know that we will be in a big mess if she finds out that you can't predict?" - Desmond asked worriedly.

"What did you tell her? Was it a lie that you've created?" - I asked 

"No...I mean..I guess not." - She replied.

"Amie!" - Desmond was upset.

"Don't worry. Last weeek i saw Meriem in my dream. I thought that it was nothing but now she wants to know what will happen to her. My dream was excatly about this."

"It doesn't mean that it will come true. Just think about me.. Where is that girl that you were talking about?" - I asked her.

"Who knows? Maybe she's on her way here."

"I hope Meriem will believe what you wrote down." - Desmond said

"She will. Because it's an important fact that she has to count with." - Amie said with and evil smile on her face.

And we continued to talk about Meriem and the Royal family and time went on so fastly. When I came to realization that i must go it was already night. 
I totally forgot about Allie and gardening. She will kill me.
As i had nothing better to do i said goodbye to Amie and Desmond and went back home to rest.

In the morning - At Athos

Salindra's (Jillian's) POV

I finally arrived in Athos after long hours of galloping. On my journey i thought about leaving Robert behind but I decided to wait for him.
I changed my wig and covered my face with a silk scarf. People in Athos always wore this kind of garb so i wasn't conspicuous.
I was waiting for the evening to come because Robert said he would come here then. I was walking in the city. I tried to get information from people's conversations.

"Have you heard that Jillian is in Pavea?" - A woman with a long black hair asked an other woman. Both of them were holding their small children in their hands.

"Yes. And i also heard that General Tacitus is there so they will surely catch her." - Replied the other.
Tacitus is in Pavea? Oh God..i have no time to waste. I hope Robert will come sooner.

At Naiad

Queen Evelyn's POV

"What do we know about Jillian?" - My elder son, James asked me.

"She's in Pavea right now." - I replied

"And what about the King?" - My younger son, Edward asked me.

"He is not in a good condition. He's so desperate to catch her." - I told them

"Why can't he just levae her be? I we really have to make her our enemy by this?" - James asked

"She is against what we stand for." - Edward replied
Oh my two little sons. They were always totally the opposite. Edward was like his father: they both were stubborn and hot-tempered. While James was like me: he liked life and was always happy to live.
My two little sons - I thought.
Actually they were not as small as we think. James was going to be married and was going to be the next King with his wife as the Queen.

"And what is that we're standing for? Bloody wars, killings and things like this?" - James asked interrupting my thoughts.

"What kind of King do you want to be? You cannot be weak...people will fight against you easily." - Edward said teasingly.

"I know what kind of King i wanna be. And I won't let things go on like this anymore." - James replied and went away.

"My dear. Why did you have to hurt him? Don't we have already enough to worry about?" - I asked Edward.

"If the King knew what he is about to do with his strong kingdom...." - He said angrily and also went away.

"Can't believe them. The King is sick because of the happenings and they're only thinking about themselves." - And i also went back to my suite.

At Pavea

Robert's POV

Everything went smoothly while i was in Pavea. I stayed in the house of Rosie while she was in the inn with Tacitus and his Soldiers. 
I was sitting at the table then i walked in the room...i was nervous. I decided to wait until everybody went home from the streets and then i could depart. But that day wasn't my lucky day.

As i looked out the window i saw black horses coming towards the inn which was opposite of Rosie's house. Only one horse was white and i knew horse it was Mina's. I went to the door and opened it a little just to hear what they were talking about.

I knew that if Mina came back it meant that they had realised that i lied to them. 

"What are you doing here? Why don't you have the girl?" - Tacitus asked them.

"General. We looked everywhere but couldn't find the girl."  - Replied a Soldier.

"WHAT.." - Mina cut off Tacitus' sentence

"Robert lied to us. I'm sure that we just have to go to the way of Athos. She will be there." 

"Robert who?" - Tacitus asked.

"Robert Reed, General." - Said Mina

"He was always a good friend and now he betrayed us?" - There was silence for some moments.



I knew i had to hurry and go to Salindra...or Jillian...or who knows.
I went behind the inn without being noticed and i got onto my horse. I was galloping as fast as i could to get to Salindra before the Soldiers.
The sun was already descending so i had to hurry.

At Athos

Salindra's (Jillian's) POV

I found a bench next to the river bank. It was the same river i was thrown into. 
I guess someday it will be a funny story. But now this is just the easiest test.

I lyed down onto the bench and was watching as the clouds were drifting away. And soon my mind was back on the fields of Hatsby together with Jane. We had always loved watching the clouds and we had always said what they were similar to. 
Even now i was doing the same..and i saw a sword shaped cloud. 
I slowly started to close my eyes when i heard people shouting:




I got up from the bench and saw people running away. I caught a woman's hand ans asked:

"Excuse me. Do you know how near the Soldiers are?"

"They are at Fox." - I couldn't ask anything else because she broke free and ran away from me. The problem was bigger than i thought...because Fox was only half an hour from Athos. I didn't care anymore...I was certain that Robert deceived me so i ran away with the crowd.
People were shouting and pushing each other. Small children were crying and everybody tried to hide away. 
Athos was not an important centre of the Kingdom like Pavea or Adrastos so the Soldiers didn't care about it. They would destroy it instantly. Unfortunately Hartridge also wasn't an important village.

I finally reached the gate of Athos. Everybody tried to leave and there was a huge panic. I wanted to leave when i heard a man shouting from behind.

"SALINDRA. WHERE ARE YOU? SALINDRA!" - I turned around and saw Robert on the other side of the crowd.
So he really came.

I waved my hand and shouted:
"I AM HERE ROBERT!" - When he saw me he was coming towards my direction with his horse which was a good point because my horse ran away in the sudden panic.

"Salindra. Are you alright?" - He asked me when he got down from his horse.

"Yes I am. Are they coming? " 

"Yes. I was in Rosie's house when Mina came back and told the General about it. So he ordered the Soldiers to come here to Athos." - He said breathing heavily

"I knew it wouldn't last long."

"We have to go now. They can be here in any moment. Come on.." - He got on his horse and reached out for my hand to help me got onto it too. But it was already too late. People started to run faster as they realised that the Soldiers were already behind us.

"JILLIAN...DAUGHTER OF OREGON AND THALIA...GIVE YOURSELF UP...YOU HAVE NOWHERE TO RUN TO." - It was Tacitus. He looked at Robert with angry eyes and was shouting from the river bank.

"Do you know Tacitus?" - I asked Robert.

"Yes..from Naiad. That's why he looks at you. He believes you're Jillian." - He replied.

"Robert! You know he will kill you as well?" 

"No, if we go now."

But before i could get onto the horse a Soldier appaered behind me and raised his sword towards me. I turned around and saw him but my body couldn't move. I froze and was just standing there looking at the Soldier who was about to take my life away.
His sword was coming towards me and when it was excatly in front of me i closed my eyes.
Moments later i realised that nothing had happened so i opened up my eyes. But what I saw...

" have t...o alive." - Robert stood in front of me covered with blood and with the Soldier's sword in his back. 

"Ro...Robert.." - My eyes became teary and Robert fell onto his kneels.
Another Soldier came and said:

"You idiot. We can't hurt the girl."

"I didn't hurt her."- He replied.

"Because of him" - He pointed to Robert.

"Salindra...or Jillian. Go...and do...what you have to."- Robert said while he was fighting for his life.

"You saved my life again...Robert. Thank you." - I kissed his forehead and got up from the ground. While the two Soldiers were arguing about hurting me i got onto the horse and galloped away. I heard Tacitus from afar:

"Where is she?"

"She escaped...but Robert Reed is dying as you wanted." - Told the Soldier.

"IDIOTS! AFTER HER! NOW!"- Tacitus shouted and i was galloping even faster. My heart was racing and was breathing heavily. Again...i didn't know where to hide away..i was just running for my life.


To be continued.

Hope you liked it. Wait for the next one and share your opinion :)

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