Chapter 9: Complete

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(A/N): I know what you guys are all thinking about- "Why haven't you updated almost any of your stories!?" Or somewhere along the line.... I... don't have any reason to give you all except the fact that I just lost my inspiration to write anything for a long time.... BUT! I know its been a long time but- I will try hard to finish all of my Khr stories! Thank you guys for reading the story of such a lazy author and I hope you guys enjoy?


Its been almost been a week since the arrival of Sawada Tsunayoshi, the last one to be expected to come. But Giotto couldn't still wave off the chilling feeling from the young brunet. He didn't know why he felt such a dangerous? Or cold feeling from the child, but he just couldn't shrug his shoulder like he usually does since his intuition is screaming at him every time the kid was close to him.

Like, Tsunayoshi was a perfect sky from what Giotto observed but there is something that the child is hiding. Like all the kids but somehow... Tsunayoshi's felt much more sinister and dark. Giotto couldn't help but feel doubts from the smile Tsunayoshi always had.

But the same couldn't be said for the other kids, they follow Tsunayoshi like a duckling follows its mother. It was an amusing sight as all of the Guardians and Giotto could see the love and respect the kids had for Tsunayoshi. Their gazes didn't hold a single doubt when they look at Tsunayoshi.

So Giotto kept quiet about it, he thought that he should warn also his guardians but decided against it. As the children may hear their suspicion on their sky and lose the fragile trust they had in Giotto and his guardians.

"Giotto-san, goodmorning!" Ahh, speak of the devil. Giotto turned around to face Tsunayoshi with a smile on his lips. "Hello Tsunayoshi, had a great night?" He asked and crouched in front of Tsuna.

Tsuna smiled brightly, "Yes! Kyo-chan cuddled with me all night long," Giotto blinked and swatted away the image of the young skylark cuddling their sky, he couldn't help but coo at the cuteness. "While Haya-chan played me the piano!" Tsuna ended.

It took Tsuna 3 days before he opened up to the Giotto and the others, and the darkness and coldness slowly became nonexistent but Giotto could still feel it from time to time from the young sky.

"That's great Tsunayoshi, now why don't you go and get your friends for breakfast? Its almost time." Giotto said, while ruffling the younger's hair. Tsunayoshi nodded, and ran back to the bedrooms.

Giotto turned around and headed back to his office, he needed to get something there.

But he didn't notice that Tsunayoshi stopped running and stared at the blond's back with eyes glowing orange and a smirk. "Cielo-niisan was right, they're weak for an innocent smile." He whispered.

"Tsuna! Hahaha what are you muttering about there?" Takeshi called out, Tsuna froze but relaxed quickly. He wiped the dark look off his face and smiled brightly as he turned and faced Takeshi.

"Nothing! Giotto-san said its almost time for breakfast! Let's wake the others up!"

"Oh, hahaha, okay!"




"Ne, Cielo-niisan.. why does mom and dad hit me everyday? Is this how love is supposed to feel? I don't want love, its painful and gives me bruises." Tsuna says with a sad pout, the other side of his face swollen after being hit repeatedly there.

"That's how your parents show their love. Many people expresses their love differently, and thats how they show theirs.. how about you show your love to them?" Cielo says and ruffled Tsuna's head. "Remember what we practiced yesterday?"

"Ohhh, the flamey thingy?"

"Yeah, show them that and touch them with it! They'll be squirming in delight, and tell them you love them!" Cielo smirked as the young boy nodded.

"Wahh, thank you Cielo-niisan! I'll show them as soon as they got home!"

"Goodboy, and after you done that go to your neighbor and wait for them to open their doors and show them your house okay? Oh, wait for 5 minutes before going!" Tsunayoshi nodded and grinned.

"I'm so excited!!"





Hey guys, sorry for the short update and yes I'm still alive and breathing, but I haven't really been writing anything for a long time now. Thank u for waiting~~~

Well then, ciaoo.

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