12th June 2013

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12th June 2013

Today was one of the worst days of my life, which turned into one of the best!

In the morning, I asked my parents if they’d come to a decision. The answer really upset me.

“Yes, we’ve decided to transfer you to hope green. It’s good for your future.” My dad said.

Oh what, in this school, is not good for my future? I already study quite well. I do well in class, too. I got ready silently for school and went to wait for my dad near the car. Rob was coming with us too, to go to his university.

“Julies, if I ask you something, will you tell me the truth?” he asked me.

I nodded, because I felt that if I spoke something, my tears will escape my eyes.

“What exactly is keeping you from leaving your school?” he asked. “Is it because you’re gonna miss your friends?” I nodded again, finally failing in keeping my tears to myself. He comforted me.

“See, actually I was once like you too. But you know what? It’s because of this, that I hadn’t actually been quite successful at school. Your future is important. Your friends won’t be able to do anything, when you later have to repent.”

I nodded again.  “Just be happy, ok? You can get new friends at your new school too. And you can meet your current friends anytime you want.” He said.

 My dad came and we got into the car. I told him with a bold face that I’ll be okay in my new school. As soon I reached my school I got out of the car and walked towards my class, hoping that I’d be able to not let my tears out.

 I saw Mike on the way to my class. “Michael, this is my last day in this school. I’m leaving this school tomorrow.” I said, as I stormed past him. I was not even sure if he heard me.

Mrs. Smith was already in the class. So I guessed I was a little late. I got into the class and went to take my seat. I quickly whispered to Kates, “this is my last day hear. Going to hope green, tomorrow – got admission yesterday,”

The attendance was taken and Katie whispered to me, “What the hell are you talking about? I’m not gonna believe you.”

“Fine, then don’t. Why should I lie about something like this?”

“No ways! You’re not going!”

“It’s too late, Kate. It’s already been decided.” I said, trying hard to stop my tears, which had started falling out. I really couldn’t hold it back. Many people turned around to look at me. I tried hard to hide my face.

We had to go for an assembly. All the way to the auditorium, my tears were flowing at a non-stop rate. By that time, Kate had told others what had happened. I caught a glimpse of josh’s face and realized that he didn’t look too happy at the news. This gave me a little relief, but I don’t understand why.

During the assembly I ended up between mike and nick. I couldn’t stop crying throughout the assembly. I didn’t even listen to what our principal was telling.  Then it was time to return to our classes and I saw Mike’s tear-stained face!

I couldn’t believe it seriously! But, well, yes, no one can blame him. First James left and now me! Finally I had managed to stop my tears. Many students were coming to console me. Some of them included people like Rachel too. But just by looking at her face, I could tell she was happy. I don’t care anyways!

Soon, some of the teachers were informed by my classmates that I was leaving. Katie did her best to console me. Hannah, Emily, Esme, Olivia, ruby and Amelia spent their recess with me.

During our biology period, Alfy told me “you know what? Actually many people are pretending that they care about you leaving. I heard Nick and Dan in the boys’ restroom. They are quite happy. Nick can top the class always, right? And some of the girls like Rachel are happy too, and some others don’t even care.”

I don’t know why this always happens to me! What did I do to Nick and Dan? Why was everyone happy about me leaving?

Alfy was quite sad, and so was his best friend Oliver. Emily had heard Oliver telling someone that he felt sorry for me and I was such a great friend to him. I didn’t concentrate on any of the lessons. I occasionally looked at most of my best friends’ faces for… maybe, the last time.

Jordan, Jayden and Josh came to me during the evening recess.

“Tell me you were just kidding! I know you were!! Please, tell me!” Jordan said.

“Yeah please, we don’t want you to go. Weren’t you just kidding?” asked his twin, Jayden.

  “Well, I actually wasn’t. I really am leaving.” I said, not looking at their faces.

“Which school are you going to?” Josh asked me.

“Hope green,” I said, looking up at him. He didn’t seem quite pleased. This lifted my spirits up.

“Why do you have to go?” he asked.

“I dunno,” I shrugged, “my parents want me to go.”

Before any of them could say anything, the bell rang and our recess came to an end.

In the evening, while going back home, I bid a farewell to all my friends.

“Cya Jue,” Jayden yelled.

“Take care JD” Jordan waved.

“I’m gonna miss you Julie.” Josh said. He was gonna miss me? Seriously!? Certainly not more than how much I’m going to miss him.

“Me too,” I said, Waving at all of them.

Dan and Nick didn’t even mind me. Summer Hilton, who once used to be my best friend (before the big fight we had), was quite happy, though we’d made up at the starting of this year.  Rachel’s pleasure was evident on her face.

But I don’t care! All the people that matter to me are sad that I’m leaving. On the way back I saw Mike and bade him farewell.

I went to my parents’ work-place with my driver. My dad’s room had been changed and my mom hadn’t gone for work today. So I went to Mrs. Samuels’ room. She was my best friend, Aaron’s mom.  Aaron’s a year younger than me and we’ve been friends since the time we were in cradles.

I knocked on the door. “Come in,” I heard Mrs. Samuels' voice.

“Hi Julie,” she said, when she saw me.

“Hello Mrs. Samuels,” I greeted her.

“Sit down, your dad will be here soon,” she said.

 “Thank you, Mrs. Samuels,” I said, sitting down on a chair.

“You don’t seem happy. Is anything wrong dear?” she asked.

“Nothing much, thank you, it’s just because, well, I’m gonna miss my friends.”

“Well, I was actually about to talk about it. When are you starting at hope green then?”

“Tomorrow,” I said in mock-agitation, (I wasn’t agitated, I was just sad,).

“All the best,” she laughed, “so – told your friends about it?”

“Well, yes,” I said her about how some people were happy and some were sad and about how Nick was overheard by Alfy.

She started laughing! I couldn’t see what was funny about anything I said!

“Oye silly, you’re going to continue at Highcliff. Your dad decided that your feelings are most important and he cancelled your admission.” She said, still laughing.

I was going to Highcliff!!?? Highcliff Public School??? My beloved school? I’m not going away from my friends?? What could be better other than this news?

When my dad came, I hugged him. I’ve promised him to do really well In my exams and repay him. I just couldn’t express my gratitude in words!

The only thing that made me sad today was Jason not being online. Everything else was just brilliant!


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