Chapter 3: Why is this happening?

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"So.... you're, Gokudera Hayato, right?" Giotto said as he rubbed his aching temples.

"Yeah, where am I?" Hayato glared at the blond man.

Silence filled the room, that is till someone broke it. "Yo! My name is Takeshi!" Takeshi introduces himself.

"Japanese?" Hayato' eyes widen. Giotto took the honor and said, "he's Japanese," Giotto turned to Takeshi, "You came from namimori, right?"

"Ahahah, yeah!" Takeshi laughs.

Hayato held his head low, and bit his lips, but then looked up.

"I will ask again, where am I?" Hayato closed his eyes in frustration, "I'm in Italy, right?"

"Yes, you are in Italy, and in the Vongola mansion!" Lampo cried out, burn marks seen on his body.

"Vongola?" Ryohei slowly muttered in question.

"So that's why..." Takeshi bitterly laughs. Only hearing Vongola Mansion he will understand.

"What!?" Lambo's eyes shot wide.

"Why am in this place!?" Hayato shouted, eyes widen in shock, and fist clenched.

"What, you got a problem with Vongola?" G asked, a brow raised.

"Of course! Vongola, that cursed mafia famiglia. They..... killed everyone." Hayato muttered.

"Eh?" Giotto's eyes shot wide.

"They're the strongest mafia famiglia!" Lambo shouted, getting the others attention. "The Vongola tenth, Byakuran, killed all of Primo's direct descent... even his guardians bloodline."

"They, no, Byakuran rules the underworld." Ryohei said, his lips in a thin line.

"Ahahahaha! Not like, I understand what you're saying, but," Takeshi laughs out loud. "Vongola. That mafia famiglia... they will perish." His eyes narrowed greatly.

G took that as a declaration of war, but remained calm.

"What happened In the future, 400 years from now....?" Giotto's question resound on the silent room.

Everyone heard, yet no one answered.


"So there's, G's, Knuckles', Lampo's, Asari's.... so who's next?" Lampo said, he shot an annoyed glance at Giotto.

"Ahh, we still don't have, mine, Alaude's, and Daemon's." Giotto gave a relieve sigh. At least there's still no mini Alaude, and Daemon.

Giotto then turned to their descendants. "So.... are you guys.. uhh-okay..?"

Takeshi smiled, "Yes!" He shouts.

Ryohei looked at Lambo, who nodded. "We're okay."

Hayato scowled, though it looks like pouting rather than a scowl.

Alaude stood from his sit, he went straight to the door.

"I'll be back." He said.

"Okay..." Giotto sighs, That Alaude.... escaping from this.

"Nufufufu.... I might as well leave, my dear Elena is waiting." Daemon then disappears in the mist.

"That melon-head and skylark... escaping..!" G grumbled, eyes twitching in anger.

"The two ULTIMATE fighting duo left!!" Knuckle shouted.

"Ahahahha!! They left! What happened to them? As far as I remember, Elena and Daemon fought yesterday!" Asari laughs, not knowing that he just let out Daemon's secret.

"So... he escaped." Giotto stated, eyes dangerously narrowed.

"Just leave him." Lampo swung his arm around, lazily.

Ryohei scratched his head, a tick mark visible in his face.

"So...." Takeshi smiled, "Why are we here?"

Lambo just sat there.

Ryohei was silent.

Asari left a trail of an awkward laugh.

G muttered some un comprehendible things.

Knuckle scratched his head, sweat dripping from his face.

Lampo twisted and turned in the sofa.

And finally, Giotto sat on his chair, an awkward smile on his lips.

No one answered the question.

"That, I will answer." A young voice came in.

Giotto turned his head to see Talbot, a young mechanic from town.


"Ah, Nice to see you again, Giotto." Talbot smiled, he looked at the kids.

"I will explain everything." He stated, earning glares from all, except Giotto.

"This is basically.... to save their lives," Talbot pointed at the kids. "Save our lives?" Ryohei asked, eyes narrowed.

"Yes, in your situations, all of you would have been captured." Talbo smiled sadly, "By the Vongola 400 years from now."

"Talbot." Talbot turned to see Giotto, his face blank of any emotion, "What happened with the Vongola in the future?" He calmly asked.

Talbot sighs, "Well... an unworthy(?) heir took over as the Decimo of your family, Giotto."

"His name, as far as I remember is,-"

"Byakuran. Byakuran di Vongola." Lambo answered, face filled with disgust and hatred.

Everyone looked at him shock, what? The youngest said it with hatred.

"He intended to capture me again, after he went through all the trouble to make me escape." Lambo added, his face crunched to what it looks like, about to cry.

Lampo went to the child, carrying him. Hugging him like that of a father holding its child.

Takeshi turned a blind eye at the scene.

"Ahahaha~~ Byakuran! That was his name huh!" Takeshi laughed, "I'll make sure to keep that in mind, after all, knowing the name of your target is the first rule of a hitman." Takeshi chuckled coldly.

"Hitman..?" Asari said, barely audible. He clenched his fist.

All of them remained silent.

Ryohei smirked, "He knows we're here." He said out loud. "To him we're just plaything. Something he won't ever let go, we're his important plaything."

Knuckle closed his eyes.

"Tch! I have to get back! Bastard!" Hayato ran towards Giotto. "I have to get back! Aneki will be killed!" Hayato pounded his fist in Giotto's chest, tears streaming down.

"Aneki will...! I can't let that happen! Aneki will die!" He shouted.

Giotto remained silent, eyes covered with his hair. G silently went to his descendant, "That's enough." He muttered silently.

G pulled the boy, and hugged him. "Let's get you some rest." G hits Hayato's pressure point in the neck.

"I'll take him to my room." G silently said. Giotto nodded.

Lampo followed, trying to make Lambo calm.

Asari whose been clenching his hand, so hard it bled, ran towards Takeshi and hugged him tightly.

"I'll take care of you," Takeshi's eyes widen, "from now and forever." He remained silent, and let the older man carry his worn out body.

Knuckle smiled and went to Ryohei, "Let's go?" He asked.

Ryohei looked at him, "Okay~" he followed Knuckle.

And now, Talbot and Giotto was left alone in the room.

"Talbot..." Giotto looked at Talbot, eyes sadden, "Will my descendant.. as well...?"

Talbot smiled grimly and nodded hesitantly, "I'm sorry."

Giotto stared at Talbot and smiled, "I'll be going to sleep."

Talbot remained silent.

"Save them... save those poor souls from suffering."


Tsuna stared at the sky, blood dropped from his hands and cheek, well it wasn't his though.

His deep, hallow, orange eyes, suddenly had light as he felt a familiar presence behind.

"Tsu-chan~!" A voice said playfully behind him. He hugged Tsuna hardly.

"Bya-chan!" Tsuna smiled, "How many was it today?" Byakuran happily asked.

Tsuna smiled, "I don't know~ 40 perhaps?"

"Tsu-chan~ you're so beautiful, like an innocent demon." Byakuran commented.

Tsuna smiled, "Ahahaha no one can be her though~"

"Oh, of course, no one can beat me, other than Tsu-Kun that is." Yuni appeared behind them.

"Yuni-chan~! Come one let's cuddle." Byakuran suggested.

Yuni, her white clothes, soak with blood, "Bya-Kun, we're dirty with filth."

"It's okay~ we're all dirty." Tsuna said, motioning her to come closer.

In the end, they cuddled together.

There was one noticeable thing they were wearing.

An orange pacifier hang in Yuni's neck, blood dripped from it.

Byakuran wore an orange ring with wings, set out to fly.

And Tsuna wore the Vongola ring.

"The sky sibling! Complete!"

All of them smiled.

"Even in hell, we will always be together."


Just, what is gonna happen from now on..?

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