Episode 8: HCLI gets disbanded and Mia Taylor gets a 2nd Chance.

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(Idk what is Hex's real name LOL, but also in my RWBY Stories, I decided that Tombstone was reformed as a Eight-Man team of Multi-National operatives, led by NATO and the United Nations in V8.)

The Scene opens up with a Black Screen, then water is dumped and Hex is heard coughing.

Recker: How's your sleep?

Hex: Where Am I?

Recker: You're in my safehouse, and you killed Dunn.

Hex: That bastard got in my way.

Recker Slaps her and lets R inside.

Daniel: Socci, get inside.

Renato: Yes Sergeant.

He gets inside the room and it is revealed that Hex is tied to the chair and she looks to find herself tied.

Renato: You're name is Hex, but what is your Real Name? Agent.

Hex: FINE. It's Mia Taylor.

(Like I said, I have no idea what is her real name)

Daniel: You Killed Dunn, a friend and a Leader.

Renato: Since you killed him, we decided to get Revenge by killing all of your men and taking you. I felt mad about you killing him, and we took you alive. Oh and Recker here is CIA as well, he is from the Special Activities Division, hired by General Braidwood.

Recker: One thing is, HCLI's already getting Disbanded, but.... *pulls out Ka-Bar knife* you're gonna be granted one thing.

Mia closes her eyes to only see that she was untied by Daniel, and he says this.

Daniel: You're getting a Second Chance. And your unit, Cutthroat. It's gone, you're not a rogue agent, you're a Marine now.


Daniel: R, calm down, since the whole Squadron is gone now, we turned our unit into a Six-Man Team of Multi-National Operatives, and you're one of them. Renato Socci, would you like to join Tombstone as an Intelligence expert?

R: Yeah, I'd oblige, what about the rest? Like Ugo, Valmet, Jonah, Wiley, and the Rest?

Recker: Valmet accepted, including Wiley and Ugo, they all agreed. So we have 7.

Mia: No, Eight.

Daniel: You're with us?

Mia: Decided I'd get a second chance.

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