Chapter 1: Kawahira

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When kawahira came to, he felt light. That was strange, illness and disease cannot affect him, nor can it infect him. This was indeed strange. Maybe the noodles he ate was bad? No, that thought defies all his logic, such trivial things like that cant affect his body like this.He sat up from his bed, and stood up. His legs almost gave up on him, resulting with him almost falling on the cold hard floor. His sudden movements caused tremors all over his body, he felt sick. His stomah churn, as all the human food he had digested the previous night made its way on his throat. 

Kawahira bit his lips as realization struck him. Yes, the last time he felt this way was way back  going back to 400 years ago, when... the first people was chosen to bear this horrible curse. He raised his dominant hand, his right one, and lightly placed it on his forehead. "This can't be happening, please no." He silently begged. Silence hovered the room, with Kawahira not moving. His head raised with sorrowful eyes glimmering with unshed tears. "I can't believe this is happening now."

His lips quivered nervously, as his hands reached for the communication device, in which the name he thinks is cellphone. He took a deep breath and dialed a familiar number. One at a time. Call them one at a time. He thinks grimly.

Then it began to ring. 

Kawahira felt this was the longest second he had felt all his life. 


With each ring harshly pounding its sound on Kawahira's ear, was a bomb ticking as he imagine it to be. Sweat began to form on his head, sliding down to his cheeks, as his eyes glinted with slight fear and sorrow. His white hair, slightly felt all sticky on his nape. Then it clicked. Time stopped at that moment.

"Kawahira-san? This is unusual, is something wrong?" The voice, now easily identified as Sawada Tsunayoshi, asked, worry laced his voice gently. Kawahira gulped and closed his eyes, as his body trembled slightly.


"Tsunayoshi-kun..." Kawahira's voice was low and careful, totally unlike his carefree tone he frequently used. Kawahira held his breath for a moment, and grimly let his body slump and lose its straight composure. "Please call Yuni-chan and Byakuran-kun, let's meet at my place asap." He said, he heard Tsunayoshi became silent, Kawahira was struck once more when he heard his voice. 

"Is it bad?"


"I understand, We will meet you in a hour, see you."

Then it ended. 

kawahira laid motionless on the bed, with his eyes seemingly blank. His head pounded with thoughts that needs to be released. And his heart aching unconsciously with guilt and sorrow.

"I'm sorry, my dear skies..." He muttered, his body trembled once more. He positioned himself in a curled up position. wherein all the emotion he had once buried deep inside was making its way out. He silently cried. Mourned. Grief. Regrets. Sadness. Came crashing without knocking once again, like what happened 400 years ago.

"But its time to say goodbye."

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