Chapter 6: the twins (2)

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Giotto held his breath, in front of him was two pineapple. Oh my F*cking God, he already got a melon now pineapple, did they want to make a fruit salad? Giotto held his sigh, and turned his frustrated face into a small smile. "Hello," he greeted the two.

Truthfully, Chrome wasn't happy. Glad, but not happy. She was glad his brother is safe, but happiness doesn't seem to come, all she could feel was this blank and void feeling in her heart. She hated this, yet loved it at the same time.

Mukuro smirked, judging by her sisters clothing, she killed them. Yes, he was proud. She was able to defend herself -creating a full blown massacre on the way- and he was really relieved, but weakness can't be seen in him, this people will use it against him. They will use Chrome.

The two remained silent, Giotto could feel his heart race, nervousness is a very bad thing. Chrome looked at Giotto blankly. "Where am I?" She asked. Giotto gulped at the coldness of her voice. "Uhh-" Giotto thought for a moment, "You're in the Vongola main base, in Italy." Daemon continued for his boss. Knuckle remained silent, eyeing the two silently.

"Vongola...? Kufufufu, such luck." Mukuro chuckled darkly, Chrome's blank eyes turned colder by the second. Giotto blinked, but his fist clenched. Who was in the right man to let an insane man take the 10th sit and rein Vongola? Probably his descendant. Such foolish children.

"What did the Vongola of your generation do...?" Knuckle asked softly. All eyes turned to Knuckle but came back to the children. "Hmmm..." Mukuro rubbed his chin in an act of thinking. "Maybe, drug trafficking, children slavery, what's more? Let see..." Mukuro paused. Chrome opened her mouth, "World domination." She stated, Giotto and others mouth hanged open. "Nufufufu, What...? That's impossible." Daemon said.

Mukuro batted an eye towards the melon. "If you're the strongest mafia family in the world, it's possible." Then suddenly Mukuro's eyes widen, as realization struck him. He looked around the room, he noticed this earlier as well, but,  please don't tell him. "Before all that, what time period are we in?" Chrome spoke, Mukuro retained his calm breathing, he almost panicked. How pitiful. They would have said. He gripped the trident he holds, closing his eyes on the way.

Giotto was shock, this two was exceptionally smart, Daemon held his head up, damn he was proud. "Perhaps, 400 hundred years in the past?" Mukuro asked. Giotto felt his breath hitch, damn too smart. Giotto took a deep breath, before attaining his calm demeanor. "You're right." Knuckle answered the two.

"Are we the first? No, by your unfazed look it seems not, so it seems we're not the only... victims."  Mukuro said, a dark grim smirk stitched itself in the latter's lips. "Yes." Giotto gave them a sorrowful smile, "You guys are not the first one, the other children are in another room."

"Oya? Is that so?" Mukuro turned to Chrome, a small smile graced his lips. "How've you been doing, my dear twin sister?" He asked Chrome, who turned towards her. "Great," she smiled at him. "And content, I managed to massacre all of them." She said, as she gave him a wider smile than the one he gave her, "I, too as well." Mukuro smirked, "Managed to get revenge."

Giotto didn't have to wonder, he wasn't that stupid. Then He realized, they haven't had an introduction. "I forgot," he started, the twins looked at him. "My name's Giotto." He gave them a soft smile. "Daemon Spade." Mukuro stared at the melon for a second before directing all of his attention towards the priest. "I'm Knuckle."

Chrome had this creepy wide grin on her lips, so did Mukuro had. "So, you're Vongola primo." She said, she turned towards Daemon. "You're our ancestor, and Primo's mist guardian." Mukuro pointed at the former, "and you're Primo's sun guardian."

"Great. Simply great." Somehow, Giotto could feel sarcasm at the child's voice. "So that was why Vongola of our generation was on our tail, we were direct descendants of Primo's original guardian." He said, his eyes narrowing in anger. "We had the blood of a..." He stopped, before chuckling. "Brother, it seems like it has yet to happen." Chrome said, Giotto had this lingering feeling that this two kids was hiding something outrageous.

"Kufufufu, I almost forgot. I am named Rokudo Mukuro." Mukuro bowed, as of bowing to that of royalty before pointing at his sister, "This is my dear twin sister," Chrome motioned a sign of him to stop. "I'm Chrome Dokuro." She bowed as well. They both rose at the same time, and gave a dazzling fake smile. "It's nice to meet you all."


Takeshi hummed, walking down the hallway like always. Before coming across the music room. He blink, as he saw Hayato standing over there with his eyes focused on the lone piano, as it shone in solemn and despair. "Haya-chan?" He asked, the latter looked at him critically, and saw him, he let out a relieved sigh.

"Aren't you... Takeshi?" Takeshi smiled brightly. "You can speak Japanese?" He asked, his grin getting more and more wider. Hayato remained silent for a moment before opening his mouth again. "I read a dictionary." He shrugged, "Pretty easy." He added. Takeshi laughed. "Is that so? Ha ha ha! Teach me Italian!" Hayato blinked. "What? No."

"Pretty please?" Takeshi begged. Hayato touched his chin for a moment, before letting out a smirk. "Then, be my slave for a week." Hayato pointed at Takeshi, arrogance marred his face. Takeshi blinked at his smile widen. "Is that all? Okay! I'll be the best slave you ever had!"

"Then it's decided," Hayato smirked, he's gonna use this guy for escaping this house hold. This curses household. His sister needed him. "I'll be looking forward to it!" Takeshi laughed.


"Mukuro-nii? Chrome-nee?" Lambo's eyes widen. "Then, is Tsuna-nii gonna come too?" Excitement filled his face. His family will be complete again! He laughed and cried. Jumping towards the twins in a crushing hug.

"Lambo..." they botg muttered. Though Chrome could care less about others. This little child was like a little brother to her, Mukuro feel that way towards the cow as well. But less care, Chrome and Tsuna takes number 1 in his heart.

Giotto and the others smiled at the scene. But, somehow, Giotto's head ached. "My descendant, is next." He muttered. "I wonder, how is he?"


Tsuna licked the knife he held. It was covered in blood, so did his clothes. He stood amidst chaos, ruins of the city, once called Namimori town. Hometown or not, he could care less.

As long as he finds entertainment in this awfully, boring world. Even if it's only world domination is available to quench this bottomless boredom of his.

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