The Heist

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Well here is the next chapter!! ^w^ i hope you guys enjoys this story~~~ sorry for the wrong spelling and grammar :3

Remember Detective conan and Magic kaito is not mine!!!! *whisper* soon.....soon it will be mine Mwahahahahahhaha!!

Shinichi: yeah.....yeah...nuka hime just continue with the story.... *rolls his eyes*

Nukahime:Hey.... i am continuing the story *puff cheeks and looks away* hmph...

Shinichi:*sigh* whatever *walk out of the room*

Kaito: Awww~~~ don't be mad oujou san~~~*kiss nuka hime hands* with a smirk

Nukahime:*blush* thanks kaito kid not like someone!

Shinichi: *achoo* hmm somebody must be talking about me... oh well lets just continue on the story....hope you guys enjoy.

Shinichi POV:

"GET READY!!!!!! TWO MORE MINUTES UNTIL KID STEAL THE JEWEL!!!!" Yelled Nakamori Ginzo also known as nakamori-keibu to his kid force.

Shinichi winch at the yells from nakamori keibu and try to ignore it by analysing his surrounding for suspicious movement from the theif.

"Its almost time for the show to begin~~~~" thought the theif.

The crowds especially the kid fan starts the count down of the appearance of kid.












A puff of smoke surrounding the glass case and when it disseapears someone is standing on top grinning to the kid force. The crowd went wild shouting 'Kid sama!!!!! We love you!!!!'

"Ladies and gentlemen~~~~~ let the shows begin~~~~tonight i will get the blue rose without opening the glass case~~" the theif winks bows to the crowds. The crowds cheer at the theif

"Kid!!!! I will catch you this time!!!!" Shout nakamori keibu.

"Man capture him!!!" Pointing at the theif. The theif smirk and another puff of pink smoke is been thrown to the ground. And when it clears up once Again.... the blue rose is now at the palm of the now smirking theif.

When the kid force try again to catch kid they were surprised that they can't move their feet. When they look down there is a gluey substance that wouldn't come off with force. Even worse its neon colour. Another surprise is their uniform is now turn in to an animal costume that also wouldn't come off. Inside the museum was hectic due to the crowds laughing and giggling at the task force. Shinichi was snickering at the sight of the task force.

Nakamori keibu is fuming mad shouting "damn you kid!!!" With his lion costume

"Have fun nakamori keibu~~~ and its kind of suite you with lion costume~~~~ due to you leading the task force" said kid grinning to the now fuming maybe adorable? lion nakamori. XD

"and now~~~ since i have the jewel in my hand i will have to take my leave my lovely ladies~~ and also to you too keibu san~~~"

"Ja~~~" with a a puff of blue smoke making the crowd unable to see their beloved theif running to the stairs that leads to the roof except for a certain detective that caught a glimpse of his white suit. Shinichi run after the theif leaving ran and sonoko behind.

(both of them has been with shinichi all this time but i was just to lazy to write about them since im writing this story in the middle of the night :3)

As shinichi ran to chase the theif he didn't knew that an interesting things will happen to him with the kid under the moonlight.

Nukahime: ok!! Thats the end for chapter 2!!! sorry if the chapter is short but i will try my best to make it longer Hope you guys enjoys it :3 and see you guys in the next illusion~~~~~ *BOWS*

Please comment and vote what you guys think of this chapter ;)

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