Chapter 7: Light

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"Ne, Tsu-chan." Byakuran called out, eating a bloodied marshmallow he accidentally stained. "It looks like your the next one to transport." He stated, a glum look made its way towards his face.

Tsuna pouted, "Ehh? So soon~ the twins already transported?" He whined, Yuni chuckled. "It seems like so, but, don't worry, you'll be coming home soon. I saw the future last night." She said. Tsuna gave a small smile.

"Ahhh, even so, going away and acting like a child is so boring~ ( ̄3 ̄)" Byakuran poked his forehead. "Tsu-chan, you're still a child~~ as far as I remember you're still 8?" Tsuna threw a solemn look at Byakuran. "Bya-chan, Yuni is 7 and acts more mature than any of us." Yuni nodded in agreement.

"Yes, and that is why, Byakkun, the oldest." Yuni started, a smile seen on her lips. "Is gonna treat us to dinner." That shocked Byakuran, who soon pouted. "Ehh?? Why?" Yuni looked at him sternly. "You're the oldest, Bya-chan. And the oldest always treats the younger." Tsuna added, lifting a finger and swinging it back and fort.

"Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑) Nope, Tsu-chan lets change position, from now on you're oldest." Byakuran said. Tsuna threw him a face that said. "What the fuck? No!" He shouted. Yuni gave Tsuna a stern glare, "Tsu-kun, language." Tsuna nodded glumly.

Byakuran stifled a laugh, and patted Tsuna's back. "Bya-chan is gonna treat us to our favorite cafe." Tsuna said, Yuni's eyes widen and gave a broad grin, Byakuran held back a choke.

"Then it's decided! Onwards France, we go!"


Paper scattered everywhere on the room, with a desk in the middle, laid a man with blond hair, sludged on the desk. Muttering words that cannot be comprehend, he continued to let out a dark aura.

The door creaked open, revealing G, with a solemn smile on his lips. "Giotto, its lunch time, hurry, the kids are waiting." He said, Giotto raised his head and stared at G for a second, before his head dropped in exhaustion. G smiled, slowly walking towards the desk.

He placed himself besides the chair, where Giotto sat, and shook the blond. "Giotto. If you won't wake up, your strawberry cake will be consumed by Lampo." And then, G swore, he had never seems someone shot straight from his sit, looking like he had never slept. "Let's go." Giotto said, eyes narrowed.

Strawberry cakes aside, G gulped, but chuckled silently, ever since the kids arrived, Giotto was participating more and more at dinner. Maybe, excited to see the kids? To help them feel safe? G shook his head. Maybe someday he'll know.


As the servants served the meal, a classic Italian steak paired with mashed potato. Murmuring voices was heard, with an occasional 'Ultimate' and annoying laughters.

On a corner of the large table, where no one resides except two people.

Hibari Kyoya never ever cared for anyone, except for the bunny, maybe. He wasn't sure, as he said, he never cared for someone else. The feelings were so foreign to him. He didn't notice that he cared for the bunny, until he left. Despair, sorrow, and loneliness was felt. Sadly as it seems, Sawada Tsunayoshi may never appear before his eyes.

"Kyoya-sempai, goodbye~!! See you tomorrow!"

Ever since that day, Hibari Kyoya never saw a glimpse of the bunny, called Sawada Tsunayoshi.

Alaude saw the distressed look on Kyoya's face and slightly frowned. "What's wrong." He stated. Kyoya ignored him, it seems like he didn't even notice him. He continued to brood. Alaude remained calm, and narrowed his eyes. No one ignores Alaude, except this little kid, who was in fact, his Chibi version.

The door flung open, as Giotto and G came in. Lampo ceased to eat the Cake in which, Giotto felt irritatedly about. He marched passed his sit and towards Lampo, who felt his whole body tremble. Lambo sighed in disappointment. Why was his ancestor like this?

"Lampo. Why are you eating my cake?" Giotto said, with a horrifying blank face. "Why? After I already told so many times. Not. To. Eat. My. Cake." Lampo's quivering lips parted, and fought with his mind to sought for words, whilst gripping the hem of his shirt.

Giotto still remained passive, which greatly scared Lampo. "V-Vongola, uhmm, the g-great me is sorry.... i-I'll never do it a-again.." Stuttered Lampo, whimpering slightly. Giotto narrowed his eyes and snatched the plate from his hands. "I'll hope you will keep your promise."

Giotto returned to his sit, with Lampo in a shuddering mess. Once Giotto arrived on his chair, his bangs covered his eyes for a second before lifting his head, revealing a grinning Giotto. "Well," he started, his grin never left his lips. "Let's eat!" He said and clasp his hands together.

G silently took his sit and glanced on his side to Hayato, who simply stared at the food. "You ain't eating?" He asked, Hayato clouded eyes shifted to his direction, before asking his head in a side ways motion. "I'm not that hungry." He stated, and closed his lips, hoping for G not to start a fuss about it. "Oh," G said, "Just ask the maids later if you ever get famish." G said and sliced the steak and chomped on it.

Hayato thanked G's lack of interest, and, once again, lowered his head and let the trail of thoughts flood his mind again.

Takeshi was a chatter box, Asari noted, as Takeshi kept on talking and telling stories about his school, which Asari didn't understand truly, when was school this complicated? As far as he remembered, the only necessities in school was salesmanship, which is where he clearly excels.

"And, you know-" Takeshi continued to speak, until a knife was shot towards him. Asari's eyes widen in alarm and raised his hands to, even just a little, to change its course of way. Though it seemed like Asari didn't need to do it, as Takeshi caught in with his right hand. The knife was between his index and middle finger, and his face still showed a smile, a dark and sinister smile.

"Mukuro-Sempai," he said, Mukuro hummed in response, his lips curved into a smirk and his eyes showed no fear. "What was that for?" Takeshi laughed, and threw the knife in the air, and when he caught it, he swirled it around his fingers. "Though, I do like playing with knifes."

Mukuro remained quiet, and simply raised his hands to brush of the hair covering his eyes. "Nothing, was wondering how capable you were." Mukuro chuckled darkly, Chrome held back a sigh, and simply proceeds to eating. Takeshi still had his eyes-closed-and- smiling expression and answered. "Is that so."

Lambo clenched his fist, Chrome and Mukuro was there, and he had been staring at them longer that he promised himself to. Chrome and his eyes met once in a while, though, Lambo noticed how dimmed Chrome's eyes has become. Mukuro did so as well, but made it less noticeable.

They haven't spoken yet, the details of what they've been trough, sure, Lambo was shock when Mukuro and Chrome appeared in Vongola primo's room. He also noticed that they have seen him in the dining hall, after Giotto and the others tried to latch him away from them back in the room, but simply chose to ignore his presence for now. That's why he was following their lead and simply showed no facial expression.

It was slightly getting uncomfortable.

Ryohei felt the tense atmosphere, and simply remained quiet. Knuckle had sweat dripping from him, Ryohei had been quiet for some quite time now, and it was indeed strange. Ryohei, the first one to appear, was quite talk able. Now, it was awkward to even mention dinner to him.

Giotto sliced a piece of his steak, he ignored the atmosphere and remained smiling. The sound of the utensil hovered the whole room, with Hayato's dark sickly porcelain skin still clasp with each other. G was getting worried by the seconds that passed. "Are you sure you aren't going to eat?" G asked once again, Hayato opened his mouth and closed his eyes, his brow furrowed. His shoulder slumped in exhaustion and his whole body relaxed.

"Who do you think you're talking to? Of course I will." He said rashly, his voice quivered as he tried to hide his fear with a brave front. Hayato took his fork and hesitantly took a mouthful of mashed potato and ate it. He cringed at the sudden bursts of flavor.

His body tensed at the sudden took in of food, it has been days since he last ate, and most of all it was his sisters cooking. He just hoped his organs was functioning properly. So it was quite new to him and it shocked his body, to have eaten proper food.

He continued to eat his pace going faster and faster, until he grabbed the water and chugged it all down. "Easy," G said, sliding his hands on Hayato's back and lightly thumping it. "Thank you..." Forcing his hands to stop trembling, Hayato took another bite.

G smiled and proceed with his own meal, Hayato was eating normally once again.

Giotto shifted his head towards the two and silently smiled, the tension lifted thought just slightly.

Takeshi content with the food he consumed, placed the utensils quietly on the plate and slap his stomach gently. "Whoo! That was delish!" He shouted. Asari smiled gently and ran his hands on Takeshi's short black hair. "Well, that's good-degozaru!" He laughed.

Giotto felt his heart quicken, and he felt the ground move, shaking uncontrollably. "T-this is-!" He shouted, his head aching more and more as time passes. G and the other guardians noticed the strangeness of their boss and the sudden quake of the earth. "An earthquake!?" G shouted questionably.

Light were spreading in front of Giotto, as confusion was overcoming his once clear thoughts. "What!?" He blocked the light that was blinding him, with his hands and cloak.

No one heard another sound.

Giotto felt warmness and weight suddenly on his lap, the light slowly faded as he saw the most beautifulest angel he had ever seen.

Kyoya's eyes widen as his eyes were adjusting on the light. On Vongola primo's lap was none other, the boy he had been looking for.

Sawada Tsunayoshi.

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