Why the hell is there a monster in a lab?

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This is Tim's Robin because, idk if i said this in a different chapter, but i want to write his relationship with Dick better. He might be a little out of character so sorry in advance. The answers to your questions will be at the bottom so stick around if you wanna see that

Robin had strayed away from his temporary mentor's gaze once again. Nightwing would get so engrossed with work that sometimes he forgot that he had someone to look after. Tonight was brotherly bonding patrol. He didn't agree to that name but he didn't mind the meaning behind it. Everyone who knew anyone in The League knew that Nightwing was a sort of fan favourite and to have him all to himself gave Robin a sense of superiority over those who could only see him when they passed in a hallway. Though there was a slight problem with working with Nightwing when you're a teen craving that sweet ass-kicking action. Nightwing thought through his plans gradually and often rambled over different situations, forgetting that he was completely ignoring someone else. Robin guessed he was more thorough nowadays than before since whenever he brought up how indecisive he could be to Bruce, he'd receive a confused expression. His instincts told him that the previous Robin had instilled that fear of going in too quickly. Despite this, he couldn't be bothered waiting any longer and snuck away. He'd do it by himself just for kicks. It wasn't like he was trying to prove himself or anything.

He slid into the building through a vent and began strolling around. Correction - stealthily strolling around, he was on the job after all. Batman told them the aim was to take files on a psychoactive chemical the lab had made then destroy the samples there prevent them from making any more batches. They had the go-ahead from the appropriate higher-ups to destroy anything they sought fit. Admittedly, he couldn't wait to smash things up. Though being unable to wait for things was a problem in itself. He shook the thought from his head and turned a corner into the lab. "Too easy," Robin muttered confidently. Only he could simply stumble across the lab they were looking for. Inside there were vials and glasses were full of a purple liquid which he assumed to be the drug. It smelt awful, like lavender mixed with rubbish. He reluctantly shivered as the smell filled his nostrils, making them sting in the process. Thank God Nightwing hadn't been with him, he would've constantly commented on the stench with some sort of pun or other. Although, there were a few puns that made the stream of them worth it. Something about his stupid puns or the expectant grin afterward made him laugh. He continued to weave through the tables of scientific equipment until he got to the computer. His extensive IT knowledge should make taking the files as easy as taking candy from a baby.

After a couple of minutes, Robin managed to get the files. He turned around to begin the disposing of the chemicals but he paused. Something wasn't right. A sudden sense of dread had filled him from head to toe. He pulled out his escrima stick and cautiously peeked out into the hallway. Nothing seemed unusual until he saw a bright blob of blue in a sea of black. He whipped his head around to see some sort of beast was heading right towards him. Quickly, he got into a fighting stance and struck it in the stomach, sending it falling back onto the floor. The beast let out a groan yet, instead of taking the opportunity to save itself a severe beating, it stood back up. He couldn't blame it since it didn't seem too aware of its surroundings. As it got up, it towered over Robin but that didn't intimidate him. He'd made a career out of fighting people twice his size. He struck it again in the stomach but it dodged his move. It went to grab his hands but he skillfully dodged the lunge. He wondered where Nightwing was. He couldn't be too far away at this point as planning didn't take that long. Not like he needed him nor wanted him for that matter. He hit the beast in the back, hearing a pained grunt escape its lips. A sharp claw caught him by surprise and scratched his cheek. He felt warmth trickle down his face and assumed it to be blood. He gritted his teeth and rolled with the punches, or scratches in this case. The beast whipped him with its tail, knocking out his legs and forcing him to the ground. It snarled and growled in his face, spitting on it in the process. Robin grimaced at feeling the saliva disperse on his face but recovered soon after. He brought his legs up beneath the creature and pushed up, knocking it to the floor for a few seconds. He scrambled to his feet and slid his hand into his boots. There he had two extra birderangs that had been freshly sharpened. Although it was sort of a no-no to use them as knives, this creature wasn't a person. It could barely be described as an animal. Plus he wasn't trying to kill it. He deemed the lecture worth it. As he grabbed them the creature tilted its head in confusion. It would've been cute had the thing not tried to kill him moments ago. Whilst it stared at him in confusion, he ran into it and pushed it against the wall. He then stabbed both birderang's through its wrists, successfully pinning it to the wall. It let out an awful howl of pain that felt like nails scratching on a chalkboard.

When he deemed the monster stuck to the wall, he decided to call for Nightwing to let him know what happened. Then he heard the familiar beeping. He looked around. Nightwing wasn't anywhere to be seen. Robin soon realized the beeping was coming from the monster. Did the thing eat him? He was so stunned that he couldn't move. He just stared at the black and blue beast. The colour scheme reminded him of someone but he found the name of that person muddied. The gargled speech of the monster then cleared into something he could understand. Its voice sounded just as familiar as the colour scheme. "This is gonna hurt real bad," it muttered before pressing its wrists against the metal until they came out of the wall. Curses fell out of its mouth like a waterfall as it fell to the ground, successfully pulling out the birderangs. "You're so lucky you're my brother or you'd be in so much trouble right now," it announced. Before Robin could pose his question, the monster lunged at him and stabbed its nail into his neck. For a second, Robin thought he was going to die. He clenched his eyes closed then opened when he realized he hadn't been plunged into a world of eternal darkness.

"'Sup buddy, you with me now?" Nightwing asked. He was in the same position the monster had been in, which was odd. 

"Where did the monster go?" he asked, his eyebrows scrunching up in confusion. 

"I think I was the monster you were seeing."

"Well can you get off me now? You weigh a tonne," he complained. Humour was the only way he could deal with the immense embarrassment he was feeling. 

"Oh, you're uncomfortable. I just had to pull two pieces of metal you stabbed through my wrists out," Nightwing replied, a slight chuckle breaking his pretend seriousness. He rolled off his brother and lay on the floor for a minute. Robin laughed and sat up, an embarrassed blush still dusting his cheeks. He couldn't believe how much of an amateur move he'd pulled. What if this was the end to brotherly bonding patrol? "Sorry for stabbing you and everything." Sensing his anxiety, Nightwing slung an arm around him with a smirk. 

"Hey, everybody stabs a fellow hero at least once. Better to get it out of your system now and learn from it. Like learn to ask why the hell is there a monster in a lab?" he assured the younger. 

"So we still get to have our patrol time?" Nightwing nodded. 

"Of course, you're like the highlight of my week - why are you crying?"

Ayo question time bois

r0bin4life asked "What type of music do you like? What are your hobbies?"

I'd say my music taste is all over the place but I mostly listen to indie or pop punk music and apart from writing I like to animate and draw

Supergirl406 asked "How and why did you start your writings? Do you remember the first fanfic you read or why you started Wattpad?"

I've been writing a very long time, probably since I was able to read and write, and I'd say I started because my drawing skills were pretty awful back then that the only way to tell a story was through writing. I even sent in a script for Young Justice when I was twelve into Cartoon Network. The episode didn't get made in case you were wondering. My first fanfic was a Dan and Phil fanfic called Snowflake. I remember it so vividly since I had no idea what fanfic was before then even though I'd written plenty of fanfic as a kid. I started Wattpad because I friend came over to my house and found a lot of old writing I'd done for Gravity Falls. They had a pretty popular BVB fanfic on the sight and suggested I put some of my work up. Since none of my friends were into the stuff I liked, I thought I may as well put something out there. This will be my third year on Wattpad I'm pretty sure so it's kinda wild that I wouldn't have put this stuff out there had it not been for their suggestion.

rennwynn asked "have you seen Umbrella Academy?"

I haven't! Mostly because I hardly have time for TV shows but I'll add it to my list since I now have Netflix and check it out when I have a free period in college

Another_chapter asked "Favourite ship in YJ? Favourite ship in general? Are you an extrovert, introvert or ambivert? Loud or quiet? Do you like K-Pop? Or anime?"

My favourite ship is Birdflash! My favourite romantic ship would still be Birdflash but if we're talking friend shipping I'd have to say Shaun and Lea from The Good Doctor. I would say I'm an ambivert because I tend to be an introvert but when I'm with the right people I can be extroverted. It really depends on the environment I'm in. I'd say I'm loud when I get excited but I'm quiet most of the time. I don't have a feeling on K-Pop other than it's annoying when my friend uses my YouTube to listen to it and ruins my recommended for a week. I had a phase of liking anime but I struggle to stay invested with how over the top it can be. The only anime that has always kept me invested is Avatar the Last Airbender. And it's cereal before milk

LunaValdezzz asked "if you would be a goddess (which you already are) what would you be the goddess of?"

First off, aww shucks you're gonna have me looking like a cherry if you keep throwing compliments like that. Secondly, I'd probably the goddess of fire. I've always had a sort of obsession with it so it would probably be the best thing to be the goddess of. My childminder used to have to turn off the fireplace because I'd see as close as I could to watch it.

Thank you to everyone who submitted some questions for me and maybe I'll do another small thing like this next time

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