Hoppity Hop Hop (Change)*

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1019 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written June 14 2021
Posted July 11 2021

Kaito stared down at his newly formed paws, unsure as to how he should feel about his current situation. Judging by his torso and legs, he was undoubtedly a brown rabbit. He felt his left ear twitch with irritation, he hadn't even messed with any potentially magic gems lately! So there was only one reason for why he was suddenly a rabbit. It was Akako's fault.

Sighing, the rabbit hopped down from the couch, leaving the clothes he'd been wearing lying in a messy pile. He'd been feeling unwell the previous night so he'd just crashed on Shinichi's couch instead of making his way upstairs. Looking back, he really should have tried to get help with how horrible he'd felt. Thankfully he hadn't, turning into a rabbit at the hospital would have been horrible.

Since he was a rabbit, he knew that he'd need the sleuth's help to get to Saguru's house. Just because he wasn't a human, didn't mean that he couldn't enjoy spending some time with his boyfriend as he waited for the stupid spell to wear off. Though the timing still annoyed him, they'd planned to go out on a date today!

Kaito steadily made his way up the stairs, having only a bit of trouble. It seems like his brain automatically adapted to allow him to move properly in his new temporary form. That was good. How awkward would it be if he'd snapped his neck on a flight of stairs? When he reached the other's bedroom door, Kaito scowled. Opening it would be impossible. The rabbit stared at the door for a few moments before he got an idea. He laid down on his back and began thumping the door with his feet.

It didn't take long before the door opened to reveal a very unimpressed Shinichi. The sleuth looked around, confused for a moment before lowering his gaze to the ground "What?" Azure blinked, how did a rabbit get into his house?

The rabbit snickered at Shinichi's confusion as he rolled back onto his paws "I have been turned into a rabbit" He was so glad that his vocal chords still worked like a human's. Things would have been a lot more difficult if they'd changed.

Shinichi let out an exasperated sigh, he really didn't like magic "Of course" Getting to know Kaito had added a lot of weirdness to his life. He'd long stopped questioning the craziness and had just decided to live with it instead. It was much easier for everyone that way. Shinichi crouched down "How did this happen?" There were no heists recently, unless he somehow managed to miss one?

Kaito crossed his paws across his chest as he stood on his back legs "I'm pretty sure that Akako is messing with me again" His whiskers twitched in annoyance "Why can't that crazy woman leave me alone already?" What was so wrong in wanting to keep his free will? The witch's actions were very uncalled for.

The sleuth grimaced, when it came to the witch, he pitied the other. He totally agreed on Kaito's stance of not wanting to be Akako's servant "Okay, so what do you need?" Kaito had woken him up for a reason after all. At least he hoped that the other had a good reason for waking him up.

"Saguru and I had a date today so I want to spend time with him" He didn't need to explain why the date was cancelled. The reason was obvious. Saguru would look like a complete weirdo if he took a rabbit out to eat.

Shinichi sighed "I'll call a taxi for you and instruct the driver on where they should take you" If paid properly, some drivers didn't mind transporting animals.

Kaito perked up "Thanks!" He hopped away and down the stairs, pausing at the front door. He'd forgotten that he wouldn't be able to open it. Thankfully Shinichi had followed after him at a more sedate pace while calling for the taxi.

When the sleuth finished he opened the door to let Kaito out "It will automatically be charged to my account so I don't have to go with you" He wanted to go back to sleep.

The rabbit nodded his thanks "I didn't have any cash on me so thanks" Kaito highly doubted that a rabbit using a bank card would be deemed acceptable. That was too advanced and would garner too much attention.

Shinichi just rolled his eyes "Just don't slime me for a few heists and we'll be even"

Kaito's ears drooped "Fine" They waited for a little while until the taxi arrived.

The sleuth opened the car door for Kaito as he gave the driver his instructions. He wasn't worried about the other skipping out, the taxi was being recorded like the others "Have a good trip" Shinichi lazily stated as he left. Thankfully the taxi ride ended up being a very uneventful one. The driver ended up doing what he was told and left him just a little ways from the Hakuba mansion's property before driving away.

Since he was a rabbit, Kaito could fit through small gaps. He did just that to get onto the property by squeezing through the fence in the more wooded area of the property. The fence in that area had gaps that were a bit bigger to allow small animals to come and go since Saguru liked to let in the wildlife.

After slipping through, Kaito dusted off his fur a bit. Not liking the bit of dirt that had already got into it. Being a fuzzy animal close to the ground sucked. Just because he was now a rabbit, it didn't mean that he had a good excuse for being dirty! At the very least his fur should be clean for when his boyfriend inevitably pet him.

Once he deemed himself to be as clean as he could get, Kaito began hopping his way over towards the front of the property. If he was remembering things right, he should be able to climb some fancy statues to reach the doorbell.

A sudden sharp pain tore through him, forcing a short scream to leave his lips as he felt himself leave the ground.

Me: Hmmm... What could have happened? 

Comment? ^-^

°^° I wish there wasn't such a huge gap between hardcover and soft cover book release dates

•3• Soft cover are my fav, cheaper and less heavy so my shelves can hold more of them

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