Bros who murder together, stay together

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CloeTheTealSnake suggested this and i ran with it


Dick wasn't one for subtleties. When he did something, he went big. He needed to wipe out a gang that was occupying an area that would be great to have. Although it would be ten times easier to send some goons in there and let them have at it, that wasn't nearly dramatic enough nor was it that impressive. What was impressive, and would double as some brotherly bonding, was taking down an entire gang in one night with alongside an anti-hero that was well respected. So that's what brought Dick to sitting outside his brother's window, lightly knocking on it, with a grin. Jason heard the knocking and jumped when he saw his older brother instead of a rather large bird. He slid the window open, allowing the other to slither inside and begin walking around his safe house. "Lovely place brother dear but you can't decorate for shit," he commented, swiping his index finger along the cabinet closest. A thick coat of dust covered his finger which he flicked off with a disgusted look. "And dirty. You really should clean."

"I don't have visitors often so there's no point," Jason responded. His eyebrow was raised curiously, knowing that his brother was there for something. He always had a reason to come over even if the reason was half concocted and more of an excuse more than anything else. "Surprise visitors are a thing. Speaking of, are you free tonight?" There it was.

"Depends on what you want from me," the younger replied. Dick had begun subconsciously cleaning the place. He'd picked up a few empty glass beer bottles and put them all together in one place instead of putting them in the bin. Sure he was a bit of a villain but that didn't mean he doesn't recycle. "There's a little gang downtown. Cobra something. Awfully predictable. But they do have a pretty little place that I'm dying to get," he explained, now collecting the loose takeaway leaflets. He pocketed one he liked the look of then continued. Jason just let him get on with it. "Obviously, I could just get some men down there but that's boring and I'm not boring. So I thought you like to shoot guns, I like to stab people, it's a win-win if you come along," he continued. "What do you say?"

"Batman won't like this," Jason said with a devilish grin. Dick returned it.

"That's just a bonus."

"Alright, I'll tag along. Give me a place and time," he replied. He liked this new Dick. Less preachy and way more fun to hang out with. 

"Let's say midnight, the building in front of the old sweet factory," the older told him, going back to the window.

"Real bullets?"

"Do you even need to ask?"

Red Hood jumped onto the apartment building and looked around for his older brother. He was admittedly very excited for the mission together. He would've been very bored if it wasn't for the surprise visits. He wished he got them more often. Though he could already feel the headache from Batman's lecture about enabling Dick, it was worth it. "Look at you being early," Dick stated from the shadows. He was with a man that was taller than him, being passed something that glinted in the dark. "That's it for now love. You better get going, they'll only get pissy with me if you're late for poker night," Dick told the man. They kissed quickly and he slapped the taller on the ass. 

"I swear to God Dick," the other muttered grumpily before running off. Dick watched him go with a cheeky smirk and walked over to greet his brother. Knives were strapped to his waist and he was armed with his escrima sticks. He was noticeably unmasked, probably as an added fuck you to Batman. "Who's the boy toy?" Red Hood inquired.

"None of your business," Dick responded with a grin. "Now, the whole gang are in that factory," he added, ushering the other to the side of the building and pointing across the street. "There are about fifty maybe sixty guys in there. Twenty have guns, thirty have knives and the rest are unarmed. Rough estimates, yes, but they're better than nothing. Anything coming to mind?" Red Hood smiled. He liked that Dick asked what he wanted to do. Whenever he worked with Batman, his old mentor called the shots rather than himself. "How big are we going here?" he asked.

"As big as possible."

"Feeling eccentric?" Dick nodded, liking his line of thinking. He pointed to the glass roof and they shared a glance. They already knew what each other were thinking. They ziplined across to the roof and landed quietly. Then they crawled over to the glass ceiling and peered down on what was going on inside. The gang were all together. It looked like they were initiating a new member into the group. "We killing the new guy?" Red Hood asked. There was a pregnant pause before the acrobat nodded. 

"Sends a message." He hummed and tapped lightly on the glass. It was thin enough to breakthrough. 

"Still have those smoke bombs?" he asked. Dick pulled out three, holding them between his fingers with a smile. "Perfect."

All was calm until shattered glass fell from the ceiling, slicing a few arteries on the way. Dick and Red Hood cushioned their fall by landing on a few of the gang members which knocked them out. "Good evening gentlemen, ready to have some fun?" Dick announced before throwing the smoke bombs on the floor. The pair weaved through the smoke, slitting throats and blasting brains. Then Dick found the light switch and, with his need to create chaos, flipped it so the whole factory was plunged into darkness. He pulled out his night vision goggles along with a few very sharp Wing Dings. He enjoyed the challenge of dodging blind punches whilst trying to hit moving objects in deadly areas. "How you doing over there brother dearest?" he proclaimed through the havoc. The gunshots were constant apart from the few seconds it took to reload. "Running out of bullets," Red Hood answered. His brother swiftly backflipped and hand sprung over, attaching a few more magazines to his belt before ducking out. "Oh I fucking love you right now," he stated. He reloaded once more and noticed the startling quality of the bullets. Trust Dick to give him the best of the best. If he was in the right mind, he'd tag along more often on these little missions. Less emotional baggage than there were with Batman and his brats. "You and a long list of others," Dick joked. He continued to move around the room, slicing through anyone who dared to fight back, until he came to the gang leader. Now he had a little bit of a grudge against this man. He was vile and ruthless. Sure Dick wasn't that much better but at least everyone who worked under him could back out at any time and their families wouldn't be threatened over it. That was something he despised. When people went after the family who was innocent of the crimes their family member had committed. This was the perfect time for him to take a dose of his own medicine. "Look who it is. Mr. Decker," Dick greeted in a dangerously low tone. Mr. Decker whipped around and froze in terror. 


"I heard what you did to the Loverson family," he replied, stalking towards him and twirling a knife in his hands. "Blood was everywhere. Not a soul left. Not even the baby. I think you know how I feel about hurting children." He threw a Wing Ding at him, pinning his blazer to the wall, followed by a few more to keep him still. "How are you feeling Mr. Decker? Scared? Aww, poor baby," Dick mocked with a grin. He placed the point of his knife on the man's neck, dragging it down lightly so it didn't cut. "Let's hope Hell isn't too hot for you." With that, he dug his knife into his torso then dragged it up to his chin, effectively slicing him in half. Some flecks of blood got on his face but it never made him flinch. He maintained eye contact with Mr Decker the entire time.

The lights flickered on and he shoved his knife deeper into Mr Decker's gaping throat. There was something dull in the background, calling for him. He didn't listen to it, mostly because he could hardly hear it. Blood was running down the body in front of him. The last twitches of life were gone. All that was in front of him now was a mutilated body. A small smirk appeared on his face as his grip tightened on the knife. The light was well and truly drained from Mr. Decker. It was beautiful. He could see how addicting it was now. He'd have to keep an eye on that. Just in case he let the killing sprees happen too often or too large. He needed to keep the lower public's opinion in his favour. "Dick?" The voice came through loud and clear, allowing him to break the staring competition with the corpse and turned around. "You good? That looks a little, intense," Red Hood asked.

"Oh, this little thing? I'm alright. He was a dickhead and got what he deserved. Well, a little less than that. I have some mercy left," he answered, returning to his cheery self. They looked around the room, admiring their handiwork. Around them people were either dead or unconscious, some in the middle. "So, I guess this is your place now," Red Hood stated. Dick nodded and looked around with a satisfied look. It was great. High ceilings, big room, plenty of storage and the walls were brick. He loved a brick wall. "I'll invite you round when I'm done with this place. It needs a little decorating," he responded.

"What did you two do?" a gruff voice asked. It was quiet and shocked. The pair knew who it was already and turned around to see their former mentor gawking at the bodies. "I know it's a bit of a mess right now but I think this place has potential," Dick responded. 

"I told you to call me when he plans these things!" he yelled at Red Hood. The anti-hero rolled his eyes and folded his arms across his chest, mumbling curse words. 

"Batsy, shut up will you? I'm a grown-ass man and I can do what I want," his brother defended. It did bring a smug smile on Red Hood's face. He liked having someone in his corner like old times. "A grown man who is in need of help, Richard." That got a laugh from the acrobat who nudged his accomplice's arm. 

"Did you hear that? Honestly, he should've been a comedian," he taunted with a bitter tone. Red Hood decided to join in on the mocking. He'd regret it later but that was a future Jason problem. "I thought he already was considering he's the biggest joke in Gotham," he added, getting a giggle from the older. Batman glared at the pair, beginning to stride towards him. "Oh fuck off Batman," they said in unison, smiling at one another with their similar train of thought.

They shot their grappling hooks to the ceiling and escaped onto the roof where they jumped over alleyways until they got back to Jason's apartment. They fell in through his fire escape window, laughing as they hit the floor. "That was awesome," Jason stated. He'd never laughed so much. He turned to Dick who's cackles were beginning to die down. "I've got next killing spree," he added.

"I can't believe I condemned you for them," Dick said, panting slightly. They grinned at one another and got up. 

"So, where are you off to now?" Jason asked.

"Probably back at the compound. Make sure the boys are doing alright. Get some special treatment," he responded with a wink. His brother hit him in the arm, chuckling. 

"Gross!" As the high of the moment got away from them, Dick couldn't help but think back to Mr. Decker. Bad men got what they deserved right? He wondered if he'd end up like that one day. If he was lucky, a League member might convince the state to bypass the death penalty and just keep him locked up. More than likely, he'd die by some other gangster's hands. How pathetic. A fallen hero turned villain killed by that of a gangster when he'd faced advanced civilizations. "Do you ever miss being a goody-two-shoes?" Jason asked, stirring him from his thoughts. 

"Sometimes. It was nice I suppose," he answered. He sounded a bit too sorrowful. "Being like this is just so freeing. I'd rather this than that."

"Me too. Though, seeing you tonight, gutting that guy like nothing, kinda scary." Dick chuckled darkly. 

"Good. It was supposed to be."

"Maybe don't be scary like that too often, hey? Just so Bruce doesn't make everyone cut off contact with you." Dick nodded to himself. He must remember that for next time. He opened the window back up and climbed out. 

"I'll see you when I see you."

"See you around Dickie-bird."

i don't know why i just made up david but if you want some dick and david content i'll be happy to oblige

plus i'm nearing 100 parts on this (shocker i know) so i thought i'd do a thing where someone requests a smut and someone requests something not smutty to celebrate i guess so if you have either of those leave em here and i'll pick some

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