11th June 2013

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11th June 2013

The first thing I heard today when I entered my class was, “Jules, you look really cute.” Weird, right? It was Kates. I was about to ask her why she was teasing me all of a sudden. But then I noticed Rachel Stewart and instead said, “Why, thank you,” with a big smile.  Rachel snorted! Who cares?

When I made sure that I and Kate weren’t being overheard, I asked her, “Hey, what was that all about?”

She looked taken aback, “you really do look cute.”

“Look here, I know I don’t. No one’s here. Just tell me the truth.” I said.

“Oh you don’t believe me?” she asked. I shook my head. “Well, then I can prove it.” I raised my eyebrow.

She looked around the class and finally smiled as she spotted something or someone. I followed her gaze and saw what had caught her attention. Then realization hit me. No, no, no!!! She wasn’t going to do that! Oh no! She wouldn’t dare!

But she did!

“Josh! Doesn’t Jules look cute today?” oh god!!! What do I do with people like her? But fortunately there were only six people in the class.

“What the –” I was shocked.

Josh just blushed and went without a reply, to join his friends, Jayden and Jordan, but not before looking at me and blushing even more. No, no! That certainly wasn’t a blush! He was just too decent to upset me by saying that I look ugly, unlike some people, like Nick, who snorted.

“Ha-ha! Jelly looking cute! Biggest lie of the year,” he said, “you have to get checked by an eye specialist, Katie, you know?” he said as-a-matter-of-factly.

“Here, here,” said his best friend, Dan.

“Don’t mind them,” Kate muttered. Don’t mind them? Yeah I’ll show her what I think.

“What the heck did you do that for?” I demanded.

“You actually look cute,” she said, a little… disappointed?

“Ok fine… thanks… ok?” I said.

She nodded but before she could say anything, Mrs. Smith came inside our class. Sarah had told us yesterday that she wouldn’t be coming for two days. So I informed Mrs. Smith about it.

After the first two periods, I went to see my friends in the other class. I saw Amelia, Emily, ruby and Olivia talking. I walked towards them and said “hey guys, mind if I join you?”

“Hey Julie…” said Emily.

“Hi Jules,” said Olivia.

“Of course we don’t mind you joining us,” Amelia said, smiling.

“You know what? You look kinda cute today,” said ruby. Did I hear her right? What’s wrong with everyone today?

“Well, she always looks cute, but yes, today she looks cuter,” said Emily. They are certainly out of their minds!

“Well, thank you guys, but I don’t think so.” I said.

“No, they’re right. I agree with them too.” Amelia smiled at me.

“I agree with them three.” Olivia chirped.

“Thank you! Katie told me so too, but I didn’t quite believe her.” I said. It wasn’t polite to argue. Anyway I wasn’t going to win the argument with five against one. After talking with them for some time, I went to speak to Mike.

 “Oh hi Jelly,” he said, when he saw me walk towards him.

“Duh! Thanks to you, now Nick and his friends started calling me so too.” I said, trying my best to look angry.

“So what? The name suits you Jelly,” he said casually.

“Stop calling me Jelly, Mikey!” I said.

After some time, I left their class to go to my class. Then we went to get our uniforms, bag, shoes, socks, etc.


In the evening, I saw Robert wells, my cousin and my dad, waiting for me while going back home. They’d come to pick me up. Once we were in the car, dad told me the shocking news, which ruined my day. I’d got admission at hope green high school, one of the other famous schools in the district.

I knew that my dad had been trying to get me in there, but I didn’t know he was trying that hard that I got admission in two days of trial. It was basically impossible! I’ve heard that it’s one of the worst schools ever to build up your character. My parents’ excuse was that, it would be better for my future.

I didn’t know what to say! I learned that rob had come home to go to his new university, tomorrow. As I went home I saw my Gran and Aunt Helen (aunt Marge's sister and rob’s mother). Everyone were convincing me to go to my new school.

I don’t know why, but I just couldn’t agree. The faces of my friends were swimming in my mind. I just couldn’t leave Katie, Sarah, Mike, Josh, Alfy, Jordan-Jayden the twins, and many others. And moreover, I felt attached to my school. Without warning, tears started dropping down my eyes.

“So, what’s your decision, jewel?” asked my dad.

“I – I don’t know d-dad,” I said, more tears falling down my face. “It’s you and mom who have to decide.”

“No dear, it’s your choice.” Mom said. I am really lucky to have such parents.

“y-you know what m-my ch-choice is…” I said, trying to control my tears.

“We do, but you see—” she was cut off by Aunt Helen.

“If it was rob, Kim, Emma or Anna, we’d just say ‘tomorrow you stop going to that school and go to this school instead!’ they’d pack their bags immediately and just obey us!” she said.

Oh who the hell cares? I seriously don’t! Oops, I’m not supposed to think of elders in that way, but I’m not in a very good mood right now. I know I’m lucky to have my parents. They actually consider ‘my’ opinion? I really love them.

“Why don’t you just obey your parents and go to the new school?” asked Aunt Helen.

“I’ve already told them that I’d do anything they say!” I said, trying to keep my voice down.

“Well, never mind, we’ll decide later.” My dad said, sensing, something wrong coming up.

I went to see if Jason was online on facebook. He always makes me smile and this is one of the times I need to talk to him most. But damn my internet! There was some authentication problem! So I had no chance of speaking to Jason today!

I decided to hope for the best! Anything could happen anytime! Everything happens for a good cause. What if going to hope green high becomes beneficial later? I’ll do whatever my parents want me to.



♥ Juliet

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