Chapter 4: The unlikely lightning

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"Shut it! You ungrateful child!" A woman slapped a child, no older than 4, in the face.

"B-but..!" The child reasoned, holding his cheeks.

"Shut up! Look at your brother! A genius! While you? A freaking failure!" She shouted at him.

The boy only cried, snot running down his nose.

The woman gritted her teeth, "You pest! Shut up!" She kicked him in the stomach.

"Ugh!" The boy held his dear stomach.

"Tch! Don't hinder your brother, you useless annoying pest." She then left the young child.

"L-Lambo-san.. is.. sorry..." The child mutters, as he fell into sleep.


The Bovino famiglia, may be weak, but is strong in technology.

And one of the stars in the famiglia is, Bovino Lampo.

A genius with no bounds, spoiled maybe, but followed up by his talent.

A once in a lifetime talent.

And behind him is his little brother, Bovino Lambo.

A boy who is annoying, as they say, spoiled with no bounds, or so they thought.

Well, that's just public knowledge.

Let's go in Private, ne?

Truth is, Lambo, has been considered as trash since birth. Having a older brother, who is a genius, isn't helping one bit.

After his brother left, it only became worser that ever.


All Lambo wanted was, attention.

He was neglected as a child, because they need 'time' to praise his older brother, Lampo.

And he hated that... He hated him, as well.

Because he existed.. his life was this.

Because he existed, they didn't care for him.

If only...!

Lambo cried, and cried, and cried. Till no tears fell.

After all, that's all he can do.

After all, he is weak.

After all, he is useless.


Lambo hated his brother... After years of torture, after he left.

He came back.

As a 7 year old, he understands.

"Lampo-sama, came home!" People came running to the doors, hoping to see their dear 'Lampo-sama'.

They pushed him aside, not bothering to look if, they hurt him, if they kicked him.

Lambo smiled, after all... This is a normal occurrence.

"LAMPO~!!" Lambo cringe, his mother is such a... YOU know? A bitch?

"Mother." Lampo greeted lazily.


Lambo gritted his tears... Good for you, to be able to call her mother.

"H-h-h-hello! M-mrs. Bovino..!" Giotto stutters out.


"Baka! You're way too nervous!" G, the one who hit Giotto in the head, shouted.

"Hahaha, good afternoon!" Asari bowed.

"ULTIMATELY nice to meet you!" Knuckle greeted.

"Nufufufu... why, it's such a nice day, for me to see, such a beautiful signora.." Daemon bent down, kissing Lampo's mother in the hands.

"Such a gentleman..!" She giggled, a blush forming in her cheeks.

"Hn." Alaude hummed.

"Come in! Dinner is about to start." His mother ushered them in.

Lambo smiled sadly.

If only...

It was him.


After his brother quick visit, thankfully, he finally left.

Well, their beatings lessened when he was home.

"Oi." A voice called out, he looks back to see the head butler, Sebastian.

"Master is calling for you." Sebastian rudely said.

Lambo looked at him with his dull eyes, "yes..."

He stood up from his sit and went to the door.

Well, it's time to disappear.

"Father.." Lambo started as he looks at the person, who was sitting on the chair.

"Oh, you're here." The man smiled, eyes filled with malice.

"Yes... what do you need?" Lambo hesitantly said.

"I have a mission for you."


Lambo smiled as he pack his clothes.

It was really time, he was glad, happy, he was about to disappear!

His 'mission' was to go to Japan, and kill the greatest hit man, Reborn.

Rather than a mission, it was suicide.

No one survive to see the tale when you are targeted or you targeted the said hitman.

He took a glance at his room, one last time, before smiling happily.

"Good bye, I won't see you room anymore.


He travelled to Japan, with a pleased smile on his lips.

He also got information that, Reborn is in namimori, a small city close to Tokyo.

He raised his hands to call for a taxi, luckily, one came to him.

He went inside it, "where are you going, sir?" The driver said.

"N-namimori.." Lambo mutters out, it was the first time someone called him, 'sir'.

The driver smiled, "Ah, good old namimori! It's a wonderful place, shounen." The elderly man laughs.

Lambo smiled, at least somebody was kind to him.


When Lambo saw the hitman, he gulped, "Its... time.."

He held a gun, he knew the hitman sensed his presence, but, who cares? He came to be killed after all.

He pointed the gun, the hitman smirked, "You... really have no talent." Lambo closed his eyes, he saw the hitman look at where he was hiding.

"I already sensed you, come out." Lambo smiled happily, "Reborn." He muttered.

"Hmmm? Aren't you the 2nd son of the Bovino? Why are you here." Reborn questioned, brow raised.

"My father sent me to be killed, is all. Wait, I mean to kill you." Lambo said cheerily, too happy.

Reborn's eyes narrowed, "I did hear that the 2nd son had no use and was abused, I didn't thought it was true." Lambo grimaced at the thought of his childhood.

"Well, at least it isn't just some rumor, right?" Lambo raised his arms, dropping the gun. "Kill me, please."

Reborn hummed in interest, "You... your element is Lightning, right?" He asked.

Lambo looked at him, "Yeah, what of it?"

The hitman disappeared from his sight, "I still have use for you." He heard from his behind.


The world darkened.


When Lambo came to be, he was in a very unfamiliar room, "Oh? You've woken up..?" He turned his head to see a brown haired boy, with hallow orange eyes.

"You... where am I? Who are you? More importantly, why am I here?" Lambo asked, Tsuna smiled.

"You'll be okay here, Reborn brought you here, it's actually a first for him to bring a person home." Tsuna said, a pleasant smile on his lips.

Lambo remained silent, "You're currently in my house, in Naminori." Tsuna added.

"You'll be perfect." Lambo looked behind Tsuna, he saw the hitman leaning in the door, a smirk on his lips.

"Perfect? Who?" Lambo asked, tilting his head in question.

"You, of course, who else." The hitman rolled his eyes, walking towards the two teens. "As I said, you'll be perfect. The perfect Lightning guardian."

Tsuna petted the boy's head, "We need your help, Lambo."

Lambo held back a sob, "You... need me? Not that brother of mine, but me?"

Tsuna narrowed his eyes, "Yes, we need you, we need you for our revenge."

"Revenge? Against whom?" Lambo asked, his heart thumping in an unknown emotion.

"Our brothers. Giotto di Vongola, my older brother and yours, Lampo Bovino." Tsuna said, hatred in his voice.


"Against Vongola 10th generation?" Lambo muttered, Tsuna smirked, Reborn held his fedora.


"Ha ha ha... ha ha ha!" Lambo laughed, Tsuna's smile widen.

"Ah that's right! This feeling, the thumping of my heart... its excitement!" Lambo held his head, laughing hard.

"Excitement to get revenge!"

"Perfect." Reborn muttered, leaving the room, for their next target.

"I'll be joining that revenge.... what was your name again?" Lambo asked.

"Tsunayoshi. Just call me Tsuna." Tsuna stretched out his hands, "Welcome to our game."



I forgot to put this pictures in the previous chapters~

This is Takeshi's~

This is Ryohei's~

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