Very Angry Omega (Reach)*

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1022 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written May 19 2021
Posted June 6 2021

Kaito let out a small whine as he inspected his nest materials. They were no good, the scents were stale, his own scent would replace them with ease. All of the good stuff had been left over at Shinichi's house. Kaito shook his head, that was fine, he wasn't really in heat anymore. He didn't need to make a cozy nest anymore... He wanted to though.With a frustrated huff, the magician grabbed all of his many blankets and pillows before depositing them in the corner, on the floor of his bedroom. Then he began to arrange them, doing his best not to get frustrated at the lack of good scents.

In the end, it ended up taking him twice as long to construct his nest, even then it still didn't feel right. It was the best he could do though, at least the blankets hung across the walls were able to make the space more enclosed, leaving only a small flap to get through if one wanted to leave or enter.

Now that he was as snug as he was going to get, Kaito ruffled through the bag of bought items, taking out the most important one. He hated taking the stupid things, but he didn't want a baby yet. With a small prick to his arm and a push, the contraceptive was applied. Kaito sniffed, why haven't they been able to make a version that didn't make omegas sad? Stupid Shinichi, he'd be fine and curled up comfortably in a proper nest if the sleuth had just acted better. The magician wiped his eyes, stupid hormones!

Kaito slowly removed his pants and underwear, fingers trembling as he looked at the blood covering his underwear. So the bleeding hadn't completely stopped like he'd thought. The fact that Shinichi hurt him hurt more than the actual injury, though that might be because he occasionally caught a bullet with his body... The magician grimaced as he applied the healing and scar prevention creams. The stuff worked wonders and he couldn't feel that anything was wrong down there after he put on some clean underwear. The government didn't want omegas to be damaged after all.

Wrinkling his nose, Kaito flung the soiled clothing and used medical supplies out of his nest, not wanting them to stink it up any more than they already had. The magician then curled up into a soft purple blanket, making himself tiny as he waited for the medicine induced sadness to wear out. He wanted to be angry! Not sad. It was easier to be angry.


Shinichi sighed, he'd been standing outside Kaito's apartment for a while now. Having caught a fading scent that told him that the other would probably stab him if he approached, he'd decided to wait outside for a while to let Kaito calm down or become too sad to be properly angry at him because of the medication the other had bought. He didn't want to be stabbed, and he knew that Kaito would really regret it if he did end up stabbing him.

So he gave the other an hour before using the key Kaito had given him to let himself in. When he did enter, Shinichi couldn't help but grimace at the sad and hurt omega scent that hit him. The sleuth quickly closed the door behind him, sealing in the scent to prevent the neighbours from complaining.

Removing his shoes, the sleuth quietly made his way towards Kaito's room "Kaito?" An angry hiss was the only response he got. Shinichi's shoulders slumped "A little girl got kidnapped, she was an omega" He didn't need to explain the reasoning any further. Kaito knew how dangerous it could be to be a young omega.

There was a loud sniff "You better have fucking saved her!" Kaito's words were watery, but the sleuth could tell that they were supposed to be angry.

Shinichi slowly began to inch towards the covered corner, heart clenching as he stepped over the bloodied clothing and medical supplies "We did, just barely though" The sleuth sighed "I'm sorry for hurting you" He was well aware of what the medicine did to Kaito, to all omegas really. The government wanted to make it as unappealing to omegas as they could without being sued.

There was another sniff and some rustling "You'd do it again"

"I would" He admitted softly. He'd saved a little girl from a horrible fate that was worse than death.

"I'm so angry and mad that my stupid hormones aren't letting me express it right!" Kaito's words were growled.

Shinichi bowed his head even though Kaito wouldn't even see the action "I know, you deserve to be angry" What he'd done to Kaito was awful, even if his reasons for doing so had been valid. It still didn't erase the fact that he'd really hurt Kaito both emotionally and physically. He sniffed the room "I'll stay in a hotel if you want" This place wasn't suited for Kaito's nest anymore, he shouldn't force Kaito away from his real nest. The other still smelled of heat, so the injury probably prolonged it for Kaito.

The magician was silent for a little while before replying "Okay" He really wanted his nest "But you're staying at a hotel until my lengthened heat ends" He was in no mood to be with Shinichi at the moment, regardless of their mate status.

Azure softened "We can talk more when your head is clearer"

"Yes" Kaito agreed. He'd known that being with Shinichi would be difficult when he'd agreed to mate with the other. That didn't mean that he wasn't allowed to be angry at him when it was rightfully warranted "Love you, see you in a while" He was glad that the little girl had been saved in time.

Seeing the dismissal that it was, Shinichi sighed "I'll be out of my place in an hour or so..." He paused "I know it won't fix anything but I'll order lots of chocolate for you" It wouldn't buy his forgiveness, but at least it would help the other feel better "Love you too Kaito" He was lucky that the magician was willing to put up with someone like him.

Me: So Kaito is angry still but still loves Shinichi because he wouldn't be Shinichi if he didn't try to save someone~

That doesn't mean that Shinichi has a free card to treat him badly though~

Comment? ^-^

>^< I like cooking cheese stuff until the cheese is brown after liquidating then becoming solid again

If only cheese was cheaper

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