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1013 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written August 27 2021
Posted September 19 2021

NEXT UPDATE is on October 3 2021

The knife was sharp as it sliced through flesh, drawing Kid's face into a neutral expression. The thief was careful not to let any of the pain that he felt show on his face, showing such weakness could prove to be deadly. Kid was used to being grazed and cut by debris, so the growing pain from that one single cut meant that the edge had been laced with something. He wasn't losing a lot of blood, but the injury would prove to be deadly if he left it unattended for too long.

Thankfully the person who'd cut him wasn't Spider, Spider was difficult to deal with on even the best of days. No, the person was an unknown factor. They weren't dressed like one of Snake's men, nor part of the police force. He didn't know how to expect them to react, that made them dangerous.

Kid casually clasped a hand around his other arm's injury, the action sending a painful jolt through his system "How rude, why don't you introduce yourself?" He stated casually.

The person- a man. He was dressed in baggy form hiding clothes. He'd been identified as male due to the grey jeans. Males and females had different builds, their clothing portrayed that no matter how baggy it was "I'd rather not"

Veiled indigos narrowed, the person's voice was wrong. It wasn't a matter of sounding neither male nor female, no, the voice didn't really sound like one that could even belong to a human. Grating, raspy and oddly pitched. It was strange, why would they use such a voice setting for their voice changer. Kid was almost positive it was a voice changer, very few shared his skill with voices "That's not really fair now is it?" He kept his gaze on the other, ready to move if the other tried another attack.

"You're the one who's been too complacent" The man replied, sounding both smug and annoyed. It was a strange combination "Your caution has been declining lately, it's a sure way for you to get yourself killed"

Kid bit the inside of his cheek. The stranger wasn't wrong, the lack of danger had led himself to this very situation. He'd been sloppy in the absence of his detectives "Well I'm not dead yet" He couldn't help from snarking back. The man was blocking his way to the window, and he didn't feel comfortable turning his back on him. His bleeding arm was proof of the other's speed. Now how could he safely pass the other without getting cut again?

"Are you sure?" Kid just knew that the other was smiling beneath his face coverings "Please don't tell me that you've fallen so far that you didn't notice that your injury is stinging much more than it should"

"Eh, I've felt worse" Kid dismissed, making himself seem less bothered than he actually was. Had he been poisoned? He didn't feel poisoned... At least he didn't think he did. He shifted his foot back a bit, eyes widening as he almost stumbled at the movement. Okay, so maybe he wasn't as okay as he thought he was.

"Can you run from me?" The man took a step forward, Kid carefully matched the movement, except he was moving backwards instead "You feel weak now don't you?"

The man was right, but Kid wouldn't admit that "I can run all I want" He couldn't, the pain had masked his weakness until he'd started to actually move. It felt like his bones might snap if he attempted to put too much pressure on them. Just what kind of poison was on that blade?

"Oh?" The man moved, too fast for the drugged Kid to properly react. This led to the thief falling backwards as his own legs failed to work in time "I think not" Before Kid could scramble back to his feet, the man swiftly planted his foot on the other's chest, pinning him to the ground "Bye bye" He pulled out a gun and shot right nest to where his foot was.

Consciousness quickly left the thief.


When Kid awoke, it was to pain. His muscles were seizing uncomfortably. Just sitting up hurt. He looked around, dread pooling in his gut as he realized both his hat and monocle were missing, he was exposed, and in an unknown warehouse. The thief glanced at his arm, surprised to see that his injury had been patched up, he also wasn't restrained.

"Stupid thief"

Kid's shoulders relaxed a bit, the meitantei was here, Shinichi must have patched him up "Thanks for saving me" His friend was really reliable.

Shinichi's gaze narrowed "I didn't save you, I caught you"

The thief's heart skipped a beat at the other's words "What?" The sleuth had never tried to capture him whenever there was actually any real danger.

Azure darkened "You heard me right, I caught you and brought you here" He pulled out a knife, studying the dried blood that tainted it's metallic sheen "Haibara was more than happy to create a drug to bring you down"

Kid could not believe what he was hearing, it had to be some sort of joke "But we're friends, we hang out together all the time"

Shinichi nodded "I do enjoy your company" He agreed "But that's why I had to do this" The sleuth marched over and pointed the bloodied blade in Kid's face, the tip almost touching skin "You were getting sloppy, you were going to get yourself killed if you kept things up the way they were going" Kid had stopped being extra wary, even though the Crows were still out there. A little stabbing, drugging, and kidnapping between friends was nothing if it meant that he'd be able to get his point across.

The pain from the thought of betrayal eased "So you stabbed me before someone else did worse" Kaito concluded.

"Yes" The sleuth nodded "I was able to get close enough to stab you, you need to up your game before someone who actually wants to hurt you does the same"

Kid sighed, both frustrated and a little warmed "I'll be more careful, I won't let myself get caught" For real that is.

Me: So... The unexpected antagonist was none other than Shinichi... I blame his parents...


Comment? ^-^

... *Eats block of unseasoned cooked beef after its cooled in the fridge* simple foods are good ^-^ *beef was literally moved from package to oven so it's that store bought wavy shape* I can nibble away the layers >~<

The anime Handa-Kun, I love it. The main character is a ball of anxiety with the impression that everyone is out to get him- nobody is, he's actually quite popular, he just doesn't know it XD

So many misunderstandings and wrong assumptions, the opening video is crack and doesn't really explain the show, at all? It's so weird

I love it though QAQ a socially awkward protagonist that I understand

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