Chapter 48

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The final bell rang, freeing us from this jail.

I couldn't wait for the day to be over; today was extra long for some reason. I couldn't even focus either. That stupid party was running through my mind...

I was extra quiet and to myself today, too. I just didn't feel like initiating conversations or really listening to people talk about BS like schoolwork, or boys, or teachers, or anything. Becca kept asking me what was wrong and trying to get me to talk about last night, but I didn't really wanna talk about it. There's nothing to talk about.

"Sam! Are you okay?" Becca snaps her fingers in front of my face.

I sigh and stand up straight, moving away from the school lockers. "Yes," I reply exhaustively.

"You've been zoning out all day, girl! Avoiding conversations. And you're really quiet. That's not like you," she comments while closing her locker and filing her books into her backpack.

"I'm just real tired, Becca," I reply.

"Because of the party? We didn't even stay out that late. You requested to go home early."

We start walking down the hall.


"So?!" Becca twists up her face and looks around, then lowers her voice before asking: "When are you gonna tell me why you were so mad last night?"

"I wasn't mad! I was just-- bored."

"I know when you're lying..."

I roll my eyes and check my phone.

"Did somebody say something to you?" She questions.


"Was it a guy? Ugh, I bet it was a guy that made some stupid comment or tried some lame pick-up line. Ugh--"

I cut her off. "I have to go to work. I'll talk to you later."

I rush down the hallway and out the school's front entrance.


I made myself a bowl of popcorn with chocolate drizzle and marshmallows. My appetite seems to grow every day, I swear. So does my lower back pain. My headaches are more frequent too...

Can't believe I'm already three weeks pregnant, almost a month. I haven't told anyone... except Daniel last semester. And that didn't go so well, so I don't plan on telling anyone else -- especially not my parents. I can imagine the looks of disappointment on their faces finding out their baby girl is having a child out of wedlock, let alone having sex. Ugh. Honestly, I think that if I told them, they would make me get rid of it. They're some of those Christians that judge everything bad about people, but can't take the heat when someone points out their own flaws.

I remember when I was younger, there was this older girl at church and she was always nice to me, giving me candy and coloring pictures with me, and she was pregnant. Her boyfriend left her, but luckily her grandma was supporting her decision to keep the baby. My mom would always tell me to stay away from her, thinking that her sin will somehow rub off on me. She literally thought that girl was dirty, and she would badmouth her so much when we came from church. 

I know that my parents would want me to abstain from sex and wait until I'm married... but things happen. If I told them that I was pregnant, I wouldn't hear the end of it. They'd probably throw me out; the elders at church would definitely give me the side eye.

Maybe I should feel ashamed, but I don't. I'm more irritated and embarrassed about these rude comments and rumors on social media. How dare people act like they know me or what I've been through. The nasty comments on my social media page have calmed down a lot since the beginning of the week, but those hurtful words still float around in my mind. 

Today, I didn't go to school again. It's Friday, for God's sake! Instead of being on social media, I relaxed on my bed and watched TV all day, and ate snack after snack like I'm currently doing.

I change the channel to 'The Lucy Lawrence Show', a talk show about different women's issues, gossip, fashion, etc. I turn up the volume as she talks about bullying and teenage issues of the time. Eh, not really interested. I change the channel, while eating a handful of popcorn, to some show on the Oprah Winfrey Network where this girl was touring a school and talking about being bullied. Gosh, is this bullying awareness day or something? I keep flipping through the channels when I land on the Steve Harvey Show - a favorite of mine - and begin watching. Ironically, they are also discussing cyberbullying...

As I continue watching, a little hesitant and bored, I keep wondering 'what are they talking about?' and 'what happened to their little daughter?'.

...the female commenter is talking about reporting cyber-bullying to the police especially if you start getting threats. The main tip for defeating online bullies is: don't reply to their nasty comments. Makes perfect sense to me. Even though they're talking about a little baby, I can't help but think about those strangers online that called me out of my name, those guys at school that snicker whenever they see me, and backstabbers who you thought were your friends but believe the dirty rumors about you. Sigh.

I don't see a need to tell anyone about the bullying I've been experiencing -- especially not my parents. I mean, it's not that severe... just stupid rumors. Everyone goes through it in high school, right? I don't want them to overreact or do anything crazy. I'm fine...

Even though I'm not really fine. But it's nothing I can't handle. I'm taking matters into my own hands and skipping school so I don't have to worry about bullies in my face. That's a good thing, right? I'm not being a coward and hiding from them, I'm just not paying them any mind. I'm taking myself out of the situation so there won't be any more drama. I've stayed off social media for the last 48 hours and everything!


Instead of throwing a pity party, or being angry about bullies, I should... focus on the love that I'm receiving. That's what the lady on TV said. 

"Focus on the love I'm receiving..." I say out loud.

I think about the love that I've gotten from other people...

Of course, my parents love me regardless of what I get myself into - I know that. But who else loves me?

No one on the cheer squad seems to care. Except for Becca. She even came to my house yesterday just to check up on me, which was honestly very awkward, but she came. I was only out for a day and she was worried. Clearly she cares. We're not even friends or anything... but how could I be friends with her and she's friends with someone who hates me? Sam. Samantha. She avoided my eyes yesterday, that's how much she doesn't like me. But earlier in the week, she let me sit at lunch with her and Becca and Daniel. It was a surprisingly friendly gesture coming from her.

And then there's Daniel. I grin a bit just thinking about his name, his face, the time we spent together last year...

But he seems to avoid me these days. I definitely think that he loved me at one point, but after all the crap I put him through, I wouldn't be surprised if his love turned into loathe. I guess I feel kind of stupid for lying to him and starting drama, all because I was jealous of the relationship he had with Sam. I wanted him all to myself, but then again, I also wanted Chris. I never seem to have crushes on the right guys. I admit I can be very flirty and boy-crazy, but I never knew that I could hurt someone that I really liked, like Daniel. It could've worked. We probably would've still been dating now... but Chris. Ugh. He doesn't love me, he talks crap about me like I'm not even there. He doesn't even know me. He's just a player like most athletes I've known; don't love anyone but themselves. He'd probably be ignorant enough to start these darn rumors in the first place, I bet.

Ugh. Anyway. Who else loves me?



"First week after winter break down, fourteen more weeks to go," Jake says while rolling out pizza dough.

"I know," I groan.

"How was your day?" He asks.

"It would've been better if I didn't have to work today." I flick some flour onto his apron.

"It couldn't be that bad," Jake says with a smirk, now pouring sauce onto the crust, "And besides, I thought you enjoyed working side by side with me?"

"Eh..." I sigh.

"That's rude."

I shrug and take a handful of mozzarella, sprinkling it over the pizza as he places the toppings then puts the pizza in the oven. An employee working the cash register comes into the kitchen to tell us to make more pasta and breadsticks - or rather to heat them up. I grab the frozen breadsticks out of the freezer and prepare to bake them in the oven; Jake begins to boil the noodles as he heats up the pre-made marinara sauce over the stove. I groan, causing Jake to chuckle and look over at me.

"What's wrong?"


"I know when something's bothering you. Talk to me."

"Nothing, I'm just tired. I just wanna lock myself up in my room and sleep."

"Dang, I feel you. You must've stayed out late. You still haven't told me about Chris's party..."

"And I don't want to talk about it," I reply while sticking the breadsticks in the oven.

Jake turns the marinara down to a simmer and faces me, crossing his arms. "Why not? What happened? Did Chris try something?"

"What? No--"

"You sure? Because I'll beat his ass if he did something--" Jake spits out.

"No!" I sigh and shake my head, then reply, "It was just really boring. I was a wallflower all night. Becca and Khalil left me, and Diggy... they all left me by myself. It wasn't any fun at all."

"For real? And Diggy was there?" He wrinkles his forehead, thinking about something.

"Yeah. It was literally a waste of my time."

"Jake! Hand me two tongs, man." Our shift manager yells from the front.

"Okay!" Jake quickly finds two silver tongs and hands them to our manager, then hurries back and stirs the pasta sauce. I check the bread in the oven.

"So... is that why you were so distant today?" He asks.

"What do you mean?"

"You barely said anything in Spanish class, and you didn't answer my texts during the day. You've barely had any energy since your shift started."

"I'm sorry... I told you I was tired."

"From the party?"


"Okay," he replies, no questions left.

I raise my eyebrow and chew on my bottom lip, looking at him. "What does that mean?"

"What?" He turns off the boiled pasta and drains the water.

I sigh and reply, "Nothing."

~Two hours later~

Jake and I are taking our breaks in the food court eating pizza, of course. My mom sent me a text asking if I'm eating. I reply with "yes". Today, her and Antonio would be working late again possibly until the mall closes at 10:30. Luckily, I have an hour and a half left until my shift ends, until both of our shifts end, and then I can go home to a parent-less house for about three hours. I have a feeling though that my mom is gonna come and visit me on my break. Ever since I started working in the food court, she's made it her duty to check on me whether I'm on break or behind the counter.

It's nothing new, but having my mom smothering me sometimes makes me look forward to moving out and going to UCLA in the fall. Technically, I move during the summer because of basketball tryouts and sports conditioning. I'm really hoping I get a full-ride athletic scholarship, too. My grades aren't too bad, but I'm not expecting them to get me an academic scholarship of any kind. Now my boy Jake on the other hand, he's super smart AND super athletic, so I know that he would've gotten any scholarship he applied for. He gets along well with the teachers, he's likable, funny, and a really good speaker. I can't believe he's not going to UCLA.

"Is that your mom again?" He asks as my phone buzzes for the fifth time.

"Yes," I groan.

"At least she cares about you."

"Yeah, well, a little bit too much. I can't wait to move out."

"Be careful what you wish for," he smirks.

"Oh, I'm careful alright. I also wish that I could take you with me."

Jake grins and replies, "Well, I'm with you now. And until the end of the school year. And the summer."

I sigh and take a bite of my pizza.

"You're gonna do great and be amazing. I can't wait to see your face on the Sports Network Channel making three-pointers and lay-ups; taking the MVP title each year; kicking butt and taking names," Jake says with a smile.

"I guess..."

"Come on! You know you're excited."

"I am..." I look past him to see a familiar figure. "Oh no..." I roll my eyes and look away.

Jake frowns. "What?"

"I'm getting deja vu all over again."

"What are you talking about?"

"Guess who spotted us and is walking up behind you?"


Jake turns to look behind him; I rub my temples. Julie walks to our table with four shopping bags in her hands, smiling all the way.

"Sam! Jake! Hey," she enthuses.

"Julie... hey," Jake replies sounding surprised.

"Hi, Sam."

I slowly trail my eyes up to her face and force a short fake smile. "Hi."

"Funny seeing you guys here."

I feel Jake's eyes glancing at me before he speaks, "Yeah... um... we're on break from work."

"Oh, okay."

A short silence fell between us as Julie remained standing over our table. I tap my feet under the table impatiently. I really don't like her.

"So why are you here?" I say. Go away, I think.

"Oh, um, I decided to do some shopping to, um, take my mind off of things. Shopping puts me in a good mood."

"I see," Jake replies, "I heard you've been sick the last two days, too. Are you feeling better?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah," Julie nods her head and grins.

"Great! Well..." I intervene.

"Hey, do you mind if I have a bite to eat with you guys?" Julie asks with a smile.

I don't know who she thinks she is, but don't she know we ain't friends? Why is she still here?

I clear my throat obnoxiously and shake my head. "Um, girl, you know what? We were actually about to leave because we gotta get back to work. Look at the time!" I close my pizza box, grab my soda, and gather my napkins getting ready to leave.

Julie looks caught off guard and says, "Oh, okay."

"Sam..." Jake gives me a look that says 'cut out the drama'.

I cut my eyes at him and stand up. "Jake. Come on, we gotta work."

Jake sighs. He slowly gathers his food as I wait for him to get up.

"Um... well it was nice seeing you guys," Julie says.

"You too," Jake replies.

Without looking, I say goodbye to Julie and continue waiting for Jake. He sure is taking his sweet time to get up. I don't have time to give to people that I don't really care about. My time is money and I don't just give it out to anybody.

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