Chapter 2: The Storm and The Rain

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"This is the new transwer student from italy as well....." The class sweat dropped

There's been a lot of transfer students........ Hide  sigh and looked at Tsuna and he's involve in the mafia!

"Please come inside Gokudera-kun....." The door slammed open there came a man with silver hair dressed in the normal namimori uniform and a scowling face.

"Tch! Gokudera Hayato." The new student said now known as Gokudera Hayato.

"Uhh... Gokudera-kun sit besides-Gokudera-kun! Not there!"

Gokudera went to hide's desk and pushed it down saying "meet me behind the school."

Hide whimpered and stood up fixing his sit.

Gokudera sat besides Tsuna who was humming some kin of song.

"Tch.... So annoying." Gokudera said as Tsuna looked at him.

"Oh! Nice to meet you! Im Sawada Tsunayoshi! Gokudera Hayato aka 'smokin' bomb hayato!' Tsuna whispered the last one.

Only Gokudera heard he's eyes widen "you-..... That name.... Sawada Tsunayoshi...... Your one of the Arcobaleno!" Hayato (imma call him that... Gokudera is too long~ too lazy to type~) said in shock.

"Yup! Be sure to not give up on the position for the tenth 'kay!" Tsuna flashed a smile.

"Hai! Tsuna-sama!" Hayato said and bowed his head on the desk.

"'Kay~ class is starting~" tsuna said

"Hai!" Hayato said


"Gokudera-kun......" Hide said

"Im not giving you the position of the tenth Vongola famiglia!" Hayato said

"Ehhhh!!? Reborn! Whats going on!" Hide shouted as reborn landed on his head.

"He's Gokudera Hayato also known as 'smokin' bomb hayato' for finishing his opponents by the bombs he hides all over his body. He's strong." Reborn said

"HIIEEE! Then why is he attacking me!?"

"Because he wants to be the tenth Vongola boss also..... If he kills you he will be the heir."

"Ehhhh!? Wahh!" Hide shouted as hayato Throws bombs which hide luckily dodges.

"HIIIEEEE!! Thats dangerous!!" Hide shouted.

"Tch! Stay still so i can hit you!" Hayato scowled even further and threw more bombs.

"HIIIEEE! Reborn!" Hide said

"Now its time for you to die!" Reborn shoted a dying will bullet.

If i were to die.... I would have unfused all the bombs.....

"REBORN! STOP THE BOMBS WITH MY DYING WILL!!" Hide shouted stripping off his clothes.

"Hghh! Double bombs!" More bombs came but Hide stopped it all.

"Darn! Triple bombs!" Some bombs fell from Hayato's hands.

So this is my death, huh?

"UNFUSE! UNFUSE! UNFUSE!" All the bombs underneath Hayato was unfused.

"Haahh~~~ are you alright? Gokudera-kun?" Hide said and crouched down.

"YOU ARE THE RIGHTFUL TENTH! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!! JUUDAIME!" Hayato bowed down slamming his head on the ground.

"Uhhhh.... You dont need to call me that....." Hide said

"No! Juudaime is Juudaime!" Hayato shouted.

HIIIEEEE!! Gokudera-kun is too scary to deny!!

A clap was heard.

"Nice job! Hide! You got your relentless storm!" Tsuna said jumping down the tree with Reborn in hand.

"T-tsuna-sama/-kun!?" Hayato and Hide shouted.

"That was a nice fight!" Tsuna said as Reborn smirked.

"Ehhh....... Im sorry Tsuna-sama for not getting the position of the tenth forgive me!" Hayato banged his head on the ground.

"Hahahahaha dont need to worry about it! I wanted you to be Hide's Right Hand Man and Storm Guardian! Lavina would have been proud!" Tsuna smiled

"Tsuna-sama....... Thank you and how did you know my mother?" Hayato's eyes widen in shock

"Yup! She used to play for me, she has a wonderful talent in the piano and tea making as well..... I miss her but no use mourning!" Tsuna said and walked to Hayato

"The death of your mother is by accident because she was ill and driving to your home she was attacked by her illness causing the accidents......." Tsuna added

Hayato has tears streaming down his cheeks

"G-gokudera-kun's Mother? That means..... Tsuna-kun your older than us!?" Hide shouted wide eyes

Then Tsuna-kun is actually a Tsuna-san!?

"Yup! My real age is **!" Tsuna smiled

Ughh!! Why! Why is tsuna-kun's age is censored!!???? Doesnt the author want tsuna-kun's real age to be discovered!!???

"Hide-kun? Hayato stand up now........" Hayato stood up and wiped his tears.

"Thank you..... Tsuna-sama...." Hayato grinned

"^__^ glad to be at help! Reborn lets get to that new cake shop near the station! I heard they had a strawberry cake their and said it was delicious!" Reborn was about to protest but knowing Tsuna..... He was dragged out.

Hide trying to understand the new information...... Fainted.



"Ne, hide......... Ive been lagging in my studies and my baseball skill is not improving.... What should i do?" Takeshi asked hide while sweeping the fields

Hide froze and thought about it for a minute.

"Uhhhhhh...... W-work harder, i guess....." Hide muttered but was heard by Takeshi.

"Thank you! Ill do that!" Takeshi grinned.


"Reborn im gonna bet...... He's gonna break his arm and thought of suicide." Tsuna said looking at takeshi who was practicing in the distance.

They are currently in the rooftop with Tsuna leaning on the railing and Reborn standing on the railings.

"Hmmmm... Its no fair.... You can see the future because of the sky pacifier....." Reborn said

"Hahahahahah then bet for another!" Tsuna laughed.

"Then i'll bet that Weird-Hide will save him." Reborn said.

"Yup, your right! Yamamoto takeshi make a great rain guardian!" Tsuna said.

"Oh~ Two guardians huh?" Reborn muttered

"Ha~ if hide got Takeshi that means 4 more to go ne? Im sure you found the candidates...." Reborn nodded

"Yeah..... The cloud is the so called demon prefect Hibari Kyoya..... The sun Sasagawa Ryohei..... I dont have the lightning and mist yet." Reborn said

"They'll come real soon... I know..." Tsuna gazed at the setting sun and the orange sky.

"now back on the real matters.... Why did you hide from the mafia Tsuna......? Reborn said his fedora hiding his expression.

"oh that!......." Tsuna said happily then turned into a sad smile.

"I.... Wanted peace and i wanted a life of a normal student since i look like fourteen and will never age so why not?" Tsuna said

"....... A normal life, huh..... We arcobaleno would have wanted that fantasy...... But... Life seems to hate us." Reborn muttered and looked at the sky clutching his pacifier.

"Yeah.... We could only dream." Tsuna said and bought out his pacifier the sky.



"WHAT!? Your joking right!?"


"Weird-Hide arent you going?" Reborn came down from nowhere and landed on Hide's hair.

"Y-yeah.... Ill just go to the bathroom first...." Hide said.

"..." Reborn remained silent.

Hide ran out.

"A-ha~ i won the part of the bet, Reborn~ that baseball guy is gonna commit suicide~" Tsuna said appearing out of nowhere and sitting on the edge of the window.

"Tch! Its still not done yet, Tsuna!" Reborn said

"Hai, Hai~~~" Tsuna looked outside.

"Now.... Shall we get going?" Tsuna added.

"Yeah." Reborn said.


"Yamamoto! Stop this! Your joking right!?"

"Yeah! This is so not you!!"

"No..... The baseball God left me..... Without baseball i....... Cant live." Takeshi said.

Takeshi is currently standing on the railing with others trying to persuade him to go down.

"No one cared for me..... Only for my baseball talent." Takeshi said

Hide came through the door and walked to the crowd.

He was being pushed to left, right and front.

Until he got out of the crowd but was in the space between takeshi and the crowd

"Uhh..." Hide muttered

"Hide! You understand me dont you? Being a useless person?" Takeshi said

"No..... I dont....." Hide said

"Oh! So the great weird-hide thinks he's better than me! now since you've been so awesome lately!" Takeshi sarcastically retort

"No! Since im a super useless person i wanted to help you so i gave you the advice but...... Thinking of it now! I have no right to give advices since i am the one who needed it." Hide started

"I thought i can understand you but im sorry...... I dont." Hide ended and turned around walking away.

"Ah! Wai-!" Takeshi grabbed Hide's shirt but the fences broke and made them fall down.

So this is really my end.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!" Hide shouted.


"Heh. Die now!" Reborn shot his leon-gun.

"You know reborn every time you do that you look like your really killing someone." Tsuna said eating his chocolate parfait.

"Oh wait.... You really are." Tsuna ate the strawberr atop his chocolate parfait.

"Yeah, yeah.... At least I'm not a certain someone who somewhat changes personality every time that person drinks a dying will pill." Reborn said.

"Hey! I heard that!" Tsuna shouted.


"MID-AIR REBORN! SAVE YAMAMOTO WITH MY DYING WILL!!!" Hide shouted as his clothes shred to pieces.

"Wha-!?" Takeshi was carried bridal style.

"Oh~ ill give you a bonus~" Reborn said and shot another bullet.

Hide bounces off the ground successfully saving Takeshi.


"Ahahaha thank you Hide for saving me back then!" Takeshi said.

"Ah... No...." Hide muttered.

"Nice! Now you got your blessed rain Hide!" Tsuna said out of nowhere. (Jumped down the tree.)

"Oh! Tsuna-kun!" Hide said.

"Ah! Yo! Tsuna!" Takeshi putted up a 'yo'! Sign.

"Good job Weird-hide." Reborn said jumping down the tree as well.

"R-reborn?" Hide said.

"Now we have 4 more to go!" Tsuna happily said.


They were cursed in a body they didn't want.

The ever lasting sky will never age.

While the rest will be stuck in a baby's form.

Because of this curse, a relationship came to an end.

Even if they don't want to.

A curse too great will come to the people who have been proven rightful.

An eternal life will be granted.

An eternal life where you will see the death of your love one before your eyes.

Too painful. Too much pain.

But they gotta bear it.

For they were the chosen ones.

Handpicked by the guardian of the Trinisette.

These people were the geniuses of the century.

Each having their own skills in their different curriculum.

Each people became the total opposite of each other with one thing in common.

They serve under one person.

The bright sun. Sole.

The never ending storm. Tempesta.

The soothing rain. Pioggia.

The shielding lightning. Fulmine.

The deceptive mist. Nebbia.

The aloof cloud. Nuvola.

They serve under the same welcoming vast sky. Cielo.

The blessed yet cursed people.

Will forever be royal to their chosen sky.

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