Thea Hunter / Theo Lee (Legends of Tomorrow OC)

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Face Claims:
• Justine Lupe
• Nicholas Braun

Book: Suitcase of Memories

Status: Published (Completed)


Date of Birth:

16th October (year unknown)

35 (Thea)
37 (Theo)

She/They (Thea)
He/Him (Theo)



Thea's parents were time pirates, and as a result of this she has a criminal record and a large knowledge of time ships inner workings.

At an unknown point in time their parents learnt of a parasite that could potentially give the time drive on their ship an upgrade (should they experiment on it.) But there was a catch -- they had no idea where or when the parasite could be found in their time, so in order to figure that out they sent Thea back in time to study the parasite's origins.

Thea met Ray and became friends with him during that time, while working as a an astronomer. Eventually she found out the parasite was going to orbit around the sun and took a team up there.

Unfortunatley the space station malfunctioned (due to a solar flare), and the parasite got sucked into the ship from outside. Thea had to bond with the parasite to get access to its powers and stay alive. Then their parents (who had been monitoring her this entire time) got to her, and tried to take the powers of the parasite for themselves. Thea lashed out and scattered them into the time stream, before becoming unconscious. Rip then found them and took them onboard his ship, where she stayed until his trip to collect the legends in 2016.


Other Misc. Details:

• The parasite inside of Thea gave them powers of light (due to the solar flare radiation absorption) and some resistance to time aberrations/changes.

• The scars on her face are from when they got in their accident, and they carry across every transformation.

• Because of the parasite they are effectively immortal, as when the host body dies it will create a new version of them out of the time stream (the new host retains all memories.)

☆ They have been married to Rip since he travelled back to the '70s, but didn't officially start the relationship until after they were on the run from The Time Bureau.


Margaret and Albert Lee (Deceased)

Love Interest:
Rip Hunter (Spouse; Alive)

• Callum Hunter (Birth Date Unknown)
• Lyra Hunter (14th April 2018)
• Bailey Hunter (14th April 2018)

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