JJK men x stripper!fem!reader

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"God, they're here again" The bartender whispered to the woman sitting in front of his bar, his eyes wandering between her and the group of men. It would be a fool not to know them: Gojo, Nanami, Sukuna, Toji, and Geto...

 Whose idea is it to form a group full of billionaires, playboys, and CEOs together? Everywhere they step foot, it automatically becomes their property, including this strip club that Y/N is working in.

 "Gimme a break. My shift is done, that's why I'm here you know?" Y/N replied back with annoyance on her face and took down another shot of tequila, grunting slightly as the alcohol burned up in her throat.

 "You're the only one who can handle them" She thought back to what her boss had told her...Well, it's not wrong, but the favoritism is slowly turning into something dark and twisted, not to mention that she always has to work overtime just because of them. Speak of the devil; the group already notices her and decides to make a move; their bodies block out everything, forming somewhat of a cage, refusing to let their prey go. 

"Y/N...my doll..!"  Toji called out with a sickly smile on his face. Nanami took the chance and sneaked his hand around her waist; he just couldn't keep his hand to himself. 

 Y/N put a hand over Geto's mouth, who was just about to lean in to kiss her. "What now? I'm already done- Ugh.. for the night. I'm not getting on the stage- again." She struggles to speak as Geto doesn't seem to back down. 

 All the men seem to be in disbelief at Y/N's answer; only Sukuna chuckles at it. "Oooh~ feisty, you guys heard that? Shes not going to give us a show any more, boohoo, I guess we have no choice but to leave." Gojo said in a mocking voice before laughing out loud, making everyone roll their eyes at him.

 Sukuna finally spoke up, pulling Y/N into his embrace and cooing at her like she is a kid. "Hey now... why are you acting like this? Are we not treating you well? Hm? Please baby...? Just an hour, I- no, we want to see you on that cute little pole." Only to Y/N, he will show his soft side, only with her, no one else... Sukuna keeps whispering sweet nothing into the woman's ears while others wait with a smirk; they know she's going to give up that tough front soon. 

 A few minutes later, Y/N decides to finally get out of Sukuna's embrace, fixing up her hair. Sukuna didn't stop her; he just had a smug smile on his face before returning to stand with the group.

"I better get paid double- No...Make it triple."

 The group of men look at Y/N after she makes a declaration, look at each other, and suddenly burst out laughing, but before Y/N can say anything back, 5 slick black credit card is handed toward her. 

 "No need to worry about the tip; now... let's get the show going, princess."

-additional part (on Wattpad only)-

Y/N's eyes widen at the scene. Was her condition that easy? How despised do the guys have to be today? "R-Really? All for me?" She just has to ask again; there is no way-

"Yes doll, and close your mouth; we are not paying for that, just want to see you dance now." Toji snickered; his perverted personality fit in so well with the rest, making them chuckle. "Any questions?" Toji asks again with his eyebrows raised, enjoying the nervous reaction on Y/N's face.

The bartender handed out a tray of different drinks. Nanami took the whiskey glass and drank it in one gulp. He was awfully quiet today, enjoying how other men took turns to tease his little mouse. "She deserves a lesson, at least." The blonde man thinks to himself, his eyes looking at Y/N from head to toe. God... she wore a dress in his favorite color today, Nanami could feel how his pants were starting to get stiff, this is not good...

Just before Nanami is going to make a move on Y/N, someone just has to snatch her away. "Now now angel, let me help you get on the stage." Gojo's hands sneak around the woman's waist, pulling her without waiting for an answer. Could anyone really blame him? Impatient is his middle name.

Y/N almost tripped on her high heels from Gojo's strength; she awkwardly let him escort her to get on the stage.

There is no going back now.

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