Chapter 42: Divided By Cruel Fate

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In Kim Hyunsik's Private Residence

Author's POV

Lots of cars and bikes has reached in front of the destinated residence that Jungkook found where Y/n and Yuna was held captive by Kim Hyunsik...... The Guards of Kim Hyunsik didn't shoot at them, instead they opened the mansion door and welcomed Kim Namjoon's gang which Namjoon and Seokjin found very odd...... And what's more odd is Kim Hyunsik, himself is standing in front of his mansion door with a sick grin on his face........ Hyunsik is clapping with his both hands as he came in front of Namjoon who is just calmly looking at Hyunsik with zero expression but inside he is fuming in anger..... The anger inside namjoon is so severe that his hands are itching to snap Hyunsik's neck.....

Hyunsik: That's the more civilized way to solve the problems between us, Nephews.... See how generous am I..... I don't like to paint my hands with blood just like you......

Hyunsik words made Seokjin gritted his teeth in anger as the memories of that dreadful night appeared into his mind ....... The way Hyunsik tortured that girl ,r@ped and killed by his hands..... The hatred was embraced on Seokjin's mind for a while and why it won't be, He loved that girl.... It was his first love and seeing her dieing like that in front of his eyes brutally and painfully it something that made him what he is today.....

Seokjin pushed Namjoon a little as he hold Hyunsik's collar in anger and shouted," YOU DIDN'T KILL ANYONE?!!! YOU KILLED, R@PED, TORTURED PEOPLE... YOU DIDN'T EVEN SPARE A DEAD BODY.... don't remember me??? That Red Room of Golden Gems strip club where Yami and you love to torture , have your own fun..... You make me saw how you destroyed her dignity and throw her like a trash.... Don't you remember that pitiful boy who was  Min Yami's pet???"

Seokjin's eyes showed silent violence.... He wanted to kill Hyunsik by his own hands..... He doesn't want to show mercy but Hyunsik didn't show any kind of emotion..... More like he knew who he is...... A cruel smile plastered on his lips as he slowly said," I know.... Seokjin.... I know..... I know from the very first place.... Who you all are..... Because I am the one who put you and the other two mothers of your brothers in Jae sub's bedroom.....I am the reason you all are born and survived..... But I missed to get you before you ran away with them.... You three are supposed to be my weapon to annihilate my brother, Kim Jae sub ..... But Jae sub got you three ..... But still, I got one of you, Right Taehyung????

Hyunsik tilted his head on the left side and looked at Taehyung.... His last words make Namjoon immediately looked at Taehyung only to find a cold metal pressed on his forehead and the one who has put the gun on him, is none other than  Kim Taehyung, Their Youngest brother....... Several gunshots are heard as in the next few minutes, all of those guards who was  loyal to Namjoon was dead because Taehyung has some of the men on his side ..... Jungkook is also at a gunpoint by one of the guard.....

Taehyung: I am so sorry hyung.... But when it's was about power, I can't compromise..... I want all of it.... I am so greedy for it...... Only way I can get it is killing you two..... You have to die, Namjoon hyung.....

He finished those words as he was about to pull the trigger as Namjoon looked shocked as he never in his wildest dreams thought, Taehyung, his Younger brother will betray him like that.... Or maybe because he thought it would be the same like there but he forgot, the concequnces of trying to change the fate.... So, this is the concequnces he needed to bear...... The betrayal of his own blood brother.... It ached on his heart.....

But before he could pull the trigger, a gunshot sound was heard as blood spattered on Namjoon's face as he saw Taehyung's chest.... He was shot..... Taehyung fall down on the ground as he was barely conscious...... The sounds of gunshots echoed on the whole place as people died here and there.....All Hyunsik's men are dead as Hyunsik looked at the source of the firing as he found four helicopters on the sky as one of them shot Taehyung, A sniper shot......

Namjoon looked at Taehyung who is still breathing heavily laying down as he put his feet on Taehyung's chest wounds and started to press it making Taehyung scream in pain.....

RM: You know, Taehyung... I hate betrayers and liars...... And this is the punishment, Death..... Even if you're my little brother.... Because, I. Don't. Know. The. Word. Mercy....

And with that,Taehyung took his last breath..... Namjoon knows everything...... Namjoon has a hidden camera placed on his room which Taehyung or anyone didn't know.... And the footage itself is shocking to both brothers seeing how Taehyung has handed over Y/n and Yuna to Hyunsik's men..... Taehyung is right....when it's about power, you can't compromise.... And same thing applies for survival.....

The door of the Hyunsik's mansion opened reavealing Min Yoongi, Y/n in his arms and behind him one of the NIS officer, Lee Heesung who is holding pregnant Yuna on his arms both unconscious.......

Hyunsik looked at Yoongi with disbelief as his palms are sweating..... His plan failed ..... He is doomed.... How the hell yoongi came here??? He was supposed to come after he dealed with Those Kim brothers.......

Yoongi: Surprize!!!! Surprize!!!!! Do you like my surprize, Mr. Kim Hyunsik??? You really thought you can put me into a trap and I will gladly step my foot on it...... How foolish you are!!!!

His dark cold voice made Hyunsik feel shivers down to his spine as he frankly looked at Namjoon and Yoongi..... How can they're so calm here??? Why they're not into each other throats??? They are f**king rivals.....

Hyunsik: H-ho-how can you- you Ge-get inside the residence???? How could you?!!!

Hearing that Namjoon darkly chuckled making Hyunsik looked at him who is looking at him creepily.....

Namjoon: You really thought, it's only you who can plan everything..... You forgot one thing uncle, We are Kim Jae sub's Sons.... We have the same blood..... The blood of evilness.....

And with that Namjoon punched on Hyunsik's face making him fall down on the floor...... As the impact of Namjoon's punch, Hyunsik coughed out blood.... Before he could comprehend anything, another kick landed on Hyunsik's stomach made by Seokjin...... Several kicks landed on Hyunsik as he was barely able to move...... Seokjin was about to give another kick, but stopped midways, when Hyunsik spurted out some words.....

Hyunsik: You..... can't.... !!! uncle...... Jennie's..... father...... .... daughter won'

Namjoon immediately went towards Hyunsik and kneeled down on his level and hold a fistful of his hair and made him look at Namjoon.....

Namjoon: Your Daughter?!! She was never your daughter!!!!! Father switched your baby with his baby.... Jennie was our half sister... She isn't our cousin.....Your child died years ago..... And I have sent her far away from here..... She is with Jung hoseok and I bet, he will never let her come back in here.....

He said those words with mocking Hyunsik who's eyes widened hearing the real truth behind Jennie's birth.....  Namjoon pulled out his gun and pressed his jaw tightly making Hyunsik opened his mouth as he put the gun inside his mouth  and  thought about that universe how he killed him by suffocating him to death...... This time, it's less painful..... and with that, namjoon shot him to death....... Hyunsik layed dead in the ground as Namjoon step aside but Seokjin anger didn't melted down a bit as he shot into his dead body until the bullets emptied out......

Namjoon slowly went towards yoongi who is holding Y/n in his arms..... His eyes are on Y/n who is badly injured in her head ...... Namjoon's hand moved towards Y/n to touch her but yoongi pulled her closer making namjoon looked at Yoongi.....

Yoongi: You didn't forgot the deal we had between us.....

Yoongi's words made him went on the memories where he did a deal with yoongi .......

[ Flashback]

Namjoon is on this office room as he saw the footage of the hidden camera placed on his room as it made him heartbroken seeing how Taehyung has joined the hands with Hyunsik..... Seokjin was there too saw the whole thing with his own eyes.... He played it two more times not believing it but it's the truth.....

Namjoon was in deep thoughts he pulled out his phone and called someone who he never thought he will called.......


???: Hello, Kim Namjoon... What a pleasant surprise!!! You called me??? I can't believe it.....

Namjoon: yoongi, Y/n is in Hyunsik's captive.....

Yoongi: I know...... Hyunsik himself called me and invited me to have a dinner.... I bet he has a plan of killing me too...

Namjoon: still you are going???

Yoongi: yes... I wanted to see your mulated body.... You touched my Dongseng do you think, I will spare you???

Namjoon: but she love me!!! She doesn't remember anything... And don't you think we should also forgot our animosity.... It will be beneficial for us??

Yoongi: What is your offer, Namjoon??? I know you... You didn't call me for chitchat.... You want something....

Namjoon: I want your help to kill Hyunsik and everyone involved in it......I will help you with the weaponary of the military needed and will gracefully funded your political party.... and in various technology that this country needed.....

Yoongi: In return, I want my  little sister beside me and you will stay far away from her..... Your shadow shouldn't reach near her.....

Namjoon: *laughing* I can't promise that..... You know I can't stay away from her forever... Maybe I will for a time being.....

Yoongi: Make sure to remember the deal, Kim Namjoon.....

Otp ends

As the call ended making Namjoon sighed in frustration.... He knows what he is doing and the impact of it.... But he needed to do it not because he need help from yoongi.... Because he wanted to make a better place of his situation.... The whole mafia things and illegal activities..... The things he needed to stop.... And people who are his enemies will come around to harm Y/n.... And that's something he doesn't want to happen.....

[ Flashback End ]

[ Present ]

Namjoon just saw the  beautiful face of Y/n..... He  definitely has managed to survive in this universe...... With Y/n...... That's the only thing is enough for him to live with Peace......

Seokjin went towards Yuna who is in Heesung's hands as he took her into his arms...... Yoongi looked at Seokjin and said," Just till the child is born.... Yuna isn't your property.... Yuna have us...."

And with that Yoongi went away with Y/n as Namjoon didn't turn around to look back...... Namjoon's eyes went on his finger which has the engagement ring..... Yes, he proposed to her....He wanted to get married with her...... Sometimes, things goes really strange..... The Fate has decided a path for you to walk that you itself didn't know how much throns are set up in there.....


In Jimin's Mansion

Jimin has entered into his mansion as he is badly injured by the fight against Yoongi's men.....

Jimin: HANI!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!! COME HERE NOW!!!!!!

He shouted as he wants her to treat him as Hani came downstairs as she saw Jimin's condition..... Jimin saw Hani is standing there with netrual expression on her face..... Hani's face was now a scar made by Jimin..... Hani's standing like a statute making Jimin angry as he shouted....

Jimin: what are you looking at!!! Treat me!!! I am your f**king fiancee.... Do what your duties are.....

But Hani didn't move a inch.... Seeing that, Jimin gritted his teeth in anger as he went towards her to slap her as he moved his hands on the air but got caught by a another hand as Jimin turned around and saw Seolhyun who was placed into Jimin's playhouse after that night, blocked his hand and behind her, the other girls who was on his playhouse.....  All the girls are looking at Jimin with so much anger.....

Seolhyun: Park Jimin, Your Time Is Over... We Had Enough Of You ...

And with that he was slapped by seolhyun as Hani slapped him making him fall down on the floor groaning in pain.... All the girls circled around him as they started kick her with their legs.... 25 girls of his playhouse beat him to death ..... Hani looked at the torturous death of Jimin with her own eyes as a hand placed on her stomach..... She is pregnant with Jimin's child.... But Jimin isn't capable of calling himself a father who has killed his own children from those playhouse girls in his own hands ....

You will pay for your sin in this world no matter what happens.....







HI .... How are you???? Welcome 🤗 back with a new chapter!!!!! The Last Chapter of K.N.J......

Epilogue is left!!!!!

So, do you like the twist??? Jimin got what he deserved in this story ... So, don't feel sorry for him ..... And about Taehyung death.... You know how RM is.....  And Getting along with yoongi, Namjoon has a reason for it....... You will get that to know in epilogue......

Please 🙏 vote and comment.... I love to read your comments!!!!!!

I miss my savage Suga 😭😔😭😔



SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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