Hoppity Hop Hop (End)

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1024 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written June 23 2021
Posted July 18 2021

NEXT UPDATE is on August 1 2021

Warning, this is disturbing and people have mentioned almost vomiting because of this

Shinichi yawned, scowling as he was woken up for a second time that morning. He'd gone back to bed after Kaito had left for Saguru's. Sometimes he really wished that he was willing to put his phone on silent, but then he'd end up staying awake wondering if he was missing a kidnapping case or something.

"What do you want?" The sleuth grumbled, still half asleep.

"Is Kaito over there still sleeping?" It was Saguru "He's more late than what's acceptable even for him"

The sleuth blinked, looking at his alarm clock. It was 1pm. Suddenly feeling more awake, azure narrowed "He's not there yet? He left a long time ago" That didn't sound too good, just what had Kaito gotten up to?

Saguru sounded pensive as he replied "I haven't seen him at all today, do you think something happened?"

Shinichi thought for a moment, sure Kaito was currently a rabbit, but that didn't mean that anything bad had happened. Kaito could have easily gotten distracted with testing out his new form "It's possible, but he's probably fine. Kaito is very lucky compared to us" If he was in danger, his friend was sure to get himself out of it mostly unscathed.

"Kaito really does have great luck" Saguru agreed, tone soft, affectionate "At least the stew I made should heat up nicely for when he does arrive" The blond's tone became a bit mischievous "I took Watson out to hunt today and she caught a rabbit, I'll tell him what kind of stew it is after he decides if he likes it or not"

The sleuth fumbled his phone, almost dropping it "Watson got a rabbit? What kind" He did not like where his mind was headed. Not one bit. It was a coincidence. Kaito was probably being cautious and lying low after noticing that Watson was out.

"A common brown one, why?" Saguru sounded confused.

"Well a white one would make Kaito sad, stage hands you know?" Shinichi replied weakly, feeling sick. Thankfully they were talking on the phone so there was no need to hide his physical reactions. What should he do?! He couldn't tell the other that he probably made stew with his boyfriend! The sleuth could taste bile in the back of his throat, Saguru liked to taste his soups as he made them...

Saguru hummed "It surprised me really, it's rare for rabbits to come around here" He sighed "I'll let you go then since you don't know where Kaito is"

"Okay, bye" Shinichi quickly hung up, dropping his phone as he ran to the washroom and retched. Saguru couldn't know, he couldn't let the blond realize what had happened, it should be easy. Realizing that Kaito had been turned into a rabbit would be too far fetched for anyone who hadn't been told to figure it out.

The sleuth forced himself to take a few steadying breaths as he leaned against the cool porcelain of the toilet. Kaito was dead, his friend was dead and gone. Did he need to do anything to make Kaito's death end up as a cold case? Everyone knew that the magician liked to disappear randomly, that he was good at it too. Azure burned, if he did nothing, Kaito would be reported as missing then later presumed dead. Shinichi swallowed thickly, Kaito didn't deserve to end up as an unsolved case, but that was better than letting the truth come out.

Saguru could never find out, it would destroy him.


Saguru sighed, feeling low. It'd been a few days since Kaito had skipped out on their date, and he was starting to become worried. He'd ended up eating all of the stew himself before it spoiled, it'd been good. It would have been better if he'd had Kaito with him to enjoy it. Thankfully the rabbit had been a bit large so he'd been able to freeze some of the meat.

The blond reluctantly made his way towards the freezer, not feeling hungry but knowing that Kaito would be upset with him if he skipped out on a meal. At least Baaya wasn't home so he could get away with sneaking a frozen meal. His caretaker didn't like the things, but they were simple to prepare and eat.

Gold blinked when he opened the freezer, why did it look like there was a skinned human leg in his freezer? It was something he'd once had the misfortune of seeing. Frowning, Saguru pulled out the strange meat, grimacing when he realized that a torn freezer bag was stuck to it. What in the world? At a closer inspection, it was a human leg, he hadn't been seeing things. Feeling absolutely confused, he looked at the date written on the bag, it was the bag that'd contained the rabbit meat.

Saguru stared at the leg thinking hard, he didn't remember killing anyone, and he doubted that Baaya had killed someone. Was someone trying to set him up? As the blond thought, he recalled the strangeness of that day, of how weird Shinichi had been after he mentioned the rabbit. The rabbit...

The blond slowly dropped the leg and headed towards the compost bin, mind buzzing. He was being ridiculous... But he also knew that magic was real... When he reached the bin, Saguru hesitated before removing the lid "Kaito..." The head had started to rot, but it was undoubtedly his boyfriend's lifeless eyes that were staring back at him. The rabbit had been Kaito, he'd skinned Kaito, he'd EATEN Kaito. Saguru dropped to the ground in a mixture of shock and horror, tears already streaming down his face.


When Shinichi tuned into the news the next day, the sleuth ended up wishing that he hadn't. Hakuba Saguru had been found dead in his own room, his slit wrists leading the police to believe that the teen had committed suicide.

The sleuth's eyes burned, he'd already been reeling from the loss of one friend, now he was going to have to deal with the loss of two. Saguru must have found out somehow, that was the only explanation that he could think of.

Neither one of his friends would be dead if he'd just gone with Kaito instead of going back to sleep.

Me: So a tragic story... I was so happy as I wrote this~

I just... Writing messed up things can be so fun ^-^

Next update will be very light hearted~ Because balance is important

Comment? ^-^

°^° I want strawberry and blueberry pudding to exist, or be accessible where I am if it does exist

Banana pudding is easy to find, so why not strawberry or blueberry?

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