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Notes: This is a sequel to Day Four: Prisoner, so make sure to read that first if you haven't.

"Well maybe if Zethrid wasn't so brutish all the time," Ezor snapped, "And actually stopped to think once in a while, this wouldn't have happened!"

"Maybe if Ezor took things seriously for once in her life, this wouldn't be a problem." Zethrid retorted.

Lotor groaned and turned off the group intercoms. Earlier in the day he had tried to break up the arguments, but it had proven to be impossible. He opened a direct communication line to Keith.

"Uuuuuuuugggghhhhh," Keith groaned, alerting Lotor that Keith had opened the communication line at the same time. "Good lord."

"I second that." Lotor said, rubbing his temples in a failed attempt to ward off his headache. "Why must romance be so difficult?"

"You weren't complaining about how difficult romance was last night."

"That's because Ezor and Zethrid weren't involved last night."

Ever since Zethrid and Ezor had broken up, it had been miserable for everyone else on the team. Lotor didn't even remember why they had broken up to begin with, but he personally didn't care so long as they stopped arguing all the time.

"How long have they been broken up?" Lotor asked.

"Three days."

"Is that it? It feels like it's been weeks."

Lotor's communicator beeped. He accepted the request. "Yes, Acxa?"

"Can you two stop doing whatever you're doing and help me deescalate this fight?"

Lotor opened back up the line to all his generals. "Ezor, Zethrid, what seems to be the problem?"

"Zethrid read the map wrong and got us all off course!"

"I got us all off course?" Zethrid's voice demanded, "You're the one who was busy being all jumpy and didn't-"

"Generals!" Lotor scolded, "Please stop this nonsense. It doesn't matter whose fault it is. All that matters is that we get back on track. Keith's former planet and all of its inhabitants have been freed, but there are still several planets that need our help."

"Lotor's right," Acxa said, "Placing blame won't help anybody. Zethrid, where are we if not on course?"

"We're somewhere near Balmera 14GCW6, not too far from an asteroid field."

"Thank you," Lotor said, "Now we can get back on course."

"Just for the record though," Zethrid added, "It was Ezor's fault."

Ezor and Zethrid erupted into conflict once more, making Lotor sure that he would be written in medical journals as the first Altean Galra hybrid to have a stress induced ulcer.

"Everyone shut up," Keith ordered, "I'm getting a distress signal from somewhere North of us."

"Lets go see who needs help and why," Lotor suggested, "I think we could all use the air."

Lotor stepped out of his ship and looked around at his surroundings. Sitting on the ground was an alien woman and a robot. A tall, purple man was standing beside them.

"Hello," Lotor greeted, "I am Prince Lotor."

The man stuck out his hand for Lotor to shake. Lotor obliged. "I'm Rolo, this is Nyma, and the robot is Beezer."

Keith jumped out of his ship before it had fully landed, landing next to Lotor gracefully. "I couldn't spend one more second listening to Ezor and Zethrid bickering."

Lotor looked back to Rolo. "What seems to be the problem?"

"It's our ship," Nyma said, standing and brushing herself off. "We got into a skirmish with a weblum and our ship's all busted now."

Lotor nodded. "I see. Well, Acxa and Narti are the best with that sort of thing. I can ask them to take a look."

"That would be great," Rolo said, "We owe you a debt of gratitude."

"Nonsense. We're happy to be of assistance."

Lotor swore Ezor was doing it just to annoy Zethrid, and it was working. Lotor tried to give her the benefit of the doubt and pretend she was flirting back with Nyma as a way to rebound, but he was pretty sure it was just a petty tactic to make Zethrid jealous.

"Ya' know," Ezor flirted, "I've been all around the galaxy and I've never seen anyone as gorgeous as you."

Nyma giggled. "Oh, stop it, you!"

When Lotor finally couldn't take it anymore, he walked over to where Keith and Zethrid were talking with Rolo. Zethrid growled deep in her throat. "Quiznacking Ezor with her stupid face and stupid personality."

"Sorry about her," Keith apologized to Rolo, "She and Ezor just broke up and they're being annoying about it."

"No worries," Rolo said.

"Hey!" Zethrid protested, "I didn't complain when you and Lotor kissed and then bent over backwards to pretend it didn't happen!"

"As I recall," Lotor said, sitting down beside his boyfriend and placing his hand on his thigh. "You were most irritated at our antics and locked us in a room together until he sorted things out."

"Not the best thing to do to someone who used to be enslaved and constantly locked up in places," Keith said, "But it worked itself out."

Lotor opened his mouth to speak, but didn't get a chance. Ezor popped up beside him cheerily. "Hey, Boss. Keith, Rolo." She said. Lotor noticed how she was pointedly ignoring Zethrid, "I'm going to take Nyma on a quick ride to that moon over there, then we'll be back. 'Kay?"

Lotor frowned at her. "I'm not sure that's the wisest decision-"

"Thanks!" Ezor chirped, racing back over to her ship where Nyma was waiting.

Lotor began to shout to her that she absolutely did not have his permission to do that, but stopped when he felt Keith's hand on his shoulder. "Let her have her fun. Maybe having a quickie in her ship will help settle her and Zethrid's quarreling."

"I'm right here," Zethrid grumbled.

Lotor ignored her. He stood up and walked over to Acxa and Narti. "How's the repair coming along?"

It's going well, Narti telepathically told Lotor, Although... it shouldn't be.

"I'm afraid I don't understand."

"The frownhopper line is all busted," Acxa elaborated, "But the parts around it are fine. They shouldn't be."

Rolo jogged up beside Lotor and then into the ship, Beezer whirring beside him. "It's perfect! Thanks, guys! We owe you!"

"It's no trouble," Acxa said, "But-"

"Sorry, gotta go!" Rolo called out. The ship took off into the sky, leaving Lotor and most of his generals alone.

Lotor wasn't worried when Ezor didn't come back right away, but he grew increasingly more so as the Vargas passed.

"She's still not back?" Keith asked.

Lotor shook his head. "No, but I'm sure she'll be back any tick now."

"I don't think so," Acxa chimed in, sounding worried. "I just checked her location... and her ship isn't anywhere near her armor. I think we got conned."

Lotor frowned. "I told her not to go with Nyma."

Almost as on cue, Lotor's helmet's radio buzzed.

"Uh, guys?" Ezor's voice said, "I need some help."

"What is it, General?" Lotor asked. "Has chasing after a harlot caught up with you?"

"Lotor!" Keith scolded. "Ezor, what's wrong?"

"No, Lotor's right. She stole my ship and my money. I need help. I'm sending my coordinates now."

It wasn't too hard to find Ezor and then catch up with Nyma and Rolo, thanks to Keith's piloting skills. What was difficult was focusing on the mission with Zethrid giving Ezor a hard time about being tricked. The arguing was still going on when they were done liberating the planet (their original mission) and back in their main ship.

Acxa smacked her hand down onto the table. "I can't get a single thing done around here!" She whined, "Zethrid spends all her time griping about Ezor, but it's obvious they're still into each other! She doesn't even remember what they were fighting about!"

"You don't have to tell me," Keith sighed, "Ezor's been making me listen to her cry over Zethrid all week. I'd do anything to get them back together, or at least get a moment of peace."

You know, Narti communicated, I can think of something that never fails to get people together.

Lotor frowned. "Are you referring to-"

"Yep." Acxa confirmed, "The closet."

"I'm not sure this is the best idea," Lotor said. Keith pouted, and Lotor, upon seeing this reaction, quickly changed his mind. "Fine. You all can do it. But I refuse to be a part of it, lest Zethrid shear off my hair as I sleep."

Keith's hand instinctively flew up to his hair as he, Acxa, and Narti began planning their heist.

It was Keith's job to lure Ezor, Narti's to lure Zethrid, and Acxa's to lock them in the closet. Lotor thought that the amount of planning was admirable, though wasted on such a petty task. He silently wished that his generals would put this much planning into actual missions, but he supposed he couldn't complain. This plan was important if Lotor ever wanted another moment of silence.

Everyone did their jobs perfectly, and before Lotor knew it, Ezor and Zethrid were locked inside the very same room Lotor and Keith had been locked in all those months ago.

"Let us out!" Zethrid demanded, "Or I'm going to smash that smirk right off your face!"

"Yeah! I don't want to be stuck in here with Zethrid!"

"You two need to work on your relationship. Your bickering is making it impossible for our team to function," Acxa said.

"When I get out of here, our bickering will be the least of your problems! Let us out right now!"

"No," Keith replied, "You two are going to stay in there until you work it out!"

"We worked it out!" Ezor chirped, walking hand in hand into the living room with Zethrid.

"I suppose we should say thank you," Zethrid said, "But if you four ever lock us in a closet again, I will personally arrange your death ceremonies."

"If you two ever wreck our team's efficiency again," Acxa said. "It won't be our death ceremonies you'll be arranging."

Acxa, Ezor, and Zethrid erupted into playful banter as if the past few days hadn't happened.

Lotor looked to Keith only to find he was already looking at him. "What is it?"

Keith shook his head. "Nothing. I just love you."

Lotor leaned over and planted a kiss on his smallest general's forehead. "I love you, too."

Notes: Sorry this was two days late! I've been busy with chronic illness and haven't had much of a chance to do writing.

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