Messing with People While Travelling

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1006 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written December 8 2019
Posted December 15 2019

Another one of these weird things~

Kaito leaned back in his seat, thoroughly content to just enjoy the plane ride. It wasn't often that he could go on a plane when there wasn't a heist involved, so he intended to enjoy it. The lack of the shrunken detective's presence was also a boon, it meant that the likelihood of terrorists showing up was almost zero percent. Quite frankly, Kaito was fond of those odds.

Saguru peered at him, suspicion present within his golden gaze "What are you plotting?" It wasn't often that the magician was content to just relax. Maybe he shouldn't have offered to show Kaito around London after all.

The younger blinked before a wry smirk played on his lips "Wouldn't you like to know?" He teased, despite not actually having anything planned. He just wanted to mess with the guy mentally, Saguru had started it after all.

Gold narrowed as the detective let out a sigh "I would prefer not to actually" If he didn't find out, then that meant that it wouldn't affect him in any way.

Kaito opened his mouth to reply, but paused when the person behind him rested their feet over his head rest, their bare feet. Indigos narrowed, his nose crinkling in disgust, did this person have no etiquette at all? Or were they just a heathen? He was about to turn around to complain, but stopped when an idea came to mind.

Saguru raised a brow, he'd seen that mischievous gleam within the other's eyes countless times before. It was usually before chaos commenced. He wasn't going to stop him though, that person was being disgusting.

Indigo met gold before the brunette spat on his left hand and gently wiped it across the top of the offending left foot. The man let out a surprised yelp, pulling back both foot before standing up "What the hell dude?!" He yelled, had his foot seriously just been licked?!

Kaito hunched his shoulders a bit, cheeks flushing as a small, embarrassed smile tugged at his lips "Sorry" He muttered, avoiding the other's gaze "Couldn't help it" He licked his lips "Foot fetish, y'know?" God keeping up his poker face was so hard.

The man made a strangled noise in the back of his throat before sitting back down, though this time his feet were on the ground. He didn't want to interact with the freaky kid.

A wide Kid grin split across the magician's face as he turned towards the blond, said blond had his face buried in his hands "Dear god..." Saguru gave a small laugh, he hadn't expected that. The magician just smirked at the other's second hand mortification, he'd gotten the result that he'd been aiming for.


Officer Miamotto's gaze narrowed at the car that had passed his squad car, the driver had been holding a phone in his hand. He quickly pulled off the side of the road, turning on his sirens. He scoffed when the idiot pulled over, if he could do that, why couldn't he put his damn phone away? Using a phone when driving was just asking for an accident to happen.

He pulled up behind the car, slamming his car door slightly as he exited the vehicle before stomping over towards the driver's side. He really hated these kinds of people. The car window rolled down, revealing a young man with indigo eyes and another blond one in the passenger's seat. The blond looked to be somewhat mortified, good! "Do you know why I had you pulled over?" He inquired. The driver pulled out his phone, Miamotto was about to nod, until the guy took a bite out of it. The fuck?!

Apologetic indigos met the officer's gaze "I'm sorry officer, but I really have no clue" He replied, looking thoroughly confused, Miamotto stammered. The driver raised a brow "Are you okay?"

Miamotto nodded "Yeah, sorry" Why was he eating food shaped like a phone? Eating while driving wasn't against the law "I was just doing a random check in, that's all" He breathed, there was no way that he was going to admit that he'd been tricked by a cookie! The guy also seemed genuinely confused, so there was no way that it had been intentional.

The driver nodded "Okay" He flashed a friendly grin "Thanks for working hard!"

Saguru scowled once the officer had left "I told you not to eat them in the car!" He hissed, grateful that it hadn't been one of the officers that knew of Kaito's antics.

Kaito shrugged, taking another bite from the cookie "But this way was more fun!" Saguru groaned, once again wondering why he was friends with this guy.


Kaito was on the train, the busiest train at the busiest time of the day. He didn't really have a destination in mind, he just wanted to be surrounded by people for a few hours. People who had no choice but to stay since the train was so crowded.

He reached down into his bag and pulled out a jar of mayo, a happy smile creased his lips as he opened the jar and scooped out a spoonful. Kaito inwardly snickered how a good majority of the people had either cringed or gaped.

He hummed thoughtfully, wishing that mayo was brown instead of white. Chocolate pudding was a lot better than vanilla after all. He gave one of the observers a small smile before taking another scoop, too bad Saguru had refused to accompany him. I would have been fun to have him eat vanilla pudding with him on the train, double the impact. He'd been tempted to drink something out of a cleaned bleach bottle, but had decided to do the mayo instead. He hadn't wanted children to die from copying him.

He smiled happily to himself, he was going to stay on the train until the busy time ended. Thankfully there was no school today so he could mess with people to his heart's content. He paused, spoon still in his mouth as he remembered Saguru's panicked reaction when the blond had caught him drinking from the bleach bottle. He snickered, that had been fun.

Me: Another weird one~ Poor Saguru having to deal with him~

Hope you enjoyed~

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