Chapter 1

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"Ie-kun! I missed you!!..... Uh-huh! Me and your father are moving to Germany and ill sent you your brother tomorrow,ne!... Yup! Love you and bye!" Nana ended the call and glanced at the child behind her.

"Ne~ tsu-kun! Since this is our last day in japan how 'bout some fun~?" Nana said sickly sweat which made the child in front of her flinch.

She smiled and kicked the child in the stomach causing him to cough blood, she held his hair harshly.

"Hahahaha coughing already? Well ill make you cough some more!" She then proceeds to abuse the young child by the name Sawada Tsunayoshi her youngest son.

Our dear cute tuna-fish.


After Nana was done she left him on his pool of blood

"Clean this mess up, Brat." She left to pack.

Tsuna sigh another day of this, huh? And im going to Ieyasu-san's house tomorrow in italy..... He groaned in as he held his ribs a broken bone..... Again? And when it just healed.

He sighted And opened his eyes, looking at the ceiling with brown dull eyes God..... Do you hate me that much? A silent tear went pass his cheeks.

He stood up, went to his room to pick up his very own first aid kit. Will i need this kit in ieyasu-san's house? A memory of his brother went to him yeah ill need it......


He cleaned up his blood and packed well its not like theres much to pack..... And laid on the cold floor with a hard pillow on his head.

Life is life, no matter how much you wish for it to change..... It wont. He smiled "ahahahahaha im going crazy! Wonder how Ieyasu-san is doing along with his friends?" Talking to myself, wonder how it feels like to have someone to care for? Someone who loves you? I wonder when that person comes to me..... But i know that kind of person never exist, if they do they'll go with my 'dear' brother kind of person. Better lose hope before its too late..... He smiled, yet it was clearly broken.

Hahahhaahah...... Who want to help a person like me? So impure, so disgusting that it makes you wanna puke kind-of-Person? No one......... He clutched a pouch like thing in his pocket and I'm supposed to be a sky.......

Then there he fell asleep.


"Oi! Wake up!" He was harshly kicked in the stomach. He looked up to see his father who supposedly here to pick him and his mother up.

"Hurry up and clean that disgusting self of yours and get ready!" Iemitsu then left.

Shit! And there goes another rib! He stood up holding his stomach and sigh i think God really hates me.......

He sighed once again and left. Taking a shower and dressing up.

He wore a orange jacket with an odd number 27 in behind, underneath it is a white normal t-shirt. He wore a grayish pants.

He went out to see no sign of any living thing. He sigh "well! Gotta call a taxi now! Great!" He sarcastically said to nobody.


Tsuna knew he hates life to the core. But for once he thank his luck. Good thing is that he didnt forget his ticket and is now sitting comfortably on the air plane.

Enjoy things while you can till it last or so they say........ He then felt his consciousness fading slowly but surely.


"So.... Where should i go?" He looked around to see foreign people walking and talking in italian, not like he cant understand.

Uhhhh..... Where should i go? Shouldn't there be someone who picks me up? He sigh well who'll pick up this tainted me?

"Hey! Are you Sawada Tsunayoshi?" Tsuna blink as a man with a pink-errr-red hair with a storm like tattoo on the cheeks was in front of him and is holding his shoulders.

"Ummm.... Yes.... G-san......" Tsuna forced a smile "Nice seeing you again, after all this years...." Tsuna said still smiling.

"Yeah.... We should go now..... Wheres your things? You must be tired." Tsuna yawned and pointed at the bag behind him.

A bag? Not a mallet? Don't he have clothes, this bag is as small as elena's shoulder bag....... G picked up the bag and led the young brunet to the mansion.


They arrive at the mansion, after that defining silent on the way home.

"Oi! Kid! Lets go!" Tsuna jolted in shock and unintentionally put his hands on his head waiting for the pain.

G. Looked at him weirdly whats he doing? Is he okay? I wonder. "Hey! We've arrive! You okay?" He shook the young brunet who looked at him with fearful eyes.

Ah! Shit! Tsuna blinked and realized it was not her mother but his brother's childhood friend G.

"S-sorry....." He quickly smiled and went out the car.

He looked around and saw the glorious palace--mansion of the Vongola Famiglia.

"Lets get in." G said and turned around walking towards the mansion.

Tsuna followed suit.

The dooe opened that revealed a blond man with narrowed blue eyes but quickly widens and jumped on tsuna.

"Tsuna! I missed you!" Ieyase or more like Giotto hugged the young brunet.

Tsuna flinch at the sudden contact but smiled his idiotic brother. The wave of memories came rushing in him.

"Dont come near me." A 15 year old giotto said to a 4 year old tsuna who was onbthe brink of tears

Giotto nbew this was the only way to di-attach his brother from him, not wanting his dear brother involve in the mafia.

Tsuna's smile wavered and smiled again this time a fake one.

Giotto looked at his brother who was smiling somehow i get this feeling everytime i see tsuna smile...... Somehow It feels bad......

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