Chapter Twenty-Three

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Lucas grabbed Alex's hand and shook it, taking his time due to the amount of shock he was currently displaying. "Thank you."

I kept away, aware that this didn't involve me. I didn't know Alex back then, therefore had no right asserting my opinion. But that certainly didn't mean I wasn't ready to support him when he needed me.

"That was close," whispered Ava, thankful to have dodged a bullet.

I couldn't have agreed more.

I watched as Alex offered Chloe the same handshake and smiled as she accepted. He said something to her but I couldn't hear and before long, I had him by my side again.

"I need a drink," he informed, holding me close and trailing his lips along my ear.

"Say no more," I replied, dragging him towards the bar where we ordered two more drinks. "I'm so proud of you."

He shrugged. "It was the right thing to do."

I squeezed his bicep and drew my body closer to his. "You handled it so well. How are you feeling? Really feeling?"

"A little bit sick," he admitted. "Seeing Teddy has knocked me. I didn't expect it to be this hard."

I could only imagine.

"I miss him, ya know? I miss being a dad."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and offered his lips a passionate kiss. I didn't dare hold back, needing him to know just how much I cared for him. "You wanna bail?"

He nodded, saying no more.

"Come on," I encouraged, shooting Georgie a 'we're calling it a night' look.

She attempted a smile but I could tell she was concerned. However, I didn't have time to worry about her. Not when I had Alex next to me starting to shake.

I steered him in the direction of our room and pulled him into a hug once the door behind us closed. There, he buried his face in my hair and sobbed, finally letting go.

"It's okay," I soothed, caressing his back. "I'm here. I'm right here."

He clung to me tighter and planted wet kisses along my neck. Each one grew more and more erratic until eventually, he found my mouth and devoured it.

"I need you, darling."

"You have me," I ensured, wiping away the last of his tears. "All of me."

He pulled on my dress' zip and spun me around so that my back pressed into his front.

"I lied tonight," he admitted, slowly undoing my straps. "Georgie looked stunning in her dress but you were the brightest star in the room. Not her. You."

I smiled and looked up to the ceiling, offering him complete access to my neck. He snacked on my every square inch and eased me onto the bed, once stripped of my dress. There, he proceeded to kick off his trousers and disregarded his shirt, entering me not seconds later.


His name left my lips on a muffled moan, spurring him on even further. But rather than his usual, power-fuelled self, I was gifted a side to him I'd never seen before. His gentle, loving side. Instead of fast, he went slow and slid in and out of me with such ease.

I struggled to keep my grip in his hair and took to chanting his name over and over again in the hopes I could prolong this feeling for as long as possible. I felt beautiful. Desired. Alive.

"I love you, Ebony."

Holy shit!

Did I just hear him right?

"I love you so much," he continued, kissing my forehead.

I held his cheek in my hand and kissed him with a passion that shocked us both. I'd been waiting a long time to hear those words and having Alex say them made the moment all the more special.

"I love you too."

Moments after the revelation was out, I came undone, thrashing in his arms. It didn't take long for him to follow and once relieved of his tension, we both collapsed in a tangled mess.

"Did you mean that or were you just caught up in the moment?" I asked, growing wary.

"I meant it." He smiled. "Did you?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I've been in love with you for ages."

He laughed and pulled me across his chest, combing his fingers through my hair. A satisfied sigh left his lips as I ran my hand along his chest, paying special attention to the dusting of hair he had there.

"I suppose this means we're more than just a fling, huh?"

Again, he laughed. "I think so..."

"We should tell Jason."

He propped himself up on his elbow and shot me a cheeky smile. "How about we tell him as soon as we get back?"


I quickly kissed him on the cheek, loving the colour currently present there. He looked beautiful like this. Vulnerable and naked. Tonight had tested him and he came out looking like the bigger person. Still, that didn't automatically cure him of his pain. He still hurt. He still longed to be a dad. And it broke my heart that I couldn't give him that.

Not yet.


They said it. THEY FINALLY SAID IT!! you like the new cover?

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