Chapter 4: Sweet lullaby

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"Soushite bōya wa nemuri ni tsuite.." A woman sang and gently held a boys head in his lap.

"Ikizuku hai no naka no honō..." The boy, smiled as he slowly submerged into sleep.

"Hitotsu.. Futatsu to.." The woman smiled softly as she placed a pacifier in the child's neck.. tying the ribbon, gently.

"Ukabu Fukurami itoshi yokogao.." She touched the boys cheeks.

"Gin no hitomi no, yuraku yoru ni.." The boy's eyes slips a tear, as if knowing what happened.

"Umare ochita kagayaku Omae.." She cried silently as she placed the boys head on the grass.

"Ikio kuuto toshitsugika..." Fire burned around the boys body.. orange flames flares in the pacifier as well.

"Ikutsu.. inori mo, suchi e kaeshitemo.." The woman's green hair fell in her face.. her blue eyes, spilling tears.. as she stood up.

"Watashi wa inori tsuzukeru.. douka kono ko ni ai mo.." The boys brown soft brown hair played along the breeze that came.

"Tsunaidate ni kisu wo.." The woman's feet begun to burn.. but no ashes was seen... no smoke... no happiness... The woman's feet was disappearing in the flame.. as if, it belongs there in the first place.

"Please... someone... save this child from harm.. when, I, no longer exists.."

"Please.. give him happiness in his short life.. before he comes with me.."

"Good bye... Tsuna.."

He smiled as he saw his mother one last time, faking his sleep.


Tsuna opened his eyes.

He grunted. Twisting and turning around the bed..

Such a nostalgic dream...

He smiled, a very sad one.

Yeah... a very sad, yet, nostalgic dream


Giotto grunted as he looked at his worst enemy, yet again.

Paper works.

Goddamn paperworks.

Giotto smiled creepily as he ignite his flames... and slowly.. slowly.. touching the paper.

Ahahahahah! BURN!

And... nothing happened.

"What!? Why isn't this burning!?" He shouted in panic.

"It's fireproof now." G, now standing on the door frame, answered.

"Wha-how!?" Giotto cried, why can't it burn!?

"It's called, Anti-dying will flame paper. Talbot made it especially just for you, but by my request." G smirks.

"W-why?" Giotto asked, tears forming in his eyes.

"You idiot! You can't just burn your paperworks! What if, it was an alliance paper? You could have started a mafia war, dammit!" G fisted Giotto's desk.

"And if it's a marriage proposal...?" Giotto said.

"Marriage proposals? It's burning out in the garden." G pointed at the window behind Giotto.

"Eh?" The scent of burning paper was smelled.

"EH!?" Giotto ran to the window, to see tons and tons of paper burning.

"H-how many was that." Giotto pointed at the paper.

"It's the marriage proposals, you have for a month... so about, 567." G shrugs.

"What!? I'm that popular!?" Giotto looked at G with wide eyes.

"Well, that's a yes, captain obvious. Your the youngest Mafia boss, and the most handsome at that, and is leading the most powerful mafia, it's a normal occurrence with you bosses." G pats Giotto's shoulder.

Giotto fell in fear.


A hordes of women.

Trying to take your clothes.

Trying to kiss you forcefully.

Practically, trying to rape you.

Won't you be terrified?

Oh that's a goddamn yes, dammit!

"Now, now. Giotto, sit here." G picked up the fallen boss.

Placed him on his sit.

And puts the pen in his hands.


"Now, start working, YOU DAMN LAZY BOSS!" G shouted in Giotto's ears.

"H-hai!" Giotto started working, very fast.

"Now, if your not finish at, yeah, by midnight, I'll be eating your stack of candies in your hiding place." G smirks as he went out of Giotto's office.


G smiled in victory!


Takeshi hummed happily.

Why you asks?

He finally found the answer he had been waiting!

*Flashback no jutsu!*

"Tsuna, I think, my baseball skills is no longer improving..." Takeshi looked at Tsuna in the eyes.

"And my grades in my school, is failing gradually.." Takeshi bit his lips.

"People's expectation on me is too heavy.."

"Why do you need to fulfill, their expectation?" Tsuna shot back.


"Your talent, isn't the only thing that make you, you." Tsuna took a step forward.

"A smile represents happiness
Not sadness
A rain must fall
Not gather
Water must comfort
Not suffer
You are the rain
You are meant to help your sky in check
Not have yourself break." Tsuna poked Takeshi's forehead.

"You idiot."

Takeshi fell down crying, that was the kindest thing someone ever said to him.

"Thank you."


And, now. He stands in front of Tsuna's room with a very big smile in his face.

"Tsu-!" He was unable to finish his sentence as he heard a noice in the room.


He peeked in the room.

And saw Tsuna, sitting in the window, singing in his voice once again.

"Soshite bōya wa Nemuri ni tsuite.." Tsuna looked in the sky.

"Ikizuku hai no naka no hono wo.." Tsuna fiddled with a thing in his hands.

Is that a pacifier? An orange one?

"Hitotsu... futatsu to..." Takeshi closed his gaped mouth.

"Yakyuu Baka?" Takeshi turned around to see, Hayato, with the permanent scowl on his face.

"Oh.. shhh!" Takeshi smiled, she hushed the bomber, and gestured to move closer to him.

"Ikabu fukurami itoshi yokogao..."  Hayato felt his heart drop once again, that beautiful voice full of pain.

A pain which, Hayato somewhat understands.


It was clear in its voice. 

In his voice.

"Gin no hitomi no yuraku your no.." Tsuna held the pacifier, high in the sky.

Hayato smiled sadly, such a beautiful lullaby.

Takeshi grinned, what beauty..

"Unsee ochite kagayaku omae.." Tsuna looks behind him, to see, Takeshi and Hayato.

He smiled at them.

"Ikio kuuto toshitsugi ka..." he jumps off the window frame and slowly walks towards Takeshi and Hayato.

"Ikutsu inori mo, tsuchie kaeshitemo.." he walked to Hayato.

"Watashi wa inori, tsuzukeru.." he held the bombers cheek.

Such warm mess... just like mothers...?

"Dōka kono Ko ni ai mo.." Tsuna smiled and grabs Hayato's hands.

"Tsunaidate ni kudu wo.." He kissed Hayato's hands.

THE said bomber, blushed.


Takeshi clapped, "That was amazing, Tsuna!"

"Thank you very much." Tsuna smiled at him.

"Was that your own song?" The raven head asked.

"Yes, its originally paired with a piano tho.." Tsuna laughs, falsely.

Hayato was trembling.

" play.. piano.." The bomber mutters.

Tsuna looks at him, questionably.


Hayato kneeled in front of Tsuna.

"Please teach me how to play the song you compose in the piano!"

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