I can't think of a suitable title (sorry....) :'D

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For this chapter onwards i will not going to give a title and just continue with the story ok? Because sometimes i don't know what should the title be :'D I forgot to mention that sorry if shinichi and kaito or other character is OOC >~~~< so lets begin!!

Nukahime: Hy guys~~~ im back~~~ :D and chapter 6 is out!! Now lets continue this story since i know you guys are curious for the continuation XD lets go on to the disclaimer

Shinichi: Where've you been?!?! Do you know that you are gone for more than around 2 weeks?!?! Wait nvm don't answer that....(just remembered about the curious reader)

Nukahime: ........Ok.....

Kaito: *laughing his ass off in the inside because he was keeping his poker face so he just smirk*

Nukahime: *sigh* lets just continue with the disclaimer please....

Shinichi & kaito: Detective conan and magic kaito is not own by Nukahime only the plot!! Hope you all enjoy the story!!

~~~~~After the murder case~~~~~ 

(sorry i skip the investigation since idk how :'D  but if you guys have any suggestion please tell me >~<)

kaito pov:

As we walk around the amusement park i heard shinichi just sigh. So im breaking the ice by questioning him.

"So......does this always happen around you?"  I ask as aoko also look at him wanting to know the answer.

"Yeah..... i guess so?  well as people keep calling me the death magnet"


"Well it was unavoidable (not sure if thats a word though XD) plus luck usually not in my side"

"Ummmm well if you hangout with kaito long enough you could reduce that death magnet of yours because kaito always have his goodluck around him and others also!!!" said aoko in a happy tone trying to cheer shinichi up

"Uhhh well sure i guess??" Unsure on how to answer her

"Well~~~~ we could try right now right~~~?" Ran inquired smirking at shinichi while shinichi gave a 'are you kidding me?!?!' look. I just chuckled at their interaction.

"I don't thi-" Before shinichi could protest both of the girls were already out of sight leaving the both of them....alone.....in the middle of the amusement park.....

"Ok.....so should we go get something to eat shin chan~~~~~?" i ask cheerfully.

"Sure kid" He sigh. 'Since when did Ran can ran ( that word though XD) that fast anyway?!?! and that aoko also but still !!!' Mumbled shinichi and he sigh again. I just gave shinichi my infamous grin and start to walk to the food court brushing off on what just happened.

But as we both walk side by side at times our shoulder accidentally brushed each other due to the amazing crowd and i don't know why me the great  and handsome kaito kid with my oh so called great poker face just shattered to pieces like a broken piece of glass because the great kaito kid just blushed!!!!! Only by brushing shoulder with the famous detective!!

'What the heck?!?!?!? Why did i just blush?!?! Im master of the poker what the heck happen to me?!?!'

But kaito didn't know that the person beside him also fighting in his mind......

Shinichi pov:

'What the?!?! Why do i feel something spark inside of me?!?! Maybe its just a feeling...... maybe.....' i shrugg it off and when i look at kid his expression seems like he was thinking about something and his face was also red.

"Hey kid why is your face red?" Looking at him with a concern face.

"Wh-wha-at? N-n-no i-its uh-ummm i-its nothing!! I just feel hot because of the weather" He stuttered yes.... THE kaito kid just stuttered. He never stuttered before. I squinted my eyes looking at him meticulously.

"Are you sure....??because right now the weather is calm and cloudy its not that hot"

"Yes i am sure.....Shin chan"  he stuck out his tongue at me.

"Yeah sure you are.....come on what is it?" i said with a sarcastic tone. And he just ran to the food court and i have to ran after him..... I sigh

While i chase after kaito a.k.a. kid he suddenly stop and turn around making me crashed into him and i felt something at my lips.

So when i open my eyes it grew wide because........ my lips is on his!!!!!!!

Kaito have the same look as me and our brains is still trying to process what happened.....

Oblivious to the both of them there is two people been spying on them and they were tryimg their best to hold the blood at their noses with a handkerchief and both thinking of a great plan for the boys~~~~

Well thats the end of chapter 6!!! Hope you guys enjoy and im sorry if there is any mistakes >~< so please

Vote & comment if you like it or not ^^ i will try my best to fix the problem.

Well see you in the next illusion~~~~

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