Fanfiction Pet Peeves #1

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A female Mc or Y/n that fights a man {probably} twice her size!

Why do authors who write fanfiction do this. It makes my eyes roll every time I see it. A woman beating up and man even in fiction is so unrealistic even if a woman is trained in fighting.

Woman who is a pro fighter will never beat a man in a fight (even if he has training or not that ass would be grass)

News flash, ladies, a man will be bigger and have more bone density than woman that's just fact. Biology, pick up a damn book you might learn something!

People make the excuse that it doesn't matter because it's fiction. That's a weak excuse because people with half a brain and that went to a basic biology class will tell something is off between a man and woman in a fight scene.

Though you just don't see it in books but you see it in modern day movies as well. And I've have taken notice. It makes my blood boil. It's the Strong Female Character/Mary Sue archetype that modern day movies have been shoving in like no one has noticed.

Captain Marvel
Rey Palpatine (name stealing bitch)
And more that a lot people like The Critical Drinker has pointed out.

There are lot of female characters that are great and have more strength in my opinion than these overpowered, men-hating, female characters that we are getting in the modern age I wish we could go back to characters like:

Mulan (the animated one; not the live action trash that we got)
Belle from Animated Beauty and the Beast
Princess Leia (a badass, love you queen 🫶🏼)
Elizabeth Swan (from Pirates of the Caribbean)

I can probably go on! I know I was talking about fanfiction but it happens a lot in modern day media and I'm sick of it.

A good female character doesn't need physical strength to be strong. Compassion, intelligence, protective, vulnerable. None of that happens in modern day media, it usually traits that are more common in men and its women awkwardly trying to be men. And here's the thing, I'm not saying female characters can't be assertive or speak their minds, it just when you take away what makes that character female then what do you have: A bland woman character pretending to be a man with no substance.

Just my thoughts and opinions on this subject. You don't have to agree with me but this was just something I noticed and wanted to get off my chest.

Much love,
Trashy 🦝

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