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[ ☼ ]

       The next morning, Elena woke up feeling great. She had a new job that came so easily to her and she met a pretty interesting guy. She smiled as she got dressed for work.

       Elena didn't want to be labeled as "slutty", but if she wanted more tips, she had to dress the part. Elena wore a plain tight black shirt with a jean skirt that clung to her thighs. She had even curled her hair and put it in a high ponytail.

      "Let's do this."

[ ☼ ]

        Elena was currently wiping down the tables of the bar, anxiously waiting for the customers to start pouring in. She continued as the bell above the door rang. Dean strutted in and had to hold himself back from having at her right then and there.

      Elena looked sexy as hell in her short skirt and tight shirt that exposed her breasts. He smirked as he snuck behind her and poked her sides. She quickly turned around and punched him in the face.

       "Oh my god, I am sorry!" Elena yelled as she put her hands over her mouth. "You scared the hell out of me!"

       Dean grabbed his jaw before turning back to her. "You pack one hell of a punch." He says and Elena begins to laugh. "So you think it's funny."

      "It's kind of funny." Elena says.

      "I was wondering..." Dean starts. "Would you like to get together sometime?" He asks.

       Elena smiles slyly before moving to the back room. "Maybe..." She says and Dean calls out to her.

      "You're just gonna leave me hanging?" He asks as she disappears behind the counter. Dean sits down at the bar as the bartender makes his usual.

      "Any luck?" A familiar voice asks. Crowley sits next to Dean.

       "Getting there." Dean says. "Have you thought about my offer?"

       "Oh you mean give you that contract I had over Elena when you went to Purgatory?" Crowley asks. "Let me think...NO!"

       "Why not?" Dean asks.

       "Haven't you ever heard the expression, "Three's a crowd"? "Third wheeling"? It's not a fun experience."

      "Crowley..." Dean warns.

      "No means no!" Crowley yells.

       "Crowley so help me god I will hit you right here and now under the table." Dean says as Crowley looks down at the first blade.

      "If I say yes, will you put that thing down?" He asks.

      "I don't know, is that a yes?" Dean asks.

      "Yes, for Pete's sake! Now put that bloody thing down before you hurt someone." Crowley says.

       Dean smiles. "See that's all I wanted." He says before walking away. The blonde waitress grabs him by the collar.

      "Last night was amazing." She whispers against his lips.

      "Ditto." Dean says. As they part, Elena is seen holding a glass of beer, looking very pissed. Dean turns to her before she storms away. "Hold that thought. Elena, wait."

       Elena spins around. "I can't believe I thought that you were different, but you're just like every other guy I met. You're a dick." She says and walks away. Dean looks on, angry.

        Elena had served a whole bunch of people and had wads of tip money in her pocket. Everything was going fine until she had to serve a table group of men. She smiled at the burly men. "Hi, what can I get you?" She asks.

        "You can come over here and sit on my lap." A Man with an ugly beard says. He was scrawny and didn't have enough hair on his head to combover.

       Elena smiles sarcastically. "Thanks for the offer, but no thanks." She says. "I take it you lumberjacks want beer?" She says before turning around. Just as she took a step, the scrawny man grabbed at her butt.

       Dean's attention perked in her direction and he was about to go over there and teach him a lesson before Crowley stopped him. "Just wait." He says.

       On instinct, Elena twisted his arm to his back and slammed his head on the table. "You should have more respect for women, you ass." She says into his ear. "Now get out of here before I kick your ass." She says.

       "Damn." Dean says and looks on, amused. Elena lets him go as the Man and his gang leave the bar. She blinks her eyes as reality kicked in.

      "Oh my god." She says as she leaves.

      "You see, I lied earlier." Crowley says. "I put one of my demons inside her psychiatrist months ago. Elena nowadays can be quite...impulsive."

       Dean thinks for a second. "Really..." He says.

[ ☾]

       Elena's shift had ended at the bar and she was currently trying to reach her car. A noise is heard and Elena stops walking. She looks behind her, but no one is there. Elena continues to walk and takes out her car keys as a clanging sound is hear again.

       "Wha—" Elena starts as a hand is clamped over her mouth. The mystery person pushed her against a wall and pressed himself on her. It was the Man from the bar.

       "This will teach you to be obedient, bitch." He says. He uses his free arm to reach under her skirt as Elena squirmed underneath him.

       Elena bit his index finger and he yelled out in pain. "HELP!" She yells.

      "No one is coming to save you." He says as he reaches further up her skirt. All of a sudden, the Man is flung backwards and his back hit the brick wall. Elena adjusted her skirt and grabbed her purse that had fallen to the ground.

       Her savior leaned down and began ruthlessly beating the man to a pulp. Then he pulled out some sort of weapon and stabbed him thrice. At that moment, Elena backed away, realizing that her savior was also a maniac.

       "A thank you would be nice." The voice says as Elena turns around. That voice sounded so familiar...

      "Dean?" Elena asked as Dean stepped out of the shadows, but something was different about him. His eyes were black.

      "What are you?" Elena asks as Dean steps closer to her.

      "I'm a demon." He says.

       Elena scoffs. "Demons don't exist." She says.

      "You're one to say that." Dean says.

       "What's that supposed to mean?" Elena asks.

      "You got your slate wiped, by a vampire." Dean says.

       "You're absolutely insane." Elena says as she begins walking away fast. Dean catches up to her and grabs her arm, but she elbows him in the face and begins to run away.

[ ☾]

        Elena quickly shuts the door behind her. She picked up her landline and dialed her psychiatrist. She answered on the first ring. "I don't think it was wise sending me here." Elena says.

       "Why? What's happened Elena?" Her psychiatrist asks. "You don't believe in demons?" She asks.

        Elena drops the phone and rushes to her room. She tries to turn on the light, but it doesn't turn on. "It's just probably a shortage." She says to herself.

       "Nope. It's just me."

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