Messing With Mischief*

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1015 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written December 9 2021
Posted December 19 2021

NEXT UPDATE is on January 2 2021

Kaito grinned, mischief practically radiating from him. People seemed to subconsciously avoid him as he walked through the mall, their instincts telling them to stay away. He was fully rested, having not had a heist in the last few days, and his next planned one was still a few days away.

Seeing people avoid him was funny. It wasn't like he had any actual malicious intent, he wasn't actually planning to do anything. Sometimes doing nothing was more unnerving than doing an actual prank. Kaito was well known in Edoka for his pranks, people talked, and it would have been odd if word hadn't spread about his antics. Teens liked to gossip after all. Adults did too, but his classmates were more prone to do it.

Well... The magician grinned, he couldn't really say that he wasn't doing anything. He was doing something, and that something just meant him doing nothing in a very disturbing way. By now he normally would have done a few magic tricks for some kids, he did that a lot at the mall. But he was just doing nothing, while doing his best to seem mischievous.

Kaito already knew that the mall security was probably already watching him. They knew that he was a troublemaker, they just couldn't prove it. While it was obvious that man of his past pranks had been his doing, there'd been a significant lack of evidence to prove it. It wasn't like he'd actually caused any harm or stolen anything, so the security usually just gave up.

The magician flashed an innocent smile at a security guard as he walked past, inwardly grinning at the wary look he got in return. Maybe he should behave more, but not too often. He didn't want to make it less effective.


Saguru eyed Kaito warily, Aoko, Kaito, and himself were outside painting his shed. The paint had grown dull enough for Baaya to suggest that it be repainted. He hadn't asked for the magician's help, not wanting to willingly be around both Kaito and paint. So the fact that Kaito had offered to help him after overhearing him talk about his after school plans... Well it was concerning. He didn't trust the other not to pull a prank.

"Aoko is so glad that Kaito is finally starting to be nice to you" Aoko beamed, she was painting the lower parts while he and Kaito painted the upper parts. Aoko reapplied the grey paint to her brush "It's a pain whenever Bakaito and you argue"

The blond raised a brow. Kaito fought with Aoko a lot more than he did with himself "I'd rather not fight with him at all" Saguru replied, it was tiring, and it was a pain to get stains out of his clothes. Nobody else's clothes ever stained, only his own. Just because he could afford to replace his outfits, it didn't men that he was fond of doing so.

"I'm only helping because I have nothing better to do" Kaito piped in. He was hanging upside down, his legs hooked over a sturdy looking tree branch. There was a paint bucket hanging close by on an adjacent branch, allowing Kaito to paint without climbing down from the tree.

Saguru grimaced, uncomfortable with how there was an open paint bucket above his head. Kaito's presence next to it made him even more uneasy. Kaito and paint, things never seemed to end well for him when the two of them were put together "You didn't have to offer your help" Saguru stated, wishing that the magician hadn't offered.

Aoko frowned "Don't be rude Hakuba-kun, Bakaito is behaving for once" She didn't want a fight to start.

Kaito smirked "Yeah, I'm supposed to be the rude one, not you" At first he'd been planning to dump paint on Saguru's head, but watching the other warily eye him was a lot more fun. Saguru was expecting to get covered in paint, so he wouldn't do it. Instead he'll 'behave' and watch the other worry.

Gold narrowed "You must forgive me for not trusting the innocence of your intentions"

The three continued to paint until the shed looked nice again, no paint ended up getting thrown. Saguru spent the rest of the night paranoid, wondering if Kaito had done something inside his house when he'd taken a bathroom break.


Shinichi frowned in response to Kaito's smiling face. The magician had just given him a very nice bag of coffee beans "What did you do to them?" The sleuth inquired, the bag smelt heavenly.

"Nothing, I just wanted to be nice" Kaito replied, grinning.

The sleuth wanted to think that Kaito was above tainting food, but he'd seen the magician use food to get people out of the way for his disguises. It had never happened to him before, but that could always change. Maybe today was the day that he'd be the one getting tainted food "Is there a heist tonight that I haven't heard about?" It seemed unlikely, Kaito liked to make sure that he was informed about any and all upcoming heists.

"Nope" Kaito grinned "Unless some jerk ends up sending in a fake notice"

Shinichi looked from the bag to Kaito then back to the bag "I see..." Why would Kaito give him coffee? The magician was always stealing his coffee because it was unhealthy.

"Why don't you go make a pot and read a book" The magician suggested, doing his best to seem innocent.

"Maybe" Shinichi was starting to feel weirded out.

"Okay then, bye!" Kaito left in a plume of smoke.

Shinichi stared down at the bag of coffee beans in his hands, he felt conflicted. On one hand it was coffee beans, on the other, Kaito was acting weird. He thought for a good long while before giving up. The smell was amazing, it would be worth the risk. It wasn't like anything harmful would happen to him if the coffee beans were indeed tainted. Kaito could be mean, but he wasn't malicious.

With his mind made up, Shinichi reentered his house and started up the coffee maker. The beans ended up being untainted, further confusing the sleuth. They hadn't even made him drowsy! 

Me: So Kaito is being mischievous by not being mischievous~ 

Comment? ^-^

.... *Hasn't played switch in many months except recently* it looks worse when that's taken into account

Starting Disgaea 5... Looking at everything is overwhelming QAQ

So much to do... And I can't apparently mess up levelling items so less soft resets

*Shivers* Disgaea 4 save file has 240 hours labeled... So 50 hours worth of soft resets

Langrisser is like fire emblem games... •3•

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