Chapter 9: Plead

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Hibari remained silent, watching Tsuna silently sleeping. Chrome, eyes closed, sweat dripping from her face.

"Tsunayoshi. Chrome." He whispered.

"I promise.." His eyes lit in determination. "I will protect you two, even if it cost my life."

He left with through the window. Disappearing into darkness.

Tsuna opened his eyes. He lifted his head, taking a quick look at Chrome.

"Protect.. huh.." Tsuna stretched, no good, He thought. Acting asleep under Kyoya's gaze was not that easy. When the prefect is like burning holes in your shirt and all.

He stared at the window. He smiled, "Oh, Kyoya... if only you remember."

Tsuna's hallowed eyes, lit up, light orange hues turning into darker shades.

He turned his gaze at Chrome.

He smiled sadly, eyes reflecting sorrow and anguish.

"I'm so sorry."


"I'm so sorry, Yuni." Tsuna touched the youngsters cheek, "For everything."

"B-but! Tsuna-nii! You can't!" Yuni struggled at the boys hard grip.

"Its necessary," Yuni looked at Tsuna's eyes, her eyes widens, it was hallow and dark.

"This is the best way, or the only way for you to be safe." Tsuna smiled.

Yuni shuddered at the smile... "So.. fake.." she silently whispers.

Tsuna only continued to smile, "You cheater... you.." Yuni locked her gaze to Tsuna's.

"You Idiot!" Yuni's eyes shot wide open. She stood up from her bed.

"That.. dream.." she muttered, "a lost memory?"

She smiled, Tsuna really did do something to her.. what was it?

She scratched her head, giving a long sigh.


Yuni looked at the door, she sighs before letting out an audible, "Yes?"

"Princess?" Ah, its Gamma, "Are you okay? I heard you shouting."

"Ah, yes I am.. just a bad dream." She paused for a moment and, "I'm gonna go out," she heard Gamma sigh outside. "To where?" She heard his rough and worried voice.

"I wanna discuss something with Giotto di Vongola." Yuni held her held her head. "I may not have a hyper intuition, but I have this tugging feeling that I will see something I've been searching."

"Please don't forget that you still gotta discuss with him about that matter we found recently." Yuni closed her eyes and gently rubbed her eyes.

"And, I'll be preparing for your departure, also breakfast is ready." Gamma curtly replied, and also added. "I'll also notify the Vongola of your upcoming visit." Yuni heard the clanking of the footstep.

"Thank you." She muttered.

Yuni looked at her window, Her gaze, looking longingly at the the sky.



"In times of sadness, smile and all will be alright."

Tsuna slowly opened his eyes, he felt tears in it. "Pineapple... love them..." someone muttered. He wiped them of in haste, fearing someone saw him. He looked around, and blinked to see if he wasn't hallucinating. There stood Mukuro, standing while sleeping and actually muttering about pineapples.

Tsuna chuckled silently, he checked Chrome first, seeing that she was still breathing and calm. He went towards Mukuro, carrying him like a princess. (What the hell- change positions! Tsuna, you're supposed to be the princess here!)

Mukuro purred slightly, feeling the warm, nostalgic gentle touch. He didn't wake up. He even let out a small snore in satisfaction. Tsuna chuckled again, gently placing Mukuro in his sit and letting the pineapple head rest his head in the bed and hands in Chrome's cold ones.

Tsuna gazed at them sadly. "I'm sorry, Mukuro, Chrome." He muttered, clutching and gritting his teeth solemnly.

He released the grip of his fist, taking deep breaths. He searched the room of a paper and a pencil. He felt like drawing this beautiful scene.

Artistically wise- he might say he is talented at that curriculum, but has no heed in continuing the path of an artist. He didn't have time for that. Tsuna sat in a near chair, gently changing its direction at where he was pleased at the view. He sat, placing the art book at his lap, he may not know whose is the art book owner, but he'll apologize later on.

He closed his eyes, and opened them again. With new found determination, he drew. He smiled, and to his surprise, tears fell.

He, someone who was not worthy of anything, was actually given this people. He wanted to get them away from him, he definitely wanted to avoid them getting hurt in the near future. Because, one day, he might.... disappear. Correction. he will.

Tsuna wiped the tears away, and gently smiled again. "Anche se è solo un breve periodo, si prega di far sentire la felicita..." he muttered and looked out of the window. He smiled again, he directed his gaze towards the two.

"Ti ho dato tutto, ma solo per questa volta, mi permetta di stare con la mia famiglia..." Tsuna prayed. He closed his eyes and clutched the pacifier around his neck.

And his master piece was finished.


(A/N): the Italian words mean,
"Even if it's just a short while, please let me feel this happiness."

"I've given you everything, but just this once, let me stay with my family."


Giotto stared at the sky, he had this feeling, a very dark and mind breaking feeling. That, he was about to find something, or know something he never heard of.

He massaged his head, he felt a headache coming. He closed his eyes, taking a deep inhale of the wind, smelling something unusual. He opened them and looked at the sky again. Far off in the distant, a dark sinister cloud was brewing.

"Is a storm coming...?"


Tsuna gazed at the sky. "It finally came..." he muttered sadly, "Its already time for our fate to move."

He clutched the pacifier again, "What should I do...?" He murderer looking down, "Kawahira-San...?"

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