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In the year 3025 if you want to get to one side of the Milky Way to the other discretely; you should book a passage aboard the Galactic Express out of Nebula station on Saturn's largest moon, Titan. It can get you from one end to the other in under 3 days. My name is #@*(&^% &^$^())$#! and I run a ship that transports rare items for the Earth Council. My current job is to transport a piece of Dwarf star alloy to the Maelstrom research station on the outer edge of the galaxy.

My ship does not travel as fast as the Galactic Express, but I operate one of the most reliable ships in the fleet. My ship rarely needs repairs or replacement parts. The human crew that travels with me are quite odd. They actually think that they are in control of where we go. I let them think that and often confuse them when I change course on them unexpectedly.

The crew does take fairly good care of the ship but their crew quarters are not kept up like the rest of the ship. Some of the crew have been granted permission to have their pets join them on this mission but are not cleaning up after them in their quarters. The drone floor cleaners I command (humans call them "rumbas") cannot keep up with the sand that keeps appearing all over their quarters in the shape of paw prints. The fur left behind from these creatures is already starting to clog the vents and make cleaning the air more difficult. The ship has not left the station yet and there is already a drone that is out of service from one of these large, furry creatures that the crew refer to as a "kat" playing with it and apparently taking it for a ride down the corridors of the ship. Crew reported that they heard strange noises in the night that sounded like "me-you" and then a loud crash.

I needed to activate the fire suppression mechanism to put out the fire in the drone and call the maintenance crew to clean up the mess from the "kat" when it leaked all over the floor after crashing into the suspension control panel.

The crew loaded the Dwarf star alloy for transport over a week ago but still have not completed stocking supplies for the passage. Each time I try to power up the ship to leave, the crew overrides my commands and powers me down. The crew calls these "false starts" and blames the "kats" walking across the desks of the crew and activating the commands on their individual input devices.

When the crew finally finishes loading their supplies and is ready to deliver the cargo, some of them were discussing how they were afraid that the "kats" might not travel well as they have never been on a trans-galactic trip before. There was discussion of possible vomiting and uncontrolled excretion of fecal matter. Given this data, I concluded that there may be more breakdowns of the floor cleaning drones on this trip than any other we have taken before the Earth Council allowed these creatures to accompany the crew on the missions.

The crew finally gave the order to embark on the delivery mission, there was quite a lot of noise coming from the quarters of the crew members that had brought the "kats" with them. Right after the initial launch into hyperdrive, I sensed that many of the crew quarters' floors were wet in many areas. Some of these areas also had green and brown spots that the drones could not remove. Since the crew were all at their stations at the time, I concluded that this came from the "kats".

Next mission, I am going to lock out any crew attempting to bring one of these creatures on board. It is for the safety of the ship and the crew. That is my directive.

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