Tale As Old As Time

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Barely even friends
then somebody bends

Harper usually sings to herself when highly stressed. Or she eats. Depends on the availability. And this morning, she's really, really anxious.

And they're out of food.

As usual.

Her mom's high strung again. Looking for Brian, her favorite spawn. Harper almost chuckled with that quip.

"Where the fuck is your brother?! You told him to go away, didnt you?! You did! You fuckin slut!" Her mom was pointing her finger at her while swaying, sometimes back and forth, sometimes left and right. She's been drinking since 7am in the morning and by 10am, she's full blown drunk.

Harper continues to prepare her food for work and her mom's food for the whole day. She won't be back till way past midnight and she wanted to make sure that IF her mom gets hungry, she'll have something to eat.

The words doesn't bother her anymore. Slut, bitch, stupid, moron...it's old news. One of the things she's learned to live with. And try to ignore. What hurts...what really hurts is the fact that she's like a ghost in the house. Ever since she's a kid never did once her mom acknowledge her existence besides shouting at her or asking her to do chores. It seems like that's Harper's one and only job. The reason for her creation. To serve her mom and brother. At least Brian isn't as demanding. He mostly let her be.



"So, you know, a lot of stuffs going on since its going to be Christmas and the theater have this annual thing going and the high school will have this reunion before Christmas so..." Chris was half listening to her mom talking on the phone and half tuning his guitar.
"....Yeah, I think I'm going to hire her." Her mom continued talking, to her friend Amy, on the phone. "She's good with computers and will let you know what we've come up with, ok? Call you later. Bye."

"Hire who?" Chris asked without looking at her.

Lisa sat down in front of her eldest son, typing busily on her mobile.
"Harper Krait. She's really good with organizing and assisting and I think this will help her, you know...." Lisa trailed off, knowing Chris got the idea on what she meant by that.

"I didn't know she went to college." Was all he said, slightly interested.

"She does. For a year now, I believe. Community college. On a scholarship."

"You certainly know a lot about her."

Lisa smiled, "We'll honey, this is a small neighborhood and she's practically worked for everyone here."

Chris smiled maliciously, "I hope you're not saying what I'm thinking, mom."

Lisa looked horrified and amused, "I doubt it." She looked seriously at Chris, "You know what, I don't even think she ever had a date. Ever."

Chris frowned, unable to believe it. "There's no 34 year old virgins anymore. Thats like a unicorn nowadays."

"But every single day since you left to go to New York she walks that pathway alone from the diner to her house. Every. Single. Day."

Chris shook his head, thinking how crazy someones life is.


"There's something weirdly wrong with that animal shelter I'm working at. I just can't put a finger to it." Harper told Laura, her co-worker at the diner, between bites of her sandwich.

"What do you mean?"

"Dogs, Fat, healthy ones, have been missing every other week. And no," Harper cut her off before she could even speak and continued, "they've not been adopted cause seriously some are bat-shit ugly. So, no."

Laura looked at her friend thoughtfully. "Now, I know you don't exaggerate, but if you're thinking what I'm thinking right now, I seriously suggest you forget about it."

"You know I can't. Not when those poor animals are being massacred. We have to at least, at least, help it be known that it's happening."

Laura just shook her head at Harper. "Your funeral, Harper."

Harper looked horrified. "Geez Lauren. You just have to choose those words, don't you."

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