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Running feet filled the air, a silver haired girl running with three of her friends a wide smile on her face, two adults walking after them as they rushed to the port. "HEYYY!" Familar faces came into view, the smallest of the group waving to them. Kieran smiled, his Furret at his heels. "Kie, Carmi, Dray!"Alisa waved running over. Drayton waved, Carmine smiling as she waved to Alisa. She stopped and smiled at them all. Penny joined her, familiar feet coming closer. "I'm here, sorry for being the last one!"Perrin chuckles. "The squad is here"Alisa smiled. Kieran nodded, smiling at her. "Well you all have fun!"Nemona cheered Arven sighing and shaking his head. Alisa nodded and hugged Rika and Brassius beaming up at them. She turned and boarded the ship after her friends, a wide smile on her face. She stood beside Kieran, waving to them as the ship took off, Chimchar on her shoulder and Cubchoo peeking out her backpack. "Bye guys!"Alisa calls waving to them.

"Keep in contact, you hear me?! Call each time you reach a pokemon center or I'm coming after you! Don't have us worrying here"Rika calls waving to her. "Have fun, buddy!"Arven calls. "Tell me about the battles there!!"Nemona smiled. "You be good for your friends"Brassius waved. " I-I'll keep an eye on her for you!"Kieran calls. "She's in safe hands"Carmine promised. Drayton nodded, leaning against the rail. "I'll take care of my little cousin, don't worry!"Perrin smiled. Penny waved to Arven and Nemona, a small smile on her face. Alisa smiled, waving until they left the port which ultimately left her arm feeling tired and aching. She turned to her squad, looking at them each in turn. Carmine and Kieran. Perrin and Drayton. Penny. The ones who agreed to join her on her Showcase Journey in Kalos. "This is gonna be fun"Kieran chuckles. "Yeah!"Alisa beamed. She twirled as she ran off with him, laughing. Cubchoo beamed, following her with Chimchar. "And what made you decide to come, you jerk?!"Carmine demands.

"I like Alisa, she's interesting and after all me and her are pretty tight remember"Drayton responds. "Mhm..."Perrin mutters. Penny walked after Alisa and Kieran, letting her Leafeon out and walk beside her. Alisa grabbed Kieran's hand, laughing as she pulled him after her. He smiled, gripping her hand. Perrin walked after them and waved, "Hey you two, wait for us!" Alisa stopped, staring at a brown haired woman with a green haired man who was helping a baby walk. "N, be careful.."The woman reminds. N chuckled, the baby gripping his fingers. "I know Alisha"N smiled. Alisa shook her head, then smiled softly as the baby giggled. A hand patted Alisa's shoulder, Kieran smiling at her, making her perk up at his softened expression. "Ali, wanna practice?"Kieran asks. "Yeah, let's go!"Alisa smiled. The two ran off, Carmine smiling. "You lovebirds slow down!"Carmine calls chasing after them. Drayton smiled in amusement, walking after them. Perrin sighed and hurried after them with Penny. "Wait up!"

Alisa twirled, tossing Chimchar and Cubchoo up in the air. She spun, the two landing on her arms and balancing with ease as she spend up with her spinning. She stopped, and gasped as Cubchoo fell. Hands caught the baby bear, Kieran setting Cubchoo down. "Sorry"Alisa says patting Cubchoo's head. "I'm gonna do some solitary training"Kieran says standing up. "Solitary?"Carmine repeats suspiciously, Drayton looking at Kieran. "Penny, mind coming with me?"Kieran asks. Penny nodded, walking after Kieran. "I'll be in the next room!"Kieran informs. He walked out to the room next to them, walking inside. He tossed a great ball forward, a pokemon popping out and landing. "Ready for some training?"Kieran asks looking up at the pokemon. It nodded, smiling with sheer determination. "Then let's practice on resistance against fairy types, you're a dragon after all"Kieran nods. He smiled and looked down. "Then I'll give you to you can protect her when I can't."

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