Chapter 4: Dread

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Kawahira sat on his armchair, rubbing his head. The pain has yet to subside and he was weaken pitifully like 400 years ago. He had been waiting for about half an hour for the trio skies to arrive. Still.

Kawahira knew that nothing good was about to come out oh his mouth when they have gathered. He favored this generation greatly, this generation of Trinisette is most likely one of the kindest and beautiful gen he saw for almost hundreds of years. Human's were ugly and frightening creature, but there were horrifyingly beautiful.

He can now understand why Sephira loved humans. They made Kawahira believe in the future, for a bright end for this story they composed with their blood, sweat and tears. A story that Kawahira was honored to be a part of.

He stood up from his chair, his eyes vivid and hallow. He looked at the time and was sure that Tsunayoshi and Byakuran would arrive in about 10 minutes. He decided to make them coffee, something easy to drink. For they were swallowing something much more heavier and sturdier soon.

 It was the least he can do, right?




Tsuna stopped at a gas station midway, loading his car up with gasoline. He went to a convenience store, buying himself a drink and maybe a few snack. He went to the fridge and took a bottle of coke and a few biscuits for himself, he went tom the counter to pay.

The store was quite deserted, there were no more customer rather than him and the person drinking beer at broad daylight at the stool close to the door. He smiled warmly at the employee as she beeps the things he was buying. 

"Is this all?" She asked, her pale cheeks heating up at Tsuna's appearance. Tsuna paused for a moment, his eyes roaming the things behind the employee. "And a pack of cigar, please." He added, he employee nodded and quickly took a cigar box behind her and a lighter.

"Would you also like a lighter?" Sheholds up the orange lighter she took along the way. Tsuna nodded and took out his wallet. "Then that would be *** yen." Tsuna took out a whole thousand bill and handed it to the employee and took his newly bought package.

"Sir, your change-" Tsuna walked away and turned to her and smiled. "Keep the change miss, bye."

Tsuna took out the package of cigar when he got back to his car, lighting it up and starting the car, he went back to the main road and sped his ways towards Namimori, he would probably arrived there in about half an hour, depending on how fast he was going. He opened his biscuit, throwing away the cigar bud as he was done with it and ate it whole.

He should enjoy some little things before life ends, right?




Yuni rubs her eyes and yawned, she didn't have enough sleep last night. The vision she had last night disrupted her sleep and left her restless all night long. She was currently in a plane to Japan, Gamma had just serve her a small strawberry shortcake, in which she finished in minutes. She was about to arrive in Namimori in about an hour, since the plane sped up. Her eyes roamed the sea, and the sky. She remembers the memory the three of them had in the past. Yuni closes her eyes, as she felt it connect like magnets. Her body was slowly relaxing. As her breath evens. 

She just wishes that they had more time to have pleny more memories.




"Gamma... What will happen when the skies disappear one day?" She asked vividly, her eyes giving out a small sad look when she gazes up to the sky.

"The world would surely be devastated." Gamma answered in a bit, flabbergasted by the sudden strange question.

"Is that so?" Yuni chuckles for a bit, before facing Gamma with a beautiful smile. "I have to go now, Tsuna and Byakuran will pick me up."

"Are you sure of travelling alone, miss?"

"Of course silly, I have Tsuna and Byakuran. Also please gandle the Giglio Nero while I am gone.. you are the only one I trust to lead our family." Yuni says, if she had let her emotions get the best of her she would have broken down by now.

"Yes, just be home quick. I might get worried." Gamma says worriedly, he locks eyes with Yuni and was a bit concerned at how Yuni's smile seems so tender... so sorrow.. as if...

"Yeah, sorry Gamma... there's nothing else we can do... we need to go." Yuni chuckles once more, she picks up her bag and hugged Gamma.


"Just let me hug you before I go, I might miss your constant nagging, dad." Yuni laughs as Gamma's face burned with embarrassment.

"Stop please." Gamma groaned, Yunu laughed once more before seperating herself.

"Now then, Goodbye Gamma... take care of our family while I'm gone." Yuni smiled once more before taking small steps away.

Gamma bit his lips as the feeling of dread and something wrong settles in his stomach as if saying. It would be a mistake to let her go. But she was with Vongola decimo and Byakuran, surely nothing will go wrong right?




Byakuran arrived in Namimori within 45 minutes. An achievement you may say. He looked beneath him and saw people laughing smiling in the busy streets, some student hanging around some convenience store. Byakuran chuckled, why didn't he see this before?

There was still some fun in life even if the life you lead is meaningless. He walks slowly, taking in the surrounding with a serene smile.

Because of Tsunayoshi and Yuni's efforts, he learned to appreciate the little things that Byakuran once blindly hated. What once was deemed dull qnd boring to Byakuran, changed into the small things that made him amused.

He sees Kawahira's shop, he paused for a moment. He raised his head up to the sky and softly smiled, "What a beautiful day," he muttered. He looked at the surrounding of the shop and let his tensed shoulder ease.

"Maybe this is the last time I can view this world without something weighting me down." He whispered as he saw three children, two boys and a girl. Grinning and laughing like there's no problem in the world.

How laughable, getting jelous of children.

His heart ached and clenched his fist. "Maybe in another life, I can enjoy life like that with Tsunayoshi and Yuni. Hmm.. I will surely like that." He said and started walking towards the shop.


Tsuna visited the Naminori temple first, as if his heart led him to this place. As much as he proclaimed to be an aitheist, this shrine gave him comfort as a child. His hands fiddled with the outer layer of his pants, finding coins to throw at the shrine.

He threw the coins and it fell with a resounding clunk. His hands raised and met with each other in a prayer. "May all my loved ones live happily." he said in a hushed voice.

He lingered at the temple for a few minutes before descending down the long stairs. His brows furrowed and mind lost in thought.

"Tsunayoshi." Someone called,

Tsuna halted and closed his eyes. He already who it was, he could recognize it in his sleep if he had to. "What are you doing back here in Namimori?"

Kyoya approached Tsuna with a face of disinterest. Tsuna could laugh with this situation, especially after his tearful departure from Namimori just 6 months ago.

Here he is, back.

"Did you miss me?" He said with a slight chuckle.
After years of companionship, Kyoya grew a soft spot for Tsunayoshi as often than not he reminded him of a small animal.

Tsuna blinked before smiling, "Nothing, just wanted to visit Namimori for a bit." He answered and looked at Kyoya in the eye. "Kyoya, if ever I disappeared suddenly. I want you to promise me that you will guide Vongola." He seriously said.

Kyoya frowned, "I don't understand the basis of this, what do you mean disappear. I know you will never run away from Vongola." Tsunayoshi chuckled, "its just hypothetic, no need to take it seriously!"

Kyoya felt something was up, he looked at Tsunayoshi's eyes looking for clues. But nothing, Tsunayoshi stood strong and his eyes held determination.

"I promise. But you have to promise me you won't disappear." He answered.

Tsuna smiled, "of course. Never." He lifts his hand which had his watch on, "I have to go Kyoya, I have to meet someone."

Kyoya nodded and turned around, Tsuna chucklee once more before going his own way.

But Kyoya's heart hammered, like his instict was telling him that something was wrong. But he couldn't do anything to prevent it.

What the hell?

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